PR 07/06/1976 - 31214y _ � � � SPECIAL PARKS & RECRE�TZON COMMISSION MEETING JULY 6, 1976 MEMBERS PRESENT: Bob Peterson, Dave Harris, Harvey Wagar MEMBERS ABSENT • OTHERS PRESENT: Jan Seeger, Leonard Moore Dan Huff, Acting Director of Parks & Recreation Department Jan Konzak, Administrative Assistant to the City Manager Chairperson Peterson called the meeting to order at 7:45 p.m. DISCUSSION OF PROPOSED PARKS & RECREATION BUDGET FOR 1977, INCLUDING PRIORITIZATION OF CAPITAL OUTLAY ITENLS Commission ACCOtJNT 4500 (land) Approval 1977 � 1. Special Assessments - 2� Land Purchases (general} - Mr. Peierson questioned if at this point in time,with all the property they have, if "Land Purchases" is a viable goal. � Mr. Huff stated that it was his understanding that it was only in the budget in case something came up--a piece of land that was adjacent to a park where more space was needed, for example. 3. Islands of Peace (ciue in 1977) The Commission agreed that the $10,240 be put under Commission approval for 1977, *with the requirement that this ite� be considered outside the Commission's 6°jo increased request far 1977 and that if any repayment bc received from Islands of Peace, it be earmarked for the Parks & Recreation Capital Outlay budget zn e�cess of that to be allotted in the year of reimbursement. � $ 20,000 7,000 10,240* a SPECIAL � ' PARKS & RECREATION COMMISSION MEETING, JULY 6, 1976 PAGE 2 — �. � � Commission Approval ACCOUNT 4510 (Buildings & Structures) 1977 n Administration (Program 237) 1. Remodeling part of old library - �'The Commission still felt that this should be with the contingency that the Police Dapartment (or whoever uses the old office space)reimburse the Parks & Recreation Department for this expenditure. 2. Fencing & security (general) Area 1 (Yrogram 241) 1. City garage (mortgage payment) - 2. Locke Park Shelter (mortgage payment) - 3. Activity Building at Madsen Park - *Balance of $20,000 to be financed over 4 more years ($5,000/yr.), possibly from pension fund. Mr. Harris stated that maybe after the Commission has pre- pared the budget, that maybe Mr. Qureshi could meet with them to discuss the budget. He said the ori�inal item on the shelter building was $18,000 and now it is up to $25-28,000 when Parks & Recreation could have borrowed the $18,000 and had it paid up by now. 4. Locke Park footbridge - low priority 5. Concrete floor ("01d Garage") - low priority Area 2 (Program 242) 1. Siding for Sylvan Park Warming House - 2. Siding for Logan Park Warmin� House - 3. Fencing (Glencoe & Springbroak Park) Area 3 (Program 243) 1. Permanent concessions building at Commons ��2 - $ 3,500* 2,500 6,243 5,000 5,000* � -0- -0- 1,000 1,000 2,000 -0- Mr. Peterson said he could see a concession stand at Commons �k2 and see it paying for itself, but all the money coming from the_concession stand qoes�in�o General Revenue and they get the concession buiLding in the Parks & Recre- ation budget; and there really should be �n offsetting credit. On ttYat basis, it is a low priority item. � �� .� • �� SPECIAL PARKS & RECREATION CO14Il�f.CSSION MEETING, JULY 6, 1976 __ _ PAGE 3 � Commission Approval • 1977 2. Siding & fixtures for HAF, FYS�, City Storage/ Restroom building at Commons - . $ 3,500 Area 4 (Progarm 243) � 1. Picnic canopy - Flanery Park - 375 Area S (Program 244) 1.. Fencing (Summit & 1#ltura Parks) - 3,300* . *SO% of this cost to be provided by adjacent property owners following a study by the neighborhood project , committee. Area 6 (Progarm 246) 1. Fencing at Meadowlands Park - ACCOUNi 4520 (Furniture & Fixtures) � Administration (and general, Program 237) � 1. 10 Park Benches (at $70} - 2. IBM correcting typewriter - Area 1 ` � � 2,OQ0 700 1,204 1.- Landscaping and general equipment for Unity Park - 2,500* *Final expenditure for leased property without longer term lease. There was a question among the Commission members about this item. They thought there had been an exchange of property with Unity Hospital and that should be park land. They questioned the lease, Mr. Huff was asked to check on, this. 2. Picnic tables, trash cans, and charcoal burners for new 1,000 Locke Park picnic area - 3. 1 set, S seat x 18' bleactrers for Locke Park softball fields 800 �.� � SPECIAL PARKS & RECREATION COMMISSION MEETING, JULY 6, 1976 PAGE 4 � Cammission Approval Area 3 1977 1. 2 benches for Commons - 2. 1 set, 10 seat x 18' bleachers far Commons ��2 - ACCOUNT 4530 (Machinery & Auto Equipment) Administration and general use (Program 237) 1. 3/4 ton 4wd pick-up trade w/plow (w/trade-.in) - . 2. 1 ton stake bed truck (w/trade-in) - 3. 1/2 ton pick-up truck - ' �. 2-way radio f�r truck (above) - 5. Tractor (5000 series) - 6. Rotary mower (for above) - 7. Fertilizer spreader (for ��5) - 8. Snowblower (7', 2-stage) (for ��5) - 9. Brush chipper (self-cont3ined) - 10. Utility vehicle (Jacobsen UD-4) (for snowblowing, plowing, mowing, sidewalk, and trail maintenance) (w/attachments) - The Commission felt this should be budgeted in lieu of �k5. 11. Hand mowers (3 @ $200) - 12. Sweeper repair parts - 13. Fertilizer spreader (hand) - 14. Welder (gas) - 15. Welder (arc) - AccourrT 4540 (Other Improvements AdL�inistration and general use (Program 237 • l. 1" water hose, I,000 linear feet - 2. Cedar posts for landscaping, 950 at $2/post 3. Snow fencing �.rea 1 1. Resurface infields at Madsen Park ��1 and ��2- 2. Walkways at Locke Park - Mr. Harris suggested that maybe $1,000 could be put in this year and $1,000 next year. 3. "Color-Kote" Madse� tennis courts and basketball court - 4. Pave Locke Park West parking lot - very low priority 5. Replace Locke Park archery butts $ 150 2,200 6,400 6,600 - 0- -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- 7,000 4,800 600 400 150 190 350 1,520 1,900 600 2.,O.QO 1,500 -0- 300 � � ,,4. I I � i ,''� SPECIAL PARKS & RECREATION COMMISSION MEETING, JULY 6, 1976 � ' PAGE 5 Commission Approval Area 2 � � 1977 1. Resurface infields at Sylvan, Logan and Craig Park $ 900 softball fields - 2. Construct softball field at Ruth Circle Park - 3. Resurface and "Color-Kote" tennis court at Craig Park - 4. "Co1or-Kote" court areas at Ruth Circle, Glencoe (exc. - prop. tennis court.) and Skyline Parks - ' S. Tennis Court at Glencoe Park - 6. Preliminary Development-"Ashton-Mississippi St. Park" - � � u. ': Area 3 1,000 2,600 2,500 10,000 2,000 , 1. Basketball Court at Commons Park - low priority -0- 2. Irrigation Additions at Commons (sledding hi11) - -0- Commission didn't feel this was necessary at this time. 3. Pave new walkway and South Parking lot at Couunons'- low priority -0- 4. Tennis Court lighting at Commons (coin activated) - • -0- Mr. Peterson stated that this is one of those items where it would be better if they could work in cooperation with the schools as the sehools` tennis courts are farther away from the residential areas, and it would make more sense to light the schools' tennis courts. 5. Resurface infield at Commons �'�5 softball field - Area 4 300 1. Topdress Moore Lake and Flanery Park ballfields - 600 2. Resurface infields at Moore Lake and Flanery ballfields - 1,200 3. "Color-Kote" court area at Haclanan Park - 725 4. Preliminary development - Briardale Park - 3,000 5. Preliminary development - Harris Lake Park - 2,000 The Commission hopes they will get some input from the Neighborhood Project Committees for development o€ these parks. 6. Erickson Beach improvement - 7. Two footbridges at Moore Lake - low priority this year 8. Improve Moore Lake swimming docks - low priority Area 5 1. Improve ballfield at Burlington Northern Park - � The Commission agreed to do the minimum as this ballfield is used mainly as a practice field. 1,000 -0- -0- 3 00 . .'!�!�"+�'.'u'G' Y SPECI,AL PARKS & RECREATION GOMMISSION MEETING, JULY 6, 1976 PAGE 6 - - �'� Commission Appr�val Area 5 (continued) 1977 2. "Color-Kote" new Summit Park tennis court - $ 1,500 3. Tot-lot improvements at Farr Lake Park - 1,000 4. Preliminary development - Cheri Lane Park - -0- The Commission decided to eliminate this item from the budget as it is a leased area from Target and they feel Target should do some of.the developing. Area 6 � ' T. Charcoal burners at Meadowlands Park - The Commission decided to wait to see what happens in the other parks where some charcoal burners were budgeted and to see what input they get from the Neighborhood Project Committees. 2. Pave Meadowl.ands Park parking lot - 3. Engineering study - Mead�wlands Park improvement and future development - , ACCOL'NT 4510 (Buildings and Structures) Program 274 - Hockey 1. 1/2 cost of new warming house at Madsen Park * Budgeted under Page 2, Area 1, Item 3 Prog.:am 276 - General Skating l., 1/2 cost of new warming house at Madsen Park � Program 284 - Swimming Beaches 1. 3 new lifeguard towers (2 - Erickson, l- Moore Lake) - ACCOUNT 4520 (Furniture & Fixtures) Program 276 (General Skating) l. Benches, etc, for proposed Madsen warming house - * included on Page 2, Area 1, Item 3 Program 282 (P].aygrounds) 1. Shelvi.ng for equipment storage - � �� � -0-* � •11 S�� 320 n ��_. SPECIAi. PARKS & RECREATION COMMISSION MEETING, JULY 6, 1976 ____ PAGE 7 !`�� AGCOUNT 4510 (continued) Pro�ram 284 (Swimming Beaches} 1. 3 benches for beach house - Pro�ram 286 (Concessions) 1. Hot dog prep. equipment for Moore Lake Beach and Commons concessions - . 2. Freezer for Commons Concessions The Cou�ission then discussed increa�fng fee revenue. Commission A�proval 1977 Ms. Konzak gave to the Commission members a list of recommendations for increasing fees. $ 150 300 $00 � MOTION by Dave Harris, seconded by Harvey Wagar, that the Parks & Recreation ---� Commission recommend the following increase in fee revenue: Softball - 1977 Entry Fee/Team Men°s Open S1ow Pitch & Indus. Slow Pitch $160 from $140 Men's Rec. Slow Pitch & Indus. Slow Pitch 155 " 135 Men's "OJer 30" Fun Slow Pitch 155 " 135 Couples 16" Fun Slow Pitch 110 " 95 Women's Open Slow Pitch 145 " 125 Women's�Rec. Slow Pitch 140 " 120 Women's Fun Slow Pitch 130 " 115 Swimming - $2.50/ child . Youth baseball - increase of $1 Girls` softball -$1,00 to the City Girls' football -$1.00 to the City Playground - $6/individual; $12/ maximum per family Basketball - raise Men's Team from $75 to $100/ no �i3�xease in youth team Hockey - $2.,00 to the City BroombalZ - $2.00 to the City Football- $2.00 to the City Volleyball - Team fee raised from $45 to $55 The Commission will so inform the Associations that they are to collect and identify the number of participants and the money will be due the City within 30 days after ��, completion of registration. (This is to si:art in 1977.) Upon a voice voCe, all -' voting aye, the motion carried unanimously. / \ spECZa�. P4RKS & RECREATION COMMISSION MEETINGa JULY 6, 1976 PAGE 8 Mr. Peterson stated that he felt the Parks & Recreation Department has an obligation to be looki�g at the total fee structure for any organization that uses its facilities to make sure these organizations are not over-pricing the taxpayers who furnish these faciliries. Mr. Harris stated that the fee revenue increase should be re-evaluated next year by determining how many hours each per�on is paying'for, excluding the maintenance factor, because,percentage-wise, some are being increased more than others. ADJOURNMENT• The meeting was adjourned at 11:00 p.m. Respectfully submitted, G:,.G�-t•c-- Ly e �S2'�a Recording Secretary •. 4 � � � � �. n ...� � 560-3450 ��` 0 • r��le� � � � � � �� � � � � ANOKA COUNTY 643} UNIVERSITY AVENUE NE �u�Y 9s 19�� pRiDLEY, MtNNESOTA 55421 NOTICE TO ALL PERSONS WHO HAVE AGREED TO SERVE ON A NEIGHBORHOOD PROJECT COMMITTEE: The Parks & Recreation Coironission wi11 be holding a meeting on July 12, 1976 at 7:30 P.M. in the Civic Center at 6431 Univer�sity - Avenue N.E. in the classroom (lower level), They have requested that all persons who have agreed to serve on a neighbarhood project Committee be present at this meeting. Attached to this notice you will find a list of the people who have already agreed to serve with you for your neighborhood. Your attendance at this meeting will be appreciated. ROBERT PETERSON CHAIRMAN _ PARKS & RECREATION COMMISSION. f , j NEIGHBORHOOD 1 �` Chairperson - Karen Budnick 601 Ironton.Street N.E. 786-3015 . i Connie Kuusisto 583 Janesville Street N.E. 786-5849 Bettie Banine 601 Glencoe Street N.E. : 786-8381 Marilyn Illetschako 580 Ironton Street N.E. 786-3638 i John Hendrick 670 Ironton Street N.E. 784-4990 ' Gerald R. Lambrecht . � 531 Kimball Street N.E. 78�-5151 � , � n r i Neighborhood 2 � Bruce Holmes (Chairper.son) 6813 Hickory Drive N.E. 571-6062 Marty Gavic 141 Hartman Circle N.E. 571-1219 Gary Hansen 6807 Hickory Drive N.E. 571-0316 , ' �, Neighborhood 3 ` f � Sharren Bakke (Chairperson) 59 Rice Creek Way N.E. 5b0-5029 Ronald Steckman 58�'a�ce Creek Way N.E. � 561-5333 ' n Neighborhood 4 , �� Byron Butter (Chairperson) 260 67th Avenue N.E. 571-5299 Bus: 824-0734 Howard Grivna 261 Rice Creek Terrace 571-3199 � I �, � �,_ Neighborhood 5 David McNeil (Chairperson) 266 Mercury Drive NoEo 574-9779 Clayton Polzin 6220 Juniper Road NaE. 571-7158 ; Neighborhood 6 ; Leonard Kos (Chairperson) 5468 Altura Road N.E. 560-6081 ! Dorothy Breza 5221 Capital Street N.E. 560-5874 ' Betsy Sauer 5189 Horizon Drive N.E. 560-5950 r'1 �. _-_ _ Neighborhood 7 Tom Nielsen (Chairperson) 7583 Lyric Lane 784-2783 Bus: 546-i391 �� Jane Noble 7381 Jackson Street N.E. 784-4771 David Thiele 73QU Tempo Terrace N.E. 784-3663 ; Neighborhood 8 � Clay Storley (Chairperson ) � 414 Rice Creek Terrace �'S71-5429 ^ Donald Pullen t '� 6899 Madison Street N.E. 571-6559 Bob or pollie Acton . 6850 Jefferson Street N.E. 571-9378 Ed Simko 1327 66th Avenue N.E. 571-0106 Neighborhood 9 Alice Benson (Chairperson) 640 - 58th Avenue N.E. 57i-7337 . n F Neighborhood 7 �s Tom Nielsen (Chairperson) 7583 Lyric Lane 7$4-2783 Bus: 546-1391 Jane Nobie 7381 Jackson Street N.E. : 784-4771 � David Thiele - 7300 Tempo Terrace N.E. 784-3663 Neighborhood 8 Cl ay Storl ey (Chai rperson ) Niartin Lt�edelr� � 414 Rice Creek Terrace 6831 Qakey Street N.E. 571-5429 571-4615 i� ,.�s Donald Pullen Donald Ault 6899 Madison Street N.E. 571-6559 953 68th Avenue N.E. 571-8483 Bob or pollie Acton 6850 Jefferson Street N.E. 571-9378 Ed Simko 1327 66th Avenue NoE. � 571-0106 ' Neighborhood 9 A1ice Senson (Chairperson) 640 - 58th Avenue NoEe ^ 571-7337 �� Neighborhood 10 Jim Ekman (Chairpersonj 524 54th Avenue N.E. 560-4178 Jim Baker 564 53 1/2 Avenue N.E. 560-4858 Neighbarhood 11 NONE Neighborhood 12 Joa Matusovic (Chairperson) Jim Richardsarr ,., 6361 Squire Drive N.E. 6371 Squire Drive N.E. " 571-9022 571-9647 F ��' Neighborhood 13 • Kathy Divine (Chairperson) 6170 Benjamin Street N.E. 571-4809 � : Joe Schleisman � D. C. Harris ' 5770 Hackmann Avenue N.E. 6141 Benjamin Street N.E. 571-8109 571-5248 Harry Messick Dan Sullivan 6257 Ben More Drive 1161 Re.gis Lane N.E. 571-3196 571-2294 Daryl Rollag Bruce Anderson 1391 P�Ieadowmoor Drive N.E. 1340 Kerry Circle 784-4192 . 574-1006 ^ >