PR 01/27/1976 - 31206� - - ,* �
Meeting was called to order at 7:30 p.m.
MEMBERS PRESENT: Harris, Pet�'rson, Seeger
OTHERS PRESENT: Earl E1lenwood, 1060 S Circle N.E., 784-3562 - Bandstand
Carl Morphew, }005 S Circle N.E., 784-5388 "
Henry Peterson, fr312 Pierce St. N.E., 571-8804 '
Tom Nehring, 291 67th Avenue, 571-9352 - F.Y.S.A.
Steve Coyle, 4508 Fillmore, 574-9067 "
Virg Farasyn, 700 Rice Creek Terrace, 571 1624 - F.Y.S.A.
Dan Huff - City of Fridley -�Naturalist
David Torkildson, Director - Anoka County Parks
Mike 0'Bannon, 5298 Filmore St.N.E., 571-8865
Don Harstad, 7101 Highway #54 N.E., 571-5660 - 49'ers
Dick Kinsmin, 1348 Nillcrest Dr., 571-0764 - 49'ers
Jim Klemp, 7516 Tempo Terrace, 786-1838 - AAU Swimming
Judy Wyatt, Secretary - Parks and Recreation
MOTION BY HARRIS,-seconded by Seeger, to accept the minutes af December 22, 1976.
Motion carried.
Messrs. Nehring, Coyle and Farasyn were at the meeting to continue discussion
n of the Girls Softball Program.` The comnissioners explained that they wished to
clarify some points regarding the program. Mr. Peterson said they were most con-
cerned with the rules and regulations under which the F.Y.S.A. was operating. He
said the cammissioners wanted to meet with the F.Y.S.A. personally and go over the
agreement which had been signEd by Paul 8rown and themselves. He mentioned that the
agreement between the F.Y.S.A. and the Parks and Recreation Department states that
the Parks and Recreation Comnission reviews their bylaws, playing r.ules, etc., so
that they are mutually agreed upon. He said he would like to see their bylaws,
playing rules, and their methods of hand}ing it before they consider it final. He
felt that one way to eliminate problems was to have an agreement on how to handle
items before they start. Mr. Harris concurred with Mr. Peterson. Mr. Peterson
asked Mr. Nehring when would be a good timetable to come back to the Commission with
a71 this information. Mr. Nehring indicated their bylaws, rules, etc., were in the
process of being revised and he stated they would be completed by our February 23rd
Mr. Peterson asked the F.Y.S.A. ta return ai their February meeting to finalize
the agreement for the Girls Softball program.
Mr. Henry Peterson was at the meeting to explain to the Commission that since
their last meeiing he had appeared before the 49'ers to get approval for a bandstand
in Fridley. He said he had looked at sites that morning with Messrs. Harstad and
Brown. At this time he introduced Mr. D. W. Harstad to the Conmission.
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Mr. tiarstad explained that the 49'ers Corr�nittee had authorized him to draw up �
a set of plans arrd make an estimate of the cost. He said the estimate had to be
submitted to the State by Friday,, January 30th. Ne said there was a slight possibility
that some partial funding of this project r�ight be available based on it being a
Bicentennial project. �
Mr. Harstad continued by saying thai the sites they had looked at that morning
had a lot of inerit. However, is-is on fill .ground, so if that were where it would
be built, the footings, etc. would have to be designed differently. The location
is at East Moore Lake between the tennis courts and the lake. He cited a number of
reasons why it would be a good locatinn, i.e., near refreshment stand, parking, etc.
Mr. Bob Peterson explained that at the last meeiing the Gorrenission had made a
motion stating t�ey would support any site which was agreeabl� to the 49'ers, the
Band and tMe City Staffr Mr..Henry Peterso� indicated the East Moore Lake lacation
seemed to be agreeable to Paul Brown, as being the ]east disruptiv�. Mr. Kinsmin
mentioned it would be a good location for a bandstand as many people would see it as
they drove down highway #65. •
The commission advised Mr. Henry Peterson that his next step should be to contact
Mr. Paul Brown and ask him to write a letter to the City Manager indicating his
approval of the site. The next �teps are the P1anning Cornr�ission and then the City
Council. �
MOTION BY SEEGER,°�secc�nded by'Harrfs, to change the meeting.dates of the Parks and
Recreation Cornmission back to Mondavs for the rest of 2976. Motion carried.
Mrs. Seeger requested that since 1;he meetings are shown on the 1976 calendar
as being on Tuesdays, a mailing explaining the change to Mondays be sent along with
the Spring and Summer Bulletin to the residents af Fridley. .
MOTION BY H�IRRIS, seconded by Seeger to receive the Zetter of resign�ation from Pa�a1
Brown and eoncur with his decision with reluctance, and sugqest that when,the:City
Council and staff decide to involcre themselves in the selection process of a replace-
emtn for FauZ Bzas�n, t.hat the Parks and Reci�eation Commission be considered to be a
partial screening �ro�p for this selection. Motion carried.
Mr. Peterson, on behalf of the Commission, asked the secretary to convey to
Mr. Brown their best wishes and success �n his new endeavor.
Mr. Torkildson was present, along with Messrs. 0'Bannon and Nuff, to discuss
the Lino Lakes Regio�al Park project. He ecplained that in 1970 Anaka County conducted
a comprehensive study with Ramsey Co.unty through a joint powers agreement, and came
up with a total pian for the Rice Creek corridor w�ith a portion which involves the
City of Fridley. He had broughl: along some maps which he showed to the commission,
He explained the areas whictj were already in public use. He said their objective
was to 'create this corride�� ali the �,nuy dow� to Mahnoman Park from Lino Lakes.
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�. . �
�1 Messrs. 0'Bannon and Torkildson showed the commission on the map the areas which
� need to be obtained in order to complete the corridor to Mahnoman. They explained
that they want to trade Fridley's holdings in Rice Creek Park for 12 acres of tax
forfeit property in North Innsbruck. They showed the commissioners on their maps,
the areas in North Innsbruck which are eventually going to be turned over to the
City and indicated they wanted to make more land there, currently in their control,
available to the City. They, in turn, want the area in Rice Creek Park. Mr.
Torkildson indicated that it need not necessarily be a change in title, but perhaps-
a"working agreement". They need control of all the land bordering the creek, so
that they can make trails, parking facilities, etc., availab]e to the public. They
assured the commission that this will be a non-motorized corridor.
Dr. Huff stated that the City Manager had requested him to ask the Caunty
how much money they would be willing to add to the acquisition cost of Rice Creek,
as he didn't feel it was an even trade. He said the total for all acquisitions
and pending assessr��ents amounted to approxima�tely $29,000. -
Mr. 0'Bannon replied that the tax forfeit land they had, could be put on sale
for $29,000; that he had been holding it since 1962.
Mr. Peterson advised Messrs. 0'Bannon and Torkildson that the proper procedure
would be for Dr. Huff to get together with Mr. 6r.own; and,:..with the City i�ianager's
concurrence, write a proposal. The next step would be Parks Corr�nission, Environmen-
tal Commission, Planning Commission and City Council. Dr. Huff said he would talk
to the City Manager and explain the County would like a proposal whereby tMe first
^ choice would be an outright swap of the two properties without an exchanre of money,
and secondly, if the Council would not agree to that, tnen a cooperative agreement
to use the 1"and.
Mr. Jim Klemp was present at the meeting to request financial help fram the
Parks and Recreation Department for his program. He stated he would also like to
see his program integrated into the Parks and Recreation program. Mr. Klemp ex-
plained that the swimming levels are broken down into thr�ee groups, i.e., A, B, and
C, and also according to age. He said they are chartered now in Fridley-Spring Lake
Park and they have coaches at the pools at both junior highs.
Mr. Peterson suggested Mr. Klemp contact Mr. Tom Nehring of the:-�F.Y.S.A. and
see if their organizatian would be interested in helping them or taking them under
their wing. Mr. Peterson then suggested Mr. Kler�p could come back to the Corr�nission
meeting after meeting with the F.Y.S.A.'
The next regular meeting will be held on Monday, February 23rd at 7:30 p.m. in the �
Classroom of City Hall. �
Res ectfully submitted,
� J dy Wyatt, Secretary to the Comm�ssion