PL 02/20/2008 - 30938a PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING February 20, 2008 Acting Chairperson Kondrick called the Planning Commission Meeting to order at 7:30 p.m. MEMBERS PRESENT: MEMBERS ABSENT: OTHERS PRESENT: Approval of Minutes: Leroy Oquist, David Kondrick, Brad Sielaff, and Brad Dunham Dean Saba, Diane Savage, and Jack Velin Stacy Stromberg, City Planner Steve Lieb, Mondi Minneapolis January 16, 2008 MOTION by Commissioner Oquist to approve the minutes as presented. Seconded by Commissioner Sielaff. UPON A VOICE VOTE, ALL VOTING AYE, ACTING CHAIRPERSON KONDRICK DECLARED THE MOTION CARRIED UNAI�TIMOUSLY. 1. PUBLIC HEARING Consideration of a Special Use Permit, SP #08-02, by Mondi Minneapolis, to allow limited outdoor storage on their property, generally located at 5261 Asbton Avenue. MOTION by Commissioner Dunham to open the public hearing. Seconded by Commissioner Sielaff. UPON A VOICE VOTE, ALL VOTING AYE, ACTING CHAIRPERSON KONDRICK DECLARED THE MOTION CARRIED AND THE HEARING OPENED AT 7:32 P.M. Ms. Stromberg stated Steve Lieb of Mondi Minneapolis is seeking a special use permit to a11ow limited outdoor storage of pallets within a fenced-in area in the rear yard of the property at 5261 Ashton Avenue. T'he petitioner is requesting to store pallets required for their business in a 9-foot by 75-foot enclosed storage azea. The property is zoned M-2, Heavy Industrial, as aze all surrounding properties. It is on the corner of 52"d Way and Ashton Avenue. The property was developed in 1999 with a 53,952 square foot building. Ms. Stromberg stated while doing code enforcement inspections in this neighborhood, it came to staff's attention this properiy was in non-compliance with outdoor storage requirements as are several other businesses in this neighborhood. As a result letters were sent to those property owners notifying them of the violation and the need for them to apply for a special use permit if they wish to continue to have outdoor storage on their sites. As a result the petitioner has requested the special use permit tonight. Ms. Stromberg sta.ted City Code allows limited outdoor storage in the industrial districts that is up to 50 percent of the building footprint with a special use permit. The building is 53,952 square feet, so City Code would allow up to 26,976 square feet of outdoor storage on this site. T'he petitioner is proposing to construct a 675 square foot fenced-in azea to allow for the storage of pallets which is 2.5 percent of the allowable outdoor storage space for this property. Ms. Stromberg stated additional requirements also need to be met before a special use permit can be issued. Those requirements relate to height, screening of the materials, making sure the subject property is meeting parking requirements, and ensuring the types of materials stored outside are approved by the Fire Marshal. City Code requires that the existing business has 34 parking stalls based on the breakdown of the usage within the building. The petitioner has articulated to staff that the existing business only has five employees, and the pazking azea is really needed more for semi-truck parking and semi-truck maneuvering to and from their existing loading dock. Ms. Stromberg stated the site plan submitted by the petitioner shows 22 parking stalls; however, they are proposing to proof an additional 23 pazking stalls. Staff will consider the proof of parking appropriate based on the existing needs of this business; however, if those needs were to change, the proof of parking area would need to be striped and maintained for vehicle parking. The petitioner is meeting or exceeding all other code requirements for limited outdoor storage. Ms. Stromberg stated City staff has heard from only one neighboring property owner who was simply inquiring about what types of items were going to be stored outside on this property. After Ms. Stromberg explained it to them, they did not have any problems with the request. Ms. Stromberg stated City staff recommends approval of this special use permit with stipulations as limited outdoor storage is a permitted special use in the M-2, Heavy Industrial zoning district. Staff recommends that if the special use permit is granted, the following stipulations be attached: 1. No outdoor storage other than the proposed enclosed area for pallet storage shall exist on the site without an additional special use permit being approved. 2. The petitioner sha11 receive approval from the Fire Marshal prior to construction of the enclosed area. Acting Chairperson Kondrick asked Mr. Lieb whether he had anything to add to the presentation? Steve Lieb, Chief Operating Officer and Vice President of Mondi Minneapolis, stated, no, not at all. Acting Chairperson Kondrick asked Mr. Lieb whether he was in agreement with the stipulations as proposed by staff? Mr. Lieb replied, yes, absolutely. 2 Acting Chairperson Kondrick asked him whether there would be any problems with the trucks going back and forth and will they still be able to maneuver in the parking lot? Mr. Lieb replied, yes, they can. Acting Chairperson Kondrick asked Mr. Lieb what type of business do they do there? Mr. Lieb replied they do wazehousing distribution for a European paper manufacturer. MOTION by Commissioner Sielaff to close the public hearing. Seconded by Commissioner Dunham. UPON A VOICE VOTE, ALL VOTING AYE, ACTING CHAIRPERSON KONDRICK DECLARED THE MOTION CARRIED AND THE HEARING CLOSED AT 7:38 P.M. Commissioner Oquist commented that this is pretty straightforward. Acting Chairperson Kondrick asked whether the outdoor storage will be screened? Ms. Stromberg replied, it will be fenced in with a solid screening fence. MOTION by Commissioner Oquist approving Special Use Permit, SP #08-02, by Mondi Minneapolis, to allow limited outdoor storage on their property, generally located at 261 Asthton Avenue with the following stipulations: 1. No outdoor storage other than the proposed enclosed area for pallet storage shall exist on the site without an additional special use permit being approved. 2. The petitioner shall receive approval from the Fire Marshall prior to construction of the enclosed area. Seconded by Commissioner Sielaff. UPON A VOICE VOTE, ALL VOTING AYE, ACTING CHAIRPERSON KONDRICK DECLARED THE MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. Acting Chairperson Kondrick informed Mr. Lieb this will now go before the City Council at their March 10, 2008, meeting. 2. PUBLIC HEARING Consideration of a Special Use Permit, SP #08-04, by Amtech Lighting on behalf of Holiday Gas Station, to allow an electronic message sign to be incorporated into the ezisting free-standing sign, generally located at 5695 Hackman Avenue NE. (Petitioner not present.) 3 MOTION by Commissioner Sielaff to table this item to the next Planning Commission meeting, March 5, 2008. Seconded by Commissioner Dunham. UPON A VOICE VOTE, ALL VOTING AYE, ACTING CHAIRPERSON KONDRICK DECLARED THE MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 3. Receive the Minutes of the January 20, 2008, Housing & Redevelopment Authority Meeting. MOTION by Commissioner Oquist to receive the Minutes. Seconded by Commissioner Dunham. UPON A VOICE VOTE, ALL VOTING AYE, ACTING CHAIRPERSON KONDRICK DECLARED THE MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 4. Receive the Minutes of the January 7, 2008, Parks & Recreation Commission Meeting. MOTION by Commissioner Sielaff to receive the Minutes. Seconded by Commissioner Oquist. UPON A VOICE VOTE, ALL VOTING AYE, ACTING CHAIRPERSON KONDRICK DECLARED THE MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. OTHER BUSINESS Ms. Stromberg reminded the Commission that their next meeting is March 5, 2008 and there will be two special use permits that night. ADJOURN MOTION by Commission Oquist adjourning the meeting. Seconded by Commissioner Dunham. UPON A VOICE VOTE, ALL VOTING AYE, ACTING CHAIRPERSON KONDRICK DECLARED THE MOTION CARRIED UNAMOUSLY AND THE MEETING ADJOURNED AT 7:43 P.M. Respectfully submitted, �. Denise M. Johnson Recording Secretary n � � , . CITY OF FRIDLEY SIGN-IN SHEET PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING � . ' _�o -08 ______________________________________________________________ i Name Address/Business s>+��,_L�a� ���; i�nls - sa�� �a�.�.. ��� ��_ ���