PR 04/25/1977 - 31224�
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MEMBEItS PRESENT: Bab Peterson, �Tan Seeger; Rohin Sulirbier
�Mgg,g� pg��g�; Leanard Moore, Betty A� Mech
�RS gREgENT; Charles $oudreau, parks � Recreation Director
Lorrie Hillsdale, parks & Recreation DePt.
arks Recreatf an I)e t.
ram u ervisor P & P
'rk o S �
ek Pr
J IU� , $ P _
Jerry Boardman, City Planner
Ray Leek, Planning Aide
Erny Mattila, �'lanning Aide
Lynn Fischer, 525 - 67th Ave. N:E., President, H.A.F•
,Tuan Salas, 5820 - Sth St, N.E.
D, �rruquez, 2900 Douglas Drive N., Apt. 109, Minneago].is
WilTiam Boatman, 531 Rice Creek Blvd. N.E.
Dixie Vogt, 536 �ronton St. N.E.
� Jim Jones, 182 - 83rd �ay,N.E.
�1 _ _ , . : �
�...� :
�hairpersan Peterson called the meeting to order at 7:36 p.m. Mr. Peterson welcomed
Ms. $uhrbier tc� the C4mmissi.on. . _
MpT��I by Jan Seeger, s�conded by Rabin Suhrbier, to approve the March 25, 1977, Par1€s'&
Racreatian Commission minutes as written. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, the motion
carri eetii unax�imous ly . .
� �i. E�ruqUez stated he �as the iiead Soccer Coach at Wayzata High School and he had
leaxned that Fridley might be looking for two workers for a summer_ soccer clinic ior
two weeks. If these positions were open for this clinic, he said �e would ii�Ce to.
apply,for the job and he could bring one of his most experienced �aptains. He stated
he was available in the mornings. _�.
Mr. Boardman stated `that they had been ga�ng to discuss the `�arks & Recreation Compre-
her�s;ive Plan that,evening, but they had run into a timetable problem. He sCated he
�ould like the Commission to-set a special meeting to handle just the Parks & Recreation
�;Comprehensive Plan. He said they would be mailing out a booklet sometiine the next week
so the Coamission mez�ers could review it before t.he uneeting .
. . .. _ . , ;. �"�, �_
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Mr. Peterson stated that th� special.meeting had been set for May 9, 1977, at 7;-0O p.s!�
Mr. Boudreau stated that he thought Chis needed the Commission's full attention /�
withaut any other business, and, hopefully, at that time they could ask the Neighborhood
Project Cammittee Chairpersons to attend.
1�Dr. Boudre:au asked that "Juan Salas'" name be added as Item g under the "Director's
Report" and Ms. Seeger stated she would like the "park Ranger" added as Item B under
"OId Business".
MQTION by Jan Seeger, seconded by Robin guhrbier, to adopt the agenda with the two
abave additions. Upon a voice vote, aiZ voting aye, the motion carried t�nanimously.
Mr. peterson stated he wauld also like recorded in the minutes that the electian of
officers would be held at the regular May meeting as scheduled by the Planning Ca�ission�
He wanted to stress that ttae vice-chairperson was the approved alternate for the chairr
person and had the responsibi�.ity of attending Planning Commission meetings in �he
absence af the chairperson.
A• Sumnaer Program Brochure
Mr. Bottdreau stated that the summer program brochure would be mailed out and,should bp'�
received around the 7th of May. He said he thought it was a very it�teresting broc�ur. ;-
and entirelp diffexent than bef ore. They had gone"to a flip-type brochure which
inc�.uded other infcrrmation from other departments in the City. Two excfting n�w:
activi�ies this year were a cave exploration and skateboard lessons, along ra�ith Che
other traditional activities.
B. Park Facility VandaLism Problems
Mr. Boudreau stated that there had been a gr8at deal of vandalism in the partes, espeeialiy
Locke park. There had been a great deal of damage to picnic tables and the shelter,
but nothing that coul:d not be repaired and whieh should have been repaired already.
He said he had talked to the police �epartment and the Public Works Director and they
had indicated that this was the time of year for a zash of vandalism. Mr. Boudreau
saici they had the cooperation of the police Department for patrolling on weeken.ds
with the reserve units and it had seemed to help reduce some of the prablems. • �
�. Soccer Area at Locke Park
Mr. Bdudreau stated that the soccer area had been planted and sod was to be delivered
the next day to be placed on the south banks and along the east bank to cont�ol erosi.on.
They had gla�ed some grass as they could not afford to sod the entire area, He said
the'area had been partially planted along 69th Avenue in keeping with the landscaping
program for a barrier for the xesidents. They weze hoping that the beautification
projec� would make it a 13ttle more pleasant for the residents.
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p. Tennis Court Lighting at Moore I.ake : _ ,
�. Boudreau stated, that as the Ccrmmission We�nis�courts�atWMooreeLakegtv beginra
specs and gatting bids out to light the twa t
pragram of same lighting for night use of some of the E;ity`s tennis courts. Moore atkin
Lake"s tennis caurts were chosen because of theinc��en�o��dl�oahave�theeliglits in�by� ��
and t�iey were not adjacent to anq residents. y
ti�e first of June for suu�er play .
E. Softball/Baseball.ReSistration `
1�c, Boudreau stated that the softball/baseball regamtlook d aboutethecs�a1me�asdlast�year
warking agreement with F.Y.S.A. He said Che progr
with a little increase in girls' and ladies' softball. This year, since Chere was a
� fee, the Parks & Recreation Degartment offered an additional seryice by heipin$ wi-th the
Tegi�tration so that besides the set �times for registration, people caul.d also cc�e
throughout the day to the office ta Yegiste�.
� F. Juan Salas
l�ir, Boudreau stated that Mr. Salas had started a socce� program and ttad c<c�me to
�, Boudreau with the request that the City run off t�e copies annvunc�.ng t�e soccer
pragram a registration fee. He understood from Air. Salas that in pr�v�ous years
�;the fee had_been coZlected by the City and the program was operated in conjunction
�raith the Gity. This year Mr. Salas was going to collect the registration fee to_buY°
-jerseys, balls, etc., and the City would only run off the brochures. l�r. Bo�rQ�� .
wanted to know if the Commission wanted to follow this line of thinking with an
individual soccer program of activity or did they want to maintain the policy that they
would'worl� with associations which were non-profit such as the H.A.F. and F.Y.S•A.,
or if they had any other suggestiaus,on a logical solutian to this grob].em.
�. �r. Peterson explained to Ms. Suhrbiar the City's history of operating �aith these
As�ociations �ahere a liaison was basically maintained by a canstitu�i.on which was
prepared by the Associations and then mutually agreed ugon by the Assoc3.atio� and:
ths Comm3.ssi.ot�. The City furnished the. faeilities .
' �, �a1as stated that they were planning to organize their own soccer organization
this year. �ridiey,was aiready a member of the Mfnnesota Junior Soccer Asg�iation
gy�� �r, galas stated they needed the money from registration to jogn with the. Min�niota
Junior Soccer Association and for uniforms, etc. He felt b havin their own org
zation, the program could be improved. - �
i�r.:Boudreau stated that another concern he had was -that the City hoped to ha�re an
instructional soccer program in �une and he did not kazow if there would be �tty conf�.ict.
, The City.'s programs would have first priority.
Mic. 'Yeterscm wanted to know why an instructiona�. program as the Couanissi+�n had a��ays
had the policy in the past to never run competitive programs with the volu�teer programs?
h .
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Mr, Bc�udreau stated he did not see this as a duplication. Zt would work in association�__
with Mr. Salas' program. He said Mr.'Salas basically had a traveling team which played
thraughout the Twin Cities and this instructional league, whieh was not competitive,
could teach the bas3.cs of soccer frc�m-ehe smaller ages on up. '
Mr. Salas stated that �or six tae:eks, the kids learned how to pZay saceer, formed teams,
and played within the City.' After the six weeks (in �uly), they organized the traveling
team. He said he was not opposed to this instructional program.
Mr. $oudreau stated that he felt too many times they have no control over the direction
af the pragrams and many of the programs become highly competitive for the younger child
when it should be more instruetional, teaching the basics of a game and how to �njoy
the sport. Between the ages of 12 and ug, there was enough campetition. He thovght
there was a real feeling across the country that sometimes we pushed aur children into
competition at too early an age, especially in recreation when the ultimate goal was
eajoyment and happiness. �ie thought the hockey, baseball, and football programs already �
had some of this instructior►, but he did know that they had some problems with cr�pet�.Cion
with the lower age kevel within those grougs.
1�ir. Boudreau stated that the City's program would begin in June and could take £n'those
kids not in Mr. Salas' traveling team who still wished to play. It would not be in
direct competitian with Mr. galas' team. But, he stated, the main issue was how far
did the C�nission want to work with an individual citi.zen as opposed to recognized Assn's?
Mr. Peterson stated he felt very uncomfortable working with an individual and perhags;/^�
they could work out sruae kiad �f transitional period, with a definite geriod of time'` :
invvlved with Mr. Salas. I�e wou3d not feel comfortable with a soccer association untrl
they had Ioaked at Cheir bylaws, etc., to be sure everyone in Fridley had the
to participate. With so€tball, hockey, foatball, etc., no girl or boy was refused the
oppartunity to participate.
Mr. Boudresu suggested that Mr.:Salas attend an F.X.S.A. meeting as that might be the
logical sponsoring organization to join.
Mr. Salas stated he was going to attend the next F.Y.S.A• meeting.
Mr. Peterson stated the G�ission was at an impasse until there was an organizatian.
In suanmary, Mr. Feterson said, that as a eitizen for the people in Fridley, Mr. Salas
had requested the use of a soccer field and the City had complied in trying to give
him space and that the City was gaing to be running an instructional program because
of a void in the recreational program in the City at this time. He encouraged Mr. Salas
ta attend the next F.Y.S.A. meeting and after tliat meeting, maybe Mr. Boudreau and
the C�►u►ission members could be av�ilable'to get a saccer assaciation started. At
that point, they could cansider it as a regular Commission item. Mr. Petersotr asked
Mr. Fischer to give Mr. Salas a copy of the H.A.F. Bylaws. Mr. Peterson stated that
the;�oanmission had certainly appreciated everything Mr. Salas had dane, but now they
were at the poinC where they +cvuld move an to the next step. I
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,,.T ,,�FTTNr APRIL 25 , 1977 _
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� OLD �USiNESS: < �
A, Report b H.A.F. 1975-1977 Season
p2r,, gisch�T stated that the season had been extremeiy 8501childrenswhich included�the�
with the strike and the cold"weather, They had al�out
trau�ling team hoekey, girls broom�iall, and house hockey. They had 23 House teams,
10 Traveling teams,
and 11 Broomball teams. The House league had five'girls playing
this season. He said he and Mr. Boudreau had had a couple of ineeti�.gs and had a fthese
au.nor prob�.ems; and, hogefully, throug� these meetings and expressing s�ne id:eas,
: problems could be solved. The major problem was about the House League officials. �e�
idr . Fischer `had addressed the Commiss3,on last year, they had talked about removitig the
responsibility of scheduiing officials fr an o�elessycontrol.diHecsaid�hetandaMreCBoudreau
the Hoekey Association where there was mor
: had tal3ced about same coanmon grpund and, hopefully°, they could come ko a.dec�sion on that.
i�r. �isther stated he wanted to thank Mr. �°ueau�keftrfour rinks useab2e�anddin goc�d
weather conditions and the strike. Mr• Boudr p
candition,and they apgreciated his cooperation and the excellent j'ob he did.
1�ir. Fischer stated that the new H.A•F. president'was Mr. Jack H�nsen, 3r•, �Q ��'sid'
b� appear�.ng before the Ce�oanission for the 1977-197$ season. . y
�, Petezson asked Mr. Fircher if the H.�•F. had a meeting with each parent af the boys
� on th� Trav�ling team so the garents were familiar with the tra�eling team rules.
�..,i _
��.Mr. Fiseher stated that all th�-parents were requested to be at a traveling team meetin�
where they did make an effort to explain to the parents what was going to be done.
Ms; Seeger s�a�ed that �!Ur. Harris had mentioned that some lights had been out and had
that problent been taken caxe of?
I�c, B�uEdreau stated that the lighti.�►� was poor at its best. i�e said the3� were looking
into ways to maybe replace the lights and were laoking at new systesns.
g. Pa"rk Ra�gex
Ms. Seeger stated she wanted to know why they did not have a park ranger anymore, what
his duties were, and if some of tl�e vandalism could have been prevented if there had r
still been`a park ranger. �
.�r,,goudreau stated that, based an his nine months on`the job and four months working
saith �he paxk ranger, there was no way he could deterinine if vandalistin was �pre�rented the p�rk ranger. The p�rk r,anger was good as a public relations p'erso� ac�d as a
reporter of vandalism. He said the individual who was the park ranger tendered his
resigaation in November and was naw employed as a custodian at Parkview School. Plans
had �re�n ma�ie to utiiize, with internal personnel changes, a gentlemen wQrking with Che
police Department as a Park/School,ltan�;er-type of individual. Then, this gentlemen
had had s heart attack. So, they had gone to the reserve units to try ta reduce the
� vandalism.
_ �s
Mr. 8oudreau stated that the basic position of the park Ranger was one of surveillance;,'�
trying to eliminate vandaiism between the schools and the parks--a public reiations '�°
outreach, The park ranger had very little authority. Mr. Boudreau said they: were
well aware that same kind of program was needed and maybe-they needed a regular police
officer who had the authority to stop and issue an arrest.
Mr. Peterson stated thaC this item should be.put on the May agenda because by then,
there would have been another coordinating meeting with the schools.
A." William $oatman - Resident
Mr. Baatman stated that in reference to the park ranger, as far as public relations,
he was doing a good job and everybody liked him. But, as far as doing anything for the
p�rks, he did not, Mr. Boatman stated that he walked through the park almost daily,
usually between the hours of and ten and'sometimes eleven o'clock. ,Atti�ose times,:
the park was empty--the vandalism was occurring on caeekends in the earlier hours when
the kids were partying.
Mr. Boatman stated that, basically, he had attended the meeting for three reasons;
I. Suu�ner emgloyment for students in the parks. He stated his oldest san -
had c��orked ,in the parks when he was in college and now his youngest son
had,applied, and had not gotten a position. Mr, goatman stated he had
called the City to see what the criteria was to choose these young peaple. ';�
He had been told that the City had many applications and those who had
worked befare had preference. He said he coald understand that, but they
a}.so had said that the new applicants were screened on the basis of �he�r
- experience. Mr. Boatman stated that it did not require much experience to
mow lawns, paint fences, etc. He said it w=as very difficult for young
people to get jobs, and since these jobs were being paid for with tax
money, the young people should have first shot at the jobs. He said he
felt a very fair way to choose these young people for`the jobs was on a
lottery basis. If it was done on that basis, he would feel his son had
gotten a fair shake.
2. Mr. Boatman stated he was growing more and more disenchantec3 with what
was going on in the parks and Locke Park was well on its way to not being
a park. He was concerned about the mound of dirt behind the archery
range targets at i,ocke Park. He said anyone walking on the other side of
the mound could not see anyone shooting and could get hurt. He felt the
mound of dirt shou2d be removed. Another thing about the archery range
that he f elt was park gollution were the posts used to mark off the yards.
xe sai.d these were not necessary and did not beautify the park in any way.
At the end of Rice Creek Boulevard was a baseball field with a parking
lot €or the players and spectators. There was ple�ty of parking, but
instead the people were parking on both.sides of the street allowing
only ane car to get through on the street and the view was obstructed at '
the intersection. He.said parking on these streets should be protcibited. �s'1
� � :.�
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Mr. Boudreau stated he had notified the Poliee I�partment abaut `the street parking.
Mr, goatma�n st�ted he wouid also �.ike to knAw howem�eallunfelt�tha�1theaCitythaci�to
development of the soccer field at Locke Park. H Y
somehow put a focus o� this continuous expansion and�development. It seemed the CiCy
was cc�mpulsively�trying to do things bigger and-better and these things alwa}�s came
back in taxes. He had seen the wildli-ie disappear from the parks. T�e real solution
woulci be to':outlaw utilization of �►otorized vehicles in Fridley, because��i�n�����e
devastating things.- Mr. Boatman said he appxeciated the �ouanission's p
j:istening zo him. ,`
Mr. Boudreau stated that if Mr. Boatman would get a petition fram hi�s nei$%bor�io°d,
it would help in getting parking eli�ninated on Riee Creek Boulevard by �he la�sebal�
'field. Mr, Baudreau said the City appreciated this kind of input.
� �
M�c, goatman stated he would try to get a peti�.ion for a stop sign at ttzat
intersection. , `
I�Ir, petersan stated tl�at the ComQ►ission had tuld�a areciaCesany�input Mri��c����nthad
City at the�.r M�rch 28th meeting, and they wo pp
on this subject within the next month or so.
� rlr, B.oa trnan also stated he felt the parks & Recreation Department should give,seri�us
�hought ta acquiring the land acros�,the traeks from the existing I,ocke Park k�efoxe
'�""�that land was totally industrialized.
g. Facility Use Requests _
Mr, goudre�u s.tated that they had quite a few facility use requests for softbalZ fields.
Some had uti�ized fields in the past. He saic3 the Commission needed to take � look at
� what their policy had beenjon the outside use af the fields. Another item of Cc�n�ss�.an
concern was {�ossibly controlLing scx�e of the usage with some kind of €ee.
1. Spring Lake Park . .
Mr. Baudreau stated that the CiCy of Spring Lake Park had requested us�
of 1�Iadsen Park and Flannery Park and that most of the children participaeing
were-Fridiey children who would be eliminated if this request was not
� hanored. They also iz�dicated that this request had been honorett in the past�,
Mr. Peterson stated that, to his knowledge, this had never been brought ,
to th� Cc�mmission before, ax�d there was nothing in the minutes sayin$ they
had ever.honored this request. He said he would feel mQre com�ortable i�f
Mr, gt�udreau would meet with; the St. Louis Park Parks Director az�d get more
infaru►ation, If S�• Louis Park was running dupiicate programs to Frid�.eY's
programs and the youngst�rs in that area were participa�ing in both prog�cams
and causing problems with some of Fridley's: scheduled aeCivities, thaC wa�:
one thing; but if the children were not participating in Eridle�'s grograms,
r'1 , then the Gomn►ission should take a look at it. Mr. Peterson stated th�s item
,-�,�, shou3d be added to the May 9th special cneeting as a special itena' of bnsiness,
�nd ti�ey should have a Staff reconm►endation on it .
2, 1Jo�cth Suburban Women's 5.���ball League
Ms .'yogt was at the meeting to request one field f or seven evenings on
Thursdays during J�une and part of August for the North Suburban Women's
Softball League. S�e were residents of Fridley and they were sponsored
by Qlympia Construction in Fridley.
MOTIQN by Jan Seeger, seconded by Robin Suhrbier, that because the North
Suburban Women's Softball L��gue was a�'ridley team in the Commission's
definition, they be allowed to participate and use a Fridley €ield if
_ they could be scheduled into the program. Upon a voice vote, all votinig
aye, the motion carried unanimously.
3. Medtronics, Inc.
Mr. Peterson stated that the Commission did have a policy that, if a
person worked or lived in Rridley, they could use Fridley facilities;
and-it was an administrative Procedure through the parks & Recreation
Department office. Medtronics would qualify because they were in the
City, but they had to came to Mr. Boudreau on a scheduling bas,is.-
Coumni.ssion policy was that all programs had to cooperate so all gat
equal usage.
g '
4, gx3dl:ey Athletic Association (Covenant Ghurch)
Mr. Boudreau stated they were asking for one Saturday in July and had
fieea allowed to use Fridley's facilities in past years.
Mr. Petersan said the Covenant Church had been allowed to play before
and should be allowed to_play again this year.
Mr, peterson stated that �he Co�►ission had a golicy by action that they not have an�
fund raising softball tournaments in the City other than the Jaycees and the Firemen's
Association. This eliminated any zequests of that nature.
t�'IiEl� Bt1SIi�SS •
M.r, Bvudreau stated he had a letter addressed to Mr. Dennis Schneider, Councilman,
suggesting a park be put in between O1d Central and M�Lssissippi Street. Mx�. $o�dreau
stated this had been put into the parks plan and �e gave it only as a matter af
iaf orzn�ti an .
Mr. B:oudreau stated he had another request from a gentleman who wanted to put in a I
redwood fence between his property and Rice Greek park and was asking the CiCy ta' I
reimburse him for half the cast of a chain link fence.
Mr. Peterson stated that unless th e City Council changed the policy, the Commission I
h�d said "no" frc,m the standpoint of vandalism and then the City was asked to keep �
the fence maintained.
-� ' _
� , w
�uhrbier stated that the� shruhs around-Farr yake needed clipping and adequate
Ms . S
lighting was needed in North Innsbruck Park.
, ,
. E
1�iflTZQN by ,Tan Se����'� seconded by Rohin Suhrbier, ta adjourn the meeting at 10:20 p.m. `
Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, the mation carried unanimausly. }
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Respectfully submitted,
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LY Saba
Recording 5ecretary 0
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