PR 07/26/1976 - 31216� �. .^ � MEMBERS PRESENT: MEMBERS ABSENT: OTHERS PRESENT: PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION MEETING JiJLY 26, 1976 Dave Harris, Harvey Wagar, Leonard Moore Bob Peterson, ,J%an Seeger ; Charles Boudr�eau, Parks & Recreation Director Jerry Boardman, City Planner Lewis L. Farr - 157 Riversedge Way N.E. Ve1ma Farr - 157 Riversedge Way N.E. Patricia Smith - 660 Hugo St. N.E. Henry Welk - 11112 Madison St. N.E. Juan Salas - 5810 - Sth St . N.E.: Wesley,Grandstrand - 5431 Madison St. N.E. 011ie �rickson - 6056 Woody Lane N.E. Ted Rue - 170 - 63rd Way N.E. _ R. C. Kelly - b230 - 7th St. N.E. V�cechairperson Harris called the meeting to order at 7:,35 p.m. APPROVAL OF AGENDA:. Mr. Harris.suggested that "GUESTS" be inserted in the agenda after "INTRODUCTION OF CHAKLES BOUDREAU, THE NEW PARKS & RECREATION DIRECTOR". MOTION by Leonard Moore, seconded by Harvey Wagar, that the agenda be approved as changed. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, the motion carried unanimously. APPROVAL OF MINUTES OF THE REGULAR PARKS & RECREATION COMMISSION MEETING OF 3IINE 28, 1976: M4TION by Leonard Moore, seconded by Harvey Wagar, to approve the.minutes as written of the regular June 28, I976, Parks & Recreation Commission meeting. Upon a voiee vote, all �oting aye, the motion carried unanimously. APPROVhi. OF MINLTTES OF THE SPECIAL PARKS & RECREATION CONAIZSSION MEETING, JULY 6, 1976: ' MOTION by Leonard Moore, seconded by Harvey Wagar, to approve the minutes as written of the Special Parks & Recreation Commission meeting, July 6, 1976. Upon a voice ^�vote, all voting aye, the motion carried unanimously. t, -...% �i FARKS & RECREATION COMMISSION MEETING, JULY 26, 1976 Page 2 APPROVAL OF MINUTES OF THE SPECIAL PARKS & RECREATION COrIl�IISSION MEETING, JULY 12 1� MOTION by Leonard Moore, seconded by Harvey Wagar, to approve the minutes as written of the Special Parks & Recreation Commission meeting, July 12, 1976. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, the motion carried unanimously. INTHODUCTION OF CH�RLES-(CHUCK) BOUDREAU, THE NEW PARKS & RECREATION DIRECTOR: Mr. Boudreau was introduced to the Parks � Recreation Commission and to the visitors present. Mr. Hazris warmly welcomed Mr. Boudreau aboaxd and stated that the Parks & Recreation Co�nmission would work with him to try to continue to�upgrade the parks and recreation facilities.and programs within the City. GUESTS 1. Lewis &•Velma Farr - 157 Riversedge Way N.E. . Mr. Harris r�ad to the Commission the letter received from Lewis & Velma Farr. Lewis and Velma Farr were present at the meeting to ask that the Parks & Recreation �ommission consider their request to purchase the,adjacent park land which abuts their lot on the west side. They would also like the City to abandon the 20-foot easement which leads to park property but retain the right to drive across this property any time for inspection of storna sewer outlet located on park land. With�^� the new Islands of Peace Park to the south of them, they no longer feel there is a need for this park. Thi,s would eliminate the problems of people trying to drive down this easement and then turning around in their yard. Also, the easement poses a problem for their neighbor south of them as the easement is now physzcally in the wrong p2ace and not in the proper location the survey shows. A new property line could then be established at the abandonment of this easement and both parties involved would benefit. They would be willing to talk about any ideas the Counnission might have. Mr. Harris stated that he felt this item should be referred to Staff. He stated the Commission could not act on this other than make a recommendation after it has heard back from Staff. Mr. Boardman stated this should also be referred to the Neighborhood Project Comm�i.ttees to give them a chance to look at the area and come up with any recom�nenda- tions they may have. This area is in Neighborhood 3. MOTION by Harvey Wagar, seconded by Leonard Moore, that the FarrJRiversedge Park item be referred to Staff for their review and recommendation at�d that this item also be referred to the Neighborhood Praject`Conunittee for that area, Upon a voiee vote, all voting aye, the motion carried unanimously. �:-.�� , � . _�� PARKS & RECREATION COMMISSION MEETING, JULY 26, 1976 Page 3 � 2.. Juan Salas - 5810 - Sth St. N.E. Mr. Salas was at the meeting to ask the Parks & Recreation Commission how soon the soccer field at Locke Park would be improved. Mr. Harris stated that it was discussed at the special Parks & Recreation Commission budget meeting and money was appropriated for it in the budget. He said as soon as the budget is apgroved, he hopes that work will be started by this fall. Mr. Salas also asked if it would be possible for him to use the city football field with lights October 27-28 for a tournament. Mr. Harris said he could talk to Mr. Boudreau about this, but it was Mr. Harris' understanding that Mr. Salas could use it if it was not already being used. 3. .Wesley Grandstrand - 5431 Madison St. N.E. Mr. Grandstrand stated that he is a new property owner in Fridley and had purehased some.land that was adjacent to the Cheri Lane Park area. For the last year and three months, whenever the park land has needed maintenance, he has had to call the Parks & Recreation Department to get it done. He said he is referring to only mowing as no otheri.mpr�vements has been done to the park land. He would like to see regular ..maj.ntenance done on this park l.and without his having to call all the time. He also suggested that the area be posted with "No Motarized �raffic" sign.s as there is a lot of motorcycle and four-wheel drive traffic on the land. � ^ Mr. Harris stated that they would get some information back from Staff on ways to improve this area and would put the park on a regular maintenance schedule. DISCUSS SCOPE OF RECREt1,TI0N PROJECT COMMITTEE Mr. Erickson, Mr. Rue, and Mr. Kelly, members of the Recreation Project Committee were present at the meeting. � Mr. Boardman reviewed the"Purpose" and "Scope" for the Recreation Project Committee. He stated that the membership was established by the Parks & Recreation Commission and each member of the Commission chose one member of the project committee and two members of that project coumiittee are to be chosen at-large by the project committee itself. The chairperson was designated by the Parks & Recre�ation Commission as Mr. O11ie Erickson. Mr. Boardman also reviewed the duties of the chairperson and the length of project. Mr, Harris stated that the Commission hopes to take the information from the Recreation Project Committee and the Neighborhood Project Committees and make an update on the Parks & Recreation program. It is an update, basically, to bring back into focus what was done in 1965 �rhen they had a long range planning program for the Parks & Recreation Department that was used and has been used up until thi.s time as a guide. It was used specifically at that time for a bond issue that did not pass, He said he hopes that the information they will be getting from the Recreation Project Committee will tell the Commission what it should be doing in � relationship to the recreation program. . , ; �% � ,,..�r�� PARKS & RECREATIO�t COMMISSION MEETING, JULY 26, 1976 Pa�e 4 Mr. Eriekson stated that he felt the Recreation Project Committee should have an ^ organizational meeting as soon as possible and set Monday, August 2, 1976, at 7:30 p.m. at City Hall for their first meeting. He also stated that he felt it was necessary to have a staff person present at their meetings. Mr. Harris agreed that a staff person is necessary to answer questions and provide some professional assistance to this project committee. Mr. Harris reminded the project committee tteat at their first meeting, they should appoint two at-large members. He said the Parks & Recreation Commission *aould be willing to set a special meeting with the project committee if, at any time, they. have questions and wish to meet with L-he Commission. He thanked the project committee members for attending the meeting. PROBLEM WITH GLENCOE PARK: PATRICIA SMITH, 660 HUGO STREET, N E. Ms. Smith was at the meeting to tell the Commission about damages her property has sus�ained during the constxuction going on in Glencoe Park. Her property adjoins the park and, since it is not fenced, is open to public access to the park. She stated that she was never notified that anything was going to happen anc3 one day came home to see construction already started. Since that time, she has spent $400 for damages from cars driving through her backyard, bike traffic, and damage to her house siding. She said a copy of the police report was supposed to have been sent to the Commission. Ms, Smith asked the Commission if they would consider r putting up a fence, of which she understood she would pay half the cost. Mr. Harris stated that if Ms. Smith didn't object to a snowfence, that one could � be put up temporarily for immediate help in stopping the traffic through her yard until a permanent fence could be put in. MOTION by Harvey Wagar, seconded by Leonard Moore, that the Commission recommend that the City erect a temporary snowfence at Ms. Smith's property, 660 Hugo St. N.E.,_ and that permanent �encing be put in at that location at the earliest possible time, with the understanding that Ms. Smith will pay half the cost of the fencing. Upon a v.oice vote, all voting aye, the motion carried unanimously. Ms. Smith also told the Commission that she felt they should be aware of the fact that motorcyclists are driving on the park's new blacktop which could ruin it before it is finished. Mr. Boudreau stated that he thought it would be good relations to notify residents in an area that is going to be developed. He stated that, with the Commission's approval, he would draft a letter that could be sent out to these people so they would have prior notice of any construction. The Commission agreed that this was a good idea, but that just a general notice should be sent out--that specific construction should not be defined. � � � "�"� � PARKS & RECREATION COMMISSION MEETING, JULY 26, 1976 Page 5 � � � UP'DATED LIST OF PEOPLE WHO HAVE A,GREED TO SERVE ON TIiE NEIGHBORHOOD PR03ECT COMMITTEES AND A COPY OF MATERIAL SENT TO EACH PERSON ON THESE COMMITTEES Mr. Boardman stated the the Commission members had an updated list of the people on the pro-�ect committees to date and more names are still comir�g in. He said if the Commission. members had any names to add, to give them to him so the list could be updated again. Mr. Harris stated that Staff should get in tauch with the chairpeople again this week and suggest to them that if they are not up to the number of people required for their committee that they either do so at the eariiest possible date or ask the Commission to give them some help. He also stated that when these chairpeople are contacted that they be asked if they have had their meetings and, if not, when they are--if they are not planning one, why not. Mr. Boardman stated that Mr. Peterson stated at the last Planning Commission meeting that if Neighborhood 11 doesn't have a chairperson within a week, he would appoint one. DESIGNATION OF A COMMISSION MEMBER TO SERVE AS AN EX-OFFICIO MEMBER OF THE YOUTH CENTER BOARD OF DIRECTORS � MOTI�N by Leonard Moore, seconded by Harvey Wagar, that Ms. Jan Seeger be designated as the �:x-Officio Member of the Youth Center Board of Directors. Upon a voice vote, ^ all voting aye, the motion carried unanimously. OTH�R BUSINESS• Mr. Moore stated that nex_t July 1, the Hennepin County Park System will operate and open the park around the Coon Rapids Dam. He said one thing they were going to have is parking facilities for boats on the north side of the dam. What Mr. Moore wanted ta know was what the Parks & Recreation Commission felt about Fridley having boating facilities on the south side. Mr. Harris suggested that this idea could go to the Recreation Project Committee with the suggestior► that they evaluate it as part of their overall recreation progiam: MOTION by Leonard Moore, seconded by Harvey Wagar, that boat docking facilities at Coon Rapids Dam or in the City of Fridley somewhere along the Mississippi River be referred to the Recreation Project Committee for their input in the recreation program. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, the motion carried unanimously. Mr. Boudreau read to the Commission a letter from Mrs. Lesley Tikkanen regarding a safe crossing for children across Rice Creek. n �� :�- PARKS � RECREATIOtv CON�IISSION MEE'i`�NG, JUL�Y' 26, 1976 Pa e 6 I�FOTION by Harvey Wagar, seconded by Leonard Moore, to receive Mrs. Lesley Tikkanen's � l�tter. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, the mot�.on car.ried unanimously. i Mr. Harris stated that the thing to do with this item is to wait for Staff's recommendation as to what should be done. Iie thinks this goes beyond what the City is invol.ved in because it is trying to work on an exchange of property with the county which involves their chain of lakes acquisitio� and thei.r walkways, pathways, and bikeways to the Mississippi River through Lino Lakes and traversing the whole county. If the county is going to acquire the property, maybe the county should be involved in working with some kind af crossing at that location. He stated that Staff can come back at the next regular Parks & Recreation Commission meeting with information on it. ADJ4iJRNMENT • MOfiION by Leonard Moore, seconded by Harvey Wagar, to adjourn the meeting at 9:00 p.m. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, the motion carried unanzmously. Respectfully submitted, 12,2� �-�� Ly Saba Recording Secretary � � , � ' ` ,..�e�e %;