PR 08/25/1975 - 31200� : If ,1 � ii_ �_ _:► ':� =l� i_ i : .�i � 11 �l ► : � h9eeting was called to order at 7:45 p.m. by Chairman Peterson �iEMLERS PRESENT: Caldwell, Harris Peterson, Seeger � MEMBLRS EXCUSLD: Wagar OTHERS PRESENT: Arnold L. Aune, 6321 Jackson St., N.E., 571-1Z28 - Tree Removal ` Juan Sal.as, 5810 5th St., h.E., 57I-6750 - Soccer . Lynn Pischex, 10272 Taylor St., N.E., 756-2380 - H.A.F. R. C. Kelly, 6230 7th St., N.E., 571-1534 - H.A.F. Jim Negri, 6415 Van Buren St., N.E., 574-0051 - H.A.F. Ted Rue, 17U 63rd {Uay, N.E., 560-2715 - H.A.F. LeeAnn Sporre, 301 Ironton St., N.E., 786-4237 Paul Brown, Director, Parks and Rc�creation Judy {Vyatt, Secretaxy, Parks and Recreation TR�� F,EMQVAL Mr. Aune was present to request permission from the Commission to remove an existing boulevard tree in ord.er to make their attached garage into a family room, and builc� a c'toutyle �arage on the back of their lc��. fie staied that he wauld 'u� willin� to replace the existirg tree with a new one stipulated by the Comn�issa,.n as L-o kind and size, on the spot �.�here h9_s old dr:ive�vay was. M02'ION I�Y FIARRIS", secanded by Caldwell, to approve Mr. Au17e�s request; wit:h t.he stipulation that tne tree be rep.Zaced, upon staff recvrnmendat�.on, witn �the r��.r�d & large.s� tree practical. The motion carried. �' Mr.. 1'etersor, explained to Mr. Aune that thi.s request and a�pr.oval woul.� �;a te the.Planning Commission next tVednesday night. He stzggested to Mr. Aune tha� he chec� n with Darrel Clark as to whether or not he need appear at the P.lanilitig Co�;n�-ission :�cxt .,�� Wedne�day n�ght. ' �.I�`�_.U3�,- Ai-r. Harris stateci ttiat his motion at the J.uly_._28th meetirig, ..��g�.��'i�tg .ti-.e sa�t- baZl trophi_es was recorded incorxectly . He requested that the last sentsnce in the motion be deleted.• MOTIQN BY SFF:GBR, seconded .by Caldwell, io cl-iange tl:c rn�t.ion to xead as rcY�e��e�3 by NIr. Harris, and to a�prove tne Minutes as amended. The mation carrieci. . !i � ► Mr. Salas was nresent to pass out his report or� soccer for 1975, as rec�uested by the Commission in the �Tuly 28th meeting. Both Messrs. Harri.s and Peterson cal;�nzented th;zt they had stopped by the field and watched the kicis play soccer. Mr. Harris said that he felt i.t should be one of the Department's priority items to get the fielci in shage. M�. Salas again requested help in getting the gyn�. He stated that each time 1-se has asked the school f.or p�rmission to use it, hP has been advised that Paul Brow:� is US2Ilg it far his playground program. A1... Peterson expl.ained that the Parks �, Recrea- tion Department is never g�iven permi�szon to use the junior and senior high school gyms for this progxam. He said that the3� ar.e scheduled so tightly with the schc�o� activitics during the school yc;ar, that H1e end up with the grade school gyr,inasiunis %'� for our Uask�tball program. �: a , Minutes of the Parks and Recx•eati.on Com�nissic�n M�;eting Au�ust 25, 1975 Page 2 Mr. Peterson said that bath he a�iu Mr. Brown would check on the av�.ilability of ^ a gym for Mr. Salas at tlie next Caordinating Meeting on November 38th. y MOTION BY HARRIS, seconded by Caldwell, that the Commission direct Pau.Z Brown tc� prepare a report for them on how we should improve the field at Locke Park and secvndly, that we, as the Park and Recreation Cammission, L-ry and secure a gymnasium for the months of March and A�ril, far the soccer program. The motion carried. Mr. Salas commented that he haa to buy a soccer ba11 for the elementary team because the six balls they boughi previously were too big for that team. He stated that he had paid $12.00 for the bal� on his own, but if there was money in the budget to cover the cost, he would like to be reimbursed. Mr. Peterson asked Mr. Salas ta check with Mr. Brown, because he thought that a motion Faas macie by h1x. Harris in the Juiie I��Iinutes to authorize payment from this year's budget- to cover the cost of t}�e balls. He asked Mr. Salas to submit his bi12 to Paul Brown.. , hir. Sa1as tnentioned that his soccer team had won the Northeast Region Touxname��t a�d he invited the Conunissior�ers to watch the final game the following day at Locke Faxk. ■ ' Mr. Ted Rue was present to discuss �the 1975 Hockey and IixoomUall program of Fridley. He had broLigYit along a slide presentation and a har�dout of the program. He �ntrcciuced-. n the other gentleinen present �n bel_aalf of H.A.F. Mr. Itue's agenda which:ne �iiscussed during the presentation, was as follows: l. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Intr�duction i-IAF Qrganization and Puxpose HAF Buc�get and Activities Fridley Resident Pa.rtic:ipation F►.iture Plans and Growth Conclusion Discussion Mr.. Rue discussed some iiems which he would Iilce to see implemented, such as replacing c�ne tliird c�£ tlie ec�uipmen*_ every year, improving the security at the rink�, and certified referees. Mr. i-iarris rnentioned thafi the Department plans on using only cexti�ied reierees and that Don Howarcl has been instructed to use o�ily those individuals who have taken the test and pas�ed. He ex�i�ined tha� last year �ae tried to institute this but we were a little t��o late into the program; this year will be different. Mr. t�arris thanked Mr. Rue on his presentatinn and commented that he thought it would be a good idea for al.l the famil:�.es who sign up for hockey, to receive it. The � Commission asked the Parks � Recreatian Secretary to retype, condense and reprodace it for the Hockey Assaciatiox;. , ' /, Mr. Harxis explained to t3ie li.A.F, that the Parks and Recreation Department's budget is cut sev�ral times before it is finally appr�ved, therefore many itcrtts whic�h • we put in are taken out. Hc told the ft.A.F. that the Park4 and Recreation llepartar,-�i.ti would like to work with the�r�, the softl�a.11 people, the football people, etc., i.n cxder to improve our installations. He said he would like to see them work out a program , Min��es of the Parks and Recreation Commisszon Meetir�� kugust 25, 1975 Page 3 � where they could a11 work together to help rai.se the money to do this. He mentioned that the Parks Department spent $S�,OOQ last winter on eauipme�t, ice maintenance, etc., for hockey, general skating and broomUall. He went on to say that the Parks � Department proposed in their budget $5,OU0 per year for three years to build a � warming house at Madsen bufi it was cut from the budget. He asked Mr. Rue if he thoaght it would be possible to get four groups plus the City, to each contribute �$1,000 a year for three years to build the facility at Madsen. Mr. Harris expl�ined ; that he was talking about the HocY.ey Association, the Softball Association, the I Football Association and maybe the V.F.W. or the Li�ns, plus the City. Mr. Rue said i he thought it was not out of the realm of possibility. The H.A.F. asked the Commissi�n how tlley should go about talking to the City Council regarding the hockey program. The Commissioners advised Mr. Rue to get on the agenda for the City Cc�uncil meeting. They explained that everything goes thraugh the Planning Cammission first now, therefore Mr. Rue should contact Jerry Boardman to find out the pxoper procedure for talking to the City Council. There was a discussion on ice flonding for tne rinks. It was the co�sensus of opinion of_ the H.A.F. and the C�mmis.sioners that }he ice is better if the f�ooding is done at night. It was mentioned that la.st year the Commission made a motian that the rinks �e flooded at night. MOTION BY HARRIS, se�onded by Caldwell that_ for th� 8 week period of hockey the ice be flooded at night; that t1�e worn equipmert be r�pai.r�d; and t at the Police Departmen�, at the request of the Parks Depaxtment, prov.ide additiozial securzty at t e rin s. T e � motion carried. � � Pi ANN I G Cc�fW�1I SS I ON Jerry B�ardman was rresent to continue hi.s discussion o£ the guidelines set up by the Plannii�g Cornmission. Mr. Boardman said that the future guidelines will be dete-rmined by many things, inciuding develo�menta.l pressures, population cIzang�s, needs of the peopl.e in the areas, etc. Before our next meeting Mr. Boardman :aill meet with Pau1 Brown and figure out the goals and objectives for the department. The next regular meeting will be held on Monday, September 22.nd, at 7:30 p.m. in the Classroom of the Civic Center. Respectfully submitted, Judy ti9yatt, Secretary to the Commission a � � `r ,� � Addendum to. the Minutes af August 25, 1975 G4ALS AND OBJECTIVES_- JERRY BOARDMAN Mr. Boardman said they were loaking for public participation as far as determining needs, where they want to go in the future, etc. He said that, hopefull•y, they will get support from �he corr�nunity, and all this information will come back at the compre- hensive planning stage. The Comprehensive Plan will determine their priorities: It wi11 be a guideline for the City Council as well as the Planning Corr�nission and the Parks and Recreation Comnission in providing certain services to certain areas where it has been determined is the most need. Mr. Boardman said he though� this is proba- bly some of the problem that the Cauncil has too; in that they get the pressure groups coming in, such at the Hockey Association, Softball Assaciation, etc., saying they need particular items. He said it was hard for the City �Council, as well as the Parks and Recreation Department, to determine whether that need is a justified need, and what the priority is as far as the s�e�ding of the money. He said this is where the comprehensive planning comes in. Mr. Harris explained the various groups aren't really pressure groups,, but rather "special interest° groups. Mr. Peterson said after the last meeting, one af the things which had come to his mind was that he doesn't really:hav.e enough information to do this because he doesn't have an overlay of a demographic breakdown of the populatien and,projected populatian. He said if yau have no children under 12 years of age in the City of Fridley in 5 years, then really you shouldn't worry much about the Hockey program, Little League program, or Babe Ruth program, because there isn't going to be anyone to participate in i.t; and if everyone is over 65, then thi�s really switches the ep�pt�asis completely. He feli it made a big difference as to how you develop the whole thing. � Mr; Boardman explained this is where your actual comprehensive planning comes in to determine what your future needs are. He co�nented that between last year and this, our population has dropped by about 80 people. He said this was due to family size, the family size right now was about 1.8, which was getting pretty.small. ,He said your goals are usuaiiy broad and general. He said he had come up with 3 actual purposes �f what he classified as "open space recreation areas." He said open space can be classified as two areas: protection of open space areas which are mainly under the guide of the Environmental Comnission, and recreational open space �reas. Mr. Peterson mentioned that, other than'for North Park, they are not really , charged with shelter belt and this type of thing; they are charged with an operating procedure to use the land which comes unde� the Park Director's administration to develap a program, whatever it might be. � • Mr. Boardman said purpose #1 of recreational open space is to a11ow and encourage the citizQns to participate in a wide range of recreational opportunities far their physical and psychological benefit. He said this is very broad and will cover a lot of area. He said he felt this was one of the main purposes of providing recreation facilities. He said #2 is to help provide the residents the best environment passible . €or the tota1 experience of living, and #3 is to encourage the citizen involvement in determining what their own environment is. He said they're saying to the peopie that the parks and recreation facilities are for their living environment, what kind of tiving environment do they want. This is for them to determine. He said tfiat on� _ statement which had been made in the past by some planner whose name he could not . i Addendum to the Minutes of August 25, 1975 Page 2 think of then, was "The best city is the city which is providing the best environment � to allow for a total living experience." We said this is wha� they are trying to achieve. He said they must consider what the expansion of the decay whi'ch is coming - up from Columbia Heights is going to have on the City of Fridley, and what they can do ta turn it around and to nullify that effect. He explained they must plan ahead f.or things such as that, and try to do something to redireci that energy. _ He explained if the age of the population in tMe City is getting older and more mature, they must do something to bring that population back into a balance where they will have a well rounded comnuniiy, a lot of young people, a continuance of the elderTy. _He said, "How do you keep those people to continue to work in your community, so that if you are a young person now and you grow older, you can remain in that co�nunity without having to move out?" He said these are the things you have to try to plan for, and try to redirect: _ � 1. Human scale to make parks habitable 2. Adequate areas far open space recreation 3. Public inyolvement in deveTopment af their environment . He said some of the objectives which might acct�mplish some of these things were: One is ta acquire and develop sufficient ar.eas to supply recreation open spaee needs for the Ctiy. Another qne is to deyelap flexibility enough to meet the changing recreation needs. Another one could be to provide facilities which wouid maximize the�accessibility and use by residents. Mr. Boardman said these were the things he ^ was thinking about as far as goals and objectives of the Parks and Recr�ation Depar�t- ment. He said their needs will be developed within the comprehensive recreational p1an. He said that with that camprehensive recreational plan you are also establishing yeur maintenance, your capital improvement program, and this type of thing. He stated that you determine what your needs are, and then set up your priorities for the . funding of those needs. Mrs. Seeger said tMat she still believed in "sweat labor° and participatian. She felt the neighborhoods that worked together to build something were less likely to vandalf�e-it. ' • Mr. Peterson mentioned many of the rinks that we have, came about because�of the � effart of the hockey groups. He aiso said the Littte League has a$60,000 to $70,D00 installation with undergraund sprfnklers, etc., which they put in with sweat labor. . Mr. F{arris stated he was not toa sure the name of the Comnission was correct. He thought what they really were was a Recreation and Facilit�es Comnission, because �hey were providing a recreational outlet for various types of recreation in the carrnunity and providing in part, if not in fu11, the facilities for the people to use. He explained for some people that faciiity is a softball field, for same it's a hockey rink, for others it's a baseball diamond, and for others it's a very passive recrea- tion program. He sai�i •he had been looking over the 1965 Comprehens:ive Plan and - basically the ihings they were taiking about in '65 as far as the improvement for the parks, really hadn't changed much. He felt that basicaTly you cauld just stamp . another date on it and it would be very current. Mrs. Sporre asked what criterion you would use to determine budget spending for � the Parks and Recreation Department. Mr, Narris expTained that "peopie use° is an . impor.tant factor in determining where the mvney is spent. She was int�rested in how you go about evaluating th� interests of tMe total community so that those things can s �, � . . __ , Addendum to the Minutes of Au�ust 25, 1975 Page 3 • � . r", be put into priorities. She mentioned the survey which went on this summer in FridTey as an example. ' Mr. Boardman said that if the Parks and Recreation Corr�nission did not handJe , . ae�ual open space potentials which are happening here, someone is going'to have to. ; He said it's either going to be the Parks and Recreation Commission or the Planning � Commission. He felt it should very directly came from this Commissian, , Mr. Harris said he didn't think it was a perfect plan drawn in 1965 and he didn`t think it would be a perfect plan in 1975. Hawever, he felt they must be realistic in their approach to what this Commission could do. He said he didn't think the Planning Corr�nission could do anything that the.Parks and Recreation ` Commission wasn't doing. He corr�ented he had had a chance to�go aroand and visit a number of other correnunities, and th�re were very few corr�nunities which offer the variety of recreational.pursuits this cor�nunity offers. He said there was no one � in Anoka County who even comes close to Fridley._ He explained we offered every- thing from chess to Chinese checkers to horseshoes, etc. Ne said many communities affer the space but not little else in the way of recreationai programs. He said ypu must recognize that when you are dealing with $500,000, you're trying to deal with those recreational pursuits which can be enjoyed by mvre than one or two or five people. . Mr. Boardman said that the future guidelines will be determined by many things, including developmental pressures, population changes, needs of the people in the areas, etc. F{e said befare our next meeting he will meet with Paul Brown and �1 figure out the goais and abjectives for the depariment. i ��Respectfully submitted, � � �� . .� ' � ; . , dy Wyatt, Secretary to the Comnission . I ^ ;i � I . �