PR 04/06/1961 - 30095��? � �
�RtiiCS ,ADiD pLAY�GROiA�DS COiYLI�=T7�S - Ai�RIL 6, 19610
^ ........�.....�..�..�..�....e �..�.
l�mabet8 Pres�att C�►sirmax� Glc� �oaqp�oA, Joi�n �taoson, Bi].1 H�l.c��]c
aud Max'd�ne Bicbhosne
�er Abseat: C]�y� 3tsoz�
C�ty R�ps�tative: DiCk D�lin
Tgae mes�tinq of Psx]cs aa�! play�a�urads waa aall.ed to order by t�
Gl� �Rtoe�a8ona �3� mutual conseaz� og all r�eb�s8, fh� regula►r r�eetia�
dat4 of P�ucc�► ��'8 1961 waa dlEa3,�re� until tl�is ilate�o
John Swat�va a�ved tisat �e s�rotaty • a miautss ba approvsd aa mvri�te�o
Seaorded by Biil Kiicarok. l�otion aarriedo
Dick Donlia report�d that tbs City has ba�on qivsa �oti�er piec� oi parl�
property by Bro�ao�n-St�kaon. T�►o la�d is loca�ed at Konsoe a�d 67th
AveAUe Dtoactheasto ard 1�r. �o�nlia estisaat�d tLsre ia about 3 ar 4 acres�
oi lat�d. Z41a �a�d is laa, but it wgs �greed by the builder that it
would bs brought � to grade.
^ Mre Dca�lia �istribut�d, to all meu�ers, his proj�eti.ons of tht Parks
ar�d Pla�ygrouruls dev�lopr�nts an� na�de iar tlao next five y�arso �Ses
sheet atta�ed to secr�tary' 8 minut�a) ,�be Ccxamitt�e atudi� the
sva].uatiorsa at�d plans of the paxk dev�lopmeato D18cuasion folla�re�d aa�sl
variais i�ets wwc� ptopo�wd concerAi�g fnture cAov�logmQnt. Ia�crsdiate
plat�s iaelud�= a eyClons fonc� a�round t1� baseball field in Fridl�y
Cowwwaas brls�q ths 48th aAd ,i�ait�s Loqats &?th Stre�t parks �ap to gra�ea
and to br�� aAd mo�r tha �or of tsw park prop�rty at aighrvay #65 a�si
Old C�rala Jo�a swaasou mad� the �oti� tbat M�a Do�lin ba auttiori�ad
to spe�ad �450,00 fo� t�e pudc�aa� o!E liak f�nce and inatallatio� of tbe
ft�as arow�d tbs ba�ball field at Fridlsy Caomo�na. 8111 Milcarek
8acoa�d. Natioz� a�ssi�de
�co Do�liri point�d o�t to �s Ca�3.tte� that th�re are c�rta3a arsas
iu Fri�d1�Y. t�ic'b► do �o! hav� a�dy, ar a�quato park faC311ti�s a One
�xa�p14 is tho N. lt. Ca�cs� o� Fridl�y. I� �ras felt t,t►at a�reas such
as �his rrill b� stvdi�d � ttw Caomitts� take�s its tour of tbe paskse
and tl�n r��o�nsndations �n�.Ag acgu181tio� of land i,n thsss areas
cau b� sead�.
$1eZ7 is �Peut P�r ca,pita ia Fri�].sy fcoc pat]c�o A caaparisau is about
$5oC0 p�oc aapita spsat fac par]c� izi Mitinsa,polis. rrpo�tad Ato Dossiir►.
Tbe Ccm�aitt�e qusstio�d Mro Don].in reqar�li�g tho atatua oi the Locke
Pro�erty e itr o Do�sl i�a is Aot ablo to asa�tain a�y ProgrQas ar furth�r
in%�rm�ticas concarninq t'!� aoquisition of t�eis Praperty foar park purpo�a o
�APR 1 3 1961'
Parge 2 �
,� �9ro 1'bampsan will do sar iafor�ael qwationing fato tiie po8��i����
of a�quiring isoao b?.S.p. tbe propestY (sppro�.ma�e],y 12 ac�c�} �� �-:,�
coraier Q� Hi��y #65 aad Yti�ae C�csek o 8� �rill r�port to tb� Co�.���
at tb. A�il 24th m�sttiaq.
The litter o� n� billbcard typ� signs, at the cor�st of Sic��aag ��5
�d Old Cetr�.�ral, aaa disCU�aede !Ro �1c�sa�orn aRlvis�d tbat I�ta Wag't�er
i�a�d «�aztacted �h� i�iinnoaota Sigi��sy Dopa�ct�ent, �d all the siqa�
locatad a� 8i�ray Dapartm�nt propest3� will be r�v�d by Apr il 3A a
Jc4ui �araneoaa moved that i� the futur� �h�re wiil be tbe policy tba�
cou�rcial billbcar8 type sigas t�rill not bo alioweA o� any park
propertYo seco�ed by 1�, Bic�hcaca. Matioa carrierlo
Also di�cusasd, b� the Co��s, r►aa fi1� advisability of nllawiz�g
oonceseio�-tsucke to c�e iat� paucka a�d at tbe bea� o T'bis prsaea�t�
the prcbl�na of littc� 0 1"l�►e poiat was browg�t up, haPever, is th3.a a
service�, aa inos� p�rka, a,� �ae iumdhs do not have driakiag wAter o
Tiiia wili ba discu�eod turther at next me�tingo
Th�a to�r of tbe �aarks b}f ths �oaar�ittse, will be 3�.turda�t, A�ril 22e
^ 1961, at 1 s 00 A� 0�3. All mea�er8 will m�et at thit City Ha7.1 e aad 8�' a
Donl i=t wil l bsve tho it it�!e�ary establ i�hed.
R•spvctful],y submitt,od:
1llasd�s Sic3�osca, SAC=eta�cy tA th0 Cosoisitte�
�A�R 1 3 1961