PR 09/27/1976 - 31218I I ; �1' __` : � I i PthRKS � RE�14fiIt� CUA�i+tI�S�T i , �fBETiNG . � I I- S�PTII�E�t. �27,; 7.9?6 I MEI��RS PR�S�NT: A�ve Harris, %ec�a�d Moore, Aarvey Wagar M�ERS �BSENT: Btrb Pe�ersort, Jan Seeger OTHERS PRSS�NT: Charles Boudxeau, Pa�ks tx I�,ecreation Direc�or i• Jerry Bosrd�an, CitX �lanner � Ron Stectcman, 58 Ri�e Creek Way - Neighborhaod 3' David : Ca�eland�er, 65 Rice Creek Way +, �r Aiice �aason, b�a0-�8t� Ave. N.e. - Neighbarhaod 9 Juan SaZas, 5&it�-Sth St. A�.E. �� UitI3�Rs , , � V�.ce-Chaixpersoa Dave Harris �alled the meeting to order at 7:40 p.m. . APP�t,�AI. t}F I�iC�1UTES CtF PARItS- & REfwRFAT��i C�MMI�SIUi� MEETING OF 11iTGUST 23 1976: The secretary indicated Lhat the'following correction; shou�.d be made on the August 23, 297b, Parks � Recx.ea�ioa Ctm�nission ineeting rninutes: On page 1, the �ecQnd to lasL paragrap�, the correction shvuld be made tha.t Mac. Gaxaffa's letter was dated Au�ust 23� 197b, instead af Uctaber 23, 1976. �4�T by Leo�ard Moc�re, seeonc�ed` by garvey Wagar, to approve the minutes of the Augc�sC 23, 1975, P�rks - S� Itecreat�.on Cc�nnission meeting. as corrected .: Upon a voice vote, aIl �t�ting aye, �he motic� carried ucianimcwsly. i OPEN Ft?xUM: VTSIT4&� �ir. Juan Salas attendeti Chg meeting to ask t�ie Cc�ission that a tr�e, which is S-fs,yards f��a the socc�r fie�d at Loc'ke P'ark, be re�nQVed. He feels it is a da�tgar t� the lcids . �ac. H�rria stater�:'that Mr. Sal�s coui�� work t�is out :with Staff . Mr. B+�s�reau said h� wc�uld look into the mattex aan�l repart back to th� 'C�i�si.an. � ` � ' ' I ` , _�, � `w� � . � , , , _ f �� PA1�K5 !� �LCR�ATIt� �I� M� �I� ��'TEMB�x 27 1976 Pa , 2 �II���SS ; �;:�> , : , � 3. lIC�P'� REi�?RT3 O,F I��Q�iUQi} P�t,�JECT Ct�lMITiE�S Mr. Boudreau gave;�he C�.s�i�n members copies of all the writt�n reports that h�ve been handed in �� daC� c� th� �teigit�orhaoc� "Fro�ecC Comm�ittees . Iie alsa gave �em two pieces af iaf.ormatian in th� f.o�� of lgyouts which he wished tca s�are with the Commissi� as it shc�ws the work the Neighborhood Pro'ecC Go�mit 3 tees have don� to the ext��t af l�y��g out t�;eir ilesixes in the park design and park facili�ie�. develagn���. Ae said these are supplements to'the writt�n material, and it would be his recc�Qndation that the Parks � Recreation Comm�ission accep� these re�orts for.the�� ps�us$1 and review, and at st�ch time as they feel there is a need, to have a sp�cial mee�ing and call back �ertain ca�mitte� chairp�rsons �ft�r i�-depth reas��f.�g be�3n�d ti�efr pians . M�t�"�I� by �,eonard �ore,, seco�ed by Har�ey Wagar, to accept the Neighbarhood �'�o,�ECC Committee pl:a�.s, correspernding maps, and additivnal informat�.on. Upo�a a vtfice vc�te, a'�l. voting ��e, tYt� motior� earried unanimously: : Mr. �c►��cireau stated` tt►�t, Co hi,s knowledge, they have received the material' f�c�n Nei,ghhorhaod Areas l, 3,' 4, 7; 8, 9, 10, ll, and 13, ��(!N by Harvey Wa�a�, ,aecattded by Leonard Moore, that the information ree:eived f�om the ,Nei�hbork�t�d Prt�ject Gc�a��.ttees be forwa�ded to the Recr�ation Project C�#ttee €or tt�eir inf�m�tio� first. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, the mutfan cat�ried ur�ar�i��1y: � �.. Mar. Bo��z�iaian �t�ted •t#�at_ S���f will be art�tlyzing these reports accord�ng tv thei�r � �'� at ��Q �eigh�oxhc►ads s7.sa, aaalyzing,what these reports say as far as ��at th�,r, anticipate in th� ne�ghi�€ri�hoads accordittg ta cer�sin �tatisti�s they h:�a� ahr€�t tt�os� neig�borha�ds. This s�t��.pzation will c�e back to the Cou�ission. iie ��ated th�t wrh+�n;` they get Che F�►r�s !� Recreation Gc�prehensive Plan, they will h�ve reco�me�tations fdr each'a�ea.a�d will set up a five-year capitaZ fmprov�m�tts pz+�gram �or the city. 2�r.'Steckman and Mr. Cahla�d+�r made caa�ents about Neighborhood 3, the Edgewater ar+�a, a,�d about the la��C �h��r hac! r�de . Mr. Harr��s stated tha� a Ietter shauld go from Staff to C1�� Council �nd a�ee�r frc� G��mcil tQ the Cc�u�ty Auditor ast�ing to withhold fran sale any lats in E�ige- tirater G��d�ens, Bloc& 7, i�a��s i•�5, and Bl�k 6, Lots 1, 3, 4, 5. Mr. Cahl�d+�r �ta�e�d t�t�� if a Ieet` is sent to the County Auditor, the Cc�ission �nig$t wa�t to se�d a��et�e� �a. Che Anoka �ounty Engineer's Office letting.them k�� what �ype �� thi� �� �eitag p1�s�ned in that area . t'�'. �i��is asked �r. 8c� : s at Staff I��el, to conCact Che CoumCy ta make eertain th�t what �rac�i,x� is to be done i� t�at area, they involve the GCcauumi�sian i� t�e �ecision-makf�g p�cvice�s . � . . �� ; �.z ,., _ i ,, _ � PARKS 6� REC1tEATIUN GQNIl�LtSSIiiN I+l�E2I1�G, ' SEPTEI�B�R 27, 1976 Page 3 ' � �. Mr.'Harris.stated that the geop�,�.in th� Edg�water area had done s£iae ob , , 3 and thanked th�m for cc�in� a�d fox their ca�ttents. 2. itEPE}RT t�N RIVERVIEW T�Ri�ACE i�LL �'�T OF l4tJGtJST 23, 197b � � t�ir. Boudreau stated that, referr.ing to Mr. 1�€oore's motion aE the August �3, 197b, meeting requesting �acilities for-soccer and l�ickball.tv be erected on a temparary basis until Novemher 15, i976, at Sprimgbrook Park, some saccer goals hav� been put into Sgringbrook Park. He sairl they are'evidently lseing used day znd night. He said`he has had a request to tum tiae light around,so they ean play later in � the evenircg, but��t har�'t bee� done yet. ` Mr. Bouc�reau stated that, referri�g t� Mr. Harris' motion at the .�ugu�t 23, 1976, meeting'that the diice at �.iv�ruiew Ter�ace be posted with "Motarized Vehi:cles P�ohibited" signs, a wurk oxder ha� bee�n put in to get the signs along the embank- ment along the riuer. Mr. Boudreau alsp stated they:,�ad put in two old nets at Glencoe for soccer for the little kids. 3. REPtiRT O�I 'FRIDLEY YUiJ'ifi CA�1T�R Mr. Mdare wan��d to report tu the C�:ssion �hat at the �CC�urth �eeting of the S�►�rd t4 set up the CharCer fvr �he Fridley Youth'Center (�Yre name th�y ag�reed uPon), �q Ci�ey haue tentativ�],g dra� a Charter. They hQp�;, if everyone is at the next f�`: meeting, tv have a CharCer for t#�e; Frfdley Yquth ;Center. i NEW BUSINB�S; , - I 2. SUGG��TTU �.00AT�t}fiTS IR'QR 19?7��pCKEY RIN1�S AN1i GENERAL �IrATING AREAS � I _ t�ir, �oudreau stated he has met with Mr. i,ynn Fischer, President Qf H.A.F.., and they have g�ne in-�tepth,i� � discrassivn.on how to halp each other. There is the prvblem of maintex�ance on the hackey rfnks as they take atsout four times as much man-hour Ciu�: as maintenan�e an g,��seral skati�g areas. Mr. Fischer's recommendation , was tha� �hey:need 11 huckey rin�cs:to run their hoekey prag�am, � Mr. Fischer suggested cut�ing o�t �he Burlingtan=Northern rink--i� �aas riever cised � last year by anyane in the Hockey ;As.soeiation ansl was mostly used by kids frcm Col�n�bia Heights. (Mr. �audreau �tat�d.:he has b��n:down t�sre and wt�uld r��ommend the eli:mina�ic�� nf the Burling��A-�c�rtir�rn rink,} The oChe� twa rinks I�r. Fischer sugga�ted eli�ni.t�atiag aad c�bini�g ia�o general �kating are�s a�re �errae� and Ri�e Greek. This is working with the Hc�ekey l�,s.sociation in sayixxg �hat they �eed �d �t�.at they :ean use: i � , `;�" � , ; , ' . <: _ , . _ �, : ;��. � "�'� � �, � , .. < � . . � .q ,s ;a,:=r. _ ..[,- . . .. . . . � .. . ,. .. . �� ... . . � . .. '-�.T� i l �'�S & R�cRE�4Ti4�T cE�is��€� ��.�ZN� �BpTEMSER 27 i976 g� e 4 f I : Mr. Bo�e�reau stated he is gla�uing on ma�.ntaining all the general skating areas � • thet they prese��l� ��e as�d ��in� the l�. haekey rinks to the best advantage, T�ey can g:et better maiate�at�ee o� the hackey a�eas far tt�e organized sgorts and free plag if ther� is ti�e av�il.able. He stated the generai skating rirti�s can provide, tf done pro�r�y, both hr��ci���+ and genera�, skating, by maki�.g tws�'general ', sicating rinks, one r�ansi f�r general skating only, and one ablong without the boards for hockey. He ��3.d he hopes to attempt this this year with the Ccxmnissi,vn's ap�roval, Mr. Bo�c�reau sa�d h+� is pl�r�iss� on ct�nbining the Burlington-Northern and Rice Creek hocl��y ri�cs :to m�ke one adciitien�l` hockey rink to be placed at Locke Park, The�� wi12� now be two hockey ri.t�ks; at �,t�cke Park, one for hockey: and ane for girls' b�cc�omball. He has talked �Q Ms. Hele� Byrne and this is fine with her. The girls' bro�nball used to be pl�re+� behind the hi�h school, but it is not a good rir�k. ��'`����� �uSS����� �h�� ��� sck�ool district should be notified that the xink, behind the h�gh�chool wi:ll n�t be maintained by the City this year. 1+�r.=Harris sugge$ted tha�t �r�ttter than ttave two rinks at Locke Fark, ane for hvckey and ane for broomball, that t�te bzaamball be moved somewhere e1se. They coul.d have ho�key on both'rinks �here there is a bigger warming house and schedule u►ore gawes there. He sa�.d brnom�all and hock�y are not really compatible. Mr. Boudreau stated he �o�tld talk to Mr. Fischer to see what he wants to do,arid he wa� sur� Ms. By�ne wt�uld na� crbject to a�oving the girls' broombali to an�th�r It�catiOm. _ . . �'� _�.. i��3r�3.s sug��sa�tet� �zsi�g �iarris Lake as a general skating area, and Mr. Bc���esu _ s�a�d he would look into :it: ' ��t?N by �,eona�d �Moore, sectxtded by Harvey Wagar, that the Parks & Rerreat'ic� Corno��ission ccracurs wiCh Staff's reco�endations on the suggested Iocations for the ho�l�e� rinks a�t ge�eral �I�ating areas for the winter of 1976-77. Upan a` voice v���, �11 vnti�aag aye,. the motion carried unanimously. 2. �$i�3TtT ON P,�R,{�C� ���R FROGiiAM Mr.±Bouclreau stated tha� he at�en�led the last School Board meeting. The-re has b�ea s�ne concern about ge��ing the Park/School Ra�ger on a full-time permane�t bas�s with the:�ity. The p��posal was put faxth by the City Manager to the S�hoal Bosrd to work tow�►r�s this with a iong-range c€ra�itment from the Schoo�. $�rd tc� say, Yes, we �+€�ac�r with �his, ot, no, we do n,ot concur wi,th this . Aft�r . sc�e deb�t,� with the S��a�,8aard, there was the feeling that they really didn`� know what"they got out c�� t�,e Park�School Ranger, whether it was worth the. money or �tat. However, [�te pari�ipa� seemed to think so. The Sch�ol Board doe�n't fee2. �hey should w�de�ci;�e�e�}+.�hing best the g,anger's fringe benefits and his salary--25� of that a��st. ��y were rer}uested to give s�►e kind of indication for Zang range cc�ari.tcn�t. �Q-underwrite the total program, the School Baard � ,. �. � � FA�tKS � RECREATION COl�i�SI4N MF�TIbtG SEPTEMBER 27 I97b ' Pa e S � : . daid vc�te an� i.t pass�d that th�y wc��d �der�rrite €or the�cc�aing year $2,8U0 of �the Fark/School Ranger's ��lary arni frir�ge bs�efit_paekagee �.Mr, Boudreau said . � it has bee� reported back;and now the Cit�► Co�ncil has to deca.de i£ th�y �a�t a Park/Schot�l Ranger as a pe�anen� �►ployee of th� City ar wizh to'ret�i.n his : service on a SO-week hasis for �he year i977. QTl�R BUSiNES�: Mr..Boardma� brou�ht ta th� atte�'��on of the Co��ssion an it�n that had cor�e before the Planning Com�nission. A gsn�leYnan at 58�3� Axthur Street w�.nts tfl split h�� prQpert� into �wo parcels. A survey was done and the survey'sti�wed that a' gc�rti.on of th� man's garage (two fe�et� is a�n �ta.rk prQperty, ' There is also ;a road easement a�td his garage is right o� th� xoad easement.' Mr. Boardman said he wa�ted the feelings o� the Co�niSSic�� as':ta whether that raad easement is needed or can they a��Q�r the man tv ener�ch �n park' groperty or r�c�uld it be ,of beriefit to sell o€� a portiQ� af th� parl� property bac�C tn:this man=�o that he can have his garage on th� praperty. The Caty �ai�ked up this prope�ty not �o0 1Qng ago fr�m the Ccrunty. The �an's house has b�en on the prop�rty €or over 27 years and he might have right of that prc�p��ty j�ast by ener4achment. The man also has a: . shed on par.k p�coperty ancl has told t�e City t�at he does nat nesd the shed and tha=t the Parks-� Recreation C�ission can have it if they I�ave ne.ed for it. Mr. Bc�a�dm�n stated tl��t tl�ey are wait�.ng for;'Mr. Virgii Herrick's legal c�}a�.nian � as tfl what they should da, -The recammendation is'that, oncs Mr. Herr�.ck gets back to the�, they take the Ie$�1 steps n�ecessary to vaeate the easem�n�, �a:ke sure t�ie twr� fant space c��n' park.,pr�perty is descted- to the man, and maintain the shesl which is an p�rk pr�perty. Mr. iia�ris stated t�tat tYre Cc�tuniss�vn agreed with this reeo�endation and that it be re%rred ta Staff, : - I : Mr. Baud�eau stated that he had a letter �ram Mr. Rob�rt W. Masuda, a postal clerk, who �a� a parcel af iand across €ram t1�� Ed Wilmes Park, which messures abQa�t 120 "x il5 and is rela'�ively f3at. Mr, l+�asuda has com� in wi�h a reqt�est that he b.e aklcswed to let t�� City use this land during the:winter �or:a gen�ral sk�ting ar�a.. His �,dea,w�.s that th�re is a ska�ing area �� Ed wilmes Park, but ; it is v�rry smal�, ��ri the kids wh�a: com�: to play hvckey run the ge�eral skaters aff. � said fiha� �rea c�u�d:b� for hv+�ke� and ��e City cauld flood his area whi�� �ould be far g�ne��l skating.' Mr. �udreat� st��ed that �th�en he t�l:ke� to Mr. Masuda, he told Mr. Masuda t�a:t ii the Parks '� Recreation C�aassioz� sv� d��ired, th�y weuld probatrl� �tcceg� hi� offer anl� on Lsr�s of a writ�ten lease agreeme�t wl�exe we Iease the la�c1 fQr a n�inal _ fee of $1,QU. �"�is wc�uld ��ce� him of at�y Iia6ility. !�. l�a�uda sa�,d t�at was fine; �e wc,�i2d just like to s�e .�ha� land �x��d fox recreatia�a;I p�ses>. , F /'''� ` d_ , , �' . . , „ , � . . _. , , � . �, � ,; �� . , �� .��,. : ... �,,. _ . � c� .. � . s ,_. ��.�.�.- i ��� � . �� PlkRKS €� RE�REATIt3N C(�t�S�i€�i I��'�� �PTEMBER 27 1976 Pa � b � �TIflAI fi�y Harv�ey Fi%ga�r, seca�ded by Lr:on�rd Moo�e, that the Commission �ea��e �M�s�da's prcrperty acrass �h� stre�t �'ram th� �ci Wilmes P�rk for the 1978=?.7 seas�n tt� be used for recr+�atian purpas�s. Upo� a voice v�ate, all Yoting ay�, c th� �toticin carri�d ur�a��c�us]. . _ Y _ ; Mr. , Bc�ad�eau stated t�tat this fall a Mr. Bo�b Christenson, a teacher and cc�ach at I�oadcrest Christian ;�hool, approac�ied the City with the need iar land �ar tl�eir physica2 �ducatio� classes. Mr. Christenson asked if it was all right i€ :�e used Lacke Partc fg� h�.s pl�ys�tcai education classes. : Mr. Boudreau told hir� i� wca�ld b� all right,, La�Q1y, M�. Ghristensan has started a soccer grogram u#ilizing the soec�r �ie'lci a�:Lfl�ke Park. Since it wasn't conflicting with a�y �f t�i� City's use�, Mr. ,�ott�r�au said he let them use it. Mr. Boudxeau ta7:l�.ed with I�r. Christenson tociay, ���Ci�g,hi.m ta write a lett�r to the Park: Board ; reqtaesti.ng ofiici�l action if ;this use'was going to continue. � Mr. <Boudreau st�ted t�;�t �G�.is x�.ises a pc�licy question of whether we want tc� ,g��nft : use of parks for churc�s gro�s, ar,' other groups, for non-recreati:onal or �du��a�i�znal pt�xgc�ses. He asked`the Co�ission to ¢ome up with a recommendatiQn on this questian. � . . � . r _ . . . . .. . . . . . _. . . . - . � . . . . . . .. . . ... Mr. Bou�reau st�ted t�at, a.s a result of his convexsatien with Mr.,Christenson ans� �s � result of �he Ci��r 3:�f�rming hi�n he could no longer use the Lacke I�ark st�e�er field because t,he w��e ain to`start �` y g g getting the field in shape for ���t� spring and summ�r, Mr. Chr�s���on wrote a letter requestirtg the use of M�sen � Fark frt�m 2:OU-S:E34 p.r�. e�h w�ek, day far their physical education and soe:e�� �� practice. This is du� �o �face wvrk on Locke Park where the school usual`�� pra�tices:. . ' ; : : Mx. Harris stated i�at t�ese ��e Fridley children whose parents are taxgaye�s and <3�oar +do you deny t�eir c�s� -c�� the par�s. He thinks there shaul,d be same car��`rc�l.s, �hough. H�: s���r�i thai a contract for $1.�Q0 typg of thing which s�ells : oui tbe sc�ool year artc� spel.ts out what the pa�k is going to be used for is �.n _ - orc�r. P�ple are prQ�a�3.y nc�t goi�ag �o abuse ths park, but they should havs sane��i�g �hat, if they �xe �aking,additional work for staff peop2e, th�y be r�sp�zns�ble tao. . ` li�ac. Ha�rris bra�tt t�p th� �ab��a of the childre� crossing 69th Street from Wat�c�est �hristi�a�.:Sch+�l ,t� Lt�cke Park. It is a da�gerous crossing as the ' c.�t�Idrer� �nnat tre s�n;.by d�ivers c�f car� as their vision is block�d by trees o; Ne f�e1s before an ag����t�� i;s rea�hed with the schaol, something should be don� abt�ut thi,s ha�axd. �tr. Bc3a�d�n stated 'tI�at h� r�o�a�d tum this over �o the Engine�ring D�par�me�tt � hav� tt�em cc�me �p with sc�mie kind of recQmmenclation. � ' hi�c. B��e�u st�t� he �+i�t�ld t�lk with Ptr, Virgil HE�rick, too, about the us�ge of parks by pxiv�t� sch�l�, ��rches, etc. :/'1 �.,. � . - ; �� - �w �: . , . � _ , . w ,� . F�S &�&�1T�.t� C����' � I�iG S���E�t 27 1976 Pa e 7 � . B�rdz�au c��ted c� st�►e �a�: �i.s p��.�►�s for i:ighti� it� 'the parks . . � _ _ „,.... _._ Mr . H$rzis sug,ges�ed t� °l�r . Bc�r���u C�Cat c�; the �east �g�t�a und�r `��w Be�sine�s' , h� ' lis t t'��.�c��or's It,�g�rt" sa ���t a�.2 the ite� Mr . Bvud�eau has i�e can p�+�set�t �t that t�� ,so nc3thi.��g i� �kssed, A3�.#f�I��T: � t�y iiar�ey �Faga�', :sec�+�d �y �c��.ard 2�Ioore, to a�ri j�xa�cc t�ie m�t3:ng at �:35 �S.m.. Upon a vaic� vote, .�.�,1 vo���g ayre;,. th� m€�t�an c�r�c;t��i u�a�imausly, ��s:p�+�tf�11y submitte�d, ; ,. L ' S� _ . R�:carc���g S�retar� �. , .. � �� � ��. � a � ��� � "�-;.. , ; , . � � _ , � � . _ �'`��'