PL 05/18/1994 - 6933� � �' \ / �'
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7:30 P.M.
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Vice-Chairperson Kondrick called the May 4, 1994, Planning
Commission meeting to order at 7:35 p.m.
Members Present: Dave Kondrick, Diane Savage, Dean Saba,
LeRoy Oquist
Members Absent: Dave Newman, Brad Sielaff, Connie Modig
others Present: Barbara Dacy, Community Development Director
Michelle McPherson, Planning Assistant
Faron Turner, 7708 Tyler Street N.E.,
Spring Lake Park, Minnesota
Frank Shimek, 7901 River Terrace
Clark Nason, 614 Cheryl Street N.E.
M. E. & E. Thompson, 6212 Hillside Road,
Edina, Minnesota
Tim & Diane Lott, 2149 Sheridan Hills Road,
Wayzata, Minnesota
Darlene Brady, 641 Buffalo Street N.E.
Gordon Hedlund, 1255 Pike Lake Drive,
New Brighton, Minnesota
James Peterson, 7995 Broad Street
MOTION by Mr. Saba, seconded by Mr. Oquist, to approve the
April 20, 1994, Planning Commission minutes as written.
205.14.1._B, 205.14.1.C, 205.15.1.B, 205.15.1.C, AND
MOTION by Ms., seconded by Mr. Oquist, to open the public
�,,,�, P . M .
Ms. Dacy stated this item is a request to amend two zoning
districts in the ordinance. The request is to amend the C-2 and
C-3 districts, which are commercial, to permit seasonal outdoor
food sales. The request is being made because the petitioner,
William Turner and his son, Faron Turner, operate a mini-doughnut
machine. They were selling mini-doughnuts inside the Wal-Mart
Store during the holiday season last year. The mechanical code
requires this type of equipment to have a venting system to have
the exhaust leave the area of the machine and out of the
building. Wal-Mart was not willing to provide the venting
system. The alternative was to locate the mini-doughnut machine
outside the building. The zoning code however does not permit
the outdoor sales of food items. Mr. Turner subsequently spoke
at a City Council meeting during the Open Forum to request the
City Council to consider amending the ordinance. The City
Council directed staff to develop options for their review which
staff did and brought back to the City Council. The City Council
decided they would be able to support an amendment that would
permit�outdoor food sales, both on a temporary and long term
basis, using different tools in the zoning code and the licensing
chapter. The amendment to the zoning ordinance includes three
different types of sales Of food items, as follows:
A. Daily Sales which occur each day for ten or more
consecutive days. �
B. Weekly sales. Sales which occur for a minimum of one and a
maximum of three consecutive days each week for two or more
consecutive weeks during the year.
C. Special event sales. Sales which occur for a minimum of one
and a maximum of ten consecutive days, and no more than two
times per year.
The weekly sales and special event sales would be a permitted
accessory use and would require a license. The petitioner would
come in, file an application for a license, and this would be
handled by staff. For daily sales, staff suggest there be a
special use permit in the C-2 and C-3 districts. Using this as a
framework, staff developed seven standards with which all of the
sales would have to comply:
1. The sale area shall not exceed ten feet by 20 feet (200
square feet of area).
2. The sale area shall be located within 20 feet of the major
entrance of the principle building.
3. The sale area shall not be located within the 20 foot parking
setback or in the public right-of-way.
4. The sale area shall not interfere with parking or traffic
5. The pedestrian waiting area shall be clearly defined, signed,
and shall be protected and separated from vehicular traffic.
6. Sale equipment shall meet all appliqable building, fire, and
electrical codes.
7. A license shall be obtained in accordance with the
requirements of Chapter 32 of the Fridley City Code prior to
conducting sale activities.
Staff recommends that the Planning Commission recommend approval
to the City Council of the proposed ordinance amendment.
Ms. Dacy stated, as a related item, Chapter 32, the Food
Establishment Code which would require the license, is currently
being reviewed by the Clerk's Office. Because this is not�part
of the zoning code, it will not be brought before the Planning
Commission. Also, she was contacted by a local restaurant owner
wondering if the outdoor eating area at his establishment might
be restricted by this ordinance. In order to clarify for the
record, this is not the case. This amendment is to address
te�porary food sales, such as the mini doughnut operation, which
is not a continuous principal use of the property.
Mr. Saba asked if staff had considered tieing these types of
sales to the number of square feet of space so they are not lined
up along the wall. Is there a maximum number of food vendors
Ms. Dacy stated this was not discussed but they may want to
restrict the number of sales occurring on any one property at any
one time. This could be a standard.
Mr..Oquist stated the intent is not to restrict outdoor use at
restaurants, but this could restrict that. There should be
wording in the standard that does not restrict.
Ms. Dacy stated, in the definition of sales, they can clarify
what the term means and perhaps define by excluding restaurants
with outdoor eating areas.
Mr. Oquist stated, in the �irst standard, the sale area is not to
exceed 10 feet by 20 feet (200 square feet). He asked if they
wanted to restrict this to 200 square feet or 10 feet by 20 feet.
Ms. Dacy stated she would recommend stating 200 square feet and
�,,,� not provide dimensions.
Ms. Savage asked if restaurants can have outdoor tables without a
special use permit.
Ms. Dacy stated this was correct. There are no specific
guidelines in the code about that. Outdoor seating areas are
typically separated from a sidewalk or street and customers have
to get back into the main building to pay. The food is being
sold and eaten on the premises. The City is trying to address
food sales purchased and not eaten in the immediate area.
Mr. Faron Turner thanked staff and the Commission for their time
and effort. He and his father have gotten a good response from
the public as far as what they do at Wal-Mart. People are coming
and like to find them there. It is a novelty that the public�
enjoys and Wal-Mart enjoys, and they would like to continue. He
understands the proposed amendments, but he does not know where
it will end up. As far as the down draft system used to vent the
operation in the store, when they purchased the equipment, they told it was approved equipment but later was not
approved within the City. They would not have used it if they
had known. He met with Ms. Dacy at the site, and he hopes they
can continue their operation.
Ms. Darlene Brady stated she had a thought about the outdoor
seati:ng areas at restaurant. These areas do not have food
prepared there. Food is prepared inside and served outdoors.
MOTION by Mr. Saba, seconded by Ms. Savage, to close the public
Mr. Saba stated he would like to see included in the amendment
wording that addresses the number of food sales vendors allowed
in any one area to avoid a carnival-like appearance and change
the area to read 200 square feet.
Mr. Oquist stated there should also be clarification of food
preparation or food sales and to whom it applies.
Mr. Kondrick asked if Ms. Dacy would like to make the changes and
come back or if she would like a recommendation.
Ms. Dacy stated she would like to have a recommendation if the
Commission is comfortable in doing so without actually seeing the
MOTION by Mr. Saba, seconded by Ms. Savage, to recommend to the
City Council approval of an ordinance recodifying the Fridley ^
City Code, Chapter 205, entitled "Zoning" by amending Sections
'� 205.4.1.B, 205.14.1.C, 205.15.1.B, 205.15.1.C, and rescinding and
amending Chapter 32, entitled "Food Establishments"; that the
standard regarding the sale area be amended to read, "Sale area
shall not exceed 200 square feet of area"; that there be included
a limit to the number of sellers allowed at a site; and that
there be clarification of food preparation and food sales.
Per proposed Section 205.14.01..C.(18) of the Fridley City
Code, to allow seasonal daily outdoor sales of food (mini
doughnuts) on Lot 1, Block 1, Wal-Mart in Fridley, the same
being 8450 University Avenue N.E. (Wal-Mart Store)
MOTION by Mr. Oquist, seconded by Mr. �aba, to waive the reading
of the public hearing notice and open the public hearing.
''� Ms. Dacy stated the parcel is located at the Wa1-Mart Store
_ located at the corner of 85th Avenue�and University. The
property is zoned C-2, Commercial. The Springbrook Apartments
are on the west side of the property and are zoned R-3, Multiple
Family, and the vacant property now under construction is zoned
C-2, Commercial.
Ms. Dacy stated the petitioner is requesting a special use permit
for doughnut sales just east of the front door within the 20 feet
distance required by the zoning ordinance just discussed. The
vendor will be located on the sidewalk in front of the store.
The sidewalk is about 10 feet deep. The trailer is 7 feet by 10
feet so the trailer will be located lengthwise along the wall of
the building. At this point, the area is striped for pedestrian
traffic and there are bollards in front of the store's main
Ms. Dacy stated the petitioner stated during the site visit,
because.they prepare the doughnuts in the bags in advance, they
have not generally had a line and there is not an overcrowded
condition. Staff have reviewed the request based on the
standards developed in the zoning ordinance and recommend the
Planning Commission recommend approval of the special use permit
subject to the following stipulations:
1. Daily sales of mini doughnuts shall begin on May 1 and end on
October 1 of each year.
2. The petitioner shall submit documentation to the Fire
Marshall regarding the fire extinguishing system for the deep
fat fryer.
3. The petitioner shall obtain a license as required in Chapter
32 of the City Code and comply with the seven standards of
the proposed ordinance amendment.
4. This special use permit is for the daily sales of mini-
doughnuts only; additional sales shall obtain the appropriate
licenses or special use permits as governed by the proposed
ordinance amendment. Extensions to the sale period shaTl be
approved by the City Council.
Mr. Oquist stated the petitioner indicated that Wal-Mart was in
favor of this business. Are they in favor of this being outside?
Mr. Turner stated they were outside �or a short time before going
inside. Wal-Mart likes their operation, and people seem to like
it and ask when they back.
Mr. Kondrick stated the City received a letter from the Wal-Mart
store manager indicating he and the customers have been happy
with the facility and the food.
Mr. Saba stated he has a concern that the vendor is selling food
in disposable bags and the customer throws the bag away�. He
would not like to see these disposable bags thrown away in the
parking lot and subsequently littering the Springbrook Nature
Mr. Turner stated they pick up the bags when they see them. They
fill the bag up all the way to the top, and customers end up
taking them home. This has not been an issue. He can place a
garbage can outside. The units are spotless all the time and are
approved by the Health Department. They follow the codes and try
to recycle as much as they can.
MOTION by Mr. Saba, seconded by Mr. Oquist, to close the public
MOTION by Mr. Saba, Ms. Savage, to recommend to the
City Council approval of Special Use Permit, SP #94-06, by
William Turner, to allow seasonal daily, outdoor sales of food
(mini-doughnuts) on Lot l, Block 1, Wal-Mart in Fridley, with the
following stipulations:
l. Daily sales of mini doughnuts shall begin on May 1 and end on
October 1 of each year.
2. The petitioner shall submit documentation to the Fire
Marshall regarding the fire extinguishing system for the deep
fat fryer.
3. The petitioner shall obtain a license as required in Chapter
32 of the City Code and comply with the seven standards of
the proposed ordinance amendment.
4. This special use permit is for the daily sales of mini-
doughnuts only; additional sales shall obtain the appropriate
licenses or special use permits as governed by the proposed
ordinance amendment. Extensions to the sale period shall be
approved by the City Council.
Mr. Turner stated the first stipulation states the dates of
operation fr•om May 1 to October 1. Is it possible for him to
start working anytime soon?
Ms. Dacy stated the petitioner is asking to start the operation
prior to City Council approval which will not be until June 20.
She suggested he write a letter which she will pass on to the
City Council.
Per Section 205.24.4.D and 205.24.5.A of the Fridley City
Code, to allow construction in the CRP-2 District (Flood
Fringe) on Lots 13, 14, 15, and 16, Block V, Riverview
Heights, generally located on the north side of Dover Street
west of Broad Avenue.
MOTION by Mr. Oquist, seconded by Mr. Saba, to waive the reading
of the public hearing notice and open the public hearing.
Ms. MCPherson stated the Planning Commission has before them
requests for three separate lots in the Riverview neighborhood.
As each lot is unique and the issues different for each parcel,
the requests will be presented individually.
Ms. McPherson stated the first request for Special Use Permit, SP
#94-05, is for 665 Dover Street. This property is located
approximately 160 feet east of Riverview Terrace on the north
side of Dover. The property is zoned R-1, Single Family, and is
vacant. The property meets the minimum lot area requirement of
9,000 square feet as it has a lot area of 10,978 square feet.
The code requires a minimum lot width of 75 feet. The subject
parcel has a lot width of 99.5 feet. The petitioner does not
have a buyer for this lot; however, the surveyor working with the
petitioner indicated the proper setback requirements for the lot
on the site survey and has identified a house pad which meets the
setback requirements. There is a 30 foot by 40 foot dwelling
unit proposed for this lot which meets the setback requirements.
Ms. McPherson stated the special use permit request is to allow
construction of a dwelling unit in the flood fringe area. A
portion of the Riverview Heights neighborhood is in the flood
fringe area and is regulated by local ordinance and Federal
regulations to require construction to meet certain flood
avoidance regulations. The regulations require the first floor
elevation of habitable living space be one foot above the 100-
year flood level. On this parcel, that elevation is 823.1 feet
above sea level. The petitioner is proposing a first floor
elevation of 824.1 feet. In order to insure that.the
construction meets the minimum flood elevation requirements, the
ordinance requires the petitioner to submit an elevation
certificate submitted by a registered surveyor verifying that the �
first floor elevation is at the proper elevation. This needs to /�
be done prior to the foundation being capped and construction
continuing on the dwelling unit.
Ms. McPherson stated the petitioner has proposed a garage
elevation of 822.1 feet. The garage is considered an accessory
use, and accessory uses are permitted below the 100-year flood
elevation if they meet certain standards: 1) They are not for
human habitation; 2) They have low flood damage potential; and 3)
Structures are firmly anchored. The ordinance also requires that
the portion of the accessory structure that is below the 100-year
flood level needs to be flood�proofed in accordance with current
Federal and State regulations.
Ms. McPherson stated the ordinance also requires the fill needed
to bring the first floor elevation up to the required minimum
extend a minimum of 15 feet around the dwelling unit.� The
petitioner has proposed the required 15 feet of fill. As a
result of the fill to be placed on the lot, the drainage patterns
on the subject parcel will change. Currently, water flows from
the rear to the front of the parcel, east along the curb line of
Dover Street to a catch basin, and then through a pipe and
westerly to the river. As a r.esult of the fill being piaced on
the site, the water would then flow around the fill being placed
or towards the east and west property lines and then south to the
street. In order to direct this water from flowing to adjacent
properties, well defined drainage swales will need to be
constructed to direct the water in the proper direction. Staff
�Y is recommending that a grading and drainage plan stamped and
signed by a registered civil engineer be submitted by the
petitioner prior to any action being taken on the request by the
Planning Commission or City Council. The surveyor has indicated
general drainage on the site plans; however, there are no spot
elevations or slope percents with which staff can verify the
drainage plan as submitted can function as it should.
Ms..McPherson stated the petitioner would also need to submit an
erosion control plan, which is required by Chapter 208 of the
City code.
In the past for similar requests, the City has requested the
petitioner execute and record a hold harmless agreement to
release the City from any liability should damage occur due to
flooding as the result of the City's approval of the special use
Ms. McPherson stated there are some miscellaneous.requirements
associated with this request. There are-a number of mature trees
located along the west, north and east lot lines, These mature�
trees are an asset to the parcel and attempts should be made by
the petitioner to preserve as many of these trees as is
� The subj.ect parcel is composed of four 25-foot lots which have
been assigned individual Property Identification Numbers.(PIN)
with a tax statement being issued for each number. The Assessor
has requested the petitioner combine these lots into one PIN so
the new property owner would receive one tax statement. The
petitioner has complied with the requirements of the O1 district
regulations. However, staff is still concerned that the
stormwater runoff be properly addressed by the petitioner.
Ms. McPherson stated staff recommends the Planning Commission
conduct the public hearing in order to receive testimony
adjacent property owners but table its decision until the
petitioner has submitted the required grading and drainage plan
from a registered civil engineer. If the Commission should
choose to act on the request, staff recommends.the following
1. The petitioner shall submit an elevation certificate as part
of a verifying survey prior to the foundation being capped,
which shall verify that the minimum first floor elevatian is
2. The petitioner shall flood-proof the garage in accordance
with current federal and state flood-proofing requirements to
a minimum of the 100-year flood elevation.
3. The fill placed on the property shall extend a minimum of 15
feet from the proposed dwelling unit.
4. A grading and drainage plan and an erosion control plan shall
be designed, signed, and stamped by a registered civil
engineer showing well-defined drainage swales along the
north, west, and easterly lot lines. The drainage plan shall
indicate spot elevations and percent slopes for the drainage
swales. These plans shall be submitted for staff review
prior to City Council review of the special use permit.
5. Petitioner shall execute and record against the proper�y a
hold harnaless agreement releasing the City from liability if
damage occurs as the result of flooding.
6. The grading and drainage plan shall indicate the number of
trees to be preserved.
7. The petitioner shall sign a Combination Farm, combining the
property into one tax statement prior to building permit
Mr. Hedlund stated he is in the construction business and he
could build the houses and sell them. He would�prefer to sell
the lots to someone in the c.onstruction business or sell to a
person who wanted a home in the area. He would then have a
specific plan. One of the requirements that staff suggest is to
have an engineer to do all this work, but he thought the surveyor
was qualified to do this type of thing. For the sake of
simplicity, he thought it would be adequate to have the
information for drainage taken care of by the surveyor.
Mr. Kondrick asked staff if they felt a surveyor could provide
this plan or does this need to be done by an engineer.
Ms. Dacy stated, while the surveyor has provided information on
the general direction of the flow, staff's concern is that a
registered engineer could actually do calculations of.the runoff,
run through the typical 100-year storm event calculations from
typical studies, and from that be able to design with a good
degree of accuracy exactly how deep the swales should be on the
north, west and east lot lines and how wide the swales should be;
and the registered engineer can then submit a plan that says the
lot can handle the runoff from the house on its own.
Mr. Oquist asked how can this be done without the footprint of
the house.
Ms. Dacy stated this can be done knowing�the amount of impervious
surface. An engineer can run through the calculations to
determine the amount of runoff that would occur, combine that ^�
with the runoff from the grades and give staff a dimension of how
� wide the swales should be and at what slope. In this particular
lot, there appears to be enough change in grade to direct the
water to the street. Staff wants to know with some degree of
accuracy, and a registered engineer can do that, that the water
can be handled.
Mr. Oquist stated part of the plan from them may be the
stipulation that says what could happen with a house of a
particular size.
Mr. Kondrick asked, if the footprint were put the other way, is
that possible? If so, would it not hamper the flow of water from
the south?
Ms. Dacy stated, in answer to both questions, yes, and doing so
would affect the drainage. The petitioner wants�approval from
the City so he can sell the lot. Staff wants an approved
drainage plan based on a reasonable site plan.
Mr.. Kondrick stated this is suitable for a prospective buyer and
also for the neighbors so they know the water can be handle.d.
Ms. Dacy stated without an engineer submitting a plan that shows
how deep this swale should be, may be leaving too much.discretion
^, up to the builder and/or the City to interpret what was the
_ Council's intent. Staff. is trying to reasonably assure the
buyer, adjacent homeowners, and the City that the drainage can be
Mr. Hedlund stated the house will be very close to the stated
size and shape. One of the things that could be done to make the
base smaller is to construct a two-foot overhang in the front and
in the back. In speaking of the engineers, he is thinking of the
cost of an engineer. When they have a document such as
presented, a surveyor will know what he is up against. If he
does not feel qualified, they would not do it. But, rather than
going to an engineer and since he is working with a qualified
surveyor, he would recommend saving the cost of an engineer.
There is a limit to how high the costs should be on this.
Ms. Savage asked to clarify the original reason for the request
and if this was because the property is in the flood fringe and
so no dwelling can be built without the special use permit.
Ms. McPherson stated this was correct. Even an accessory
structure must have a special use permit..
Mr. Frank Shimek stated he is concerned about the condition of
the Coon Rapids dam. The dam is in bad shape and Anoka County is
� not doing anything about it. He felt it dangerous to build a
house in that area until that structure is repaired or removed.
--- If the dam should break, all homes in that area will be flooded.
Ms. Darlene Brady referred to the special use permit and asked if
this required an engineer.
Mr. Kondrick stated this is not always the case, but in this
situation with changing the elevation due to the fill, the City
wants to make sure the run off will be contained on the property.
Ms. Brady asked whose decision it is to require or not require an
Mr. Saba stated the Commission's recommendation goes to the City
Council who make the final decision.
Ms. Brady stated she would prefer to have an engineer. Regarding
building in general in that area, she was happy to see the City
requires a�old harmless agreement. With flooding to the south
last year and the government not in support of dikes, which is
located there, she wonders about the advisability of new
construction in that area which would compound any problems that.
might come up. The dike was not built like those that gave out
last. year. It was not constructed in the same manner, but rather
on an emergency basis, which may mean it was not as well
constructed which increases the possibility of something
happening. The r.iver is high now as well as the water in the
creek. If it rains, she does not know what will hap�en. She
wonders if it is advisable to build new homes in that area. ,
Ms. Brady stated another concern is the sewer system in that
area. She has lived in that area about eight years and has had
the city sewer back up into her home five times. She wonders
what the effect of additional homes will be on the sewer system.
The sewage goes through a pumping station and is pumped up the
Ms. Brady stated a year or two ago another house was built in
that area. She feels the house is much too big for the lot and
for the neighborhood. It does not fit into the type of homes in
that neighborhood. A smaller lot should have a smaller home.
She is also concerned about the water run off.
Mr. James Peterson stated the elevation of the foundation, as he
reads the drawing, would be 8 feet above the street level. He is
concerned about how high the houses are from street level on the
other sides of this lot, particularly if building a two story
home or if the house has a steeply pitched roof. How high would
this be in relation to the other houses in that area?
Ms. Dacy stated the drawing shows an elevation of 819 the
curb and the top of the foundation is at 824.1�feet. The
elevation along the east and west lot lines is 820 feet.
Mr. Peterson asked if this home would be much taller.
Ms. Dacy stated she had only ground elevations, but this house
would be somewhat higher.
Mr. Peterson stated the one suggestion he would make would be
that the City limit the structure to a one-story home and a 5-12
pitch roof to minimize the impact to the neighborhood. In
general, he is.pleased to see new homes coming in. The new homes
are larger than the older homes in that area. Construction has
changed and because it does not conform to the 600 to 800 square
foot homes that are there, one should not put it ir► disfavor. A
30 foot by 40 foot house means 1200 square feet. What is the
minimum number of square feet now required by the code?
Ms. McPherson stated the minimum first floor dwelling unit size
is 1020 square feet.
Mr. Peterson stated a garage was mentioned but he does not see if
on the plan. Is the garage attached to the front?
Ms. McPherson stated the front portion would be the garage.
Mr. Hedlund stated the 30 foot x 40 foot dimension is for both
the house and the garage. The structure would be a split level
with an overhang to provide additional square feet with a smaller
�'",, foundation. He does not have a specific plan now but this would
_ be a respectable house. �
Mr. Peterson stated he thinks a two-story will give too much
height compared to the 1 1/2 story homes in that area.
Ms. Diane Lott asked if a home with two-foot overhangs would
still meet the setback requirements.
Mr. Oquist stated there is sufficient room to have the two-foot
overhangs and still meet the minimum setback requirements.
Mr. Tim Lott stated, when reading about the tile around the
house, he was not sure whether it would work or not or it has not
been proven this would drain properly. Is this correct?
Ms. McPherson stated these are called drainage swales which is�
surface drainage system for the area around what is being filled.
Staff has stated, in general, that the surveyor has indicated
general drainage patterns but there are no spot elevations and it
does not indicate the water flows to a point that is lower nor
does it give a percentage of slope from the bottom of that swale.
That is why staff is asking that an engineer design the drainage
swales so that staff can tell the builder how deep the swales
need to be and at what slope so that it works.
Mr. Lott stated that it seems as if no matter what is built on
the property now will be higher than any other house in that area
because of the changes in the building requirements. What you �
have now is a house on top of a mound. He cannot see how this
can prevent drainage which is already a problem in that area. He
cannot see how this will work.
Ms. Brady stated the storm water runs down the street.
Ms. McPherson stated staff acknowledges that this dwelling needs
to be built at a higher elevation as a result of the adoption of
the ordinances in 1977, but there is a way by the grading of the
property that water can be diverted properly to where it is
supposed to go and may even help drain other properties.
Mr. Lott asked if the water is to drain out to the street. He
did. not see how this would help the neighhors who have problems
with water now. Right now., the water is going into the ground.
With a dwelling there, it is not only impacting the area but .it
seems it would create further problems by draining the water to
the street.
Ms. Dacy stated, by requiring swales along the perimeter, it
helps to channel the run off from the roof and the surrounding
properties as well. Some of these lots are too flat so water n
cannot run off. By creating a swale, or as in another lot to be
reviewed, it may be necessary to.put in a catch basin and pipe
improvement, in order to catch the run off and prevent ponding:
from backing up onto another property. While it is not a perfect
system, every lot has to handle its own run off and that is the
basis for staff's suggestion that a detailed plan be provided by
an engineer.
Ms. Brady asked if they were saying there would not be any more
water going in the street after a house is built.
Ms. Dacy stated no, but by adding additional impervious surface
there is going to be more run off than a vacant property. That
is the reason for a drainage plan and to know how deep the swales
will be to get the water to the street. The swales can act also
act to retain the water.
Ms. Brady stated, when it rains heavy, the water pools in her
yard and it seems this would be adding to that.
Mr. Hedlund stated this is a general drainage plan, and it would
MOTION by Mr. Oquist, seconded by Ms. Savage, to close the public
Mr. Saba stated he would definitely insist on an engineer's
'opinion on the drainage.
Ms. Savage stated she would agree and would recommend tabling.a
decision until that has been submitted.
Mr. Oquist agreed to both the engineering plan and tabling.
Mr. Saba stated he would also like to have some answers on the
impact to the sewer system and how the drainage affects what is
already in the street. Many good questions were brought up and
they need to be answered. �
MOTION by Ms. Savage, seconded by Mr. Saba, to table
consideration of Special Use Permit, SP #94-05, to allow
construction in the CRP-2 District (Flood Fringe) on Lots 13, 14,
15, and T6, Block V, Riverview Heights, until submission of a
drainage and erosion control plan designed, signed, and stamped
by a.registered civil engineer; and until such time staff provide
additional information on the storm sewer and sanitary sewer
^ systems.
Mr.. Oquist asked, through the special use permit, can the height
of properties be restricted?
Ms. Dacy stated she would like to confirm this with the city
Per Section 205.24.4.D and 205.24.5.A of the Fridley City
Code, to allow construction�in the CRP-2 District (Flood
Fringe) on Lots 12 and 13, Block Y, Riverview Heights,
generally located on the south side of Buffalo Street east of
Riverview Terrace.
MOTION by Mr. Oquist, seconded by Mr. Saba, to waive the reading
of the public hearing notice and open the public hearing.
�'' Ms. McPherson stated this request is for the property addressed
� as 7915 Riverview Terrace N.E. The property is located at the
intersection of Buffalo Street and Riverview Terrace. The
property is vacant and has been a lot of record since prior to
1955. It was platted in the late 1800's. For lots of record
platted prior to 1955, the zoning code.does have an exception to
the 9,000 square foot minimum lot area. This exception allows a
lot area of 7,500 square feet. The parcel exceeds that minimum
having a lot area of 7,982.4 square feet. The subject parcel has
a width of 60 feet, which exceeds the minimum lot area for this
special exception for a lot width of 50 feet.
The request is for a special use permit to allow construction of
a dwelling in a flood fringe area. For this lot, the 100-year
flood elevation is 822.9. feet above sea level. The minimum first
floor elevation would be 823.9 feet. The petitioner is proposing
a first floor elevation of 824 feet. A verifying elevation
certificate would be required to be submitted by the petitioner.
The petitioner is proposing that the garage be lower than the
minimum flood elevation or 822 feet. The garage would be
required to be flood proofed in accordance with.curre�t Federal
and State regulations.
Ms. McPherson stated there is 15 feet of fill which is.required
to extend outward from the dwelling unit. In this request, since
the lot is a narrow lot, a retaining wall is needed along the
south to retain the fill needed to meet the minimum elevation
requirement. This is because there is not enough distance to tie
the elevations back in a natural pattern.
The natural drainage patterns will be changed by t�ie placement of
fill on the property. Based on the submitted grading plan,.sta�f
has determined that water flows from west to east across the
subject parcel and into Buffalo Street, where it flows to a catch
basin� located at the very east end of Buffalo Street. The water
then flows into Springbrook Creek and then to the Mississippi
River. It appears there is a low area along the south property
line where water would flow naturally in its undeveloped s�ate
into the property to the south.
once the fill is placed on the lot, water would then be directed
to the north and east lot lines. Staff is requesting well
defined drainage swales be constructed to direct water off the
property and away from other parcels. Staff is especially
concerned about the south and east lot lines to prevent water
from draining onto the properties to the east and south. Staff
is recommending a grading and drainage place be submitted by a
registered civil engineer to insure that the slopes are accurate
and that the drainage plan will work as it is designed. The
petitioner will need to submit an erosion control plan.
Staff recommend the retaining wall be designed by a registered ,�
structural engineer to insure the retaining wall will work.
Ms. McPherson stated staff requires a hold harmless agreement to
release the City from any liability as a result of the issuance
of the special use permit.
For this particular parcel, the Engineering Department is
requesting that a 10-foot flood control, street, utility and
drainage easement be granted to the City along the westerly
property line. In 1969, the City condemned a similar easement of
7 feet adjacent to the property line for the construction of
Riverview Terrace. The Engineering Department has been working
with the Minnesota State Aid program to define Riverview Terrace
as a neighborhood collector and to reconstruct Riverview Terrace
in order to meet Minnesota State Aid guidelines and to improve..
the road. The road would be widened and the height of the road
increased to provide additional flood control measures for the
neighborhood. The easement is requested to provide additional
right-of-way for the road reconstruction. The right-of-way can
be obtained through a dedication or through the granting of an
Ms. McPherson stated there are also miscellaneous requests.
There are a number of trees on the property, and staff are
requesting the grading and drainage plan indicate those trees
which are to be preserved.
The parcel is composed of two lots which have two PIN's and,
therefore, two tax statements. The Assessor has requested the
petitioner combine these lots into one PIN which would mean tMe
property owner would receive one tax statement.
Ms. McPherson stated staff recommends the Planning Coiamission
conduct the public hearing to receive testimony from the adjacent
property owners and the neighborhood,. but table the request until
stamped and signed drawings for the drainage from a civil
engineer have been submitted. If the Commission chooses to
recommend approval, staff recommends the following stipulations:
l. The petitioner shall submit an elevation certificate in
addition to a verifying survey prior to the foundation being
capped, which shall verify that the minimum first floor
elevation is 824.
2. The petitioner sha11 flood-proof the garage in accordance
with current Federal and State flood-proofing requirements to
a minimum of the 100-year flood elevation.
3. The fill placed on the property shall extend a minimum of 15
feet from the proposed dwelling unit.
4. The petitioner shall submit retaining wall plans tha.t have
�� been signed by a structural engineer.
5. The petitioner shall execute and record against the property
a hold harmless agreement releasing the City from liability
if damage occurs as a result of flooding.
6. The petitioner shall grant a 10-foot flood control, street,
utility, and drainage easement along the west lot line.
7. A grading and drainage plan and an erosion control plan shall
be designed, signed, and stamped by a registered civil
engineer showing well-defined drainage swales along the
north, west, and easterly lot lines. The drainage plan shall
indicate spot elevations and percent slopes for the drainage
swales. These plans shall �e submitted for staff review
prior to City Council review of the special use permit.
8. The grading and drainage plan shall indicate the nuniber of
trees to be preserved.
9. The petitioner shall sign a Combination Form, combining the
property into one tax statement prior to building permit
Mr. Kondrick asked for a comparison of the elevation of the
property and the proposed structure to the other properties.
Ms. McPherson stated the average elevation of the subject .
property from east to west along Riverview Terraee is 819 feet.
In the middle of the property, the elevation is approximately 818
feet. Along the east, the elevation is 819 feet. The first
floor elevation is proposed to be at 824 feet so there is
approximately a 5-foot difference from the dwelling unit to the
elevation to the south. At the corner of Buffalo and Riverview
Terrace, the elevation appears to be 822 feet. The elevations
are lower going east to 818.3 at the east corner of Buffalo. The
garage level is proposed to be at 822 feet which is about 4 feet
above street level.
Mr. Kondrick asked if the proposed structure is 24 feet x 40
Ms. McPherson stated this is the proposed pad which meets the
setback requirements.
Mr. Saba asked if there were the same concerns here about the
storm sewer and sanitary sewers.
. �
Ms. McPherson stated, the Engineering Department,
there is no storm sewer under Buffalo Street. All run off in on
surface on Buffalo Street. The first catch basin is at the end
of Buffalo. As far as staff can tell, the water then enters
S rin brook Creek and then to the Mississi '�
P g ppi River.
Mr. Hedlund stated, with the exception of the retaining wall, the
drainage and erosion could be handled by a surveyor.
Ms. Brady stated Buffalo Street, coming from Riverview Terrace,
has quite a sl�ope to it, and residents are getting water from
Riverview Terrace. When it rains heavily, it starts pooling in
front of her house near the garage. The garage is very close to
the street. If there is water coming off the southeast corner,
she feels her property would be flooded. She lives across the
street from the vacant property. The street is narrow, and she
will have trouble getting_in and out of her garage if someone
parks on the street. She does not think Buffalo can handle any
more water and the water has to go to the other end of the street
to go down the drain. Riverview Terrace is higher than this lot.
If Riverview Terrace is to be improved, will this make the lot
Ms. McPherson stated the City is requesting an easement be
granted which would be used for side slopes for the road. The
road would not be expanded into the lot. If the road is to be
expanded, it would be expanded toward the river side. The
proposal is to increase the height of the road, perhaps by.two
feet, in order to use it as a flood control structure. The.
easement being requested is to tie the side slopes of the road
back into the adjacent property.
Ms. Brady asked if there wnuld be more water going back onto the
property from the Riverview Terrace road improvement project.
Ms. Dacy stated they did not have detailed construction plans of
the street as of yet. They do know there will be concrete curb
and gutter so some of the run off will not be directed onto this
property. There will still be the slope however into Buffalo
Ms. Brady stated there is the sewer problem. This is a low area.
Every time the city sewer backs up, it backs up into their homes.
She feels this will add to the problem. She asked what side
would be considered the front of the house.
Ms. McPherson stated the code defines the front as the shortest
of the two street frontages on a corner lot so the front is
defined as Riverview Terrace.
Ms. Brady stated her house is fairly close to the street. This
house is close to the street and this is a narrow street. If a
large house is built on this lot, she did not think this would be
appropriate for the location. She would prefer no one build on
the property, but if they do, she would prefer a low profile
Ms. Brady asked how the square footage was figured. She was tald
the lot was 60 feet x 146 feet, but from the shape this does not
appear to be accurate. �
Ms. McPherson stated the area was calculated by the surveyor.
The lot is a trapezoid so there is a mathematical formula for
calculating the area.
Ms. Brady stated she believed there was a question about the
survey and asked, when the property was surveyed, did they take
into consideration that the street has moved since putting in th�
Ms. McPherson stated that this has been taken into consideration.
Ms. Brady.stated she is conc�rned about getting in and out of her
garage. She is concerned about the water coming off this �
property. It will also affect other properties as well. She
asked if the proposed garage is a two-car garage and the type of
home to be built.
Ms. McPherson stated yes, the code requires a minimum two-car
garage. .
Mr. Hedlund stated the house would be a split entry design. �
Ms. Brady stated she has the same concerns with this property as
with the previous property.
Mr. Kondrick stated there is concern about the water run off and
how this will be managed as it relates to the property to the
adjoining properties. As the water leaves the subject property,
then what obligation have do we have?
Ms. Dacy stated the City tries to, with any street improvement or
any drainage improvement, control drainage with the public right-
of-way. It is typically held by state law and local code that
every lot should handle its own water and should not adversely
affect other properties. Staff is trying to make sure that the
run off from the abutting properties drains down to the street
and to the catch basin. What staff is hearing.from the testimony
is that the water does pond from time to time and Ms. Brady's
concern is that the elevations in the right-of-way are such that
the water ends up in her front yard. Staff will need to evaluate
Mr. Oquist stated this is proposed and the plan could change.
The City does not know exactly where the driveway will be at this
point. This must be monitored.
Ms. Brady stated the retaining wall appears to run the.length of
the property an the south side. What happens to the water run
off in that area?
Ms. McPherson stated the retaining wall does not go all the way
to the end of the lot. The surveyor has acknowledged that water
from the adjacent property would need to flo�a across this
particular parcel to leave the area due to the current grades.
The surveyor is tieing back into the natural contours by not
extending the retaining wall all the way to the lot line.
Ms. Brady stated, to her knowledge, the water travels south. If
the ground is built up more, there wili be more water coming down
Ms. McPherson stated this is where the drainage swale would need
to handle the water. The natural slope of the lot provides some
natural drainage.
Ms. Brady stated she would prefer to have an engineer involved
rather than a surveyor. The water run off is a-problem in that
area, and the sewer system is a big problem in that area also.
Mr, M. E. Thompson stated he thinks this makes no sense.
^ Neighboring properties have water on their property much of the
year. He thinks this will make the problem worse.
Mr. Tim Lott stated his concerns are the drainage swales on the
east side. In looking at the €low, there are trees along that
border and there is a stipulation about the preservation of
trees. There are trees along the border and trees where the
house is planned also. When looking at the terrain of`the area,
he sees a house there, additional run off and the trees gone.
The house elevation is at least four feet higher than the street.
The proposed driveway is on a narrow street. He cannot see a
reason for having a house there, let along trying to place it on
a lot that is very small.. Sewer back up is already a problem and
he sees more potential problems with the raising of the road.
The problem he has is that the City is looking at putting in
houses that are dramatically higher. He sees an impact to the
people living there. It looks like a bad situation for the size
of the house and the effect on the people who live around it.
Mr. Peterson stated this is the entrance to the area. This is a
beautifully wooded area and the builder faces a dilemma. Thi�
area could be a beautifully done development. He is s.ure the
builder is using his skills and.t�lents to cope with the �
situation. Every day he passes the property. It is a charming
area and a very rural looking area. The present use of the
property provides a park-like atmosphere. The City has a
!"'\ choice. The present use can continue or something can be built
there that will add character and value to the neighborhood.
This is an area where the HRA could get involved to develop that -
peninsula and increase the value of each of the homes by putting
four to six homes in that area, and by doing so comprehensively
would eliminate the problems generated by piece meal growth.
l�s. Brady fe�t ti�e bt�ile�e� �as €�g�t��g too ma�y raatural elements
with this lot.
MOTION by Mr. Saba, seconded by Ms. Savage, to close the public
Mr. Saba stated, once again, there is a critical question about
the drainage that must be answered. The sanitary sewer question
is another question that must also be addressed regardless of
what happens to this property or any other property. He felt a
nice home could be built on, but the drainage
question must be answered.
Mr. Oquist agreed. The drainage needs to be addressed. This lot
may have more of a problem with the drainage with the proposed
driveway and its slope which could put a lot of water into the ^
Mr. Kondrick stated, if the water concerns can be addressed, he
would agree.
Mr. Oquist stated another point was made regarding comprehensive
planning in the area and making sure the homes built are
consistent with the rest of the homes.
MOTION by Mr. Oquist, seconded by Mr. Saba, to table
consideration of Special Use Permit, SP #94-03, to allow
construction in the CRP-2 District (Flood Fringe) on Lots 12 and
13, Block Y, Riverview Heights, until submission of a drainage
and erosion control plan designed, signed, and stamped by a
registered civil engineer; and until such time staff provide
additional information on the storm sewer and sanitary sewer
Per Section 205.24.4.D and 205.24.5.A of the Fridley City
Code, to allow construction in the CRP-2 District (Flood
Fringe) on Lots.29, 30, and 31, Block X, Riverview Heights, �"�,,
generally located on the south side of Cheryl Street west of
Broad Avenue.
MOTION by Ms. Savage, seconded by Mr. Saba, to waive the reading
of the public hearing notice and open the public hearing.
Ms. McPherson stated this property is a vacant lot located at the
intersection of Cheryl Street and Broad Avenue. It meets the
minimum lot area and lot width requirements and also the setback
The current drainage is such that the drainage flows from south
to north towards Cheryl Street where most of the run off is
caught by the catch basin located at the northwest corner of the
parcel. Once it enters the catch basin, it enters a pipe which
flows to Springbrook Creek. It appears that a portion of the
water remains on the parcel in both the southwest and southeast
corners. Water from the parcel to the west also flows onto the
subject parcel. Water from the development would be instead
directed to the west and south lot lines. In order to continue
the natural drainage pattern the water needs to again go north.
Staff is requesting that well defined drainage swales be located
along the west and south property lines. The petitioner is.
proposing a small retaining wall along the south property line;
however, there does not appear to be adequate slo�e to direct the
water out of the southwest corner and towards the northwest
corner of the property. It is possible that a pipe of some sort
may be needed and that the swale may not adequately address the
drainage in this situation. Again, a registered civil engineer
would be able to determine if the swale would be adequate. Staff
are requesting that a drainage plan be submitted by a registered
civil engineer and an erosion control plan be provided. Again,
the remaining issues are similar. The hold harmless agreement is
required, saving as many of the mature trees as possible, and
combining the properties into one PIN.
Ms. McPherson stated staff is requesting the Planning Commission
conduct the public Yiearing but table any action on the request
until receipt of the necessary information.
Mr. Oquist asked to clarify that the pipe was underground and
that there would need to be a storm sewer connection at the south
Ms. McPherson stated this was correct.
Mr. Hedlund stated he thought the drainage was adequate. The
surveyor knows what he is doing when he states this will work
without the pipe.
Mr. Clark Nason asked staff to clarify the elevations. If the
home is built as he thinks, the foundation will be two feet above
his current ceiling height.
Ms. McPherson stated the elevation on Cheryl Street at the
driveway is 817 feet. The top block of the foundation is to be
at 823.9 which would be a difference of almost seven feet. It
looks like the ground level at the �ouse next door is at 818 at
the north corner and 817 feet at the south corner of the garage.
Mr. Nason stated he sees no reason for this and to make others
suffer. The laws were changed in 1976. He has �ived there since
1966. Things change and nothing is done. The sewer system is
terrible. He has had numerous times that the sewer has backed up
into his basement, he has lost a lot of.�oney, and the City has
done nothing about it. He is opposed to adding homes until
something is done about the sewer system. When the pumping
station goes out, it's an act of God. When his basement is
flooded, it's an act of God but it comes through the City sewer
Mr. Nason stated the run off is now coming downhill towards his
home where it used to go to the river. The streets �ere gravel,
but are now blacktop. They built everything up because of the
manmade dike. With the additional building, where will all the
water go? He is not tearing anyone down for building, but he
does not want to look out his kitchen window at ground and
someone building seven feet above him.
Ms. Brady stated she has the same concerns with this request as
with the previous two requests - sewer problems, water run off,
etc. She is not.anti-building either in appropriate places and
at appropriate times. Here you have a much bigger lot and the
size of the house would be more appropriate. The height is a
problem. She did not know if there was a plan for the
neighborhood. The neighbors need to be asked what we want for
our neighborhood. More shouTd be put into helping the people fix
up their homes and make the homes worth mor�. This is not
helping. The direction should be put into helping the people
that are already living there rather than compounding the
Mr. Peterson stated he is concerned about aesthetics. If the
buildings are two story and a high elevation, it is not right..
This should be limited to a one-story house with a low roof to
have less impact on the other property owners. Because of
changes in the laws, it ruins it for the rest of the people.
e �
Saying you cannot regulate the height is not good enough. This
impacts the neighbors who will have to look at this every day.
Mr. M. E. Thompson referred to preserving the trees. If the lot
is filled with four feet of dirt, all the trees will die.
Ms. Brady asked how many vacant lots were in that area.
Ms. McPherson stated the City has an inventory but she could not
say how many parcels were in that area.
Ms. Diane Lott wondered if the City could come up with a plan for
these properties that would be good for the whole neighborhood.
MOTION by Mr. Saba, seconded by Mr. Oquist, to close the public
Mr. Saba stated about two years ago the City was not as concerned
about what was defined as a flood fringe area because there were
no floods. Because of some of the concerns expressed tonight,
� perhaps the City should be concerned about the flood fringe area.
The most the City can do is protect what is there. The vacant
lots will be developed and there will p�obably be homes built on
those lots. Concerns about drainage are very valid concerns that
should be addressed before recommending approval or disapproval
of the requests. The sanitary sewer probl,ems must be addressed
whether properties are developed or not.
Mr. Saba stated he would like to see the trees. stay as they are
but, if someone wants to develop the property, the City must stay
in the confines of the federal, state and local regulations in
terms of building in a flood fringe area. The elevation is up to
the builder and the person who buys the land. If a builder
builds a house that stands out, this will limit the market. On
all these properties, there must be a good definition of the
drainage and he recommends this be done by a certified engineer.
He would recommend to table consideration.
Mr. Oquist agreed. Along with the drainage and sewer, is there a
Comprehensive Plan for the area and is the Commission being
consistent with that in the kind of housing that is being built
Ms. Savage stated this is certainly something that can be
discussed but the Commission does not have that information. The
concerns expressed will be on record and the neighbors will have
^ further opportunity to express their concerns to the City
MOTION by Mr. Oquist, seconded by Ms. Savage, to table
consideration of Special Use Permit, SP #94-04, to allow
construction in the CRP-2 District (Flood Fringe) on Lots 29, 30
and 31, Block X, Riverview Heights, until submission of a
drainage and erosion control plan designed, signed, and stamped
by a registered civil engineer; and until such time staff provide
additional information on the storm sewer and sanitary sewer
systems. '
Ms. McPherson stated staff will work with the petitioner to
gather the requested information regarding the drainage plans,
the sewer back-ups, the street elevations, etc. Once that
information is put together, a meeting date will be set, and the
City will re-notify all persons who received notices the first
time. Notices will be sent approximately 10 days prior to the
Mr. Oquist stated, until there is a true site plan, it is going
to be difficult to truly identify the drainage.
MOTION by Mr. Saba, seconded by Ms. Savage, to receive the
Apri1 7, 1994, `Housing & Redevelopment Authority minutes as
MOTION by Mr. Saba, seconded by Mr. Oquist, to adjourn the
Respectfully submitted,
Lavonn Cooper
Recording Secretary
o �
-� ��
Community Development Department
Appeals Commission Date
Planning Commission Date =
City Council Date
WR #94-01
Paul Harstad for Keith Harstad, owner
5470 and 5490 East Danube Road N.E.
May 18, 1994
The petitioner requests that a wetland replacement
approved to allow the filling o� 2,800 square feet of Type 4
wetland. The replacement plan proposes to create 2,500 square
feet of Type 4 wetland on site.
The petitioner has also applied for a variance to reduce the
front yard setbacks on both parcels to reduce the impact to the
wetland. The Appeals Commission will review the variance request
at its May 24, 1994 meeting. �
The history regarding the wetland on the subject parcel is
* February 23, 1973; letter from James London to Nasim Qu�eshi
confirming that the subject parcel would be exempt from
water main, sanitary sewer and street assessments.
June 13, 1977; the DNR declares that the wetlands located in
Innsbruck North 2nd Addition fal� under its jurisdiction.
September 7, 1977; Keith Harstad requests a meeting in order
to resolve the issues regarding the DNR jurisdiction.
* September 19, 1977; the DNR clarifies its position regarding
its authority over the lots in question. The City is to
inform any builder that it is their responsibility to obtain
all necessary permits.
Paul Harstad
WR #94-01
Page 2
* November 14, 1977; area residents attempt to obtain support
from the Commissioner of Natural Resources to reconsider the
DNR's position.
* December 16, 1977; letter from the DNR stating that Mr.
Harstad has not made permit application.
* January 9, 1978; discussion at the City Council meeting
determined that the City Council would notify the DNR
regarding building permit applications on lots affected by
DNR protected wetlands.
* July 18, 1978; discussion at the Environmental Commission
regarding a moratorium on the filling of the lots in
Innsbruck and the forming of a study group on water quality.
* August 1, 1978; staff notified "owner" to cease illegal
dumping on the subject parcel.
�a �
* August 7, 1978; discussion at the City Council regarding the
Commission's action. The City Council directed staff to
stop any illegal dumping which was�occurring, and to work�up
costs to acquire the vacant property in the area. Estimated �
cost to benefitting owners was $4,445.00 (total cost of
40,000 for both lots). �
* The City issued a land alteration permit to Hearthstone
Homes in 1986 to fill the property from the lot line to the
drainage easement. Filling did not occur to the e�rtent the
permit allowed. The permit expired on December 31, 1986.
No subsequent permits have been issued.
* The 1977 aerial photo showed that an extensive Type 3 or 4
wetland was located on the property.
* The 1981 aerial showed that filling liad occurred on a small
portion of the wetland on Lot 5.
* The 1985 aerial showed that no further filling had occurred.
* In 1993, staff inet with the petitioner on site as a result
from a neighborhood complaint regarding possible illegal
filling. The petitioner was informed that he would need to
comply with the 1991 Wetland Conservation Act prior to the
issuance of a building permit.
�-..� Paul Harstad
� #94-01
Page 3
The petitioner is proposing to construct single family dwellings
on both Lot 5(5490 East Danube) and Lot 6(5470 East Danube, the
subject parcel). The lots were platted in 1976. Both lots are
vacant and are zoned R-1, Single Family Dwelling. The lots meet
the minimum lot area requirements.
Located on Lot 6 is a Type 4 wetland. Wetlands of this type are
characterized by open water with a depth of 2 to 3 feet.
Vegetation.associated with the wetland includes cottonwood, black
willow, dogwood, reed canary grass, and pinkweed. This wetland
is part of the overall drainage system in the neighborhood.
Neighborhood Drainaqe
The wetland on the subject parcel receives storm water from a
portion of the subwatershed defined by Matterhorn Drive on the.
west, Gardena Avenue on the north, and I-694 on the south (see
enclosed map entitled "sub watershed"). Water from west of West
Danube Road enters the west side of the wetland north of the
subject parcels. It is then discharged on the east side of the
wetland through a pipe under East Danube Road and flows.into Farr
Lake. Water from north of North Innsbruck Drive and from
Innsbruck Townhomes to the east also flows into Farr Lake.
Wetland Replacement Plan
Wetland Delineation
The petitioner has submitted a grading plan showing the extent of
the wetland. A narrative description was also submitted as part
of the delineation. However, a number of items are missing which
are required to be submitted as part of the delineation:
Wetland location with a public land survey coordinate of the
wetland center.
The overall size of the wetland, including that portion not
on the subject parcel.
The wetland type as defined by USFW Circular 39 and National
Wetland Inventory mapping conventions.
A soils map or soils information provided by soil borings.
The size of the watershed draining into the wetland area.
Paul Harstad
� #94-01
Page 4
6. Location of inlets and outlets.
7. A map or written description of the land use within one mile
of the watershed.
8. Evidence of ownership.
Staff inet with Kate Drewry, Rice Creek Watershed Administrator on
site May 10, 1994. She supplied staff with the original
delineation submitted by the.petitioner in April 1993. The
current delineation does not extend the wetland boundary to the
same limits as the 1993 delineation. An additional site visit by
the City's consultant; on May 11, 1994, confirmed the current
delineation as accurate, however, the change in delineations
should be explained by the petitioner. Further evidence
supporting the current delineation as identified above should be
provided by the petitioner. �
The petitioner has provided three alternatives to avoid impact to
the wetland:
1. Choose not to build on Lot 6.
2. Construct a home on pilings on Lot 6.
3. Build a smaller home on Lot 6.
The petitioner dismisses Alternative #1 using the takings
argument. This is based on the reason that the lot was platted
as a"buildable" lot; and by the City�s plat approval, permission
was granted to build on the lot. The petitioner has also
indicated that exemption 24 from the State Statute applies in
this case. Exemption 24 states:
Development projects and ditch improvement projects in the
state that have received preliminary or final plat approval,
or infrastructure that has been installed, or having local
site plan approval, conditional use permits, or similar
official approval by a governing body or government agency,
within the dates of July 1, 1986 and January 1, 1992 are
While the City approved the plat in 1976, no work occurred on the
subject parcel within the time frame specified, with the
exception of the land alteration permit issued May 1986. The
land alteration permit was not fully executed by the applicant
Paul Harstad
WR #94-01
Page 5
and expired December 31, 1986. No further permits were applied
for or issued for the subject parcel. While utilities were
stubbed to the parcel at the time of platting, staff is reluctant
to broaden the interpretation of the exemption outside of the
years stated in the statutes. The Board of Water and Soil
resources has the regulatory authority to make that
interpretation. The O-4 District adopts by reference all parts
of the Wetland Conservation Act and its Administrative Rules.
The petitioner does not provide expert testimony from a
registered structural engineer to support the statements
dismissing Alternative #2. Information from such a professional
should be submitted as part of the plan.
The petitioner has argued in Alternative #3 that a house small
enough to avoid all impacts at the required setback would need to
be 15 x 45 feet. The petitioner is correct in stating that this
size house would not meet the minimum dwelling size of 1,020
square feet. However, if a front yard variance were granted from
35 feet to 20 feet, a house pad of 30 x 50 feet could be
constructed. This would allow a dwelling unit of 1,020 square
feet and a garage of 576 square feet. A second story could be
placed on the house, bringing the total amount of livable square
feet to approximately 2,500.. This is the size dwelling
being proposed by the petitioner and is similar to other homes in
the neighborhood. In addition, this alternative would eliminate
the need for most wetland impacts. The petitioner could possibly
qualify for the exemption allowing the filling of up to 400
square feet per year.
The petitioner also did not explore the use of retaining walls to
reduce the amount of fill needed around the dwellina unit.
Replacement Ratio
The petitioner has proposed to mitigate the wetland impact on
site using both Lot 5 and Lot 6. However, the rate of
replacement is at or below 1:1. If no setback variances are
granted, the ratio is less than 1:1.
As with the wetland delineation, information required by the 0-4
regulations is missing from the replacement plan:
1. Wetland location.
2. Size of wetland.
!"`, 3. Items 1-8 listed under the delineation section above.
Paul Harstad
WR #94-01
Page 6
4. A description of the size and type of wetland that will be
created as a result of the replacement plan.
5. Plan and profile views of the replacement wetland with fixed
photo reference points for monitoring.
6. Type of construction �ethods to be used, including the best
managements practices to protect water quality.
7. Soils information required to determine the capability of
the site to support wetland creation.
8. Timetable of how and when implementation will occur and be
9. The Board of Water and Soil Resources notice to be recorded
against the property.
10. A signed statement regarding the wetland's previous
restoration and/or creation, the relationship of exemptions
to the created wetland, and that the wetland will not be
created with public funds.
c 1
11. A detailed monitoring plan, including proposed dates and �\
activities to occur on those dates.
As discussed earlier, a question remains as to whether the
delineation is accurate. If the delineation is not accurate, the
replacement plan would not be applicable.
The petitioner has stated that the 1:1 ratio is acceptable
because application for wetl�nd impact was made to the Watershed
District under the Interim Program. In addition, the Watershed
District would have required the approval and permit issuance to
occur prior to the start of the Permanent Program on January 1,
1994. The petitioner, therefore, is required to comply with the
Permanent Program and the 0-4 regulations. The City cannot
approve a replacement plan with a ratio of less than 2:1.
Staff recommends that the Planning Commission recommend denial of
the replacement plan as proposed based on the following findings
of fact:
1. Feasible and prudent alternatives exist which avoid impacts
to the wetlands (Section 205.27.05.D.(3)).
2. The proposed replacement ratio is less than the 2:1 ratio
required by Section 205.27.10.D. �,
WR 4�94-01
Paul Harstad
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WR 4�94-01
Paul Harstad
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WR 4�94-01
Paul Harstad
Paul Harstad
2191 Silver Lake Road
1Vew Brighton, MN 55112
James Jensen
1410 West Danube Road N.E.
Fridley, MN 55421
Stanley Cihak
1408 West Danube Road N.E.
Fridley, MN 55421
Alexander Gonsalves
1406 West Danube Road N.E.
Fridley, MN 55421
Planning S/3/94
Thomas Fisher Roger Hertel
5477 East Danube Road N.E. 5501 West Danube Road N.E.
Fridley, MN 55421 Fridley, MN 55421
Boyd Henderdorf Al1en Messerli
5467 East Danube Road N.E. 5505 West Danube Road N.E.
Fridley, MN 55421 Fridley, MN 55421
LeRoy Corgard Joyce Christie Nault
5495 West Danube Road N.E. 5535 West Danube Road N.E.
Fridley, MN 55421 Fridleq, MN 55421
Roger Harmon Virgil Lindstrom
5498 West Danube Road N.E. 5555 West Danube Road N.E.
Fridley, MN 55421 Fridley, MN 55421
' Thomas Forsberg Jeanine Olds Robert Peifer
1/+04 West Danube Road N.E. 5468 West Danube Road N.E. 5575 West Danube Road N.E.
Fridley, MN 55421 Fridley, MN 55421 Fridley, MN 55421
David Olsen/Margaret Hume Mary Adams Donald Johnson �"�
5.457 East Danube Road N.E. 5588 West Danube Road N.E. 5595 West Danube Road N.E.
Fridley, MN 55421 Fridley, MN 55421 Fridley, MN 55421
Richard Sworsky Susan Williams Edward Smith
1411 West Danube Road N.E. 5568 West Danube Road N.E.. 5584 East Danube� Road N.E.
Fridl�y, MN 55421 Fridley, MN 55421 Fridley, MN 55421
Amir Mangalick/Shankutal Dennis Lemke Christopher Menon
Devendra 5548 West Danube Road N.E. 5564 East Danube Road N.E.
1415 West Danube Road N.E. Fridley, MN 55421 Fridley, MN 55421
Fridley, MN 55421
Michael Holly
1417 West Danube Road N.E.
Fridley, MN 55421
E. W. Fuerstenberg✓j,�f
5516 Regis Drive N.�
Fridley, MN 55421 �
Walter Ballard III
5497 East Danube Road N.E.
Fridley, MN 55421
Conrad Rummel
5538 West Danube Road N.E.
Fridley, MN 55421
Bryan Steppe
5528 West Danube Road N.E.
Fridley, MN 5542]
David Schulte
5554 East Danube Road N.E.
Fridley, MN 55421
Glenn Furnier
5544 East Danube Road N..E.
Fridley,.MN 55421
Steve Mackenthun Keith Harstad
5502 West Danube Road N.E. 2191 Silver Lake Road
Fridley, MN 55421 New Brighton, NIN 55112
� WR 4�94-01
Paul Harstad
Page 2
Patricia Freeburg
5557 East Danube Road N.E.
Fridley, NIN 55421
Jerome Junquist
5547 East Danube Road N.E.
Fridley, MN 55421
Roman Zawnirowycz
5527 East Danube Road N.E.
Fridley, MN 55421
Edward Otremba
5567 East Danube Road N.E.
Fridley, MN 55421
Richard Erickson/S.R. Mayer
5525 Matterhorn Drive N.E.
Fridley, MN 55421
Michael ICittenski
� 5511 Matterhorn Drive N.E.
Fridley, MN 55421
Planning Comm. Chair
City Council Members
Notice is hereby given that there will be a public hearing of the
Fridley Planning Commission at the Fridley Municipal Center, 6431
University Avenue N.E. on Wednesday, May 18, 1994 at 7:30 p.m.
for the purpose of:
Consideration of a Wetland Replacement Plan,
�#94-01, by Paul Harstad, per Section
205.27 of the Fridley City Code, to allow
filling of a wetland for construction of a
single family dwelling on Lot 6, Block 2,
Innsbruck North 2nd Addition, generally
located at 5470 East Danube Road N.E.
Hearing impaired persons planning to attend who need an
interpreter or other persons with disabilities who require
auxiliary aids should cantact Roberta Collins at 572-3500 no
later than May 11, 1994.
Any and all persons desiring to be heard shall be given an
opportunity at the above stated time and place. Any questions
related to this item may be referred to the Fridley Community
Development Department at 571-3450.
April 14, 1994
I. Background
Applicant's Name:
Contact Person:
Harstad Companies
2191 Silver Lake Road
New Brighton, MN 55112
Paul W. Harstad
Rice Creek Watershed file #: 93-61
Harstad Companies proposes to construct finro single family lots located in the City of
Fridley on East Danube Road (see Exhibit 1, Location Map). The lots are officially
platted at the Anoka County Recorder's office as Lots 5 and 6, Block 2, Innsbruck North
2nd Addition.
E.G. Rud and Sons, Inc. perFormed a wetland delineation and subsequent wetland
narrative of the site on April 20, 1993 (see E�ibit 2: Grading Plan, and Exhibit 3:
Wetland Narrative). The wetland basin provides storm water retention ponding for the
neighborhood, with a storm sewer inlet at the North of the basin and a storm sewer
outlet at the East of the basin. The storm sewer outlet runs directly between Lots 5 and
6. The land use of the surrounding area is residential.
There is a 40 foot wide drainage easement along the back of Lot 5 and a 20 foot
drainage easement along the back of Lot 6. Nearly all of the drainage easement area
is designated wetland. Lot 5 is currently a buildable lot, with soil conditions suitable for
home construction. The wetland edge extends into the buildable area of Lot 6. A
portion of the wetland would have to be filled in order to construct a single family home
on this lot. (Please see Exhibit 2: Grading Plan.)
II. Impact
Proposed Direct Impact
Approximately 2,800 square feet of wetland would need to be filled in order to comply
with the City of Fridley's front setback requirement. Harstad Companies proposes
instead to request a variance for a front setback requirement from 35 feet to 30 feet or
�, �'"`� less. A setback of 30 feet would reduce the fill area to approximately 2,500 square
Indirect Impacts
Permanent indirect impacts are not expected to cause degradation of current wetland
values. The conversion of old field will diminish the amount of upland habitat to wildlife
on the site. However plant and animal life diversity are not likely to change within the
wetland basin. Drainage patterns on the site will not change.
III. Alternatives Analysis
The following is a list of alternatives to the proposed wetland replacement plan and a
discussion of why each alternative is not feasible.
1) Choose not to build on Lot 6.
This alternative would adversely impact the economic value of the property. The
applicant's proposal to build two single family homes meets all City zoning and building
ordinances (with the exception of the proposed front setback variance which would
reduce the impact on the wetland basin). The proposed construetion is in full
compliance with the plat of record in the Anoka County Recorde�'s office. Revocation
of this right to use the land as previously approved would be considered a"taking" by
the applicant, and is contrary to private property laws of the U.S. federal govemment.
� 2) Construct a home on Lot 6 using pilings. ^
This proposal would impose undue and unreasonable economic burden on the -
applicant, and would have the same �ffect as the "no-build" altemative. Pilings would
have to be constructed for the entire foundation of the house, not just the portion
located in the wetlands, and would cost in excess of $25,000. Piling construction is
not in accordance with accepted engineering standards and practices for a building of
this size and type. Furthermore piling construction would substantially disturb soils and
vegetation and would require the filling of wetlands for the mobilization of equipment.
3) Build a smaller house on Lot 6.
A house small enough to avoid wetland impact entirely would be less than fifteen
feet in depth and less than fort-five feet in width. This small of a house would not be
marketable and would not comply with City ordinances regulating square footage. The
proposed house p.lan has already been modified to reduce wetland impact, and is
already smaller than other houses in the neighborhood.
Avoidance and Minimization
Wetland impacts cannot be avoided due to the shape of the wetland basin. The
applicant intends to avoid impact to the wetland on Lot 5, but cannot avoid direct
impact on Lot 6. f�..,
Page 2
The following steps have been or will be taken by the applicant to minimize
direct and indirect impact to the wetland basin.
1) Reduce the square footage (and foundation size) of the proposed home on
Lot 6. The home does not include a full basement, preventing the house pad
from further encroachment into the wetland.
2) Alter the size and shape of the house pad on Lot 5 to provide for contiguous
mitigation area in the back yard.
3) The applicant has also withheld the sale of Lot 5 to prospective homebuyers so
that a portion of Lot 5 can be used as mitigation area for the proposed fill area of
Lot 6.
4) Request a variance from the City of Fridley changing the front setback for Lot 6
from 35 feet to 30 feet or less.
5) Request a variance ftom the City of Fridley changing the (North) side setback
from 10 feet to 5 feet or less.
6) Compliance with the Sediment and Erosion Control Plan as shown on the
Grading Plan.
(�"� IV. Wetland Replacement and Mitigation
Harstad Companies proposes to create 2,500 square feet of comparable wetland
on site (see Exhibit 5: Replacement Plan). Sideslopes will be graded #o a 10:1 slope,
lined with organic soils and seeded with native seed mixes to promote use by local
wildlife (see F_xhibit 4: Wet Meadow Seed Mixture). The general shape of the
mitigation ponds will �be designed to cor�form to local topography in order to create
natural looking basins.
This replacement plan will replace current wetland acreage for the wetland
acreage impacted by a 1:1 ratio. This ratio is not in compliance with the permanent
rules of the Wetland Conservation Act of 1991. The applicant considers the proposed
plan and replacement ratio sufficient for this particular site for the following reasons:
1) The proposed construction is in full compliance with all other laws governing
land use at all levels of govemment, including the plat of record at the Anoka
County Recorder's office.
2) The replacement plan replaces unavoidable impacts to the wetland by restoring
or creating substitute wetland area with equal or greater value.
3) The applicant agrees to monitor the site as described in the following section.
4) The original application for this project was made in 1993 prior to the permanent
� ; _.,, rules taking effect.
Page 3
V. Monitoring Plan
The monitoring plan will include:
1) A description of the project location, size, current wetland type, and desired
wetland type.
2) A comparison of the as-built specifications versus the design specifications and
a rationale for significant changes.
3) Hydrology measurements such as seasonal water level elevations during the
period April through October.
4) A list of the dominant vegetation in the wetland including common names of the
vegetation exceeding 20 percent coverage and an estimate of coverage.
5) Color photographs of the project area taken any time during the period June
through August, referenced to the fixed photo-reference points identified on the
grading ptan.
Page 4
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L o t 5& 6, B/ock 2, •'�nnsb�uck North 2n d A ddi tion, An oka Coun ty, Minn eso ta.
Sca/e: 1"ZO' / hereby certify thot this p/an, survey or report wos prepa�ed
Book by me o� under my direct supervision and lhol / om a du/y
Poge -�– Registered Lond Surveyor u�er the / ws of the State of
✓ob No. 9.n�xs Minnes�j to. Dated this ,�,� doy of�19,�.
C� L��_�— Regisfrol%�� Vo. 9806
E�.RUO a SoNB, iNC.
L.A.ND 8UR1/€1'OR0
65m14-362b TEL.'i� �666
i. �
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I !O. (y. �J�r;GC11� C� ��� �� WETLAND NARRATIVE
n f
(612) 786-5556 FAX # (612) 786-6007
April 20, 1993
Wetland Narrative Lots 5& 6, Block 2, Innsbruck 2nd Addition.
The wetland on the West side of lots 5& 6, Block 2, is
classified on the National Wetland Inventory map as PUBF
(Palustrin; Unconsolidated bottom; Semiperment) type wetland.
A field inspection of the site was made on Apri.l 19, 1993 in
which I found this classification to be correct. The majority of
the wetland is an open water pond with a maximum water depth of 2
to 3 feet. The pond is bordered on the south end by a narrow rim
(< 10�) of PEMC (Palustrine; Emergent• Seasonal) type wetland
(cowardin et al. 1979). The easterly delineation of the wetland
C� is defined by earthen fill that has been dumped on Lots 5& 6.
There is no persistent emergent vegetation visible in the
inundated area of the wetlanfl. �legetation along the ri.-n �f tne
wetland include; Cottonwood, Black Willow (tree stratum), Red-
Osier pogwood (shrub stratum), Reed Canary grass, Blue Vervaiu,
Pinkweed (herb stratum). The water level of the wetland is at
its seasonal high. There is a storm sewer culvert (Inlet) at the
north end of the wetland that drains surrounding areas intn t�is
wetland. There is also a storm sewer culvert (outlet; on the
east side that controls the water level and drains th� s wetlancl
into an area east of Danube Road. Most of�ness of
this wetland community has been lost to urban development. The
main function of this wetland is storru water retention. It also
has some wildlife habitat value.
- - . _�_��i.cM�� �QJX�/l/�i �
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Common Name �Snecies�,
Wild millet (Echinochloa crusgalli)
Annual rye (Loliccm multif lonun)
Perennial rye (Lolium psrenne)
Als�7ce clover (T iifolium hybridum)
Native Seed Mix (see below)
Seeding Rate
Native Seed Mix - Incorporate As Many Species As Possible (Minimum of 2 Grasses/
Sed�es and 4 Forbsl:
Grasses and Sedges:
Canada bluejoint grass (�'alumagrostis canadens�s)
Prairie cord-gra� (Spartina pecti�ata )1
Big bluestem (Andropogon gerarrid)
Switch geass (Panicum vi�gatum) 2
Green bulnish (Scirpus atroviren.$)
Frnc sedge (Carex vulpinoidea)
Swamp m�kweed (Asclepias incarnata)
Angelica (Angelica atropurpurea) .
Blue vervain (Yerbena hastata)
New England aster (Aster novae-angliae)
Marsh aster (.4ster simplex) _
Joe-pye weed (Eupatotium maculatum)
Numerous other locally native species - consult nursery staff and ta�or selection
to site specifics
Planting rhizomes is preferable to seeding because some seed stocks have very
low germination rates �
ZUse only locally-collected seed
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�'` Lot 5& 6, Block 2, •'%nnsbruck North 2nd Addition, Anoka County, Minnesota.
Sco% 1°ZO' / hereby ce�tify that this p/on, survey or repo�t wos prepored E�v,RUD d 30N8, INC.
9ook � by me o� unde� my dr�ect supervision vnd thot / am o du/y LANp 8L!{ZyE�-OR6
oo9e ._,_. Registered Lond Surveyor u�er the / ws of the Stote of 918m LEXINGTON AvE NO.
lob No. s.n�ss Minnes to. Doted this doy of�19, y3. CIRCLE PINEB, MINNE80TA
Registration No. • 9808 b6014-3626 TEL. 1B6-6bbb
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8. PR(JP06� S`T.AR�'T**: L1A2£: ,-% - � ;'- • �NIF�TION LY°►'lE: .._ , '
� 9. ATPACI�1'L5 (Information Needed to Properly �raluat� �licatioril :
Tt�e follvwing plans, drawings, cala�lations, borids and/or statenents will
be required by the Public Works Departnent.
/� —
_ Aalf section map or sketch of praperty shawing all adjacent property
indicating the exisiting buildings and/or structures.
_ Grading plan showing exisiting and proposed finished contours and
_ Drainage plan showing exisiting and proposed drainage structures,
stabilization walls, retaining walls, cribbing, dams, or other protective
_(�lculations for and approximate quantities of excavation and/or f ill
_ Sic�ed statene�t fran the praperty owner acoepting responsibilty for
the operation and granting permission for land alteration/mining
_ Statenent to be attached to deed advising of potential need for soil
tests prior to any construction on lots where additional fill material
has been plave�d.
_ Rioe Creek Watershed District Appraval (If Applicable)
_, Soil Borings (if requirec�
_ Other -��-4' G�✓lo�, �.c.a� r4�
a. A surety bond or oeritified check in the amount of S
(58 of value of work to be oom�leted) must be submitted after
appraval of application and prior to any work commencing. This
bond or check is to ensure satisfactory perf ormance and
oom�lianoe with the below stated stipulations. �e sur ety bond
or check shall be kept active until the completion of work
and%or ex�iration of permit and can only be released by written
notification of the City after a satisfactory final inspection
has been perfozmed by City foroes.
b. All acoess and street frontage of the land alteration site must
be oontrolled by a fence, a minim�an of four (4) feet in height.
All entrances must have gatas that are capable of being locked.
c. Only rock, sand, gravel, dirt, or similar natural earth f ill is
- permitted. No o�r�rete, asphalt, ot denolition wastes will be
permitted as fill yp�� a deaolition landf �11 permit is f irst
obt.air�ed fraa Aroka Gamty.
,� d. Op�erations shall be limited to daylight hours and shall not
interfere with the heal� and safety of surrounding residents
and the prenises shall be maintained at all times so as not to
create a nuisanoe.
� 1� � }' • • •:I�rYI ' ?I?.
50 Cubic yarcis or IQSSS • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • NO FE'e ��,
51 to 100 cubic yarcls . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 510.00
101 to 1000 cubic yarcis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15.00
1001 to 10,000 cubic yards . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20.00
10,001 to 100,000 cubic yards - 520.00 for the first 10,000 cubic yards
plus S10.00 for each additional 10,000 cubic yards or fraction thereof.
100,001 to 200,000 cubic yards - 8110.00 for the first 100,000 cubic
yards plus 56.00 for each additional 10,000 cubic yards or fraction
thereof .
200,001� cubic yards or more - 5170.00 for the first 200,000 cubic yards
plus S3.00 for e+ach additional 10,000 cubic yards or fraction thereof.
;.�� �}:: Ml�,. ty:: � ��_ :�: � 4 ���.
50 C�ibic yards or less . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 510.00
51 to 100 cubic yards . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . S15.00
101 to 1000 cubic yards - 515.00 for the first 100 cubic yards plus S7.00 �
for each additional 100 cubic yarcls or fraction thereof.
1001 to 10,000 cubic yarcis - 578.00 for the first 1,000 cubic yards plus �� ��
56.00 fot ead� additional 1,000 cubic yarcis or fraction thereof. �� x� �-, �;
10,001 to 100,000 cubic yarcis - 5132.00 for the first 10,000 cubic yardsl ,r�
plus S27.00 for each additional 10,000 a�bic yards or fraction thereof. � �r � p �
100,001 cubic yards or more - S375.00 for the first 100,000 cubic yards
plus S15.00 for each a3ditional 10,000 cubic yarcls or fraction theteof . �
q� .tt
e. Any explosives used must be done so in accordance with Chapter
212.3, paragraphs d, e, f, g, of the Fridley City Code and any
r� other applicable standard e.g. Fec3eral, State, Industrial, etc.
f. At the end of eac� season's operations and no later than the
InSL ciay of Decenber each year, the site is to be left in a neat
and orderly condition, with maximum slopes of 2:1 with no
werhang or vertical banks and with a level bottom.
g. On the Friday of each work week, or when required by the City,
material from this operation that is found to exist on City
streets shall be cleaned to the City's satisfaction by the
h. Upon oo�letion of land alteration operations, the land must be
left acoording to the plans and contours submitted with this
application and planted with suitable vegetation to prevent
i. Upon campletion of land alteration operations or expiration of
this permit, an inspection by the City will be made of the
prenises and adjoining streets. Any damage found to have been
caused by these aperations will be corrected by the applicant
upon notification by the City.
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Applicant's Sic�ature: .. -�,%;: i� i ;-��-!� , Date: �� ��� �Y/'
�\ Property Owner's Sic�ature Date:
Reoomnended For Approval By: .-� Date:
��i ��'�� � s ,�. << ,
APPROVID BY: �� . Date:
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By Gr>��� �v
1 s c�-� No. �'� �
i=�;� 7
The City Council of the City of Fridley, Minnesota hereby
It is the purpose and intent of
controls to protect the unique
within the City of Fridley.
this section to establish special
and valuable wetland resources
The boundaries o� the 0-4 district shall be located on the
^ of€icial overlay map of the City of Fridley and shall encompass
all areas delineated within the Wetland Delineation and
° Evaluation Study, Westwood Engineering 1993. The.boundaries of
the O-4 district are subject to change due to site-specific
delineations accepted by the City.
A. The preservation and use of significant wetlands is
critical to the environment. The City will coordinate
with federal, state and local agencies in order to
achieve no net loss of wetlands.
B. Significant wetlands will be maintained in their
natural condition or improved to provide more benefits
for water quality management, with consideration for
other amenities.
C. The City encourages sound, contemgorary land use
development that incorporates grassed, open, and
wetland spaces to allow infiltration of precipitation
in all land use categories.
D. The City proposes to preserve and enhance wetlands
within the community through implementation of
development regulations that will ensure the design and
construction of adequate on-site storm water
sedimentation and retention and detention basins, flow
Page 2- Ordinance No. 1028
control devices, and implementation of effective
erosion control techniques.
E. The City will comply with and implement the 1991
Wetland Conservation Act and the accompanying rules of
the Minnesota Board of Water and Soil Resources.
This ordinance incorporates the following documents by reference:
A. The 1991 Wetland Conservation Act (the Act) and
Minnesota Rules, 8420.
B. The Federal Manua� for ldentifying and Delineating
Jurisdictional Wetlands dated January 1989, with
appropriate amendments. �
C. The United States Fish and Wildlife Service
Classification of Wetlands and.Designation Habitats,
Table 4.
D. Wetlands and Deep water Habitats of the United States.
E. Minnesota Statutes, Chapter 103.
A. No development shall be allowed within a wetland
overlay district without first:
(1) Having the City or the Local Government Unit
certify that the activity is exempt as defined in
Section 205.27.04, or
(2) Having the City or the Local Government Unit
certify an acceptable wetland replacement plan
submitted by the applicant for compliance with the
B. Prior to the issuance of a City permit, the petitioner
must show proof of, compliance or exemption from the
DNR and Corps of Engineers regulations concerning
drainage, grading, or filling of wetlands. In
addition, the application must show consideration of
the affected wetland values for stormwater runoff
storage and detention, sedimentation and nutrient
trapping and retention, fish and wildlife habitat, and
the recreation and open space needs of the community. �
�,, Page 3- Ordinance No. 1028
(1) The following principles of wetland mitigation are
listed in descending priority. A wetland
replacement plan shall not be approved unless the
applicant has demonstrated that the activity
impacting a wetland has complied with the highest
priority possible:
(a) Avoids direct or indirect impacts to the
wetland that may destroy or diminish the
(b) Minimizes the impact to the wetland by
limiting the degree or magnitude of the
wetland activity and its implementation;
(c) Rectifies the impact by repairing,
rehabilitating, or restoring the affected
(d) Reduces or eliminates the impact to the
wetland over time by preservation and
maintenance operations; and
(e) Replaces unavoidable impacts to the wetland
by restoring or creating substitute wetland
areas having equal or greater public value.
(2) The applicant may either submit the information
required for sequencing analysis as part of the
application for replacement plan approval or apply
for a preliminary sequencing determination from
the City. For projects impacting wetland areas
less that 4,356 square feet, the City may provide
on-site sequencing determinations without written
documentation from the applicant.
Sequencing Detenainations
(1) The City shall determine whether any feasible and
prudent alternatives are available that would
avoid impacts to wetlands. An alternative shall
be considered feasible and prudent if:
(a) It is in accordance with accepted engineering
standards and practices;
�..,� (b) It is consistent with reasonable requirements
of the public health, safety and general
- welfare;
Page 4- Ordinance No. 1028
(c) It is an environmentally preferable
alternative based on a review of social,
economic, and environmental impacts; and
(d) It would create no truly unusual problems.
(2) The City shall consider the following in
evaluating alternatives:
(a) The basic project purpose can be reasonably
accomplished using one or more other sites in
the same general area that would avoid
wetland impacts. An alternate site may not
be excluded from consideration only because
it includes or requires an area not owned by
the applicant that could be easily obtained,
used, expanded, or managed to fulfill the
basic purpose of the proposed project;
(b) The general suitability of alternate sites
considered by the applicant;
(c) Whether reasonable modification of the size,
scope, configuration, or density of the �
project would avoid impacts to wetlands;
(d) Efforts by the applicant to accommodate or
remove constraints on alternatives imposed by
zoning standards or infrastructure, including
requests for special use permits, variances,
or planned unit developments; and `
(e) The physical, economic, and demographic
requirements of the project. Economic
considerations alone do not make an
alternative not feasible and prudent.
(3) If the City determines that a feasible and prudent
alternative exists that would avoid impacts to
wetlands, it shall deny the replacement plan.
(4) If no feasible and prudent alternative is
available that would avoid impacts to wetlands,
the City shall evaluate the replacement plan to
determine that it will minimize impacts to
wetlands. The City shall use the following
criteria to determine the sufficiency of the
applicant's efforts to minimize impacts to
wetlands : �..�
(a) The spatial requirements of the project;
Page 5- Ordinance No. 1028
(b) The location of existing structural or
natural features that may dictate the
placement or configuration of the project;
(c) The purpose, of the project and how the
purpose relates to the placement,
configuration, or density;
(d) The sensitivity of the site design to the
natural features of the site, including
topography, hydrology, and existing
The value, function, and spatial distribution
of wetlands on the site;
Individual and cumulative imgacts, and
An applicant�s efforts to:
((1)) Modify the size, scope,
configuration or density of the
proj ect ;
((2)) Remove or accommodate site
constraints including zoning,
infrastructure, access, or other
features; and
((3)) Minimize other impacts.
(5) If the City finds that an applicant has not
complied with the requirements to minimize wetland
impacts, the City shall list, in writing, its
objections to the project. If, within 30 days,
the applicant does not withdraw the project
proposal or indicate intent to submit an amended
project proposal satisfying the City's objections,
the statement of objections shall constitute a
(6) Temporary impacts to a wetland shall be rectified
by repairing, rehabilitating, or restaring the
affected wetland. The City may determine that an
applicant's activity may qualify for a no-loss
determination if the following criteria are met:
(a) The physical characteristics of the affected
r^�, wetland, including ground elevations,
contours, inlet dimensions, outlet
dimensions, substrate, hydrologic regime, are
Page 6- Ordinance No. 1028
restored to pre-project conditions suffiaient
to ensure that all pre-project functions and
values are restored;
(b) The activity is completed and the physical
characteristics of the wetland are restored
within six months of the start of the
(c) The party responsible for the activity
provides a performance bond to the City for
an amount sufficient to cover the estimated
cost to restore the wetland to pre-project
conditions. The City shall return the
performance bond to the responsible party
upon a determination by the City that the
conditions in Section 205.27.5.D.(6).(c) and
Section 205.27.5.D.(4).
(d) An applicant shall be granted a no-loss
determination under the criteria a through c
above once in a ten-year period for a
particular site within a wetland, except that �
repairs to the original project shall be ''1
allowed under the no-loss determination, if
the City determines the request to be
necessary and reasonable.
(7) After an activity is completed, further wetland
impacts from the draining or filling must be
reduced or eliminated by maintaining, operating,
and managing the project in a manner that
preserves and maintains remaining wetland
functions and values. The City will require
applicants to implement best management practices
to protect wetland functions and values.
(8) Unavoidable wetland impacts that remain after
efforts to minimize, rectify, reduce, or eliminate
them must be replaced.
A. The following activities are exempt from the O-4,
Wetland Overlay District regulations:
(1) Activities in a wetland created solely as a result
of :
(a) Beaver dam construction; �
Page 7- Ordinance No. 1028
(b) Blockage of culverts through roadways
maintained by a public or private entity;
(c) Actions by public entities that were taken
for a purpose other than creating the
(d) 1�ny combination of (a) to (c) .
(2) Impoundments or excavations constructed in non-
wetlands solely for the purpose of effluent
treatment, storm water retention, soi3 and water
conservation practices, and water quality
improvements, and not as part of a compensatory
wetland mitigation process, that may, over time,
take on wetland characteristics, are also
(3) Placement, maintenance, repair, enhancement, or
replacement of utility or utility-type serv,ice,
including the transmission, distribution, or
furnishing, at wholesale or retail, of natural or
manufactured gas, electricity, telephone, or radio
service or communications;
(4) Activities associated with routine maintenance of
utility and pipeline rights-of-way, provided the not result in additional intrusion.
into the wetland;
(5) Activities associated with routine maintenance or
repair of existing public highways, roads,
streets, and, provided the activities so
not result in additional intrusion into the
wetland outside of the existing right of way;
(6) Emergency repair and normal maintenance of
existing public works, provided the activity does
not result in additional intrusion of the public
works into the wetland and do not result in the
draining or filling, wholly or partially, of a
(7) Normal maintenance and repair o
causing no additional intrusion
structure into the wetland,.and
repair of private crossings that
the draining or filling, wholly
wetland. This exemption applies
structures, such as buildings or
f structures
of an existing .
maintenance and
do not result in
or partially, of a
to private
road crossings;
Page 8- Ordinance No. 1028
(8) Activities that result in the draining or filling
of less than 400 square feet of wetlands. This
exemption applies if the total wetland loss by
draining and filling will be less than 400 square
feet per year per landowner, and the cumulative
impact by all persons on a wetland over time after
January 1, 1992, does not exceed five percent of
the wetland's area.
A. A landowner intending to drain or fill a wetland who
does not qualify for an exemption in Section 14 or a
no-loss determination in Section 205.27.5.D.(6).(a-d)
shall obtain approval of a replacement plan from the
City or local government unit before beginning.draining
or filling.
B. The City shall, within ten�days of receipt of the
application, mail a copy of the application and an
invitation to submit comments to the Board of Water
Soil Resources (the board), which will.publish it i
the Environmental.Quality Board Monitor; members of
public who have requested a copy; the soil and wate
conservation dist�ict; the watershed district or
watershed management organization; the county board;
mayors of cities within.the watershed; and the �
commissioners of agriculture and natural resources.
the same time, the City shall publish notice of the
application with an invitation for comment in the
City's official newspaper.
the �„�
C. The City shall not make its decision before 30 days and
not more than 60 days have eiapsed from the mailing of
notice, publication in the Environmental Quality Board
Monitor, when required, or publication in the
newspaper, whichever is later. The City's decision
shall not be effective until 30 days after a copy of
the decision has been mailed to the Environmental
Quality Board Monitor for publication, when required,
and mailed to the same list specified above for notice
of the application, and to the applicant. The mailing
to the applicant shall be by registered mail and shall
advise that the decision is not effective for 30 days
and is stayed if it is appealed.
D. The City's decision shall be based.on the replacement
standards in Section 205.27.8 and on the determination
of the Technical Evaluation Panel.concerning the public ^
values, location, size, and type of wetland being
altered. The City shall consider the recommendation of
"� Page 9- Ordinance No. 1028
the Technical Evaluation Panel to approve, modify, or
reject the proposed replacement plan.
A. On a Combined Joint Notification form provided by the
City, and with needed attachments supplied by the
applicant, the following documentation shall be
(1) Organizational information,_including the
(a) The post office address of the applicant;
(b) For corporations, the principal officers of
the corporation, any parent companies,
ownErs, partners, and joint ventures, and a
designated contact person;
(c) Managing agents, subsidiaries, or consultants
that are or may be involved with the wetland
,� draining or filling project;
- (2) An affidavit confirming that the wetland values
will be replaced before or concurrent with the
actual draining or filling of a wetland. The City
may require an irrevocable bank letter of credit
or other security acceptable to the City to
guarantee the successful completion of the
(3) For the impacted wetland:
(a) A recent aerial photograph or accurate map of
the impacted wetland area;
(b) The location of the wetland, including the
county, watershed name or number, and public
land survey with the coordinate of the
approximate wetland center;
(c) The size of the wetland, in acres or square
(d) The type of wetland using USFWS Circular 39,
� and NWI mapping conventions;
,� (e) A list of the dominant vegetation in the
impacted wetland area, including common names
of the vegetation exceeding 20 percent
Page 10 - Ordinance No. 1028
coverage and an estimate of coverage;
(f) A soils map of the site showing soil type and
substrate, where available;
(g) The size of the�watershed that drains surface
water into the wetland as determined from a
United States Government Survey topographical
map or other suitable topographical survey;
(h) The locations of any surface inlets or
outlets, natural or otherwise, draining into
or out of the wetland, and if the wetland is
within the floodplain of a stream, river, or
other watercourse, the distance and direction
to the watercourse;
(i) A map, photograph, or written description of
the land use of the immediate watershed
within one mile of the impacted wetland. The
surrounding land use information shall also
indicate the presence and location, if any,
of wetland preservation regions and areas,
wetland development avoidance regions and
areas, and wetland deficient regions and
areas as identified in the comprehensive
water plan;
(j) The nature of the proposed project, its areal
extent, and the impact on the wetland must be
shown in sufficient detail to allow the City
to determine the amount and types of wetland
to be impacted and to demonstrate compliance
with the replacement sequencing criteria in
Section 5D;
(k) Evidence of ownership or rights to the
affected areas, including a legal
description. When two or,more landowners are
involved, including both the impact site and
the proposed replacement site, a contract or
other evidence of agreement signed by all
landowners and notarized must be included
with the replacement plan. The contract or
agreement must contain an acknowledgement of
the covenant provisions in Section, by landowners on which a
replacement wetland is proposed and the
location and acreage of replacement wetlands.
The contract becomes binding upon final
approval of the replacement plan;
r'\ Page 11 - Ordinance No. 1028
(1) A list of all other local, state, and federal
permits and approvals required for the
activity; and
(m) Other information considered necessary by the
City for evaluation of the activity.
(4) For the replacement wetland:
(a) A recent aerial photograph or accurate map of
the replacement wetland area;
(b) The location of the wetland, including the
county, watershed name or number, and public
land survey coordinate of the approximate
wetland center;
(c) The size of the wetland, in acres or square
(d) The type of wetland using USFWS Circular 39,
and NWI mapping conventions;
� (e) A list of the dominant vegetation in the
impacted wetland area, includinq common names
of the vegetation exceeding 20 percent
coverage and an estimate of coverage;
(f) A soils map of the site showing soil type and
substrate, where available;
(g) The size of the watershed that drains surface
water into the wetland as determined from a
United States Government Survey topographical
map or other suitable topographical survey;
(h) The locations of any surface inlets or
outlets, natural or otherwise, draining into
or out of the wetland, and if the wetland is
within the floodplain of a stream, river, or
other watercourse, the distance and direction
to the watercourse;
(i) A map, photograph, or written description of
the land use of the immediate watershed
within one mile of the impacted wetland. The
surrounding land use information shall also
indicate the presence and location, if any,
,--^� of wetland preservation regions and areas,
wetland development avoidance regions and
areas, and wetland deficient regions and
Page 12 - Ordinance No. 1028
areas as identified in the comprehensive
water plan;
(j� Evidence of ownership or rights to the
affected areas, including a legal
description. When two or more landowners are
involved, including both the impact site and
the proposed replacement site, a contract or
other evidence of agreement signed by all
landowners and notarized must be included
with the replacement plan. The contract or
agreement must contain an acknowledgement of
the covenant provisions in paragraph 9, by
landowners on which a replacement wetland is
proposed and the location and acreage of
replacement wetlands. The contract becomes
binding upon final approval of the
replacement plan;
(k) A list of all other local, state, and federal
permits and approvals required for the
(1) An explanation of the size and type of ^
wetland that will result from successful
completion of the replacement plan;
(m) Scale drawings showing plan and profile views
of the replacement wetland and fixed
photo-reference points for monitoring
purposes. Photo-reference points should
include views of any control structures and
enough additional points to accurately depict
the entire project;
(n) How the replacement wetland shall be
constructed, including the best management
practices that will be implemented to prevent
erosion or site degradation;
(o) For created wetlands only, additional soils
information sufficient to determine the
capability of the site to produce and
maintain wetland characteristics;
(p) A timetable that clearly states how and when
implementation of the replacement plan shall
proceed, and when construction of the
replacement wetland shall be finalized;
(q) A notice in a form provided by the BWSR
Page 13 - Ordinance No. 1028
attached to and recorded with the deed for
lands containing a replacement wetland,
specifying the following:
((1)) The location of the replacement
((2)) That the wetland is subject to the
((3)) That the fee title owner is
responsible for the costs of
repairs or reconstruction, if
necessary, or for replacement
((4)) That reasonable access to the
replacement wetland shall be
granted to the proper authorities
for inspection, monitorinq, and
enforcement purposes;
((5)) That costs of title review and
document recording is the
responsibility of the fee title
owner; and
((6)) That the City or board can require
necessary repairs or reconstruction
work to return the wetland to the
specifications of the approved
replacement plan and require
reimbursement or reasonable costs
from the wetland owner, or can
require replacement of the wetland
according to the Act;
(r) A statement that the replacement wetland was
not previously restored or created under a
prior approved replacement plan;
(s) A statement that the replacement wetland was
not drained or filled under an exemption
during the previous ten years; >
(t) A statement that the replacement wetland was
not restored with financial assistance from
public conservation programs;
� (u) A statement that the replacement wetiand was
not restored using private funds other than
Page 14 - Ordinance No. 1028
those of the landowner unless the funds are
paid back with interest to the individual or
organization that funded the restoration and
the individual or organization notifies the
City in writing that the restored wetland may
be considered for replacement;
(v) A plan for monitoring the success of the
replacement plan in meeting the project goal
in paragraph 1 and as specified in Section
205.27.12; and
(w) Other information considered for evaluation
of the project by the City.
(5) The applicant must provide information considering
the special considerations criteria in Section
A. Before consideration or approval of the replacement
plan, the.City shall ensure that the applicant has
exhausted all possibilities to avoid and minimize
adverse impacts according to sequencing in Section 5D.
B. The order of preference for the method of replacement,
from the most preferred to least preferred:
(1) Project-specific restoration;
(2) Project-specific creation;
(3) Wetland banking.
Modification or conversion of non-degraded wetland from
one wetland type to another does not constitute
adequate replacement. Wetlands drained or filled under
an exemption may not be restored for replacement credit
for ten years after draining or filling.
C. Replacement of wetland values shall be comp.leted before
or concurrent with the actual draining or filling of a
wetland, unless an irrevocable bank letter of credit.or
other security acceptable to the City is submitted to
the City to guarantee successful completion of the
replacement. All wetlands to be restored or created as
part of an approved replacement plan shall be clearly
designated prior to approval of the replacement plan by
the City. ^'
�^� Page 15 - Ordinance No. 1028
D. Replacement wetlands shall be located in the same
watershed as the impacted wetlands, or the ratio in
Section 205.27.10 shall apply.
E. Replacement wetlands must be of a size sufficient to
ensure that they provide equal or greater public value
than the wetland that was drained or filled. The
minimum size of the replacement wetland must be in the
ratio of two acres of replaced wetland for each acre of
drained or filled wetland. The actual replacement
ratios required for a replacement wetland may be more
than the minimum, subject to the evaluation of wetland
functions in Section 9. Future owners may make no use
of the wetland after it is altered for a period of ten
years unless future replacement to achieve a 2:1 ratio
occurs. The landowner shall record a notice of this
restriction in the office of the county recorder in
which the project is located.
F. Restoration and replacement of wetlands must be
accomplished according to the ecology of the landscape
area affected. A replacement plan that �ould result in
wetlands or wetland characteristics that do not
� naturally occur in the landscape area in which the
- replacement will occur will not be approved.
G. The following factors when, applicable to an�impact or
replacement site, shall be considered by the City:
(1) The site contains endangered species listed in
Minnesota Rules, parts 6134.0200 to 6134.0400 and
the proposed activities would take those species,
the replacement plan shall not be approved.
(2) The site contains a rare natural community, and
the proposed activity would adversely affect the
community, the replacement plan shall not be
(3) The site contains a significant fish and wildlife
resource; including but not limited to fish
passage and spawning areas, colonial waterbird
nesting colonies, migratory waterfowl
concentration areas, deer wintering areas, or
wildlife travel corridors, and the proposed
activity would adversely impact those resources,
the replacement plan shall not be approved.
(4) The site contains archaeological or historic.
�� areas, and the activity would adversely affect
those areas, the replacement plan shall not be
Page 16 - Ordinance No. 1028
(5) The proposed activity would have significant
adverse impact on the groundwater quality, the
replacement plan shall not be approved.
(6) The proposed activity would have significant
adverse impact on the water quality of outstariding
resource value waters as listed in Minnesota
Rules, 7050.0180 or on trout waters, the
replacement plan shall not be approved.
(7) Wetlands used for educational or research purposes
shall be maintained or adequately replaced.
(8) The proposed activity involves known or potential
hazardous wastes. Such activities shall be
conducted in accordance with applicable federal or
state standards.
(9) The proposed activity shall be consistent with
other plans, including, but not limited to zoning,
comprehensive, watershed management, and land use
plans. ^�
A. Replacement wetlands shall replace the functions and
values that are lost from a wetland that is drained or
filled. A replacement wetland should replace the same
combination or functions and values provided by the
impacted wetland. The wetland type index system in
Minnesota Rules 8420.0540, subpt 10, item B, uses
relative values of wetland functions compared across
wetland types to evaluate the adequacy of wetland
replacement. The City may allow the evaluation of
wetlands by measuring and comparing public values
specified in Minnesota Statutes, section 103b.3355,
with the current version of the Minnesota wetland
evaluation methodology or another scientifically
acceptable methodology.
B. Table 4, Minnesota Rules, part 8420.0550, provides
technical specifications for constructing wetland
types. In evaluating a wetland replacement plan, the
City shall determine whether the wetland type stated as
the replacement plan goal will result from the
replacement plan specifications. If a wetland type
other than the replacement plan goal is likely to ^
result, the City shall evaluate the plan based on this
Page 17 - Ordinance No. 1028
C. The City may consider allowing constructed stormwater
detention basins for replacement credit if the basin
conforms to the following specifications:
(1) The basin design uses a two-cell system in which
the upstream cell has a 24-hour retention time for
a two-year storm event;
(2) The downstream cell is designed for a maximum
12-inch rise in water level for a ten-year storm
(3) The standards in Minnesota Rules, part 8420.0550
are followed;
(4) The design goal is a palustrine emergent wetland
that meets all statutory definitions of a wetland,
for example, soils, hydrology, and vegetation.
Only the downstream cell can be counted for
wetland credit, and the replacement plan must
include a plan and schedule for maintenance of the
storm water basin system. Storm water basins
which allowed for replacement are not eligible for
�``� an exemption; and
(5) Storm water management basins constructed for the
primary purpose of controlling or treating
stormwater runoff from impervious surfaces or
developed areas, not conforming to the units in
1-4 above, are not considered wetlands. These are
therefore exempt from replacement plan
requirements when constructed in non-wetlands, and
also cannot be considered for credit as part of a
replacement plan, regardless of their location.
D. When wetland functions lost as a result of drainage or
filling are replaced by restoring a wetland of the same
type and in the same watershed with the same inlet and
outlet characteristics as described in Section
205.27.9.E, and related definitions, the replacement
shall be considered to be in-kind and the minimal
replacement ratio shall be used to determine the
necessary size of the replacement wetland. The minimum
replacement ratio is 2:1, requiring two times the
impacted area be replaced.
E. If the wetland functions lost as a result of drainage
or filling are to be replaced by creating a wetland or
� restoring a wetland of a different type than the
impacted wetland, or if the replacement wetland is in a
watershed other than the impacted wetland or had
Page 18 - Ordinance No. 1028
different inlet and outlet characteristics than the
impacted wetland, the replacement shall be considered
out of kind, and the City shall use the replacement
ratios in Minnesota Rules, 8420.0540, subpt b, item D,
Table 2, to determine the amount of replacement wetland
needed to replace the lost wetland values.
(1) Differences in wetland functions and values among
wetland types are to be evaluated and replaced
using the wetland type ratio table located and, to
be applied as specified in Administrative Rules,
8420.0540, subpt 10, Table 2. The wetland type
ratio table incorporates an evaluation of public
values as specified in Minnesota Statutes, section
103B.3355, for the purposes of comparison among
wetland types.
(2) If a wetland to be drained or filled exhibi�s more
than one wetland type as determined by the
Technical Evaluation Panel, and more than one
wetland type is proposed to be drained or filled,
the City shall use the following procedure to
determine needed replacement. The acreage of each
wetland type to be converted to non-wetland shall /�
be determined. The wetland type ratio table shall
then be used to determine the amount of
replacement wetland for each wetland type. The
sum of the replacement for each wetland type shall
be the resultant acreage requirement for the
wetYand type ratio. �
(3) When a replacement wetland is located in a
different hydrologic unit than the impacted
wetland, as indicated by the USGS Hydrologic Unit
Map for Minnesota, the ratios in MInnesota Rules
8420.0540 must be followed.
(4) If the inlet and outlet characteristics of a
replacement wetland differ from those of the
impacted wetland, the ratios in Minnesota Rules
8420.0540 Table 3 shall be applied.
(5) The City may, by local ordinance, establish
additional local public value to address wetland
conservation or preservation issues of local
concern. These ratios shall have a minimum value
of zero and shall be based on wetland managemerit
objectives of a local water management plan
adopted under Minnesota Statutes, Chapter 103B or
103D. �
Page 19 - Ordinance No. 1028
(6) The required replacement ratio for out-of kind
replacement shall be the sum of the wetland type
ratio plus the hydrologic unit ratio plus the
inlet and outlet characteristic ratio plus the
local public value ratio. If this ratio is less
than the minimum in-kind ratio, the minimum
in-kind ratio shall be the required replacement
(7) In cases of partial drainage, the amount of�
wetland to be replaced shall be calculated using
the formulas in Minnesota Rules 8420.0540, Item E.
(8) In cases where partially drained wetlands are
restored to their former state, credit may be
received as calculated in Administrative Rules
8420.0540, Item F.
(9) For projects of unusual complexity,.or replacement
p]�ans that have been denied and are being
appealed, and for which the City belie�es an
alternative evaluation process may produce a
substantially different replacement requirement,
�"'� the City may evaluate the replacement plan using
the current version of the Minnesota wetland
evaluation methodology or another scientifically
accepted methodology approved by the board, in
consultation with the Commissioner, that evaluates
all wetland functions and values for both the
impacted and replacement wetlands.
When using the Minnesota wetland evaluation
methodology or another board, in consultation with
the Commissioner, approved methodology to evaluate
replacement plans, the ratio of impact wetland to
replacement wetland shall not be less than the
minimum required. Further, the hydrologic unit
ratio, the inlet and outlet characteristics ratio,
and the local public value ratio, shall also be
considered when using the Minnesota wetland
evaluation methodology or another board, in
consultation with the Commissioner, approved
(10) A replacement plan that fails to meet the
requirements in items 1-8 shall be considered
inadequate in replacing lost functions and values
and shall not be approved by the City. A
replacement plan that has been considered by the
City and not approved may be revised and
resubmitted for consideration by the City. The
Page 20 - Ordinance No. 1028
decision of the City to approve, approve with
conditions, or not approve a replacement plan
becomes final if not appealed to the board within
30 days after the date on which the decision is
mailed to those required to receive notice of the
decision. Before construction of the wetland, a
notice as required in Section must be
recorded and proof of recording provided to the
A. The standards and guidelines in this part shall be used
in wetland creation and restoration efforts to ensure
adequate replacement of wetland functions and values.
Minnesota Rules 8420.0540, Table 4 provides general
guidelines for the physical characteristics that each
type of replacement wetland should have.
B. The standards in items 1 to 8 shall be follo�aed in all
wetland replacements unless the technical evaluati_on
panel determines that a standard is clearly not
appropriate. �
(1) Water control structures must be constructed using
specification provided in the Minnesota Wetland
Restoration Guide or their equivalent. Control
structures may be subject to the department dam
safety regulations.
(2) Best management practices must be established and
maintained to the entire perimeter of all
replacement wetlands.
(3) For replacement wetlands where the dominant
vegetation of the wetland type identified as the
replacement goal in Section 205.27.7.A.4.1, is not
likely to recover naturally in a five-year period,
wooded and shrub wetlands especially, the
replacement wetland must be seeded or planted with
appropriate species, as determined by the soil and
water conservation district, the seed or planting
stock should be of local wetland origin to
preserve local genotypes. During the monitoring
period, the applicant must take reasonable steps
to prevent invasion by any species, for example,
purple loosestrife and Eurasian water milfoil,
that would defeat the re-vegetation goal of the
replacement plan. �
(4) Erosion control measures as deternained by the soil
�"� Page 21 - Ordinance No. 1028
and water conservation district must be employed
during construction and until permanent ground
cover is established to prevent siltation of the
replacement wetland or nearby water bodies.
(5) For all restored wetlands where the original
organic substrate has been striped away and for
all created wetlands, provisions must be made for
providing an organic substrate. When feasible,
the organic soil used for backfill should be taken
from the drained or filled wetland.
(6) The bottom contours of created types 3, 4, and 5
wetlands should be undulating, rather than flat,
to provide a variety of water depth.
(7) Sideslopes of created wetlands and buffer strip
must not be steeper than 5:1, five feet horizontal
for every one foot vertical as averaged around the
wetland. Sideslopes of 10:1 and 15:1 are
�„� (8) Created wetlands should have an irregular edge to
create points.and bays to be consistent with
Section 205.27.8.F.
A. The purpose of wetland value replacement monitoring is
to ensure that the replacement wetland achieves the
goal of replacinq lost functions and values.
B. The applicant shall submit the annual report to the
City on a date determined by the City until the
applicant has fulfilled all of the requirements of the
C. The purpose of the annual report is to describe actual
wetland restoration or creation activities completed
� during the past year, activities planned for the
upcoming year, and the information in Section B.
D. The annual report shall include the following
information and other site-specific information
identified by the City:
(1) A description of the project location, size,
current wetland type (Cowardin classification),
^ and desired wetland t.ype (goal);
(2) A comparison of the as-built specif.ications versus
Page 22 - Ordinance No. 1028
the design specifications (first annual plan only)
and a rationale for significant changes;
(3) Hydrology measurements: seasonal water level
elevations during the period April through October
(msl or referenced to a known•benchmark);
(4) A list of the dominant vegetation in the wetland,
including common names of the vegetation exceeding
20 percent coverage and an estimate of coverage.
(5) Color photographs of the project area taken
anytime during the period June through August,
referenced to the fixed photo-reference points
identified on the wetland replacement plan and
labeled accordingly.
The City:
A. Shall inspect the project when construction is complete
and certify compliance with construction
specifications, and may inspect the project at any time
during the construction and monitoring period, and any
time after that to assess the long-term viability of
the replaced wetland. When the City certifies that the
construction specifications have been met, the City
shall so advise the applicant and return any bond or
other security that the applicant had provided;
B. May order corrective action at any time during the
required monitoring period if it determines that the
goal of the approved replacement plan will not be met,
and may require the applicant to prepare an amended
wetland value replacement plan for review and approval
by the City, which describes in detail the corrective
measures to be taken to achieve the goal of replacing
the lost wetland functions and values;
C. Shall make a finding based on a site visit at the end
of the monitoring period as to whether the goal of the
replacement plan has been met. If the goal of the
replacement plan has not been met, the City shall order
corrective action and extend the monitoring period;.and
D. Shall require one or more of the following actions if,
during the monitoring period, the City finds that the
goal of the replacement plan will not be met: /`�
(1) Order the applicant to prepare and implement a new
�` Page 23 - Ordinance No. 1028
replacement plan;
(2) Issue a cease and desist order on the draining and
filling activity if it has not been completed;
(3) Order restoration of the impacted wetland;
(4) Obtain forfeiture of a bond or other security and
use the proceeds to replace the lost wetland
(5) Ask the district court to order the applicant to
fulfill the replacement plan; or
(6) Other actions that the City determines necessary
to achieve the goal of the replacement plan.
E. A landowner intending to drain or fill a wetland
without replacement, claiming exemption under Section
205.27.14, shall contact the City before b,eginning
draining or filling activities for determination
whether or not t�e activity is exempt. The City shall
� keep in file all documentation and findings of fact
concerning exemption det�rminations for a period of ten
F. The City shall issue a certificate of exemption to the
G. The landowner requesting the exemption is responsible
for submitting the proof necessary to show
qualifications for the particular exemption claimed.
The landowner shall ensure that proper erosion control
measures are taken to prevent sedimentation in the
water, the drain or fill does not block fish passage,
and the drain or fill is conducted in compliance with
all other federal, state, and local requirements,
including best management practices and water resource
• protection requirements established under Minnesota
Statutes, Chapter 103H.
A landowner unsure if the proposed work will result in a loss of
wetland shall apply to the City for a determination.. The City
shall keep on file all documentation and findings of fact
concerning no-loss determinations for a period of ten years.
^ The landowner applying for a no-loss determination is.responsible
for submitting the proof necessary to show qualification for.the
claim. -
Page 24 - Ordinance No. 1028
The City shall issue a no-loss certificate if:
A. The work will not drain or fill a wetland;
B. Water level management activities will not result in
the conversion of a wetland to another use;
C. The activities are in a surface impoundment for
containment of fossil fuel combustion waste or water
retention, and are not part of a compensatory wetland
mitigation program; or
D. The activity is being conducted as part of an approved
replacement plan or is conducted or authorized by
public agencies for the purpose of wetland restoration
and the activity is restricted to placing fill in a
previously excavated drainage system to restore a
wetland to its original condition.
E. The activity meets the conditions in Section
For the City, there is a Technical Evaluation Panel of three
persons: a.technical professional employee of the board, a
technical professional employee of the soil and water
conservation district of Anoka county, and a technical
professional with expertise in water resources management
appointed by the City. One member selected by the City shall act
as the contact person and coordinator for the panel. Two members
of the panel must be knowledgeable and trained in applying '
methodologies of the Federal Manual for ldentifying and
Delineating Jurisdictional Wetlands, and evaluation of public
values. The Technical Evaluation Panel may invite additional
wetland experts in its work.
The panel shall make technical determinations on questions of
public values, location, size, and type for replacement glans if
requested to do so by the City. the landowner, or a member of the
Technical Evaluation Panel. The panel may review replacement
plans and recommend to the City either approval, approval with
changes or conditions, or rejection. The panel shall make no
determinations or recommendations without at least one member
having made an on-site inspection. Panel determinations and
recommendations must be endorsed by at least two of the three
The panel, or one of its members when so authorized by all of the �
members, may assist the City in making wetland size and type
determinations when asked to do so by the City as part of making
Page 25 - Ordinance No. 1028
an exemption or no-loss determination.
If requested by the City, the landowner, o
Technical Evaluation Panel, the panel shall
questions or participate in the monitoring
wetlands according to Section 205.27.13.
r a member of the
answer technical
of replacement
A. The decision of the City to approve, approve with
conditions, or reject a replacement plan, or
determination of exemption or no-loss, becomes final if
not appealed to the board within 30 days after the date
on which the decision is mailed to those required to
receive notice of the decision.
B. Appeal may be made by the landowner, by any of those
required to receive notice of the decision, or by 100
residents of the county in which a majority of the
wetland is located.
C. Appeal is effective upon mailing of the notice of
appeal to the board with an affidavit that a copy of �
the notice of appeal has been mailed to the City. The
City shall then mail a copy of the notice of the appeal
to all those to whom it was" Section
205.27.6.B to mail a copy of the notice of decision.
D. An exemption or no-loss determination may be appealed.
to the board by the landowner after first exhausting
all local administrative appeal options.
E. Those required to receive notice of replacement plan
decisions as provided for in Section 205.27.6.B may
petition the board to hear an appeal from an exemption
or no-loss determination. The board shall grant the
petition unless it finds that the appeal is merit-less,
trivial, or brought solely for the purposes of delay.
In determining whether to grant the appeal, the board
shall give consideration to the size of the wetland,
other factors in controversy, any patterns of similar
acts by the City or landowner of petition, and the
consequences of the delay.
An appeal of a board decision is taken to the state court of
appeals and must be considered an appeal from a contested case
decision for purposes of judicial review under Minnesota
'� Statutes, section 14.63 to 14.69.
Page 26 - Ordinance No. 1028
A. Replacement plan applicants who have completed the
City's process and the board appeal process, and the
plan has not been approved as submitted, may apply to
the board for compensation under Minnesota Statutes,
section 103G.237.
B. The application must identify the applicant, locate the
wetland, and refer the board to its appeal file in the
C. The application must include an agreement that in
exchange for compensation the applicant will convey to
the state a perpetual conservation easement in the form
required by Minnesota Statutes, section 103F.516. The
applicant must provide an abstract of title
demonstrating the ability to convey the easement free
of any prior title, lien, or encumbrance. �'ailure to
provide marketable title negates the state's obligation
to compensate.
D. The applicant must submit official documentation from
the US Arm Co s of en �
y rp gineers, the Minnesota Pollution
Control Agency, the watershed district or water
management organization if any, the county, and the
City, as applicable, that the proposed drain or fill
activity and the proposed subsequent use of the wetland
are lawful under their respective legal requirements.
E. The landowner must demonstrate that the proposed drain
or fill is a feasible and prudent project and that the
replacement plan as proposed is a reasonable good faith
effort to fulfill the replacement requirements of
Sections 205.27.7 to 205.27.10 and the Act.
F. If the plan was approved, but with conditions or
modifications, the applicant must show that the
conditions or modifications make the replacement
unworkable or not feasible. A plan is unworkable or
not feasible if the replacement must be on land that
the applicant does not own, the applicant has make good
faith efforts to acquire a replacement site and not
succeeded, and there is not a qualifying replacement
available in a wetland bank. A plan is also unworkable
or not feasible if it is not possible to carry out for
engineering reasons. The applicant must show that not
going ahead with the project will cause the applicant
damages and that disallowing the proposed use will ,.�
enhance the public values of the wetland. '
Page 27 - Ordinance No. 1028
G. The applicant must submit the requirements of this
Section in writing, by certified mail, to the board.
If the applicant wants to make oral argument to the
board, it must be indicated art of the application.
The board may require that the applicant appear before
the board.
H. If the board finds that the applicant has submitted a
complete application and proved the requirements in
this Section, the board shall compensate the applicant
as required by law within 90 days after the board
received a completed application, provided that within
the same time period the applicant must convey to the
board a conservation easement in the form required by
Minnesota Statutes, section 103F.516. If the board
does not provide the required compensation in exchange
for the cons�rvation easement, the applicant may drain
or fill the wetland in the manner proposed, without
The applicant may use wetland banking credits if the project
complies with Minnesota Rules 8420.0740 subparagraph 2 if no
alternative site is available.
Any violation of this
all penalties provided
of Chapter 901 of this
11.10. FEES
Chapter is a misdemeanor and is subject to
for such violations under the provisions
205 Wetlands
Certifying Exemptions $75.00
Replacement Plan Application $75.00
No Loss Determination $75.00
Appeal of Decision $75.00
In addition to the fees in Section 11.10, an administrative
assessment will be required to fund special studies such as
environmental assessment worksheets, transportation, drainage,
noise impacts, indirect source permits, wetland impacts, etc.
The amount of the assessment is to be based on the site,
complexity, diversity, and location of the project as determined
Page 28 - Ordinance No. 1028
by staff, but shall not be less than 2.5 times the hourly wage of
estimated staff time. "
Public Hearing:
First Reading:
Second Reading:
February 22, 1994
March 7, 1994
March 21, 1994
March 29, 1994
� � �
Community Development Department
t' ' � Appeals Commission Date
L� Planning Commission Date : May 18, 1994
City Council Date
ZOA #94-02
SAV #94-02
P.S. �94-04
Forest Harstad, representing Twin City Townhomes �
Edwin Dropps and Oliver Erickson; owners
The adjacent properties are owned by the following persons (see
attached map):
Lot 9, Auditor's Subdivision No. 25 to the south is
owned by the State of Minnesota
Portions of Lots 7 and 8, Auditor's Subdivision No. 25
in the southeast corner of the subject parcel is owned
by Roger Frank
Parcel adjacent to the Frank property is owned by the
City of Fridley
The subject parcel is located east of Hillwind Road and north of
I-694. The subject parcel totals 5.11 acres. Abutting the
property on the east is Fillmore Street. Polk Street "dead ends"
in the northwest corner of the property. The property is located
in Tax Increment District #2. The parcel is zoned both R-3,
General Multiple Family Dwelling and R-1, Single Family Dwelling.
Previous requests for the subject parcel include the following:
1988 - The Cottaqes bp Arkell Development
The request by Arkell Development was a special use permit to
allow construction of single story rental townhomes for the
� {
Forest Harstad
� ZOA #94-02, SAV #94-02, P.S. �94-04
Page 2
elderly. Sixty units were proposed on 6.7 acres. A number of
variances were also requested for the project. The request was
withdrawn by the petitioner while the City commenced a senior
housing market study.
1983 - Continental Development Corporatioa/Oliver Eriakson
This proposal was not a formal request to the City, however, it
did propose 60 apartment and 32 townhouse units on 6.6 acres.
The developer was looking for i�2A assistance for this project.
i981 - Oliver Erickson
The proposal by Mr. Erickson was similar to the current request
to rezone property from R-1 to R-3. If approved, 180 apartment
units on 6.6 acres would have been constructed as proposed. Nir.
Erickson withdrew the rezoning request to have an opportunity to
discuss the issues with the neighborhood.
To summarize the requests:
1994 -
Twin City Townhomes
1988 -
Arkell Development
1983 -
Continental Develop.
1981 -
Oliver Erickson
Number IInit Access
of vnits Acreaqe Densitp Style Points
41 3.85
60 6.70
92 6.60
180 6.60
10.65 units Condominium
per acre �
8.95 units Elderly
per acre townhomes
13.93 units Apartments/
per acre Townhomes
27.27 units Apartments
per acre
For all the previous requests, the neighborhood concerns can be
summarized in the following:
Concern with traffic on Polk and Fillmore Streets.
Concern with drainage plans (or lack thereof).
Increase in the concentration of multiple family units.
Difficult traffic flow due to the intersection at Hathaway
Lane and Central Avenue. �
Environmental impacts to the wetland on the site.
Forest Harstad
ZOA #94-02, SAV #94-02, P.S. #94-04
Page 3
6. Existing parking problems.
Zoning History
The property has been zoned in its present configuration since
1958 (see attached zoning map). The R-3, General Multiple.Family
Dwellinq extends to the boundary of the Union 76 property located
at the intersection of Highway 65 and Hathaway Lane. That
property is zoned C-1, Local Business and was zoned C-1 in 1958.
In 1985, the City approved rezoning request, ZOA �85-02, to
rezone Iwen Terrace (platted in 1977) from R-1, Single Family
Dwelling to R-2, Two Family Dwelling to allow the construction of
duplexes. Iwen Terrace is located north of the subject parcel.
Western Ridge Estates, located south of the subject parcel, was
platted in 1983. The City approved rezoning request, ZOA #83-04,
in conjunction with the plat. The property was rezoned from R-1,
Single Family Dwelling, R-2, Two Family Dwelling, and R-3,
General Multiple Family Dwelling to R-2, Two Family Dwelling.
There are three office buildings located adjacent to the
northwest corner of the subject parcel. The Sundial Realty
property was rezoned to CR-1, General Office, in 1978. The
Coldwell Banker property was rezoned to CR-1, General Office, in
1971. The Hillwind Office Building property was rezoned to CR-1,
General Office, in 1988. All of these parcels were previously
zoned R-3, General Multiple Family Dwelling.
Parcel Characteristics
The parcel has a steep slope along Hillwind Road, but the
remaining topography is gently sloping. Vegetation on the
property includes reed canary grass, Russian Olive, aspen,
willow, and dogwood. Most of the trees and shrubs are
concentrated around the wetland which bisects the site.
The wetland located on the property is Type 3 or 4, open water
wetland, with cattail vegetation located along the edges. A
stormwater outlet located on the west side of the basin brings
stormwater to the wetland from Hillwind Road. A shallow ditch at
the mouth of the pipe is classified as a Type 6 shrub wetland.
Project Description
The petitioner is proposing a 41 unit condominium project. The
subject parcel is proposed to be replatted into two lots; Lot 1
will be used for the 41 units and is located on the southeast
side of the wetland. Outlot A located on the northwest side.of
t �
Forest Harstad
� ZOA #94-02, SAV �94-02, P.S. #94-04
Page 4
the wetland will be reserved for, accordinq to the owner, a
future multi-family project.
The condominium p=oject will have 37 units accessing a private
_ drive off of Fillmo=e Street, proposed to be titled nFillmore
Court". The remaining four units will have access directly off
of Fillmore Street. The condominiums look similar to townhomes �
in design. They are two stories and each unit will have its own
two car qarage. A variety of two and three bedroom units will be
constructed. There are 194 proposed parkinq spaces provided by a
combination of garages, individual driveways, and parking spaces.
Site Constraints
The petitioner is limited in design options for three reasons:
1. The petitioner has�no control over Outlot A.
2. The 1991 Wetland Conservation Act requires avoidance of all
wetland impacts. �
^ 3. The topography of the subject parcel limits access to
' Fillmore Street.
Request Descriptions
* Rezoning request, ZOA #94-02
The petitioner requests that the easterly 1.67 acres be rezoned
from R-1, Single Family Dwelling to R-3, General Multiple Family
* Vacation request, SAV #94-02
The City received turnback property from the State of Minnesota
in 1981. This turnback property was excess right-of-way along I-
694 that the Department of Transportation no longer needed. The
petitioner requests that the City vacate a parcel 21,042 square
feet in area adjacent to the east right-of-way line of Hillwind
Road. The City will retain adequate right-of-way for Hillwind
* Plat request, P.S. #94-04
The plat request will create two separate lots. Outlot A,
located northwest of the wetland, will be 1.26 acres and will be
used for a future multi-family project. The remaining 3.85 acres
�—, will be used for a 41 unit condominium project.
Forest Harstad
ZOA #94-02, SAV �94-02, P.S. #94-04
Page 5
* Variance request, VAR �94-02
The variance request is in three parts:
_ 1. To reduce the front yard setback from 35 feet to 3o feet.
2. To reduce the setback of a deck in the front yard from 35
feet to 20 feet.
3. To increase the width of a driveway from 32 feet to 36 feet.
The Appeals Commission will review the variance request at its
May 24, 1994 meeting.
Rezoning Request ,
The proposed rezoning request is to rezone approximately 1.67
acres of the subject property from R-1, Single Family Dwelling to
R-3, General Multiple Family Dwelling. The R-1 district extends
approximately 250 feet west of the Fillmore Street right-of-way.
The remaining part of the parcel or 3.44 acres is zoned R-3. �
The wetland essentially separates the parcel into two lots. The
development parcel totals 3.85 acres. The Wetland Conservation
Act and O-4 Wetland Overlay District in the City's Zoning
Ordinance requires that the wetland be preserved. If a wetland
is to be filled or drained, the developer must provide
substantial reasons as to why the development cannot occur
without encroaching into the wetland. In the petitioner's
proposal, any wetland encroachment is avoided and therefore the
requirements of the Wetland Conservation Act is met.
Under the existing zoning pattern, about 2.18 acres is zoned R-3
and 1.67 acres is zoned R-1. If no adjacent property was used
for additional parking, approximately 38 units could be
constructed on just the R-3 portion of the parcel. Approximately
four single family lots could be platted on the R-1 parcel. This
equates to 42 total units.
The petitioner submitted a development plan which indicated an
apartment building on the parcel containing 104 two bedroom
units. The plan, however, relied on the parcel to the west of
the wetland to provide about 1/3 of the parking stalls. Access
to this parking area over the wetland would be obtained by a foot
bridge. This development scheme is possible since it avoids
impact to the wetland. Staff analysis of this plan, however,
revealed that more practically a maximum of 93 units could be ^
Forest Harstad
�, ZOA #94-02, SAV #94-02, P.S. #94-04
Page 6
constructed on the parcel. '
The City can use a number of criteria to evaluate a rezoning
request. The first criteria is to determine if the proposed
development plan is consistent with the requested zoning change.
The proposed 41 owner-occupied condominium units is a permitted
use in the R-3 district. The proposed site plan meets the
requirements of the R-3 district with the exception of the 8 unit
building abutting Fillmore Street. The petitioner has requested
a front yard setback variance request for the building as well as
an encroachment for the unenclosed patio and a wider driveway.
If the rezoning request is to be approved, it should be
stipulated upon approval of the variance request. If the
variance is not granted, the petitioner needs to revise the site
plan in order to conform to the R-3 setbacks, or reduce the
number of units in order to meet the R-3 requirements.
**stipulation** variance request, VAR $94-02 shall be
Another criteria is to evaluate the compatibility of the proposed
use with the zoning and uses on adjacent properties. The subjec�
�, parcel, as well as properties to the west, have been zoned R-3
since 1958. Extending the R-3 zoning to the Fillmore Street
right-of-way (or approximately 250 feet to the east) will be
compatible with adjacent zoning and uses. Given that the
existing zoning pattern would permit the same amount of units
under the proposed zoning pattern, there is no net increase by
changing the zoning. Further, except for the single family
property which is owned by Roger Frank immediately to the east of
the development, the proposed development does not immediately
abut any single family detached housing units, but is rather
� surrounded by other like-attached housing types; twin homes to
the north and townhomes to the south.
The development parcel is one of two remaining vacant R-3 parcels
in the City. The other parcel is located on East River Road and
64 1/2 Way. The housing study conducted by the Housing &
Redevelopment Authority in 1991 identified a market demand for
housing styles other than the typical single family detached
home. Like other communities, Fridley has experienced
substantial increases in "non-traditional families", meaning
married couples with no children, single female households with
no children, and other family households. These households may
prefer a housing unit such as the proposed unit which does not
require the owner to provide outdoor or exterior building
Forest Harstad
ZOA �94-02, SAV
Page 7
Vacation Request
#94-02, P.S. �94-04
The area to be vacated is 21,042 square feet, and is adjacent to
Hillwind Road. The City will maintain adequate right-of-way (60
feetj for Hillwind Road if the request is approved. The City
approved a similar request for the Western Ridge Townhomes to the
south. If approved, the City Council will need to declare the
property "excess'� and deed it to the petitioner.
The City does not have any utilities in the area to be vacated
nor does it have any use for the property. Staff recommends
approval of the request contingent on approval of the plat and
combining it with the adjacent property.
Plat Request
Plat request, P.B. #94-04, shall be approved,
and the vacated area shall be combined with
. the propertp to the east.
The property to be platted is a portion of Lots 6, 7, and 8 of
Auditor's Subdivision No. 25. The property is generally located
northeast of Hillwind Road and west of Fillmore Street. The
property is 5.11 acres.
The plat will create two lots; Outlot A of 1.26 acres and Lot 1
of 3.85 acres. The minimum lot width in the R-3 district is 85
feet. Both lots exceed that requirement. Minimum lot area is
calculated based,on an average lot area per unit, starting with a
minimum base area of 15,000 square feet for a four family
dwelling. The average lot area is 2,500 square feet per unit;
the lot area required for the proposed 41 units is 102,500 square
feet or 2.35 acres; well below the 3.85 provided.
Lot 1 will become part of a condominium plat where an association
owns the land and individual units are owned by the residents.
The condominium complies with Minnesota State Statute 515A.
The development proposes to have private driveways around which
37 units will be clustered. The remaining four units will have
direct access to Fillmore Str�et. One access off of Fillmore
Street is proposed. The private driveway will be 24 feet wide
and will be lined with concrete curb. The Fire Department
requests that the driveway be signed '!no parking� on both sides.
The association will be required to plow, maintain, repair, and
permit emergency vehicle access on the private driveway.
Forest Harstad
�''� ZOA #94-02, SAV �94-02, P.S. �94-04
Page 8
**8tipulation** The pet�tioner ahali reoord in the
aondominium dealaration that the assoaiatioa
shail be reapoaaibie for the piowinq,
maintenance, and repair o! the private
�rive�ays. Tbe dealaration shall permit
emerqenay vehicle aoceas.
Tbe drivewaya shall be siqned ��no parkinq�� on
botb sides.
The petitioner sball plaae a etop sign at the
intersection of the private drive vith
Fillmore etreet.
Both the Fire and Police Departments reviewed the plan in terms
of public safety. Neither department had any adverse commend
regarding the plan. The private driveway meets the minimum fire
code width of 20 feet.
Existing traffic in the area is generated by single family
residents, multi-family residents, and office uses. The office
� uses generate traffic predominantly on Hillwind Road. An
� elementary school is located on Regis Lane. Nine buses service
the school; school starts at 8:30 a.m. and is dismissed at 2:40
p.m. Traffic leaving the subject parcel could leave either east
on Regis Lane or north on Fillmore Street.
According to the Institute of Traffic Engineers, it is estimated
that the development would generate an additional 240 average
daily trips. Staff placed traffic counters at the intersection
of Fillmore Street and,Lynde Drive and across Regis Lane just
west of Regis Drive. The average daily counts over 48 hour
period are approximately 630 at Fillmore Street and 345 at Regis
Lane. These are °raw" numbers and are conservative in that they
are probably greater than the actual number of cars. The counter
may count one passenger vehicle as two trips depending on its
weight and speed driven over the hose. Large vehicles like
buses, RV's, or garbage trucks may activate the counter three
It is typically held that a residential street can accommodate up
to 1,000 trips per day. With the additional traffic anticipated
from this development, the capacity of Fillmore or Regis will not
be exceeded. It is expected that a majority of the trips will go
north on Fillmore Street for access to Highway 65, especially
during morning peak hours.
� The property owner at 5512 Fillmore Street has indicated a
. willingness to share the main access. Access easements should be
Forest Harstad
ZOA �94-02, SAV �94-02, P.S. #94-04
Page 9
executed and recorded against both properties.
**etipulation** Aaaeas easementa ahall be e$eauted an8
recorded aqainst the development paraei and
5512 Fillmore 8treet to allo� the resident at
5512 Fillmore 8treet to uae the access drive.
other Acaess options
Staff analyzed other access options the petitioner could pursue:
1. Access to Hillwind Road.
The access to Hillwind Road would be direct, however, the slope
is approximately 27� up the embankment. This slope would pose a
safety hazard and could require an extensive amount of fill.
2. Purchase Lot 9, currently owned by the State of Minnesota.
Lot 9 is located south of the subject
lot would improve access as the road
parallel to the slope as opposed to a
The petitioner does not own Lot 9.
3. Cross the wetland.
parcel. Purchasing this
could be constructed
perpendicular alignment.
In order to provide access across the wetland, the petitioner
would first need to obtain an easement from the property owner of
Outlot A. Connection then could be made to Polk Street. In
order to avoid all impact to the wetland, a bridge would need to
be constructed. The second option would be construct a road
using a culvert and filling a portion of the wetland. The
Wetland Conservation Act and the O-4 Overlay District Ordinance
would require replacement at a 2:1 ratio. Staff is reluctant to
recommend this option since it would be contrary to the intent of
the O-4 Wetland Overlay District.
Existing stormwater flow on the subject parcel is through surface
runoff. A stormwater pipe from I-694 enters the site on the west
side. Stormwater flows from this pipe into the wetland. Other
stormwater in the area flows down Fillmore Street into a pipe and
into the wetland located north of the subject parcel. Stormwater
leaves the wetland on its west side and flows in a pipe north on
Polk Street and to Moore Lake.
The petitioner has submitted a grading/drainage/erosion control
plan. A separate stormwater pond is proposed to retain water �`
Forest Harstad
'� ZOA �94-02, SAV �94-02, P.S. �94-04
Page l0
before it enters the wetland. The Engineerinq Department is
reviewing the plan and will compile comments for the Commission
meeting. A separate permit will be required by the Rice Creek
Watershed district. The association will be required to maintain
the stormwater pond.
**8t3pulation*+ The con8ominium declaration ehall be amended
to require maintenance o! the atorm�ater pond
by the associatioa.
**Btipulation** The petitioner shall oomply �itb all aomments
by the Enq3neeriaq Department reqardinq the
qradinq/ �rainaqe/erosion plan.
**stipulation** The petitioner shall obtain a permit from the
Rice creek watershed District prior to the
issuanae of a buildinq permit.
Located on the subject parcel is a sanitary sewer line which
� serves the properties adjacent to the subject parcel on the south
along Hillwind Road. Two of the buildings proposed to be built
over this line. The petitioner is proposing to reconstruct this
line to avoid this conflict. The line will be located in a
public easement dedicated on the plat. The City should be held
harmless for the repair of any association improvements as a
result of City work on the line.
**Btipulatioa** The condominium declaration ahall be amended
to ho18 the City harmless for the repair of
association improvements as a result of work
on the public sewer line.
The petitioner proposes to install "private" sanitary sewer and
water services which are to be maintained by the association.
The lines will need to be constructed to municipal standards.
New hydrants will be installed as part of the improvement. The
Fire Department has recommended that the petitioner arrange to
have the hydrants flushed by the Public Works Department in
accordance with City policies.
The coadominium declaratioa shall require the
association to repair and maiatain tbe
private utilitiee.
The utilities sball be constructed to
municipal standards.
Forest Harstad
ZOA �94-02, SAV �94-02, P.S. �94-04
Page 11
**Stipulation** The aesoaiation shall arranqe to have the
Publia Worke Department lluah the hpdranta in
accordance �ith citp poliaiee.
There are a number of trees on the subject parcel which are an
asset to the site. Most of them are located along the wetland
edge. While a number of them are of the �shrubn variety, pruning
will improve their appearance. As many of the existinq trees
should be preserved.
The subdivision
land or money.
The qradinq plan ahall be amended to indiaate
the number ot trees to be preserved.
ordinance requires a park dedication of either
The current park dedication fee is $750.00 per
**stipulation*� The petitioner shall pap a park dedication
fee of $750.0o per unit (41 units at $750.00
equals $30,750) prior to the issuanae of a
buildinq permit.
The landscape plan should be revised to provide 15 six foot
evergreen trees in accordance with the ordinance. The
association will be responsible for maintaining the landscaping.
The vegetation along the R-1 property (5512 Fillmore Street)
should have underground irrigation to adequately maintain the
buffer area (205.09.07.D.(4)(b)).
**Stipulation** The landscape plan shall be revised to
provide 15 six foot everqreen trees.
IInderqround irriqation shall be provided
alonq the R-1 property (5512 Fillmore
*�stipulation** The condominium declaration shall require
maintenance and/or repair of landscapinq by
the association.
Staff recommends the Planning Commission recommend approval of
rezoning request, ZOA #94-02, subject to:
1. Variance request, VAR #94-02 shall be approved.
Forest Harstad �
ZOA #94-02, SAV �94-02, P.S. #94-04
Page 12
Staff recommends the Plannirig Commission recommend approval of
vacation request, SAV #94-02, subjec to: �
1. Plat request, P.S. #94-04, shall be approved, and the
vacated area shall be combined with the property to the
" east.
Staff recommends the Planning Commission recommend approval of
plat request, P.S. #94-04, subject to:
1. The petitioner shall record in the condominium declaration
that the association shall be responsible for the plowing,
maintenance, and repair of the private driveways. The
declaration shall permit emergency vehicle access.
2. The driveways shall be signed "no parking" on both sides.
3. The petitioner shall place a stop sign at the intersection
of the private drive with Fillmore Street.
4. Access easements shall be executed and recorded against the
development parcel and 5512 Fillmore Street to allow the
^, resident at 5512 Fillmore Street to use the access drive.
5.. The condominitun declaration shall be amended to require
maintenance of the stormwater pond by the association.
6. The petitioner shall comply with all comments by the
Engineering Department regarding the grading/
drainage/erosion plan.
7. The petitioner shall obtain a permit from the Rice Creek
Watershed District prior to the issuance of a buildinq
8. The condominium declaration shall be amended to hold the
City harmless for the repair of association improvements as
a result of work on the public sewer line.
9. The condominium declaration shall require the association to
repair and maintain the private utilities.
10. The utilities shall be constructed to municipal standards.
11. The association shall arrange to have the Public Works
Department flush the hydrants in.accordance with City
Forest Harstad
ZOA �94-02, SAV #94-02, P.S. �94-04
Page 13
12. The grading plan shall�be amended to indicate the number of
trees to be preserved.
13. The petitioner shall pay a park dedication fee of $750.00
per unit (41 units at $750.00 equals $30,750) prior to the
issuance of a building permit.
14. The landscape plan shall be revised to provide 15 six foot
evergreen trees. Underground irrigation shall be provided
along the R-1 property (5512 Fillmore Street).
15. The condominium declaration shall require maintenance and/or
repair of landscapinq by the association.
, , ,. Forest Harstad °
- P.S. ��94-04; SAV �94-02; ZOA 4�94-02
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