PR 06/19/1978 - 31238�� , ' .
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J�E I.g, 1�78
MEMgEgS . PR,BSENTZ Bois Petersc�, Lec�Brd Mocare, Jan Seegex, Betty Mech
� _
�&R�S ABSENT: 8obi.n Suhrbier • j
_ , 1
0't'I�RS i'RBSEI+PP; �oudreau, Parks< �x Recreati� birec�or '
CALL TfJ t�3EI�'
Chairpersan Peterson called the meeting to order at 7.45 p.m.
MQTit}�1` by Jan Seegsr; seeonded by Leanard Mot�re, to apgrove the
^ May:22, 1978, Parks & Rec�eation Com�n3ssion minutes as writte�ctt. Upon
� a voice vote, aX1 votintg aye, the mc�tion c�rried unaniscously.
APPR#3VAL �F A�GE1��: -.
Ms. S+�eger added the fo].Iowir�g item as Item B under "New Busin�ss"; :
��gac�t3t�rd Wi,lde�uess Progx�" .
� by Lecma�td Moare, secoad�d h�r �an Seeg��, to approve the ageada
w3.�h the `$bove acidition. Ugon a voice vote, all vcting aye, 'the mo��:aa
carxi+ed urnanimousiy . -
T,. #k�CT{{�R'S RBPflRTt
- A.'s Club Bus
l�r . Baudreau stated �t sc�e -ti�e 'ag�, i.t was maentioned th�t there wa�
the gaasibility"af again xeceiving th� bus that three years ago was given
by the Lion' � Club tv E�no�ca Cot�nty, hecause the city had refused it at
that �ime. The bus was cagable of tie-dvwns fflr handicapped plus seating
far regul�r gasse�agers . AAn.�� C�aty had kept the bus at the Springlake •
Park B�s� C�ompa�.y and`renCed �t r3ut �� $6r/hQUr. .
M� . Soudreau stated that he had a lot of uses ' f Qr such a ve�iic].e : He
sCaGe�l the Lian's Ciub had agreed to ux�derwrite tbe iasurance an the bus
^ at �1,Z44 ger �ear and had written ehe County some time s�o requesting
�d �
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j that the bus be released. Mi�. Boudreau hoged to have the bus bq ''�
� the next week. He was looking nat anly at the use they would receive from
� rhe bus, but also the feasibility o€ u�ing such a vehicle. The driver
i . would epst approximately $3.50-4.04/hour. Operating costs would run
:so�ewhexe around 40 cents a mi1e. The3� contemplated a�rpund 6-8,000 miles
' a yea�]c an the bus. Right naw their bill €or bus rental rau in excess of
� $t+>OtiO a year. With the insurance paid for and monfes received (fees) he thought
that they ought to be able to operate the bus at a miaimal cost and have
it +on hand whenever it was needed. He felt it wauld be a good addition
to th� senior citizen programs (and for a Congregate Dining program if i
� ocfe was started ia Fridle '
Q�� y). He stated Chey had come up with 35-40
: possible uses for the bus that would be money saving uses. t?ae was a bu�
raute aet upduriag the winter manths to the general skating areas. With
_�t� seuior citigen cc�plex and gavernment subsidized housing going in, .
maybe,same transportatioa would be neaded to coiacide with those facilities.
Mr. Bc�udreau �tated that if City Council approved it that evening, the
City Manager planned to write a letter to the County the day
requesting the bus for use by the city.
B. Tour of Parks - June 22nd (fi:00 - 9:30 p.m.) .
Mr. $audreau�stated that, once again with budget tneetings c aning up with
City Couacil, he had set up a tour for Thursday eveaing, June 22. Hope-
fullg,' the Co�.ssion members cotild attend. Thi�s year, they were pl.a��g �
on�looking at same of the things that were going on that the Coaenission
membere had been hearing about, such as the clearing at Locke Park,
. aursery deveZopment, coaioQUnity garden plots, a stop at the A-frame; ansi
to see the north aad n athwest parks, such as Benjamin-Briardale,and
st�ue that s�raunded the outside area. '$e would trp to point out same
cs€ the areas they cansi�ered to be real probl�m areas �nd what could be
dcxae for those areas. Riversedge Wag and Riverview Heights were two
examples. These areas were always talk.�d about, but no solutions ever
came forth. Maybe a live visitation to really see them first-haad would :
l�elp i.a deciding what to do with these areas.
' C. Bukdget Meet•in� with City Cauncii - 3uae 26, 19?$
Mr. Boudreau stated he was going before City Council oa June 26th with
: the budget request. He was hoping to point out to City Council sca�e -
of Che things Parks � Recreation had accomplished during the year I977,
what they had built the program fxan on the base that they iaherited
fn Ju1y 1976 until �c>w, and where they saw the program and the whole
departmental gaals for the future. He hoped to show slides of past
activities, share fi�aacial data with the,m, aad the biggest improve-
meat he would try to share was the complete rearraageu�nt uf aIl the
progr� budget headinga.
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D. Reorga�izati.on af Ue�art��t and Prot�ramst
Mr. $oudreau stated that the�r wexe doing a�oueglete rearran�ement af
all the program budget heaciings. He stat�d thafi, as oppused to having :
faotball, baseball, and saiChall as separate programs, theq haped to go
a little braad+�r by them in on�e prt�g�au� called, "Athletics ' and
Sports". Zt gave a bigger 3ovk at a total program as apposed to an
activity. They wer� trying to combine al1 of their progzau�a inCo:aigh�
various headings that would give thetn the information they needed to use
the Economic Equivalency Index (discussed at the Februaxy 27, 1978,
Gc�ission.meeting) to try ta break down where the money was spent. Alfl�g
with �the recreation programs,.they hvped ta chauge the'maintenance pr�r�m
, headings frc�n Axeas 1,.2, 3, 4, 5, and 6 to the headings of "Buildi���
- a�td Structures","Graunds and Turf", and "Landeca�e and Trees", ete. '�iexe
were eight programs involved in the maintenance area. Mr. Boudreau s��ted
they were lookiag at a refineg�+ent of what they already had, and tte tho�:g��
it•wauld be a step �ox�aard. By getting away from Ehe desigaated m�:i�t�extance
areas and going city-wide with a Co�al system (they had been on this ��r��ena
far a year and one-half}, he thaughc the emp�oyees enj4yed the v�ri,et�;af •
wc�k they were doing and $ad a prfd� in what-they were doing. �
Mr. Boudreau stated there wa�:the third d:tvision of th� Parks � Reereation
Degart�eut, atad that was the Naturalist l?ivis#.o�. That wc�e��c�, be bra�Cen
down inta programs He stated they.h4ped to preseat th�ts to the City
_�1 Council .
: B. Prc��cam Re�ore Jack Rirk:
Mr. Soudreau stated that Mr. Kirk could mQt aCtend the meeting th�t
e�e�ting. Mr. Boudrean stated the st�er program was well undex �ay.
There ha� been ane groblem and that was.'that they had not planned a prc�gta�`
at Ga�de�� Sch4o1, hecause �hey had been to�.d Chat the school was to be .
so�.d to A. B. F'u11ex: Ca�cpauy €or offices. There had been uuany call.s that
day, so they had decided to start a playgrouacl. prvgram at the schovl.
Mr. Boudrasu stated that..:.saftball was co�tinuing. They were aba�t halfway
Chza�gh �hE seasaa with or►ly �einiu�l compiaints. .They c�nly had one a;tgi�t
c�f �ke-up gaute� ta do. No t�te seemed to miss the second ball diamo�d
thep had removed €rom Locke Park. The'biggest problem with softball was
the parkiug at Goc�nons. There �ras just not en�gh garking space, and he
rea2ly sympathi�e� wi�h the �e:ople who=lived arouad that park.
Mr . Boudr�au statad tt�at durf� the 49' ers We�k, they �ld be of fesix�.g
a ceen daace on Friday night a� Mc�ore Lake lot frarn 7:OQ-�Q:OQ p.m.
They would have five pvlice o€ficer� and about 30 chaperones at the dance.
A, �t�quest fctr Feace Cost - Share - Karen A. Kirk:
� � l�r. Boudr�au sCated that Ms. �i.rk had telephoned and then wrfEten a lett�r
.�-�.` da�ted Jvne 12s 1978: stating �hat.o�e side of her property bordezed �he
. ' �
: , '
PARKS & RECREATI�1 CQ�NIISSit�t $TING JU� I9 1978 - PAGE 4 : :
S�iardale Paxk now being constxucted. She was I�aving trouble with the
youag adults destroyiug her property. She was that the City of
I+'ridley would share ia the expense af a four-foot cyclone fence on her .
groperty liae bordering the parl€.
Mr� Fe�erson stated that siuce ft was cau�►ission policy that the city �
share the cost of a faur-foflt cyclone fence with an�rone whose property
bcr�dered the paxk, Mr. goudresu couid go ahead with this action and no
motion was needed.
Mr. Boudreau stated he would in€orm Ms. Kirk that the city would be happy
to share the cost of the four-foot cyclone fence.
� 'B. Ba�kyard Wilderness Program:
Ms. S�eger stated that the Natianal Wildlife Feaeratfon had a program
c�21ed, "Invite Wiidiffe to your Back Y�rd." The program went in stages.
People were to send ia a descriptiax� of their yard and what was in ti�eir
gard, and the Natianal Wildlffe Federation would send them back a plan
on how people could encourage wildlife iato their yard in stages one through
three, which told them what they should have and what animals existed in
their area. The whoie program was to encourage wildlife wiChin the city.
Whaev�r complied with the plaa and got ali the information could then
i�ecc�ne certified.
Ms. Seeger stated that the onlq thing missing was that not everyone could '
. u�tcterstand and identifq the existing plants they already had. There wauld
hsve to be scm� help ia some of these areas. It did not necessarily mean
that a persan had ta have a large yard to do this, it could be doae with
cm2y a gianter in a wiadow box. A great deal of peaple did sot uaderstand
hor� tc� make their�yards more interesting to birds than ather peopie's yards.
She stated that if they did have this kind of interest within the city,
it would be interesting to pramote it as a park-kind of thing. They had
a aat�ralist on dntq who could identi€y existing glants for individuals
so they cou2d send in entire �appings of their pards to the Natic�tal
Wildlife Federation. St woald get peapie better acquainted with what was
arouud them.
Ma: i�Ie�h snggestsd that it be rua as � class in the Parks � xecreatian
Mr. Pererson suggested that maybe Mr. Boudreau should put a notice in
the Parks & Recreatian columa in the Sua Co promote this and see if there
w�s enough interest to run the program.
Mr. Boudreau stated he thought they should just go ahead and offer the
p�ogram. He was thiaking of aa in-house persan who could be called to
go out to a gerson's house.
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Ms . Mech' stated sh� thougiit it shoulc�• be run as a grc�gr�rr for thre� or more
nighCs. People could bring ian aractgh sketched plans of Cheir yards, maybe
bringing pictures or s�mpl es . Sh� suggested Chat before:- they went 3.nto the
pragram, they ahQU1d firs[ have a class meeting and have Mr. Siah St. C3:air
present a slide show.
' Mr. Baud�eau stated he waui.d give this: infarmaCion to Mr. Kirk and sd�tise
h�an;to grepare a pragram for the Jsnuary/February/March spring progxa3n.
,�. Sg* SP�ungman - Locke Park Liquar Ordinance: .
Mr. Boudreau stated thaC Sgt. Spruir„gman had planned on baing at the meeting,
but something must have prevented him fraa doiu:g sa. Mr. Boudre�u stated
he could not speak for Sgt . Spr��g�an, but, he co�ld read to the Cc�usmf.ssion
drdfnazace No. 618, Section 2:
508,21 Alcoholic Bsuerage
It shall be unlawful for any persan ta have in his possession or
to consume any i.nto�cicating liquor ar nonintoxicating liquor in or
upon any Gity, Ccr�ty or ather public park, parkw�ay or bathing beach with-
� in 'Che City sxcept as provided in sutsdivision 1, 2, and 3 below:
', S�ebd, 1 Idotwithstandi�.g laws to the cantrarg, Fossession and
consumpt�on �f malt Iiquor is germitted in Locke Park.
S,ubd. 2 The C3.ty Council may grant permission to c�su�ne non-
intoxi�ating malt li.quor in City, County or other gublic
park.s ta neigl�barhood grougs .
Subd. 3 NoCwithstanding any laws to the contrarq, ugon approval
of the Citg Cauacil,`and issuance of a permit, a club-
or charitable religious or nonprofiti gublic ar private
' urgatafzatioit maq sell and allow buj�ers to consuma ar�n- '
imtox�ca� mait liquor in the Ca�cros Park.
�' �UI.Y, 1975.
Mr. PeCerson stated thatt the Gaw�rission shauld wait to get St. Sprus�gman's
and:Mr. Bvudreau's thinking on this and then work on a special ordinance
for s�ext sprin� to helg the police with their problem.
Mr. Boudreau sCated he would like to have SgC. 3prt�ngman preseut hfs
id�as`before proceeding any further.
� Mr. Fetersou stated that this i�em sh;ould be coAtinued at t�e 3u�y m���ting.
. Pl�, � RECREATIO�I CfJ►J►MMISS�t�+i M�T�NG J€R�TS 19 1978 PAGE b
ADJ�URt+iM�I�1T : �
1�'PIO�i by Jan See$�r, secaaded by Leo�ard Moore, to adjourn the meetiag
at 9:00 p.m. Upon a voiee vote, a�l voting aye, the mation carried
�.espectfully sub tCed,
� .�
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