01/16/2001 - 00009121CITY OF FRIDLEY ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY & ENERGY COMMISSION MEETING JAN UARY 16, 2001 CALL TO ORDER: Chairperson Johns called the January 16, 2001, meeting to order at 7:33 p.m. ROLL CALL: Members Present: Barb Johns, Jack Velin, Rich Svanda, Pete Panchyshyn, Barbara Kovacic, Michelle Maher, Mary Gliniany I►�iCai'i1.• -Ta'�i �_1• -'�iii�►[•7T Others Present: Julie Jones, Recycling Coordinator Jon Haukaas, Public Works Director APPROVAL OF NOVEMBER 21, 2000, ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY & ENERGY COMMISSION MINUTES: MOTION by Mr. Svanda, seconded by Mr. Panchyshyn, to approve the November 21, 2000, Environmental Quality & Energy Commission minutes. UPON A VOICE VOTE, ALL VOTING AYE, CHAIRPERSON JOHNS DECLARED THE MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. Chairperson Johns noted the inclusion of the notes from the December 12, 2000, review of the Northstar DEIS in the packet for those Commission members who were absent from that meeting. 1. NEW BUSINESS: a. Review Draft Phase I Investigation of the Wellhead Protection Plan Mr. Jon Haukaas introduced himself to the Commission members. Ms. Jones clarified that the City of Anoka draft wellhead protection plan in the packet was meant to serve as an example of what Fridley's draft plan will look like. Mr. Haukaas explained that the two parts to the draft wellhead protection plan layout. are (1) wellhead protection and (2) source water protection. The evaluation of the source water assessment is prepared by the State Department of Health for the City, whereas the wellhead protection plan is being developed by Anoka County for the joint powers group. ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY & ENERGY COMMISSION MINUTES JANUARY 16. 2001 PAGE 2 Mr. Haukaas explained that the City has forwarded data to the County who is crating the documents to meet the State guidelines. In May or June 2001, Fridley's draft plan will be available for review. Mr. Haukaas stated that he could get the Commission members a copy of the Source Water Assessment and the future Fridley draft of the wellhead protection part after the March joint powers group meeting b. Review State Assessment of Commons Well Field Contamination Mr. Haukaas noted the errors in the Commons Well Field assessment completed by the Minnesota Department of Health. Those concerns included: 1. It was assumed that Well #9 has been abandoned which is incorrect. It has been taken out of service with the intent of being able to treat the water and use it in the future. 2. The report analyzed Well #13 in detail; however, Well #13 is not in the Commons Well field. 3. The need to find alternative sources of water stated is probably unrealistic. 4. There is little or no mention of clean-up of the contaminated wells. How TCE can travel through the aquifer was discussed. The complexity of discovering the primary source of contamination was also discussed. Mr. Haukaas summarized the County's comments on the report and said he would provide the Commission members with a copy of the County's comments. Lack of more current data in the report was also discussed. The process of applying for Superfund money was discussed. Ms. Gliniany questioned whether hiring a private consultant to review the available information would lead to finding a source of contamination. Mr. Haukaas stated that a private consultant would not be able to obtain any additional data or possible contamination sites that the City already has access to. ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY & ENERGY COMMISSION MINUTES JANUARY 16. 2001 PAGE 3 Ms. Johns thanked Mr. Haukaas for presenting the available well water contamination and protection information and encouraged him to come back to the Commission when new information is available. 2. OLD BUSINESS a. Review 2000 and 2001 Work Plans Ms. Jones asked Commission members if the revised 2000 Commission work plan was acceptable. She stated it needs to be noted that the Northstar EIS review is complete. The draft 2001 Commission work plan was then reviewed and discussed. Ms. Jones suggested adding a task relating to review of code updates to Section 113, which is in the Community Development Department's 2001 goals and objectives to complete in 2001. The previous discussion of clay soils draining into storm sewers from the Little League ball fields near 59t" Avenue and Jefferson Street was discussed as an additional work item for 2001. Ms. Jones stated she would add that under "Protecting Water Resources" and would investigate who owns the ball fields. b. Update on Food Waste Reduction/Compost Bin Distribution Plans for Spring 2001 Ms. Jones reported that the SWMCB held a meeting on December 13, 2000, and decided at that meeting to allocate additional funds for the metro-wide compost bind distribution project they are planning for spring 2001. The Earth Machine Company, the company she had hoped to contract with, was being offered the opportunity to competitively bid on the project. However, even if Earth Machine is successful in obtaining the sale right to the compost bin distribution project, Fridley still will not be able to participate because funds have been promised to other communities. It may be possible for the City of Fridley to participate if they wanted to expand their own funds or sell the bins at full cost. For this reason, she stated she has not yet cancelled reservations for the Fridley Community Center and a staff person from the University of Minnesota County Extension Service to conduct composting workshops on April 5 and 7, in the event plans would go ahead for a food waste composting education effort. ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY & ENERGY COMMISSION MINUTES JANUARY 16. 2001 PAGE 4 Ms. Gliniany suggested seeking ways to set up a compost bin display at key community functions over the next few months to seek the public's interest in obtaining reduced-cost compost bins and back yard composting information. Various possible events were discussed. Ms. Jones agreed that it would make sense to try to gauge the public's interest before planning a composting event. She stated she would investigate available options. d. Review of Draft Deconstruction Policy Ms. Jones distributed updated information from Deconstruction Services regarding the 6175 East River Road pilot project. Deconstruction Services believed the project was a successful one for them since they were aggressive in selling materials on-site. Mr. Svanda suggested getting a copy of the Green Institute's annual report on Deconstruction Services t get a better comparison of other projects, noting it was difficult to base recommendations on only one deconstruction project. The Commission members decided to postpone discussion of the deconstruction policy statement until the next meeting to see if a report from Deconstruction Services is available. 3. OTHER BUSINESS: a. Update on Springbrook CWP Project Ms. Jones reported that the Springbrook Phase II CWP application was not funded. Staff has not discussed what steps will be taken next. It is anticipated that they may apply for a BWSP Challenge Grant or wait one more year to apply to the MPCA again for a Phase II grant. ADJOURNMENT MOTION by Mr. Svanda, seconded by Ms. Gliniany, to adjourn the January 16, 2001, Environmental Quality & Energy Commission meeting. UPON A VOICE VOTE, ALL VOTING AYE, CHAIRPERSON JOHNS DECLARED THE MOTION CARRIED AND THE JANUARY 16, 2001, MEETING ADJOURNED AT 9:05 P. M. Respectfully submitted, ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY & ENERGY COMMISSION MINUTES JANUARY 16. 2001 PAGE 5 Julie A. Jones Staff Liaison