PR 07/12/1976 - 31215� SP�CTAL P�1RKS � RECREATIQN COi�£CSSIaAt MEETT�G ; _ ` .iUi.Y �.,�,, 197fi MB�BERS P�ESEi+�: Bob PeCerson, Dave Harri.s, Harvey Wagar, Lea�ard'Moore �ERS A$�ENT: 3�i Seeg+er � t)1*i��RS PRESEN'�: ,.ierry Bc�ardm�n - City P�,anner N�ighborho�t� Pro�eet Cc�ittee udemb�rs Chair r gersa� Bab Pete�so� calied the �eetiag to order at 7:35 p.m. ; ' I?ISC'�SS SG(�� t)�' �E��TIO�T Al�Ti 1+�I aRii�4D P1i�1EC'f G(�tMITT��S . ; Mr. Peter.son thanker� a11 the memb��rs for atte�ading this speeial meetin�; a�d told them ho� the Gc�fssion apprec�.ated their willin,gn�ss ta.. serve as .Neighb�rho�xi Prajeet Cottmait��e me�bers .' He then: asked �r. Boardman to go �hra�gh the materials that were ha�aud�d out . to the committ ee members aq�d if .there wer-e any questions, they ��aere to� feel fz�� tv ask �h�u►. - � I�r. $c��c�n�t stated tt�aC the maps t�t�t were given out were outdated. i3� st�ted that in th� next cou�t�.e of weeks the City Sta�f wi13 be submitting to the Neighbar- hood Project �c�unitt�e me�be�cs new m�terial incZuding the breal�down o£.r�e�,ghborhood char�cteristic� �i.thin each t�f tha nea�ghborhaods, $ new updated park map as well as a�rial ma}�s of eaah parlr so the cc�iCte� members will know what `park is in each nei hhorYe - , � - $ c� and what is in thos� a�ks ."1'he Coimni�t�e me�er� will a1� get . �t isrea3cdcr�m as tv wl�� some of th�: r�creation " st.a�c3ards are � su�h as park space needed p�r po�ttlatia�n. �hese will be avaiiable a�rely for their use ar view, to` see if thes� s�andar�s mee� the criteria for ea�h o€ the nei Staff wil.l alsa. �orhoods. City put in thea.r reeom�etendatidn$ as �o the t�pe of activities th�y fe�l si�csuld bs: �iaFF��.nq in r�eig�a,borhae�ds with �ese characteristi�s. i�". �ardmaz� the� 'out�iaed th� Furpose' and S�ope of the Neighborhood Project Ct�i.ttees as wr.itt�n on t�e sht�eC e�titled "Neight�ark�aod Parks P�o�ect Comm,ittee af the Park� and Recreation Cott�nissio�", H�s stated that righ� now th�:y are in the. proce�s of p�itt�ng toget�er a. Parks. ancl Recr�atir�n c,c�mprehensit�e plan for the eity, In t�is Fa�r�s a�d Rec�=eatioz� c�preher�si�e plan, they� wi�.2` be delineating neighbor- hoods, discus�i�tg ;t�o� nei�h,bvrhac�d� as to wh�t their needs are, what the�tr F�'�orities are as far es €�nding gcses, and at the end of that �}�ey will set up recommendatic�ns aad ar� i�plemenCation ���cess for t�ese Parks �nd Recreation �eighlaorh�od areas, 4�t of Chis will come a€ive-ye�r capital i�ngrovemer�Cs �� � ��� � � ,�., � �� . , S�I�1L i�A�iKS & RE�R�:t��!E'� �;���It� I�� .� J�"Y �2 19?6 • p�� _ � , p�^c�gram in which they will est�#l�.s� priorities, �caaking�, etc . This will all be esCablished through the �'ark� at�td �.+�crea�ic►n Co�mnission thrvv.gh the City Coun+�ii � Ttte project coc�nitCees' i.nput i�tto ��tis plan is the knowledge they have c�f Che�r �teighbonc�atsds and ehe n�eds �i� thheir n�i�ghb�rhood� . Mr . Boardman said they are looking to the citize� tci`�ive:��em this ty'pe af in�ormatfori, have the c�tizeas take a lc►ok at th+sir_ gartts;, .��lk to th�ir �eighbors , and find out +wliat their �ei�hbc►r� �nd thems�l:vss. fe�l �s n+�eded: in their neig;hborhood park to meet the requir++�me�ts of their a�ress . �€tu�e�'�cope", Item 1, Mr. 'B�ard�an,st�ted that Che proje�t co�ittees shoc�ld see i� t� ' faciliti�:s of Cheir ne�ghbc���ods meet the requirements of Cheir neighbarhoods. If they dc�'t, then that is what should be evaluated. U�r."S�4ge", Item 2, Mr. B��clm�n stated that in most cases there is,�a mare p�xk ia� sFace avail�bl�. �n tfiat ca�e, the- project c�mnittees will just: hav� �c�-' k��p in m3,md �b�e. amo�t of �pa�e �h�t is avail�b�.e . Maybe the use of 'the parks a� th�.� t3.i�e �r� � th� xight us� for Lhe neigh�erhood. . �y��� la��o{'�'►, �t�r 3, Mt:. Haardman stated `that they want the project ccu�ittees to sec ff �ome faci,litie�: a�e �xat suitable to a n�igtrborhood or are n�t pravi.ding the rec�e,gti.an they #e�l is needed i� a neighbarhood, then they are to list their :priorities as to �hat the� dv t�eed in the neighborhood. This will hel,{� in the evaluati� and ptanx�f.ng €csr ��ad�t�,ng For the different items for those neigi�borhood�. 1� � Bii,ard�an statad thet� ti�� t�ee axeas which the Ateighborhood Project Cc��.��� .� �1�, rnt�t be evalu��in� are 3�c�c�Ce Park, Nort� Paric; and I$lands of Peace . Ti�� ���„� :�t�� �rf N�rrth Park ti�at w�.11 be anaiyzec3 t�y the' projeet cc�ittees is the porti�r� ._ ida� the w�t end . ' I+�r� 8�►rd�a� stated th�t tt�e m�mbership of the •c��ittee� should be 5-4 u�mber�,. � H+e.��.nted; out thaC it r�as up to the chairperson, with the help of �is co�i�tee *i t�emh�rs �en passi�le, to f#.kl out the membership of his cansnitCea. 't�hen �e ' pr+aject _conmitt�e is filt�d, then the ch�irperson ir to sub�nit a list c�f ���_ � � ccm�i��ee �ember$ Co the Park� :& Re�reati� Co�nissian. The chair�►erso� 1aas� �; big �sg�nsibility:in carr}*:�g out thi� program and Mr. Boardman c>utline8 :the. chairge�cson's respc�sib�.1'it��s . � , � 1�c. Board�� st�e�ed that oc� Sep�et�h+er 28, 1976, which is a Parks & Recreatian , Ct��s�ioa meetiag, .tt�e .C�umadissi� will be looka�ng for fi�d�.n�s from the cou�ittees. � � , � �.,; ' Mr, Harri� stated tt�y �it� ci�it�e members that by m otion, Mond�y nights we�e : desi$�€� as me�tittg -x��i��ss f¢� Ch� Neighborhaad Project Comrni�tees . T�ieq :�a�-� � weiccxne t� meet aC� �C�.�� '�all as th�re is space ava�lable �or Che mesti��gs ��i i� .;, � ,�rr+�des t�e C�i�sic+�c �embe�a with aa agport�nity to provi�e a sCaff `persan, " if n�ces�ary, for qu+�tio�s �� �s answ�red and ta help formulate Qr better:. foa-�aui,a��� their px�rams , Mr . Petersr�n aek�d 3�r . Bua��n �f he w��ic� be se�ii.ng out to th� coa�onitte�s a sugge�te�l far�n for �'!� �� u,s�: in filZ�g aut their reports . � . Mr. Boar��n answered tha�t �e:�elt;that wa.s a very good idea. _ � � � � u�- � � : � � _ . _ _ a ; �:. � � � . � � _ � � .,���, � . �� i srB��ati i 1*ARIt� & RLCF,EATT4N Cf�QS�IQN ��T3.�i�� � 12, 197b Page 3 ! • J i � ; �h� s�uesGiaa w�s a�ked that when the�e is:.no park to evaluate, wh&C da the com��.ttees do. _ I�4r. Baard�art a�t�wered- that 'they shcz�l;d take a laak at what facilities are availablE �iChin the who�,e _�scog+� af thef,r ne�,glabo�li�oci . May��: the only problem in the nei�hbnrhaad fs an a�cess grobiem. And, maybe that cauld be the ccu�nitte�'s ' recc�endatiori. Mr. �Iarris stated th�t if the co�n��tee m�mbers"have any open:areas, they should , put down wtt�t they think the`layout o� that a�e� should be. The informatian could � b� c�f g��aC benefit. - . � � �he question ��.s ask�d if the coumuittees shoul.d e�aluate any schoc�ls in the area } even if the schvtil is in a differe�t� sch�a�. district. The a�tswer was, yes, as long ` as ��E &Cill'�O� �3 W�Ch�.II the canfine.s of Fridley, � E?tie camaiCtee member stateci that �he wisheet. these projest committe�s could tiave been formulatect sooner. She is very concerned:as a tennis caurt is going up in her neighbas��zod taking th;e plaee a€ the`1itt2e children's sk�ting rink, leavisg ' nd activities for th� s�all+�r children. She wanted to know wtio ordered:this done, Mr. B�arslman explainerl t�at a tennis court survey w�as taken throughout the City . a�s Co how mariy people wer� playing in what areas and divided t�re Gi.ty according ta /��ervice areas a�. Co t�e nuu�nber af hc�urs t��.t were being played 3n different -� neighbo��ocjds. They came up wit�i certain areas that had shortages of tennis courts, Ev�ry 2(�0 hours of tennis play within �n a�ea wauld require a court. Tt was t�p to the City Ccauncil aud they budgeted for twq tennis eaur*_�,;ons for the north and one ��r th� south. M�. Feterson sCated that the CiCy Cot�cil,is often handicapped by lack of informa-, tion: fram tl�e different neighborhoads and .this same. probl:em can possibly be prevented in a�o�her area: by input from the project committees. Mr. Harris st�tted tq the cQ�nmittee me�nl�ers the importance of getting members for t�ie;e�nittees from a1.1 are�s Qf the neighborhood and no� just people �rom one : street so that a broaci segment c�f ��a� nei.ghborhood is represented . He said : tl�ey don't rteed to �eel C�y must canvas the n�ighborhoods and knock on daors as iC is nat one of their req�ire�nts, although they may do so if they wi.sh. �h� questic�n was asked if tl�ere would be any probl�m with neighbarhood work grougs-- the City prQViding the equipment an� ;the �eighbarhood prav�.din;g:the labor, Mr. �iarris stated thatt this should aot be included �in the regarts to be passed on to th� Gity Gou�scil. �ecasise of pr�.aritie�, the prnject may be delayed a coupie of ��ars and tt�e.:peQ�le whd we�e g��.� to provi�ie the labor may have moved or may s�o lflnger be in�eres��d. _ . � � .�"� SP&CIl�L P�tKS & R�t�,EAT�f?�i > `SS�C�±T l�1?:'�:[�G JI1LY �2 : 1976 Fa e 4 '. ' � . � �ir. �isrris told the cc�mi�tee n�a�ber� that if they had .anp quest�ons that they °� shou�d feel free to call 3��"Sr Bo�xdman or aay of the l�arks E� Recreation Ca�nmission a��aers . M�. Ta�i�tielsen expressed his personal Cha��s to the F�rks � Recreatifln CommissiuA` f+�r their participatioa i�:th� yauth'programs. . Mr. Petersc�n stated that the Gc�ission members would like to aGtend sorne of the ATeig�ibts�h��d Proje�ct Ccu�►i:tte� �estings and ravuld appreciate tt►e coumiiCtees ca�li�g t}xe Ci.ty off�ce �bt�ut,th�i� meeting schedu2es so that if any of the Co�amarissioa members are fre�, they could atte�d . Mr. Peterson agai� th�nked all ti�e graject commiCtee �nembers for attending this me�t�.ug . � , � AA7�i��: : 1'�� �eet�i�� was ad�tyu�n�tl at �s 30 p,m. ` Res��cC#ull:y submitted, : t �, . `� L�a e ��ba _ �co�'���g ��cretary � . � � : .�� ,. : =:� '`` � �� �v ; �: � ���� ;�� � . - � �: �, . 4 a �:_. �.:.. - _ _ . �P�CIAL P�1�.S 6� �C�T7t�t �E�IN� � l '- . • � :�ULY 12, 19?fi . 1�IE�BEE��Rii00D PRQiEG"i C�',�E M��RS E�SEI�T A�' Si'L��IAL Pi1RKS S� �C�EATION MEE�ZPIG , ]�aa�e Address ` �ie.ighborhood (if ka�s�wn) ��tsy Sauer �189 Hc�rf zan Drive 6_. Ja�x� Noble 738i ,3acksc� S�reet N.E. ' 7> �qm Nielseu :75$3:byrie Lane 7 B�rrma -�tters ' 26Q - b7th Auenue N.E. •� 4 Karen �udn�.ck � 6Ql �ront+�t St. N,E. ii)�iverv�ew Actio� �laine Lawre�ce . 595 Ir�ntcm St. N.E. �r �' • : �e.tty.��c�tine 601 :�lencoe St. {;2) ,� �� f�� Te�l Rue 170 - 63rd Way N:E. Reoreatai.on Froject \ � Co�.ttee ` �Bruce �i�lmes ' b813 �iickaxy 17r. N.E. 2 Ron Steckt�a�t 58 Rice Cr+eek Way 3 K�athy Divine 61?!} B�e�ajaarin St. N.&. : . 13 Sandy Bacc�n 135Ci - 69th A�e . N.E . ' 12 � �`���toa I,� Storley 4��+ ��.re C�eeeic Terrace 8 Daa��tl��r 13�ce�.a 522,�. Capitol St . 6 paryi Rolesg 1391 :M�adow�aQC�r Dr. 11 �k�uck i,indmat� ; � 1378 2�eado�oc�r Dr. 11 Judi �ani.ak 1b�55 'I�igsissigpi St . 12 ' .�im Ric�ard�c>n 6371 Squire I?r. N.E. 12 ` Jae Matusavic ,63#�1 squire Dr . N.E. . 22 �Iau` &u23ivan : 1161 Regis Lane 13 � y�� Uo� PuYleti fi899 Mstdi��ut S.t. N.E., $ i _. Alice Bemsc� 6�Q �-��3th �i�re. N.�. . 9 ��,�►d�n P4��� b22� .�upite� �+�. �i.�. 5 r•� �ANOKA CO. ��HENNE%N C0. z3 MINNEAPOLIS qLAINE CITY OF FRIDLEY PARK & RECREATION FACILITIES 15 :.:, • _� ,.•,��• I l�M Eritlwn � ��� �k �, , I� Z J'��_ :P �v� i� J FMnerY �� 4'� � --��' R4RKS a RECREATION e ( ; DEPARTMENT I35 N �'�� ° DIRECTOR� PAUL BROWN �d A i� = o _ _ I ge f 8431 Univarsity Ave. 56432 _ \ Y riw�re. sso-3aso LEGEND - PARK PROPERTY I�I�I���������I SCHOOL PROPERTY : � COUNTY PARK PROPERiY 0 u rc m 3 w z November, 1973 e w w w � Mile q� North luubruek Part �F'':1�� °.... '._a�.l A �� 4� SEASON CITY � ' s �� A A�i ? <� = �' 3 � �`� � • 11 PLAN � i� �' � PEOPLE � � ► � � � I y ��� R � ��c y K �� S � i i � _ � C::: ■ Lm. � � , m.aiNc \, '' � .�y% ` � :� 1>�`� :�� "�� CITY OF FRIDLE� cnoN aaPros \F � ,�A rv.�k'�, t , .unH, �� � ��'�� \,,;� �. f• �'):,. � ��'.i .� `' � 1`TEIGHBORHOODS P!4.. � f + Synng � �Brook- . �.:.�', C �ia c ����� . . �,k , , . , .. �� PARK & RECREATION FACILITIES �;,, re� �i[ � �:'- �r� ..� , � '..G yk•u �� . . q� �e1.� o� ���r . L.y� HBi9 8 ey� p' i. . ni x� .AKE aMn �� r' . 4 Y i� . �. it :� .. � y , � , '� o ' _. �� / � - .. .. '. ••._ __. lohn Erickssn "✓ ��. � _, �¢� � .. � � a+•w `.,,,� -Park � .o �w^�� i d.�.a ��� �� ( � , � . �\ • � +s � �d V��rJ" �'. . ; +� _ . � , �° I .e o. p � I � t vR � � .��j� � -"' - a� J .j / _ _ F�e�,Y J� ,�; " - - - PARKS a RECREATION ��- - _ ��; Madsen , r � r:� � l � ... _ „�.-1 ; i . � �: � ii � .� . � ; DEPARTMENT � � � 2"t� �cow n�e i?_ke P3c����� 35 , � ,,,/// � « �- ` �� ° DIRECTOR� PAUL BROWN � �rk 4 z � '' � i � .. ...� 1�\A ena � 'k �..ti � �a9� � , ~ � ., � 6431 Untversity Ave. 55432 � 4 �.pyig Y � •� � � '� � J � i , �✓� � .�,� Vhone. 560-3450 m � _ . ? . . . . � c- � it � I; Rice eek ( � � 3 M�hno e4 �;� it : �.� w� — : � •t i 4• Ir e�� � �' c�.¢ . � jl £ � ,� �v�.. �� w � J� °�` ;,6 �.., LEGEND .: ` f�� PD- , � �� ° ._ 4 )a ` �_. �,^ I _ _� � f '�f 'J� �;.'.� PARK PROPERTY Cil Nod6ea� J�`' "F9 - �i L J'� L._..e .r� .�:5� r �'�' � j�� �-- wa� �; i. � il �i � SCHOOL PROPERTY �� � � � � r, y H 6s� � ii � � � n � eiKrse�'e..r/` D,rk V} �" � I C�` F�t � I i ,� ��' � o � COUNTY PARK PROPERTY r c � ' � a �r � j � ...- ... . y � _.� �' ;.�� : st T' * !� , ,, f �'.,(. S� � a t � � L .� �' .-.i�r'i i. � Mooe �„ � 3 e � �� "� �kXline �k � �3i.�.��.,_. j�lake �% � :p��'�' � F� � j a . i 1`���� r��¢ � � � ;L ' �r �`- � �;,;�1 � �1 � W � A� ' � �_ f t9e��^� � �__��►� � �� November, 1973 � o� I / :-:.• - eld ; Mack i_ 1 ��_' �. . �- ' _ _ , , ;' I LY_Y. / _. � W 6� tp` p�� . .. . e\ x . ..�° 11 u___ µ--" n . L� � ' \ _:. ' ... � � ,.,T,� n �K -� ...o+ s Mi1e Y � �u..��.._ � _ " br: f �� 4r� ( . . . / / / �jf'� I;u'e -pa ^,�... � � -_ � ��J � � . Proposed North Innsbruck P�rk J , , � 'Y g�l�' � '��'� °',TM�`� �.I'�"� �� ��'�_'j � � � 'rC,9 � � -� } .� • ��� �� �r� , ; \ ,�, : • z� �, Summ� � M' amf�ton's s„n,,,. -�", Irytjsb�kk Park � W n �* S uar - f � . I � a � � uwe n . • /=1c� i . ` . t.. � . . , ,. ' . . w a, �w�a�� r ,�. >.. _Jp1 ,.- . . : � ,�, , r-;� . �, y,� Budin;ton �,�m ;6� A�� 4'� S E A S 0 N C 1 T Y ° P�rk � c:, �, �PlVmwt � �� �@�� � Sqva e � � � . , . !.,{ A �.� Q� � Y --- �,4 A �-� y � � �•� I N � . L. a � ? ��' y � � �� � , ii;� � � � �y� r ^, � ��,, N V � �"M1 ,�.i�m � �. i�o� i�� . � .':,�lM� . i i ' �!.e+ ` l 6 _ ' • ��. � : i-- � � � I Q PLAN � i� • � � � PEOPLE � � � � �x � .. .,; �, ; � / � ' ( ' I, t4� r� � �' ` ; , . + P ''1;,'ry Q / �;' � ; �a� A � �' �� . '�' .-F -� �ANIMA CO. � R � 4 .. ,�IY \\1�iH:NNfv�N CQ � . v . � ' .,,,; � A 11 MINNEAPOUS . C � � 7 � B NEIG11I30Rlt00D P�RKS PRO.7ECT COMPIITTF:L OF 7'fII: i'nRKS� AND ItfiCIZliA'I'ION COMMISSION PURPOSE: The Neighborhood Parks Project Commzttee is established for the � purpose of providing input to the Parks and Recreation Commission regarding neighborhood park facilities. SCOPE: The Neighborhood Project Committees will: 1. Evaluate present facilities for recreating services to ' the neighborhood. (Keeping in mind existing space avail- able on park property.) 2. Evaluate possible changes in usage of present facilities, ' keeping in mind maximum use of space available. 3. Establish realistic priority listing of additional re- creation needs for the neighborhood, keeping in mind the cost/benefit factor. P4EMBERSHIP: The Neighborhood Project Committees will be chosen within the designated thirteen neighborhoods and will consist of between 5-9 persons from each neighborhood. CHAIItMAN: The Neighborhood Project Committee Chairman will be selected by ��;; the Parks and Recreation Commission and is responsible for filling out the membership for the project which he is given charge, This � membership is the subject to approval by the Parks � Recreation � Commission. The Chairman shall assure the fulfillment of the follo�aing respon- sibilities: � \ 1. CalT and preside over meetings of the cammiss�on. 2. Appoint a recording secretary for the committee. 3. Appear or appoint a representative to appear before the Parks and Recreation Commission if deemed necessary to present any report or progress information to the Commis- sion. LENGTH OF PROJF;CT: The members of. the project committee will serve for the term of the project to run no later tlian September 28th, 1976 at which time the Committee wi.11 present its findings to the Parks and Recreation Commission. I'�1 r