PR 05/24/1976 - 31211� PARKS A1VD REC�EATION COMMISS�ON ME�TING MAY 2�, 1976 M�IB�RS PRESEI�i s Bob Peterson, Dave Harris, Leonard I�Ioore, Harvey Wagar M�IB�,RS ABSEPiT: Jan Seeger OTHE2S PRESENT: Dan Hlz.ff - Acting Director, Parks and Recreation Pe�artment �1a.net; Ka<�zalc - Adrni.n. Asst. �o City Manager Carl Saai�ion - Recreaiion Aide � Ed Wi_lmes - Island of Peace �dna Fearson - Sec;retary, � riend?_� Fri�? e;� �'alks � .�.r,.'? � _ � n.-._ ,� . a. r+ • .... ,'1.... r>>,' .] rJ,, 1, .. . . . iYa.�.icii:c G. Gl:ii.3i — 1 i C:�-�Cif=i: �, r i'.��.:.u.�.,y .. iuley . a v1.r.., Rose Hayes - ireasurer, Fri�naJ_y r:idley Fo1k� Thorria5 Iti�h�'i.n� - F.Y.S.A. Ly�n H. I?isci�er - H aA.F. Dick Lomi���•�' - H.A.F., r .Y.5.�.. Jerry Tjader - F.Y.S.A. Ron Pearsor. - HeA.F. �- Chairrn=�n F'et4-r. son c�1Zed the menting to or�ier at 7 s35 P.M. pp�'r�CJ�,�t1I, 0."r ?'�Ti�.ttTES 0�' AP.�L�, 26, 1y76 �:�I't r�a� .3, �.97� PI�RICS ���D I�E�F?�,�TT�i� GOi."��`•1.�uS iC;i: '�}�E��'1'�:�75 . °_° �.._,......._. .� I�Ir, I°roa�e s��.id tr��t c�n p;z�;e :1.5 of th.c r��.r.utes of the t�i�y 3rci meet:.�ag, "??itrervi�:w A�ig��tts`' �1-,auld b� cranged to "a�lencoet'. � � � M� .„e �2rsc>.r. s�i� tY�r�t w�i.�h r•�ferenc� to g� � e I1, it�n para�: ap}i, }re c��drz °�'t;�Iic���: i�c was h� �atxo na:i �e�i1 ta:l�irr� ai�c�ut; : truct,ur��s� ar.:�. su��ues�ted i�; was Air> I�arris. I�i�TICT�1 �y Mo�re, secordc��� ��y ��agax�, th�t i�ti� minvtes be a��rc�-.c;i witPu b.r� cc.r::�cctzc�r�s» U�Q21 �? VOlCe VOtua 31� �'Oi.iT'!r� aJTe, tii�=: f+'°�Q'G:LOTI c�rried unan:.IiiQli5i�/. �1P�?i�Jt�AL OF AG��:'v'�� : Mr. Wa�ar state.�l that he wou�.� li1cE +o d.;_sc-u;:>s Niadsen �ar�k., ana Mr. �2oore sta,t�d that h� wauld like a discustiion on G?.anc�e Fark to be incl�wded in th� agenc��. Mr. Pc:t�r:�on said ile wo�l.ci I1.�:e to add �he i.+:eni �f a i'.ra;;e:�t; Cnnunit-te��. hI0TI0Pd by Wa.��x, s�c.�nded by Moore, t:,t�.�t. i•%e agen�i� be �ppro�rer3 w.ith the ad.�� tior�s n�+�ed, Ugon a voa.ce vote, a1Z votin� �.1e, the m�tiQn carra��r3 unarzimous7�y. � F�iTDi F`Y SEi�TC�R ��' �'"�" y. '.., � e r.s�!.�11.i.����:�! I•�r. �ri.�1l.ZCe Ol�on wt�s ��t �;1:�� ��;�txn� to �aresent a bucl�e� reqt�estt and introci�ir�ed � the; s�cr�tary at�<�. trr��s?ar��r of hi;� oi•�;�.��iLat�ion, ti1c: F'riec�di.y i+r. idl.�y FU1ks. PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION MErTING OF MAY 21t, 1976 - PAGE 2 Mr. Olson passed out to the members of the Commission a copy of the l�7? Fridley Senior Citizens Buc�get Proposal. He stated that in the past the Commission had /'� been very good to them and had funded $3,000 for the group las� year. He said that � this year they were making a similar request, on7.y for $l�,000 as indicated in the budget propos�.l.. Mr. Olson explained the $l�,000 would be for a portion oi the salary for a full-time professional staff person working in three other neighboring com,smznities with Suburban Community Services provid3.ng the balance of the salary ($6,000.00). He stated that this income does not reflect the following supportive services: supervision of all services; trips; �pecial events (I.E. bowling, golf, heaith screening, crass-country skiing, creative writin�, bridge tou*_�nament, e�:c.); Suburban Senior Citizen Council; volunteer recagnition; professional senior citizen counseling services; and infarmation and referral. He said the approximate cost of providing these ser�rices for the seniors in Fridley is $6,789.00. P•ir. Olson stated thay �90Q was for Gommunity R�s�urces, to be used for the 5enior Citizen Center. He expl.ained they w�re presently meeting in the t•iethodist Church for their re�;ular meetings twice a month, and also have a day center where senior c.�.tizens could go for social acti�ai:tie�. He exp? a_ined they fe1�t that getting together from time to �ime was the �est therap�r senior citi.zens c�uld hati�e becauae many are �,z.dows or zaidowers, and in many instane�s lanely marri�d cc��xplc:�. He st�te�. that t�aey i.nclude people dotan to age �� if they feel they Vrould b� comfart�.ble wi'ch ol.der folks. He stated their bud�et expenditures i'or 197? would be a,s follows: Ad�Ti. s�:' ( one-half t.ime } Frin�e Benziits Sub Total In�-Service I'rofessional Tr�.ining and Conferences Mailin�s Postage Paper Pri�it�.ng r��w�letters Leaderstiip training for the SP.r,T�E��aY"y,/Clerical Telcph�ne use $100.00 � 30.00 10.00 �eecutive Comnci t;tee Fridley Senzor Citizen Center Grand Total $�i a 3?5. GO 28�.25 $Ii; 5�`�`: 2�, 27U.OQ 145.�0 15a.00 900,00 200.00 900.00 '7,126.?_5 `= �i Fie said t�iat their advisor is Debbie Daminick, through ihe Sui,:urb<:xi Community Services. H� �xplained that the Federal GavernmenL rrawued o�� the idea of' f►u�di�ag organizations that were for recreation, and althotzgh their orga�ization did include recreativn it taas nat entirely a re��e�.tional se�up. Mr. Olson stated they cion't arly T.�o?'k with senior eitizens, but the Suburban Caunril alsa wox•ks with the handicapped of all ages. Mr. t�isc�n explained the purpose of the $900 would be so the,y wUaldn�t have to infrin�e on the �oodness and eooperation oi the church for a pl.ace to mPet, and th�y were thinking ahead for a center in the future that would not only be a place for them to meet, but .far other organizations ta meEt as well. He st�.ted tnere was the possiazliiy triaL perri�.�s lu a feeT years there wo�ald be a�acant schoal building in Fric�ley� and were wondering ii there cou7.d be some space provided for -� � PAttKS A�vD REC��EA'1'lON COMM15SlUiv riEET1.1�G 02�� r,�x 2is, �.y�r� - PAuE 3 ther� in tnat Yacility. He stated that they felt the �900 would be uei�e�icial in � that respect. Mr. �lsan concluded by saying that if this Commission could see fit ta recommend to tne City Catuicil that an appropriation of $l�,000 be made � available to the senior citizens� they would appreciate it very much. Mr. Ha.rris asked with reference to the balance of the stafi�person's salary ($6,Q0�), if each af the comnranities was paying $2,Q00 of ihat. ?�Ir. Olson said that the other communities that were served were Bra�klyr� Fark, Oss�o and Coon Rapids, and Dir�ctor riuff explained r'ridl.ey was pay.;.rz� ix� prc�port.io� to its participa�ion. ne said that �tn�re was no formula tiiat nailed it down� but Fridley was paying as fax as the r.umber of seniors in Fridley usirl� its services. Right now, tie stated, Fridley is farer�ost in funding the operation because our seniors are requirin� much of their time. �. Hurris said ti;;.t he hoped if' fi,his continued, some allocatian would be mad� to prop�ltion casts based on some criteria t���.t wou�d be acceptable ta alI t� rrzaxe surG that bath the seniors anci the City are ��tt;i.ri5 a fa�r sha.�:e. I�x. Ud�.�;ar asked �he rra,�uer of iner�lbers in their ar;ani.zation, �tnd Nr. C�lso:� repla�e� they ha� ZIt� �rembers at the prese��t, time anci wer�e constantJ y get ��_ng mc�re, He sta�ed t��eir rr,�mbe?2sizip i'ee ti�Gs �iI.00 ger person per year. �Ji.rector ?Iu.ff rst.vd �ai���:t, co:��ri��±7ity resvurc�� the �9GJ �ar thP senior cit�.zen eent�r �ras cc�mi�sg from, al-�d P�Sr. Ols�n s�id he t2-�ough� it; migb.� b� thf, Communa.ty :F.r���t:at��z� P2;agr�e M4'�..i�}' �,,y Harris� secar.�ed �y j•��.ga.r, to con�ider at buciget time tbe �?roposu:� � �J.��r�..:^�c? ccvcri:�� t:�e �er�i�r esuiz�:n activi�:zes icr 15r'1. 'Jpon a voic� va�e� �.Ll uot�.�,� a;ye, t:-�e m.��3.on �;�.rried �z�a.nimausly. � �'RUPO"�±, iRUi�f !!,�is.N`� t=_1`�'T? h'�YES�C��: t�9r. U;c'c �,�m�axd� CT:�c� ��•�;�id�vnt af' ti�e H�;ekey tissoci��-�.on was �.i t:ie meK��t;ing to pres:;r,f� the �:Y•c�n�s��1, a,�d wntrocluced Tozn Nehri�g, Pr�s.;.�iP�:t, of i<.YmS.A.; Jer�,� 7'j�xd�r, ti'�.ce-FS-esic:int o�' t���v Y�u�l� �'e�ib�l7. Associa�_�_c��? whi.ch �: a brarch of t�e F.Y.S.A.� l��rl� ?�'isc1�G�rs: Pzesicae.i� of tre Hock�S* �ssoCi.a.ti.on; and it�n Pears�.z� t��� Prafessi�nal Aa�•is�r an t.his pro ject. 12r. Lambard ta1.d tbe Cor�missian thwt the orgazzi.zations repr�scn�,ed at this m�t;tirt� l�ave r��:aied ihe yot�.t;h sports �rogr��ns in th� City of r ridley, and stated tkaat �hey r�.d a�arc�blF�m e:cz�r ;re-.ar tahc�n �.t ca�:e� to picicing uP ihe equipment. kie s��.d t�z�t t�ey were 1o�k�r:g for a s�ace t� store a11 tiiis equi�merit; at pr�sent tYiey had tri.FC� rent�.ng space, f°inciir.g so:�eone to kec�p i� iz� �heir basemen�,, or adding mor� �urd�ns to the couches �;o see if t}iey would keep it fram y�ar to year. Mr. 7..c�mbard stated t�ha�, both the N'.Y.S.A. and H�A.1�. had put up sarne money ta=.�;�•d a propos�.1. to build a buildin� �:o store t��at equipment, �nd �asse� out to the m.embers �f t�ae Commissicn copies of the proposaZ for the type a�' builcia_ng they woul.d Iike to b�.zild ar_d il2e r�aterials invalveci in it, with �h� e�,'.r�ptiori of the raoi'. �;e sta�eC th�at they were her.e tc� ask for th� l.znd to �e donated on which to cnnstruct t.ha buiZdzn,;, �.r.d explained that t}�ey c��aizld .ft�r�d the building �7ci �bould provide the people ta buiid it accarding to specifications. PARKS AND RECRFATION COMMISSlON MEE`l'INU O.N' MAY ?_�, 197b - PAGE tt Mr. Lombard said he didn�t know what arrang�znents would have ta be made, but he was certain both organizations waulci be satisfied with leasing it to the city. He � said that right now their concern �ra� getting a building to store the equipment, and they thought their proposal was morP realistic than if they asked Paxks and Recreaiion to allocate the funds to build it. He stated it would be a 21�� X 21�' Uuilding, with a wall down the center and t�ao entrances--one for each organization. , He said that if the city wanted it to be their bu�lding, then the organizations would insure all of the belongings arid the city could take care of the building itself. Mr. Peterson stated that it seemed to him it would be the organization's building until the end of the Iease. Mr. rla.rr�.s commented that it was a perpetual lease, and the only reason it �aould be tarminated wou3d be if the building started to c�eteriorate and the organization dicin't have ample funds to fix it up as the city couldn't let people get hurt or have a potential fire hazard there. He asked Mr. Lombard if he had a specific site in mind, and Mr. Lombard replied the�r had thought o�' p;zttir.b i� zn�ide t,hP fenced-in �.r.�a. beh:i.tad +he ice arenas but the problem arose �hat it is el.c�sed up at 1Q:30 at night c�n we�k c�ays anci is loeked up on weekends. He said they had also car:sidered Comrnons, as it would be centrally Iocated for both hockey and foatball, but wo�uld set�le for anyplace within th� city that would be accessible to them wi.tliout plowing a road out in the Jaixztertime. MMrir. Harris su��es�ted the fenced-in area woul.d t�� a gacd idea if they had. their o�rn key. Mr. Peterson asked it' therE would be raom in that fenced-in a.rea, an�+ ilixecior Huif replied there woul.dn't be. He said that rrhole area was fi7.led u� z�ight n�w, and ihere was tl�ie added problem of thefts in t.hat� area. Director Huff said he thaught Commons ti,rould k�z a good pldce far it, bt�t, Mr. t�iaga:� � said � block l�uilding would not be a].l��aed at Ccmrnons. I�r. Harris added �hat it wc�uld ha�*e to be a hrick building to conform tiroitli the pump houses� as tt�e Cc;�.zncil hac� decided any structures erected there woul� h3�*e ta maintain that apNearanc�. �ie su��c-.sted that betcwee:a Golumbia Arena and the public works woulc? b� a good locatz�n, and I�Ir. Lombard said that. behind th� arana would be a good pl.ace, too. Nr. �'eterson said that one of th� re4sa�:s the ferced-in area appeal�� ta him was because it would be pret�y security-grooi. I�Zr� Harri�s asked haw much it WOlI�C� COa^t to brick a 2!� � X 2�t' buildin� over the bl�ck, and Nir. Pearson ans��rered ai�ou{: a dol2ar a square foot. Mr. FXarris said he wo��.3.d bQ interestea in the Com.mission workir��; an arra:�gement, if it. was decided the building could be at Commorzs, to pdrticip^te to some degree in seeing that it wc�uld be bricked. Direct�r Huff asked kThat �,he. estimate on the total cost would be, and tyr. Lombarci �aid $�t,000 hacl been commi.tted from �io�h or�anizat:ians together. l�ir. Harris sa�d then they were tall.zng a�aut, a wi�.,000 bu�lding, artd asic�d tiohat they wou:tci think oi a�1t,9�0 bnildin� tvith the Parks and xecreatian budgei;ing the �900 in their budget to brick it. H� said the cit,y wauld then take the title upon c�mp3etion, unc� the or�anizations could g�t it on a lea�e basis. Mr. Lombard said tiiat uould c�us� a probier� because I:r. Pearsori�s business was �blocks and brick, and tir. Pearson was donating his tim�; �d putti.ng in bricic w�s �. fussy job. He said t��ey would prefer going to the area �y th� ar�na if it co�J_d be a black building. �7r. Lomb�.rd said he had an additienal request to ask, and sai.c� zf tr,is propcssal w�re *o be presented t,o the City Caurrczl they would neeci trie serv�ices of a backhoe � to dig the trench .for the footings, Directa.• Huff s�.id that there F�ould bn no � PARKS AND P�EC�EATluN COMt°T1SSIUN r1EE'rl�vG �1r' MAY 21� � 1974 - PAGE 5 probl.em %n getting the equzpment out. Mr. Iiarris said that he had a few contractor £riends, an3 would find some�ody to operate it. Mr. 1'eterson asked i� there wouid be any security problems by tlze arena, and Mr. Lombard said that he didn't thi.nk so as the police patrolled it. He said the only thing that woulci worry him would b8 s�me }*oungster going up ar:d falling off the roof. Mr. Peterson asked how much it would cost to build a security fence, and Director Huff answered that a 10' chain-link �ence with barbed wire would cost about �;10 a foot. t�ir. Harris asked what the tirnetable was on this,, �.nd 2�r. Lcmbard said they wculd wan� t� start in �eptemher. rir. Harris said hp would lik� to see t•.r: Huif' come back to the Ga.•nmission i�aith s�rr�e recar�mendaticns �n tiv�rere it could go. Mr. Lombard said as fa.r as any other city land or park land was cor7cernec�, they H�ere not choosy. r.r. Pet,erson said he i,rauld supp�rt either proposal, but Yie wanted to mad:e sure that. ho��h or�anizati.ons fc�.�.}i. cornS'c�rta.hle i�ri.th k�hatever c�:me out ef the Commission. tie a,ar�ed that ne t�oulci. sug�est a�laz�ririg a:n in� nuuge-t ior a rerice a�c i.he �re�ia.! as that might ;r.alce it r2ar�: sec�?re t��an a brick huilciing �t Com�ons. Mr. H2vris st.aiEd that he hoped the City Caunci7_ ctiatilctnP t lower th�ir st�.ndarci� L�� ac�ep�.irfg a buildir� that taasn't atLracti��, and T�Ir. Pet;erson said ne was sure t.i,� �'_tat.�n:�ng Commiss:i.an wau? d nct r,e �n favar of that, e:ither. . t�,r. ���ff saicl he �:�ou�d l��.n tofr.�x°d rtquesting th�t the hudget for 197? rc�flect s�rre� help f�r b:ickir,�; :,h��� l�u ;.ld.in� and had1in� it at G�r�:-r,ons 'chan bsild�g a /', fe:ace araurad i+.� som��ilace ��.seo iir. Petersc�n �aid he �=oul.d have ta agree tir�.th him, bu� said that if' it goes tc� Uhe Piunrz�r��; Ca�;uriissicn wi�h a propusal ;:o i�rick ven�nr a blc�r?c bu�.ldin� tilere w�ald �e probler::s. � � Mr. I'eters�n �ai.d he �,*o,.zlei b� t�ap�?y to st��port the blocl- L�iz.lding at Colu.�n�za Arena 1� '�I7P cr��ni�,aJions dicln't f��el �;l�ere �aould b� �ny pr�b�em wif,h v��ada:?.ism, as�d ��:r. �c�ribL�rc� s�;zd 'ne dici*? r t i;hink tnere -��o�.i��. bE any px�ohlPm. He added tila.t b�fore t;he costs t•,�re c�.}calated' l�e thought they �rou:i.d a:l.l b� ira a.�;rc�ement to ha�e a blc�ck b�xilu:i�� in sari° at���:r ar�a fi:han Car,slcns. Iira �iaz�ris said i:he Corr,mission tiras not asit�.n� them t� sp�nd rnare n�oney �.s th:is could bc bucig�ted� it; wo2z�l_d just ].21i10� Lri� their tin.e; and P�1x�. Lo:n'��rd sa:i.d it wou.ld be :increasing it b,y �1,000 ti,i�ich h'OUI.C� t'iSIiG' Ca1'� af t2-�e nt<:���ria�ls, but i�; would be con3iderabie adcied �,aor� �or the laborer.s. Director I�iuf£ dr�w on the k�lackboar�a a rougY� sketch of th� arena are�. and exp�ain�d t�xere woald be no probl.em ��U f�z- as accessability, just �r�:�h greparing a building site �n ther�. He saic? ±hai: �baut t:��o or th.ree mature trEes woul.d have to be remo aed and the st�m1�:� rer.iav�d; arid adde:d that tFtey woulci have to have ari engireer look at it, hut. he �ras sure some fill woul.d be needed. rir. Peterson said that if he t�n�ierstoo�z Mr. Laml.la,rc� carrect7_y, the organizatic�ns would prefer to g� wiL11 t�ie b�oak k�uildinU at that site ra�;her tYian a brick builciing at Carruncns, hven thou��z +hey t�rc�uld hav� so:ne t�elp tivith the cost, and Mr. I�ombara said tha� was right, Dir�etor Iiuff pointed out that thr: ar��a rieur t!�� az•�na bat�tTeen the �^.nd �,�� grave� storage and tl�e back of the p�rkin� lot would pvssibly invo].ve a culvert and some typ� of driv���Jay, which ;aot�.ld increas� the costs a�out $1,U�0. 2�Ir. Lor�bard sai.d that if t'rie ��1,000 was thc;ix� Nx�:s�:nse ttzey mi�ht as well �n with tY�e brick builciin� at C�;nmans. PARK5 AirD RECREA'1'lU1V GUriM1SSlON ME�;1'1_iv� tir' MAY 2I�, i976 - PAt��; 6 Director Huif suggested another area o� his blackboard sketch, and Mr. T,ombard � said the organizations couldn+t be tao pic�y wnen askin; far l�nd to be donated. He added that they had planned on it being an improved a,rea, and that was what their estimate was based on. Mr. Harris stated that he felt he would ra�;her take the time and invite the organ- izations bac4c to the next meeting, and would like to ask Director Huff t,o rec�rnmend what he thir�cs is be.st f'or the organizations and the community at that time. He suggested somebody should l.00k over the areas to see what the particular problems would be. MOTI.OIV by Har.ris, secor�ded by Wagar' that a trree-person committee be formed �ri�h a mernber £rom the H.A.k'., a member frcm the �',Y.S.A. and Director Huff�' arzd that they get tog�ther and agree what they think is the beJi; proposal a.nd brin�; it back to the Commission at the next meetir.g. Upon a voice �Tate� all voting aye, the motian carried unanir►ous13T. 1SI.�hD5 Ox' �F,ACE REPOR`I': P�ir. � t�Tilries stat�d that he ��ras presen� �ecause he was involved an a fux�.d--i•aising prog7 arn sta�E ana nation��-ide, and he felt it ti1�s ti;re the Commissi.cn was un��.t;ed. with some information on the Sslands of Peac�. Mr. t�ilm�s saic� that he felt the concept �nd �nirpose of the Islands o� Pease ha� bezn fulfilled beca�ase in the bQbl.?ZTIX.I�b they �*a..n+�ed t.o bring an a�:�ar�r3ess ia a.1_i 'Gl'1@, c�$T1G`1LS i:iictdi. iitci:tic�@ OLit".C�G'v2' Iii:.�.iil'C 3.r'E<sS �;^v i7't3� . ::tir;14 8CC'uf;�1..ti'._i.^, t'J t+�"i° �2332!�2^ � cap��d a:nd e?derly; an� wnil.e this has been accamp� s`.� ,-:, it isn't quite r�alizeci yet. He stated tY�at he kne�r rna.ny peop].F. who were k:. �.gea�ile avout the necas of thc handicapped who had follo�aed this grogi•� alr„;�; , a�:d thay felt i�t. has brou�ht nare ta the surface about the needs of these pecple Ui�.��r_ ar,y ntrex° or�anizutir_>n. He continueci that the praject star�Ld about• four ,years a�o c�r�i� a].itt�.e ,r,�ece of l�d abou-t 2,000 feet larag �,y 7� feet z�ide, ��.nd nwa:t t?��y rece:�red a r:Lece af - land from. the City oi Fridley (G:�as�s Is�.and�, and thzs �ras wh�ra they ncii-r ha.d the tr�zls. He statcd that the ci�:y hac� origina�ly paid Pd.S.P. �l.F,200 i�� this 1and, �nd it �.�as last appraised at $38,000. i�4-r. ��il.rres said tl�a� as far as raisa.ng the mone,y saas cancerned, the�r ha� goiten monc�y over the ye�rs f.rom di.fferent indusi;ries including Hon�vwell, 3�'7 C:,�rnpany, Pillsbtzry, V.�'.�d., .�nerican Legion, and from th� sta�e. He sta.tec3 th�t they haci been abl� to get �ld�rly peaple aut t;o t��e �slands of Peac� that r.eve� l�ad the o��ortunity to gei; out cf their c�n�ir,�s befar� fo�° �ver: u couple of hc�urs; anc! the,y p; ovic�ed aetiva.ties for thes� peo��� that are no+�� pragrarr��rie� ior them ncva. He said i,nat t�he nursi.xig hontes bring these geop:L� out' �a �ahen th�y go bacic to the institute their attitude� axe cc�mpletely c1Y•�:nged. Mr. Wi�mes saa.d t,ha.t t.hey necded a f�cil.ity su.ch as a recept.i�n center or shelter with rest roorns and activities. He stat�d that if a grcup of 35 - 1�0 pe�ple w�ras b2•ought outs they wanted to malce sure activi.ties wex�e pr�vided wi.thir� the shelter in case the elem�nts w��re b3d. ii� cr�n�in�aed �ttx�-t the,y- felt t;liey hacl not only benefite� the 1o�aJ. �seas, but the state as w��i.]_ as #,h�:re is n� park in the St�.te � of Miran�sota .that 1:1�e hartdicappec', can utiZire. He �tat�d that he felt very s-4ran�;ly PAitKS �C REGREATIOId CUMMISSION r1�:ETIr�G Ok' r1AY 2!�' 1976 - PAUE 7 thai we have a chance to set an exampl.�; and this was conveyed very well by Seriator � gum�hrey krY�en he saw the pot�ntial several years aga and said this could be done. He also mentioned that Tne Sslanas of Peace had recea:ved an award from New York City for Fnvironmental F:xce7.lence. Mr. Wiimes stated they didn't want tn stop with reereation� but create a nature '� area with a therapeutic valu�. 1�dhen he first staxted with ttiis idea, he said� he sought out people on all leve3:s that �:ere invalved ��ith the haridicapped. He stated that these were not self-appaintEd �x�er�s, but were �eople zaho have becn tryino to get the plans off the dra���in� board tc� meet the needs of the people. Tl��y didn't want an area exclusively for the handica�ped� bc;cause to isol:a�e them ��ro�ilt� be wrang• Mr. Y�niilmes said that as f�ir as tlie furid raiwing program was cor.cerned and the bill to � the legislat;ure this past session, they u�*ere a�a�.n lezt an apprc�pxiation.� Ne � stated 'he Y�ad been ge�ttin� lettera the pas� ti,r� to thrce �a�et�s to get the bill reintroduced again. Not only do they deu.1. tri.tl� the hanc�iea�ped and elczer��r, rir. .di�_mes con�`uinucd ; b�ai: they alsc have sr,:�a�l chi?��-e:n ca:ne to toui trie IsZ�ds af Peace. He stated that whole classes ce:�e out ta t}:e ��."ca� arsa las�: �Teek a�px°axima�Le7_y I00 kids we.re out there planting tre�s. He sa�ct tha� tr,zy were cGn��rr��d with �1.1 peoplee Mr. i�lilrr,�s sta�te� that th�y coald IlOi: gG to an�rb�cl�� �nd ask for advise an h�Tl to run th� Islaz�d.; of Peace becat�se sc:�i`t.l�i_ng likE �his has netrcr b�en attc.m��e�. before. He s�.i.d the �ahole c;�ncept, :-.as a people's project, ��d. he c�idn'�i, th�.nk t2�ere tTas a prajec� 1.ik.e i�. He stai.ec� it }iad gott�n ;c�cd publicity, �.nc� ever. � the Unit�d j�?��y h�s s�:.d t"ie„P cc�uld b� sarne fur7ds ati-�.ilabl�. Evexx;;ual.7_y, he said, �hey hop? ur� get a Tlatur�.:��..ta �nd a thera�:is� as th��� ga alar�gs �ut rig�ii� ilc��7 thAy a�•e doing thei.r best� He tc�ld the Com;�,� s�ion �;�at to �°t peop2� out with nat�.re �Tas t�rh.at they �;ere aftpxs and asred tl��er;� �Lo t�.ke tlse t.ime to lo�k at the r:!eri�s of tahat �th� Is�ar:ds of PeacE is do�n¢ anci ta?.e �r�_r,� in t�n projeci,. Chaix�:r:ati petcrsc.n thanked ?��. ti�dilrnes for taking the �i:r.p to r�a:�e his presentatian. t�.�t;��'.a:�`J�r��d �'t��'irl�d:''i �1'1�?��'��.�t.�,: Director kiul':' i,c�id the Ca�^un� Gsicn that t��e in#'ormati�n an the recreational activities had �ec�n cs.i�tx`i.buted ai, tj�eir l�st menting, and it wz�s asked �hat the merr.bers re��i.e*.a th3s �id th��n ask �i_#r,et K�nzak bacic to an��+er ar�y questic�ns tha�; they might havem Mra Z��oore sai.d t;}�at he had a questior. regarding s��rimmir�h instructions, an� askecl why thiy couldn't have a�S.aQ. fec s�zch as Coaz� R��.n:ids has. r1s. Kanzak stated tY�at in tl�e ,:=u.rvey tt�ey took tt�e f�es rar��e.d frQm $3 to ;��1.2. r9i'. Peterson commer�ted th�t h� �oulci ot7iect to a f�e b�c�u.se he felt sirlcr- we live in the Land of Ten Thc�usar?d T,akee�, ���1�i�hin� tl,.�.l; car� Y�c? d�;�.� to prom,��e w�ter safety and educ�te pec�pl.e to sav� �i�emsel.ves �l:ould �ae at no cost. Hs said he favored swirimin�; instructians at �:11 levels t�� free b�.cau�e oi` the t�rpe af si;�te that we 7.ive in. Tis, Konzak �ai:i that therc coi�es the c�uestion wiiether et.�:�rging a fe�, even if it is mxnimal, iyo��.d ma!te peoplc. b��liev� i.t is a beVter serva.ce t!�3n it ac�uall,y is. , She sai.d that sc?m� peo�le ti�aught bccause a�erva r..��� wa:� free it really wasn't a good s�rvice, �riric.h w<�sn� t true. ,�,�.�,� _, �._: "�LU�•.�►•1'10l1 COMAIISSTOld MEETING QF MAY 2�, 197G � PAGE � Mr. Harris �ta�ed that he had reviev�ed this and in regard t� tne proi�lem discussed relativ� �� 1ooked at a duplicaticn he found that if th� �l�facets of it,� ve re were some du o recreational activiiies being ry sma11 po�t�ian of the dollar expense incurred1eithe�nb the °��y' �H� sai.d he felt that duplications ��r� y r�p�esented a relating to the dol2ars in the recrea�ional ro y the individual or the minor changes th�t could be mad� � vE� Sma�I por�i.on of the prablerrt p gr�s, and there might be some PeoPle from some �� he said he i'ound thcse would eliminate some programs and he didri�t think that was fair. Mz`• Harris said that he found the major area o� to or the of.�icia.ls, but the thin tal cost was not rnaintenance per particip3,�t be justified g that caughi his e,ye wa.s that the cost they might be ab?e to and a rnaximum level set. Aer hour indicate th�t ihere areucertain tr ngs this�ccn�,�n���ux�'m�Entt�»�a tn��t the area the area of furnishin ��d should �. He added that he Fe1t thattwas onetareatthat could be minimized or maybe even eliminated; t�ra� there i�r;�x�e zero dollarr h�zcl ,�r.P� �irectar Huff said � that the strange thing Harris said that w�s t � i-n Nan-n:`fice Su��plies for recreation. r�r. � being the ma.��imum cost�p���indivitu�l�for�d� sa:r,c lati.t�zcie � , and the other area city. ��e stated that then the �a�'t...cu"1ar activit;y bein s the city was short a�d the entry fees would h�ve to �e r��� �' c�" b,y the y c�u�.d ga back to t,lae ass�ciation ana te:Iu ect to cover the�def:�cit. �'�. Konzak s�.id that th' oth�r cities. She stat�d ihathah� e�aie���t1�;a� �� the q. � �� � had soine fa_�ur°L�s f�orr� and sti�1 be �,reater than most cities that wer� survey��rthat could be reduc�r3 Chairrtan Ye�ea�ser� �sked in rc�f er�rce to the hcck�ey pra�r��n what . m�ant on �he Com�arison o#' Recr�at:�.anal Actzv�tles 5t���;, thase were the� actual �v�r e t}1� ZO hours � ,. �g n�zriber oi hours an �.he -� ��'�and Als. �;�n�ak re�lied season. She said that the $2.63, c�hich inelu��-� participant per one boy p1a�Ted for ane haur. r1r. I�ioor�y e� �aint;erz�r�ce, ��as ; ar each time asked if this taent to the Hocke � rai,s�r? tne quES Ui.on of fee revenue� �d Kenzak replied ii �rent to �the Hack�y�xssoc�a ; oat� A r, i�yr��ar s�id � their awn Y c�f Frid_e�'s and i�,S. g��r �.nd indc�or ica time �nd g�.ve z-� to ihE kids �r��t the� bay that the city supplzed sor�e E�r � , and T•1r. t�''r� w�'rP gnalie � � alLo. Mr. H�.rris s�id �,�at Huff stated Associatiar� r �'ad'', stic�cs ar:d ptzcks under eq:a�pm�nt �hou].d take care af. � and that may be �n i�;em the iiackey Chairn�an pe:terson s<3id tnat, az�d the Associat:ian does �� .,. f ro:n 3: 30 to 6:00 th� hc�ckey rinks have frPe skating ��, bv agr°eem�3nt, gei ta use -the rinks pi obabl.y as many kids skatin�; t?�en as under th�� supex•v � si_o:� of the Hoc' � ti�n and tl1�y used the equi�rneni also. � a�� there w�re to �;h�zt �ras chax•�ed c�ff' a�air�st the HoGkeir• H"rri�� saad t�7at he vz.eea�d hockeya�sa- trat perh�ps there sholzld �e two co]um.*�s faz�s2ioc�atic+n of I�'r�.dle , artci ane for frei: skatix�� using .the hncl�� ; Ys �.rt�' sa��es�;ed 'ys' or1� for the }iockey As.^ociation �y rinl s. Mr. Peterson sai� that it would �^h��a�e the fi�ures on1.Y �Y the f would be doubled Uecause ti:ey wEre now cha: r�y mainten�rtce z�rograra realzzirig that, hz1f the t,ir��e is is Used b act; that usage rt �,ira.� to hcc�cey the total cast of' the tian and ha�i' ihe time i� is fre� skatin ;- wPa�e skating five or six �• He ,u Y the Iiockey Associ�- hours a ci� ���sted that maybe th� aame kids tearn tt�e cif.y �rorzld �.itr�er have to furnia `aid �.f the ¢h;�� e, �ro�l.err�s with the sk��i.n �h a r:ink fr,.3,,t�cin�or�tt�ere�wg on a hockey � P�nds hec:at�se they wou�.d be ald be plaYin�; hocl,ey on the ponds. r7 � � PAI2ICS AND HEt;ttEAT10N COMMISSlUiv ME�TTNG OF MAY 2tt, 1976 - PAGE 9 Birectoa� Hui'f said that his feeling was wit}iout the organi��d pro�;rams the city � probably wouldn't be maintaining so ma.ny rinks of that qua3ity. He stat�d trat this year, if they really want�d to study thaL, a study could be made on how much � i'ree skati.ng is done in the hockey rinks outside of or��nized programs. Mr. Wagax asked if there was any wa,y the $2.63 fi.gure could be brought in line with the rest of' the costs, and N:r. Harris stated that it was in line and that they would have some of thase maznt�nance people that..take care of the softb�.11 fields in the swnmer standing around doing nothzizg in the wintertime. Director Huff stated that they had a dozen part-time EmplayEes tnat �Tork just on ice mairienance in the winter, and said he disagree� with I�Sr. :iarri.s that witl2out t17e ice they weuld have extra help. Mr. Harris saici tnat he was sure hockey was the most er.pensive program and wasn't ar��ing that poi:�t, bt�t .s�id f;hey were r�la.tir.o the hoc}:ey prc�gram to �che Hockey Associ�tion, and it loake:d l.ike the Association ti�.asn't carryirg it� wei�h�. Directar Huff pointed out that thai kind of us� �rusn't i.nc7.s��?�d in softba.7.1, e:i.t;Iaez�, as they didn't look a� ha�a rnany peo?�le plav soitl�al�. a.t �.h�a.z� n�z�hhoi•h�oc3 di��ae:�d. t�s. K.onz�k s��id that scme progr�:s ti�ere na-��zr�1.1.�r more c�xpc:r.s�.ve thaz-: others arad there could be �ra,ls thP hackey prograr?. cosz coul� be les��a ed to the citye Pir. Moore st�.ted tr,at he tho�.��;�t -�h�r� should be a f�e cQ:�ir� back to t?�e ci.ty £ar almost all of tl^.e spo���s; inc�Z?zdir?; s.tir.irr,min�. �is. K^:zL<:..k s�id tha� si:e di.dn'� l:nU�� h�hen fFes �ti�r� rai^ud iast, but t:-,e C�Uiir3I• llas ah<is�g�ct sc, �iuch i,;it�hiT� trse l�s� �.�xt years th�-� if t::� f`�:cs t�ave:'t t>�ue:� i;�crc;as�c3 :�r� pro�:ar��ic�n the city ean°-� ��� p� o-v�.�i:�;; th�� sa.m� l.ev�;1 of sexvicsr; as :in ti�n past b�cat�se th� do1? ar can't b�?.y the s�x�ae service. n C�c:l.rmaa� Peter�son s�.id tha�l, th�x°e ��rere peoul.e �.�x th� City af �'r�dley r�=hase chi±a.;��� re�:l:1y nee:? the op�o?~�::nit,y io ps�°t��.c-�pate �n rc�cre�t:i.onal �rogr�ris9 ��zch as ttae pre-delinn�,::�t offende.°„ I�;� st�.t��c� ti��t �h�� ::�����thy ou#,;_ei� 01' r�c.r�; ��..vi� :is v-ery tt,er°�peuiic, anci ti7is is the �ery p::r�c::a �r�ic� w�u1.d l�� c�irz_�ren �u� c�.i �l!� pro�ram wY�e.ra the fees aae raisedR 1�.r. H^rris >�u?u. tnat tney eoulc? t�lk ;�.bc�uf, f:t±is r�t budeet; txm�r dnd s�id he �,re�uid h�v� �v a�ree th,at. �re�c> a..ne c�rt��i:in Iti�els t,h�t �aaY b� wi�hi.rz the r�r��s�:rat�on �:�-�n thou�,h ucam� �::or,�e :��;�T b� iorct;d to ��:pe:�.ci i�oz•fv c?c.l�.�.z•s �.r}�in tYz�y c?ra af�oxci.. I-?e sair� he l�oulc? rel.a;e t�, �;ener4? s�a-��.r.� a�icl s:�y tt��at tah:�r�°�er gEn�ra1 s�atin� is, if a Fc�ny is sk�tin� '-i:�ive ��.rc�s the fc-,e al:�Iit ta �o u�, cr-it,h rel�,iic.inship to t�TYi�.t t.i2E? '.°.Oa�r.;'i 2r'G f'(iT` O�ir?�� :iiCaiil2i�j &,a1C! :i� � Jt�LIIY"t :I.S Si`;ci.L1T�s:, 1h Y10173'S v}"s.E3 f'�'.8 S�iOLt,:.� r�laUe to �ahat thc ��;biera]. skt#:��ia�; t'e�: �oul.ci bUa iie s��.teri it ko�tld t�� a�Au.z�zd t!�a� ceu].c� be de��ved �y an incrE�.s� in those, �.nd u::.�d. �o cifse-t; f;c�u�pm^nt, ar�d a�'�icial��. Ct�airr�an Ysterson �t,at�Uci he c�zou�;,�at iis. Kon,�<+1-: 11a� done a�;r��a;; �et� anci he wa� grate�'ul ior the figur�s. H€� thanlced 'ner for ��tenciino� ��c; meH�ing ar:d aske�l if . she woul.d si� in on p�.r�E; oi the btidget� scssa.on, and slie s�.id she wou�.ct be ha.�;�y tc�. M�iD��;r� PARK T�1SGU:�:�1C�au; rir. �Ja��.r asked wi �,i :^eferen�c �o ^.ad���:zZ Pax•k ���:ere i.t �ras t;tr��e:> �c.�'. the tc:�.n:�� court be move�, ii' that ,rould tdke t�}�e �arkin�; l.c�t aut. �ir�ct;er Htzff answereci - it would noty 4s the court would k�� rcrth of the ��arkin�; l�t. i�Ir. TrJagar said trat cle�::r�d i.-� u�7 as he thnught the p�.rt�in� lat t,�c�ul.d txave tv be torn out. ..,�-,.�..� PAKKS AND RECREATION CUMMISSIOri MEETING OF MAY 2�, 1976 - PAGE 10 RECHEAZ'IU� STUn� PKOJECT CUMNIITTEE: Chairman Petex°san said that at the last City GounciZ meeting Couneilperson Kukowski had criticizNd the Parks and Recr.ea�z.on Commission, and he had been thii�king abaut it since and b�lieved she was possibly ri�ht in her criticisrn and Parks and Recrea- tion has been derelect in this instance. He stated he would like to see the Parks and Recreation Commission create a recreation study group to look at recreation in r�ri.dley. He continued th�t the ch�,rter did give them the prerogative ta c�o this� and reminded the Cornmissa.oners that they had objected to the way the ordinance was fii•st passed, and went back to the City Counci.l through the Planning Commission and get it change�l so that it is possible for a project committee to be.formed withozit one of the mambers of the Cammission having to serve as Chairperson. �� Ghairman Pet�rson stateci that Counci].person huko�Tski had said she was very disappointed because it seem�d a.11 we had in Fr�.aley was h�ckP�T ar�d softba.l.l, anc3 ther�ia.re he wau�.d Zik� to : E:e a�i�acrva�ian St,u�y Proj�ct Co�nmif;tee created to loc�k at recreatian �n the Citv of ;i"r�dley a;nd detez�mine ii' it is �d�quate or need� .c.h�rgirigR He sai.d iie i�ii, ii��:i. ��s �;:i�:irzr.�.u�� i.i i�e uro�s.�rli; -�n.�s sur�j�ci; u� iie �r�oulo go r�ne si:ep tur�ner3 �nd he haa car_ yacted a vexYy capable p�rsorz. �a?io� has the r�creatian oi' the city very r�uch at tie�rt ;uld `nas the type of_' a.cau��nic trai�in� ta be a chair�ersor for this. H� al:so staiec� that this indiv�.c3u�:t h�,d said ii' �zlyonc on the Go:?��mi.� si.ar� w�n��ed this pcsition he w�ulc� luzderstand and be hap,�y io remove h�.s name as a c�z�ciida-L-e. Precedvnce �ee��is ta be, P�fr. Peterson s��d, that iir. st the C��n,-nission set the size af ��e �.�roje�i �c�rru;�ittet�J ttz�n detex°J�:�n� a methoc3 of �e�tting volunf;et��s, and. �.hen appoin� -�}�c pe��Ie to ii;s ir�cludin� th� ch�.ir.N�rsan, Hp st,atnd that he iacu2d lil�e to se� the Cc,;vniss:;.c�n iorrn -�hat type oi' cam.m�ttee and ask f.nern to h�ve a xep�rt � ba�K to i:Ytis Co�rir;�issioii b,y Oc�tc�ber c�.' 'r,h:is y�ar. 2-ir. Iiarris said that th� -.ide� had mu�ri.t, �r?d su�;gested ii� be ualcen out of this group s� no one wauld l�iav� �,ny prec�brceiz�ed n�tions r,r id��,s as zo ��rh�.� they are ind�vi.dual.ly 1ook�ng �'or; a.r;d a�.so �c ,ralce �.n ei��sider the chaix�pers�,.. He said thai. �.n order ta give broad represenf;�;;i.on to this grotips eac�i member c�f this Co�-�ission sh��zld s�g�est one person to serve. AICI`.C14i� �y Harris, second�d hy� Maor•e, tha�t a Recr. eat? on Si�udf Prajeat Ct��nrn:i�..tee be farmed and by i;he next mee�;z.r:g each oi the m�mbers af th�:s Com;nission su��;est the na!re of somea:�� the� t�rould "ii.ke to ha��; ��rvF.; o�a thi;� corranittee; and tnat t:�en the �`iv�� rnembers have been se�ected to serve they have tkie pY'�:rogatx.ve to ask two at- large members to be on the committee ana a.11 seven ��1i11. have a voic� in iu. Upon a voicc ZTove� al1 vr�ting �ye, the naation car.r`i.ed unanzm�usl.ye CYaairman Pet�rCe�n said this committee �ho�.i�d be l�cking at �nd evaluating the hockey pr°agr�rn� t.he socc�r pro�r�.sry hrllet, and �anycl�iing that would be c2assiiied as recrcation in the city� YdUTH CE�ITFR : l�ir. Maore referred to a].etter fr�om tt�e YautY: Prc�vect Committ;ee and said Y►e woulc� 1i:te to make his feelings kr.o.m to the Parks and Recreation Comma.ssion. I�e sf;ated riE had talked �;o s�vex�. people on -i.his suk�j�ctp a*�d he ��ctald nat be against h�.vin� PARKS A�vD R�CREATION COP�t"�IJ.JJION P'�II''.L7.�IriU OF r4AY 21.t, 1976 '- PAGE 11 them use the Parks and Recrea�ion Department's space i.f they were goin� to move % out to �he libra.ry area. Air�ctor Huf�° said he �-.auld_still be a bit ne�ative to havin� the Youth Center l.ocated at th-e City Hall. . Mr. Harris stated that.he had given some thou�ht to that, and he w3s r�ot sure that J?arks and R�creati.on should t�e involved in the Yauth Center. Director Huff commented that Community Schools had offered the group to come urider their auspices. GLENCO� PAIZK: i�fr. l�Saore stated the only thing he zaould l.ike to say is that he ��rishecl Parks and ftecreatiozi could get some emer��ncy recrea�ian ir� thL R.iverview I��:ights Addi�ion. HQ said it �aas rea.]:ly distfsrbirz� to �ee kids who had r�othin,�, to do, snd the are�. was so compac:ted it really nE«ded somi:tlzing, h.D�SOUFtP�,tiE!�`:t' : t�OTIG�i� by Harr.isg secanded by ?�iaore, th�,t th� meeti�ag be adj��az°ned at 10:20 P.�;. Upon a�roice vote� a1.J. votin� aye, ti3� motian c�rr:�ed un�.nimously. ^ Re�gect�`ul_?.�r su.�mi��ted, } r �� . ����r-s; ,> �.� ,,'�:9,�i.� ' � l j .,,/ S�ex'i":L U � IIOi2T�E�7..1. R��orc�ir,�; Se�ci �t�r�� � • �� . ,,���� .