PL 04/05/2006 - 30890� CITY OF FRIDLEY PLANNING COMMISSION APRIL 5T", 2006 ,—.. CALL TO ORDER: Commissioner Savage called the regular meeting of the Planning Commission to order at 7:30 p.m. ROLL CALL: MEMBERS PRESENT: MEMBERS OBSENT: OTHERS PRESENT: Diane Savage, Dean Saba, Larry Kuechle, Barbara Johns, Brad Dunham David Kondrick and Leroy Oquist Stacy Stromberg, City Planner Greg Asproth, Two Stooges Bar & Grill Owner APPROVE PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING MINUETS: - February 15, 2006 MOTION by Commissioner Saba, seconded by Commissioner Kuechle to approve the minutes as presented. UPON A VOICE VOTE, ALL VOTING AYE, COMMISSIONER SAVAGE DECLARED THE MOTION CARRIED UNAMINOUSLY. PUBLIC HEARING: 1. Consideration of a Special Use Permit SP #06-03, Grea Asproth, (Two Stooaes Bar & Grill) To allow an electronic reader board siqn to be located on the buildinq at 7178 Universitv Avenue. MOTION by Commissioner Johns, seconded by Commissioner Saba, to open the public hearing. UPON A UNANIMOUS VOICE VOTE, ALL VOTING AYE, COMMISSIONER SAVAGE DECLARED THE MOTION CARRIED AND THE PUBLIC HEARING OPENED AT 7:35 P.M. Ms. Stromberg, City Planner, presented a request from the petitioner, Greg Asproth, former owner of Billiard Street Cafe, and the current owner of 2 Stooges Bar and Grill, who is requesting a special use permit to allow an electronic changeable message sign to be located on the building at his business, which is located at 7178 University Avenue. Ms. Stromberg stated that the petitioner is proposing to install a 30 square foot electronic changeable message sign on the building in conjunction with the new signage, which will rename the business. The sign is intended to advertise the restaurant hours and to help �, promote special events and daily specials. �, Ms. Stromberg shared the history of the subject property that it is located on University Avenue south of 73`d Avenue. From 1980-2005, the property was zoned M-1, Light Industrial. The property was developed in 1988 with an office/warehouse building. Over time, all the uses within the building became office and commercial type uses. On June 13, 2005, the City Council approved a rezoning for the property from M-1, Light Industrial to C-2, General Business. Another reason for the rezoning request was to allow the Billiard Street Cafe business to obtain a liquor license. Ms. Stromberg reviewed the code requirements for electronic changeable signs which are an approved special use in any zoning district, except residential, provided the message doesn't change more often than once every 45 seconds. The sign also needs to be in conformance with the sign requirements for the zoning district, in which the property is located. The subject property is zoned, C-2 General Business, which requires that all wall signs shall not exceed 15 times the square root of the wall length on which the sign is to be placed. The electronic reader board sign is proposed to be placed on the east elevation of the existing building and is 30 square feet in size. The petitioner leases 125 ft. of space along the east side of the building, which according to code requirements would allow 167 square feet of signage on the east elevation. Therefore, the petitioner could have an additional 137 square feet of wall signage on the east elevation. The petitioner is planning to erect additional signage with the new business name; however, exact dimensions of that signage haven't been submitted for a sign permit yet. Ms. Stromberg stated City Staff recommends approval of the special use permit as electronic changeable signs are an approved special use in the commercial zoning district, provided the sign complies with Code requirements, subject to the following stipulations: 1. Petitioner shall obtain sign permit and current sign erector license prior to installing any signage on site. 2. Message on L.E.D. sign shall not change more often than authorized under Section 214.07 of the Fridley City Code. 3. Message on L.E.D. sign shall never flash or have motion that may distract vehicular traffic in the area. 4. Signage on east elevation to comply with code requirements for wall signage allotment. Commissioner Savage questioned if the petitioner will need an additional permit for the other signage besides the electronic sign? Ms. Stromberg replied that a separate sign permit will be needed for the other signage which will rename the business. Commissioner Savage asked Mr. Asproth if he had any problems with the stipulations. Mr. Asproth, Two Stooges Bar & Grill Owner, replied that he did not have any problems with the stipulations. Commissioner Savage questioned if any comments have been reported from neighbors. Ms. Stromberg replied that no comments were received from neighbors. �—. Commissioner Savage asked if Mr. Asproth had anything to add to the staff report. Mr. Asproth replied that he had nothing to add to the report but asked if there was any way for an electronic sign to change the message any sooner than every 45 seconds. Ms. Stromberg stated that a change would require a text amendment request and this section of code was recently changed from 15 minutes to 45 seconds. She added that the Council was comfortable with the current code which allows signs to change every 45 seconds. MOTION by Commissioner Saba, seconded by Commissioner Kuechle, to close the public hearing. UPON A UNANIMOUS VOICE VOTE, ALL VOTING AYE, COMMISSIONER SAVAGE DECLARED THE MOTION CARRIED AND THE PUBLIC HEARING CLOSED AT 7:42 P.M. Commissioner Saba stated that he had no problems with the request and that it was a reasonable request. Commissioner Kuechle stated that this request seemed within the constraints of the special use permit process and he had no problems with it. Commissioner Savage agreed with others. The sign will be less obtrusive than a free standing sign because it was back from the road and it won't visually pollute the area. MOTION by Commissioner Johns, seconded by Commissioner Kuechle to approve Special Use Permit, SP #06-03, to allow an electronic reader board sign to be located on the building at 7178 University Avenue, provided the sign complies with Code requirements, subject to the � following stipulations: 1. Petitioner shall obtain sign permit and cuRent sign erector license prior to installing any signage on site. 2. Message on L.E.D. sign shall not change more often that authorized under Section 214.07 of the Fridley City Code. 3. Message on L.E.D. sign shall never flash or have motion that may distract vehicular traffic in the area. 4. Signage on east elevation to comply with code requirements for wall signage allotment. UPON A UNANIUMOUS VOICE VOTE, ALL VOTING AYE, COMMISSIONER SAVAGE DECLARED THE MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 2. Consideration of a Text Amendment. TA #06-01, bv the Citv of Fridlev, to amend the Siqn Code, Chapter 214, to include modifications to the followina sections: Definitions, Instructional Sipns (Churches 8� Schools), Political Sipns, Temporarv Sian reauirements. and sianaae for industries and businesses alonca Interstate 694. MOTION by Commissioner Kuechle, seconded by Commissioner Johns, to open the public hearing. UPON A UNANIMOUS VOICE VOTE, ALL VOTING AYE, COMMISSIONER SAVAGE DECLARED THE MOTION CARRIED AND THE PUBLIC HEARING OPENED AT 7:44 P.M. � Ms. Stromberg, City Planner, stated that over the course of the last year, City staff has had discussions with the City Council as well as property owners in the City related to the amount of �, signage allowed for churches and those properties located along Interstate 694. After much discussion and research, City staff is requesting consideration of several text amendments and additions to the City sign code. The proposed modifications will include the following sections, Definitions, Institutional Signs (Churches and Schools), Political Signs, Temporary Sign requirements, Signage requirements for R-1 and R-2 properties separate from R-3 properties, Signage for Industries and Businesses along Interstate 694, and other general housekeeping. Ms. Stromberg reviewed the analysis of three areas: Church signage, Interstate 694 Corridor Signage and Other Sign Code Modifications. Ms. Stromberg stated that after discussions with the City Council at one of their conference meetings, many suggestions came forward as to how we should handle signage for churches. These suggestions included signage sizes that reflect traffic counts on major arterial and secondary roadways, signage that "competes" with surrounding commercial entities and a universal sign amendment that treats all churches the same. After evaluating each alternative, staff believes an amendment that treats all churches and other institutions (schools, hospitals, and medical clinics) the same is the right resolution. Ms. Stromberg reviewed the current sign code which allows churches and other institutions to have one area identification sign, with a 32 square foot maximum. Over the last few years, several churches and schools have inquired about larger free-standing signs on their properties. Woodcrest Baptist Church and St. Philip's Lutheran Church both requested variances to increase the amount of allowable free-standing signage on their properties from 32 square feet to 70 or 80 square feet. Despite the fact that both of these variances ended up being denied, there is an obvious interest from church and school representatives to allow larger free-standing signage. Ms. Stromberg stated that churches in Fridley are generally located in a residential district. For understandable reasons signage is limited in residentially zoned districts. The new language that staff is proposing to adopt would allow institutions (schools, churches, hospitals, medical clinics) to have up to an 80 square foot free-standing sign as long as they meet the following requirements: 2. A maximum size of eiahty (80) square feet in area is allowed per development provided the following criteria can be met: a. Sians over thirty-two 32�,quare feet shall be placed a minimum of fifty �50) feet from any neighborina residentiallv zoned property (not includinq a residential site an institution is located uponl. b. Sign shall be placed so illuminated sign face is perpendicular to adiacent roadwa�rs. c. Sian shall not create a alare that will imqact adiacent residential properties. Ms. Stromberg stated that City staff is also proposing to allow institutions to have wall signage and temporary signage in accordance with the standards allowed in commercially and � industrially zoned districts. /'� Ms. Stromberg reported that City staff researched several cities in the metro area and found that the majority of cities allow churches or residentially zoned properties to have a maximum of 32 square feet of signage. A few exceptions are in Eden Prairie, where they allow churches to have 80 square feet of signage and Mound View, where they allow up to 100 square feet for ground signs. � Ms. Stromberg said that signage related to the Interstate 694 corridor has also been brought to the City's attention by Medtronic's recent request to install a billboard type sign on the southwest side of their property. On February 15, 2006, the Planning Commission approved their Master Plan Amendment request to allow a 14 ft. by 48 ft. (672) square foot community service sign on their property. This item was approved by the City Council on February 27, 2006. Ms. Stromberg stated that although Medtronic's billboard matter was resolved through a master plan amendment in the S-2, Redevelopment district, over the last several years, the Appeals Commission and City Council have seen several variance requests from businesses along Interstate 694 to allow larger signage. In fact, of the 15 properties abutting Interstate 694, 5 of them have received sign variances. With the possibility for redevelopment of the JLT Group site (fo►�merly Tiro Industries) and the Cub/Gander/Liquor store site, staff determined it would be better to try and match the signage with the size of the development, rather than allowing a 280 square foot or 500 square foot sign for all properties along 694. Therefore, staff has come up with the following chart which allows properties along 694 to have an additional free-standing sign per development depending upon the overall size of the property. Ms. Stromberg reviewed that this proposed sign language would require that the sign be located befinreen the principal building and the interstate right-of-way. This sign would be in addition to what the property is already entitled to have based on the zoning of the property. For example, Tiro Industries could have a 240 square foot free-standing sign (based on the size of there property, 21.4 acres) between the interstate right-of-way and the principal building; in addition they could have an 80 square foot sign along East River Road. Ms. Stromberg stated that City staff contacted a variety of communities in the metro area and of the 10 cities we surveyed half of them have special signage requirements for properties along major highways/interstates. Ms. Stromberg said that along with the major amendments to the sign code related to institutions and properties along Interstate 694, several minor modifications are also proposed. Those relate to the following: Definitions: The modifications to the definitions are simply adding an Interstate I-694 corridor definition, better defining the word "alteration", and deleting the "portable sign" definition and combining it �"'� with the "temporary sign" definition. �"`� Requirements for Political Siqns and Banners/Pennants: The changes to the political sign section of the code relate to the $15.00 deposit that we require prior to the erection of any political signs in the City, which is retained until all of the signs are removed. While holding a deposit helps to ensure that the signs are taken down, it has proven that very few candidates for public office even bother to apply for the permit and pay the minimal fee. Our City Clerk has stated that most of the local candidates will fill out the permit and pay the fee, but it is very rare for the state and federal level candidates. Therefore, city staff would recommend that this portion of the code related to political signs be repealed. Under the code section related to "Temporary Signs Permitted in all Districts" there is also a section related to Banners/Pennants. This section allows banners and pennants for business anniversaries, grand openings, or special events not connected with a business. Cities can't regulate "content°, meaning the language on the sign. Therefore, staff advises removal this section. Temporarv Sian Requirements: Staff would also like to amend the section of the sign code related to temporary signs. We are seeking to clarify the word �temporary" and delete the word "portable" in order to be consistent with our process. Staff would also like to change the maximum number of sign permits allowed for multiple use buildings or shopping centers. Currently, if a shopping center has 6-10 businesses, they are allowed 3 temporary sign permits per year for those 6-10 businesses. We would like to increase that number to allow temporary sign permits to represent at least half of the businesses within a shopping center. n Clarifyina when Sign Permits are Needed, and when they are not: City staff would like each subcategory within the sign code to state whether or not a sign permit is required or not. Now that the sign code is being frequently interpreted by sign contractors on- line via the City website, it is important that we make the permit requirements clear. Addina a Section for R-3, Multi-Family Signaae separate from R-1 and R-2 Properties: The current sign code puts all residential properties in one category. That category allows one area identification sign at 24 square feet and one wall sign at 3 square feet. It is very common for Multi-Family properties to want additional wall signage beyond the 3 square feet allotment and to want to use temporary signs similar to our commercial and industrial properties. Therefore, staff requests that we adopt a special section for the R-3 properties that would allow them to have one identification sign at 24 square feet, and wall signage and temporary signage similar to our commercial and industrial properties. Relocating the Billboard Section: The current billboard section within the sign code is included as part of the Industrial signage requirements. Since, billboards are also allowed in the C-3, General Shopping zoning district, staff would like to create a section specific to billboards, instead of including it with one of the zoning districts. Eliminatina the Area Identification Sians in the Commercial and Industrial Districts: The commercial and industrial districts currently allow one area identification sign and one free- standing sign per property. The intention behind this was to allow an area identification sign to identify a particular property or complex, like the "Rice Creek Business Center" and then an additional free-standing sign could then be used to identify the businesses within the complex. City staff would recommend that we remove the area identification sign requirement and simply allow properties to have one free-standing sign on their property. It is rarely seen that properties in Fridley have two free-standing signs anyway. Adding Reference to the S-2 Redevelopment District Signage with the Public and PUD Si naae Requirements: The current code doesn't address signage for the S-2, Redevelopment district. Staff recommends that we add it into the section for signs in the P, Public and PUD, Planned Unit Development section. Signage for these districts is controlled by the City Council through language in the project's Master plan. U�datina the Non-Conformina Language Related to Siqns: As you are aware State Statues recently changed to allow non-conforming uses to continue to exist through repair, replacement, restoration, maintenance, or improvement, but not expanded, if the use is damaged beyond 50%. The new legislation also states that in order for that non- conforming use to continue to exist, a permit needs to be acquired within 180 days of the use being damaged. City staff requests to update the sign code related to non-conforming signs to match the newly passed state legislation. Ms. Stromberg stated that City Staff recommends approval of the proposed changes to the City sign code. These changes will not only provide benefits to institutions and business along Interstate 694, but they will help clean up some of the minor imperfections found in the code language. This item will go before the City Council on May 8, 2006. Commissioner Savage stated that she had a few concerns with some of the items in the � presentation especially the 694 corridor signing proposal and the church signage. The Woodcrest Baptist Church and St. Phillips Catholic Church larger signage requests previously presented were denied, this seems inconsistent with the Staff request. Ms. Stromberg replied that she was not employed with the City at the time of the Woodcrest Baptist Church sign request but recalls that St. Phillips was requesting an eighty square foot sign with an electronic reader board sign. The variance was denied due to the proximity to another residential property and the visual distraction to motoring traffic. Commissioner Savage questioned if Staff created the formula in the proposal or used a formula similar to what other cities use when calculating the size of sign allowed on properties facing a highway. Ms. Stromberg replied that staff researched what other cities are currently using and developed their own formula. MOTION by Commissioner Kuechle, seconded by Commissioner Dunham, to close the public hearing. UPON A UNANIMOUS VOICE VOTE, ALL VOTING AYE, COMMISSIONER SAVAGE DECLARED THE MOTION CARRIED AND THE PUBLIC HEARING CLOSED AT 8:15 P.M. Commissioner Savage was concemed that the proposal would allow too large of a sign on the properties along 694. For example, Pawn America, who does not currently have a sign, would � look inappropriate with an enormous sign. Some properties that currently have an 80 square foot sign would be allowed a 240 square foot sign, which seems too large. This would visually pollute the area and we need to protect the community. The square footage of property should /�, not designate how large the sign should be on the property. Possibly another formula could be considered. She also cannot agree with the church sign proposal. Commissioner Dunham questioned how the size of a sign in the proposed chart compares to other cities. Currently there is not a lot of visual pollution along highway 694. Ms. Stromberg answered that at a glance; other cities allow 125' to 170 sq. ft. per sign along major highways. However, a few of the cities stated that they double the allowable free-standing signage on properties along major highways, however she is unsure of there base and will have to further research that before the City Council meeting. Commissioner Kuechle stated that if we double our current allotment, we would be at 160 sq. ft. which is still much less that than the proposed 240 sq. ft. Commissioner Dunham stated that the sizes of the signs in the proposal are nearly 50% larger than that of other cities. Commissioner Johns agreed with Commissioner Savage, that the proposed sign size was generous. She suggested that maybe Staff could look at the frontage of property rather than the acreage when determining the size of an allowable sign. The proposed numbers are too large to approve. The reason Fridley does not have a Iot of visual pollution today is because the City has been able to control it with the size of allowable signs. If the City allows large signs, then there would have a problem. The church signs are also a concern because a lot of the churches are in residential areas and this could be a problem with neighbors. If churches were � also allowed to have illuminated signs without stipulations there could be additional problems. Commissioner Kuechle concurred with Commissioner Johns. Some properties currently don't even have a sign on their property and if the City allows this, there may be signs going up without knowing the purpose for a large sign. If the City approves a larger sign, the sign would need to be in proportion with the front of the building rather than the acreage. Commissioner Saba agreed with Commissioner Kuechle. If Staff could propose some different numbers taking into account the lot frontage when determining the size of a sign that would be better. The church signage would be okay if churches were not allowed to illuminate the sign and if the sign did not face residential areas. Commissioner Dunham agreed with others and that the sign size should be based on a combination of lot frontage and acreage. Commissioner Johns questioned the strip mall sign amendment to allow half of the businesses in the building to be able to have a sign rather than the current limit of three per sign. She asked if the City monitored who was advertising with temporary signs and if it was spread out to make sure all business were eventually represented. Ms. Stromberg replied that the owner of the building was responsible to make sure the tenants were represented equally. The City does try to keep an eye on this signage when they are issuing temporary sign permits. Commissioner Savage questioned if the Text Amendments could be divided into parts to vote on each section separately. �"� Ms. Stromberg answered yes; they could be acted on separately. MOTION by Commissioner Kuechle, to deny the text amendment City staff is requesting for the consideration of text amendment and additions to the City sign code regarding Institutional Signs (Churches and Schools). Seconded by Commissioner Dunham. UPON A UNANIUMOUS VOICE VOTE, ALL VOTING AYE, COMMISSIONER SAVAGE DECLARED THE MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. MOTION by Commissioner Johns, to deny the text amendment City staff is requesting to consider text amendments and additions to the City sign code regarding Signage for Industries and Businesses a/ong Interstate 694 corridor. Seconded by Commissioner Saba. UPON A UNANIUMOUS VOICE VOTE, ALL VOTING AYE, COMMISSIONER SAVAGE DECLARED THE MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. MOTION by Commissioner Dunham, to approve the text amendment City staff is requesting to consider text amendments and additions to the City sign code regarding other sign code modifications. Seconded by Commissioner Johns. UPON A UNANIUMOUS VOICE VOTE, ALL VOTING AYE, COMMISSIONER SAVAGE DECLARED THE MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 3. OTHER BUSINESS: /"� The Planning Commission meeting for April 19�', 2006 has been cancelled due to no items to consider. The next scheduled meeting is May 3�d, 2006. ADJOURNMENT: MOTION by Commissioner Saba, seconded by Commissioner Johns to adjoum. UPON UNANIMOUS VOICE VOTE, COMMISSIONER SAVAGE DECLARED THE MEETING ADJOURNED AT 8:25 p.m. Respectfully Submitted, ����.: � Krista Monsrud Recording Secretary � � P � � � CITY OF FRIDLEY SIGN-IN SHEET PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING ����'I S, Zoo� � Name Address/Business '' v �-� � , :��� `� C � 3 �,S ��`� � f N �� � � � -� �