PR 05/19/1975 - 31196MINUTES OF Tf-IE REGUTAR PARKS & RECREATION COMNLZSSION ME�TING MAY 19, 1975 � �� Meeting was called to order at 7:40 p.m. by Vice Ghairman Peterson and after some discussion by guests, adjourned due to a lack of a quorum. MEMBERS PRESENT: Harris, Peterson M�:MBBERS EXCUSED; Caldwell, Wagar Ori'f3ERS PRESENT: Jim Hill, Public Safety Director, and a Senior Ci.tizens Group SENIOR CITIZENS A group of senior citizens came into our meeting to discuss a funding probl�n they are having with the Suburban Recreation Association. Qn�_a� �he__gen�lem?n explai.n�d that two years ago the Suburban Recreation Association was awarded granteeship of the Title III Senior Citizens Grant under the Older Americans Act. He said that recently the Metropolitan Council has re-evaluated their priorities and placed transportation, health needs, and nutritional needs as the top priorities for Senior Citizens Programs. He said that recreation and leisure needs for seniors have bee-n placed on low priority and consequently funding for the third year of the grant will not be available. He said that means that sexvices provided to the cca�aminity for a full time staff inember will not continue after June 30, 1975 unless they can cane up with sane fundixig to support the program. He said that their basic hoge is th�t they would find f.he gossibility of 2976 bu�geting for this program, and had discussed this witYs. the Friciley City Council. In the meanti.me the City Council had referred th�n to the Parks and Recreation Carrnnission to see if they could find the $1500 in their budget. The program needs $3000.Q0 per year to continue in Fridley. ~�� Messrs. Harris and Peterson asked that this it�n be put on the agenda for June and requested that the President from the Senior Citizens organization attend that meeting. LIQUOR �RDINANCE Mr. Jim Hil.l was present to discuss the intoxicating liquor ordinances currently in effect in Fridley and surrounding cc�mn�nities. He e�lained the problems in inforcing whatever ordinances are in effect. He said that we currently have two ordinances neither one of which refers to beer as 3.2, just simply "beer". Mr. Hill said that each canmunity has a different regulation and that no tw� are alike. He asked for recc�nendations fr�n the Comnission on revising the ordinance and defining what beer is; whether 3.2 or all beex should be banned fran the parks. Mr. Peterson mentioned that the Corrffnission made a rec�nendation in their �eting of August 26, 1974 to enforce the bePx ordinance to prohibit all beer, wines, etc. fram the parks, except I�ocke Park which should be allowed to have 3.2, because they had the same information as now, that the Supr�ne Court ruled. 3.2 beer as not int�icating. Mr. Hill asked for a copy of our August 26, 1974 Minutes which discusses the ordinance in s�e length and states the Comnission's rec�unendation. The next regular meeting will be held on Ntonday, June 23, 1975 at 7:30 p.m. in � the Correnunity Room of Fridley Civic Center. Respectfully sukmi.tted, �� � � f� ti .�%�` �`y;�'�� ,� � �, �__;_ ; % �ady tt, Secr�tary to the Commission