PR 02/23/1976 - 31207�
. FEBRUAkY' 23, 1976
�IE2�B'�;RS �'R�S�NT: J3oa �'eterson, Dave Harris, ShirleS Ca3.dwa11,
Jen Seeger, Harvey V�fa�ar
OTH�hS PFiES;NT: Tom - �,.�.S.A.
Jim ii�.t.omp - Fx�ictley k'ark Aquatic Swim Club
�Ir. Scott - Chair�nan, Hum�,n Resources Com::�:Lssion
Steve Goyle - I�3.r�ctor, Girle Softball L3.v, of F'.X.S.�,
Paul Br�:vr. - F�irect�:�, �ark� & R�creatS.�n �ie�t.
Leonard �. Moa�e, Jr. - Riv�er�riew H�ts. Gom�unit��
Action Group
Chairpsrson Peterson cal"led the meeting ta order at 7':40 p.rn.
VAL Q �� P�I�:UT�;3 OF J
�STUN ;���;v`.�,IY�G:
P t�R
h:OTLUN b�� �ir. �iarris, seeonded b� Shirle� C�ldwe.t�.,
minu�Gas u� throu�h the motion mads b� hims�lf as it
off'3cial aatian t�ken as � com:�nission, Upon a
votin� ay�, th� motion carried unanimousl�.
to r�p�rov� th�
was the last
vote, �:�.1
i�OTION b�y :ti�r. Harris, sacondea by Shirley Cald�w�l�, �hst the rest
of the minutss ae rec�ived b� ths com:nissian. U�or� �� �rQte,
a1I voting a�e, the motion carried unanimou�l�.
Mr. .Tf.m i��.e�np w�s Present at the r�aeti�� to x��queat flnaneigsl h�lp
fra:n ttaA �arkg ana�°�€�tiou Co��nissian for his pro��xa:�. t�e stated
thai h�, hr�d cc�ntectad hlr. Tora Idenr�r_� of' tha F.Y .5..�. x�egardir��
iknd� �nd wss to].d th3t duQ to �tYie f�?et th�t Che� wer� a c�.t�b' �n�
ars charter�d to run F'ridl�y ana ��rin? L�k� ��rk schc�c�:ts, i�i.�
orgenizatiori .would no� b� able to au�port �Yie �:�U in a�.y way .
Mr. If1em� reviewed his pra�ram for the C(3rtl..r�118s�Ori�ra. Hr� st�tnc�
�h�x�e are thlrt�; ta 1'oi���,r �wiz�.zt_�rs operatln�: ou�� of' two poo.ts .
�tie k��U p�o�r.otes coru��*t�.�ive swimmir�� ar:d aff'�r� svsirr��i.nt� f`c�r a1.1
ch:�lart�r� �vho c€�n s�vir� the lcn�th of th� poola Thc�i�° cnnin �o�arc�
��' �ncome ie throu`h m�-�t;�rahip fe�s anci m;��t� uh.s� k�c��t.
Z'hat provictes approaimate�ly �1,6U0, and they need �3,OUG to operate
throughou� th� year. He safd that in the past tne I�ridley City
Council has helped defar the co�ts, such se medals and ribbons.
This year they sala ho shouxd go to the �arks �nd Recreation
Com:niasion aa they felt 3t shoula coma from thcre .
&Ir. Petereon asked t�ir. Klemp if he haa t�lked to the Sprinr� L�;Ke
Park City Council. i�r. Klemp replicd h� h�d, and thest w�re �
to have thc municipal liquor store� znake a donatione Thcy were
going to� buy the max2mum advertising, but thcn some pc�ople in his
club felt thr�t due to the- faet St is a youth c�ctivlr.y it shoulan�t
bs sponsored by 1lquor stores. 'L'he membera of the Spr#.n� LaKe Park
City Counc�l dia make a aonation a� that tir�c .
Mr. Harria asked �Ir. K1.�mp what tS pc o�' su��ort hc ivas tgiking
about in terals of dollars and cents, az�d �ir. n.lemp re�li�d they
would be vRry ap�recis�tive if it coulcl be somsthing compar�bla to
past dan�tians when the medals for the swim meet wera nurchas�d,
whieh came to approxim�tely ��UQ.
MOTSON by Shirley Cr�lawell, s�condAd by J�n Se�gar, that the �'�rks
and Rcereation Coma�ission reca�ond to the Gouneil that they feel
it uvould be a good idea for the` Cauncil �o buS thP medals ana ribbons
in the amount th�y aid last y�eer.
Mrs. Sse��r �sked if �.ny f�znc�a comc from thA schools, and �qr. K1�mp
repli�;d no��e did� but the A�'�U r�a�cs a toL�n ctonation and then the
achools donste thel.r f'�ciliti�ss. Th�3� also allow them to usc the
echools t�hen th�y host a meet.
U�on r� vo3ce vote, �11 vo�ing �yc, th� motian carried unanimousl� ,
PHQ�'C�Si�L TQ Ia�,�I�;�,J.�' FII�:" �RTS GRVUP :
?�r� 5cett �vas intrpduc�d to the Corn�:�i�siun by iv�r. Peterson. Ha
sa�d �n�� �uman R�sourc�� �om::�ission car�.e ui� v�ith a pro�osal to
detrelop a F'ine �rta Group ar�d �hat tiz�S iurther reco�n.r�enaed that �
the �'fna Art� Group bP estab�ishr,d a� a se�arat� com���i��ion in the
e#.tZ struetur� rather th�n unar�;r th� :iuman R�sot�rces �om-nis�ion.
The Hunian Resources Co��nissiUn appro�red 3.t, €�nG it is no;� bAin�
stt�di�;d byy tk�r; �l�nning Cnr�:ission. Sursec��acnt to th�t motion the
Fin� �irts �'ro juct Cornmitt;ee cor.�inut�d workin�; �zna h�s j orme�d a
�rou� in th� com.�nunity to p�rform a live pl�� thig s,�rinr�. The
eati:ntated coat of t:�e Pl�y 3.s �2,8�0. Tha comA�unity� �choola h�t�o
aTloca�ed �1,800 towr�rcis the cc�t. :�Yz� Finc Arts Grotxp th�n m�de
t�n r�;�pea1 to the I�uman �C�sQUrc�� Com'.^,�_S��OI1 for �p7u�, fi�urinq tt�Py
co��1.d r�ise th� other ��5�0 in `��lic�.tr�t��nQ, �r,thlch they ttr� att� nPting
�p .c�c�, t�ir. S�ott said his Co:�mi�sion r�comm�na�d �nsnirnous2y th�at
���c uour;ci� �i�.� thc�m �hr; ��70Q fra.:: t�ic C�ntir�?�nc'y I�und, �and �►lso
th�t t11-y br1n� it up in S'r�on� af th� i'l�ann�ri�; �ornni�sion. �
'^ At the laat Plannin� Commis�ion meetin� it was brought out that
'� perhap� the Fine ��rta CornmSttee ahould bPlon� to the Parks and
° Recreation. Comcnission. 1,�r. Scott aaid the rcason he w�s at th�
meeting was to find out how the Parks and Recrr,atiQn Cor,z,mission
fclt about it and ta open up a diala�ue-on the issue, and also
to carry back to them an�� concerna or in.�ut �s to how they feel
a Fine Arta Group should function 1n tha committae .
t�s. Caldwell stat-d she would h�te to s-e the Fin� Ar�t� Group go
undcr +�ny com..nission' � win�. idr. Scott said th�t the Plannin�
Co.nmission ma3 tota.tly rej�ct tlie id�s of havin� another co:nmission.
in th� city. I�s. C�ldwell pointed out that she couldn't �ec any
financial advante�e'to comin� under this comm3ssion.
Jan S�egcr aaked what kinda of thinga the� were planning ta do,
and Mr. Scott re�lied tn� first thing was th� play, for which
they aiready YxavP a airector ana some ;?rops, and thc�y arc tal�zin�
a�iout 3nothPr spring cancert as they found tharc are a lot of musici.ana
in tha community . 'Phay ara also considering a y ounq peopl� � s
fa1.k attraction on a fla�-bed truck. I�e �aia some of the artis�s
are the �'rialey FootlSghtArs that �ut on 1�rs�nic and O.�d L�ce.
Mr. Harri� �aia he agrecd. wi�h Ms. Caldw�ll Sr� that �ny tim�- you
put nnoth:�r f�acet of control by this cornr�ittcc it �'CdUCC3 the amount
of oopartunity they mi�ht h�ve solicit�.nr� th�ir oe�n. �'unds. Hc fPit
_� th�, Cammi�sion could don�tc thc apr�cA, but �'or th�r.: to te11 th�
Fine Arts �i�oup ho�41 to run their prorr�m woulct bc ��►��takc�, which
hs fclt woulcl happ�n. �Ir. Scott saia Yiis Co�nniission felt the same
w.e�� ,
Jan S�eger �aid shc would lik� to s�c it mnde a separat� com�.iasion.
YYTr. scott re�li�d he� didn't know i� St should bQ � com.mission, �Sth�r.
He� hact some� reserv�tions as to if th„ cit� could ai'ford this tyA�
af thing. The r�acor�::��ndation saict there was a nQed f'or a�ine rir�s
Group .
�ir. �'et.;rson aa�id he has b��;n a me�nber of othpr or;Anization� in
F'rial�sy �na he fel� the oth�rs ha��e b�en succ�ssful �rimsril�, be�suse
thay ht�v9 a sepnrat� Borxrd of' Lirectors wha Yvork with a co�nmissi�n.
The;y wera rusponaibl� :"�r r�aising thair own budgeta �znd �omc�ha�v
th�t se�ma to �raork bct��r.
I�r. �'�tcr*son �a�.d it glaould operate under �om� co:n�3ssion �o make
sure it is o�en to cv�ry° mcmbar of rridlr��. H� said 1.t s��:n�►d to
him that it �hQU2d ap�rrate un�cr th�; Hu:�.nn Ra4oura�s Co.�:nission undmr
this ty p� of urr�n �°�m�nt to me�ke sura it is apcn, and �nv ane
axclud�ci. Ho falt it; �,v�>>.zl�i �-.t'��.miaz9d thc ir,t^rPsts of' the coni:^�ur.i�y.
��90TInN ,ay L�r. �'etesrson, scconae;d b� �tr. +'�ngar, that ba�Aci on �Ir.
Scott'� qrescnt�tion tri� Go�nm�.saicnAr� f'P�1 �hr�t the F'ir.e �rta Group
� shou:la not b� psrt of thA �'ar��s mr.d �t�crerAtion L�;�artmcnt. L��on a
vo3ce vote, all vo��i:n ���e, thn %o�1.on crxrricd un�znimou�.ly .
Mr. Petaraon asked that thig 3tem be p1�c-d on the next ac�enaa.
P�2r. PGterson noted thut thia �r000�al wa9 alse brou�ht up a� thc
Plannin� Cot�nission ��leeting and wss rcf�rrad b�ck to the Human
Reaourc�s Commisaion. At this ooirt th@re scems to be a dif f'Gr�nce
of o�inion on th�► Human ��sour��s Co�ri.�ais�ion 1-ve�. as to the nced
fcr th� Prof7ram. '.t'hc �lanninn Cax:�:�i.s�i�n has tablmd it until thty
rCCCiv� f�urth�-r r�co:r��nena�ti�ns f'rom L-h� Human hesourc-s Co:rimitaion.
&ir. �eter9on pointed out th�r� va�� a�auth ccnt�r at one time and .
it �r�� sr }.�,�� ►����r�icnce. He c�vould h�te to aeA � reoccurr�nca of
tn�,t type of thin�.
Paui BroMrn �aia that thA i�cility� , th� cecor anct the l�c�tion are
cs$cnti�l to a succes�f'ul pro�;r�m, ��so that th�r- is proie�sional
hir. Pc�t�rson sug�csted a c�mm�anic�ue to I�r. Scott say�in� thut at
such fii:r�e �v�en thPy are �nc�vin� on the propos�l the �'�rks and
��-cr��tion Co:n.n�asion �voulci 1.i. � natif`ic�tion ci thcr i'dr inPut or
te, �:���ar in f'ront of t�ie Gc�z�:�..��sion, what�ver tns caa� may C�.
`�h� oth�r Commi�aion�srs a�rccd.
'�h7rc tivqr- no furthcr comxn�r�ts an. this plan.
F' .i� . S.�.. - GIRiS u0F'PB�;LL P Ii0 ^�
t�tr. Tom Nchrin�� introduccd St-vc Coy le, �irector of Gir1s Sof'tbaZl
Tiivlaion Qf I�.Y.S.A., urho pasacd src�und to the Conr�issionArs cQ�i��
o�'� t'r`ie �y-.��:w' ana ru.l�s &na r�gulati.cns.
I�r. 1'..�ter��on saia h� uian't s�p any thin� in the rules �hat ensure�
thati �each person ����:� siuna u� partiei�i�tcs. ii� f'elt th�x�- should
be a�uar�nt~r that any �irl ��c �tt�z�d� :�r�ctic� ahoe�ld_ pl��,. n6
nc�ted that in Lit�l� �a�uc if the 3�oun.aster attcnctcd '75% of t�1�
pr�ctic�s �nr� waarz�t pinyec?, 821d �Yl� parcnts complair�ad, �h� man��:er
wa� remavcd.
i,�r. H€�rri� p�inted ou� tha4 �r�torccme�nt waa �hrou�h the Bc��rd, but
�.f there ��v�rc a* 1ot of` �omAlaint� it wuuld car�� to this commisslon
ar�d �esui� in forfeitur° of x,i�hts t:a �z�e the i�cil�.t�.e:�. H^ a;rec�d
thera shc�u�.d be s�ec'� :.':Lc� �a� tcs �aw c�f �t;ri th� �;ir1s s�re playad. �
^ Mr. Brown pointad out that it ia mentf.oned in itr,m �25, but f�:lt
� it ahould have more ati�ul�tiona to spec'ifically .�ay out rule;s.
H� �u�.���tea the girl� ahoula have a check-out rheet that would
enable the cor�ch to knaw wha� hae a�tended pract3ct.
�r. Harria noted nuarbera 17, 1$ and ly and felt thr�t the qu�lificationa
untt�r nuL�b?:r 25 mi�ht v€�r3r. He felt �hi� �houla t�e a�cllyd out �
littic bettr�r. �'ir. Co� le a�id there was a,probl�m on aprlling out
innin�s on this, aa in the Junior l�ivi�ion there ie a possib�.lity
that a t�am wi13 b.�t .12 pl��crs in a��amc And th�t is all, �f thc.
innin�s �rc 1-2-3. �
�r, Harris -aid he felt the rul�� ana by-l�wa �re wal� aonc . He
fclt th� F.Y .S.A. aYioula bring tnc prm�alern �f' haw to ch�n�c #25
back te+ th� Cc�r,�misalon when it is more s�ecifie�lly sp�11Ac1 c�ut.
hir. Bx�o�rvn no��d thsat on p��;c 4 of th� by-'lawa, nurs�bsr e st�tee
"Hcs will act sa� �. liai��,n bct�veen thi� or�an�.z,�tion r�na thr Cit�
af Frictl�y, .��xk� aiid R�arcation �p�rtrn-nt." �:c statcct th�* wprd
�-p�rt:nent shpuld bo c��n��d ts� Ca�ami4ffiion.
Mr.. �etcrst�n que�tis�nld th� mrn�ioiZ ai schaala in nurnbcr 7 an pa�;e
4. trly d(:ay 1� said th�� achoo�.s wer�: brau�ht up becaus` of sch�dulinf�;,
Mr. H�rr�:� ar�iC he c3idn�t ar�y provision und�x° tr.- x� �"����
_� hs�nd?.in� of �rot�sts. I�r. PetsrsQn ^tz�;cGSt�d t� i+�r. 13;shr?i�� �h�zt
�,s �1: ��idr�i.t of tnc rridl�y Y outl� SpQrt� l�s�o�ir�ti�r. ne m�rh �
�ax�at te► s�G th�t th�y h�ve a pr�c�durc far h�nd�.ing pro�e����. H;�
s�id tlZ:� B�bc kut�i er�;s�riiz: �i�n h��s � proc�dure that i� vez^y ��ti�W
factory that �Ir. NChring might ws�nt to considcr.
J�►n Ss�g.:r nete� th€�t ane►th�r complaint �a� �th?� l�ck of ne��v«p�p�►�
caver�ge. �Ir. �'��G4r�an saia th�.� l��t; y��r tn�-re �v�a na on�
Rp[>aint�d to handie pr�as r�l��zsc�, but tl�i� year it rvoul� b� th�
rr,eponsibiiit�r of th� F'.`i .S.e�.
i�ir. N�hrin� s��d th�rc v��er� sals� com.plaizit� an CoriC1l.txori� of the�
fic.Lds. �'h:�y f�lt thc girls shoulct ��i; eG�u�.I. i;`?�e c�n srrmc of� �h�
fi�ld�. r,�r. F�roT�vn �u��;tated tca PBr. I�et�rin� t;hat t;h�� try to sch�*:�ul�
sam.c� l� �a�,ue �:m�: s on 5atui•dc�� � and �uncE.ay �.
�r. �'e�er�e►n ��i�. he f'elt th� p�rcnt� ghc�,ild r��Zi�� th�t �"n� fiwlds
�r� u�aally �ciequat� far tY�c lcv�la� of comg�t;�.t1.on� '!.'he tittl�
�*ir1'� f'i�las ehauld not be ec��parc� tca t:�c bi� b��T4 c�r �irla, i�tzt
te th� fic.�d� th�; littic boys pia�cd c►n. Hq s�id hA i-1t thw
�`�cfliti±� w�rerz°t a r-:�a1 r.;��npl��.nt. ,ar�. Scc��r ��1ced if' it ;v��
n criteri� t`ri�y thp oldcr �n� ,r.�re sop�li��ic�a�ecl p1.�Zer:� :?�:�� �'�c
batt�r f�_�s 1�;�� �nd !+�Ir. i'�t-r�on g�ic�. i.t wr�� for �sa;fct�; r-�Qc�r�n.
&',r. Coy lc c�m.�-nt�*i� that vn�.y i:�v� ficicts wc�rc co:r�n�.aincn �bout--
�t,l� �rloor•r, LaI�;� ane�--+�n� ti1�t gM�naa c�uld bc �chsdul�d m�w�y f'ra_°� ���Y�a.
Mr. Nel�rfng n�tea that th� A�s�ci�tiQn i' cone�rned e�bout the am�unt
of equipment th�y will be aak�d to han�le, and thcy wvulcl like� mmre
co�peration from th� city as'ta storin� this equipm�nt. Mr. Harris
aaid thr,r� werc two builain�a hc kncw �f th�t had s0m� ��ace thnt
wou�.d b� avail�blo if s�curity waa �roviacd. Hc as�ia the city� ctidn't
have an3� apae-. t�lr. �'eter�pn �u�t�eated talking to the pe�ple on
the hacl��y bos�rd.
Mr. Harria ��k�d if it wou1G be posai.b.l� ts� �u���st t� M�a�r�.
Nehrin� ancl CoS le that they come back t� �ha n�xt mc�tin� Aft�r
developin� a�c�re aace►vtable �P�rm�ci� under �25, r�nd camin� up with
a► prap�aal �o h�nal� protests. H� f'�lt any pot-ntial prnbl�ms
ahc�ul.a b� -1lmina�ted befgre they at�rt.
Mr. i'etera�n t�1d ��essra. Nchring and CoS le thAy cauld get the
pro�r�m mavin�, but t�� °C�►*.r�,,iigsic�n �eau1�. Iike tv s�a thes� it3^is
taken care af �ef�re thc� actu�lly etr�rt te pls�y .
Printing of thc acheaulee waa braugh.t up, �nd A�r. Brown said h2�
d�p�rt�ant woulci d� th�t.
Mr. BraTvn re�incfed them th�t t�i� wording ah�uld be eh�n��d uncic�r
�, s�nd T�ir. �ctcrs�n �aid tYiat #7 ���uld be elirnin�ted �lt�geth�r.
Mcsers . Nehring ana Ca�,� lA a►gyeed *o att�nu tY�e next me�tin� af t�.a
Ce�mnxia�ir�n, �nd will ba put on th- �i�rch 22nd r�;end�,
P�r. Bx�awn ��nid hc 3uat w�ntcd ta brin� thia to th- attention �f
tbe Co�nrniasimn �►8 s�me pec�ple v�ere atii:l voieing c�rnplaints.
�ra. 5e�-ger a�id tl��� in re��rd to na�c�nE thc p�rks with Inciian
nam�� shc �i�d a fricnd, hirs. S��aw, voho su�;�cstcd t1�A Tndi�n `.Pria�l
Council c�ula look s�t tY�a ��rk� �na th�n �ubmit iaca� aa thcy
n�m� ps�rks aft�x� tivh�t 1� in them.
�Ir. Harris su�nii.l:ted � list of su��;��tad ns����a fQr a11 th.r, park�
t0 th� Com:ni����n dAalin� �vi Gh thc bic�n�tc�nni�l thGrQe . �i�irl-y
Ca.tdw�ll ana Ja�n S��ger ob��ctc�d tv the n�m� �f Nar. t� Yark b�ing
J�r. Fic�rri� a�Sa hc tha�u�;h� lt �vnuld br st ��ed ide� �� nar�e s►11 tMe
p�rkw et 0n� t3.�3, ainee tn-j; wexe �1Z "unn�m�d" �urk« aL- prc��nt.
Mr. A��tera�n �vkaa I�r�. Sa��;e�r i�' h�r �'ri�nd c�ulp ca��z up �vith
tt��s Tndian n�tn�;� 1�;, �i�� rx�°t t���t�r�g, s�r.a i�xa. S�e��r a�id sh� �
w�uld ��k �2er. .
. . . . . _ . . . . . . .. .. . ..� _ �.. _._:.,,, .. .i �.:.� r _._. . . _ .
n Mr. 'JVa�ger aaia he w�uld be willing to wait anci a�e wh�t Indian
names were auggeated f�r thAse parka la�f�re ms�kinq any deciaimna.
M�TION ay Jan Seeger, aeccnded b� Ha�rvey ����er, te recciv- th�
repert frc►m idr. H�arria t� the Commiaaianer� and put it on the
•aenaa f�r tbe ncxt �eeting.
I�r. H�rris pointcd out that tl�ere are twe more �arks to
be n�m�d that the�� w�ren't �.warc �f� thase b-in� t�ic Rice Cre�k
�stxt�a �na t�� Lunas. �Ir. �'�teraon «aid th� d�partr�ent %ead�
ahmuld be ncatif.ied that ther� Whc�uld bA tw� mor� parks, ana it
will ba �n th� a�enda� t� be prc�ented �� the Apri]. 26t2� rna.-,tinr�.
Upen � vaice vote, a�11 votin.� �ye, thc :�oti�n ca:rried uns�nirnou�J.y.
S�`�LE OF FROPi;RTY 1�1;�JAC�NT TO uD b'JII.r.;E� PkRI�:
Puul Brown s�3a thst t'ni� w�� :ha pra�er�y just aaut� mf Ed �iilm�as
LtOTION b� Hmrvey bYa�ar, a�concicd by S�irley Galdtivell, to natif'y
the •wn�r� vf t�a�se l�ts th�t the City rcj�ct� purch�ain� thi�
prop�rty at t�i� tirn�. IIp�n a voice vote, s�il vating �y�, tt�,e
m�tion c&rri�a un�ni�c�u�ly ,
QTH�R }3U�II�;�SS:
P�ul Brc�a�n m�d� som� p�-r�on�.1 camment� us this waa hia lst�t off'ici��
rne�tin� rvit�i th� Cminmis�ia�n.
�Ir. K�rri.� s�id h� Y�ud aamc su��a�ticans r���rding chan�cs th�t
could b� i:�pl-msnt�d in�a th� pro�r�rn. iiw f�lt th� adm�nist:^ativ�
s�r�pact�s �f this d�;psartm�nt c�uld b� structurcct differ�ntly . Hc
�ut��;°�ted k��va � �'r�r°ks I3ir�:ctor �nc� � �S�cr�:�tion Dir�ctc�r �.� h*
f�:l� th�y were rc�ll� twra differfnt f'unc�i�n�. �I� t!imu�-�t t��
Gernniis�si�n eQUla s�t thA policy �nd Grac t�v� mesn coula aC:?�3:ni��r�t�
it. �
r,�OTION by :�r, vdA�er, �ec�nd�d kYy ��r��. S�^�;�r, t��� th� meetin�;
a�ctj�+urn a� 10:U5 p.i:�. Upon � voice vAte�, a11. ve�ting ay�, the
m�tivn cs�rricd un�nimou�ly.
Ne�Pectfully �ua:�itt-d,
� � ( �1 f ;1 +t /:, . � � . . .
C- r
\ l ^/s; s l i »7" '7r'�? `,r
Sh� rri U t Danne 1
RecmrciZn� Secretary
� .� ` ' . Yf�.ItY1�► ..
�-�0: , �Mrs G�.en Thompson ' . CITY OF �'RIDLEY
4 Mr Wyman S�
' FROiA: Paul Bi�own, Director ' 6431 University Ave., P�.E.
• Fridley, Minnesota 55432
:�TE: Feb 19, 1976 . Piio:ie: 571-3�5.0, Xt. 120
� .
SU6�tCT:. Park Narrting ��C����i��'� PAUL 13ROwN, Director
Dear £ditj�, . .
� .
_ As birector of the Parks and Recreatipn Department for the City of Fridley,
, I� to express to you the sincere thanks and appx�eciation of the department ,
in respect to all tha� Glen did and gave of lu.mself for the betterment of the
' Parka and RecrQatio?� withi.n the City of Fridley. '
This is my recommendation: That the City of �'ridley name a parcel of
� gark•land aiter Glen Thompson in memorial ta his name and accomplishments.
Glen has given of himself in man� respects. He has shown Ieadershi.p and . �
direction in the Parks and Recreation area. �
^ Wit� this in mand, I the Dir�ctor of the Department submit this recommendati_on
i 4 � .
to the City Council for their response. . •.
{ . t
� . spe tilzily recommended.
j PB � • PAUL BRarJN� Director .
i ce: City Manager . :
City Council
�Parks and Recreation Commissian
Planning Comifiissi.on , a •
� . .
� , .
� ,
! \