� Meeting was called to order at 7:30 p.m. by Chairman Peterson.
MEMBERS PRESENT: Caldwell, Harris, Peterson, Seeger
OTHERS PRESENT: Frank�Hart5655432h-SF.Y.F.q,' 55432 - F.Y.F.A.
Tom hehring, 291 67th Avenue, 55432 - F.Y.S.A.
Joseph Mariotti, 690 Hugo St., 786-7745 - Riverview Terr.
Leonard Moore, 8301 Riverview Terr, 7��-7762 " "
Mr. & Mrs. Lambrecht, 531 l:imball St., NE, 784-5151 ��
Tom Budnick, 601 N. E. Ir�nton St., 786-3015 ��
Karen Sudnick, 6Q1 N.E. Ironton St., 786-3015 ��
A. E. Budnick, 600 Pd. E. Iranto�� St. , 784-2350 ��
Donna Budnick, b00 N. E. Ironton St., 784-2350 ��
Uarrell Benson, 560 LaFa�ette Si., 7$4-9361 ��
M�" t Castman 6�1 Glencee St., N,E.,.7II4-5897
Car�n. Action Group�
,� �� �► �
�.� g� . , , ,
Henry Peterson, G312 P1erCe St., "s.E,, 571-�804 - Fridley 49'ers
David Ols��, 719 Rickard �d., 571-5142 - Fridley City Band
Niary Marti n, 133 S�:ar7ybrapl; N. �., 571-8770 " �� ��
Meredith Schurr�, 851 Rice Creek Terr. 571-1113
Pau1 Brown, Director, Parks and Recrea�tion Departm�nt
Judy Wyat�, Secret4�ry> Parlcs and Recreatio� Department
�n kivTION �3Y �A�DId�ELL, secvnd�d by 5eeger, to acc��� tlie, m%nute� uf. Noven�hex 2�,� 3975..
""' Moti�n carried.
F.Y.S.A.. _
Mr. Frank tlart, President-Elec� ef the F:Y.F.�,. introduced himself an�i Messrs. �
Tntn Nehrina, P��esident-Elect of the r.Y.S.A. �n� Ed Gupay, outgoing Fresident of the
F.Y.F.A. He stated he was at the meetiny to di�cuss the f���ball fielcl a� tf�e Coman�ns.
Mr. N�hring read a letter to the Comrr.ission fron� the F.Y.S.A. whict7 explained their
plans regarding resoddir�g the field. It stateu that th� Assaciation agreed to pur-
cha:se thP �od �nd pro��i de the 1 ab�r tU 1��Y the sod the f�al l v�i dth of the f i el d ari thi n
the 30 yard line. To justify sucn an exper�ditur�e by th� Associa�ian, they felt �he
City should have the field s�!rveyed and cro:ti+ned with the pro�Lr amount ef b1acE: dirt
to an aece�tuble ievei to assure �ro�cr� dr-�inag�. iie said it was their feeling that
if the fi�ld was properly crc���ned ar�a ,�aintained in the spring af the year, exe�essive
deterioration to the midulc: rar� oF t";e fie�lci would cease to be a problem. Ne aiso
said they wo�ld li�:e somQ ccr,s'ider����on be c��ven to ihe pl�yer bench area to accomrno--
date the increase in wa�pr on the fieici �iu� �:u t��e i!nproved dr��ir�age.
Mr. Peterson �ave Mr. Nart a copy of t�e survey ef the �o�rnnons f`ield cnnducted
b the City En ineers shawing �;he crosa 4ection e?evations. 7here �,►�s so�np di�cussi�n-
as to wneth�r or nr�t the fi el d:� c+ �:rnP� pr'ope" i ti' and drai ns correct iy. Mr. Peterson
asked h4r. t3rown if he had any inforr���an Lrt the various recem;nended elevati�ns far
faotb�l l fields. �fr. 3rotim repl ;, �i t1���t we d�cl r��t have any such infarn�ation �in aur
fiies. He cornr�entea that i� was im�c�ssiNle to t�uild the f�eld cliffet°entiy �r it would
have t>�c��� dune in the fir�t p�ace. lie sair� this aaas d�.�� ta t�� H-inh Schoo: havin�
�hc�ir �roperty east of ours, r�c� n?en� if�i:ed {;r�?t � ����oul� he im�ossible to make a�
severe crc�wniny of-the fiel� �t�ithot��. rei�st�tli�zg thp irric,�ation �p-ipe, resetting
�h��ds. e+:.c.
_ _ _ i . .: . . Pdg@ 2
� Mr. Brown said he questioned whether or not we could crown the field to the
standard football field specifications, but they can certainly get the low points out
of it, raise some of the irrigation heads, etc. He said he would take the recorr�nen-
dations of the Football Associat�on, turn it over to h�s people and see what they
can do to come up with a subse�uent drawing for the Commission's approval.
Mr. Harras asked how much blacic dirt would be ne�es�ary for the field; ihe F.Y.F.A.
was uncertair� as to the exact amount. He said he would be willing to donate 500 to
_ 600 yards of bTack dirt.if someone else would come and haul it.
Mr. Brown assured the Commission that the Departr�ent and the F.Y.S.A. will work
together toward getting the field in better condition.
Mr. Harris suggested checking with the University regarding the irrigation pro-
blem for the football field. After much discussion the Commissioners asked the
Park Director and F.Y.S.A. to come back to the February meeting with a mutually
acceptable proposal for the field.
The group`was back to again request a warming house be put at Springbrook Park.
Mr. Srown explained there were two alternatives:. l} a permanent shelter and
2) a mobile unit. He mentioned that there were three of the mobile units now in
existance in the City. He said that the cost involved was of course appreciably
different. He thought perhaps something �could be built along the idea of a single
car garage. He also mentioned that if a she1ter was built, it would have to go
one of two places, either along the east boundary in the mfddle of the park, or
along the south boundary, due to the apparatus in the park, etc.
Mr. Mariotti explained that the group has had several meetings discussing the
type of warming house they would like ta see at the park. He stated they did not'
want a"tacky" warming house; they wanted one which w�s attractive.
Mr. Harris suggested building something similar to a single car garac�e with a�
sr�all dc�or instead of a regular garage door. Mrs. Seeger suggested,cansidering a
warming house built into the side of the hill with three sides below ground and
one side exposed. _ _ �
Mr. Peterson asked Mr. Brown if there was any type of building at ali available
for this season, for the children to us.e. Mr. Brown explained that there was not,
however perhaps they cauld ctieck into the possibility of borrowing a construc�ion
shack for the season. He stated, however, that if they did, they wouid have to come
up with several, as their first obligation was to Rice Creek School, as they are
behind on their schedu]e for improving that area. Mr. Harris reminded Mr. arown of
the problem they had last year trying to get a construction shack, due to the 1iab�lity
factor. Mr. Peterson asked Mr. Brown to check with Mr. Brunsell, City Finance
DireGtor, as far as liability. He said that he in turn would check with some people
he knew. He explained to the Riverview people that the Commission would like to j
have something in the way of a warming house for the parlc this year, hawever, budgets
are made in July and August and their money for 1976 was already corr�ni`tted for the
year: ,
Mr. Moore asked Mr. Brown to make the ice rink at the park larger and
more often. Mr. Brown stated he would take care of it. �` �.�,�
Page 3
After a lengthy discussion on the possibility of a warming house for the park �
"� Mr. Harris said he would get on the phone and see if he could find anyone who would
donate a construction use this winter; then turn it over to Pau� to figurE
out the liability angle. Mr. Peterson asked Mrs. Seeger to check into the warming
house 'she was thinKing of, Mr. Harris to check into the construction shack and he
himsQlf would �check into the one he was thinking of, and maybe between the three of
them, they could eome up with something ta turn over to Paul.
Mr. Peterson explained that it was not feasible at this time to expect the
Commission to be able to put a permanent warming house in the 1976 budget. The
money simply was not there. Ne said that the request far the warming house will .
be put down for consideration for the 1977 budget, as are all requests. ,
Mrs. Seeger told the. Action Group that the Corrnnission needs to know what type
of warming house they�want, what price range they are thinking of, what ideas they
have as far as looks, etc., before the Commission can decide what to put up.
Mr. Harris explained to the Action Group that as far as a permanent structures
go, the warming house will probably be placed in the same priorities they've been
placing buildings in the last four or five budgets that he has been involved with.
He explained the priorities the Parks Department is already committed to, for
instance Madsen Park, for which we paid the assessments to have water and power
brought in, and we don't even have a building there yet. Ne mentioned that part
of the priorities are based on how many children use a park for skating, the number �
of hours of skating and hockey take place at a given park, etc. kle also said that,
unfortunately, every time they put a warming house in the budget, the Cauncil cuts
it out. Therefore, the Action Group should go to their councilman, their counciiman- .
at-large, and the mayor for help, and explain the extenuating circumstances why -
they feel they should have a warming house at their park. This is where the selling. .
must be done.
Mr. Henry Peterson was present to request site approval from the Commission for
construction of a bandstand in Fridley. If the C�ommission wi11 approve the site, tl�en
- Mr.'Peterson stated he would'go'out and try to raise the money to build it. He said
he had plans for a bandstand from onz of his friends who was superintendent of the
Columbia Heights Park Board. He ecplair�ed that Columbia Heights has a new bandstand.
Mr. Peterson told the Corr�nission he had already appeared befare the Council as
an individual asking them to pass this request over to the Bicentennial 49'er Comr�ittee
of fridley, to which he belongs. ,
Mr. Reterson explained the advantages o�' a bandstand and how much people wouJd
enjoy it. He told �ihe Coimnissioners the site he had selected was the south end of
Moore Lake, south of the flagpole. Ne said he had chosen this spot because of the
traffic on Highway #65. He felt-this would draw people. -He said he was going to
take this project back to �he 49'ers at their Jarruary ?th mePting, to ask for help
in raising the money.
'� Mr. Olson stated he would also like to see a;bandstand and he was there in
z; support of Mr. Peterson's request. Meredithlsconcurred withMthe necessityrofaaso
there to lend Mr. Peterson support. They al
permanent bandstand to the people to enjoy.
P��� a
Mr. Peterson stated he had come to the meeting simply to ask for approval for site
�►�. location and to put it in the 1977 budget, if they are unable to raise the complete
' amount needed to build the bandstand. Me explaine� the City would have contral of it.
The Commissioners questioned the advisability of building it�e bandstand so close
to traffic on highway #65. They felt it would be too noisy due to the traffic. The
suggestion was made to perhaps build it near the other end of' tk�e lake beyond the
beach area, however there is a ball diamand and tennis courts there. They also sug- � _
gested the possibility of West Moore Lake near the Dunes area.
Mrs. Seeger expressed concern that the Theaire and Fine Arts groups get to use
ihe bandstand when it is bui1t and that they could not use it properly if it were in
a noisy area.
MOT.ZON BY-HARRIS;-seconded by Caldwell, that the Parks and Recreation Commission go on
record in supporting the construction of a bandstand for the City of Fridley, at a
mutually agreeable-Zocation with the City Band and its officials, Parks and Recreatian
City staff, and the Commzttee who wi11 undertake the project to constructthe buildinq.
the theatre a
nd fine a
Mrs. Caldwell sec
onded the
motion with the stipulation that ,
� ` group have some input. The motion carried. �
Mr. Brown stated he would like to pubYicly thank Mr. Otson and the Civic 8and
for the fine 3ob t�iey have done in the past. He said the Department wanted to thank
them. Mr. Peterson suggested Mr. Brow� put his thanks in the form of a letter to
Mary Martin, President of the Band, on behalf of the Department and the Commission. :
' Mr. Brown suggested the idea of the band playing sometime in the winter at
^ either City Hall or in the Library. He said they might approach the City Council
� on thai idea. Mr. Peterson suggesied Mr. Olson ge�t together with Mr. 8rown and
� try to request it through the City Manager, rather than trying to get on the agenda
� for a Council meeting.
Mrs. Seeger read a letter to the Corr�nission from Li�lian Meyer of the League af
Women Voters listing suggestions from them for the names of the parks.
MOTION BY HARRIS, seconded by Galdwell, to receive the Zetter. The motion carried,
Mr. Harris commented that this item has been on the aaenda from month to month �
waiting for.discussion when all the members could be present, and it has been difficult
for them to all make it on the same night. He sai� that since our country,is entering
into it's Bicentennial year we should consider using some of the many excellent names
which could come from this celebration of our history. He said he had gotten tfii.s
feeling from many people who felt the same way. He felt this would be much more.
appropriate than some of the suggestions, i.e., Salamander, Mud Puppy, etc. He.said
that he would come back to our next meeting with,some suggestions for names.
Mr. Brown had given the commissioners a letter referring to a job offier he has
� had from the A.S.A. in Okl�homa City. He_explained what the �osition entailed and
� his possible acceptance, which will be based on the terms of the offer.
" MOTION BY HARRIS, seconded by Caldwell to receive the Ietter. The motion carried.
.... ,... T„� orr.�i� nR PARKS ANQ RECfiEA�'I0�! COM�lI�SION MEETING
�i{�u � �.J �%.� 111�+ • �- . .
Page 5
DfCEMBER 22, 1915
� � �1���s sor.TE3n����koc�nM
; Mr, arown apologized to the �4��S��eirrthoughts that$thebFlY.S1Auaslletter�was :
� girls program. Ne said he agreed with ut this,item on their agenda for the February
' a little out af line. Ne suggested they p
I meeting and he would contact the F.Y.S.A. to come to the Commission to discuss the
girls softball program. Ne said that evecanhonlh make�final•decisionstonrthose are�s
they will make any final decis�ons, they Y
under their jurisdiction, but the overall agreement gives the Commiss�on final deci-
sions re��arding the program. Ne explaineditthe tolic9esehave beenrfargotten� hauled
out and read every year, therefore, some o P
Mr. Peterson expressed some concern as to whether or not warming fiouse attendants
have copies of the warming house duties which they muntthe�dshould haveabeenewatch- � ,
others have seen the kids sitting around studying whe Y
ing the children. Mr. arown answered that the kids do have rules to follow. Nir,
Brown explained that we do have daily atts�doned whether o�rnotethenkidshweresrequired
the usage ofi`the rinks. Mr. PEterson que
to attend an orientation meeting; to which Mr. Brown replied that theofWthe�rir�k�
Peterson asked the secretary to send out to the CommissionErs a copy
ru1es which are in the Attendants' books. , ,
MOTION BY SEEGER, seconded by Caldwell to receive the letter from the 5pringbrook
� Nature regardinq the naming of North Park. The motion carried.
` A90TION BY HARRIS, seconded by Caldwell, to receive a11 other letters and communi-
cations sent to the Commission. The motion carried.
MOTION BY SEEGER, seconded by Harris, to adjourn the meeting. The motion carried.
The next regular meeting will be held on Tuesday, January 27, 1976 at 7:30 p.m.
in the Classroam of Fri.dley Civic Center.
Respect�ully submitted,
� �
udy W att, Sec tary to the Corr�nission
� �
. _ _�.`�