PR 04/26/1976 - 31209�' ^ t �� � , ,. PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSI4N MEETING AP�iIL 26, 1976 , � MEMBERS PRESENT: Bob Peterson, Dave:Harris, Leonard Moore, Jan Seeger� Har�ey Wagar i I�i��RS ABSENT: None OTHERS �RESENT: Karen Budnick - Riverview Heights Concerned Action Group . Margot Eastman - Riverview Heights Concerned Action Group � Bette Blair - Neighborhaod Park Committee Dave Al1en - Neighborhood Park Committee � Ron Steclaman - Neighborhood Park committee Juan Salas - Soccer D'an HufP - Acting Director, Parks and Recrea�tian D�partme:�t Steve Coyle - Director, Girls Softball Division of F.Y.S.A. � Chairman Peterson called the raeeting to order at 7:38 p.m. APPROVAL OF MINUTES OF MARCH 22, 7.976 PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION_MEETINGz MOTIQN by Harris, seconded by Moore� to approve the minutes as written. Upon ^a voice vote, all voting aye, the motion ca,rried unanimously. �'APPROVAL bF AGErJDA : Mr. Moore requested that a general discussion on future-plans for Glencos and Springbrovk Riverview Heights Parks be added to the a�enda. Mr. Peterson said that due to the time factor of this evening�s meeting, that tdpic may have to be postponed until the next meeting. • Directar Huff stated he would�like to add under the Director's Report the following � additions: . H. Discussion of possible new position for the Recreation Department I. Discussion on the snowmobi2e situation in Fridley Mr. Huff gave each of the commissioners a copy af,the agenda for this evening's City Cauncil Canference Meeting, and stated that items �, 6� 8, 9 and l4 directly coneerned the Parks and Recreation Commission. He informed the members that the ` Ci.ty Manager hed asked him to relate his apologies for not being personally in � ati'.endance at this meeting to present these ideas, bat since some of these items need to be acted on immediately he is asking that the Commission join the City Council Neeting at apgroximately 8s30 for a discus�ion of these items� - Ghairman Petersan said he had talked to the City Manager and expressed his disappointment with the timing in terms af bringing these items to the City Council Meeting and before our Co�issian at�the same time. He stated that items s� 9 ' il;and l0 were directly related to the aperation,of the Parks and Recreation. �;, i � Director Huff stated he felt that item 5 was beyond the city staff's control at this point as the nature center a� North Park is simply beYng given to the city � � � � . . . � . . . . . . . . . / . . . . .. PARKS AND RECREATIQN CONIl�Q55I013 MEETING OF APRIL 26, ].976 - PAGE 2 � 4 He said that at the Council meeting�opinions by the Springbrook Nature Cen`ter. � : could be�expressed that perhaps it sliauld er�me before this Cammission for reviera ' before it is approved. , I�TION by Mr. Harris, seconded by Mr. Moore� that the Comtqi.ssion take care s�f the guests and visitors and any old business and then adjourn to attend the City Council Meeting� and iY time permitted re�urn to handle the remai.ning business on the agenda. Upon a voice vote, aIl voting aye� the motion carried wnanimous3.y. DISCUSSION ON I�TMBER 9 OF THE CITY COUNC3L'S AGENDA - SCOPE OF CITY FUTURE' CREATION �D NATt3RALIST PROGR�kM: . Chairman Peterson said that as he unc�erstood it, one of the things that will ' be discussed is the possibility of having a Parks Director and a Recrea-tion Aide. He stated this would be changing the philosophv of operation, and as a Commission Member stron�Iy felt it would be a step backward. He said that if there wasn't a:combined Parks and Recreation D3rector� he felt the twa positions shauld be • � equal as�Recreation was as i.mportant as Parks. � Mr. �agar stated he was in favor of having a man for Parks and ariother man far Recreation� but he didn't think he would be called a RecreatiQn Aide.. He sai.d the jobs cambined were getting tao big for one man to handle. Director Huff explai.ned there would still be a Parks and Recreation Director who wauld have supervision over the entire prograrn as in the past' plus there _/, 1 would be.the addition of a full-time person in Recreation. The idea is that , we don�t deerease Recreation--we increase it, he stated. Mr, Harris said he felt the comt�ining of tY�e activities of the Parks and Recreation was done to faci7.itate having one body view it'instead of having too many peogle ' involved. He stated his positio� at the time was that there was not adequate supervision in the Recreation Program� and now was the time to make a change. - He �sid he was in fav<jr o� a Parks Director and a Recreation Director, and felt a better program would be the result. He commented that the budget continues to , groW and the dollars are being expended because there are more psople involved in the program, and if`there was someane solgly in charga of the Recreation Department enough could be saved out of the budget #.o pay his or her salary. . Chairrnan Feterson stated he had no quarrel with that, but he had been told the pasition would be called Recreation Aide� wllich didn't have the same prestige as Director. SOCCER PHOC�RAM,DISCUSSION. . ��.. Mr. 3uan Salas appeared before the Co�nis�ion to discuss the soccer program. Director Huff read aloud a Ietter from Mr. Salas to his attention concerning the:budget and equip�nent needed for soccer. " MOTION by Mrs. Seeger, seconded by Mr. Harr`is� to receive the letter from Mr. S�las. Upan a voice tiro#.e� al]. voti.ng ays,.the motion carried una�imously. � , . . _ _ _. _. _ __ .. , ,a � .: 4,�.�� PARKS AND RECREATION GOMMISSI�N MEETING OF APRIL 26., I976 - PAGE 3 � � Chairman Peterson stated that last year the Con�aission �ave the soccer program � $5�} arid Mr. Harris said the same amount had been allocated tiiis year. Mr. ' Peterson said there wa.s money in the budget for field improvement as Mr. Salas had asked for upgrading at tneir main field in Locke Park� and Mr. Huff sa3.d there was a plan for that. Direator Huff sa�.d �hat the cheapest set of goalposts that they s,�ould even consider , was about $1��0� Mr. Sa1as suggested he could make the goalposts if the wood was . supp3ied to him, and Mr. Huff said there wauld be no problem if Mr. Sal,as provided him wf.th the specs. Mr. Huff noted that Madsen Field was smaller than a . regulation field and asked Mr. Salas to draW out how he wauld like it marked, He stated th�t Ttiiesdays had been set aside for soccer, and he cauld also order � the balls for Mr. Salas. . . Mr. Salas asked what decisions the Co�ami.ssion had made regarding the soccer budget� and Ghairman Pe�erson said i� had b+een dec�cied to start on a program t�c> upgrade the fzeld. He added that it wou.ld probably not be completed all in one year, but the work wQUld start. Mr. Huff stated the field wouid be top-dressed as soon as there was time. Director Huff asked if Mr. Sa1as wanted him to order the T-shirts, and MIr. Sa2as sai.d �he shirts cast about $3.00 apiece and this money was inciuded in the $�.�Q charged to each player. � ' Mr. Harris suggested to Chairman Feterson that he prepare a budget for Mr. Huff ^aside from any dress wear and deterrnine what this money can be allocated for. � Mr. Peterson•suggested that it might be beneficial to Mr. Salas for th�m to work out some kind of an association so the Commission wo�zldn't handle the money but would at. least have a working arrangement, �nd would understand wh$t is happening, tao. He explsined;that wovld give"them their registration fees plus the budget money. . , Mr. Sal�s asked if the person�who maxked the fieTd was pa%d, and Mr. H�ff answersd � that he was. Mr. Salas volunte�red to mark the fields free of chaxge, and Mr. Huff rep2ied that if that Has a concern when the budget was planned it would be considered. PETITIQN FQR PARK ON PARCEL OF LAND�RUNNING FROM MISSISSIPPI ST. TO b7TH tiTAY BETt+JEEfii ASHTON AVE. AND THE RAILROAD TRACKS : Mr. Ronald Steckman read to the Comurission the follo�ing petition for a park signed by 2b of the area residentst � We the undersigned are rec�uesting that the Parks and Recreatic�n Department of . the City of Fridley grnvide a safe area for Whi.ch our ahildren may i pl�' , I Present2y there is no sa.fe area,for our children to play either singular2y ; or as a group, without driving them to another area, ' ^ � . ��, The tax-pay3ng citizens of the commnnity whieh is making thi� request " is bordered on the West by East River Saad� on the East b�r the Burlington ; _ ; E , , PARKS AAiD RECREATION COM�SISSION MEETINt� OF APRIL 26, ,19T6 - PAGE !t \. rn railro d tracks on the South Misaissi i�Street on the '' Nor�he a s � PP � � porth by Locke Lake. . , � There is presently a parcel of land which is unoccupied; and we belieqe owned by Anoka County, that would be an ideal location. This piece of land running frora Mississippi St. to 67th-W�y between Ashton Ave. and the railroad tracks. .This piece of land has already been partially . fmproved due to the construction of the underpass an Mississippi St., and could e�si].y be converted to a recreational area with some fencing. �+fe al�o believe. tt�at this area could be an aesthetie part of our � commvnity as opposed to an eye sore, since its present purpose is _ 'but a mere dump. T� reiterate o�r request, we irau7.d like a constructive and safe area for whieh literally dozens of our children could use without parents warry of cars in the street, trains on the tracks, or'one of the children drowning in the creek. These are a17. worries we as parents have today in this area. Mr. Steclanan sa.i.d that 100� of the homes he went to signed the petition, and these 2b ho�nes represented 55 children. He said thezr iimnediate concern was : � to have a gartion of that area fenced off so they wauldn�t have to worry about the children. � Mr. Harris stated that at one time several lots in that area had been red-tagged Yor a park, but people at that time didn't seem to be interes'ted in pursuing that idea. He stated that if the people in the area are�concerned, the . Commission would certainly try to do something. He added that he believed the.red-tagged loi� had been reZeased back to the county. Mr.:Iiarris said the area didn't have enough depih to have a ball field, and would actually be more of a playground than a park. Mr. Peterson added that they lmew from past experience that if they tried ta put in a ball field or even let them play sand-Tot ball in an area that is not large enough, there would be trouble. He exp�.ained that older kids woul.d drive the little people off and they would ehase the balls that went over the fence and onto the tracks. He stated that staff would have to look at that very carefully from the sta�d-� point of what type of faciiities would go in there, and that generally they would have to put a top lot on that type of area. He expisined they had some well- developed guidelines�as to what fits on various size properties. -Mr. Allen stated the main thing was to have some open axea for the children to pl�y, and Mr. Steckman added he didn�t want to dwell on the ball field. , Mrs. Blair suggested havi.ng a top 2ot for the smaller kids� at�d also possibly a tennis-court and basketball area. Mr. Huff stated that the underpass construction'has redueed the circulation throagh the parking lot of the Redeemer Lutheran Church. The county, he said, is working � with the City Manager to develop a park plan which would include some type of.a parking lot that would aid both the chureh and the park. Mr. Huff said that Jerry Boardman has produced a preliminary plan for thTS property�� �' PARKS A�1D RECREATION COI�IISSION MEETING OF APRIL 26, 197� - PAGE 5 r . i , i �� f . ^ � � y� . , Mr. Harris siated that there was nothing in the budget this year for this,_ but if these are tax-forfeit properties it could be discussed xhen the budget is planned in July. MOTION by Mr. Wagar, seconded by Mrs. Seeger� that the Director red-tag the land that is tax-for�eit property� and al.I that is contiguous (in the Ashton area behind ftedeemer along the raiiroad tracks as far up as possible) for the purpose of daveloping a paxk for that area. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, the motion esrried unanimously. MOTION by Mr. Wagar, seconded by Mr. �loore, to receive the pre2iminary pe�ition for t�re° �pariz. Upon a vaice vote, a12 votin� aye, the mation carried unan�.mot�sly, F.Y.S.A. � GIRIS SQ�'TBALL PROGRAM: Mr. Steve Cayie read to..�he Commission.the following Brotest Froceduresz 1. i�otice that the game is being played under pratest must be f31ed with the umpire by the coach immediately at the time af the disputed decisian and before the nQact pitched ba11 to the batter " or next play. 2. Written report setiing forth all the facts of the protest must be filed with the Divis�on Director �r League Coordinator within forty- eight {!�8) hours of the date of the protest. • 3. League Coordinator shall appoint three (3) members of the league not COnnected with any of the teams to serve on the Protest CoYarnittee. l�. Be.fore a decision is made by the Protest Cemmittee and I,eague Coordinator, a clarification and interpretation of rules may be secured in writing (letter or telegram} from American 5oftball Association Headquarters. • • 5. Final decision of protest sha11 be decided by the Goordi.nator and , his appointed committee. Mr. Fiarris sai.d he has always felt that if a protest is going to be filed, a monetary filing should also be�made. Hc su�gested this because he 'felt it . Was so easy to protest �aee�us.e it didn't cost anything� but he thought for the first year it could be tried according to the above procedures. I+�TTON by Mr. Harris, seconded by Mrs. Seeger, to accept the Protest Procedures as xritten. Upon a voice vote; a1.1 voting aye� the motion carried unanimously. � - � , . _ .. __ . �, � �,._ � .._ . .. . .,, . - ��� PARKS AND RECREATION EXjMM�SSION MI'�ETING QF lIPRIL 2fis 1976 - PAGE 6 Nr. Coyle read to the Commisaion the following Participation Rules. � a. In the Junior Division each coach submit a batting orde'r with all eligible girls listed. Ea�h girl must bat once before star�ing through the order a second time. In addition, each girl must play two innings in the field. b. In the Intermediate and Senior Divisian all eligible girls must play at least two fnl.l iimings. c. Fligib3e girls are those wtzo have attended at least two-thirds of the scheduied practice sessions. �. d. The intent of this rule is ta guarantee equal participation by a11 girls. There may be circumstances:that re�quire a g�rl to play -1ess ihan two innings (such as injury, arriv��.ng late� e�c.j In these instances, the opposing coach 'au�d the umpire should be i.n- formed af t.he circnmstances. _ e. Failure to abide by this rule may�:be grounds for protesting . the game which cou3d result in the forfeiture of the game. Mr. Harris ques�ioned item "e". He stated the coach should assume some respon- sibility, and asked what would happen if the coach chose to ignore this rule. Mrs. Seeger suggested changing the word may �.o wil1. Mr. Harris suggested � � #.hat any�'coach who violates the rules should be subject to dismissal. _ Mr. Cayle suggested including an extra rule statir�g that any intentional vi.olation of the rules may result in dismissal af the coaah through public hearing. -. • 2�r. Peterson stated he wau].d feel more comfortable if this were handled through the �rotest cammittee. He said he didn't think any coach should ever - be dismissed without some kind of hearing procedure� because he is also a volunteer. Mr. Harris suggested the addition of item "f" which would read: An intentional fai.lure to abide by the above ruies under Rule 25 may lead to the dismissal of the coach after proper hearing before the protest board. I�40TIOH by Mr. Wagar, seconded by Mr. Moore� to accept the addi:t�.on af item "f" as �rritten:above. Upon a voice vate, all voting aye, the motion carried wranimously. Mr. Coyle passed out to the Can�nissioners a list of the girls softball fields and the required maintenance on eaeh. Direetor Huff stated he would do some stud,Y on the list. - He sai.d the improvem�nts of the junior high fields should be�their responsibility, but they might not agree, He said the decision xould have ta be made if we want to spend the money n to repair the fields. ke added that each field has a permanent home glate� aad PI4RICS AND RECREATION COMMISSION MF�TING OF APRIL 26, 1976 - PAGE 7 . , � last year four bags were provided. He added that any improvements in Fr3dieyis ' parks would be done as soon as time allowed. , Director iiuff said the Co�ani.ssion should be made' a�rare that rri.th the agreement i we have with the F.Y,S.A., girls softbatl w3.1T cost the City of Frid],ey more � than it did Iast year. He stated.we are saving because we do�n'� have to ; p�y a Goqrdinator ($70Q, last year), but we also aren't receiving the fees �. this year and we still have ta buy the balls and bas.es, pay�for any'improvements, field markings and maintenance arid the affieials wages. He added that Iast � year they had $3 to $tt per persan, so the net has gone up wi:th this type of ; agreement. Chairman Peterson said that was one of the reasons the agreement was asked to came back before t2ie Commission. He asked A2r. Coyle if. this was now being looked at as a fund raiser for fi.he F.Y.S.A. Mr.. Goy1e replied it was not, snd they didn't expect to make maney on it. Mr. Harris stated that he hoped.that this year the Commission would go with the program as outlined� and if there are some excess do3lars the members shauld understand that �hey are getting rid of the liability oi running �he program, and it will be better r�n. � MOTION by Mr, Harris, seconded by Mr. Moore, that the Director sign the agreement regardi.ng gir�.s softball with the F.Y.S.A. with the additian of the items ihat were diseussed this eqening.' Upon a vo�.ce votej all voting aye, the motion � n carr3ed un&nimously. . Mr. Coyle remarked that last year each�'�,�mpire was issued a set of bases and catcher's.equiprlent at ths beginning of the season, and r1r. Peterson said that this year there should be enough equipment to handZe it the same way. DISCUSSION 4A1 PLANS FOft SPRIN�F3ROOK PARKS: Mrs. Eastman was present at the meeting and asked the Commission if there was any fundin�,for Springbrook Park, and Mr. Huff said he was sure the�e wasn't anything in the budge� for it this year. She asked if the planned basketball court for Glencoe cauld be moved to Springbrook. Mr. Moore supported Mrs. Eastman� ayd said there were Lt�3 students attending Anaka Cotmty schools from Sprin�broQk and Riverview Heights. He said he would like to see the group from Riverview Heights get the funding from Glencoe. Mr. Harris asked when construction was scheduled to start, and Mr. Huff repZied he had the _specs for it xight now and E ngine�ring was doing the drawin�;s. I�Ir. Harris then su�gested getting the pl�s drawn for both, and if one doesn�� wark we could go ahead �rith the other one. He stated that money was budgeted.for some improvement in that;area. Chairraan Peterson said that nothirtg srould be dcme until the next meeting when engineering studies would be available, and a decision wou].d be made at that � time. � , �.' E _ FARKS AND RECREATION C�I�4�IISSION<i�TINQ OE APRIL:26� 197b - PAGE 8 ' ._ NAMIIdG PARKS : , � . � Director Huff rel�}red a message to the Conanission from the City 1Kanager regarding n�ning of parks. He felt that names of locai origin mean more to the people in our area and would be locally mare acceptable, and naming them after people cr the neighborhood wouZd be a:better alternative. It was also suggested that xe don't si.mp7.y 'try to find every single piece of property and sZate it for park development in tbe future and name it, but instead wait until the devela}r - ment is eminent and we have plans for it and the money is there and then name it. . i i Mr. Harris said he supported a resolution.nat ta name parks after people as . it wasn't fair to many people who warked very hard and weren't recognized. He stated he also felt it wasn't fai.r when someone has. donated the land: to the city : for a park, to name it after. somear�e else. . . . Mrs. Seeger-submitted>to �he Commission a list:of suggested park names from � the Inter-Tribal Council of �lnoka County� along with their meanings. MOTION by Mr. Harris, seconded by Mr. Wagar, #.o accept�the list of Indian names._ Upon a voice vote, all voting �ye, the motion carried unanimously. � �10TION bv Mr. Harris, seconded by Mr. 1�ioore, tha.t the Planning Commission recommend to the Ci� Council that Glencoe Park be offic�.a21 desl ated as G3encoe Pax�k. Upon a voice vote, a11 voting aye, the m�tion carried unanimously. '� MO'�I�N by Mr. Harris, seconded by Mr. Nioorej that the Planning Commission recommend to the City Couzicil �hat North Paxk be of�zcially named idorth �'axk._ . Upon a voice vote� al.l vot�.xig aye, �he motion carrzed wnanimously. 2�ION bY Mr. Harris, se�onded by Mr. Wagar, that� the Planning Commission recommend to the City Council th�t no name be �iven East Rsver Road park uritil there i� further develoument in that area. Upon a voice vote, all no�ing aye� the motion carried unanimousiy. � Mrs. Seeger said she suggested Glen Park for Unity Hospital property as Glenn Thompson had so much to do with Unity Hospital. She also pointed out that glen meant "Tender of the Vailey.° She explained that a letter had already :been to Mrs.. Thompson saying:a park w�s to be named after her husband. �t}TION by �Ir. HRrris, seconded hy l�ir, Wagz,ar, tha� the Pl�nni.n� Cor•unission reeammend to the City Council that the 13n1ty Hosp�.tal Propert.y be offzcially name�d ��erdale Park. Upon a voice vote �l votsng aye� the mation carried < unanimously. MOTION b.y Mr. Harris seconded by Mr. Moore, that the Plannin� Commission recommend to the City Council hat Farr Lake Park be officially named epen ance ar . pon a vaice vo e, vo g sYe, e mo ion carried .unan mous y. . � � MOTIOH by Nlr. Harris,.seconded by Mr. Wagar, that the Planning Commission recommen o e y ounci .a arris e s a es e o c nam d n en� a' ar . por�i a va ce vo e, vo �.ng aYe� � e mo ion car e unan us y. . PARiCS AND RECREATTON COMMISSION MEETING OF APRIL 26, 1976 - PAaE 9' � , . 7� MOTION by Mrs. See�er, seconded � Mr. Maore, that the P2annin� Commission recammend to the:City Conncil that the Briardale Road and Rice Creek Drive � property be narned Anishinabe, w�th "The People" in arp enthests. •Upon a voice vote w�.th three voting aye and t'�o voting nay, the motion carried. FRIDLEY YOUTHrCENTER DISCUSSION: i . Director Huff stated there was not enough room in the City Ha1.1 for a youth center, He anticipated problems with noise if there xas music, plus problems . wf.th parking and supervision. He said the prohlem was that in being against this particular proposal it looked as if they were against youth centers. � � Mr. Wagar stated he was for the youth center, but not the suggested lacation F of the Ci.ty Ha11. He said we are growing and m�y need more space than what i we have presently. M�TIOV by Mr. Harris� seconded by Mrs. Seeger� that sinee the Commission is � in favor of a youth center but not in favor of Zoca�zng it i.n the City Hall, ; tbe Human Resources Gom.rlission be asked to talk to the people at the Northeast Y and f�nd out the status of their program and see if a workable solution can be made with their facility and our intended use. Upon a voice vote� a11 voting aye� the motion carried unanimously. � ADJOURI`TMENT: � I�I(7t1 by Mr. Fiarris � seconded by Mr. Moore, for a conti.nuarice of this meeting � next Monday at %:3� p.m, so that the Cornmission could attend the City Council N;e�ting now in session. Upon a voice vote, alI vata.ng aye, the motion carried unanimously. . � Chairman Peterson adjourned the meeting at 9:1�� p.m. � Respectfii7.ly submi.tted, � . t � : f �••, .�� Sherri O�Donnell � } �Recording Secretary r� � � . I , , � -� i �, � . t � . -