PR 09/26/1977 - 31229, � � ;i �. i . .. � n . � �w�. PARK.S Ai�D �P',�CREATION CQd�iISSI('�d . . I�ETING _ SB�ER 2b, 1977' � ' � ��.S;PRBSENT:- Robin Suhrbier, Jan Seeger, Betty Mech (ieft at 9;15 p.m.), t Leaaard Moore `(arx�iv,ed at 8 i 00 p.m. ) � � � I�i�E85 [�BSFNT: Bob Petexson � t1�iBRS F���S: Chaxles Boudr�a.n, Parks � 8ecreation Director :; � Jack I�irk, Pragram I�,rector . � ; � � : CAtL TQ°"DR�ER: ; Ofcs-Chairperscm Suhrbi�r called`the a�eeting to order at 7:38:p.�n: ' ; � . . . .. . . � � . . . F. A�P$.�VAI. UF AiTGItST 22, I9I7, PA�S ix R;�CREATIQN C!Ot�iIS3It}l� MI�S: , ; . Ms. Suitrbier referred to Item B c�n gag,e 3 of the mfnutes, "Progosed' Code +�f $thics..." -Ms. 5uh�cbier stated she wduld like the fallow�:ng to be added to � ,, • that garagraph to clarify the discussion; "Three of the Counnission members t -�.� �elt 3.t was not uecessary `that the spouse, chii�reu, moCher or father declare their fina�ci.al iz�terests . This refet�ed to the Sectic�n vn Defi�itian of Finaucia.� 7nterest: ',As u�ed ia� this chapter, the term fi�tancial interest shall l�e dee�ed to include 4wners�ip of more that 5� of: The outstaudi.ng stoek in a r corpc�ra�ian, an interest in a gartners'hip gro}�ri:etors_�ip, or other busin�ss ent:tty, ar an interest in real groperty. Finaneial interest shall apply:to �ceal� or pe�soaal :grap�rties owned b�r t'he persvn making t� disclosur� and ' bp said.person's sgouses, childrea, mather or father.'�� ; , : ' Mf3TIf� iay 8etty l�ch, seconded hy Ja� ,geeger, to approve the August 22, '1977, Parks & Recreatican Co�omnission minute� as amended. Upon a voice vote, a].1 ` vo.ting aye, the motion c�rried �t�anim�usly. � , APPRt�VAL t1I+'` AGE�'1!As _ ! The following. it�ss we�e added ta the agen�a.; . parhes � O��z� Sgace Plan - Item A under "Uld Business" �esig�ati�g Snowmobile Areas �rLthin the City - Item B t�n+der "P�ew Bu�s�.n�ss" �3� by Jan Seeger, seconded 6y Bet�� Mech� to approve the agenda with"ehe � a%ave two additions. iT�son a v�►ice voCe, a�.1 vating sye, the moticA carr%d u�taafenously , , �1 - �- _ . ..�� LL � . F�RS & RECREATI�+T COI�iI35I(l� M�I�x SBPTEMBER 26, 1977 PAGE 2 . - /1 DIRBCTOR'S REFQRT: . � A. YouLh Development Pragram Mr. Boudreau stated this was primarily'about assistance with the Teen Center operation. He had met with the Yauth Gaverning Board for the Youth Teen operation which included Alex Barna, pat Gabel, Grace Lyach, and Ned Sto�'la. l�r. Boudseau stated the Teea Center had had many problems and there had bee� numerous pressures for the Parks � Recreati�a Department to become invoL�ed fn_,dixecting the programming responsibilities for the Teen Center. The Parks � Recreation Department was not opposed to this, although there were some restrictions Yn the Teen Center's Bylaws that the Department could not � a�i,de by as a city operatio�: He stated the Department had hired a CETA person � tmder Title 6, I�. 3imKaPPelhoff, c�ho was aCtending part-time at Narth Hennepin in Recreation � Farks and whose father was Director of Parks & Itecreation at �taka. Mr.�ppelhoff �ad an interest in the teen area; and since he would be heiping with sports, athletics, and after school programs dealiAg with youth, the Degartment decided they might venture into the teen operation. I�. Boudreau stated when they met with the Board, they told the Board they �ld assign Jim to the teen operation; however, it would be clearly understood that; (1) 3im would be directly �esponsible to the Parks & Recreation Depart- mextt, to Jack Kirk, sgecifieally. They would work with the Board as aa advisory bvard �tnd they al�o eacouraged the Board to get a teen advisary board. (2) The Fsrks �`Recreation Department would be responsible for assisting them with ' � prccagram� but any £inances for materials and equipment needed would`have ta be - raf�ed by€ the teens themselves. The City did not have money in the budget:for tt�QSe k3.nds of things. {3} Any policies th�t would develop would follow-the City's iaitial chain of command. Aiiy poli�cy from the Teen Advisory Board would come to the parks � Recrestion Department to be presented Co fihe Parks � ��creation Commission, and then on to Plaaning Commission and City Couacil for their action. (4� Th� Teen Center could utilize the existing building behfnd the ptua}7 house until such time as the City needed it as a warming house (about the middle of December) and at that time Ji.m would not be available to serve as�supervisor. This would.be approximately January - March. If the Teen Ge�ter found another facility, the Department would be happy to have Jim serve as their supervisor at the new facility. But, if not, he would still parCici- pate in some progran►s; however, he would not be there daily fox the drop-in center. • Mr. Boudreau stated that this was agreeable with the Teen Center Board. The � parks � Recreation Department thought it would be agreeable and workable Co ' them aad would give them another area of prograuming in an area that was neglected and that was the teens.� They would start some minor programm�.ng ia this area with a supervisor that would be under the control of the Parks-& Recrestfan Co�nmission. Mr. goudreau said th�s had been presented to City Cc>uacil with the concensus of opinion that it was fine as long as the City had:no financial obligatfons and would follow the City's initial chain of coamna.nd . Mr . Bc�udreau stated they h�d started on the program the grevious Wednesday. Mr.ICappelhoff would be at ti�e'Center Wednesday through Saturday from 3z00 - 10:00 p.m. . i . � � � , � i i : PkRKS & R�CRFATiON CQM�iISSIWt °I�ING, SEPTEMBER_2fi? `i977 FAGE 3 _______»_ . � , �� i�s, Seeger stated she was con���,ed, aho�at th� small number of teens ($-10� �' who were�using the £acilit3►. Was the r�asoa for this the size of the facili��€ ar the lack af interest? . Mr. Kir& sC�ated he felt the.lcscation could be l�imiting. aL d that at this time t�xey needed a,program before a � Mr. �oudreau st e better.facility. W�en they got started on a gaod teen program which � gene�ated i.nterest, then sameone would came forward with ttr� proger facility. + �he program had to came.first. i . � , � �Dc, gc�udresu stated that it was his firm belfe,f .from his past experieace ; � : � that a Teea Ce�ter was a hangout or a meeting place where the teens could , go as�d hatire their £reedocn to say and do what they wanted, within the rules i � they &ad set themselves. �' � $. Te.nnis FaciliCy - SPringbrc�c�k Fark ; 4 1�r. goud�esu stated there had been sc� concem by this neighborhood that i th�y wcfuld be minus a skatimg facility if tennis courts were put in. The � i.de� harl bee�t:brought up that there be a general skating area at Springbrnok this winter and thaC bids be gotten is.i 3$nuary and Fehruary for ths.tenuis � �$cility to be put in next sprin�, Mr. Boudreau sai.d he discussed this with ^ i�tx�. Moore and Mr. Moare had. tho�ght this would be fine with the,peopls in that area. Mr. Baudreau stated he had brou�ht this to the C�nissicsn because ? � he thaught it was a solutian to a problem that would al.low them�to ease into y sou�thing rather than jumping into it. ! , � C. Hrackey Rink Locatians - 19?7-7$ � . � i�q�c. Bcc�udreau stated it wa� traditianai that the Commission be informe� ot � ti�e hpckey rink locatfons each year. Thexe were as follows: � i ' 3 rinks - Locke Park (This would reduce the general skating at Locke � .Park. They hoged to have all the br�amt�all at } Locke Park with two rinks for broanball and ane ` � rink �or hockey.. They had approached the high ; " schtti�l ta take the rink from the high school . and gut it c�ut at Locke. The high schaol could ; then: pxactiice on it from 3:04-5:40 p.m. and th�:n ; it coulc3 be used €o� broo�ball.) , • 1 rink � Flannery � 2 rinks _ Counnons . . . . . . - . �, k 1 rink - Logan 1 �cfak -:,- Grace : 1 rink - S�lvan: - i 1 xi� - Ruth Circle • ' _ I rink - Meadowlands 1 _ � � riak �- Madsen � . ;� ` 1Z Tota2 �,ockey: Rinlcs ; ; Plk� d� .�ECREATION CQI�tSS�#� M�E��I+�, S�PTEi��ER 26, 1977 PAGE 4 • -. .� : �l�c. $audreau stated they plattued to eli.minate the rink at Meadowlands and _ � move-it behind Hayes Elemet�t��y",gchool. They had gotten School Board approEya�; and the approval af Aean A2bertson. The rinlc would be within f�tr blocks of Meadowlands and they were looking at more hours of ice time ` use on it. 1�, Suhrbier expressed her e�cern that the hockey rink at Grace was used un�i1 6;00 p.m. by the s�hoa,l which left iittie general skating time fo� the neighborhoc>d . Mr. Boudreau stated they hopedtb open a genera2 skating rink on garr Lake if they could get perau.ssion from owners for access to maintain the rink. ' l�c: Moore suggested that M�. Suhrbier petition the neighbors who were naeded , to gide approval for the necessary access. � I�r. Boudreau stated thera were:21 general skating areas this year and the anly general skating area that would be eliminated was the ane at Ed Wilmes. It had not worked out. Mx. Boudreau stated he would like to consider moving the hockey rink from Ruth to Craig the following year as he felt it was not used mueh. ' Ms. Se�g�r stated that the reason it was not used much was because tY�e hockey ct�ach lived in that area and he felt it was noC a standard size hockey rink. � He wanted a standard size ho�key rink on which to have his team practice sa_ th�y had gone elsewhere. Mr. BQUdreau stated he wauld look inzo that situation. , �TI(3�T by Jan Seeger, seconded by Leonard Moore, to approve. the 21 general skati�g areas and the 12 hockey rinks listed on the previous page for the 1977-78 seast�n. Upc�n a voice vote, all voting aye, the motion carried unanimously. D. I�aturalist Department Mr. Boudresu informed the Coum�ission that the Naeuralist Department was now temgorarily a part of the parks & xecreation Department. Dr. Dan Huff had . left as A7aturalist to take a job in Denver, and it had been Dr, g�ff's recommen- dat3oa that the Naturalist Department become part of the parks & RecreaCion Department. This request had been passed on to the City Manager both verbally a�td in writing. . ' Mr. $oudreau stated that they were going to hire an individual to fill �r. Hu�€'s position as soon as possible. He said he was attending a national cc�nference the following week and hoped to get some exgosure about the need for a natura3ist. 1�fr. goudresu stated it was up to the City Council ta � decide whether the Naturalist Depaxtment would become an extension of the Parks & Recreation Degartment or a separate department. It was his personal feeling � that the best place was within the parks & Recreatir�n Department. � _ _ � � � � FARRS & RECREATZON C�'�SION T�ETING SEFt'LMBEit 26, 1977 PAGE 5 � � � ; �'', � . { �:. �QUdreau stated he had a me�tiag with the SPr��$�raok Natcire Faund�tion { the next �vening and he hoped eo becc3me the-liaison person �ith them. Ttte E Department had been assi�ting the Fou�ctation activ�2y. 1'hey would soan have ; u�►►e of the major trails compl.etely chipped at North Park. They had.just been ; � using CETA Feopl� on the jab. #3ut, if the Naturalist Department became a park..�f the Parks.& Recreation Degartm+ent, they were going to go in and develop y 1�orCh Park into a natura�.ist ar�a and mature center as it was�supposed to be. � l�s. Seeger stated shs was concerned about the hiring of a na�uralist. 3'�ie ; was coneerned that a naturalist be hir�d that was as c}ualified, if not more, ; Chan Dr. Auff. She fel:t very st�ongly that they hire samerme who had ; exPeri,ence i.n the �xatural�st field. She hoped there would be an employment bo8xd to study these candidates and she hoped that a naturalist would be : hired that wa�.(1) a parks a�d recreat�i.on sgecialist; (2) a nature center ` ° specia7:ist; (3)experience� in gersonnel--someone personable to the public and � who could mesh with the S�pringbrook Nature Foundation and the Parks & Recreation � a - Department: x � f Mr; goudr�au stated he would have a�a employaient boaxd, consisting of o�he�: � people wi�hin the City Staff. He said he was going to hire the caliber of ` � perscm Chat c�ould fit the City of Eridley, thefr tea►m, and would be aa ' adminfstrative i�xdiuidua�. who could take a division and form it into a�acsrking ; team that could supply' leadershi.p, pragrausning ideas, public relaric�ns, cc�mnuni- � cations, and organiaational'abilities needed ia a division. The i.ndividusi wnuld have to have at least two years praetical experien�e in tHis field, an ; f �aderstanding of fores"try, biological sciences, wildlife area, and natura�.ist ; area. He wauld also loQk for someone with some sociology nr gsycho}.ogy back- ground af dealing with people. _ Ms. Mech stated she felt it was very i.mportant that this'persaa know botany ' ,and.wild flow�ss�rs because that was the visual thing. She felt Mr. Boudreau g �should get dawn to the technical part aud quiz these candidates on their . kncywledge of botany . ` Mr. Boudreau stated he did not eee thfs position in that same light. There ya�ere.people available that Chey could hire w�.th that special expertise. Ae was loaking:for more of an administrat�ve person, s4meo�e who could pull the grogram eogether, pre�ent ideas to people, and run a staff. M,s. Seeger stated that her coacern was not in any specifie field, but that � this gerson be able to be administrative and sensitive Co the nature center ansi what it should be, and also i�ave the ability to help geaple such as the -� ��p peaple �hat they beca�+ne seusitive to these kinds of things. ' I�. l�c�a�� felt tha� the naturalist should knc�c� all the wil,dlife, for ex,ample, tl�t inh�.ited Minn�sota. He f�lt the naturalist had to be seneit�ve at�d need,ed t4 know about the�e-things to be sensitive. ; '� � 1�1s. Suhrbier,stated that her concern was that the naturalist be �d�ainistra�ive j � a�d that he eould always learn the technicalities such as the wildlife in � Mi�aesat�. . � : � . � , � s . . f � .��.-:�. �'� 6� RECREATI£� CO�iISSIt�1 ME�TIN� S�pTEMBER 26 1977 PAGE 6 l�. Boudreau stated he would be hagpy to use the Com�ission's suggestions and � to talk to anyone they wi.shed him to. (�.D BUSINESS • �. parks & Qpen Sp$ce Plan Ms. Seeger stated that the Commission had talked about an inclusion in the parks � ppen Space Plan that said there was not any participation,fro�n the City's standpoint, on regional parks. Ms. Seeger felt that the regional parks were such a large portion of the City's park acreage and that thexe were really not adequately talked about in co�parison to the smaLler parks. They were only alluded to in Objective 5, Palicp 1, on page 28: "Establish regional, county, city areas'of park and apea space interest." These parks were such a large acreage of the City's garks anci y�t they had not been talked about Co the size proportion they were and they had not been discus�ed enough. She thought they should talk about the regional park� more in tes�►�s of development, the amount of participation the City projected for them, and what they planned to with them, etc. � M�. Suhrbier stated that since there had been some discussion that concerned the Springbrvok Nature Foundation,'she felt the Foundation should appear .. bsfare the Commission, hopefully, at the next meeting to give a reporr of mhat �he Faundation planned�for the future. This would give the Coumtissian � am idea of the working relatioash3p between the Foundation and the City. . - �Si�l Bii5INESS • A. xeeei.ve Letter from Woodcrest Ba�tist Church Mr. Boudreau stated that Woodcrest B$gtist Academy was again requesting the u8e of Locke Park soccer field for their soccer games and practices. He said this situation had come up Iast year also and should the City allow a religiaus school to utilize public park property as a supplement to their on-going educational pragram? He stated there needed Co be a policy that separated a religious organization from this type of use for their own gain and Chey.should establish some facility use fee along with a very striet written agreement. MOTION by Jan Seeger, seconded by �,eonard Moore, to direct Mr. Boudreau to draw up a contract regarding the Woodcrest Baptist Academy's use of Locke , park s'accer field to include a fle�ible fee and to bring this contract back ta the Commission for its approval. Mr. Bt�dreau stated that by the next meeting, the games and practices �or the Woodcrest Bapt3st Academy would be over. In addition to drawing up an agreement, he would like ta request that°Rev. Charles L. Surrett, Athletic • Dizectoz €or the pcademy, be requested to attend the next Commission meeting. The Ca�nissiori memhers agreed. � tTPON A VOICE VOT�, ALL VtXTING AYE, THE MQTION C/IRRIED UNANIMOUSLY. * � �� �. �l1ltKS & RE�REATICIN Ct�MMIS5I0N MEETING SEPTEMBER 26, 1977 �AGE 7 � . � � B, Designatircg Snowmobile Area� withi� the City . -� i�fr. gaudreau stated that the Sno�nmobil� Ordinance had been.passed on Apri1 27,1977. : The ozdinance, in essence, limi�ed the use af snowmobiles within the City of , Fridiey to personal property. He stated that the Com�ission could designate any areas they wished for snowmobiling and this recc�mendation would go on to City Council. He stated his rec�sumendatioa was not_to designate any areas in the City far snowmohiliug. MpTION by Jan Seeger, seconded by Leonard Maore, that the parks & Recreation Cammission not d�signate any areas in the City o€ Fridley for snowmobiiing. Upo� a voice vote, all vpting aye, the motion carried unanimously. AATO�JRNMEIQT : � . MpTIpN by Jan Seeger, secor►ded by Leon�rd Moore, to adjourn themeeting at 10;10 p.m. Upon a voice vote, all votiag ay�, the motion carried unanimously. • R�spectfuliy sub tted, �`,��...� � . ^ 1, e Saba ' . , Recording Secretary �