PR 11/28/1977 - 31231: � PAi�S & RECREATXON COI�MLSSION ' M�ET�NG NQV�Ex 28, 1977 �t�MBERS PRESENTt Robita Suhrbier, Leonard Maore, Betty t�ch I�I+�EBS ABS�+iT: Bob Peterson, Jan Seeger OTHSRS PRESENT: Charles $oudreau, Pa�ks � Recreatian Directar �ack Kirk, Program Director . Tom Nehring, F.Y.S.A. . CAi,'�,, T0; ORDER: qice-Ghairpersan S�hrbier called the meetin� to order at 7:�5 p.m. pPPR4VAL QF OCTOBER 24, 1977, PARKS & RECREATION COMMISSION M�Ni3TES: Mt)TI4i� bg Leo�arr� Moore-, �econded by Betty �kech, to ap.prous the O�ctolser -24, 1977, ^ :Parks & Recreation Co�nmission minutes as written. .Upon a voice vote, a}.l voting aye, the �tion earried unanimously. _ � -� s . APPRQ�AL QF AGENDA: . The following items were added: to the agenda; � LetCer fran Dr. I,a paint, Fh.D., Course Instructor at the University of Minnesota - Item C under "Director's Aeport" Farthcomiag Plans for 8an�� House - It�� D under "Director's �eport" Tennis Couzt Grant for Beajamin%Briardale Area - It� E under "Dir�ctor's itegort' . RQport by Gc�missianer Betty Mech - Item A under "Other Business" Mt1TTON by Betty Mech, secanded by Leonard Moore, to approve the�agenda with the above additions. Upou a vaice vo�e, all voting aye, the motian car�ted unanimously. : 1. DIRECTOA' S REP4�tT A. Win.[er Programs (Jack Kirk) : ; I�c, �.rk stated that the winter program brochure was at the pri�:ter and, � hapefully, would:be back and be ready to mail the following week. Re$istration � fo�r th�, wi�nter programs would begin on I�ecember 12th. Previously, there had been a registration period, but now tlaey were asking that peogle regist�r at: leaet one we�k priar to the start of any of the pragrams. This wc�esid goss;ibly ^. ke+�p people fro� thinking they had missed the registration aad could �ot L �. par�icigate. � � - . ��; PABKS & RECREATION Ct�IlKISSIUN M��TIi��NaVLMBER 28, Z977 - PAGE 2 Mr. Ki.rk mentioxted the fallcnaing as �sc�ne of the programs that would be offered de�ring.:the tai.nter; Puppet show at:;Unity in March; Winter �un Day in February; Photo contest . and.short stary contest in March; Teen programs on six different Fridays; Walt Disney movie for elementary age'children; Ladies' Day out - four tri,ps during the'winter months; Winter playground prograui between .: Christmas and New years; Family get-together songfest Dec. l8th; uature programs, 11 After-School programs; Cross country skiing Zessons _ and two trips; program,in snowshaeing; Presidential Sports pward; and Learnto Skate program far ages 4-6. ;'�_ Ms. I�ech stated she would like to see the city offer downhill skiing trips and Ms. Suhrbier stated that tubing was.a fun family sport. Mr. Boudreau stated that the problem they had had in the past for the dowa= hill skiing trips was a lack of people to fill a bus and it had been rather costly to the city for the trigs, He stated, however, that they encouraged iagut from city residenCs; and it was stated in the brochure that if residents h;�d any program ideas, they were to call the Parks & Recreation Departmsnt at ,' Ieast two weeks prior .to an event. $. U�a�ate - Applications of Naturalist/Resource Coordinator Position; �r. Bouidreau stated that at this time they had 30 applications for this ' ^ pc�sitian and they hoped to begin reviewing these applications witt�in a week�, or so. They hoged to narrow these down to possibly 8-12 people who would ` then be intervie�aed. He said there appeared to be sou� very qualified appliesnts, but they would not know for sure until they reviewed each aggli- catian. He said he'would probably be bringing this up again at Che Coumission's �a�uary meeting. C. . La Point, ph.D or at the University of Min�tes ota - Mr. Baudreau stated that Dr.'La Point was an instructor in physical education at the U:. of M. at,td he was interested in athletics. Dr. La Point was a resident of Fridley and he had approached the Farks & Recreation Department same time ago with the idea of coming up with a course in organization atsd management of sports. In talking with Dr. La Point, Mr. Boudreau said they found it was geared around all the information that was being put out now about competitiveness in sparts in h:igh schaols and colleges and what it-a11 meant. Dr. La Point was txying to organize a course which would cover such areas as establishing a philosophy for inter-collegiate sports, social faetors- relating to athletic gerformance, pexsonality assessment as applied to athletes and athlet�.c groups, principles,of<conditioning, methods of condi- ti.o�ing, legal liabili.ty, establishing and managing of.an athletic budget, purchasi.ng athletic eqnipment, motiyation of the athTetes, etc; Dr. I,a Point had ten pragrams where they were going to cover these topics on an educa- tional channel. ^ . .. '.. .. . � . . . . � � i . . . . � � . .. . � . . . . .. � . . . � . . . . .... . . . .. . . . : � � . � . .. . � . . . . � , . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . � -._ . . � . �' . - . . . �.. . �.� . . . . -. PARRS & RECREATION CO1��StSSION M�ETING N�VEMBER 28, 1977 - PAGE 3 � Mr. Baudreau read the November 9, 1977, letter he had �eceived fram � Dr. La Foint in which Dr. La Poi�t stated that the:Fridiey athietic department had been selected to be vid�o taped in eonjunction with "Organi.- _ zs�ion and Management a€ Sport", a television course to be offered for credit through Independent Study at the U of M. The ten-paxt series wauld be bxoadcast on KTCA-TV spring'quarter, 1978. Dr. La Point stated that ; the purpose of this course was ta exami�ne th� ,components of coach3.rig in �ev�ral different sports. 2he v�.deo tages would include scenes of athietes at gll educational levels, as well as interviews with adininistrators of athletic programs, coaches, parents, a�d the athletes themselves. Mr. Boudreau stated he thought it Iooked like an excellent program and one Ehe city was happy to be a part af. He'felt it would do nothing but good for the toCal sgorts program within th� Gity:,of Fridley. He hoped to get many of the participants from F.Y.S.A. and H.A.F. involved, eithsr as part - `of the interviewed people or the children playing in the programs ta find out just exactly what the�.r feelings were in competitiveness in sports. D. Forthcc�ming Plans for Sants House:' psr. gr�udreau stated that they had contacted the Lions' Club and .the Lions' Club was going ta work with the city in daveloping a Sgnta Claus Workahop. �hey hop�d to have scm►e type of enclr�sure that would be park�ed" by, Eisenht�wer $quare at City H�lI, whi.ch would be deeorated axtd would have music playing /�'�, throughouEt the day and into Che evening. They hoped to have a Santa and " were eneouraging parents to brin$ their children down to see Santa. There would be floodlights and parents were invited to bri:ng their cameras ta taker would b e a dro box and chi,ldren a hexe P en with' ant . T gictures of their childr S were'invited to �nail their letters to S$nta in the c3rop box. All l�tters to �anta taould be answered. Mr. Boudreau stated that they hoped to promote th� c+�unity spirit in the city and to let people kno�a that tlie city coul.d ♦ do things like this for the families, He said they were grateful and thankful to the Lians` Club for their participation in this. &. Tennis Court Grant far Benjami.nJBriardale prea: Mr. goudreau stated that the City had put in an athletic court grant for two ten�is courts with lights at Benjamin%Briardale: The_pffice of Local Urban Affairs evident�y'felt the area in qu�stion was ia need and the grant was ' ' given to Che city for $10,225. �his was a maCching grant in which the.c�ty p • $ ity hopecl tc� have these eourCs built, must also cpme u wi.Ch 1�,225. The � along with the bui�dings in Springbrook, the enZa�gement o# courts at Craig and Flanery, and the aompletion of the color coding of a11 the Cennis court areas in early spring, ^ d � ;: ` —�— PABKS & RECREAT�flN C(�lMIS�I{l�t 1+!�ETING N#�VF�I$ER 2$, 1977 - PAGE 4 �2 • NEW BiTSINESS $eview and G� on . Gommiss .._._._.._, Work $chedule per ,Terrold Boardmau's Mx'.'$oudreau stataed thi� mema was for the Cammission's information to let them know what the schedule was and the pubLic hearing schedule on the Parks � ppen Space plan. As the Commission could see, it was at the Planning �ar�mfssion right now, and this was a report on the status. Mr. Boudreau asked the Com�ission members if they would like him to sit in on some of the planning �ommission meetings to find out the progress on the Parks & Open $pace P]:an. The Commissioa members thought that would be helpful. Mr. Boudreau stated he would see about attending a few Planning �ommission meetings to check on the progress of the parks & Open Space Plan and would report back to the Co�nission at-the January meeting. 3. OLD BUSINESS . A. Reports by Jan Seegex: (1) Energy gymposium; (2) Going Under to Stay on Tap; Mr. Boudreau stated that since Mts. Seeger was absent, this would ba put on � the 3'arivary agenda. ' B. Sa�obile ,�reas "for 1977-78; .�. � l�r. Boudreau stated that the snowmobile ordinance had been passed some time ' in �pri1 or May after pubZic hearings that snowmobiles could not be operated o�t streets, roadways, tho�oughfares, etc., in the City of Fridley. People could use them on privatie property, either their own property or other grivate groperty with written permission from the owner. Then, at a later meeting, the Parks & Recreation Commission was given the opportunity to designate areas as approved snowmobile areas within the City of Fridley. Ugon Mr. Boudreau's z�ecommendation, because of the problems of trailoring, parking, etc., the Commission had voted not to'designate any public snow- mobile areas in the City of Fridley. That recoum�►endation went to City Cnuncil for final action. Now that snowmobiling weather was here, as pre= dicted, the City and City �ouncil members were getting phone calls. So, the �ity Council was planning on discussing areas i.n �ridley that could ].ogically be designated as snowmobiling areas. He stated that the Commissian had already discussed th�.s, their recomnendation was in, and the decision was up to City CounciT. Mr. goudreau stated he had forwarded a second - re�omnendation that on public property, snowmobiling was not feasible, b�ecause af the damage to the parks. Mr. Boudreau stated he had brought this back to the Gc�m�ission so they would know what was being done and what had happened to their recommendation. �� � PARKS & REGREAxIQN CD�S�S„ION.MESTING, NOVEMBER_28, 1977 - i�AGE S � 4. tn`[iER BUSINESS : A. Re�ort b Comn.ission�r Betty Mech: , 1+1�,s. Mech atated that this was the seco�d month in a row that she t�ad not received the previous mo�►th's minutes or agenda. �. Baudreau stated he �rould check on this iumiediately. �„s. Mech stated she had overheard her children talking about "Dead Man's Curve". When asked where'this was, they said there was a slide in Locke park on the hill below the pavillion. If the children did not stay on the slide, they went between a tree and a stump and children had been in�ured. She thought l�tr. Boudreau shonld check this aut. Mr. Boudreau stated the citg had not received any xeport of injury there. Me. Mech stated she had been getting sanne feedback on Harris Lake Fark. The peogle wha had had so�nething to da with the park design had waated to see that kind of design go in there anrd were concerned because the city had . put a sgruce tree in the park. For security, they had wanted iow evergreens, not sny large spruces. . ^ rir. Boudreau stated that the person who had donated the txee had donat�d it wiCh the stipulation that it go in Ha�ris L$� Park. �' At.a previous mee'ting, Ms. Mech had mentioned to l�ir. Boudreau that Dick's Auto Body in Fridley was polluting. 5he wa�ated to lmow if Mr. Boudreau had gotten any feedback on this complaint. ' Mr, goudxeau stated he had turned this comglaint aver to Steve Qlso�, the Environmental pfficer, but had not reeeived any feedback. He stated thaC his departu►ent was ccmcerned with what affected the parks, and sug�eSCed that Ms. Mech bring this to the attention of the Public Works DeQartment. Zqs. Mech stated she would check with Mr. Dick Sobiech, Public Works Director, or Mr. Steve Olson. Ms. 3uhrbier asked Mac. Boud`reau what the status was un general slcating at � garr Lake. Mr. Boudreau stated he had writ�en a�etter to the Homeowners' Association in Insisbruck explaining what t�►e city had to do to get to the lake and asking for'permission for access to maintain the rink. He stated Chey would haue to use the blacktop paCh, and because the path was six inches to a faot too nazrow, there might be some turf damage. If there was tur€ dasnage, they were asking the Hameoc�n;ers` Association to replace this and : �_ not hold the city responsibi�. The City was ready to go, but were waiting �' for ge�ission frc�m the iiomeaw�n�rs' Assoaiation. --�--- -- � ��� . . . . . . . . � ... • � P.AkKS &�ECREATIt3N CtJI�ISSI�t+T I+�BTIA�G NpyL�igER 28, 1977 - PAGE 6 � At the .�tober meeting, the Co�issit�n had requested name tags for eaeh of the Coa�ission members. Mr. Boudreau gresented these name tags to the" Gc�amissfon members. The Cammissianers e�cgressed Cheir appreciatian to �r. Boudreau for havf.ng these made. A33JQUR1�Ni : _ M4TION by Leonard Moore, seconded by Betty Mech, to adJourn the meeting at 8;35 p.m. Upou a voice vote, all voting aye, the motion carried unanimousl.y. B�spectfully submitted, ��...�,.. L. e Saba Recording Secretary � . ^ � _ �. � � � ^ I