MIN 1951-JUL 24 - 00025978 /aNUTES4H8WILLAGT: OF FRIDLEY A special meeting of the village council for the village of Fridley was held at District 23 old schoolhouse on ississippi Street on the 2Lth day of July, 1951. The meeting was called to order by Mayor Hartman at 8:30 o'clock P.M. The following members of the village council were present: Hartman, Gottwaldt, Steiger, and Bacon. The following ,embers were absent: Norling. The mayor introduced the first item on the agenda: discussion of the public housing program. lie called upon Dr. Stewart Rothman the State Director of dousing, who in turn introduced Kr. Germ, an attorney with a Chicago office, a Dr. Ackerman, an economist with a Chicago office, and 11r. Lucas, an architect with a Chicago office. All the gentle- men spoke briefly and then answered questions both from the members of the housing Authority present, namely Bill Gottwaldt, Hero Bacon, Jr. and Edner Erickson and from various members of the community. lir. Chard, of the Minnesota State iiighway Department, was then introduced by the mayor and he talked briefly on the situation concerning highway 56 within the village limits. He was asked specifically about the building of shoulders. Dr. Chard seated that there were no funds or immediate plans on the improvement of highway 56, that it was not feasible to widen the shoulders without a construction program since the ditches were necessary for drainage. He pointed out that a good deal of federal and state funds were being employed on the East Rive l Road. He also stated that the condemnation of highway 65 from 45th avenue to highway 10 would proceed shortly, and that construction would undoubtedly take place next year. Is. E. S. Vevea, the Anoka County Engineer, Department of Roads, was introduced by Dr. Hartman. He stated that the plans were now concluded for going ahead with the East River Road project which included taking out all of the curves and making a new road of asphalt cement. He asked the council for a resolution lifting the 30 mile/hour zone after the construction was complete. On motion of Gottwaldt and second of Steiger and by unanimous vote the following resolution was introduced and passed: Thereas the speed limit on the East River Road within the village of Fridley has been zoned for a 30 mile/hour spped from Hayes' corner through the Craig farm. vihereas such 411 -2- speed or reduced speed has been necessary because of the curves and the condition of the road. whereas the project is now under way to take out the curves on said road,to widen the road, and finish it with an asphalt cement surface. Now therefore be it resolved by the village council of Fridley acting at a regular and special meeting of the village council at the school district number 23 school house in the village of Fridley on the 2Lth day of July, 1951, that the commissioner of highways of the State of Linnesota is solicited to designate the speed on the East River Road within the village of Fridley according to the safety standards established by his department when the construction work now under way is complete. Bids on a fire siren .a-Jr,_ opened. Auuber 1 bid, Rosenwald-Cooper, inc. , 1955 University Avenue, St. Paul 4, : innesota, five-hundred and fifty dollars (6550) without remote control. Number 2, L nnesota Fire- atineuisher Company, Inc., 2/176 University Avenue, St. Paul, IJinnesota, five-hundred and sixty-three dollars ( $63) with remote control. Number 3, J. N. Johnson, Inc. ,222 K. Washington, five-hundred and seventy five dollars 75). It Ya5 rivvef b y Bacon and seconded by Steiger that the bids be refe Aid to the Public Safety Committee for review, analysis and study. All ayes. The mayor then read bills from the Rosenwald-Cooper Inc. , the Anoka Union, Cartwrirht and Olson, and the A`inor Company. Gottwaldt moved, Steiger seconded, that the bills be referrd to the Finance Committee for study and report. Gottwaidt moved, Steiger seconded, that the council purchase fire boots, fire coats, and fire straps immediately. Edner Erickson, the chairman of the Fridley Housing Authority, addressed the village council stating that the Authority had recommended that the entire public iousinc program be dropped. On motion of Gottwaldt and seconded by Steiger the council resolved that the recommendation of the Housing Authority be confirmed. r. Herbert Bacon, Jr.$ppeared and in behalf of the Booster's Club of Fridley asked for a temporary 3.2 beer permit for the weekend of July 27,2e,29, and also that the clerk issue a Bingo License to the organization for the same period. He pointed out that the Bingo License application had been submitted to the village council more than 30 days prior to this meeting. On motion b, Gottwaldt and second by Bacon the permits requested were granted. All ayes. On motion by Gottwaldt and second by Steiger it was resolved that the fire department of Fridley be authorized to proceed by themselves with a mutual aid program from the surrounding communities so that the fire protection would be set b;`r August 1, 1951. The meeting was duly adjourned.