EQECA 09/11/2012 - 7565Location:
Call to Order
Fridley Municipal Center, 643� University Ave Ne
Agenda Packet
Tuesday, September 11, 2012, 7:00 p.m.
Conference Room A (Upper Level)
Approve Environmental Quality and Energy Commission Minutes: May 8, 2012 (attached)
New Business
Introduce New Member: Mr. Eric Boyles
Report from Allied Waste/Republic Waste representative Rich Hirstein
Staff Update: Community Tour of the Allied/Republic Recycling Plant in Inver Grove Heights
Staff Update on Oct 13th, City of Fridley Recycling Drop-Off Event, Prescription Drug Take
Back added
Old Business
City of Fridley Pedestrian Bicycling Study
Tuesday July lOth meeting was cancelled.
Ne�t Meetin�s/Announcements
Tuesday, November 13, 2012, 7 p.m., Conference Room A(Main Level)
Ad, ourn
Fridley Municipal Center, 643� University Ave Ne
Tuesday, May 8th, 2012, 7:OOp.m.
Call to Order
Chairperson Velin called the meeting to order at 7:15 p.m.
Members Present: Courtney Ehlers, Jonathan Bonkoski, Rich Svanda, Jack Velin, and Todd
Olin (arrived 7:SOpm)
Members Absent: Paul Westby
Others Present: Julie Jones, Planning Manager
Kay Qualley, Planning Intern
Ms. Jones noted a minute change emailed to her earlier in the day from Commissioner Svanda to
correctly state that at the top of page two that the re-submitted proposal from Allied Waste was
the only one that satisfied the City's cost criteria. It was also included that Commissioner Westby
was not in attendance at the January 17 meeting.
MOTION by Svanda, seconded by Ehlers, to approve the January 17, 2012, Environmental
Quality & Energy Commission minutes as amended.
New Business
Introduction of Staff
Chair Velin asked Kay Qualley, who the City just hired as Planning Intern, to introduce herself.
Ms. Qualley's explained her background is in horticulture and environmental science and that
she just obtained her Master's Degree in Urban Planning from the University of Minnesota. Ms.
Jones explained that staff felt Ms. Qualley a perfect fit for this temporary part time position that
is a blend of Environmental Planning activities. Ms. Qualley will serve as the Commission
liaison during her internship as her schedule permits.
Curbside Recycling Conversion
Ms. Jones reported that the single sort recycling conversion is going quite smoothly so far. We
do not have any official participation numbers yet, but it appeared that an unprecedented
percentage of homeowners had their new carts out at the curb yesterday, the first day of cart
collection, compared to the 50% of weekly participation typically seen before. She said staff is
mostly getting calls from people who claim to have never gotten any of the notices, but everyone
Fridley Municipal Center, 643� University Ave Ne
�� �� Minutes
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Tuesday, May 8th, 2012, 7:OOp.m.
seems to have web site access to get the calendar off of the City web site.
Staff has been advertising the May 12 old recycling bin drop off option. Our only concern at this
time is satisfying those folks calling saying that they cannot make the May 12 drop off option.
The City does not have the ability to put the unwanted stackable bins in its trash as the hauler
does not want them in the trash. The newer type blue box-style bins are being held for use by
Fridley Terrace Manufactured Home Park as they are going to remain on the bin system for the
time being, and as new residents move in, the City or contractor will need to provide them a bin.
An ad is appearing in this week's newspaper, promoting the May 12 drop off, Ms. Jones
reported, with a scan symbol that takes you to the City's recycling web page. This is the first
time the City has used this advertising method, so we are curious to see how much it is used.
The Commissioners commented that they like the new recycling system and have found it much
more convenient. They are finding that they have even less garbage now and also liked the
clarity of the cart "Yes/No" labels.
Commissioner Svanda voiced concern that he and many of his neighbors were unaware of the
May 12 bin drop off. Ms. Jones explained that an ad was also in the newspaper three weeks ago
regarding that and other key recycling dates.
Recycling Drop Off Report
Ms. Jones reported that despite cold, rainy weather, 509 households showed up to drop off
recyclables at the Apri121 recycling day at the Public Works Garage. The City contracted with
Green Lights Recycling, who provided 15 staff people to work the event and provided excellent
customer service. Green Lights recycled the fluorescent lamps, electronics, appliances, and
rechargeable batteries. The Knights of Columbus provided 4 people to take vehicle batteries and
help with interior traffic controL Michaels Recycles accepted bicycles for reuse and recycling.
Three City staff were in charge of collecting scrap metal. Tires were not accepted and only a few
people had to be turned away with tires that could be recycled at numerous locations in the area.
The new feature to this spring's recycling event was a joint venture with the Police Department
to collect unwanted prescription medications. This service worked out great for the event as it
provided an armed police officer on site that we like to have for security reasons. It also drew
people to the recycling event who might not have otherwise come.
Ms. Qualley commented that she only experienced on complaint from about the 200 total people
she assisted. That person was unhappy with the wait time.
Recycling totals received so far for the Apri121 drop off event include:
58 bicycles (34 of which were repaired for reuse)
2,099 fluorescent lamps
Fridley Municipal Center, 643� University Ave Ne
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Tuesday, May 8th, 2012, 7:OOp.m.
100 incandescent lamps
44.35 tons of electronics
541 appliances
8.5 tons of scrap metal
43 lbs of prescription drugs (which are not recycled, but were part of the event)
Staff has not yet received counts on vehicle batteries. While participation numbers were down,
the City collected more appliances, electronics, and fluorescents than last spring.
Ms. Jones added that not all of the costs have been billed to the City yet, but the total cost of the
event is around $30,000, which is being covered by the revenues received on curbside
recyclables from last year through this Apri130. Under the new recycling contract, the City
traded a lower contract rate for receipt of revenues, so 2013 budget plans are to charge our cost
for appliances and electronics as we have done in the past. This will result in a significant
reduction in tonnage collected, but will still offer a low cost option for residents to recycle
hazardous items.
49ers Day Parade
Ms. Jones reported that this year's Fridley parade will be on Thursday, June 21. Staff has made
arrangements for an Allied Waste Services pickup truck, carrying some recycling carts in the bed
of the truck to accompany the EQE Commission members. The bed of the truck can also be used
to carry the boxes of product we are handing out. Ms. Jones said she would like to select
something that reminds Fridley residents that they can now recycle 1-7 plastics, including things
like yogurt and margarine containers. She said Ms. Qualley has been researching options for
various items made out of recycled plastic. She explained that we do have the option of creating
a scan symbol that could be used to refer to a specific web page for a message if that fits with the
message desired. Staff needs to place orders this week to ensure we have whatever the
commission is going to distribute to promote recycling on hand in time for the parade.
Ms. Qualley provided some of the trinket options open for the Commission.
Commissioner Olin arrived at 7:50 during this discussion.
After reviewing the options, it was decided to order 2,000 plastic clip magnets and to put a brief
recycling message on them with the new scan symbol that would take users to a plastic recycling
web page on the City's web site.
Fridley Municipal Center, 643� University Ave Ne
Tuesday, May 8th, 2012, 7:OOp.m.
BAE Site Redevelopment Environmental Analysis
Ms. Jones explained that the City is working with a developer, Paul Hyde of Real Estate
Recycling, who is proposing to redevelop a large piece of industrial property commonly known
as the BAE site or the old Navy site. There are portions of this land that is contaminated.
Therefore, she wanted to assure the EQE Commission that discussions are underway regarding
whether or not redevelopment of this massive site requires an environmental analysis.
She reported that staff and the City attorney concluded that the site likely met the criteria in State
guidelines that require an environmental analysis, but the developer's attorney believes they
would be exempt as they will be reducing the square foot of building on the site. The
Commission will not be required to review such an analysis if it ends up being required, she
simply wanted to assure the Commission that this is being analyzed carefully and State rules are
being followed.
Other Business
Commissioner Ehlers asked if the commission opening has been advertised. Ms. Jones said she
had requested that several weeks ago, but will make sure it has been advertised and inquiry about
Council interview plans.
Old Business
Local Road Research Board Study Update
Ms. Jones said the LRRB garbage transportation study has been completed. She has not yet seen
a copy, however. The City Manager, however, has asked that the Commission suspend its
completion of the organized garbage collection topic until late fall, which would likely mean the
November 13 meeting.
Ne�t Meetin�s/Announcements
Ms. Jones reported that the Commission's ne�t meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, July 10, 2012.
Ms. Jones inquired as to whether or not the Commission wanted to meet in July since she was
unaware of any upcoming agenda items. Chair Velin asked if a tour of Allied Waste's MRF
could be arranged for the July meeting. Ms. Jones said they do not conduct tours in the evening.
It was confirmed a daytime meeting would not work for most commissioners. Ms. Jones said she
would inquire with Allied and explore a video presentation if an evening tour would not work.
MOTION by Commissioner Svanda, seconded by Commissioner Ehlers, to adjourn the meeting.
Fridley Municipal Center, 643� University Ave Ne
Tuesday, May 8th, 2012, 7:OOp.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Julie Jones
Planning Manager