PR 11/27/1978 - 31241�
, " 1�ETING
ppyEMBER 27, 1978
1�'�ERS PRESENT: Bob Peterson, Robin 8uhrbier, Leonard Moore, Bettq IMiech
l�t�ffiERS ABSENT: Jan Seeger
OTiiERS PRESENT: Charles Boudreau, Parks � Recreation Director
Jack Rirk, P�ogram Director
Brad Horner, U. of M. Intem
Chairperson Peterson called the meeting to order at 7:35 p.m.
MLfTION by Leonard Moore, seconded by Betty Mech, to approve the October 23,
� 1978, Parks & Recreation Coum►ission mi.nutes as written. Upon a voice vote,
� a11 voting aye, Chairperson Petersoa declared the motion carried unanimously.
The following item was added to the agenda under "New Business":
A. Meetings Scheduled for Next Year
MOTION by Leonard Moore, seconded by Beety Mech, to approve the agenda as
aanended. Upon a voice vote, all votiag aye, Chairperson Peterson declared
tite motion carried unaaimously.
A. H. B. Fuller Luncheon
Mr. Boudreau stated that as the Commission knew, H. B. Fuller Company had
sponsored a luncheon on November 25 for the City at George's in Fridley.
fle taas happy to report that nine companies were represented from the
Fridley area. Fram their estimation and viewpoint, the luncheon went
very well and they had the opportunity to explain the city's programs and
hand out questi:onnaires. He stated one questionnaire had been returned
from Kurt Manufacturing Company. That company had suggested that if the
City would send them a number of brochures, they would distribute the
«� l�rochures to each employee. Mr. Boudreau stated that because the city
did have the liberal work rule<on most of its activities, many of those
�� people, even if they'did not live ia Fridley, might want to participate in
scme of the activities.
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Mr. Boudreau stated that Mr. Rirk's fdea was also well received and that
was that maybe someoae:from the city could go out to the campany when ttte
programs were new, explain the programs to the employees during the lunch
hour, and have sign-up oa the company grounds. �
3!�s�. Boudreau stated that, ia the long run, theq might get. sa�e other off-
shoot benefits fram the luncheon. S. B. Fuller had again expressed they
�►ould like to$$,OOO.for the tree program. He stated it was
very nice of the H. B. Fuller Co. to think enough of the city to be
willing to underwrite a luncheon for as many as did come. It was a start
and maybe the next year, there would be a bigger and better audience.
Oaatt had indicated they could not be at the luncheon, but the person in
c]sarge of Co�nnunity Affairs had requested that Mr. Boudreau and Mr. Kirk
came to see him and explain what had happened at the luncheon. He and
Mr. Kirk planned to meet with Onan's in the near future.
l�ir. Peterson suggested that maybe for the next year, the city could ask
the Lions Club to sponsor.the luncheon and have the city send out the
iavitations to all the•companies in Fridley (the Chamber of Co�erce had
a list of all the companies ia Fridley). He was sure there were a lot of
•cempanies that were not contacted. Bp having the city extend the invitation
and with the Lions sponsoring it, there might be a lot more people involved.
Idr. Boudreau stated that was a super idea. H. B. Fuller might want to co- �
spoasor this luncheon: He would make a note of Mr. P eterson's suggestion
for next year . : _ _. _ .
B. Lease of Sears Property .
Mr. Soudreau stated that in regard to a letter from the city to Sears agiin
requesting the leasing of the Sears property for a snowmobile area, the
city had now received an answer from Sears. The letter stated that they
apologized for not responding sooner, but were delayed until they had
resolved business matters for the Fridley property. They were advising the
Mtq that they were in the process of selling the property and said sale
should be consummated in the very near future. They were passing this
information on to the purchaser so the pmchaser would be aware of the
citq's request. At this time, they were not able to diwlge ths purchaser's
aame, but were sure the city would be hearing froan the purchaser soon.
Mr. Boudreau stated that any lease the city might have for snowmobiling
for this year would probably have to come from the purchaser, and if the �
sale fell through, maybe Sears would still lease it to them.,
C. R�th Circle Hockey Rink
Mr. Boudx,;�au stated that, as requested by the resi�ents, a hockey rink
with boards had now heen placed at Ruth Circle and it was being flooded.
He stated that an agenda should have been sent to Mr. Nystrom, who had
requssted to receive a copy of each month's agenda.
D. Flooding of Innsbruck Area/Farr Lake Access
Mr. Boudreau stated he had not yet heard from the Farr Lake people to see
if the city had access to the lake this year.
Mr. Boudreau stated he had fallawed up on the Commission's request to get
a legal opinion from Mr. Virgil Herrick regarding the flooding of a skating
area behind the homes at North Innsbruck. Mr. Herrick had stated that
before the city could go in there, they would aeed a letter of au:thorization
fran the homeowners:giving the city the authority to cross the homeowners'
land and also holding the city harmless.
Ms. Suhrbier stated that a few residents had discussed this and they had
agreed that they would like the city attorney to write tfie letter so it
:,,.., �ould be in the right legal laaguage, and then the residents would sign it.
�� Mr.'Peterson stated that Mr. Herrick could write up a lease for that area
with all the legal protection the city wanted, and then when the residents
s,igned it, the city would be protected.
Mr.'Boudreau stated he sti11 questioned the thought aad the theory of
t,the�ther the city wanted to get into this type of operation. He was merely
asking the Commission to think about it before they coQUmitted the small
crew:;for ice maintenance to go in and flood areas in people's back yards.
He sympathized with this area, but there were other areas in the city that
could claim the same problem. What would happen if the city got 20 more
xequests like this one? They may not get another request, but if they did,
the Cc�mi§sion ought to be ready to face up eo"that request.
Mr. Peterson stated that Mr. Boudreau's point was valid. To protect them-
selves, if they were going to use city equipment in getting invoived in
putting a skating rink on private property, with the lease that property
reallg became city property during the skating season and they should
hav� a protective claase in the lease sp the rink did not get restricted
in'use. That was' the city's protection for any other situation, too.
Sometme else might want to have a rink,put in their back yard, but might
not want to do it when the point was brought out that the riak then became
city property and anyone could skate on it. '
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Mr. Boudreau stated he would have Mr. Herri�k write up the ietter and
trould get it ta Ms. Suhrbier.
Ms. Suhrbier asked if ti�e neighborhood could pay and have the Fire Dept.
came aut and flood the area. Other coaa�unities did that.
Mr. Boudreau atated that Ms. Suhrbier couid investigate that possibility
t�ith Mr. Bob Aldrich of the Fize Dept.
8. Program Report
Mr. Rirk stated that the fall activities:were now ending. He wanted to
bring up one activity that had mediocre success in the past but was reallq
successful this year (credit going to Mr. Brad Hoxner who coordinated it),
aad that was the Turkeq Shoot. PaEents and children participated in
differeat events. There were approximately 65 teams and quite a number of
apectators. Peaple were very happy with the famiiy activities.
Mr. Kirk stated there had been quite a few questions in the last year
regarding the prograaaning at North Park School. He and Mr. Boudreau had
met with the Columbia Heights Recreation Department to find out what
Colvmbia Heights was doing and to Le11 them some of the plans Fridley had.
The decision was reached that Fridley would coatinue with the suum�er play-
grouad program there as was done in the past. In the fall, Columbia Heights �'
had ao activities scheduled and were not anticipating any, so Fridley would
offer after-school activities in the fail. In the winter and spring, �'
Colnunbia Heights had programs after school and would like to continue with
Lhose programs. At that time, if Fridley was goiag to offer anything,
they would check with Columbia Heights to make sure they were not offering
for the same age group. If there was another age group that Fridley could
service, Columbia Hei�hts was not opposed to that. Both were concemed that the
services were being offered,� it did not matter who was offering those
Mr. Boudreau stated thep had also told Columbia Heights Recreation Depart-
meat that any programs Fridley offered or any programs that Columbia Heights
affered at that location were not restricted to those students in that
school, but to any Columbia Height resident and any Fridley resident with a
noa-resident fee waived. Columbia Heights had agreed to that.
Mr. Rirk stated that when Columbia Heights offered programs in that area,
Lbey would be sure that all the residents in the area were cantacted and
Fridley would do the same.
1�ls�. Rirk stated that the senior citizens had a new project calle d the
Congregate Dining project. It would be starting on December 6th at Parkview
at 12:00 p,m., Mon.-Fri. It was a cooperative venture with the Parks �
Recreat�.on Department, Fridley Coa�unity Education, and the Salvation Army.
The only requirement for the senior citizens was that they make a reserva-
tirnn two working days in advance. There was no charge for the senior /'1
citizens, but contributions were accepted, The charge was $1.65 for those
SO yrs. of age aad youager, and they also must make reservatioas. I
Mr. Petersc�n stated that as a Planning Comnission member, he had received
a�t iavitation to partfcigate in the Congregate Dining program. He thought
that.since this Com�nission was involved, it would be nice for each of the
members to receive this invitation. He asked Mr. Kirk to check into doiug
that. He stated it would be nice if the members could go to Parkview for
a meal a� they were a part of it and the}► could see what'was going on.
i�St. Boudresu stated they would check into'that right away. fle stated
that the Cangregate Dining program was a great step forward for Fridley.
Mr. Rirk stated that Ms. Bergquist had been talking with the Com�unity
8ducatian Department, and they were going to t=y to plan a lot of senior
citizen activities around the lunch
Mr. Kirk stated that one upcamiag program was the "Visit with Santa"
co-sponsored with the Lions Club. It would be in the Community Room II
� Dec. 16-Dec: 22. Aloug with that, they would a�ain have the "Letter
Hotline to Santa", Dec. 11-15 and;Dec. 18-22, 8:00-5:00 p.m.
Mr. Rirk stated they were going to have a winter playground program again
this year the week betweea Christmas and New Years for a couple of hours
each day with.outdoor games. It would be worked out so there would be
indoor facilities for warming ug. They had approximately 30 children at
/�\ each location last year.
- k' \ . � . . � � . .. � .
-�°- Mr. Rirk stated that winter sports would be starting in another week.
They were going to have couples' volleyball, men's volLeyball, women's
volleyball, and basketball in both open and fun leagues. League play
w�ould begin with a practice game the next week and something they were
going to institute this year was a qualifying round which equalized
the ca�petition for everyoae. They would try to do this with all the
Mr. Rirk stated that the brochure for the winter recreaCional program
for instructional activities and' after-schooi activities wouZd be mailed
out starting Jan. 8. Registration would begin on Jan. 15; programs would
begin on J an. 29. The programs would run approximately 10-12 weeks.
> Mr. Boudreau stated this was a change from last year. In the past, they
had run a spring, fall, winter, and summer program. After much brain-
atorming and talking with participants, they came up with the following
achedule. Since the last of February and March were long and there were
not many activities, this year they were going to try combining and have
a late winter/spring tqpe of program, running it 2-4 weeks longer, than
what the winter program would have run, going into the middie of April.
That would give them the early spring sports such as golf, tennis, that
wouid end about the first of June. Then the suum�er program would begin
June 20. They were going to try this new schedule this year and hoped it
would be well accepted. � �
l�ir. Kirk stated that all the state-wide Pizza Huts were going to be having '�
a b ake-off for their cooks at the Fridley Pizza Hut on Dec. 11. The
Fridley Pizza Hut aas going to donate 38 pizzas to the Fridley Parks �
Aecreation Department for a teen activity.
F. Intern Report - Brad Horner
Mr. Horner thanked the Cvmmission for allowing him to speak. He stated
he would like to explain the role of the internship and the purpose behind
it, his expectations of it, his expectations for the future, and some of
hi.c goals .
Mr. Horner stated that the IIniversity of Minaesota, in the Department of
Parks � Recreation and Leisure Service, had set dowa in its program to
have the students go through a 10-week internship as part of their college
education. Thiz was a requirement and they could not graduate until they
had accamplished this task. It was a cooperative venture between the city
agencies and the U. of M. to allow a student to gain professional experience
in the field of recreation, in the area of administration, programming,
public affairs, public relations, personnel, etc. It seemed to be a good
�rocess, because the students were able to gain a lot of practical knowledge
that they did not get in the classroom. He thought it was good experience
to go through, and he thought the U. o£ M. was doing a good job in providing
people going into recreation with a good education,and the internship was
a big part of it. �-
Mr. Horner stated that what he had wanted to get out of his internship at
Fxidley was practical and professional experience in the administrative
aspects of recreation. He had enjoyed his internship, he had learned a lot
in the ten weeks, and for this he thanked the Department. Both Mr. Boudreau
and Mr. Rirk had been very helpful in setting up an internship which
involved the areas he was interested in. One big area was programming and
he had some experience in that in the "Run-for-Fun" and the "Turkey Shoot".
In his feelings toward recreation, he liked to see family participation, -
and in today's world, he did not think there were many opportunities other
than leisure time in which to seek family participation.
l�tr. Horner stated when he finished his internship, he would begin looking
for a job. He would be graduating December 11. He would start out at
the first level which was program0ning, gain more practical experience and
�ork up to maybe be a program supervisor, and some day he would like to
becaone a director .
Mr. Boudreau stated it was gratifying for himself to see Mr. Sorner go
through the internship and to see what type of program they had at the
University of Minnesota, because he was on the interview committeee that
interviewed Mr. Horner when he was accepted at Che University. He stated
that Mr. florner had done an excellent job.
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� M�r. Boudreau stated the Department was trying its best to work up an on-
going program with the University so they could, more or less, depend on
having an intern assigned to them each quarter. The University could not
px�mise Chis, though, He �tated he had been pleased with both the interas
Lh� Department had had so far.
. -��"',
A. Meeting Scheduled for Next Year
Mr. Peterson staCed that he would like the Conmission members to consider
going'to an every other month meeting type of arrangement in 1479. He
was sure the same amount of work could be accomplished and, according to
its Cha�ter, the Coa�ission needed only to meet six times a year.
Mr. Boudreau stated that many times, they had to scrape to get enough
together for the monthly agenda. The Cammission had the capability of
calling a special meetin� whenever it was necessary. He felt it raas a
good idea. It would help staff as they were th�.nking of starting some
neighborhood meetings similar to what was done last year with park improve-
ments. That would xequire a lot of sta�f time and evenings.
MUTION by Betty Mech, seconded by Robin Suhrbier, that beginning in
January 1979, the Commission follow a six meetings a year type of
scheduie as followsz
Jan. 15 1979
� March .
A. ` F Y.S.A. - Cancellation: af Littie League Lease
i�ir. Boudreau stated that the Commission members had a copy of the formal
letter dated November 27, 1978, from G1enn Van Hulzen to the City Couacil
tern�i;nating the Fridley Little League lease. In accordance with city
legal counsel,since there was no longer a Little League organization as
a separate entity, there was no longer a lease agreement and therefore
it should be terminated. He stated that action was needed by the
Conmission to r ec�ive the letter and coacur and send it on to City Council.
�ION by 8obin Suhrbier, seconded by Leona-rd Moare, to receive the letter
dated November 27, 1978, from Glenn Van Hulzen to the City Council
requesting that the Fridley Little League's present lease agreement
between the Gity of Fridley and the Fridleg Little League be terminated.
Upan a voice vote, all voting aye, Chairperson Peterson declared the
imotion carried unanimously.
. , . . -.,•�:
8, F.Y.S.A. - Fee Proposal for 1979 (Letter to Parks � Recre�tion �
� Commission from Glenn Van Hulzen dated November 2i, 1978)
Mr. Peterson stated-that he had talked to Mr. Marvin Brunsell, City Clerk,
about the fee proposal and Mr, Brunsell had stated that if the Commissioa
adopted the proposal of charging a straight donation fran the member
argaaization, such as H.A.F. and F.Y.S.A., the money could be accepted,
designated and earmarked, held in trust, the city would�invest it for us
at interest, aad we would receive that share of the interest. The money
�taild not have to be spent every year.
Ms. Mech stated she was concerned whether the fee would always stay the
same or would it iacrease with the cost of living?
l�ir. Boudreau stated he had talked to Mr. Van Hulzen about this, and
Mr. Van Hulzen had said that right now they were looking at $500 over what
they gave the city last year (of course, same of that would be vffset by
Little League participation),. but at such a time as they found it to be
a disadvantage to their Association or the city found it to be a disadvaatage,
he could see no reason why the two could not sit dowa and readjust the
smount. . �
Mr. Boudreau stated this was not a year-by-year agreement, but certaialq
ameadable at any point ia time between the two.
Mr. Boudreau stated that one advantage was this would eliminate the stigma �'��
of the "user's fee". Another advantage was that the money would go into --
a fund and would earn interest, the interest would accuanulate, and would
allow the city to improve some of its facilities on a routine basis or a
1 arge facility. He could see no strong disadvantages.
�ION by Bettp Mech, seconded by 8obia Suhrbier, to accept with concurrence
the F.Y.S.A.`s recommendation to abolish the present "user's fee" and go
with contributing an aanual fee earmarked anaually for improvement and/or
development of existing or new Fridley parks and recreation facilities. '
Upoa a voice vote, all voting aye, Chairperson Peterson declared the
motion carried uaanimously. .
C. Lions Club Revuest - Renami� of Moore Lake
2�I�c, Boudreau stated that Mr. Mike Murphy of the Lions Club was present
Co request that the Caa�mission consider the renaming of Moore Lake.
$e stated he would like to coagratulate.the Lions Club for putting on a
dinner for both the Fridley Grace High School and the Fridley High School
football teams that participated in the state.
Mr. Murphy stated that the Fridley Lions Club was a community organization
and was concerned about what happened around Fridley. He presented
Mr. Boudreau with a check for $1,200 for insurance for the bus they had
helped abtain for the City of Fridley. .
�� I
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�+•� MY. Murphy stated that �he Lions had picked Moore Lake for what they
hoped could become a long term project in the city. They had donated the
flag pole and the fountain that had been in the lake. He stated he was
not at the meeting to ask tha t the name be ehanged because they would like
that,':but because they had developed some long range goals and had plans,
and would like, in conjunction with the city, to fulfill those goals.
Sca� o� those goals were--
-Development of asphalt paths around the park�
-Possibility of putting in an irrigation system
-Shoreline improvement along the lake
-Purchase of new playgraund equipment
-Purchase of new beach equipment
-Purchase new lifeguard boat and lifeguard gquipment
-Repair old walk bridge and put up another new bridge
-Develop some community involvement in developing flower
garden in area near flag pole
-Would be willing to work on project in rejuvenating Moore Lake
Mr. Murphy stated thep would like to do these things aad would like a little
bit of recognition for same of the things they could do there. They would
like to be identified'in the canmunity with one specific major project.
He stated they were asking that Moore Lake Park be renamed Moore Lake
' Lions Park.
Mr. Boudreau statsd he would concur that for the future of parks and
�-, recreation development with the tightening of funds, etc., that Fridley
was not out of step or out of line with what other communities were
doing in naming some of its park areas after big contributors, not only
money-wise, but with maapower, ideas, and thoughts. The city had already
set precedence for it with the Jaycee's hockey rink and the H.A.F. hockey
rink. He stated that, per Co�nission request, it was advertised in the
paper that this item would be on the Cammission's agenda, aad he had not
heard any objections.
MOTION by Robin, seconded by Leonard Maore, to recoa�mend to
City Gouncil that Moore Lake Park be renamed Moore Lake Lions Park.
tTpon a voiee vote, a11 votin.g aye, Chairgerson Peterson declared the
motion carried unanimously.
Mr. Peterson thanked Mr, Murphy for coming to the meeting. He stated
that Mr. Boudreau would notify Mr. Murphy when this item would be on
the City Council agenda.
D. Discussion of Facility Fee Schedule for I979
Mr. Boudreau stated that the Commission had been given some material on
what the City of Maplewood did as a fee schedule. He stated he �
ancl Mr. Kirk had discussed this at length and would like the Commission's
guidance on what should they set a fee for if they were going to have
a facility use fee? Should they break it down into city-sponsored
groups wirh no user's fee, non-sponsored groups with a fee, and non-
residents with a fee?
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Mr. Peterson stated that it seemed to him that a football field, for �
example, should not be used by outside groups at a loss to Fridley. Se
was most disturbed at what had happened to the soccer field at Locke
Pazk this year. There was no consideration for the field, the city got
nothing out of it, and all that came out of the budget.
i�r. Boudreau stated that the City of Maplewood had its fee schedule
brokea down into the following grougs:
1. City-sponsored groups, local youth, athletic groups,
and local community service organizations - no fee
2. Local private groups, teams or orgauizations -$10/field/day
3. Outside teams, groups, or organizations -$25/field/day
The Commissioa concurred to go with the three-level fee schedule as out-
liaed by Mr. Boudreau above, Mr. Boudreau would insert the appropriate
fees, and bring back a fee schedule for Coam�issian review at the March
Mr. Peterson asked where the city stood with H.A.F. regardiag the user's
fee? This year�the H.A.F. had paid the user's fee.
Mr. Bondreau stated that Mr. Jack Hansen wanted to get together with the
Commission after the 1978-79 season a recammendation for that fee /�`
for the 1979�80 season. . --
Mt�. Petersoa stated that Mr. Jack Hansen of the H.A.F. should be put on
the May agenda.
e�OTTON by Leonard Moore, seconded by Robin Suhrbier, to adjourn the
meeting. Upon a voice vote, all votirig aye, Chairperson Peterson declared
the November 27, 1978, Parks & Recreation Commission meeting adjourned at
9:35 p.m.
itespectfully submi ted,
L Saba '
Becording Secretary