04/16/2002 - 00024928CITY OF FRIDLEY ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY & ENERGY COMMISSION MEETING APRIL 16, 2002 CALL TO ORDER: Chairperson Johns called the April 16, 2002, meeting to order at 7:30 p.m. ROLL CALL: Members Present: Barb Johns, Jack Velin, Rich Svanda, Barbara Kovacic Members Absent: Michelle Maher Others Present: Gregg Thompson, Anoka Conservation District Julie Jones, Environmental Planner APPROVAL OF FEBRUARY 19, 2002, ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY & ENERGY COMMISSION MINUTES: MOTION by Mr. Svanda, seconded by Mr. Velin, to approve the February 19, 2002, Environmental Quality & Energy Commission minutes. UPON A VOICE VOTE, ALL VOTING AYE, CHAIRPERSON JOHNS DECLARED THE MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. NEW BUSINESS: a. Water Quality Presentation Ms. Jones introduced Gregg Thompson, a landscape restoration specialist, working for the Association of Metropolitan Soil Conservation Districts and the USDA out of the Anoka Conservation District offices. The purpose of Mr. Thompson's presentation was to educate the EQE Commission on various water quality improvements that could be made in the City of Fridley. Ms. Jones felt this information was important in light of the Commission's potential involvement in the Springbrook Watershed project. Mr. Gregg Thompson started the presentation by showing slides of what natural vegetation used to be in Anoka County and the little natural vegetation that is left. He showed many slides that showed the benefits of native shoreline planting, including pictures of Moore Lake. He then showed some slides of rain gardens and rain barrels. He also showed some previous pavement examples. Mr. Thompson explained what Project NEMO is: Nonpoint Education for Municipal Officials which was developed by the University of Connecticut. Ms. Jones explained that it is one component of the proposed education plan for the Springbrook Watershed Implementation Project that each of the four cities would go through the NEMO program. Mr. Thompson also showed slides showing non-native invasive species and the damage they can do. ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY & ENERGY COMMISSION MINUTES APRIL 16, 2002 PAGE 2 Ms. Johns asked how the Commission could encourage the City to expand shoreline buffer strip restoration efforts at Moore Lake, particularly at the east storm water inlet ditch. Ms. Jones advised that the Commission wait until demonstrated results are visible at the current restoration site along the retaining wall, because until there is Park staff and neighborhood support, it will be difficult to complete further restoration efforts. b. Review Northstar Corridor Final EIS Mr. Svanda commented that there was no point spending time reviewing the Final EIS or submitting comments since the document and study are basically complete. Ms. Johns stated she still had some concerns about noise. Ms. Jones explained that staff will be investigating the noise issue further. A public meeting for the neighborhood surrounding the proposed station site is scheduled for April 24, where the noise issue will likely be discussed. The Commission discussed the possibility of making Fridley a"Quiet Zone". Ms. Jones stated she was sure that staff will be investigating a"Quiet Zone". c. Discussion of Spring Lake Level Issue Ms. Jones explained that the City of Spring Lake Park is proposing to raise the level of Spring Lake one foot by redirecting water from the St. Paul water intake line that comes from the Mississippi River. Because the lake borders several cities, including Fridley, the City of Fridley will be asked to execute a joint powers agreement to conduct the water purchase. There is no cost proposed to Fridley; however, there are some environmental concerns that have been raised by other agencies. Should the City Council request the Commission's input on this decision, she thought the Commission should be made aware of the conflicting opinions surrounding the proposal. Mr. Svanda asked if there is any outlet from the lake into Fridley. Ms. Jones replied that she did not know but would investigate that question further. 2. OLD BUSINESS: a. Review 2002 Work Plan Ms. Jones asked if there were any changes or omissions to the 2002 Commission Work Plan as drafted. The Commission recommended no changes to the Work Plan. b. Update on Springbrook Watershed Implementation Project Grant Applications Ms. Jones reported that the City finally received notification from the MPCA that its application for Phase II CWP grant funding for the Springbrook Watershed Implementation Project was awarded. The project now has over $371,000 in grant funding in addition to the $300,000 in City ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY & ENERGY COMMISSION MINUTES APRIL 16, 2002 PAGE 3 commitments. While planning the first meeting of the Advisory Committee regarding plans for the Implementation Project, she realized that there needs to be a new person selected to represent the EQEC on the Advisory Committee. Brad Sielaff, former EQEC Chair, has agreed to remain on the Committee, but he is unable to attend daytime meetings when the Committee normally meets. She asked if anyone on the EQEC was interested and able to attend meetings during the day. Ms. Kovacic volunteered to be on the Advisory Committee as the Commission representative. c. Report on Status of Phosphorus-Free Fertilizer Bill Ms. Jones reported that the phosphorus lawn fertilizer bill previously reviewed by the EQE Commission was changed significantly, went to conference committee, and was adopted. The new law does not include restrictions on the sale of phosphorus fertilizer, but restricts any person from using phosphorus-containing lawn fertilizer after January 1, 2004. The flaw in the bill is that compliance is voluntary and stores will still be allowed to sell whatever type of fertilizer they wish. Since cities are restricted from passing more restrictive phosphorus fertilizer rules, we can only do our best to educate the public about what they are supposed to use for lawn fertilizer. There is a clause in this law that requires evaluation of it's effectiveness by January 15, 2004, so there may be opportunity to do more at that time. The Commission members voiced disappointment in the removal of sale restrictions from the bill. Ms. Jones agreed that the end product is not what the City of Shorewood wanted, but it is better than what they were able to negotiate last year. 3. OTHER BUSINESS: a. Discuss Future Metropolitan Council Environmental Policy Plan Ms. Jones explained that she wanted to make sure the EQEC was aware of the changes the Metropolitan Council is making to their Blueprint outline as it will likely affect future layouts of Comprehensive Plan updates by the City. b. Parade Plans Ms. Jones reported that the State OEA office has decided to park their Reducemobile for the summer due to budget cuts. However, she thought the BFI recycling truck would still participate in the environmental unit. c. Commission Openings Ms. Jones reported that the City Manager's Office has received one application for one of two current openings on the EQE Commission. She had no information regarding when the applicant is set to be interviewed by the City Council. Living Green Expo ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY & ENERGY COMMISSION MINUTES APRIL 16, 2002 PAGE 4 Ms. Jones reminded the Commission members that the Living Green Expo is Saturday, April 27, 2002. ADJOURNMENT MOTION by Ms. Kovacic, seconded by Mr. Svanda, to adjourn the meeting. UPON A VOICE VOTE, ALL VOTING AYE, CHAIRPERSON JOHNS DECLARED THE MOTION CARRIED AND THE April 16, 2002, ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY & ENERGY COMMISSION MEETING ADJOURNED AT 9:42 P.M. Respectfully submitted, Julie A. Jones Staff Liaison