PR 01/20/1975 - 31193�
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Meetinq was called to order at ?:40 p.m. by Chairman Blair.
�ERS PRESE�'T: Blair, C,aldwell, Harris, Wagar
- p�g.5 pREgENT; Ed Dupay, 5618 5th Street N.E., Fridley, 560-1302, F.Y.F.A.
Dori Nelson, 5797 Washington St. N.E., Fridley, 566-2329, F.Y.F.A.
Chuck Kasick, 7361 Concerto Curve, Fridley, 786-2345
: : ■:.►
Mr. Blair said that the biggest change in '-�,he rules would be in the period
times. He said that currently the Pony and PeeWee's play 10 minutes, and the Cubs
play 12 minutes. The change would have the Pony and PeeWee's playing 8 minutes
and the C�ibs playing 10 minutes. This change will confonn to high school rules.
He stated also that they were adding paragraph 54., which states when the point
difference in any of the three divisions exceeds 25 points, the remainder of the
game will be played using ruruiing time. He znentioned that the t�me-outs at the
end of each half will be changed also. He said that there will not be charqe
time-out, just a notification to the bench and play will continue. Rule 7.3 �lso
has a change, in that now the timeout will be charged to the team rather th�n the
officials. This will ensure that the coaches can go out and make certain that the
boy is alright when injured. NIr. Brown suggested that they take the 7.3 rule and
revamp it th�nselves, and then come back to the C�ission when it is settled.
Mr. Blair asked D�r. Dupay and his Board to review these itens and get back to the
Ccffrm.ission. Mr. Dupay mentioned that he had a few rule changes himself which he
ta�uld like to impl�nent.
Mr. Blair cattnented that the only other itan was that they wanted the weigh-ins
^� to be conducted by a representative of the teams rather than game officials. He
`` said that way they can get the kids weighed in and out on ihe field quicker. Mr.
Nelson said that he wauld like to see the weigh rule changed so that more kids who
are ovezweight, could play. Mr. Dupay said that might be sanething they could
Iook into. Mr. Blair conanented that he would like to see the equi�nent weighed
sr� that the boys �uldn't have to strip down. -
Mr. Blair said that he wished to discuss the paragraph on participation which
states that each boy shall play an equivalent to one series of downs each half.
He said that he would like to see it increased, as he didn't feel that was enough.
He asked Mr. Dupay to look into it.
Mr. Blair mentioned that they should call the Park Office between 4:00 p.m. and
5:00 p.m. on weekdays, and on weekends they should call the H.A.F. President frc�n
12:00 to 1:00 p.m. in case of poor weather.
Mr. Dupay said that he was concerned regarding the new scoreboard. He wanted
to knaw if Mr. Brown was going to have scgneone running it. Mr. Brown�replied that
the City will be providing scgneone, but that if the F.Y.F.A. wants a P. A. Syst�n,
they will have to provide it. He said the City would be paying scgneone per game
and he will have control of the lights, opening the gates, o1.�ening the building,
and running the electric scoreboard. This will be his job. He explained that
they can't have 10 or•15 fans, etc. up in that scoreboard, as the building is not
� that large, plus saneone could get hurt going up and down, fooling around. He said
,;, that they will post a sign stating that it is a dangerous ladder, for the kids to
keep off.
Minutes of the Parks & Recreation Crnmission Meetinq January 20, I.975 �age 2
� Mr. Dupay asked Mr. Brawn about sodding the football field at Cc�nons. Mr.
fficx�,m explained that they are goinc� to reseed it first, and if that isn't success-
ful, which it should be, then they will resod it. Mr. Nelson mentioned that they
had talked about contributing to the cost of the sod and installing it. Mr. Brown
explained that if the reseeding is done properly, it is guaranteed. He said that
if it doesn't work out in 1975, they would welccgne the help and contribution in
� � � � �: :
Mrs. Caldwell brought up the point that the coaches have problems with the
audience and players. She said that if there were scgne sort of "clinic" for the
parents to participate in, they could better understand the rules, and there
wt�uld be less probl�ns. She said that she already knows several mothers who will
personally call each hcgne and try to get those parents out. She said that if the
coaches would exp?�.in the rules and etiquette of being fans it would make a big
difference. Mr. Lupay felt that was a good idea and suggested that Mrs. Caldwell
contact Helen Bryne, the Director of Girls Flag Football. Mr. Nelson mentioned
that last year many of the coaches had a"parents night" the first few weeks of
the season and explained to th�n the rules, what excuses were acceptable for not
attending practics, etc. Mr. Kasick said that there are new proposed rules.
When they are finalized, they will be given to the children to take hane. Mr.
Brawn mentioned that it was up to the Board to review the rules. Mr. Blair said
that he would be glad to attend the Board meeting to discuss the rule changes when
they are ready.
Mr. Dupay said that the association which they have formed is the Sports
� Association, which includes football, girls flag footb�all, w�nen's auxiliary,
basketball, arxl B�e Ruth baseball. He said that Helen Bryne is handling the
girls flag football. He said that she should have a Board of Di.rectors. Mr.
Blair asked if the Sports Association overlooks the rules and policies of their
divisions. Mr. Dupay replied that they did.
Mr. Bra�m discussed ttze fact that in the original agreements the rules and
regulations have to be approved by this Ccnm.ission. He said tha.t they were going
to have to contact Mr. Nielsen ar�d go over the old agreeinents and restructure
all the sports. He said that the City puts out a great deal of money and they
have an obligation. He also mentioned that the Departrnent has to take it's hat
off to all the fellows in the Football Association, for the job it does every year.
He said he wc�uld hate to think of what the City would have to pay if it was all
on a dollar per hour value. He thanked then for all the work they have done on
b�half of the citizens of Fridley. Mr. Blair said that he also wished to thank thgn
for all their ef forts . He thanked then for ccening and asked them to ccgne back when
they get their reorganization done.
M�TIUN by Ncvvu,a, �econded by Glagcuc, �a appnove �he M�.nc�te�s o� �he Pcvch. and Rec�cea�.i.�n
Camm.i,a�s�.an Mee,t,i.v�g, da,ted Decembe�c 23, 1974. The ma�, catvc,i.ed.
Mrs. Caldwell asked if it�wc�uld be possible for us to have parking in the
^`�_ school parking lot. She said that there will be a problgn with the bikeway paths
`� in that there will be no parking on the street. Mr. Dupay said that we need a
sign stating there is additional parking in the school parking lot. Mr. Brawn
said that the school will allaw parking there. Mrs. Caldwell mentioned that the
Nlinutes of the Parks & Recreation Cc�nnission Meeting January 20, 1975 Page 3
Bikeways Canmittee requested that she encourage the City and the school to do what-
ever is necessary in order to get the people to park in the school parking area, be-
� cause the parking restrictions will present parking will present parking probl�ns.
Mr. Blair said that the bikeway syst�n is designed as a transportation systan,
rather than a recreation syst�n.
. 1 � 111.� : i
Mr. Brown stated that the phone survey on snawmobile and letter on snowmobiZes
in Locke is for the Ccnm.ission's inforn�ation. He said that there are only two
cities out of the entire poll that provide snowmc�bile areas on land. They are
Fridley and Fdina. Mr. Harris asked Mr. Brown what he proposed to do with Locke
Park in regard to snowmobiling. DZr. Brown replied that the City Council approved
alternative #2, which states that snawmobiling is allowable and should be posted.
He said that the new state law is that if you allow it, you must put signs stating
it is allowed. The Ccatunission discussed the fact that they feel snowmobiling will
not be allowed in Fridley in a few years, due to abuse of private property, etc.
° Mr. Brown reported to the Ccgranission that he had received a letter fr�n a
:;unister of one of the churches in Fridley, ccgnplaining about hockey games being
scheduled on Sundays. He said that he had given a copy to Bob O7mstead, President
of the Hockey Association. Mr. Blair mentioned that he had talked to Mr. Olmstead
ab�ut the letter arr3 Mr• 0]mstead said that the conflict was not with the City
group, but with District #10, because they are scheduling the games on Saturday
and Sunday, and this the Hockey Association has no control over. Mr. Brown said
that the Hockey Association should contact District #10 and advise them that they
� have scgne concerned people. He stated that he realized that this is the only time
they can get indoor ice, so that is why they schedule the games then, however, people
should have the right to go to church if they so desire.
Mrs. Caldwell suggested that the Fridley Hockey Association state they will not
play games scheduled on Sunday, but Mr. Harris pointed out that sane kids �uld show
up and scane not, resulting in Fridley's games being forfeited.
�: ■� 1 : ':�
Mr. Brawn said that Gary Stimmler had called him in regard to the goalie shoulder
gads. Mr. Stinanler felt that the City should provide thgn. Mr. Brawn said that we
already provide ches protectors. Mr. Brown explained to Mr. Stimmler that the kids
probably won't wear th�n, they'l1 throw them in a corner, etc. Mr. Harris pointed
out that you would have to have different sizes, and you run into a problem there.
Mr. Brown said that he telt that shoulder pads are really a personal piece of
equi�xnent. He said that maybe they should talk to the H.A.F. about providing th�n.
Mr. Harris ccmmented that if you start to provide shoulder pads for the goalies,
where do you draw the line. Mr. Brown pointed out that many of the kids buy theix
awn hockey sticks, and don't even use the ones provided by the City. •
MOTION by wagcuc, �secanded by Ca.2dwe�2 �a� accep� �he �napa�sed mee�ing dcLtvs �an �he
Pcvcfz.� and Reene,a,ti.on Camm.i,e�5�.an Mee,� �an 1975. The ma�i.�n ccvvc�.ed.
►:u ► � 's:. ':�' :
� Mr. Brawn explained that we need to name the park property by Farr Lake, Harris
�y Iake, Blencoe, and East River Raad. Mrs. Caldwell suggested that the elenentary
children in the various schools near each park, have a contest and be allowed to
Minutes of the Parks & Recreation Ccx�ission Meeting January 20, 1975 Page 4
sukniit names. Mr. Blair stated that that had been done the last three times and
�_ could be done again. Mr. Brawn said that the children at Rice Creek School could
name the Harris Lake park, the children at North Park and Gardena Schools could
name Farr Lake, the Riverwood could name Glencoe and the children at
Stevenson School could name East River Road Park. Judy Wyatt, Parks Secretary
was designated as chairnlan of the civic groups delegated to judging the naming of
Narth Park. She was instructed to contact four other leaders fran civic groups
to fonn a ccsmuttee to judge the entries for North Park.
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M�TIUN �o adj�utcn �he mee� cLi 9:25 �.m,
The next regular meeting will be held on Monday, Februazy 24, 1975 at 7:30 p.m.,
in the C�rnznity Rocen of Fridley Civic Center.
Respectfully suLmitted,
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Jtidy Wyat , Secre ry to the Ccmmission
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