PR 06/23/1975 - 31197r
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Y J. - was called to order at 7:45 p.m. by Viee Chairnian Peterson.
��ERS PRESEN'I': Caldwell, Harris, Peterson, Seeger, Wagar
UR'E�RS PF�SE�1T: Ed Dupay, 56i8 5th St., N.E., 560-1302 - F.Y.5.A.
Tcgn Nehring, 291 67th Ave., 571-9352 - F.Y.S.A.
� Oz Nelson, 5797 6�ashington St., N.E., 566- 2329 - F.Y.S.A.
�an Nielsen, 7583 Lyric Lane, 784-2783 - F.Y.S.A.
RQy Larson, 6568 Clover Place N.E., 560-3185 - Senior Citize.ns
Earl Ellenwood, 1060 S Circle, 784-3562 - Senior Citizens
Al Berg, 7539 Oakley, 784-3679 - Senior Citizens
Ed Wyatt, 5534 Meister Road, 571-0133
Paul Br�wn, Director, parks & Recreation
Judy ��Tyatt, Seeretary, Parks & Recreation
Mr. Roy Larson was present to reiterate the Senior Citizens' probl�n, which was
discussed at our last meeting. This problem is a lacic of funds to continue their
activities, due to fhe cutback of funding by the Suburban Recreation Association.
'I'hey were asking for $1500 to finish otzt the year. Tl_e program needs $3000 per year
ta continue in Fridley. He said that with t�.at �unt of money they can continue to
have theis meetings and their staff leader.
r1r. Brown replied that the Parks & Recreation Departrnent had already sen� a check
in tY�e amount of $500 to the Suburban Recreation Association and that they ��uld
to ask the City Council for the additional $1000 to finish out the year. He said the
^ 1976 budget was being put together at this time and the $3000 will be added -c.o it..
He said that a special meeting will have to be held for t��is Cca�Yni.ssion to approve
the budget; then the City Council will 'nave to approve it.
MOTION by Harris, seconded by Wagar, that we indicaCe to the City Council that we
have deposited $500 in the 5uburban Recreation Fnnd to cover the shortages that were
aecrued on the basis of the Suburban Recreation Association and the divisions under
the mitle III grant no longex exist, and ask the CounciZ that the� allocate $1000
out o` their budget to meet this $1500 requirement. The motion carried.
Mr. A1 Berg also mentioned that they wauld like to get a building in which to hold
tl:ei.r meetings. P-Zr. Harris replied that a site has been secured on 85th & University
to build a Y.M.C.A. He said that this was in the long range planning as far as he
knew, however, we would not want to duplicate facilities that they might be planning
as far as a meeting rocan. Mr. Brown suggested that the Senior Citizens pick one or
tc� representatives to discuss this probl�n with Mrs. P�yking, the Librarian at the
Fri:dley Library, to see if any such facility might be available in the new library
riow being constructed across fresn City Hall. '
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�ir.& Mrs. Kent Koch were at the meeting to request a fence be put up betw�en their
backyard and Meadowlar�ds Park. They stated that many children, as well as adults, pass
betc�en their and their neighbor's house to reach the park in the back. They mentionc�i
they have had many cases of var�lalism to their house, yard, etc., and feel that a fence
sho�:ld be put across the back, so that people will use the proper entrance to the gark.
Mr. Brown stated that the City has a fence policy which is a 50-50o split; the
people involved pay r.alf the cost of the fence and the City pays for half of the fence
plus the installation costs. Fie explained that we do not usually fence a park unless
� we feel there is a safety hazard for the chilclren. of the Parks & Recreation Co�nission Meeting June 23, 1975 Page 2
Mr. Brown further explained that if a fence were installed, it would have to be bud-
geted in the 1976 budget, as we do not have money readily available for such projects.
Mr. Koch said that both he and his neighbor want a fence put in. Mr. Peterson asked
Mr. Koch to explain our fence policy of sharing the cost and report back to the Cce�mission.
, Mr Fd Du was resent to
, pay p explain same of the rule changes they had made. He had
been present at our January 20th meeting during which sane changes were requested by the
Ccs�missi,on m�nbers. He cited for example, their request to change to change the times
for the quarters of the football games. They reviewed the Ca�nission's request and
decided to change the time on the Cubs frcgn 12 to 10 minutes, but to leave the Ponies
and PeeWees at 10, ar�d not lower it to 8 minutes. They felt by leaving it at 10 mir�utes
they wc�uld get more participatioil of boys in the game.
Other it�ns mentioned w�re:
a. boys will play two series of downs pe ha.lf
b. boys will no longer be required to strip down to make weight
(except for the helmet, which will be weighed) �
c. timeout rule for the half was cr.anged
d. official timeout for injured player was changed; coach can only
confer with injured player
e. player may be suspended for a game if, in the opinion of the Board
of Directors, his conduct is detrim�ntal to the game of football
^ The CaYm.ission felt that itgn (e.) would be better for all concerned if it
w�xe to be changed to read: that if a player was ejected frcm the game he was
. autcxnatically susper�cted fran the following game. They asked the F.Y.S.A. to consider
changing their rule.
They also expressed concern over a place to store their hockey equi�rnent.
There was a brief discussion regarding the reseeding of the football field,
which has already been done. If this does not work, then the field will be resodded
next year.
The probl�n of the shields for the light for the field was discussed. There
evidently was some �robl�n in locating all the parts for the shields. rir. Brown stated he
w�uld go to Acme with Baean Electric and check on the lights.
There was s�ne discussion regarding the request by Mr. Foster Dunwid�ie to
r�ave 10 trees located on Chases Island. The Ccarmtissioners expressed concern as
to whether or not this request confozmed to the ordinance. .
MOTION hy Harris, seconded by Waqar, to request a siteplan showing the trees to be
removed from the Islands of Peace by Foster Dunwiddie. The motion carried.
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Mr. Brown explained Mr. Hill's m�rios regarding the beer ordinance and the City
�-•, Council's addition of allowing pec�ple in neiqhborhood narks who want to have a picnic
with beer being allowed to ge� a pe�.znit for the day.
� a
Miriutes of the Parks & Recreation CcaYanission Nteeting June 23, 1975 Page 3
He said that othe.rwise there is complete prohibition in all the parks except Locke
� Park; also that if you want to put on an event at the Coi�ns then you must request a
permi.t on the basis of selling it in the park. Mr. Brown cc�anented that the ordinance
read pretty much as the Parks C�ission requested. He also mentioned that the City
Council pigeonholed the ordinance until a later t�me.
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The Comnission studied the bill regarding equal opportunities in athletics for
gi.rls as well as boys. Mr. Brown explained that t.he bill stated that we have to
allow the same amount of money per participant. It was generally agreed that the
Parks and Recreation Departrnent already has equal opportunities for girls and boys
in the recreation program.
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The Ca�nnission reviewed twa petitions received frarn the Fridley residents for
additional tennis courts; one at Riverview Heights and one at Ruth Ci.rcle.
MOTION by Harris, seeonded by Caldwell, to receive,the petitions for the tennis courts
at Riverview Heiqhts and Ruth Circle. The motion.carried.
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Mr. Brown reminded the Co�nission that they are to choose a new chairman as Mr.
Blair's tezm of affice is up. He also stated that whomevc�x :hey choose as chainnan
,,� wili autanaticaly become a m�nber of the Planning Co�mu.ssion. Mr. Peterson said th�t
pcx��r of organization has been given to Dick Harris, who is cha.irman o� the Plaruiing
Cannission. He said that Mr. Harris is planrLing on meeting with each C�mission on
Thursday night for the purpose of organizing.
Mr. Brown also mentioned that the meeting nigh�s may change also. They want to
c��ange the �etings around so that no twa meetings are on the same night.
The Cca�mission decided to meet on N1�nday, July 7th at 7:30 p.m. to discuss and
approve the budget. ,
The n�t regular meeting will be held on Thursday, July 24, at 7:30 p.m. in the
Oc�munity Room of Civic Center. �
l , ��fully su�snitted,
�. f,.,,��-'-��-�-y � ��L-��, �zz`�
L, f r/
Judy Wyatt, Secretary to the Ccgmlission