PR 08/23/1976 - 31217� 5 EE PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION ME ETING AUGUST 23, 1976 MEMBERS PRESENT: Bob Peterson, Dave Harris, Leonard Moore, Jan Seeger 'i MEMBERS ABSENT: Harvey Wagar OTHERS PRESENT: Charles Boudreau, Parks & Recreation Director I . Ray Weitbrecht, 690 Ironton S�. N.E. Roy H. Klingbeil, 8199 Riverview Terrace Nicholas Garaffa, 6750 Monroe St. N.E. Ghairperson Peterson called the meeting to order at 7:40 p.m. APPR�VAI� OF 3ULY 26, 1976, PARKS & RECREATION COMNIISSI�I1 MIN'UTES � MOTIQN by Dave Harris, seconded by Leonard Moore, to approve the minutes as written of the July 26, 1976, Parks & Recreation Commission meet'ing. � ;�. OPEN FORUM, VISITORS Nic'�olas Garaffa - 6750 Monroe St . N.E Mr. Garaffa was at the meeting to present a letter to the Commission for theix consideration. The letter was addressed to Mr. C. Boudreau and dated August 23, 1976. Mr. Garaffa stated that the D.F.L. District 46 is planning a day-long celebration on Saturday, Qctober 23, 1976. The planned event will include an afternoon parade followed by an evening meeting. The evening meeting is �roposed to be held in a iarge exhibition-type tent. He felt the meeting would draw people from the greater Fridley area. The meeting would not be a fee function, but buttons will be sold to offset the cost of the £unction. They will have speakers from state, federal, and local offices. He said they are asking the Couimission if this event can be held at Commons Park in Fridley as the park is in a localized area to the people in F.ridley. MO�ION by Dave Harri�, seconded by Jan Seeger, to receive Mr, Nicholas Garaffa's letter addressed to Mr. C. Boudreau, dated, October 23, 1976. Upon a voice vute, all voting aye, the motion carried unanimously. Mr. Harris stated he has no question about Lhis event being held in Comm�ns Park as long as it is coordi.nated �oith the Parks d: Recreati�n Department, but ne also felt it should be presented to City Council first. The parks really have been restricted to �tlileGic events. ,I� 5 F� PARKS & RECREATION COMMISSION MEETING AUGUST 23 1976 Pa e 2 � Mr. Peterson stated that the Commission has also always requested a deposit of ' $100 from other organizations which is returned after the grounds are cleaned up. He also stated that October 23 is in the middle of the football season, and if there is a conflict, the event could not be held in Commons Park. • MOTION by Dave Harris, seconded by Jan Seeger, that the Parks & Recreation recommends to City Council that the Council grant permission to D.F.L. Uistrict 46 to use Commons Park on October 23, 1976, with a$100 deposit for clean-up to be refunded if the park is cleaned up per city standards. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, the motion carried unanimously. Mr. Peterson told Mr. Garaffa that he would be notified when his request would be presented to City Council. He thanked Mr. Garaffa for attending the meeting. �n.i.� CONSIDERA,TION OF ITEMS NOT ON AGENDA Mr. Boudreau stated that he had two items to report that were not included on the agenda. They are from the City Attorney: l. Does the City of Fridley have the authority to regulate swimming in Moore Lake? What liability does the City have to provide lifeguards to enforce restrictions against swimming? 2. Deals with a concession-type of traveling vendor who is in competition with the Moore Lake concession stand anu the football cancession stand. �+'� Mr. Boudr.eau stated he has sample ordinances regarding these two items which should be considered, reworked if necessary, and sent to City Council. Mr. Muore presented a letter to the Commission with the following pro�aosals; l. Mr. Moore stated that Mr. Ray Weitbrecht and Mr. Roy Klingbeil who were in the audience were from.his neighborhood. Mr. Moore stated that he had met with these gentlemen, other neighbors, and Mr. Boudreau wi�h a proposal that Riverview Terrace be posted against parking and the use of motorized vehicles on the area from the curb to P.ivers Edge. MOTION by Dave Harris, seconded by Leonard Moore, that the Parks & Recreation Commissioiz requests that the diice at Rivervie�r Terraee from the street to the river be posted with "Motorized Vehicles Prohibited" signs. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, the motian carried unanimously. Mr. Boudreau state*3 that he would like to check the or.dinances and get more information on the question of "no parking" on Rivervie�� Terrace. He stated he would report Uack to the Commission on this at the September meeting. � � PARKS & RECREATION GOMMISSION MEETING, AUGUST 23, 1976 Page 3 2. Mr. Moore stated his second proposal to the Commission was that temporary facilieies for soccer and kickball be erected at Spring- brook Park located in the Riverview Heights Addition. He also asked that the "No Ball Playing" sign in Springbrook Park be so stated to pertain to "batting ba11 only". He stated this request came directly from a number of boys and girls ranging from age 7 to age 15, and this proposal was decided upon after a meeting with the boys and girls, the Neighborhood Project Committee chairperson, Karen Budnick, and himself. Mr. Boudreau-stated ne felt this reqvest should.be made only on a temporary has.is in keeping with what the Neighborhood Project Committees might decide for that area. MOTION by Leonard Moore, seconded by Dave Harris, that the Parks & Recreation Commission requests that facilities for soccer and kickbal'1 be erected, on a temporary basis until November 15, 1976, at Springbrook Park located in the Riverview Heights Addition. Upori a voice vote, all voting aye, the motion carried unanimousiy. OLD BUSINESS REPORT ON NEIGHBORHOOD PA.RK PROJECT COMMITTEES � Mr. Boudreau stated that at the last Commission meeting, he had been asked to contact the Neighborhood Project Committees to find out their status and how they were doing. He said he contacted each one and reported the following: Neighborhood 1: Chairperson - Karen Budnick They have 7 members. They inet on August S and will have no problem meeting the deadline. Neighborhood 2: Chairperson - Bruce Holmes Mr. Boudreau was not able to contact Mr. Holmes. Neighborhood 3: Chairperson - Sharon Bakke They have 5 members. They have met and will be meeting in the near future - will have no problem with the deadli�.e. Neighborhood 4: Chairperson - Byron Butter They have.only 2 members and would apprec-iate Commission help. They are looking for more members on the north side of Rice Creek. They hape to meet beiore August 30 and will try to make deadline. ^ The Commission members gave several names to Mr. Boudreau to be passed on to Mr. Butter. PARKS & RECREATION COMMISSION MEETING, AUGUST 23, 1976 Page 4 Neighborhood 5: Chairperson - David McNeil They have 2 members, are havin� problems but thought they could handle it and make deadline. Mr. Boudreau encouraged them to increase membership, meet as soon as possible, and get as many members from around the area as possible. Neighborhood 6- Chairperson - Leonard Kos They have 3 members. Mr. Kos has been on vacation and out of town and hasn't been able to get members together. Mr. Kos said they would get information before September 28. Mr. Boudreau encouraged him to get the members together as ' soon as possible and increase membership. Neighborhood 7: Chairperson - Tom Nielsen They have 9 members, They met on August 10 and are working hard - no problem in meeting deadline. Neighborhood 8: Chairperson - Clay Storley `_ They have 9 members and are meeting regularly. The next meeting is August 3i. Neighborhood 9: Chairperson - Alice Benson They have 5 members and have not yet met. Neighborhood 10: Chairperson - Jim Ekman They have 4 members. Chairperson had been out of town. He stated they will have infomlation by deadline. Neighborhood 11: Chairperson - Patrick Maxey They have 6 members. Mr. Maxey has had extensive phone contact, plan to have a meeting around August 10, and will have information by deadline. Neighborhood 12: Chairperson - Joe Matusovic They have 7 members. They met August 11 and will have no problem getting desired infonnation. ^ � ^, PARKS & RECREATION COMMISSION MEETING, AUGUST 23, 1976 Page 5 ,� � Neighborhood 13: Chairperson - Kathy Divine They have 4 members (had 7 buC found 3 were in wrong neighborhood). Theg have sexit out letters for resident input and hope to have all information by deadline. Mr. Boudreau stated he would be calling each neighborhood project committee - again this week. Mr. Peterson suggested to Mr. Boudreau that when he calls these committees again that he inform them that if they have any problems to call the Commission member responsible for that neighborhood, REPORT ON CITY RECREATION PROJECT CONfMITTEE Mr. Boudreau stated that the Recreation Project Committee is also meeting tonight and that they are doing fine. Two members have been added: Betty Bacon and David Sabistina. They have been meeting regularly and are interviewing other groups in town who offer some form of recreation so they can get the total picture. I-ie said he has met with them at the last two meetings on a volunteer basis to give them whatever information he could. STAFF REPORT ON RIVERSEDGE PROPERTY � Mr, Boudreau stated he did visit the two lots which were presented to the Commission at the last meeting by Lewis and Velma Farr, who asked the Commission to consider their request to purchase the adjacent land which abuts their lot (157 Riversedge Way) on the west side. Mr. Boudreau stated that it would be his recommendation to the Commission that no action be taken on these two lots until the Neighborhood Project Committee's report for that area is received. Mr. Peterson stated that this item should be tabled until the Neighborhood Project Committee's report is received. REPORT ON HOCKEY AND FOOTBALL STORAGE BUILDING Mr. Boudreau stated that he, Mr. Lynn Fischer, and Mr. Dick Lombard had mutually agreed on a location for the storage building at the very east end of Cheri Lane Park. It is a site accessible during the winter months, it will provide a maximum amount of security, and will not hinder or interfere with the overail complete project reports. It is also out of view of the neighbors. He stated that this was passed by City Council and construction is planned to begin September 18, 1976. ^ { �`� _ PARKS & RECREATION COMMISSION MEETING, AUGUST 23, 1976 Page 6 REVIEW OF CAPITAL IMPROV�MENT BUDC�ET 1977 Mr. Boudreau stated that he had in.cluded He said he felt the budget was in keeping of July 12, with only a few changes. ^ the budget for the Commission's information. with the Commission's recommendations RiCE CREEK FOOT BRIDGE - STINSON BOULEVARD Mr. Boudreau stated he has met with Mr. Dave Torkelson and they went out and viewed the site at Stinson where there is a water line that runs across the creek and it has a tin covering on top of it. It has been, used as a foot bridge and is dangerous. New Brighton at one time attempted to put handrails along it and, evidently, kids tore them off. Since it is going to become county property and part of their trail system, the county will look into it. Mr. Torkelson said it was•a beautiful spot and could see no reason why a footbridge could not be put in. The county has money in its budget for next year and construction could even start yet this year. Mr. Boudreau stated that the bridge would have a 100 foot span with a chip trail down to it from the north and then up on the south side. Mr. Boudreau stated he has called the people who were concerned about the creek crossing to inform them of this action. Mr. Harris stated that he felt this was a good time to clean up Rice Creek because of the.low water and that it should be done. NEW BUSINESS DEVELOPMENT OF PARK & RECREATION POLICY MANUAZ Mr. Boudreau stated he would like to attempt, with the Commission's concern, to develop an overall policy manual that would incorporate some decisions similar to the one the Commission made this evening where there is a$100 deposit on the use of Commons Park and where we are opening the parlc facilities to, not only the D.F.L. party, but to other p�litial parties or religious parties. He sa�id he would like to develop a policy manual that would pull together a lot of the ordinances that we now have involving the use of city parks and a lot of the decisions this Commission has made regarding the use of city parks. Much of the information he is looking for is people's knowledge that has never, but should be, written down. He said he looks at policies not as a strict rule but as a guideline for the day-to-day business. He said he is looking to the Commission for guidance on what do we wish to do and cahat do we not wish to do with our park and recreation program. He stated he would like to undertake this task and develop a policy manual, have the Commission review it, and submit it to City CoL!ncil for their approval so it can become a matter of park ordinance somewhere around the first of the year. � ,^ PARK & RECREATION COMMISSION MEETING AUGUST 23 1976 Pa e 7 � � Mr, Boudreau stated that two examples of what sho�rld become part of the policy manual are the two items he mentioned .earlier in the meeting regarding regulated swimming in Moore Lake and the traveling vendor. Mr. Peterson suggested that the best way to do this would be to break it down into sections and the Commission could look at a section at a time. MOTION by Dave Harris, seconded by Jan Seeger, that the Parks & Recreation Commission concurs with Mr. Boudreau and that he develop a policy manual and include the two items he presented earlier: (�) regulated swimming at Moore Lake; and, (2) traveling vendor. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, the motion carried unanimously. SCHOOL/CITY MEETING, .�1U��UST 17, 1976 Mr. Boudreau stated he had attended the August 17 meeting. He shared with the school people his concern about working on a cooperative basis with the school to help tie the split that is apparently there between the Parks & Recreation Department and the School Board. He said he got some positive feedback. He said there are some possible projects, that he has been meeting with the school, and talking with them. He feels this is the way to go. He said he felt the school people are willing if we help also- OTHER BUSTNESS � Ms. Seeger stated to the Commission that, due to a previous commitment, she is unable to fill the position of Ex-Officio Member of the You*h Center $oard of Directors. MOTION by Dave Harris, seconded by Jan Seeger, that Leonard Moore replace Jan Seeger as Ex-Officio Member of the Youth Center Board of Directors for a period of six� months. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, the motion carried unanimously. ADJOURNr�NT MOTION by Dave Harris, seconded by Jan Seeger, that the meeting be adjourned at 9:20 p.m. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, the motion carried unanimously. Respectfully submitted, � Lyn ` Saba Recording Secretary !� ti, FOR SOCCER AND KICKBALL ON SPRINGBROOK PARK From: COMMISSIONER MOORE FOR: UNDERSIGNED • � . � 1) Jeff Gerdert 15 2} Jerry Lambrecht 14 3) Tony Miller 13 4) Mark Kalan 8 5) Brian Grahovac 9 6) Kraig Kalan 9 7) Jeff Andrea 13 8) Bob Immerman 12 g) Am;� Matison 14 10) Randy 4�illiams 9 11) Dan Williams 13 12j Jeff Budmick 14 •13) Jeff Flaata 15 14} Steve Hamre 14 15) Shaun Eastman 14 16) Er�c Eastman 11 17) Norris Stenson 14 18� Steve Stoeckel 15 19) Karen Immerman 13 20} Carla Watson 15 21) Tony Watson 8 �2) Brenda Stoeckel 14 23) Qenise Stenson 13 24) Dan Olson 14 �. 25) �latalie Mi11er 15 , 26) Mary Hasher 11 27) Mike Moroz 14 28) �helly Andrea 12 29) Angie Moore 9 30) Barbie Hasher 10 31) Cath,y Stoeckel 13 3�2) Sherry Stoeckel 10 33) Jack�e Broberg 11 34) Marna Broberg 10 � ��