PR 03/28/1977 - 31223�
I�Cfi 2$,. 1977 :
I�MBERS PRESENT: Dave Harris, Harvey Wagar, Jan Seeger, Leoctard Moore
�'�RS ABSENT: Bob Peterson
OTHERS PRESEAI'r; Charles Boudreau, Parks & Recreati,on Director
•�ack Kirk, Program 3upervisor
Robin Suhrbier, Appointed Parks & Recreation Com�►issian a�ember�
� Frank Novak, 624�. - 5th St. N.E., Fridley Seniar Citizen
2�iaaCt SE�zech, 4820 - 3rd St. N.E., Fridley Senior Citizen :
Vice-Chairperson Harris call,ed the meeting to order at 7:40 g.m.
IO�� by,Harvey Wagar, seconded by Leonard Moore, to agprove the Febrr�ary 2$, 1977,
/parks & Recreation C�►ission minutes as written. Upon a voice �ote, all voting:aye,
the matian carried unanimously. ,
�, goudreau added the following items to the agenda under '�pirector's Report":
C. Spring Newsletter
D. Springbrook Foundation Letter of Invitation
�. Personn.el
Mr. .Moare statec3 he would like to add "Riverview Terrace" as Item B under "i�ew Business".
MpTION by Harvey Wagar, seconded by 3�n Seeger, to approve the agenda with the above
additions. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, the motion carried unahimously..
pt this paint in the meeting, Ms. Robin Suhrbier was introduced to th� Cc�ni�sioa -
members .
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PARKS &$EC:I€�ATION Ct1MMISS�41�i �ETING, MAi�G�i Z8, 1977 P,AGE 2
A. Program Supervisor - Intrc�uctian
Mr. Boudreau stated that as the Gommission had been aware, City Council had
given him permission to advertise for a Program Supervisor. Mr. Boudreau then
introduced Mr. Jack Kirk who was from Coon Rapids where he had worked as the
Teen Center Coordinator at C�munity Services, Mx. goudreau said he felt this
was a giant steg forward as far as the recreation program was concerned.
$. Summer Job Applications
Mr. Boudreau stated that they would be closing suuuner jab applications on
Wednesday, March 30. He said they have had numerous applications from people
with a11 varieties of backgraunds. He stated that one of the first duties of
Che Pz4gram Sugervisor would be to go through these applications wi th the Play- ',
ground Supervisor to obtain qualified people in order to maintain summer play-
graund programs equal to, if not better than, past su�er playground programs.
Tliey plan to operate 12-13 play�rounds a T-ball program and a variety of
other afferings. He stated tha� they'are planning to run the playground oueration
in the afternoon hours and early evening hours, to try to encourage more family
activities in the early evening hours. Mr. Botulreau also stated that they will
trg to hire Fridl:ey res,id�nts first. . ,
Mz. �iarri.s stated�:that the Go�nission go on record in suggesting that the Git�► �
hire Iacal people wheaever local peopie are qualified to assume the jobs av�aiZ�b��
C. Sp'ring �ewsletter
Mr, goudreau broug�t the Commission's attention to the latest spring ne�rsletter`
and soqne of the things the Parks & Recreation Department are attempting ta do to
broadea communicat3.on the citizens of Fridley; and also to bring their
attention to the variety of services that are available.
1�2r. Harris stated that there are people who have indicated an interest in seeing
that whatever was done in the Rice Creek Watershed area was communieated to the
public and that, hopefully, that would be done in the same manner as the Parlcs �
Recreation activites are; because that has been a recreational foundation cir
divisic�'of governmental responsibilities. He said Circle Pines, Lino Lakes,
�tew Brighton, Vadnais Heights, and a number of other cou�unities are having a
running cammentary to eover those meetings that pertain to the Rice Creek Water-
�hed anci its relationship to the cvmmunities for which it served. Fridley was
the only:community, as he understood it, that was not groviding that informaCion
to their citizens. He would hope that in the future, they would make this
informat.ion availahle to the people. He stated that maybe the Commission sbould
go on record suggestit�g that s�eone from Staff or a volunteer from the Co�nnission
attend these meetings of the Rice Creek Watershed District and give th�t informa-
Cion to the Commission, the Planning Comanission, and the City Council.. :
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- PAGE 3
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` �. SPring:Newsletter (conti�ued) ,
Zqr. Boudreau stated that one �t�p w�ld be to wriseand an� dc3itional input�ond
DistxiGt and xequest the minutes of their meetin$ Y
any projects they'have �aning up c>r things they are doing that �ight be inclucled
as information for the citizens .' -
p�, �a��� stated that the Rice Creek Watershed District have operating guidelines
an,d byiaws and �hey are givex� tt►e respansibility and the protection unde�c the
sta�utes that govern watershed distriets which allow them tO EtSS�SB OII the laasis
s�f a certain mi].lage. He believed the Rice Creek W�tershed District assessed 3/8
of a mill for maintenance of the Rice Creek W�tershed area. In other words, thase
people within the Rice Creek W�tershed area paid up t.o 3/$ of a m�.11 to protect
the enviro�nment, the banks, reservoirs, etc., of the Rice Creek Watershed District.
ge did.not be2ieve any work had beeu done uader that provision within the'1aw; and :
ual+�ss soaa�one stood up to do samething, nothing would be done.
1�r, Harris stated th�t there was a representative from.the City of F�idley,
�r, Tony Petrangelo, who at�ended the-Rice Creek Watershed. Distxict meetings,, but
he was not responsible to repoxt any of this information to tt�e C3�y• .
i�r, Moore'suggested tha,t maybe the'Com�►ission should xequest that Mr. Petr�ngelo
agpear before the Gommission. -
� �S .�eeg�r stated � st�e felt :this was 'aa environmental . prob�.em aad, that maybe t�Ze
Fridley Fa.iv3.roTmnental Cc�mmissian, should also be, invited .
MpT10N by L�onard Moore, seconded by H$�vey Wagar, that Mr. Taay, Fetrangela, the
gridley regresentative on the Rice Creek Watershed Distriet, �tEE� w'ith the F�rks &
gecreation Cc��nission and the E'�'idley Bnvironmental Co�►iss�ox� j.ointly at
<�r, petraugelo's convenience to discuss what was transpiring within the Rice Creek `
Watershed District and to relay that iufor�aation to the two comm�.ssiQns•' UPa� a
voice vote, all voting aye, the motian carried unani�ously.
Mr. Boudreau stated he-would $et together with Mr. Petrang�lo and the E�viron-
mental Com�ission to find aut whan they all could appear at a regular �arics &
gecrea�tia�a Ca�nmis.sion meeting aud report back to the Co�mission.
t�ir. Harris stated that he wvuld hope that �taff would be ready Co ask questions
when Mr. Petrangelo appeared before `the Cammissio�a.
Ms, Seeger made the reccmmendation that the Cou�issian aiso invite those pecspie
whp were interested to attend this meeting. She said that unless they� hQard frc�
the people`liv9:ng aiong the creek, the Co�mmission would not know what guestiflns
;these people wo�ld like a�swered. She said she was surp��sed that p�op.le who
were interested, especially thase people liviag along 8ice Creek, had nc�t attended
�h� regul�r Rice Creek Watershed Dis[rict meeti�gs,. -k�nowing haw �nu�t► gc�wex the .
Ric� Creek Watershed l'�.r>�riCt had.
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PA�KS' � REC�EATIO�I COI�S�It�T �iEETI�IG MA��i 28, 1977 PAGE 4
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C. �pring �dewsletter (continu�dj
I�TION by Jan Seeger, seconded by Harvey Wagar, that the City af Fridley �pring -
gewsletter also fncliuie any`informati�on pertinent to the City of 'Fridley, such
a$ the Rice �xeek Wat�rstted District,.or anything else of importance to the
residen.ts of the City of Fridley.
l�s. See�er stated that, until Fridiey had a community newspaper, the newsletter
was the`only means of communication. She was not thinking of gages of document
� but items of particula�r interest, especially when,groups are meeting such as the
Ai�e �rsek Watershed District.
D.� Springbrook Nature Center Fout�dation Letter of Invitation
Mr. Boudreau read the letter from the Springbrook N�ture �enter Foundation dated
lYiarch 25, 1977, inviting the Commission members,along with others,on a-tour of
Elm Creek Nature �enter on �►pril 2�, �.977. He said the ��ission members ct�uld
get back to him if they w+ould iike to attend.
Mr: Harris stated he had very much enjayed a trip to Elm �reek and urged the �
a�mbers to attend'.
I�3�: Seeger state�; at this time she�would like to pass out a flier concerning �
a'se7cies of three seminars sponsnr�d by the Springbrook Nature Center Foundati an
featuring Dr. Walter Breckenrtdge as the guest speaker. These seminars are being
held at the Fridley High School:March 28, Apri1 4, and ppril 18. She urged the
�ea��rs �o attead.
I�ITION by Harvey Wag�r, seconded by Leonard Moore, to receive the comaonunication
_ concerning the seminars: with Dr. Walter Breckenridge. Upon a voice vote, all
voting aye, the motion carried una�imously.
$. Fersor�ael
� Mr. $audreau stated ti�at as a matter of'information for the Commission, he had
submi.tted a Ietter to the Gity Manager requesting the real�.ocation of perscsz�nel
wiCttin the de artment of one �'
P person from one division to another division. Ae said
it would make for better utilization of people and their talents and equigm�nt.
- A. P+�rpose �nowmobile Palicy
Mr.�Har�is stated that Lhis policy was open for discussion. He stated tha:t as .
he had indicated at the last Ccra�ission meeting, someth�ng should be presented as
infarmation material but that it was not necessary far the Car�nission to mal€e a :
firm and fast decision this sgring as snowmobiling had been curtailed, but that
something shou�.d be cas�idered prior to October. He said he thought there atightx�
be some problems wfth tl�e palicy and maybe some room for interpretation. He � ',
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. . _. PAGE 5
p, g�srpose Snowmobile Policy (continued)
suggested that the Commissia�n me�nbers take this poZicy with them ared thinl� -about
: i�; Iu the meantime, he would disCUSS with members o.f the Coma►ission his
€eeli.�gs about it and the Comn�►ission members cou�.d dis�uss it at thei:r next -
several meetings.
�.`rioore stated that, along the same lines as Ghe snowmobile policy, he felt
tlie same palicy should have been-drawn up concernfng motor bikes in the parl�s
and that the Comcnission should co�sider that.
Mr, Har�»�s stated he agreed with Mr. Moore but that maybe there shouid be 'two
poli.cies--one for snowmobiles and-one� bikes as there are some diffe�ences.
� �, goudreau stated he could a�sk �he Director of Public Safe�y to draft up a
s�ailar:poiity re�arding motor bikes.
Mr. Wa�ar stated that he would 2ike to suggest that when the remaining C��ssion
�mbers talk the snowmobile policy over that they set a public hearing as he
f�It the peQple interesked shauld be heard.
�p�T,by Leariard Moare, seconded by �an Seeger, that �he "Snowmobile. Pgiicy°
browght back for further discussion with`the new Commission me��'ra at the
�� regular Parks & Recreation�Ccmmnission meeting in May. Upon a voice vote, aIl
- �voting aye, the motion carried unanimously.
I�. Harris stated tl�at he would hope that the Commission memhers would ha�.d a
y Fublic hearing on the snowmobfle policy sometime between May and Septembex� He
alsa asked Staff to send out copi�s af this policy to the new C�miss'ion �aembers
so they� would have time to review it before the May meeting:
g. Platting Ordinance �633
1�ir."'��xris stated that he felt this ordi.nance was uneonstitutianal and required
some additional verbage. He saici he could see two prablems: (lj Th� controi
bypasses the Parks & R��reation Commission; and (2) It is a discretionary'th�.ng
''�� " which does ncrt have any. guidelines. iie felt those things should be spelled out
in the ordinance. He also fe�.t the ordinance should be reviewed by the Counnissi�n -
a�d,d r�ccxnmendaticros passed on to City Council.
�IpN by Leonard Moore, seconcled by J� Seeger, that the Ylatting tndina�ce #fi33
be brought back far furt�er d�scussion with the new Cammission members at ttte
regular Parks & Recreation Coanu►ission meeting in May:. UPo� a V°��e '����' a��
voting aye, the motian carried unanim�usly. .
PARKS � R�E��iTION C(l�lI3SI€�1 MEETII�G�CH 28, 1977 PAGE b
: : /� '
IIEW Bi��NESS z �►-
A. Officials Pay Policy
Mx. Boudreau stated tha� the Caumaission had passed a motion that beginning with
the 197b-77 season, aII hcs�key officials must be registered by the State. xe said
he was now holding three payehecks fran three individuals who had refereed same
hockey games and Mr. Boudreau had jusC found out that these three indivi:duals had
no registration cards. He said he wanted the Commission's direction on what to
do with these three paychecks.
�r.< �Iarris suggested that Mr. Boudreau withhold a certain portion of these ehecks
to pay the $10 fee for the tests.'.He also �elt that Mr. Don Howard should be .
�reprimanded for this as Mr, goward knew theiCommission`s firm position regarding
Mr. Boudreau stated Ehat no one would referee in the coming year without first
having a registration eard.
1�TION by Leonard Moore, seconded by Harvey Wagar, that the three individuals
who did not conform to the regulations stipulated by �he Commission cancerning
the required xegistration before officiating hockey be given their paychecks,
but that they not be allowed to officiate again until they have passed the t�e�st
£or the 1977-78 season. Vpon a voice vote, a11 voting aye, the motion carried �'"��`''
unanimously. / '�
Mr. Wagar stated he would like Mr. Boudreau to get in touch with the president
• of H.A»F..and have the president write a letter to M.A.H.A. protesting th�e $�U
�harge-for referee segistratio�.
Mr, Harris suggested that u�aybe the Hockey Associatinn should reimburse the $10
ta Chose persons who take the test and pass it.
I�It�N by Harvey Wagar, seconded by Leonard kioore, that hockey referees who take -
ttie M.A.H.A. test and pass it be reimbursed far the testing fee by the Hockey
�sociatian. Ugon a, all vating aye, the motion carried unaaimously.
$. R,iverview Terrace
: Mx`. Moore stated that due to increased hiking, biking, walking, and cc�nn
the weekends, and ta�cause of the increase in traffic,.some people €elt it was
getting out of hand; They braught their request ta Mr. Moore to bring before
the Coffi►issian that all t�affic be eliminated fr�n Riverview Terrace, �imball
through �airmo�tt, on Sundays.
i�r. Boudreau stated he would be happy to taT:k to Dick Sobiech about this request. �
� . � � . . � � � � .�.. � - .� . - . - -. - - - ��- . - . � . � � � . � � . . � � r,,.,\., � �I
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'�c. goudreau expressed his t�anks to Mr. Harris an;d Mr. W��ar for their coatribution
to the Comnission and hoped`Ehat they continued to keep in touch.
Mr. �iarris stated he waated to take this opportunity to thank Mr. Wagar for the good
job he had done as a member of the Camm�ission. . ,
Mr. Wagar expresaed his appreciation to Mx'. Harris and tl� membera of the Com�uission �
a�a,d said it had been a pleasure serving on the Ca�mission.
I+�QTipN by Harvey Wagar, seconded by Leonard Moore, to adjourn the meeting at 9:57:p.m. .
Upon a voice vote, all vatiug aye, the motion carried uaanimously.
R�spectfuZly su�mitted,
L ' ,e Saba
�ecordit�g Secret�ry .
� _ �