PR 10/24/1977 - 31230�,,,� PARI�S b� RECREATION COI�S�IT3SION
I�fE�TY1JG �
OGTOBER 24, 1977 : +
MEMB�RS PRESENT: Bob P�terson,-$obin Suhrbier, Jan Seeger, Betty Mech (arr. 7:45 p.m.?
M�MBERS ABSENT: Leanard Moore �
OTHERS PRESENT: Charles Baudreau, Parks & Recreation Director
Jack Kirk, Program }�irector
Jack �ansen, 57�0 Washington N.E. - H.A.F. President
� Rev. Charles Surrett, 574 .�anesviile St. N.E. - Asst. Fastor,
. 9 Woodcrest Baptist
�ob Christensen, 7750 Silver I,ake Rd. N.E., #24 - Sugervisor,
Woadcrest Baptist
Manley C Brahs, 7929 Jackson St. N.E. - Board member, Woodcrest
Baptist Church
�" Chairperson Peterson called the meeting to order at 7:35 p.m.
'Chairperson Peterson asked Ms, Suhrbier, as Vice-Ck�airperson, to act as the
ehair fcsr the approval of the miautes as l�e was not present at the iast meeting. •
, Ms . Seeger stated that she, would like ` the first part of the third sentence in
paxagraph 2, page 5, reworded as follows; "She hoped there would be an
emgloys�ent baard made up of pres�n� staff and people outside the City of Fridley
staf€, such as Don Fond�ric or Jack Mcjrritz, and she hoped,...".
� �i gage 6, second paragraph under "41d Business", last sentence, the word "clo"
I should be-iAS�r��d after the wvrd "Co".
Mp1'iQN b� Bc�b Petersan, seco�ded by_Jan Seeger, �o apgrove;Che �e.ptember 26, 1977,
parks'& �ecreation Commission minutes as amended. Upon a voice vote, al.l voting
aye, the msation carried unanimc�usly.
APFRt��i�L QF AGE1�A�:
The fallawing items were added to the agenda.
"No Hunting" Signs - Item A under "Other Business" ,
�,.� Request for Minnesota State Comprehensive 0utdoor Recreation Plan (SCORP) -
, I�em B under "t3ther Business"
. :�a].loween W3.ndvw Pai�nting ��Cest - Item C under "O��er Business"
F�l;�tKS � RECREATI�i CEyMMIS��QN MEETING, OC'�QBE�t 24, 1977 - FAGE 2
: �
MOTip� by Robin Suhrbier, secc�ded by ,�an Seeger, to approve the agenda
with the above three additi�s. Upon a voiee vote, all voting aye, the
mot�au carried unanimously.
A. National Park & Itecreation Congress
1�c. Boudreau stated he had attended the National Park � Recreatiori Congress
ia Las Vegas for the follo�ing primary purposes:
1, To distribute aationally the Naturalist/Coordinator position '
sud to talk to geople throughout the country,to see if they
had anq leads. + !
. �
2. Since he had not been to the National Fark � Recreation Congress
in three years, to acquaint himself with old friends and aew
ones and to see what types of new prograumaing were befng dane,
primari2y on the-West Coast.
' Mr, goudreau stated he had visited with several federal people ahout
gxants available aud people to keep in contact with when grants did becane
av�►ilable. Of interest to Fridley would be the new "Youth Work Progzas�a".
�n itidividual would be sending Mr. Boudresu guidelines as soon as these �
guideliaes were priated--the latter part of November. Hopefully, FridlEq _
could embark on a"Youth Work Program" the first of the year.
I+1�. Boudreau stated he thought it was valuable to "touch base" and to let
pe�ple tcnow that Fridley and the Midwest were interesCed in knowing what
was goiiig on across the country. The next National Park & Recreation Congress
Wa� to be held in Miami. ,
$, �sturalist/Resource Coordinator Position
Mr, goudreau stated tYrat he had taken the annoucement to the National Park �
R�creation Congress for informa.tional purposes. He gave the Co�m►issian
members a brief copy of that announcement. He stated that this $pecific
form was also being sent to the Minnesota Associatian of Interpret Raturalists
snd to a naturalist magazine which was widely circulated along state liz�es.
He was trying to get as wide a distribution as he could, not anly on the
uational level, but also on the sta�e level. He had talked to Don Cochran, �
who was with the Herinepin County Park District, about this position, and Mr. Cochran ;
ha� stated he would be wiliiag to assist. To date, Mr. Boudreau stated they
had only one application so it was going to be time consuming. They were
erson;for this sition.
looki for the best ualified p Po
n8 9
C. Com�anunity �ducation CQafere��� - M�', Jaek Kirk
Mr. Boudresu stated that this conference was heid in St. Cloud and that two
representatfves from �he Gity atrended'that canference.
Mac . Ki.rk stated that the thetne of the �onference wgs ,�Inter-Agenc� Cooperat ion".
�Is stated that, as the Cc>mo�issi+a�a knew, the City had been �eetir►g with the
�€�namumiCy Education people to set up guideli� on what couZd 'be dcme in a
, coopexative effort. At the conference, there'were severaT sessions dealing
with personal grosath and a eouple of'sessions on inter-agency cooperation.
�Ie had observed that t�e�e were a lot of cc�onments from people throughout �he
state that they were m�king strides and were working together, but a 1.ot of
them did not have any cancrete guidelines. A 6-8 page report was passed out
�o a11 the delegates on the position t;�at Fridley had entered in with
�t�un�.ty Educatian. He said k►e felt Fridley had co�ne as far 'as artyone else
in the state. Mr. Kirk stated ttiey would b� meeting with Carrrnunity Edueation
agafn and would be trying to impxove those guidelines.
D. Conference �ttendance by Cc�ission �iemb�rs
Mr. $oudreau stated that Ms. Seeger h�d reeently attended two confexences--
the rrEnErgy SymPvsium'' and "Going Under to Stay on Top��. He wanted to ta�ow
if �here was a Ccxnmissian policy on crnnference attenclance by Commnission
members .' He was Iao�Cing for i�.fQrmat3vn and guidelines for use in the future .
Mr. petersoa sCated that it was city pol.icy that at any time a Gomoaaission
member wat�ted ta attend a conference that had Co do with their area of
interest as far as the Commigsion was concerned and if that member was able
to ga, �he Co�ission paid the �egistration fees and/or iuncheon fees, but
ao other expense�,
Mr. Boudreau stated he felt it was very helpful to have Cou�ission members
attend ehe�e canferences, Iie stated that the annual ccmference of the
Mi�tesoCa�.on & Paxk Associatfon was goir�,g to be held Novemtier 8, 9,
and 10, at the $t. Paul Radisson and he would like to see the Caumission
me�ers attend if they were interested.
. t�is. Seeger �tated that the Environmentai Co��ssion members had individual
�ame tags which identified them, and the tags were very helpfuL when attectding
conferences . She wond'ered if it waulcl be possible for this Co�unission to
have name tags.
Mr. Feterson asked Mr. Boudreau i€ he would look inta the matCer of having'
aau�e tag� made-up for e�ch af the Co�ission members:.
2�Rr. i�etersoxt stated he: woul.d li1�e to t�ear 1�Is . Seeger's reports on these two :
conferences and requested that this be put on the agenda for the Novemi�er
meeCitr,g ,
� P��IRKS & RECREATT81� C(�IIS5I01� 1��TZ�G, OCTOBER 24, 1977 - PAGE 4
2 - (�I.D BUSINESS •
A. Waodcrest Baptist Church - Rev. Surxett
Mr. Boudreau stated that there had been some concern about what agpeared
to be an increasing use of Locke Park to supplement an educational program
fran the Woodlake gaptist Chu�ch. They had run into some conflicts with
Che use by the church of the softball fields, the soccer field to supplement
the church's soccer program, and sc�ne conflict on youth football praetice.
Ma�. Bc�dreau stated he had looked and had found no clear-cut policies on
�his a�.d he had had phone calls from people asking why the church was using
� the park's €acilities and they could not.
1�r. Boudreau stated that after the last Comnnission meeting, he had directed
,� le�tter to Rev. Surrett reques ds�g that Rev. Surrett attend the October
Cc�isston meeting to try to ccyme'up with a workable agreement that would
be ntutually agreed upan by both parties. He stated that the City did have
wor�:iag agreeu�nts with School Distxict �14 and Grace High School as they
shared facilities with them. He stated that if this appeared to be a long
xange situation for the use of Locke park, the Commission would have to make
a recommendation for aa agreement-type of situation to City Council, not only
to pratect this Com�nission, but also as an explanation to the taxpayers of
this c�mu�unity.
Rev. Surrett stated that they had appreciated the use of the Locke Fark
field the last couple of years. They were a private Christian school.
The usage Mr. Boudreau was speaking about was the use of the soccer fiel.d.
They were in:a small canference with other small schools and they had
reguesCed the use of the field from the city for home games and practices
during September and pctober. They had six or seven home games this year: .
He stated they did use the park also for physical education classes.
I�'. Peter�son asked Rev. Surrett what the long range plans were for th e
schaol. Were they at the size they intended to remain or did they plan
to increase?
Rev. Surrett stated thgt they were at capacity at the present facilities.
$e was certain that for long range planning, they would like to expand, bu�
it was not £easib�.e at this time. They did not anticipate a dramatic chan�e
in their program and they were unable to see any growth numerically.
Ms. �hrbier asked Rev. Surr�tt when and how o€ten the school had soccer :
practice during the week.
Rev. Surrett stated that they practiced after school at 3:00 p.m. practices
were on Monday, Wednesday, asid �hursday. Games were cra Tuesdays and Fridays,
M�s. Seeger asked Rev. Surrett if there was any outdoor area on the existing
property by the school where recreation went on besides the public facility.
/`� ;
; ��
Rev. SurreCt sta�c�d that there. was a l�rge patr�d paxking 1ot sa�ct they had
a li�ni�ed recreatioa progxam on that pavement. Th�y had volleyball and
hoped to gut up sas�►e basketball gaals,,etc., but there-was no area that �
they could deueiop for �c�ccer. '
Mac: Boudreau stated that one of his u�ajor concerns was li�bility insilrance
�d what would happen i£ a ehild was fnjured while playing on th� City's,
fi��d. He wondered if there was the possihility of getting the city as a
writer on the school's insurance, so that their liability insurance wou�d
also cover the city. His other eoncern was the cost of maintafning the
axea, the �.iming of the field, etc. :
gev. Surrett stat�d they would certainly talk to their insurance cc�mgany
abouC this and they would be willing ta lime the field for their own gam�s.
g� staCed thgt he could see the taxpayers wondering about this situation,
and the taxpayers certainly deserved a� explanation. He stated that maybe
Chere was the possibility that iC was fair from �he standgoint that their
p�ople were also �+'�idley taxpayers. They were paying for recreational
facflit3es at the public schoals and:were not us,ing them and were paying
tuition in addit�.on to that. ,
' �. peterspn stated that at this particular point in time, the Woodcrest '
$agt3:st Church's program was concluded, and with Miut�.esota winters, thai�
� �se of the outdoor Eacilities was limited. He suggested, if the Coa�nissi'an
members concurred, that bet�teen now and November or December, Mr. Boudreau
get together with the city attorney and Rev. Surrett to see what kind of
w�srking agreement could be put together. 7,'fzis then could be brought back
`to th+� coa�►issioners for their recomm�endatiQn to City Couneil.
The Cotmnission members concurred with Mr. Petersonts suggestion.
Mr. peterson stated that the Commission had wanted to meet Rev. Surrett
as Chey had felt very uuco�fortable with this kind of situation. Mr. Peterso�
expressed his appreci.ation to Rev. Sur.rett and the oth�r members of Woodcrest
' Baptist Ctturch for attending the meeting.
Mr. Boudreau stated that the twa areas that should be explored were the
liabilitq area and the maintenance araa.
A. Hocke�r Association Report; Mr. Jack H�nsen
M�c. Iiansen handed out to the Commission members the new "H.A.F. Parent/
�ber H�ndbflok". He staCQd that the new Board af Directozs had gotten >
tagether and discussed in depth the problems they may have as an
orga�ization. They decided the biggest dowafall they had as an associati.on
was co�enuniicaticuis . Ta try to alleviate some of these probiems, they had
� �;�
drafted up this '�parent/Membsr Handbook" to be distributed to every parent
who registered a child and to every member paid up in full. The membership
' t�as $3 for a-siagle membership and $5 for a family membership. The booklet
covered just abaut everything they could think of and it was a"first".
Mr. Harisen pointed out on page 5, �rticle IV, Section �, �5: "Ex-officio
m�ers may be appointed to the Board of Directors by the president subject
to approval a€ the elected Board members. The appointed ex-officio members
shaZl not have Board voting privileges. The term of appointment shaZ1 be
no longer than the tern► of the appointing president. Such ex-officio membe:rs
must be members in good standing (dues paid) by the H.A.F." Mr. Aansen stated
that Mr. Peterson was a member of the Association, Mr. Boudreau was, and
Mr. Kirk would be. The reason the H.A.F. wanted these people on the Board
as ex-officio members was that-when thep had a problem, they wa�ted so�eone
from the Parks & Recreation Degartment oar Commissian to help answer questions.
Mr. Hansen stated they were trying to bring hockey back into reality and
they had to be very strict on the number af games their teams could piay as
ft had gatten out of hand in the past. They wanted every child wha was
playing hockey to also play a little basketball, etc., trying to give each
chilct the opportunity to do many other things besides just hockey.'
I4fr. Hansen stated that the co�nmunications to this point between the parks �
Reereatiou Department and the H.A.F. were as great as they had ever been. He
stated he had a letter addressed to the �ommission dated October 24, 1977,
an,d he would like the Coumnission to consider certain items, ge read this
letter ta the Com�ission. In the letter, Mr. Hansen stated that the H.A.F.
wo�ld iike the C�ission's support and approval for the following items
which were previously discussed with Mr, goudreau;
1. The City of Fridley to reimburse the H.A.F, for all referee
costs as follows;
a. Pony and Squirt Divisions -$4.00 per game
b. peeWee and Bantam Divisions- $6.QO.per game
c. Broomnball - $5.00 per game
2. All scheduling of officials, ccxi�munications, and cancellations
to be the responsibility of the H.A.F.
Mar. Hansen stated that, in past years, this had been handled by the parks &
Recreation Department and it h,ad never worked ouC, because the Department
was not open on Saturdays and Sundays.
3. The City of Fridley to reimburse the H.A.F. for 12 hours o� .
inaoor ice costs for house league playoffs;
/"y :
P�KS & R�G�ATi{}�T COM�'#iSSION ME�'TING , UCTOBER 24, 1977 - P'AGE 7
� : - r
4. The City :of F'ridley tc� reimbu�se the i�.A.�'. for :6 hours af '
� indoor i�e costs for brao�nball playa��s;
�r. Hansen stated that �11 the broomball playo€f gautes were going to be inside
this year.
5. The City of Fridiey w�.11 not participate in any costs for the
purchase of trophies, but will absorb th� cost of engraving;
6. All communications will be ha�dled by Mr. Chuck Boudreau af
the Parks & Recreation Depart�nent and Sack Hansen of the
Hc�ckey A,ssociation of Fridley.
A].so, in ehe letter, Mr: Hansen stated,that the A.A.F. would like a cast break-
down and explanation of the $2.00 assessment ger registrant which the City of
Fridley charged participants in the H.A.F. prog�ams. In comglyin� with the
new H.A.F'. com�nunication poiicy, this breakdown and:exglanation wo�ld be
forwarded to the paxents and meeabers in a future newsletter. He stated that
this was a questiou that many, many people had asked him.
_ The letter cox�cluded that the H.A.F. needed the Ccmnmissian's i�elp, along
with the eity Cotrncil, in obtaining indoor ice hours fo� its program at
Colv�b3.a Arena, The H'.A.F. was �ontinually lasing ice hours at Colu�tbia Areraa
because af the increased requests by high schools and other o�ganizatians.
� �n 1976-77, the H.A.F. contracted 216 hours of ice $t Columbia Arena as ogposed
to the 14$ hcsurs in 1977-7$. They do��led their ice for the month of Mareh
1378, but were cut drastically £or Deeember through February which was their
prime time. Z`he rieed far indoor ice at Columbia ,A,rena was imperative €or
the H.A•F. ta run'a compe�itive program.
MdT�QN by Jan Seeger, secanded by Robin Suhrbier, to reeeive`the "H.A.F: `
parent/Member Handbook" a�d the letter fram the H.A.F. to the Co�nnission
and the Parks & RQCre�tion Department ciated Octoher 24, 1977.' Upon a vQiee
vote, a11 voting aye, tha motion carried unanimously.
To give the Commissio� a comparison on ice costs, Mz. Hansen sta�ed �ie had
' spent many hours with Mr. George Leve�'ance, the M�nager of Ct�lumbia Arena '_
#rom Auoka County. I�. Hansea stated he had taken a check on the ice haur�
they had requested for this year for both Trave�.ing and House League. In
pctaber 1976-77, they had 31 hours under contract; this year they had 8 hours.
In Nouet�ber 1976-77, they had 72 hours; this year they had 60 hours. In
December 1976-77, they. had 58 hours (�hat was when the House League started);
this year they had on2y 14 hours. In 3anuary 1976-77, they had Yd hnurs;
this year they had 6 ho�rs. In February 1976-77, they had 25 hours; Chis
year the� had 16 hours'. The e�td of �ebruary w�s when they cancluded the
House League. In M�rch it was carry-off far p2ay-offs an:d practices for
teams that woul�: be on the District la state tournaments.; In March 197�i-77,
they had 20 hours; this year th�y had 44 honrs. �he reason they had 44 hours
in i�iarch was because Distr3ct 14 coc�ld start the3r season on December 3rd
this year rathex than the latter part of December; consequently they would
be done the fixst of March. That was why the H.A.F. was given all kinds of
hours in March, rir. Hansen stated he was trying to bring hockey back in to
reality so that they could also be done by the first or fifteenth of March.
This 44 hours was way out of proportion because there was no way they would
use Chat amount. He listed the following as the privrity list for ice
disbursement at Columbia Arena;
1. skating schoal
2. open skating sessions
3. high school league games
k. high schoo3 capLains' practice
5. high school team practice
6. high school tournaments
7. figure skating club
8: M.A.H.A. District 10 (included Fridley's Traveling teams)
9, H.A.F.
10. �i.A.F. tournaments
li. H.A.F. play-offs
M�. $ans�n stated the H.,A.g. needed help through the Commission through City':
Cc�unci2 to help do�soEnethiag ta revise this priority list so that Fridley's kids
in the younger levels,'especially, the 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, and 12 year olds,
could get some imdoor ice. ge understood that there were feasibility st�xdies
#or two more sheets af ice to go up in Bunker Lake for ?�iioka County. That
was one of the things they needed'to push desperately.
Ms. Sesger asked that when the CoZu�abia Arena was built, was any priority
set for the City of Fridley?
M�. Peterson stated that there was no priority set fo� the City of Fridley
and Fridley had alw�ys received last con5ideration from the Arena.
I!+1�, Ba�dreau stated,that he and Mr. Hansen would sit down and come up with
some recommendations an this_and bring these recou�►endations back to the
C�mnnission sa eueryone would know what was being talked about.
Mr. peterson stated that this would be put on the December agenda aint the
Goumnission could lovk at the xecoamnendations and then take action.
l�r. Boudreau stated that the only item in items 1- 6 in the H.A.F. letter
that �as changed was Item #4 in that the City would be reimburs�ng the
H.A.F. for 6 hours of indoor fce costs for broomball which the City had noC
doite in .the past. However, the H.A.F. would be handling,all the scheduling
of oificials, �oaanunications, and cancellations (Item #2).
^ �
' ^. i
� �
� �
MOTION .by Robin Suhrbier, seconded by Betty I�1ech, to apgxo'Ve Ite�ns i- 6` ,
listed i.n the letter from the H.A.F. dated Oetober 24, 1977, noting the :(
eh.ange in Item 4 that the City �aould ��w be r�imbursing th� H.A.F. for 6 �
hours af indoor ice casts for bra�ombal�. Upon a'vaice vote, ail voting aye,
the motion carried uaan3.mously.
Mr, Peterson stated that the reason far the extra �harge was that with the
�ncreased costs, it was a criti,eal decision agreed upan by the C�nission,
the ,City Manager, a�►d t�a C3-ty iGouneil, that all participants of all the
programs in Fridley contrihute to Che cost of operating the City's facilities.
Mr. Ha�sea s.tated that he knew that but requested that the Coumiission write
a lettex to him re�arding that decision so he could make copies to send out ;
�tt the H.A.F . minutes : s o the cogununi ca:tions were there in "black and white"
for the members.
Mr, peterson stated that �he best way to handle this was to dig out the
tAinutes in which that action was taken and the justi>fication for doing ChaC.'
Iie and Mr. Boudreau would £ind the copy of those minutes. Mr. Hansen would
� then be welcome to dupiieate them as they were public information.
' Mr. Hansen agreed th at that wouZd be fine.` He could put that in their
newsletter and if anyone had any ques'tions, they could contact the Parks;&
Recreation Department or Go�i¢nission.
� Mr, peterson thanked Mr. Hansen for an, excellen� presentatian and for h�.s �
concern for the_girls' broombal:i. He expressed appxeciatian to the H.A.�'. '
for the excellen� handbook.
B. 19'77 Girls Softball Report - Mr. Steve Coyle
Mr. Cople stated that the}� had included one more program this year on T-Ba11
and they had 77 girls participate in �hat. It was split ug and i� was run ..
pretCy much instructianaL with no.scores.. The teams all met at Commrans -
park, a�d they played two days a week, either a game or practice. The rest
of the girls' saftball had been run the same as the previous year with 562
girls participating this year. 'They had sent two teams to the state
tournaments--one #or Che Intermediate division and one far the Senior division.
This year was the first,year far two divisions at the state tournaments.
Mr. Coyle stated there was na probiems with the City. He stated that the
ages #or girls softball was 8- 16 ye�rs of age. There was a junior wcm�ten's .
division for girTs up to age 1$, but Chey had not gotten enough registration
this year for even one team.
Mr. Boudreau ask�d Mr. Coyle if there were s�y requirements for coaching.
Mr. Coyle stated thay really did not have any requirements set ug got �aaching.
� '
,���� �
. ;;
Mr. Peterson stated that as the softball divisivn matured, Mr. Coyle might _
want to write sanething on coach selection into the procedures in agreement
with the City. He �old Mr. Coyle to feel welcome to come before the Couunfssion
at anp time as the Co�nisaion really appreciated what he was doing for the
City of Fridley. .
Mr. peterson stated that the Commission shouid send letters of appreciation
to�people such as 1�Dr. gansen and Mr. Coyle because these people put in many
hours of their own time.
e. Meeting Date for December
Mr. Boudreau stated that the fourth Manday in December was the 26th and the
C�mission members wouJ,d probably like to pick another meeting date for that
3+�TI�IQ by Jan Seeger, seconded by Robin Suhrbier, to not hold a Connmission
meeting in December and have meetings on January 9 and 30, 1978. Upon a
voice vote, all voting aye, the motion carried unanimously.
The C�ission members.also agreed to continue holding their meetings on
the fourth Monday:of each month in 1978.
A. 'tATo Huntingir Si�s
Ms. Seeger requested that "No Hunting" signs be posted in North Park along
132. She stated that she had observed hunters in that area. It disturbed
her, not only because that was suppased to be a preserved nature center, but
also because there were children in the gark.
Mr. Boudreau stated he would call the Conservation office and:see if "No
Stimting" signs could iae posted and he said he would also talk to Mr. Jim Aim,.
Public;Safety Director, the following day,
Ms. Seeger suggested that Mr. Boudreau also check to see if Coon Rapids had
a'�o Iiu�tting" ordinance as it was a neighbor near North Park.
_ B. S.C.�.R.P. Pla�
Ms. Seeger stated she would like the Car�mission to have access to the
S.C.O:�f P., ghe thought it wauld be really nice as the plan had a lot-
of good information in it.
Mr, Boudreau stated he would check into it.
.. . � � � � . . f
� � . . .�r�.�r..l
_ }
' . i
e. Halloween.Window Paint�ng Contest
Mr, Kirk stated that the window paiating cat�test was for 4th, Sth, and bth
graders �nd they had 12-15 entries. 1'he resson it was put on the agenda
was because they aeeded ane or two judges for Wednesday, pctober 26. �
Ms, Me�h and Mrs. Bob Peterson agreed to be judges for the contest.
D. Four'District Environmental EducatiQn Caasortium
Mr. Boudreau stated that Ms. Sporre of the Environmental Commission was
� proposing that a group comprised of four different public bodies get together
. with concerns,of envi�o�unental education and that a"Four District Enviroa-
-mental. $ducation Consortium" be fora�ed;. He had suggested to Ms. Sporre ,
that this be shown to the Commission, just to get it on record that
this Coamnission would be in favor of such a group getting together.
� 1�OTION by Jan Seeger, seconded by Robin Suhrbier, to receive the communi-
catio� entitled, "Four Dist�ict Envirotunental Education Cons ortium". Upon
� voice vote, all voting sye, the motion carried unanimo�slq. �
. Mr. Feterson stated he•had no problems,with this and would have no problems
voting that it was a goad idea, but he was a little sensitive to the fact
that he would like to see something cotne out of the Enviranmental Commission
� before this Couanission. It should come out of the Environmental Commission
because it was their total respoasibility., �
i�IpN by �'an Seeger, seconded bg Robin Suhrbier', to adjourn the meeting at
9:20 p.m. Upon a vaice vota, all voting sye, the motion carried unanimously.
Respectfully submitted,
� .. � . y . ���' � � . � . � � . . . . � � . � . .
yy Saba '
Becording Secretary
_ _ :, _ -�.�er-�'
'-'�'b-�5f`omotP Pducatian of the environment for purposes of
makinq certain that future qenerations will protect, en�oy
and understand Fridley"s unique watPr and land resources.
F rposee of de�reloping a Arogram proposal f or environ-
mental education.that a"Four District Environmental Education
Consortium" be Formed. Further. that the resulting prograns be
usPd in a"whole life" learning program in the community.
Method of i!ntile�entaticn:
� �` d
• :� �
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{� i
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ConsidPring t►.:at the following unitslshare common interests
/ -� L`'C- ,.,j�GI ..l.!%i'-�J.d':.G�lv12 L
inthe pursuit of the above �oals� �-y --�- � ���°
##Fridley �arks and Natural Resource De partment
**Minnesota Department of Natural �eso�arces
*#�ietropolitan Council
��Department of Educati�n
�#MinnPSOt� Environmental Education Douncil
#*Area School Districts 11.13.14 and 16 in r^ridleyi
Action required:
� It is theref ore proposed that the City of Fridley serve as ca�-
a2.�st in f orming the Consortiun to use com�unity resources where
the natural r�sources occur. 7�- �! -u-�c�C -�-�-�� -�-Z�-f-L"
.fiiC�. 2��:uZ'. �-,u.���t�t-o�/ ��.v �u.c.a.a�.?'�cc,��.�. �-.�d ,�./' ..�� "� c.
�y��/ Q � �� �r�� ,, •
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.c.�tt.G��.G �►'�ul�v�:.�,p s�rtl� �[Y:��'�-G i� ..l�-J'�cG�t:%'�.�t.'-cf +�".�GlI�. ..G,�`.r:..:.D-��.tq�:.
:,�.-.n. Gt�ttrt.�' �.,e�e. �-n. 7,,�a:�ar..w.,cGG�.� q� a,e:.'ur.!«"�-..J .
..�. ._._.._ __...__..__.__. __...�.__.___... ._ ..._. �...,...�....�...._. �.., ,..,____..,.....___.�_. .. ._. .. ....... . �� �
�' /•.:\�
1977 — 1978
Lynn Fischer
52567th Ave. N.E.
Fridley, Minn. 55432
Jack Hansen
5770 Washington St. N.E,
Fridley, Minn. 55432 .
Clark Theilmann
7391 Melody Drive
Fridley, Minn. 55432
D�.. diair
40 N.E. 66Yz Way
Fridley, Minn. 55432
Joe Westenfield
81 Rice Creek Way
Fridley, Minn. 55432
JudV Bailey — Sponsors
860 66th Ave. N.E.
Fridley, Minn. 55432
Jim Becker
571 Rice Creek Blvd. N.E.
Fridley, Minn. 55432
Dave Dockter — House Teams
440 67th Ave. N.E.
Fridley, Minn. 55432
Judy Hengstler — Broomball
840 Pandora Drive
Fridley, Mi�n. 55432
Dick Lombard — Equipment
6321 Monrce St., N.E,
F y'�Y Mi�n. 55432
f '261
Ciark Theilmann — Banquets
& Fu�d Raisi�g
7391 Melody Drive
Fridley, Minn. 55432
October 24, 1977
Parks and Recreation Commission
City of Fr idley
Parks and F,ecr eat ion Depar tment
6341 University Avenue N. E.
Fridleq. Minnesota 55�+32
Dear hiembers:
The Hockey Association of Fridley would like your support
and approval of the following items that were previously
discussed with A1r. Chu�k Boudreau of the Parks and Recreation
Depart�nent on October 21, 1977:
1. The City of Fridley to reimburse the HAF for all
referee costs as �ollov�s:
a. Pony and Squirt Divisions
b. PeeWee �nd Banta� Divisions
c. Broomball
$RI�.00 per ga�e
$6.GO �er game
$5.00 per game
2. A11 scheduling, com�cunications and cancellations to
be the responsibility oi the H.�F;
3. The Git� of Fridley to reimburse the HAF for 12 hours
of indoor ice costs for house league playoffs;
4. The Citv of Fridley to reimburse the &4�' for 6 hours
of indoor ice costs for broomball playoffs;
5. The City of Fridley a�ill not partici�ate in any costs
for the �urchase of trophies, but will absorb the cost
of engraving;
6. All communications will be handled by Mr. Chuck Boudreau
of the Parks and Recreation Department and Jack Hansen
of the Hockey �ssociation of �'ridley.
The HAF would like a cost breakdown and explanation of the
�2.00 assessment per registrant which the City of Fridley charges
participants in the HA�' programs. In conplying with the new i�AF
communication policy� this bieakdown and explanation will be
_ 2 _
forwaxded to our parents and members in a future newsletter.
Finally� the HA�' won'ld appreciate your help along with the
City Council in obtaining indoor ice hours f or our program
at Columbia Arena. The HAF is continually losing ice hours
at Columbia because of the increased requests by high schools
and other organizations. In 1976-7? the HAF contracted 216
hours of ice at Columbia as opposed to 1�8 hours in 1977-78.
We doubled our ice for the month of N,�rch of 1978� but we were
cut drastically for Decemt�er through February which is our
prime iime. The need for in�oor ice at Columbia Arena is
imperative for the HAF to run a coIDpetitive program. WQ ask
your help!
In closing� we would like you to feel free to ask any questions
�ou might have and hope that this will be a successful hockey
�O � �
�- Jack Hansen, President