PR 02/28/1977 - 31222�
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FEBRUARY 28, 1977
MEMBERS PRESENT: Bob Peterson, Harvey'Wagar, Leonard Moore,
Dave Harris
OTHFRS PRESENT: Charles Boudreau, Parks & Recreation Director
Jerry Boardman, City Planner
Laurie Hillsdale, U. of M. Spring (�uarter Intern for Parks &�Recreation
Department '
Frank Novak, 6241 - Sth St. N.E. - Fridley Senior Citizen
. Matt Szczech, 4820 - 3rd St• N.E: - Fridley Senior Citizen
Juan Sa1as, 5810 - 5th St• N.E.
Jim Langenfeld, F�idley Lnvironmental Commission Chairperson
,.� (also representing Lions' Club)
Chairperson Peterson called the meeting to order at 7:34 p.m.
MOTION by Harvey Wagar, seconded by Leonard Moore, to appro�e Che December 13, 1976,
parks & Recreation Commission minutes as written. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye,
the motion carried unanimously.
I•yr. Boudreau stated that Mr. Boardman was at the meeting to talk about the status
of the "Capital I�provements Plan" which he would like added to the agenda under
"Old Business".
Mr. Boudreau stated he also wanted added to the agenda a request fram the Fridley
Firefighters' Relief Assoeiation to use Commons Park for their second annual softball
Mr. Peterson stated he had an item he wished the Commission �to consider. It had to
do with an ordinance City Council was considering passing which he did not think would
come to the Parks & Recreation Commission and that was the"Ordinance for Industrial
� Property". .
1�4QTION by Dave Harris, seconded by garvey Wagar, to adopt the agenda with the additio�t��
of the above three items. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, the motion carried
�uan Salas
Mx. Salas stated that every year at this time he came before the Commission to ask
for use of a school gymnasium for soccer training at least six weeks before the opening
seas on .
Mr. Peterson stated that last year, the Commission had asked the Parks & Recreation
Director to meet with the school officials to work out some kind of program so that
Mr. Salas could use the gymnasium at parkview.
Mz'. Boudreau stated he could approach the school about the use of the gymnasium for
Mr. Salas' soceer program. He stated he must report to the Commission that some of
the school personnel are less than enthusiastic about the City having a soccer program.
He suggested that if they are going to make this request again this year, that Mr. Salas
be employed by the City as a part-time soccer instructor for the City's program.
Mz'. Salas should be reimbursed for some of his time. He also stated that if the City
was going to underwrite this program, they should have some input on what they hope
will come of that program. He said he would be happy to make this request in the name
of the City.
Mr, peterson agreed with that and stated the Commission would leave the details up to
Mr. Boudreau. He asked Mr, galas to keep in touch with Mr. Boudreau to work this out.
A. Woodcrest Baptist Church
Mr. Boudreau wanted to report to the Com�nission that he had received a letter
from Pastor Poorman of the Woodcrest Baptist Church dated January S; 1977.
Pastor Poorman had stated that they had taken steps to close off the east
driveway during the winter months by parking a bus there and in the spring
they would close it off with a chain. pastor Poorman stated they were glad
to cooperate for the safety of the children.
B. C�rrent Status of Program Offerings
Mr. Boudreau reviewed with the Commission members the programs that were
offered during the winter. He also reviewed the proposed programs for the
spring which will be printed in the Community Education Bulletin and in the
quarterly City New�letter. He stated they wanted to go to seasonal programs--
one each for spring, fall, winter, and spring, instead of combining them as
they have in the past.
,.; .
�_ Mr. Boudreau stated that one of the programs he was excited about was the
��Donate a Tree" program. The City will be purchasing a tree spade for the
transporting of treees and he felt it will enhance the nursery program.
He said they are also planning a"PITS" (Playground in the Streets) program
and also thinking of having "movies under the stars".
C. Snowmobiling Policy
�. Boudreau stated there has been a concern on the part of many Fridley
residents that the snowmobiling policy should be changed as the current
policy really did not say anything. M.r. Boudreau stated they are looking
at this policy and he had taken some suggested changes on the snowmobiling
policy to the City Council work meeting. These suggested changes would not
ban snowmobiles entirely from the city but would restrict the use of snow-
mobiling to private property. Mr. Boudreau said there has got to be either
a restriction on snowmobiling to one locale or something done with snow-
mobiles in general. He wanted to report that the City Couneil was looking
at a policy change that would, in fact, tighten the policy a great deal.
Mr, Harris stated it would be fine if Staff wanted to bring back a policy
change for the Cougnission's review at a meeting in the near future.
Mr. Boudreau stated that Mr. Jim Hill, Public Safety Director, had written
a work policy that Mr. Boudreau would be bring before the Commission.
�) , gee Pal icy
Mr. goudreau stated that in response to a letter from the mayor, he had taken
it upon himself to endorse a policy that, in the future, there would be a
statement on all flyers which would, in fact, say that anyone who cannot
afford to participate in the programs, the fee would either be reduced or
waived by talking to the Parks & Recreation Director. He said they want it
publicly known that no one was to be excluded because they could not afford
the fee. He said this had already been passed by City Council.
The Commission members were very much in agreement with this.
g, program Supervisor Position
Mr. Novak and Mr. Szczech were at the meeting to ask what the Commission's
intentions were for a new program for the senior citizens beginning in
Mr. Boudreau stated that what had happened was that there had been a mix-up
and the Suburban Community Services were under the impr�ssion that $4,000
had been earmarked from the Parks & Recreation budget for continued service
through Suburban Community Services for the senior citizens. Mr. Boudreau
said that, according to the parks & Recreation minutes, this was not so and
that Council had never acted on it. He said that the minutes had read to
the e�fect that the Commission would consider this request at budget time
� but were never positive or'negative. He said as he got into the 1977 budget,
.� he got the request from Suburban Community Services for the $4,000. Then, he
found out that it had never been approved by the Commission and that it was,
in fact, not in the budget so there was a lot of confusion.
The Commission members stated that this was not true--that the Commission�did �^
approve this request in the minutes and in the budget. Mr. Peterson stated
that the Commission did approve a line item of $3,000 for Suburban Community
Mr. Boudreau stated that to address the problem of the senior citizens, he
had met often with Ms. Debbie Dominick, who was the representative for guburban
Community Services in this area, ge said when he had first arrived on the job,
he had spoken to the Senior Citizen Club and it had been his strong feeling
that one of the prime objectives of Suburban Comnunity Services was to assist
communities in starting a senior citizens' club where that club would become
self-sufficient and Suburban Community Services would then drop by the wayside.
Suburban Community Services would provide the leadership which was what
Ms. Dominick had done for the last few years. Faced with this situation,
Mr. Boudreau had the strong feeling that we, in Fridley, should take the same
approach to the senior citizens as they take to the teenagers and that was
that they owed the senior citizens a service and that service should be provided
for by the city. He had told Ms. Dominick and others from Suburban Community
Services that one of his prime goals by 1978 was that the �ity would supply the
leadership for the senior citizens' club and that the $3-4,000 that they gave
Suburban Community Services every year for that same service could just as well
supplement a part-time or full-time person in our city for the same type of
service. He said that was when he found out that the Suburban Community Services
had:not gotten the guaranteed $3-4,000.
Mr. Boudreau stated that the City Council had given him permission to advertise ^
for a Recreation Pr�gram Supervisor. He said they were going to start processing
-- applications the next morning. He said ane of the primary functions of the
Program Supervisor would be to supply leadership for the senior citizens. They have
purchased these services from Suburban Community Services until September; and
they felt if their person was here in Fridley for six months prior to September,
that person could work with Ms. Dominick to get the feel of what she had in mind
for the senior citizens and then by September, they should be able to in-house
supply equal to, if not better, leadership for their senior citizens. He said
they were working with the school system to come up with some type of suitable
facility to house this program.
Mr. Peterson stated that this reflected the £eelings of the Commission because
they had all felt that this money had been passed in the budget and that they
were sorry about the budget mix-up.
Mr. Navak and Mr, Szczech stated they felt these plans were more than satisfactory.
Mr. Peterson thanked Mr. Novak and Mr. Szczech for coming and stated they were
more than welcome to attend the Commission meetings at any time.
_ . _ ���,
%`� F. Intern for Spring Quarter l
Mr. Boudreau introduced Ms. Laurie Hillsdale to the Commission. He explained
that Ms. Aillsdale was a senior at the University of Minnesota and would be
working with the Parks & Recreation Department free of charge in return for
the educational experience. He said she would also be retained in the sum�er
as Summer Playground Supervisor.
G. Softball- F•Y.S.A• Program
Mr. Boudreau stated that he had met with the F.Y.S.A• Their program was well
under way and that the City would be assisting with the program as.they had
done in the past. Mr. Boudreau stated that instead of writing out a detailed
description of this, he felt it was time that trust was built up between them
and that these things should be understood. The F.Y.S.A. had agreed to that.
In conjunction with other softball programs, they had come up with the idea of
an afternoon housewife or ladies' fun day. Also, since the attendance in the
morning programs was way down, they were considering changing the program haurs
to 1-4:30 and 6;30-8:30 in the afternoon and ever�ing, and have tennis and T-ball
in the morning. This would Qpen up a lot of areas for a family-type evening.
A. R��test by Lion's Club
/� Mr. Langenfeld stated he was at the meeting on behalf of the Lion's Club and
. thanked the C�ission for their time. He stated that the Lion's Club had
donated a great deal of money in an attempt to restore the lake, and other
things, such as the dock. They had donated somewhere in the range of $20,000.
The I,ion's Club would appreciate the Commission's consideration in changing
the name of the park from "Moore Lake Park" to "Fridley Lion's Park".
Mr. Wagar stated that he was not in favor of renaming the park
Mr. Moore stated that speaking as a commissioner traveling throughout the
United States, it was nice to see that sign that said "Moore �,ake Beach".
It was a kind of recognition thing and was a part of the community. He
said he would hate to see the name changed.
rlr. Harris stated that he could understand the Lion's position in making
this request and appreciated their interest and recognition. But, he felt
they,had one thing to consider and that was that if the Commission was to do
this on the basis of contribution, they would be negating some of their
responsibilities because then names would have to be decided for all the parks.
He did not think the Commission would want Commons Park changed to the �ridley
Jaycees Park or another park's name changed to the name of some other developer
that had helped. He felt there should probably be some way to recognize
people who had done a lot for the parks.
Mr. Boudreau stated it was not unusual for local clubs to make donations toward
the betterment of parks and recreation systems. He said around the country
you did see some parks that are named after these clubs or individuals, but in
Minnesota, they had stayed away from naming parks after individuals or clubs.
His personal opinion would be that, unless some long term arrangement for the
complete development of park land was made, he would want to stay away from
recognizing the parks in this way. But, he agreed there had to be some other
ways of recognizing the valuable contributions made to these areas.
N �
Mr. Peterson stated that the City Council had named the parks with recommendation
from the Commission. He stated that since Mr. Boudreau was in the process of
working on a policy manual and with his contact with the civic organizations,
maybe Mr. Boudreau could come up with some way that would be appropriate to
recognize what these clubs and organizations are doing. Maybe this should be
looked at a little more in-depth for those who had done a lot for the parks
within the city.
Mr. Boudreau stated that he thought there could be a firm policy recommendation.
He suggested that maybe the organization's name could be incorporated in another
way; for example, Moore Lake Lion's park. If the Commission agreed with that,
� he said he wouYd come up with some alternate suggestions.
Mr. Wagar stated that might be o.k., but he felt that naming the park,"Fridley
Lion's park" was wrong. He also stated that maybe if an organization developed ^
a park--say 90% or so--that then it might be appro�riate to recognize them.
- He said he would be willing to let Staff make some recommendations.
Mr. Harris stated that he would be willing to name a softball diamond or a
tennis court, for example, after a person or organization if that person or
organization put that facility in.
Mr. Boudreau stated that he would add one word of caution and that was that
many times when there was a donation from an organization, that organization
was glad to give the donation, but they also wanted the string attached that,
because they did it, that facility became the facility of the organization,
rather than the City's. He had seen that happen often. But, he stated that
Mr. Harris had brought up a good idea, that rather than number ball diamonds
or tennis courts, they be called by the name of whoever would put them in.
Mr. Peterson stated this item should be set aside until Mr. Boudreau could
bring back some more information.
Mr, Harris stressed that this was not to slight the Lion's Club, but they
were just trying to.find a com�►on denominator for every group.
Mr. Peterson thanked Mr. Langenfeld for attending and told Mr. Langenfeld
that he would be notified when this item would again be on the agenda with
Staff's recommendations. .
_ Q
� B. Moore Lake Beach
Mr. Langenfeld stated that he wanted to stress the fact that in order to do
anything with the lake, the City must determine what they really wanted it for--
whether it should he a recreational lake, a swimming lake, eCc. He said the
Fridley Environmental Commission are now going to wait for the�feasibility
study to be done. After the study had been done, then the City could determine
what Co do with the lake. Mr. L��enfeld stated he had been involved with
trying to get a study done on the lake back in 1973 and gave the Commission
copies of this material for their information. He said at that time the study
would have been $10-11,000 and currently it will be $14-17,000. This study
was going to be done with Hitchcock & Associates with regard to the Rice Creek
Watershed. He also stated that the Lion`s Club had been approached for
additional monies because the City needed additional monies.
Mr. Boudreau stated that he would bring the Commission up to date on this item
stating that this subject was also on the City Counci.l agenda for that same
evening. He stated that out of the recent City Council work sessions had come up
the Chought that we have a valuable resource and if it was going to become even
more valuable to, something needed to be done. Mr. Boudreau
stated that he had relayed the Commission's concerns to the City Council. They
are now investigating and had talked to several firms, Hitchcock & Associates
included, who made a living studying lake restoration. It appeared that Hitch-
cock & Associates were far ahead, not only in their studies, but in their
attempts to receive grant monies for restoration. To employ Aitchcock & Associates
� to do a complete study to find vut exactly what might be done with the lake
would cost $14-17,000. The Parks & Recreation budget has $7,000 earmarked
for tlie 5tuay of the east side of the lake for this year. Hitchcock &,Associates
are talking about studying both sides of the lake for $17,000. The Rice Creek
Watershed District had verbally committed to add another $3,000 for this study.
He said someone had approached the Lion's Club for additional monies. H� said
what it boiled down to was that the Council had to make a decision on whether
they wished to expend additi,vnal funds for a c anplete study of the lake or not.
Hopefully, this decision would be forthcoming soon.
Mr, peterson stated that the summer swimming program was what the Commission
had to face that evening.
Mr. Boudreau stated he had already made the rec anmendation that he strongly
advised the Commission that they not offer the "Learn to Swim" program in the
lake this summer. They would run the beach as a recreational facility with
lifeguards and safety, but it would be a volunteer beach with no classes. He
stated he would be meeting with the school officials to see why the City could
not use the Jr. High swimming pool for these classes.
Mr. Peterson stated that this was agreeable and that, hopefully, by the next
year, they could combine the Jr• High pool-and the lake for the swimming program.
C. Capital Improvements Plan
Mr. goardman stated that in April they are intending ta get a draft copy of
the Parks & Recreation Comprehensive plan to the Parks & Recreation Commission.
Hopefully, the Commission will get these two weeks prior to their meeting.
He stated he had one full-time person working on the parks plan and he had
a landscape architect intern working on the development-of concepts of future
park systems, and another p art-time person working on maps, etc. They are
getting close to organizing the writings, mappings, etc., and, hopefully, by
mid-April could get these out to the Commissions.
A• Commission Meeting Dates
Mr. Boudreau stated he had a letter dated January 4, 1977, from the Council
stating that it had been brought to the Council's attention that the Parks &
Recreation Commission met on tHe same night as the Council and that it created
problems. The �ouncil had asked that the Commission discuss this problem and
consider going to T�esday for their meeting as originally planned in 1976.
The Counc�.was just asking for feedback at this time.
Mr. Wagar and Mr. Moore stated they wanted to keep the Monday meeting night
and would hesitate to make a change. Mr. Harris stated he also preferred
Monday night. /1
Mr. Peterson asked Mr. goudreau to write a letter to the Council stating that
the Commission had discussed this matter and at this time Monday night was the
best night, but that this would be brought up again at the June meeting to be
discussed with the new �ommission members.
Mr. Boudreau stated he would also check to see which Monday night it was that
the Council did not meet.
B,. Fridley Fire Fighters Relief As�sociation
Mr. Boudreau stated the Fridley Fire Figh�ers Relief Association had again
requesCed perrnission to hold their second annual softball tournament at
Commons park on June 10, 11, 12, 1977.
Mr. Peterson stated that the Commission has a policy of $100 for clean-up.
He asked the question of whether the Commission would want to waive this
for a city group or stay with the policy as developed by the Commission.
MOTION by Harvey Wagar, seconded by Leonard Moore, to approve the Fridley
Fire Fighters Relief Association's request to hold their second annual soft-
ball tournament at Commons Park on June 10, 11, 12, 1977, but that tk:e
Association put down a$100 deposit for clean-up, Upon a voice vote, all
voting aye, the motion carried unanimously.
. ^
Ordinance for Industrial Property
Mr. Peterson stated that as he read the City Council minutes, City Council was
contemplating changing the ordinance to require only 37, of the gross area of cou�ercial
or industrial zoned property to be subdivided be dedicated instead of 10% as required
for residential developments.
Mr. Peterson stated that as a member of the Parks & Recreation Commission, he was
surprised to see that it went to the Council before coming to the Parks & Recreation
Commission for two reasons; (1) It has to do with park land; and, (2) We get caught
in the bind of always being asked for more teams and more park space, and it was not
the Xesidents who put on the pressure, it was the people who are in the industrial
parks and commercial properties in town who came and said they were taxpayers and who
felt they should have their teams entered in the various leagues. Mr. Peterson stated
that now we are going to ask them not to participate and underwrite the development
of the parks and are still going to be asking developers of residential property to
set aside 10% of their property for park land and he did not think it was equitabLe.
Mr. Harris stated that the problem was that they ended up with small parcels of
property that they cannot take care of. He felt the best approach to gain valuable
dollars rather than land they cannot use would be to set up a policy that, when a
buildino permit was taken out, there was some equitable formula based on square footage
that the building permit pay a certain fee to Parks & Recreation. It should be set
r,'aside as monetary and whatever was equitable on a monetary basis and should be tied
to the building permit.
Mr. Boardman stated that the reasons the Commission were bringing up were the main
reasons for the ordinance change--so that these things would be done.
Mr. Peterson stated that there had been some Council action on this at their last
meeting as Staff had been directed to write an ordinance to change it.
MOTION by Dave Harris, seconded by Harvey Wagar, that the parks & Recreation
Commission would like any ordinance change relative to parks & Recreation land,
either by land requirements or capital requirements,to be passed to the Commission
for their review before City Council took any action on it. Upon a voice vote, all
voting aye, the motion carried unanimously.
MOTION by Harvey Wagar, seconded by Leonard Moore, to adjourn the meeting at
10:Q5 p.m. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, the motion carried unanimously.
Respectfully submitted,
�-�i, e S ab a
R�cording Secretary .•