PR 07/28/1975 - 31198��S Q�...�S�.L1�Pt�,RKS At�D RE�R��r�.4�y CONri1ISSI0N MEETTNG J1JLY R�._�.�
�ti:ng was callad i:c orrler at 8:OG by Cha..i�t�,n pet�'son
���'-� ����1'P: Galdwell, Hazris, Petersor�, Seeg�x
•� t��a�t� FxctlsED: wagar .
0'I'f�,'RS PRE5��2. Mr, & t�irs. Thc�nas Albers, 1390 S;cy��od Lane, 571-8984 - Girls Softr�al�
Mr. & Mrs. Richard �'di.n, 5699 Regis Trail, 574-0406 - Gir1s SoftbalZ
�. Mrs. Th�n��.s �rsenault,. 1550 Trollhagen Drive, 571-4705 -- Girls Sc�ftbal,Z
� Mr�. & Ntrs. Chuck LeI3eaux, 1624 Gardena Avenuc, 571-0176 - Girls SoftY�all
Mrs. Barb Reiland, 6068 Wc+c�dy Tane, 788-89I0 - Girls Softball
. : llavid ICud�h, 110 Vexitura Avenue, 560-2179 - GirJ_s Softball
12ich Gr_yni�rs.�ci, 2635 California Street, 781-9459 - Canoe Lessons
Jerry Eoarc?m�n, 6540 East Ri�er Road, 560-5476 - Ccn�tission
Juan Salas, 5810 5th Street N.E., 571-67�0 - Saccer
Gixls Saftball Group �
� S�ccer Grout� • .
PdUl $Y'C�wri �� D]xeCtOZ' � Parks ancl Recreation
. U.a�'�ne Borud, Parks aiYd Recreation
. �arc,
�frs. Thcenas Arsenault came for�uaz:d and stated to the Cceranission that the Sylvan
Hills Gixls Sof�tball team h��ci just c�ne back fr�n t��e 5t«te Tournament, and wan, �,�th
no back�.ng frcgn any Fridley peopte. She also st�t�l that the te�m ha,s not as
y�t r�eiv�:d any txophies from the Park and Recr�ation Departrnent.
Mr. Brown �epl�ed tha-� he did not know what other support the city could. b�;
the g_�sl�.s' parents and th�ns�lves were present at the tou.r_na�nt to lead the team �ro
victarT�. H� also menticncd that th� I��partrn�rit would certainiy see to it i�i�at a11
^ mEdia iaas �};�n care of, ar� t1-ie girls T�uld get public r�ition. He apologized
� for not tmkinc�. a.11 the ni:cessa_Y-y actiori du.ring the season to s� that ti� gixls
event, were thorot:g��l.y covered in the papers and on the local cable television stati.on.
T�.is wi11 be rectified in the future. •
Concer� the tr�phies, Mr. F3rown stated that the playaff winner had not as
y�t Y�e,n determined which has causc�l the de � ay �n tYie handing out of th� trophi�s ,
Tne matt�x i�d b�n explained io the coach, . David Kud�beh, as tr� what the situatiox� �
wa.5. • , �
Mr. Bro�� stated that he k�as suLmitted a letter to the City Cour�cil
than of the deci4ion the Depar.t�n�nt haa to make concexning the team�which was to
go to the St�te Touri�nt in Cc�on Rapids. The team selectec3 c,tent on to win the
�tate Title. He also stated that had the other team been sele�ted, he fel� sure
they also w�ld have gone tc� state ar� dan� a good job. •
Mr. Brc�,m autlan�l scene changes th�t are to go �.nto effect next year in tY�e girls
softbail prorram�. "
Items m�ntionecl wnxe: -
a. hire additional dixectors for the program; one for each division
. b. n� r�scheduled gamES will be m�de by pl-YOn�; all tYii.s will be done
i.n written lettex or form
c. standings �ai�l b� publish�d at least twice dur�xig the seas�n•
d.�. �layoff schedules w�11_ be fonrnzlated before the season begi.�zs .
� . e. spreaciing of the girls program tA dif�er�n� nights of the week;
pr�ssik�ly fc•ar nigiits instead of the two �,�is year
,f. pre--�eason clinic for all officiaJ.s and coaches. Ft� atld regulatic�:�s
. . . wi ll b� revi�red
Mi.r�utes of the P�-ks an3 Recreation Canmission Nleeti.� JuZy 28, 1975 � Fage 2
Mrs. Arseriault brought up the idea that the uniforms need to be improved upon far
nthe season. She stated that scane girls at tl;e state tourna�ment pai3 $2 for
the year and had rnuch better unifornis than the Fric�.ey girls are for $5.
Mr. IIrown stated the reviewal of the uniforms w�uld have to take place before
deterntining that they received better uniforms for $2. He said they probabiy stock
�pile them, or they are kept l�� an assr�ciation such as our football and hockey
groups ;have. He said that most tea�n:s are suppc>rted by c�¢nuni.ty groups wha raise
�he money�for the uniforms on their own.
At this point,. Chairman Peterson suggested that all the menbers of the winrLing
girls softball team stand, introduce thanselves an� give theix position on tl-i� team.
Mr. Thcanas Albers, father of one of the gixZs on the Moore Lake team, stated to
the Cce�mission that he would like to th�n lrnow Yx>w dissatisfied he was with the
program this year. He felt that it was the fault cf either Mr. Paul Brown or the
Cdtm.ission to rLU� the prbgraQn this' as it shouid be run. He stated that, in
his opinion, the gi.rls sc�ftball direct,�r, Denise K,:: ��se, has run the pr�gram in
a unsatisfactory manner. He wanted to see to i�t that this type of situation. never
Y�ppens again. .
Mr. Albers stated that in '-�.he next tw� games, it will be deterr�ined whether_
Moore Lake or Sylvan Hills is the Fridley State Ch�tipion. He also sta.te�. tllat if
Nl�oore Lake wins, it means that thEy are the Fridley Champions.while Sylvan Hills
taent on to state anr3 w�n that. •
Mr. Alb�s�s told the Ccgmussion that they are not paying as much attention t:o
^ the gir�s sports as they are to the boys because it they were, this whole situatian
.� weuld. never have care up. He stated that t1�e boys a�-�hletic depart�nent is superior
to� the girl�. . .
There was scxne discussion now about the schedules that the girls are supposed
to fol�.ow. The example was brou�ht up that the �irls schc�dule for July 23 had. then
playing at Madsen at 6r34.p.m. Mr. Albexs said that the girls were at Madse.n at
6:3�, and th� other team was at Terraee� T'his caused his team to take a forfeit, '
. that he feels was unjustified. He felt that, becGuse he was not contacted about
the changed in the schedule, the other team shQUld r,a.Ve�had to take the forfeit.
He asked the Cannission who has the right ta change a pre-written schedule ar rule.
Mr. Albers said that the game on Friday, July 25, was played ur�der protest,
arxl that the coaches and zunpixes wpxe not�i.fied of this. According to the rules
of Fridley, there was not t�.be a playoff g�. Hawever, this made no difference
ar�d there was a playoff game. The trophies were awarded to the Sy1van Hills
f.eam after winning the g�ne. Mr. All�rs �tated that a prQtest warrants a proper
hearing, and fran reports he received, there was not a proper hearing in this case.
Mrs. Arle,ne Albers cc�mnented the the girls softball director, Denise
Krause, has not done her job as it should have been done.
Ghaizinan Peterson stated that the Cca�mission would look into the matter
be£ore the season begins next year, ar�d definate changes wi11 be made. .
'^ Chainnan Petersori explained to�d Mrs. �11b�xs that the girls softball
group �auld be c�ual to the bays hocicey and f�tball programs if the t�arents
w�uld get a yraup tc�gether as the aforgnexit3.oned groups ha�e. 'rhe orqanization
' of these two groups did no� ccme about fran the Parks and Recreation Departrnent.
The parents of the youngsters forn�ed it.
Minute,s of the Parks and Recxeation Ca►anission Meeting July 28, 1975 Page 3
Mr. A1.bers interjected that he felt scer►e'ching aY�uld be done as soon as possible.
The CaYmi.ssion assured him that action wpuld•be taken. .
� Mrs. AlbPx�s asked Mr. IIrawn i� he would be willing to go to Terrace Park
on Wednesday evening, July 30, and apologize to the girls of the bbore Lake team for
, the difficult situations that have occurrecl on the .par�t of the Deparisnent• Niz'•
•.Brawn stated that he would be gia.d to and will be at the field on Wednesday evening
, at 5:30 p.m.
Mr. Brown sugge�ted that th� gir?s softball program join the Sports
Association, and off�red to help in any way lie can.
7."here was scme d.iscussion concerning officials for games. Trley often are .
not ' qualif ied to ump �c.he games and clkange their minds after a call . Nir .
Brown, once again, mentioned that n�xt year a clinic will k7e held before the seascan
At this time, the Cce��nission ruled the meetang was nc�w closed and. began a
d�.scussion. Mr. Bro�,�r�. explainecl what had b�en said a.nd clarified i:he situation
to Mrs. Seeger and Caldwell. •
Mr. Harris thar,ked everyone far their input. He suggested that the CcaiBn.ission
ir�licate ta the group that they �uld be glad to work with th�n if they would like
to form their own organization for girls athleti.cs. He also suggested that before
the ne�t season the Comnission ccsne uL� with a set of by--laws g�verning each program,
be it T-bal]., football, or girls softball.
^ Mr. Harris invited everyone at the meeting wla.a is interested in up
a set of by-laws to c�ne to the March Ccx�nission t��eeting ar� give sor�e input. He
st.�ted that in th�t way the by-laws w�ould be strictly follawed and no further difficult
situatic�ns would accur as they had this year. �
MOTION by Harris, sec,onded by Seeger, that the Parks and Recreation Department ar.der two
sets of individual trophies for the girls softball nrc�gram. One set of trophies fo .
say 1975 Fridley League Champions, and the o�her to read 1975 Fridley Playoff Champions.
In the event that Moore Lake win one or both�of the remaining games to be played,
they will be classified the league champions. In the event that Sylvan Hi11s wins
both remaining gamPS they wi11 be classified as both the .Zeague and playoff champs .
and wixl receive both trophies. The motion carried. -
Mr. Juan Salas was present to reiterate to the �'�n'zssion'the condition oL =
the soccer fields. He sa_'id that both fields are in unsatisf�ctory condition ° :
they have mud and stanciing w�.ter, stickers, etc. He asked th�t the fields be
im�roved before next year, �r�l. told the Ccgrnnission that even one good field is better
than two poor fields. , •
Mr. Peterson asked that Juan grepare a report an what is neFxled for next year
and give it to Mr. Brc�wri before the next Co�nission meeting where th�y �,�i.11 revi�v it.
� Gn�tOE L FS�ONS . .
Mr. Rich Gryniewski was pres�nt to ask the CaYmission £or permission to hold
canoe lessons on tt�e south side af Spring Lake. He stated tha.t. a'11 instruc�ors had
k�een giving lessons for at least ZO years and all hold WSI certificates. Mr.
Gryniewski stated that the dates for-the I.essoras wc�uld 1� on July 30 at 6:30 p.m.,
���$s�� of the Parks and Recreation C�.:�rni.ssion Mr�eting July 2$, 1975 �'a�e 4
Auqust.6 a� 6:30 p.m.,� and Auqust 13 «t 6:30 p.m.
�.�OTION by Harris, seconded by Seeger, ta a11ow Mr. Gryniewski �a use the south side
-of Sprzng Lake for his remaining three canoe Iessons. The mat.i.on carried.
\ i � � � i �' i � � i.�{�� � . ��V 1
�Mr. Jerry Boar� was pr�sant t� go cv�r some c�f the guidelane.s set up by
the Planning Catrmission for all C�missions tr.a foll.o3a. He reviewed the r�ozganization
of the Planning Cc�u.ssion and its su�aY�i-ttee�. He further outlined what was
expected of the Parks a�x� Recreation G��nission in the futu�e, with e�hasis on
an averall plan and guidelines.
Each Cc�missioner received a letter sent to Mr. Brown frcm Mrs. Fauline
Jernberg. In the letter it was stat�d that the dat�s in the Spring and S�r
Bull.etin for. .the termis tcjuxnament, were August 1S, ln, 22, 23, therefore, she
marked these dates cn her cal�:nclar anc��d. fo.r the days to ccme. Havin� �one
to tr,e G�nans Park tennis courts on ti:� day befor� the tourna►n�ent was to begin,
she found aut �hat it was hzld iyhe nex� day. She was refused entry by tl�e
tAUrnainPa�t disector, even th�ugh it is clearlX atated the the 1�z11etin that
registration was the day of the tourx�ment, a� procEed�d tc� write a letter to the
Departrnent as]�.ing far imNrave�nts for the t�urna�nent for next year.
The Cc��issi�rr axad Mr. Brc�wn both agreed ti;ai:, frc�n na�? on, the toux-n�ment
will follow the d�ices printed in the bulletin to �.vc�id any conf�sian. Mr. �rown
� alsc� s�ated that he was gaing to write a farrnal letter of apology to Mrs. J�rrnberg. �
l` 4 1■ ':'� Harris, seconde� b� Seeger, to put thi� .ztem on tha agenda for Septerriber.
The rnr�tion carr.�.Ed.
.ML�TIDN by Peterson, seeorided by Caldwe.Z,Z, to,a�cept aZ1 letters submitted to the
� Commis`sion. The motion carried.
. �YncaC���f , �� • o� S'
Th� next rec�.ilar will be held an ��aaa�x:�►���y""6e��r"'�� at 7:30
p.m. in the Ccur�nunity Rr_x�n of th C.iviC Center. .
R,espectf ly S ' ttFxl, . . . .
e L'r�ruci