PR 11/15/1976 - 31220s. , .. :. . . . . . . . . . . . . � � .. . � � . � � � . . . ��..
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' � � � . � '. ..., �i�W �� . �Vi\Y�L/1� ��IWeiL�7�i�� . � . . . . . .
i �EB 15, 1976
�� �'8$S�NT: ,BQb Petersct�, Dave H�rris, Jan .Seeger, Harvey Wagar
MI�ERS ' l�►BSERT: Leonard Moore .
OTBE�3 PBESENT: Charies Baadreau, Perks Sc Recreatiaa Director "
Jerrq Baarclman, City Pla�ooaer
�,.�. . C.4t,i, TO OR�EKs
Chairperson Paterson called the:meeting to order at:7:41 p.m.
..-..�.,...— •----------r
� ' < ., : ,., , - , , �
Mi0TI0�1 bq Dave Harris, seccmded by Harney Wagar, to approve the October 25, 197b,
Parks.& Recreation Cc�mmission meeting miautes as written. Upon a voice vote, ail
votiag aye, the motioa carried ,�a�1y.
�V�L t�F'' AGENDA:
; The Canonisei� added the fallowiag items to..the agenda uader "New Business,, .
_� C: tioodcrest Baptiat Chur�� 8equest
� , �, D. North Park
° S. l�oor.e Lake �
Mp'Bit"�T by Dave 8arris,secc�nded by Sa�rv�eg Wagar, t'o �aPProve the agenda with rhe
°� above Lbree additi�o�ts .- II{�oz� `��oice: �vnte, all vatin$ a%►e, the mati�ra: carried
' = ` ' unani�nousty .. _: : ' ' <
x� �
„ � „. . R
DIBECPOB'S �EPt�RT: � ; , -
x '.a'�.{�s. . � � .
r' ' A. �epor„�. of N�er 14th.�ie�ti�, �aTith H. F: aiitl Broomball Organiaat�.on
M�<. $audzesu stated he met with Lyc�'Fischer, Presideat of H,A.F., Dave Larson,
S�Ptsd of the House Leagus,< Helen Byzne, in cha=ge of Girls' ` Broombsll., and Dave Dockter.
i ��. ' '
i..� .
� .
F� ,.� - , :
PA1;K.S �; RECREATI� : COI�+Il�iISSION 1�ETING, 1�it1�MBER 15 „ 1976 PAGB 2
They dfscusseci what their desires were in meetiag the hockey and broaa�ball needs �
', for the qear. They decided-amang themselves that they�would like to have the
riaks, that were tallced about earlier--{11 rinks--2 to be used for braombal'1) .
They decided oa the use of Flaaaery Park again this year for brooanbaYl and the `
smsller souCh rink at Locke Park. Mr. Boudresu stated he brought up what the
Commission aad Mr. Harri� had mentioaed about the safety problems with broombal2
aad hockey. Theq said tbey would police it thenaseTves--that rink would be used
+atrictly for broamball.; Mr. Boudreau esutioned them that there were some draw-
backs and some definite thinga against use of that rink; however, they said it
Was much smalier aad that the girls deserved to have a warming,house. Mr. Boudreau '
� , conseated to this.. ; .
1�Ir. Peterson stated this was fiae, but it would'be well for the Coaimissiom to go
o� record by writing a.letter to Mr. Fischer with a carbon copg to the Commission,
� staLiag that the Gommissio� agrees with them, but that the Conmission understands
tbat,they'have agreed to police the broomball rink.
' ri�c. Boudresu stated he is plaaaiag ta write `them a letteroutlining all the poiats
�. ; .�_discu�sed at the �ee�ia.g.- �� , �� : .. , _
� . �. ��. �. , . � f ; - , �. _�.
, �. _ � . �. . _ .,. ,
.E.� - �;� l�tt. $ondr�ati stated thep ta�,kea. a�iaut opertfag up so�o� of the rfnks for a litt�e .
° -' more ccom�unitq fr�e-time usage. He bra�ght to the fl.A.F.'s attention that the
r:; ;;� rfnks were utilized pretty muc5 every day +�f the week fram `6 p.m. to 9 p.m: with >'
��-� - practices and it=leaves very;little prime time fo� the general'public`.� They
'� ° 'agreed with this aad thep further `agreed, after talki�g to Dave-Larson, that-so�e
�. of the games could be scheduled during the'week, for the younger boya in particulal'�
� <. aa�d that it might open up some of the �ekead ice time for the actual hockey. They :,.,
; have teatatively agreed to trp to schedule some of the House League games oa a
Tuesday or Thursday evening dusfng the-r�ek`which shou2d then allow us a littia
: `more opea ice riak;time oa the weekeads.
� � Mt:"$oudresu stated t&ey discussed t�e.officfals�aad have decided that for this
h "-
' pear pon Howard wouid still be the man represeuting the Parks & 8ecreation D+epart- '
,���_ ° , ment in_charge of officials. Mr. Baudrsa� bxought up the point to them that waybe
. it w�ould be easier if theg assigaed th�ir owa officials, and we would assist `
�- _�Y�B khem as .we have done ia the past;,.. :EngLead of� having the g±�-between.:. Some �' .;�
�� aaid, pes, ft might work; ati�rs $aid,.ua, i� is toa mucb o£ a.��ssle. Sa, this �'. .
;�, �ear, it wi.11 be doae as i� has been �m the past . -
,� � _ '�,.'�e's _ - - '��� "'m - • :.�:.. �'�a« 4.z";y, '� `^.,. -�a° �:'�,:""" � a
� - . .:� , . w . -,_ � -�.,.
- � . .. P . . � . . _ _ ...- ' - . ���
, .,t
� r ,
�� Mr. Boudreau stated they had��� vei�r aice'�eeting .and eicplore�i eoa�e'Mpvints of
�' �� .: �` interest. Again; they came at the Commisaion wi,th th� nightt� �Ic�oding.:� � ' �° �'
� .h.; � _ _ - _ _ ,�,, _ :�" ��
� � _ > r, . . _ w
, ,,_ _ . , � �, .�
�, .
� _ w u _ . � . _� , - _
_ , . _ � : : -__ �- ., ,�.-
- �- �,
, _ .:. ,
, M�. Peterson-stated he<wauld I.ike Mr. Soudreau ta havv�`a surveyr done,for the .: >
. -. . w._u
� °�` December Commissfoa meeting, af the surraundi�g' coa�mninities Fridl.ey's size tt� see '•�'"
��°�x'::-` xhea they do their floading. Thea, the Cawmissian woul.d have some ammunitioa one ��
; ..; : . .:, � . .
�ap or the other. _,�
� Mr. Baidreau stated that a lot of `tc�maaunities use voluateer' help'and warmiag house ``
� -� attendaats ta flood after they close the rink, etc. Fridley is probably one of
the few camnunities wha dces all;their`flooding with full-time maiutenance peop�e ^.
� operatiag [heir own equfpmeat. Bu�,. h� ag�eed to have this survey done and
sysilal�le at the aext aieeting. �
_.�....- _-,,.,...,�.�,........�,.,�....�-.�_�...:.....�..�,.�...a.,.:�,_.,.,�.�w,,..�:";,,..�.-�,.....,�.,.�._,.` __x._�.. _.:�.:..:_..__.�_��._.__ .: ;
� �:
�� CRE�ITI�+1 Cod�Il�lISSI�Q 1�E�T�G, NOVEN�BER' 15, ��i6 FAGE 3`
.A,,- . - ;
� B. 8ectuest for Hockey Riak at Terr.ace: Park` ,
`. Mr. Boudreau stated that iMir. Kline from the Terrace Paxk area has ,requested a
#ull-sized hockeq rink ia this gsrk this year. Mr. Buudresu tried to look up
ti�e history of how the rit�Ic ;got star�ed at Terr�ce' Park aad evidently. it was : �
ae�er�used fabr hockey per se by the hockey grouEp. Mr. Kliae`s request is not '
oalq for°the`='full-sized hackey rink, but for additional 2ighting aad this would
: b�a used priaa�ri�y ior pick-up games within the neighborhood. Mr.'Boudreau
. '..exp�aiaed to Mr. Kline that what our 3dea was €or this year was that we would .:
provide two separate rialcs--one #or general:skating and ane for hockey playing
;'� only. The nets would be,the�e; the only difference_,would be the boards would
,�t,be i.ucl�ded because it runs sgmew��re ar+aumd. $4 S,At�Q for a cc�apl.ete hockey
rink, set-ap `:and t�e `l.ighting. .�#e` to�d Mr. Kline he wc�uld bring his r�quest to
: ,: the Coc�aission. Mr.Kliae said theq had fought hard and loaig far n�any yesrs for `
' thia rinlc and he hated to-�ee it go by the wayside with�ut having a hearing on it.
Mr. Boud�eau stated his recommnendatian to the Commission is that we`should gn this
year with the two separate skating aieas without the rink,:,because�we are trying
:to reduce maiatenauce costs and are stiil trying ta service the geople by rearranging
� scme- of �he -ice time on; the hoakey rinks available ..�for public use. ` Mr . Kline
nas very sea�ible°ahou� it and grobably would be williag to try it this oae year.
,.,� �� <
.:. I�4r . Harris statecl . that part of the problem at Terrace Park. is that there ;is no '
-. parkf�og--only street parking in froat of residents' homes. , :
� MOTI� bp Dave 1�'arr3.s, `seconded�bq Ha�cvey Wagar, that `the Parics & Recreation
�' Coaam�ssion co�curs with Staf;�'s recommendation.on the,two se�arate.ri�ks:at Terrace - •
� Park.- Upoa a voice vote, all voting aye, the motion carried unanimously'.
C. 8e-�fix�aation of 1977 Fee Schedule
` �ir: Baadreau stated he ja,tst wanted so�e clarificaCion fram the C�rnmissian about
' the 197'f increaa� in fae_r�venue-which'was ia a motion bq Dave iiarris ia the
Julp.. 7, ]�976�, Comm�ssioa mi�utes. Otte of his que�tions was "Youth BasebaYl".
ilas the Coa�mixf.saiom, talkiag about Babe Suth or the gragra� the Parks> .& �ecreaEion
Departmeat zunart;ia T-&a112 :
Z�;;, .' Mr. Boudreau stated that if �"Youth Baseball" does include Babe Sv�th a�d the rest
� W ot the #�acr�sses are �elf-e�lanatr�ry; �e lselieves he should be directed to write
a letter iaformin� all;t�e as�or��tiona„and the pecp�e they can zeach who might
be involved;fa t�is �o eXpisiri �hts poi�:�y to them a�d to at �+e�st in�o�n thecn
that Chese �e� charges will be� comi�ng to them. He -de�esrt't beli�eve this has ever
b� done.
: Mr. Peterson:sta�ed that "Youth Baseball" does apply �o Bshe xuth-aad that
_�: Daa 8uff sho�lci bave ia�fatcaed; these asso�iatioas: ;
Mr. S�dresu stated 1� �2d do sa before the first of the year.
�� � .� _
�.�.-.�_-, �-,:.-- - - -- . . ._ _�___ .. _ __ ._ ,,��.,.� .__;
..... � .,,_�.:... ... _.e.:�..�. . , _.. ,..,. _ ...� � �
� -
* . _;
Mr, PeCerson stated that the Coma�isgioa alsa wanted to take a close iook at �
the City•s baseball program because they are running a duplicate:program �ith
the Little League and they wanted to see why the C;Lty is doing this. Mr. Peterson
Cold Mr. Boudreau that tn this area of duplicatioa, he should talk to Che Presideat
of:'the Little League.
1Kr. Boudreau stated he could include this fn his >letter to the Little LQague.
D. Warming Souse Attendants
I�'. 8oudreau stated that`this year they have had a great deal of applicants for
these positions. This year Steve Sabs has new responsibilities. He will put in
25 hours of actuai dutq per week supervising the warmiag houses. They have had
same camplsinCs about the way the warming houses have been operated and Mr. Saba '
concurs that supervi.sion is aeeded. So, this year Mr. Saba will be supervi.sing
the warming house attendaats to make.sure thep;are doing the job they are supgosed
Lo do.
Mt. Boudreau stated he has same problems about paqing the warming house"attendants
$2:75/hr. and wanted to kaow if the,Commission waated this pay scale to remain the
�^�° �ame. He feels there are discrepancfes in the waq the Parks � Recreation Department
� are paying people ia jobs that have,sume,s3milarity. A►fter talking:to Mr. Saba,
l `Mr. B�dreau stated 'he would recom�uead to the Commissioa that they pay the warmiag
house attendaats ao more than $2.75/hr. which would be the top salary.
Mr. Harrie stated he had no objectioa to the $2.75/hr. salarq as long as the �
attendaats are doing the jobs they are supgosed to do. -
Mr. Peterson stated he doesa't feel cc�mfortable having 16 year olds-as warming
hause attendaats aad asked Mr. Boudresu if he had tried advertising in the vartous
colleges for college students.
� Mr. Boudreau stated they have gone to Anoka &amsey and North Hennepfn but would
keep trying- They will keep .the same pay scale-as last qear and wili �ry to
improve the wa�miag house.attendant situation.
:; - ..
� , .. ��,��.,.��r.�_-
` Mr. Soudreau atated there will be twa.orientation sessio9ns for the atteadants--
`' ,�ec�mber 6 and 13. �ie st�,ted he will also infarm the attendants that h�`w3.11
� accasianall be checki
,�, u. ,_,. _, Y n8 on the warming houses personally .:; �
� ._, .
�x MSr. Bo�dreau asked for Che Commission's feelf _ ,
'�� ,. ngs about the"p"op m�chines in the :� ,M
�. , - , . . ..
- �"� warming houses. He didn't know if they were.realiy used. '
� � � � �. . � _ � � � � , � � � -:
` The Cc�maission #e1t the pop machines were used aud should remain in the warming
�,., ' DouBes .
Mr. Boudreau also stated he waulc� like`to ask the Commission to search out the
merits about being in the•cancession bu�iaess at all. He said it might be better
to lease that business out and take a percentage. Scaaeoue c�nmercial could do a
�ch better job. ^
� i�r. Peterson suggested that oae possibiliCy is having some of the various associa- �
tioas run it.
� �;
., ;.
� . ._' �
" P�BKS �� �T CQ�IISSIQN 1�ETING, NOVEMSBR ` 15 , 1976 �: � PAGS 5` '
, � �..D 86SII�IESS: '
w., Set Special Meeting Date to Discnss�Proiect Reports
M� Boardman statad they are �aking a'l�ttle l�ger to analqze the project seports
aq� ana�qze the neighborhoods thaa t�iey had pre�rfously aaticipated. ;There are
severa2 areas they wouZd like to get i�volved ia yet. They are presently i,rorkiag
on the aeighborhood characteristics. They have reviewed al1 af the pro�ect
committee reports. They will be makiag their aaalysis of these project �ommittee
r�tpotts aad a3�so �heir own recanmeeadati.ons . They are sti11 wt►rking for P'ebruarq
. ,to City Couacil .,�hey dan � t kaaw at ,this point if they will anake it . �
. Mr. Beardat�a s.tated theq wi.11 attempt to have same kind of `data back to the
Ccmmission oa the project committee reports:plus SGaff's r�ecammendafions before
��e a�ext Caranissioa meeCing (which will,probably be December 13 because af.the
holidays). He stated he really isa't looking at any special meeting scheduZing,
' at this tiu�:. He said the Cc�mmission'will not have to make any decisions until
they g�t a comp4.�eted regort or the actual c.ampreheasive glaa and that will probably
b� som�e tia� i�#3aauary.
���IO�i `by Dave flarris, secanded by Harvey Wagar, that, with the Coiomtission's
gracious thaaks, the people who served on the Neighborhood:Project Committees
,: �" i�� nat�:fied that those coaamittees have �eea te�minated a� that a letter should
be seat wi�h-the Ccm�mfssion's sckaowledgem�ent and appreciation of the time and '
effort these `peogle- have put iis �� trj`t` atid beCter` the City's parks .
Ms;, Seege� sCated she feels th�se-Neighborhood Praject Co�itCees should aot be -
t�rmiaated aad that the Neighbarhood Project Cb�mmittees ahould receive copies of
the repoxt submittad to the Ccmm�esion by the Recrestion Project Cc�stittee and
' t�t there should be some iateraction between t�e Nefghborhood Praject Cc�ittees
aat�;the Becrea�ian Project C�nonittee. She feels both bodies are eq�ally i:�portant.
: � I�c. Boardman, stated that the ;�,ecr�atio�`t= P�ojec� ;C�.ttee.:�re�mbers s�d tlte i�e�,ghbar-
haod Project Cc]cmnittees' members will recaive copies of Staff-'s analysis� of their
r�:: '�epor�� aad what Staff sees'�or their neighborhoad areas. If'they have aaq feed-
=' ` buk t��r anq oth�r, in#a�aati�raa theis�, thep caa come to .the public heariu�. He felt
� the;'ra�„i�nat�i�al`"�cm �tihe Recr�a�i�i Project- Cc�nittee, before it is -agal�zed by .
'.. ` Sta#�.; wcruld �avs very;little" meaning ``fdi the Neighbbrlto� Project Commi't�ees'
membere at this time.
:� . _
' Mr. lete�sc�a stated tha� they cca�i�ted .the >I�ighborhood Project �ammittees to
.; iook at their a�un neighborhoods aad they eamatitted the Reczeation Froject Cc�na�ittee
to Iook at ihe whale Gity. He doesa'L'see the logic of,gai�ag tbrougi�;the expense �
_ of mailixtg ali this. i�f�iYmat�;�n �u�wt to the Neigliborhoad �roject Cvmmittee's members .>
The Neighborhood Froject Committees were created for a definite project gnd a
clefit�te time spaa.
` /"� : = `
`'� £ .
� ,�
� :
.. . ,
�. > . ,
t- pJ1�K5 � BECR�ATION COMt�itSSIt�i MBETING. NOVEI�ER 15 , 1976 P11GE 6
? .. . . � - . . : .. .. .. . . � �... ..�� ��. .. . �. ...
� �r. Boardmaa stated he feels it is very important to keep up co�munications with
those individuals who have served on the Neighborhood Project Co�nnittees and get
:#.nformation back to them-�s they`are i�aterested iadividuals, and did show their
iaterest by serving:ou these camn►ittees.
Ms. Seeger stated she feeis a plaa caning fr�n aad set ug by City Staff is so
intimidating xather thaa these people being able to look at the total program,.
� whether they agreed with it or not.,
' 1�OTi0N CARRIED. .
Mr. Boardman stated they shouid probably contact each one of the Neighborhood '
Project Cammittees:' members by letter letting them know about the publ3c hearing
when the informatian is sent to them by City Staff.
MiOTI�T by Jan Seeger to have the Recreation Project Committee's report mailed to
the Neighborhood Project Co�+ittees along-with the Ca�omission's:}.etter of�thaaks.
The motion died for lack of a'second. :
B. Proposal of Departmeatal Philosophp and Goats
' Mr��Boudreau stated that this was a philosophical statemeat that he has deveioped, :
more or less by himself, of what we, as a Coum�ission see as our recreation and par�
: program for the Citq af Fridley, what we strongly €eel we should gear towards,
Fram that philosophical statemeat coaees the broad gaals we have for both the "
parlc and recreation and are in keeping with the City goals which were set forth
ia the proposed.goal wh�ch was sent.down by Jerry Boardmaa`s office._ It delis►eates
same of the areas, it also delineates sane of the park goals and what we are tryiag
to do. He said he has included an organizational chart and aiso the charge to
the Parks Sc Hecreation Commissioa as established by Fridley Ordinance. This gives
the background somewhat of the department, gives the direction of the department;
, and fr� this directioa,: he thinlcg we can develop numerous policy statements in
keeping wfth the goals aad philosophy of the Department, that say, ia effect, what
we are going to do when we get a request such as the one we got frc�m the Woodcrest
:Baptist Church.�
-_Mr. Petersan stafed that this is a duplication as Parks � Recreation Cc�mnission
.. �: ;..:. sitd member coma�issions just went`through this a year-ago--setting up goals and
. . ��.. ,,
ob�ectives whfch wera sent up to Plaaning C�mission and Plaaning Cammission is
workfng on incorporating these ia tota2 for a11 the member coumnissioas for t�he CiCg.
He said he �hought Mr, Boudresu was going to be writing an operatiag manual rather :
_ thaa goals aad objectives.
g Mr. Boudreau stated that he fs gotng to �rfte an operating manual and this is a
,lead-in to that operating manual:
� ',,..�
, _ ��
� �
� ;,�
� _
� .
� ,,
.= P1�RK3 � RECREAT30N CQ1�lISSiON 1�ETING. NOVflrfBER I5 � 1976 PAGE 7
� I�. Pe�eraeon�Btated ti�e�e is also a philosoph� statement th�t wa$ developed aver
a-year ago by"the Cammission that weat up ta Planaing Commission aind then was sent
"� oa to City Council.
` Ms�. Boudr�au stated:-:he was not aware tl��s ph��,osophy statement was �vailable.
M�,. Peterson stated he fe�t it would be'we12 to hr�ld this discussifln until the
asxt meetiag to give Mr. Boudresu a chance to look at what the Co�nmissiou is
;talking about and what the Coamiission did a qear ago. He suggested Mr. Bc�udreau
. gFet together wi�th 3taff . : .
,; Mr. Boudreau stated this was just a"thought piece" and he would be happy to hold
_it until he'fiads out nwre about the historiaal backgrouad on the "ghilosoghical
: sta�emea�u that was 8eveloped last year. _ ,,.
� : �ISW BtTS�,NESS: _ :
�, B�'t..:jRiver R�oad P�o, j�et �
, .w. ,�-�- .� y-Y—
M�. Boardman e�splaine�.to the Carnr�issiaa a ltttle abouC the East River Road
-..-:. - Project. First of all, the East River Aoad Praject Cc�mnittee was established by
- Ehe Fr£�iley Enviraamental Commission. Whea the Project Co�nmittee ca�ne aut with
��-�:--��• their report,.;;the Fridley Environmental Commiesion made a motion that E�st River .
� itoad be declazed as a parkway and therefore develog under the Parks � Recreation
�. Commission as far as the gaverning and the controlling of it. That was part of
the motioa; the other part of the motion was to recoma�end appronat of the Project
Caamittee's report as far as developing East River xoad as a two-1�►ne road with
left,and right'hand turns with an islaad dawn the,center. This has also:gone to
the Com�unity Deyelopment Commission and Iiuman Resources Comatissiva: C.o�aunity
Develapment Coamiss�oa recomaended agai�st the Praject Cammittee''s report,on th�
develogatent af a two�lane road and also recom�nd8d that it be analyzed to::further
detail in a ccsmprehensive traaspor�atioan plaa. -
Mr; Peterson`stated that as a member of Plann�ng"Gom�ission and`Chairperson of
this C�iss-ion, he objected to the Project Cammittee's report when it was preseated
o: to the Pl��mfng �ommission. He felt Che Fro�ect Coamittee had goae way beyo�d its
acope �f its,chart�r �ad it had gcme into a.� area tltat mades- it ao�md iike it was
� �he govezn�e�t �of i-,he �ity spesk�t�g whe�a it �as �ftizens. When the Prajeet Cc�aunittee
' �as questio�ed as to t�e scope o£ the�e icitizens, there w� no oae fx� �her areas
other ti�aa the East River Road area. He stated it was the C�missi�a's decisic�n if
th�y �aa�ed to tak� a�y attia� �.,o� it .
. ..
I�OTION by Dave Haxris, seconded by Sarvey Wagar, that the Perks � Racreatioa
Commissitm dces not concur with the recanmendation tl�tat East River :8oad be ,a
parkway a�d that the Gc�aissio� does nat concur with the recoa�uendatioa an the
ah�ag�.ng of tt� tra€fic� pattera �a East Biver xoad.
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Ms. Seeger stated she feeis, as a Parks b Recreation Caam�issfoa member, that
the Comu�iss#on owes it to itself to talk about parkways. She said the Caamaissioa
aeeds to look outside its boundaries as other cities have done and she f�eis
Miaaeapolis has been a•fine leader. The Commission should not close its mind
and they should do some research iato it. She said she doesn't think zhe
Commission has ever discussed what a parkway can do for a park system and what
kinds of thinge they could benefit fram it. She said we have a fine river which
has aot b�een utilized and we have East 8iver Road which is a beautiful,curvy
driveway. Ms. Seeger stated she had talked to a Ms. Susan Bell of the Minneapolis
." park System, who encouraged-Ms, Seegex to have a speaker speak to the Commission
on what a parkwaq caa do for Fridley,,what the costs would be, what the benefits
> would be, and the disadvantages. She said she would like to see some consideratiaa'
sbout parkways as input into this body.
B. Snowmobile Trails in the City
Mr. Boudreau stated that he was asked the questian of whethex the Commission is
going to reca�maend areas for sno�obiliag as was done in the past. That would be
Moore La1c,e, I,ocke Par1�, aud Locke Lake_
Mr.`Peterson stated that last pear the Cc�mission talked about Locke Park, and ^
because of a bad experience at Locke Park, he thought the Coam�nission had acted or
were in favor of developing an ordinance to not have,�aowonobiliag in Locke Park.
Mr, Boudreau stated'there are Rome pros and cans on whether to have snowmobiling -
in the City o€ Fridley. There is the aeriation system on the east side of Moore
Lake where the saowmobilers might cross the east side to get to the west side.
And there are alwaqs problems alang Locke Lake.
Mr. Harris stated he would like to have-a recoao�aendation from Staff come back to
. the Coammission oa whether:or aot: to have s�owmobiliag in Fridley.
Mr, Pete�rsoa stated Mr. Boudreau should also talk to Dan Huff for empirfcal data
on it'because Dan Suff did a study for the Commission.
- M�. Boudreau stated he would hold this.over unLiX the next meeting aad cane back
with a recommendation frc�m Staff.
� _ = � C.. WoodcresL Baptist Church �equest '
., :
Mr. Boudreau stated he had a request from the Woodcre"st Baptist Church to utilize
Locke Park's soc�er field next year during the months of September aad October
fram 3-5 p.m. every day. _
The Coamnission decided they wauld not take any action oa this request until the
traffis prablem.was solved an the crossiug on 69th Street from Woodcrest Baptist �
Church to Locke Fark. .
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'.-YARKS d� REC�EATIUI� .Ct7[�II�Zi5Si0�TT MEE-1'I�TG, ` NOVEI�ER 15, 197b P�1GE 9 �`'
Mr. Peterson stated that befare the meeting was adjourned, he had a question. As
a a�ember of the Commissioa for the last five years, he objec�ed to a statemeat
about the Parks � Recreatioa Commissioa that'was made in the paper this past
t�eek conceming the election in Wax�d 2--that Ward 2 was left out as far as parks
: development was conceraed. W'iien Parks � Secreation is made a political game,
then the Coumission should'ask that a full accounting be made. He asked .if they
� c�ld break down ia their budgets how they have spent money in the City. - -
l�r. $audreau stated that they have a compiete fixed asset inventory whfch just-
. came out two days ago aad it shows where everything is at.'
Mr. �iarris felt thaC Mx. Petersoa shouid prepare some kind of ca�►entary on it
and ask the Co�nn�ssion memi�ers to approve, change, delete, etc., and send it to
the newspapers. . ,
l�r. Peterson asked Mr. Boudresu to give him a copy of this inveatory sa he could
haye something prepared for the next meeting.; "
D. North Park - tabled until next meeting �
E. Moore Lake - tabled until next meetiag
� Mr. Feterson adjou�ned,the meeting at 10:00 p.m.
Hespectfully submitted,
L e Saba
itecording Secretarq
L �