PR 10/23/1978 - 31240• � .
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t�t3B&R 23, 197$
MEMBERS PRES�NTt Bob Peterson, Robin Suhrbier,,Leonard Moore,
Jan �aeeg�r,' Betty Mech
�YFIERS PRESENT: Charles Boudreau, parks & Recreation Director
Jack Rirk, Program Direetor
Jack Hansen, HAF President
Glenn Van Hu2zen, EYSA Pxesi.dent
Darrel Nystrom, �48 Ely St."N.E. , :
(List attached) _
Brad Horner, U o� M Intern with Parks & R�creation D�pt.
Ghairperson Peterson called••the meeting to order at 7c35 p.m.
� _ .
M�JTZQN by Jan Seeger,-seconded by Robin $uhrbier, to approve the �
August 2$, Z978,'Parks & Recreation Cc�mission minutas as written, �
Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Chairperson Peterson daclared the
mvtion carried unanimously.
The following items were added to the agenda: -
Uuder "Director's Report":
. K, Sliding Hill at Goa�mons
Unc�er "Uld $usi.nessn s �
Skating Area at North Innsbruck
Ms. Seeger• stated tha� she k�ad told many Fridley citizens interested in
the agenda item, "RuCh Circle Hockey.�Rink" woul€i be discussed at
app�aximately`8:30 p.m.
` MtiTIQN:by Jan Seeger, seconded by Leonard Moore, to,appruwe the ageuda '
/� . raith the tw� ac3ditions with the u�derstant�ing that the Ccxnmi.ssio� w+at�ld
� `'`" _� break aC $:30 p.m. to discuss Item C under "I�ew Business"; "Ruth Gf.��ie .
� Hockey Rink" . Upon a voice v��e, all votin:g aye, C�iai.rp�ersor� �Pet��sc�a
�eclared the�motion carried unanimously..
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PAR1�S &�ECREATIQN �Ot�SSIQI� MEETING. t�Tt}BEIt 23, 1978 - PAGE 2 • ,
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Z. DIRECTU�'S REPORTt ' � . • �
A. �ntroduction - Mr. Brad Horner - Student Inte�n: f
, �
, �
M�r. Boudreau staCed that Mr. xorner was an intern wprking on a studenC �
interns�ip, pro�ram from the'University of Minnesota. His purpose was • '
tQ work wiCh the'Parks & Recreation Department to see hpw the operation
ran and ta see what happened in municipal recreation and park administration
as- that was Mr. H�rrner�'s majar. . . ,
� , .
--,g- .
Mr. Peterson.suggested that if there was time on the November agenda,
that Mr. Horner be allowed to tel.l the Commission a Iittle about himself •
so the Commission could get to know him better. �
B . Pro�ram Report, .
. . . . . . . . .. .^3, . . .
M�r. Ki�k stated that all the: •fall act�.viCies had started. The',registratian
had be:en success�ul. Th� home delivery service had not been goad. so �
s� citizens r.e�C�tved thei.r brochures a week and� a half later than others.
� Mr. Kirk stated ttta� some of the more popular activities were: _
1. Disco dancing classes--filled additional class far teenagers
and adults and stiZl had a waiting list. . . ^
2." Fitness activities--Swim and Stay Fit••and Ladies Aquacizes
3. Ladies'Day DuC Trip--Lowell Inn, Stillwater, was biggest trip '
ever, 130-1k0 attended.
. 4. .Wa�n's Pow�r Volleyball--reques.0 from residents; Had gome
_ ov�r very weil.
5. Rua-for-Fua--Held Sat., Oct. 21,�22 people toak part. -
6. Tabie T�nr►is=-Sat., Uct. 28,, fifteenth year. '
' 7. Ka�laween Party, Sun., Oct. 29--co-sponsoring with American Legion
Ms. Suhrbier asked how the turn-4ut was for programs at North;Park.
Mr. Kirk stated that a couple af,p�ograms had to be combined. They had
thxee di�ferent.programs going on one night a w�ek. He thought it was
pretty successfui for the firs� C.ime,
�, Statvs of Gzant APPli�ationss
Mr. Baudreau stated that as the Cann►issi.on was aware, the City of Fridl.ey '
� ltad ngplied fc�r two LAWCON, LGI�IIt staCe grants--one for th� Fridley Spring=
. ;.�.,�
brook Nature Genter in the�amaunt of $25Q,0�0 and one for the community -.
gark ca�plex in the a�nount of $404,OOQ. On the original ranl�ing, Fridley �'
�- - caa� out #3 far the Sgrin�brnok Nature C.en:ter and �8 for the com�►unity •
.�,. , -
park cc�aplex. After mo�e inveatigation, the final ranking was stiil �3
for S:p�ringbroak and the �cmununity park ccxaplex had jumped to �5. The
latest information he had was t�at the state planned to fund up through
#7, so he �hought Fridley was it� a goad posi�ion to;�rece;Lve the L;AWC4i+i,
L�MR funding in the az�ount of $650,000. �t would e�.ther be a 50� t�atch
or it could be as hi�h as J5/25 for Springbroak Nature Center, They
should�have the:final word by ;the mi,�idle of November on where Fridley
ranked and then`they would have to coaae up with the matching funds,
Mr. Boudreau stated he did ncat know how m�ny were aware of the grout�d
breaking that was done at Islands of Peace for the consCruction of a
new building. It was a nice ceremony and well attended. This was another
indication how Fridle3� xanked in the state as far as grant monies were
concerned. This building was being built wi,th a$154,OOfl grant from the
state in the form .of a'legislative ace. They hoped to camplete the build:ing
the first of the year.
Ms`. Meci�►' stated she would like to cou�nend �taff .€or doing this good job
and assembZing,all the facts� to go after these grants.
Ms. Seeger stated thaC Staff had done a good job in projecting the C3.ty's
' needs, and they should be comu�ended. �
D. Lease of Sears ProperCq:
Mr. Boudreat� stated that last year, .throu�h initiation by the Parks 1x
Recreation Commission, they had leased the Sears pruPerty for a snowmobile
area. Since the new snowmobile ord`inanca banned snowmobiles from the
sCreets and other.>gark property, they had been seiccessful in leasing that
property last year. He did not think the land was used too much because
af the lateness in obtaining;-the l.ease. iie stated the Eity had contact�d
Sears again this year to see if they'could get a like iease frocn November
through the end of February/first of March 1979. As of now, they had not
heard from-Sears. '
Mr. Boudre�u sCated he l�ad a cogy of a'letter dated Octol�er 17, 197$, to
the City Manager from W. J`. i�'Io�xis, Coon Rapids Palice Departmes�t, in
which;Mr. Morris stated Chat Coon Ra�ids was finding it hard to loca�e
a large?parcel of local land for recreational purposes, such as aff•ro��-=,
uehie�.es, mini-bikes, and snowmobiles. Their City Councii had appointed
a citizens' committee to explore new sites, and 'the concensus of the
committee was that pr-obably a11 0� the Anoka Cou�ty cosmi►unities were
having the ,same problem. They were'asking other Anoka County couu►uttities
to kave :their City Gouncils appo�nt one person, a n�n-city
employee, so there woul�d be one_membier fran each community in tha caudty and
perhaps one county comnai,ssioner .� 2he purpose of this committee w�ld be
to explore the passibiiities of acquiring land, either by the ieas:�:ng df
pri�ate property or comnon park praperty to be used for off-road vehi.eles..
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Mr, Boudreau stated this was before ,City Council that evening and the out- '
. came of this would greatiy affect Pridley, and waybe they would have an
area designated €or aff-road vehicles, snowmobiles, mini-bikes, within .
�_ the cou�ty area. He believed City Council would be apgointing an
individual'to that'commiCtee, and iie would xeport back at the next
Cammission meeting as to whom that person was.
E. Garden Plots•
Mr. Boudreau statEd that at the .August 2$ Cor�nission meeting, the Ccjmmission
had asked if there was any way to;upgrade the garden plots. He stated they
had aYxeady had several inquiries about whether the city could continue to '
have the garden plots. Mr. Boudreau stated that they were going to have
Che ga�den pl.ots again; they were awa�e of the proiilems, and they were getting
black dirt and trying to put organic ma.terials on the garden plots for �
betCer praduction. They were also looking for addi�a.onal areas for decent
garden plots so they would not have ta �se the section that was washed out
last summer frcma all the rain.
F. Request to'"Innsbruck Townhouse Association:
Mr. Boudr�au stated that last year, through initiation by this Co�ission,
a req�est was sent to the Innsbr.uck Townhouse Association to ask them if
they wc�uld allow the city to use their pathway to get equipment into Farr
Lake to clear and unaintain.the §kating area for the residents. They had �
accomplished this last year`without incident, although the area was not -
�sed a great deal.
Mr. Boudreau stated he had suhmitted a similar letter to Mr. Terzy White,
wt�o was the gresident of the Association last year, asking again for
: permis:sion to utilize that pathway if they were interested i.n Farr Lake
bei�g used for:skating. As of now, the ciCy had not received any answer
to that letter. :
G. Eo�maunication - li. B. Ful ler Co .;
� Mr. Boudreau stated that as the C'ommission recalled, last year H. B. Fu11er
Co. donated trees for the beautification af the parks in the area af
P�.ymouth and Summit:Square. .
Mr. Boudreau stated that he and Mr. La'rs Carlson, Director of Communiey
Affair� at H. B. Fuller,had shared an idea, and he was happy Co see ti�at
H. B. Fuller was foilowing up on that idea. The H. B. Fuller Co: was
gaing to spansor a luncheon on Wednesrlay, November 15, at Georg:e's in
Fridiey for all businesses or for the majority of businesses located in
Frid2e3r . : .
Mr. Boudreau read the letter written by H. B. Fuller regarding the luncheon. '
_ At the luncheon, they wished to discuss the very impressive efforts the
City of Fridley was making ta-improve its parks and recreational facilities �
and the role the companies could play in that development process.
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Mr. Boudreau stated he thought this`was a laudable effort on.the parC of �
� fl. S. Fuller tQ try to open a door for Fridley, and especiall.y for the
: � Parks &:Recreation Department,�irt gain:tng the suppart and constructive
cooperation of the c�npanie�, iocatec3 in Fridley. He sta�ed he wouid
xeport bac.k at ths next�Commission meetin�g on the outcome of this meeti�g.
H. NovemberfDecember Commissian Meeting Dates;
The CoQmaissi.oners agreed to keep the November' 27, 197$, mee�ing. dats.
MOTION by Leonard Moore,, seconded by Betty Mech, to cancel the December`
� uneeti�g and meet on �anuary 15, 1979. Upon a voice'vate, a11 votin$ aye,
Chairperson Peterson declared the motion carried unanimou�ly..
I. Lions Club Bus Donation: . .
Mr. Bo.udreau sCated that sc�me ti�te ago, he had brc>ught to �he �omm3.ssion's �
attention tha. fact tfiat, at �he init�ative of the I.ions Ckub, Che. city
. would a�tempt to ��t the Lions Club bus (that had previously gor�e �.o
the couz�ty) back to the city. ' Mr. Baudreau s�tated that the citq aow ha�d
th� bus per a letter dated October 11 to Mayt�r Nee from Cammissioner '
Mike 0'Bannon. He: stated the city r�a��r had a bus that was equi�ped to
carry mainly senior citiz��s�• and handicapped . Their main, itx�eres t and
� j oy in the bus was that_ soon they,� would have a congregat+e dining prograt� >
- at Pa�kvi;ew School in ccn��unctirna. with the Sa2vation Army and Coumnuni�y ,
Education. They would like ta sCart regular bus routes for picking up
seniors and bringing them home, Witl� the. building going in ,at Islands of
Peace, the bus c�ld also be used in conjunction with the programs that �
served Islands of Peace. The bus�would not be restricted to just use in
Fridley, but Fridley would have priority. They would.�ent tha bus, when
available, to other senior ar ha�dicapped groups in th� county. They wer�
°now working on the guidelines and �he policy to controi what the bus
would :be used for.
Mr. Boudreau stated that, as the Camm:issir�n was aware, it� a letter fran
� the Lions Club, in July, the Lions Club had vated untani,mous:ly to prov�de
the City of Fridley $1,20� for insurance per year for the bus.
J: Coon Rapids Dam Dedication; .
Mr. �c�udreau stated that for those who were not awa�e of it, the Caon
Rapids Dam was noy� open and in opera�ion and looked to be an exeellenC
re�creat3:on area. It was a fine facility.and he would encourage Che
'Commission me�bers to see what was bei�ng done bq their �orthern neighbor.
He tt�t�ught it would help Fridley in 'stirring u►ore moveme�t thrctugh
�'ridiey and also:the utilization of some`of Fridley's £acilities xs a
Gooperative effart with them.
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$. Sliding .Hill at .Common� Park: _ � __
Mr. Boudreau stated that in the past years, the sliding hill had been�
used a great deal. They had some safeCy probletns, because the hill
sloped to Che south and children siid into the snow fence. He stated
they had gone in with'a grader, trying to build some sort of retaining.
wall and trying to dish the:hill out so the slope would go more to the
north and not into the fence. This year's use would tell them if they -
were successful, HopefuZly, it would be a safer facility and a useable
sliding hi11 for the tots. ,
A. F.Y.S.A. Rerport/Request:
Mr. G1enn Van Hulzen stated that the FYSA programs had;gone very smaothly'
the past:year due ta the supgort and cooperation o€ the Parks & Recreat�on _
Depart�aent. He gave a special thank-you for the improvements made on -
Che football field. _
Mr. Van Hulzen s�ated that the Fridley Little League had asked the FYS.A
if Lhey �ould bec �ne a division of the FYS�#. Tha formal presentatian was the August meeting, and th� FYSA did approve aeceptance of the
Fr�.dley Little I,eague. They felt that the combination of the two �
arganizations would provide a better baseball program for the children -
of Fri.dley in the fut�re. Because of this recor�ez�dation and acceptance
of the FridTey Little League by the FYSA; the FYSA was requesting the ��
��ame kinti of suppo�t frcym the Rarks & Recreation Com�issian as the FYSA
had always gotten in the other'spnrts:
Mr: Uan Hulzen stated.`that the Fridley Little League had a,lease agree-
ment on the �ittle league fields`and this Ied to the item the Commissioners -
had entitled, "FYS,A Proposals for Parks & Recreation Commission Consid�ration".
tJne o� �hose was (1} Terniination of present Little League and City agree-
� ment. Other particular needs that'needed to be looked at quite closely
would include the impravements on the.fietd, buildings, dugouts, all donated :
bq Fridley Little League. He thought it stated in the lease that this
was to`be campensa�ed by an aceepted amount an termination of this lease. ,
The FYSA looked upon it as a consideration that, if they received the
cooperation, this wou7,d probably be bypassed in this case to terminate
the lease and operate under a cooperative venture. This venture would
inciude (2) �.ittle League will schedule use of present £ields with .
Parl•�-& RecreaCion Department. The main concern was that the Little League
` nvt lose use of these fields. The City would banefit, too, because those
tields would be available for other use� whenever possible.
Mr. Van Hulzen read items 3-8 0€ �he "FYSA Proposals for Parks & Recr$ation :
Commissian Considexation".
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� Mr, Ven Hulzen:stated that'attached'was a list of the Little Le�gue x�les.
�' �ie �ranted ttte be aware, of � the types of rules the Little
League had opera�ed under in Che past. The�e were adc�„tic�nal rules to
� the standard little league rules. He asked the C�un�ssioti to note:Item �3:
? "Every player on the maj�r league roster-will play a minimum af 9 defensive
outs and have at least on�e tiu�e at bat in each game.;.r`Games•in which any ttam
does not com�ly with t�ti`s rec�uirement shall be forfeited by that .team."
Mr. Peterson stated that the Fridley Litil� Leagu� and �he FYSA should get
together with legal counsel to work out the iegal details to be preseated ,
to City Council for City Council action. :
Mr. Baudreau stated that in working with Mr. Van Hulzen, he felt it was .
another effort to join co�perative £orces to provide sports for the youth
in Fridley. He eould find �othing objectionable about the grograsn. The
City had no problem ix� maintaining the fields in Lh� sw�mner, because o£
additional part-time staf£.
Mr. Peterson asked abaut the traetor and other equipment own�,�� the
Little League. '
Mr. Va� Hu�.aen stated he thvught the equ�,pment would re�a�.n as� Littie
League graperty. He did noC know if that would be turned over to the city ;
n/'`� � at this time.� They were talking about the turning over of existing imgrove- •
� ment$ on the Little League f£elds. :
Mr. Boudreau stated he would be interested in the equi�ment being turned
over to the city if the equi.pment was in work3ng condition.
Mr. Van Hulzen.�tated this had �ot been discussed with the comouittee, but
could be:discussec� at a laCer time.
MOTION by Jan Seeger, seconded by Ro�i.n Suhrbi�er, to aecept the .FYSA •
report and to include th� item about the tractor and equipment, Staff
and FYSA tv pursue it.through legal counsel. Upon a voice vote, all ,
voting aye, Chairperson Peterson declared the mation carried unanimousl�. �
Mr. Peterson stated they should come bacl� to the Commission with the legal:
opiniox� on how it was going to be handled. They could then pass it an
ta City Cour►cil,
Mr. Van Hulzen stated the second proposal he had was a.recammen+dation,by
the 1�YSA for the terminaeion of the current fee system that all the
athletic associati4ns paid for [he use of existing city £ie�ds and
�acilfties_. The FY,SA �tas prbgosing that they contribute a mutuallg�agreeable
' aiflount to the Parks & Recreation Department to be used only as agresd
upon by the F'YSA and.-fihe=Parks & Recreaticra Department for major park
: im{�xavements mutuaiiy uCilized by FYSA and Paric$ &�ec�eation DepartmertC .
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.• Mr. Bc►udreau� stated t,hat ��e ti�me it wa� brought up at the July meeting,
it �as suggested that Staf� get tt►gether with the FYSA a�td HAF ta see -
if the HAF was also intere�ted in Chis type of thing. He stated he ;
had talked �o boEh; and th�: �IIAF, at this point in time, said they, would :
accegt the agree�ent as ft was now written. Mr. Jacic Hansen thought ` `.
the -HAl� would be interested ain coming back with a similar: proposal: for •
the 19$0 season. But, th� FYS�1, going into the 1979 season, would Zike
ta make a separate praposal as a separate organization. He had talked
with M�. Yan HuZzen acid t�ey were looking at how:-to have a yearly donation
af "x" amount cs£ dallars frc>m the FYSA for ;capital i.mprovement for facilities
prfa�rfly used by the Fri�ley,youth or under the FYSA jurisdiction (8-16
years a�' age) . it raould �e a separate fund, not in the budget.
Mr. Peterson:stated he thaught the Commfs5ion had reguested that the �
FYSA and 'HAF get together anci come back with a cc�on proposal for the
Cvc�aission to act on, and he thought it wouid be out of arder to go aver
t�is ag�i�s>when those-instructiaus were not carried out.
Mx. Van Hulzen sta�ed tl�e FYSA was looking at a:particu2ar a�ount to �
contribute to �t�e k'arks �;Recreation Department: for the 2979 season.
The problem they would have was;timzng and the consideration af the
Co�unissian was neEded 4n this point to allow them to begin this partic�lar
issue £or the 1979 seasan. They were recommending $2,500 contribution
tv the city to cover FYSA sports. The HAF-was a ccsmpleCely separate
organi.z�t�:on and fell t�nder anather category because of the trsmendaus /'�
expenses in �ockey. . . !
Mr. Boudreau stated thaC one advantage was that the city �aouldn't have •
� a"user f�e" which �any af the residents resented. A second advantage
was that they wauld have $2,500 earmarked each year to be used in cases •
such as resadding the €aotball field ar replacement of l�ghts. It was
, a di��natian in a separate fund thaC was ;over and above eity Couneil ��;
agproval or disapproval. This amount would equate to the current "user
,fee" th� people were naw p�ying.
,Mr. Van i3,ulzen asked if the Commission would accept $2,500 as payment
fram the FYSA in place of the "user fee"?
Mr. Peterson asked �f this could be bron�ht back to the November meeting
so't�ie Camm3.ssianers eou2d think about it.
Mr. Va� iiulzen statest thaC wou�d be acceptable.
_ �
M�, Boudreau stated' that he aAd:Mr. Ya� �r�lzen would write up a foruial �
proposa�;.;. :
� " . . � � • i
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� C. Ruth Circle Hockey Rink - Mr. Darrel Nystrom, Residents . '
1�r.�Nystrom read a letter he wrQte to the Parks & Recreation Commission
' dated October 23, proposing that the Ruth,Circle hockey boards that were
removed fram Ruth Cirele Park be re installed as soon as possible. His
reasons are defined below: •
"L. No notice that these boards were to be removed were given to
. the residents prior to their removal; leaving us unable to
respond until after�they were gone. i don't think something
we already have should be taken from us without our approval.
"2. Without these boards, non-hockey'playing skaters will be endangered
by hockey pucks, sticks, and hockey players.
-"3. Our area is isolated from most of Fridley by xailroad tracks, the
river, and Coon Rapids. This lea��s us without hackey'facilities
almost entireiy.
���+. The �Ruth Circle Park rink was virtually used 100P/, of the time
during open hours last year. '
- "5. When considering where to place hockey rinks, Mr. Boudreau stated
Co me:that the HAF recommended that Ruth Circle Park's rink could
/'� � be closed." .
Mr. Nystrom stated in h�s letter that there were 29,233 people in Fridley, � .
of those only b00 or 2% were HAF participants. There were 6,312 school-age .
• children in Fridley, of those only 1�, were HAF participants. There were
7 rinks designated for HAF anrl only 2 rinks designated for recreational ,
hockey. This gave 28,633 people two rinks to play hockey on and 600 people
seven rinks to play hockey on. He stated that the Parks � Recreation Depart-
ment should s�rve the coffnnunity as a whole"and not let a,certain select few
dictate where or how facilities should be allocated.
' Mr. Peterson declared a semi-public hearing so that anyone who wished to
speak could do so at th3s time. .
Mr. Boudreau clari£ied for those in attendance that the rinks were not
designated by the HAF. The HAF came to the city saying they needed "x" �
amount of rinks to operate their program. Mr. Boudreau stated that there
would be 10 rinks available in the City of Fridley, eight would be basically
for the HAF, butthose rinks would be open on weekends. The two open rinks
could be reserved at any time.
Mr. Peterson stated that the �IAF used the eight rinks.basically from 6:30-
9:30 p.m., so the rinks were open to the general public after school until
6:30 p.m.
�� Mr. Joseph Schonner, 543 Janesville St., staCed that Springbrook was about;
�'� 1'� blocks from his house. His children used to use that ska�ing rink until
it was replaced by a tennis court. So, his children were going over to
�� Ruth Circle to play hockey. With the hockey boards gone, it would not be
� safe wiCh just snow piled up for his younger girl to skate,there. . .
.4� � .. . . . .
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Ms. Lee Ann Sporre, 295 Tronton St., stated that there were a lot of kids . �
at the meeting thaC used the hockey facilities. She stated she did use _
Che'skating rink and�had benefited by having the boards there. This was
a densely, populated part of Fridley and there were a large number of people
involved in this area. She stated they shauld not have to come before the
Commission to defend their faeilities. It was the general feeling of the
neighborhood that '�what else are they going to .take out?" They resented '
having to come down and make these arguments over and over. •
Mr. B oudreau stated that by being in the park business, they tried to
spend the citizens' money in the most economical and efficient way they
could andsti�l have a program for the youth. He stated that the ice
would stilZ be at Ruth Circle for hackey playing and.skating. On two
rinks in the city where they had snow berming, the kids still played
hocl�ey. He had six full-time and four.part-time maintenance people and
they were charged with maintaining 32 pieces of ice, whether general or
rink. It taok five times as long to maintain a rink with boards as it
did to maintain the general areas without boards. Ae stated they were
looking at how to reduce maintenance and still have ice areas. Granted,
they did cooperate with the HAF, but in turn these people were citizens
of Fridley who put in many volunteer hours teaching a Iot �of youngsters
how to play hockey. - •
G1enn Seeger, Tony Schroeder, Aeidi Officer, Kory Jorgenson, Michael Cooper,
and C�is Doodry were some of the young people in attendance at the meeting.
They made the following comments: "The ice rink was_always packed, especially �
on weekends. If there was just snow piled up,..people were going to get
hurt and windows broken. If people got hurt, it would cost money for .
stitches. If they had to walk to Madsen Park, it would cost more mor�ey �
for their pa.rents to drive them back and forth than the cost of h,aving
�' the boards back up. If they had to walk, they could xuin expensive skates." ,
Mr.�Nystrom stated that there were enough people in that area of Fridley
to justify their hockey rink over and above any of the other areas. They
paid enough money to the City of Fridley to have hockey in their area,
Mr..Boudreau stated that there were 22 pocket areas in Fridley who could
make that same statement. ' � �
Mx. Charles Seeger, 324 Ironton SC., stated that at one time the neighbor-
hoad had volunteered to buy the park and maintain it themselves, He stated
ChaC they should not have to come down and fight for something that was
once there and had bee� t�ken away.
Mr. $oudreau stated that a list of ice rink-and hockey rink locations
was handed out to the Commission at their July meeting. It showed 22
areas to be pxovided and 10 hackey rinks. The Commission had approved
those areas.
. .
, � . .- �-'�P1�3F�� '� =R ItJ:AT�'ON �E�ihtISSIt1N 1��TING ' i�TU73ER" 23 T978 .. =, . . FAGE. li ,
:� .:
Ms. Seeger stated that the Co�nission's feelings were very strang that
�- skatin;� and hockey were two af the few things citizens garticipated in �
; � during �he �inter months. •
Mr.�Peterson stated thaC m�yb�..the CFnnmissian should take another look
at it. He thought what Mr`. Boudreau �oinked out was true. The Co�ission
�iid look at the recommend'ation in.,7uly and did eoncur. He poi.nted ouC
that ;�ust because a ptogram was on�e begun did not mean it was cast in
concrete. Ae liked to think that the Com�nission and t�e Staff were '
, se�sit�.�re enough `�d 2�ttune to the needs in the cammunity to ¢hange the
progx�am .
Mr. Boudreat� stated that in reviewing the' us,�ge, Ru�h Circle ranteed 9tlt
out of 12 �:ast year, There were 3 lvwer arid 8 higher, according Co
warming house afitendants' figures. It was strictiy an �conomic measure
in trying to consolidat�"so there were less rinks to maintain. �
Mr. �iansen stated that on behalf of the HAF, he would like to say that
`� the HAF had no decisions whatsoever as to which hockey rinks should be puC
up or taken down. It was strictly up to the Couunission to fnake:that
decision. He stated �hat`th� kids here Cona:ght were in the Caon Rapids
schoal�distriet and th�y had aa opportunitg his son did not ha�re and that
• was they had the choice of ei..thez pl�aying in Coon Rapids or Fridiey.
� Mr . Retexson asked I�ir . 8oudreau :tci pass around tl�e sheet of suggested
iioekey and ice areas for`the 1978-1979`season that the Commission had
r„� voted'on at the July meeting: .
r Mr: Moore asked why the HAF did not use Ruth G�xcle:Park? •
� . Mr. Ransen stated they tried to use parks'more centrally located within .'
� Che city. Cln behalf of the HAF, he would recommend �hat� Co�atssio�
t' � did decide to gut the boards hack up at Ruth Cirele tttat they not ailow '
� Coon�Rapids` organiaed hockey associations to register ar reserve that
rink. It should be anly fo� people in Fridley.
;MOTION by Jan Seeger, seconded by Leonard Moore, to clase the puhlic ,
hearing at 9:15 p.m. _Upan a voice vote, all voting aye, Chairpersc�m -
Peterson declareci the public:hearing closed at 9:15 g:m.
MOTION hy Jan Seeger, seconded by Leonard Moore, to recommend that the
boards at Ruth Circle Park be reinstated and that the young people who
participated in Che gublic h�aring be coctsnended. Upon a.:voice vote, all
; voting aye, ChairpersQn Peterson declared the motion carri.ed unani�►ously.
� 1
�: Mr. Peterson stated that hes too, wouid to thank the young men and •
� women who spoke at'the meet�ng. It;was great to see yo�ng peaple get
� � involved in the poliCical process, and they should he c�cunended for
� c oming, down . .
; Mr. $c�udreau stated that the Cocnmissfon met the fourth Monday of ev�ry � �
month, and they waul,d be more than glad�to have citfzehs come �to the
a� mestings ta see oth�r decisions made also. They were looking far neighbor-
'�'`� hoad improvement and nei�hborhoQd input.
� � ` : :
f . . .
� .
, .
_ . , � .
, ,. ::
M�. Nystrom reqnested that he be sent a capy o£ the agenda each month
and he wbuld noCify'his ne�ghbors. '
M�.�PeCeraon thanked everyo�e £or eosning.
B . H .A .F . Report • �
t+fr. Peterson stated that he wanted Mr. Aansen to know that the Co�ission
did�appreciate him and the HAF and Mr. Van Hulzen and ehe FYS,A.
Mr. Hansen hanfled out copies of the new "HAF Parent/Member Handbook". He
stated there�some changes the Camn►a,ssion might want to look at; but,
basically, it was the same as last year.
Mr. Hansen stated that registration was completed, and he wanted to thank
the_Parks & Recreation Department for giving help during the day. They
had 400 boys, approximately 12 house le�.gues and 7�raveling teams; .
250 girls, 90 in the Jr. division and 60 in the 5r. division. Because
af the declining enrollment, they had decided to drop a B Squirt traveling
team, one B Pgei�ee traveling, and one B Banta�. This was primarily to
: take some funds that they had_for the traveling Co inerease the house
program. This year with the hous.e Ieague, they were cambining with �
� Blaine, Sgring Lake Park, and CenCennial, to make it into a north division`
M an� a• south division. 3.'hey had dropped the policy of spending money for �
t�eaphies. The groposed rules for the combined leag�e were al� accepted` /1
'. accarding to the HAF's guidelines. One thing they d�id this year was make
f�ce masks mandatory €or house 2eague and broomball�. .�
,�.3�Ir. Hans.en stated thatthis year, to alleviate problems, they were going ��
�: td desi,gnaCe parks. Basiaally, they would use Commons, Logan, Locke,
Sylvan, and Hayes, be�ausE they were centrally located. Madsen and
Grace would be used anly i€ needed. There woul.d be no fund raisers this
year for the fiouse league people. The trav�ling teams would d;o it.a11
�bp themseZves.
Mr. Hansen stated that in the handout this year, they had proposed a
coaches' clinic and player devel.opm�nt guidelines. They had the coachas'
clinic and it was very successful. At their last membership meeting,
th�y had a recommendation from tI�e flaor that they start emphasizing
_ certain chfld-development by age groups in order to better standardize
coaching. Next year, they would advertise through the Parks & Recreation
DegartmenC and open it up to all coneerned parents to try to get more
participaCion. flis reccmmn�e�3dation was to send the newsletter to all
parents, �ot to just thvse in HAF. �
Mr. Hansen stated that again this year, they would have the instructional
'hockey program--9 hrs. for $i5. Last year it was 10 hrs. for $25. It
would be starting in November. . � �
• - � r.
� �
� . � . . � . . � . . . � _ G I
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�; = . •
: � -PARKS & �CRFA�I�ON C01�tiSSION M�ETII�tG (3CTdBEi� 23 -1978 - FA�K 13 :
, ,
; .
� • .. .
i,� �ir. iianset► sGated that at this time },ast year,' Mr. Boudreau made the
comnitment Co the Pa�ks & Recrea:tion:Cvmmission that the Parks'& Recreatiaa �
Depar�m��tt he7:p reimt�urse � the tiouse le�gue playo€fs . At this time, he :
, di:d not know what Ci�e piayoff situatioa was going tQ be, but he thought
the f�nc�ing wouLrl be ab�at the.: same as "last xear. it woutd .only be�ti for
houste league; kids, �o traveling.� Again the i�tAF would schedule and. hire :
_� _ _ � ,
; the referees, and Che Parks & R�creatio� Department wou�,d o.k.:;�hem��as •
1 as C ye,�r . ,
Mr. Hansen stated that as far as Che FYSAIHAF donations for capital
�mprovem�nCs, he had not<gotten;into it yet because they;fiharl been very
' busy. That c.QUld be le€t ug t+� i�r. Van Huizen, Mr. Boudr�au and him���.f.
; Again this year, the HAF would be payirig Che $2 per�registrant.
Mr. Petersan stated Chat the HAF:;�was to:be commended.
Mr."Hansen sCated that all deci�ions made and guideli�es tollowed'were
made through input fram the ques,�ionnaires that were'':sent ouC:: He
stated the questionnaires would be sent out again this year.
M�,dTIQN by RQbin Suhrbier, seconded by Jan Seeger, to receive Mr. i���sen's
report and the material presented-on the HAF program. Upon a voi�e vv�e,
� a11 voting aye, Chairpersan P�terson declared the motion carried unani��usXy.
__ _-
_ ...._ ._ _� �_ .
/`\ D. Faci�ity Use Request - Mr. Steven True: � -
Mr. Boucireau read a leCter dated` September 19, 197$, from Mr. Stev�n �rue
� in wh�ch i�r. True requested the use of the lighted foothall.field a�
Cammons Fark on Sunday, October l, from 7:30-9:30 p.m. .
yMr . Boudreau, s,tated that, lacka,ng , an�:: established palicy to fotlow, : he ,
` �ad nt�tified Mr. True thaC this wouid' be broughC ta the Caa�maissian at
, their Se}stember meeting. As thera was no September`meetii�g, he had ,
; infnrmed Mr. True that no acCion was taken'. Mr. Boud�eau stated they �
. needed some guideiines because they were getting this kind af' reguest
time after time. Did the_Commissipn wish to have a charge for fac3.lity •
-\ usage? If so, what should that charge be2 He stated that �he Commissioners
had a capy of the 1978 Fee ScheduZe -for the. Cit� of Maplewood .
? ,Mr. Peterson stated he had a problem in denying Mr..True's request when
the soccer �ield was being used for hours and hours by WoodcresC Baptist
� Church .
} � �
j NIx. Boudreau�stated thaC if they estabiished a fee schedule, it wvuldj
; hold true for everyone who used park facil'ities.
� � MOTI4N:l�y Betty Mech, se�onded by Leonard Moore, to direct M�.:�Ba+�d�€au
to come up wi,th a fee schedule to be brought back to the next`Gommiss#.on
� Upon a voics vo�e:, al1 vo�ing aye, Chairgerson Beterson.c]eclared '
� /'1 ths �►otian ca�rried unacti�ruslJ►. •
j;� : . >`
� .
� �
. • , �
, . �
. . . . - , ,�
� � �� � � . � E � � � � �� �
_ �"\
�II. �.D BUS2NESS: - . • •
A. Lioas C1ub Request 7/23/78: � •
� Mx. $oudreau stated that in,:tt�e letter of.July 13 in:which the Lions -
Club�stated they`would unde�cwrite $1,240 for irisurance for the bus, the,y
had also stated that the Lians Club had long been active in-
communi.ty involvement and they toak a special pride in working closely
. wiEh the Parks � Recreation Department. Their special interest had been �.
in the development of Moore Lake Park and several projects had been funded
. by the F�idley Lions Club. They were requesting that the Commission
cansider re�xaming the park, Moore Lake Lions Park. Mr. Boudreau stated
that the Cammission deferred consideration of this until the bus was in
hand, and the.bus had now been turned over to the City o£ Fridley. �
MX. Peterson suggested that this consideration of the renaming af Moore
Lake Park be put on the I�ovember agenda to see if they could get same
� neighbozhood inpu�.
Mr. Boudreau �tat�d that they were looking a t the development of facilities
such as the Sears property, and H. B. Fuller speaking to businesses
� about eooperating in the development process of the parks. If they
were going to get donations to assist them in the �ark system, he thought
they•would have ta start calling facilities by other names. There were
Lians Club parks in cities across the eovntry. The,only caution would: �
'� be that the Gommission and City Gouncil dictate what was the park
a�d what the park was to be used £or. • .
�. Mr. Peterson s:tated h� agxeed with that statement and it was something �
tQ consider. . �
�B.' Disc�ssion of Poss�ble Facility:Use Fee Schedule:
---�- . _
Discusssd in Item D under "New Business"..
C. Farr Lake Access; ` �
M�. Boudreau stated that at the August meeting, the question was raised
abcEut wh�ther there was:any access to Farr Lake without c�tting across
n�:ighbors' yards. He stated that the �ity had property access on the
north and did have access at the end of the culdisac, but those were
.�he only public aecesses.
Ms.. Suhrbier state� that the question was if there was access,,fro�n {
� East Danube fram the neighb�rrhood"into the.park, !
Mr. Boudreau stated there was not. �
Ms. Suhrbier stated that a sig,n should be put'up in Farr Lake Park
� idenCifying iC as a city park as some of the townhouse residents considered /'1:
it their,pnrk. • � .
>_ �-
. . .
�=,�., _ .
� .
,� _
. . �
• D. Slcating Area at Noxth innsbruck: .
,j Ms. Suhrb�er stated she was xe�uesting ttfat the City again flood the , •
. 13ttle �rea bei�ind the homes tc� service the ne�ghborhood with a skating
- area.
Mr. $oudreau stated they had flooded the:area twice last year. He stated :
that sanewhere a line �tad to be dr�wn as to what the city should service -
anci to what extent. He stated Ghere were other geople in Fridley who
could claim this same problem. Hekad six full-tiu�e and four part-time:
maiatenance people, and they had a big r esponsibility trying to maintain
so-many pieces of ice during the winter months. Mr. Boudreau stat�d
that before they went in this y+�ar, he would•wane writte� permission ,
that allowed them Co go in so they �tould be covered legal.ty at�,d were
not responsible for any injuries on the ice. They could assist if tim+e
allowed and.if they had the manpower, �
Mr. Petersori s�ated t�t they �hould get a'proper iegal opinion frrmt �
. Mr. Virgil Herrick. . . ,
; ADJ4tiRN1�.NT: , .
i� MUTIUN by Betty Mech, second�d by Leonard Moore, to adjo�rn the meetiag.
"�` Upon. a voice vote, a12 voting aye, Chai.rperson i'etsrson declared th�
October 23, 1978, Parks & Recreatian Commission meeting
1Oz30 p,,m. . .
Respect:fully submiCted,., ,
�- �
� • L e Saba
Recording Secretary . .
. .� . .
� � � . � � � � . . � . . � . � . � .. � � . � . . . . . . F, .
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, � � l�. . . ... � � . � . � . � . . � . ., . � _ . � . � � � � � �. � . .
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. . . . . y: � . � .. ... .. . . '.,i.. .�� ' . . . . . � .. � �.
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� ' �� �
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• r
Mike Moroz 289 Ely St. N:.E . �
R�nneth 3orgenson 810X Ruth Circle • `'
Donald Hof f � 215 Liberty 8 t. N.E . I
Joseph Schoam►er 543 Janesville St. N.E. � �
Janell Freeman 273 Elq S:t . N.E .
8obert Freeman 273 Ely �t . N.E . ,
Robert Venne 8118 RuCh St. N.E. �
Tony S�hroeder 290 Ironton St. N.E. �
Lee Ann Sporre 295 Ironton St . N.E ." . �
� Kelley Lobash _ 314 Ironton St. N.E.
Seidi: Of ficer . 315 Hugo St . N.E . `
Cris Doodry 344 ironton St . N.E . j
Michael Cooper 301 Ironton S t.� N.E . �
� Doug Cooper � 301 Iranton St . N.E .
John Sowada 243 Ely St. N.E:
Todd Minbur 261 �ly St. N.E.
Steven Cooper � 301 Ironton St. N.E.
Glenn Seeger 324 Ironton St. N.E.
Tim Sporre 295 IronCon S t. N.E .
Theresa Vescio 1.90 Ironton St. N.E.
Todd Sehroeder 290 Ironton St. N.E. ��
Dan Zaczkowski 314 Hugo St. N.E. . i
Daaa Nystrom � 248 Ely St. N.E. .
Mike Schomu►er 543 Jan�sville St. N.E.
Kreg Lobash; 314 Ironton St. N.B.
Kory Jorgensan 8101 Ruth Circle
Mfke Moroz 289 Sly St. N.E.
Daron �Tystrom 248 Ely St. N.E.
Jef� lioff 215 Liberty St . N.E .
Charles Seeger 324 Ironton St. N.E.
Ed Basil P'YBA �
Darwin Klockers FYSA '
` �
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