PR 09/19/1979 - 31249/'\ � PARKS & RECREATION CONR�IISSTQN MEETING SEPTENIBER 19, 1979 CALL T� ORDER: Chairperson Barbara Hughes called the September 19, 1979, Parks & Recreation Commission �eeting to order at 7:42 p.m. ROLL CALL: Members Present: Barbara Hugh�s, Betty Mech, Dave I:ondrick, Dick Young Members Absent: Jan Seeger Others Present: Charles Boudr.eau, Parks & Recreation Director APPROV[`i.i., OF AtTGUST 15, 1979, P1�zItKS & RECREATION COMMIajION MINtITES: ^ � MOT't014' Uy Mr. Young, secended by Mr. Kondrick, to apgrove the August 15, 197°, Parics F.� �ecreation Commission mi,nutes as written. Upon a voice vote, all votzng aye, Chairperson Hugl�es declared the motion carried unanimousZy. I. DTREC�'OR'S REPORT: A. Meeting with Soccer Representatives: __ Mr. Boudreau stated that as a resu�t of last monY_h's Commission meeting, he had met with th e FYSA - Soccer representatives. The meeting went well. ?-ie hatl suggested scxne things to them such as having two teams sweep and pick up tlze field before the game to avoid the problem of rocks and glass. He stated the irrigation was almost completed in the Locke Park area, it would be reseeded again, and should be a viable field for soccer next year. They also explored thc: use of the area �ei►ind the Jr. High for practice fields where the baseball diamonds are now located, and that was acceptable with the soccer representatives. At Burlington Northern, the City hoped to put some fill over that area to keep the sandburs down and fill up the holes. It will be fall seeded and, hopefully, it wi11 be satisfactory for play next spring. He sL-ated that ��ith a good year in football, the foot- ball field at Commons should be available for soccer use alsa. Mr, Eoudreau stated he felt the soccer people were satisfied with what '�he City �vas trying tc� do. He stated the soccer people were going to ^ assist the City with manpocaer �,�here needed and will probably have a general ,,�, clean-up next year before the soccer season begins. PARKS & RECREATION COMMISSION MEETING, SEPTEMBER 19, 1979 - PAGE 2 ,�'\ B. Redeemer Lutheran Church Letter: Mr. Boudreau stated that the Commissinners had a copy of a letter from Redeemer Lutheran Church expressing their concern about scheduling programs on Wednesday evenings and Sundays for young people. Mr. Boudreau stated this was for the Commission's information. He stated that not ma.ny of the City's activities were scheduled on these days. MOTION by Ms. Mech, seconded by Mr. Kondrick, to receive the letter dated Sentember 5, 1979, from Redeemer Lutheran Church. Mr. Young stated that he was involved in athletics at Spring Lalce Park, and the Spring Lake Park schools try to keep Wednesday evenings free for church activities, as do a lot of schools. He had found that many times, even though the churches know this, they schedule activities on other days. He wished the churches would also cooperate with the schools. UPON A VOICE VOTE, .ALL VOTING 1�YE, CHAiRPERSON HUGHES DECLARED THE MOTION CARRIED U?�iANIMOUSLY. C. Status of School District ��14 Facility Use: Mr. Boudreau stated that things were less than amicable with the School Board at this time. Mayor Nee, three council people, Jack Kirk, Connie McMillion, and himself had attended the School Board meeting the � previous evening unannounced because they were not on the agenda. Mr. Boudreau stated that the School Board was definitely against the City holding any more Teen F.E.S.T, programs, because it was "too sophisticated a program for that age group", although the City denies the problems the School Board claimed they had, such as drinking and drug use. Mr. Bou�lreau stated that as of yesterday, the City was sitting without school permits for use of school facilities for programs that would be starting next week. That issue had been raised at the School Board meeting. He stated he did not think the School Board was very happy with a contingent of people from the City approaching them at an open School Board meeting with these matters. Mr. Boudreau stated they were not at the meeting with the intent to belittle anyone or to put down the school administration. They were there for the sole purpose of telling the School Board their problems and that they would Iike to be put on the agenda so these problems could be discuss�d. Ms. Mech asked if any of the School Board members or administration had attended any of the Teen F.E.S.T.'s? Mr. Boudreau stated that to his knowZedge, they had not; and none of his staff could remember seeing any of the school administration at any of � the 20 F.E.S.T.'s which had served over 6,000 teenagers since January 1978. n PnRKS & RECREATION COMMISSION MEETING, SEPTENffiER 19�, 1979 - PAGE 3 Mr. Boudreau stated that the City was still trying to resolve the matter of payment to the School District for use of school facilities, Mr. Qureshi, Mr. Kirk, and himself had met with Mr. Tom Myhra, and Mr. Qureshi offered to pay $5,000 a year for three years ($15,000 total) as a donation to Community Education. This money w ould cover the custodial fees or pool supervision fees that the City might incur. That was agreed upon, Mr. Myhra went back to his administration, and it came back to the City that the $5,000 would be accegtable for Community Education, but the custodial fees still had to be paid differently. That was neither accepted or rejected so now the City was back at the starting point of $10,000. Mr. Boudreau stated that the Mayor and the City Council members were involved because they were deeply concerned about both the Teen F.E.S.T. program and the payment for use of school facilities. II. CHAIRPERSON'S REPORT; Ms. Hughes stated that she had not yet been able to set up joint meetings with the Hu�an Resources Commission and the Environmental Quality Commission. She would try again to get in touch with them. Ms. Hughes stated that there was a public hearing in Blaine that evening on � development of some property near North Park which could have some water run- off effects on North Park. The Fridley Planning Commission was concerned enough.to have someone from the City attend that meeting. Ms. Hughes stated she had talked with the Planner on the Northtown Corridor. The current status on that was that the noise report was done and the air quality report was p artially done. They have settled on two alternatives - one south of Banfill Island and one which would go directly across the river, which appears to be the most likely place for the crossing. Ms. Hughes stated there was virtually no money to build a new Aighway 10, so she felt they were going to upgrade Highway 10 past Northtown and that there were going to be severe air quality problems in intersections down from North- town, which could stop construction. There was no money at a11 for 610 on the other side of the river at this point. She stated it looked like the bridge would probably be built, but there were going to have to be a lot of accommodations to the air quality. She felt this was fa�rly encouraging news, because now the "no-build" option became more reasonable. III. NEW BUSINESS: A. Director's Philosophy: • Mr. Boudreau stated he had given the Comm�ssioners some material on the direction their sports program was taking, plus a three-page report ^ on his philosophy. Administrative Process - Mr. Boudreau stated he believes in the humanistic approach to administration. He tries to involve the people working for PARKS & RECREATION COMMISSION 2�.�:TING, SEI.'TEMBER 19, 1979 - PAGE 4 him and with him at every level of the decision-making process. He alsa beLieves in tYie team approach to operation. He stated there is a fine line between that kind of practice and the times when direct orders are given, and he is very careful with that judgement. Mr. Boudreau stated he also allows, by nature of their jobs, the flexibility of working hours. The office is open from 8:OOa.m, to 5:00 p.m., but they are generally working from 8:00 a.m. until 11-12:00 p.m. He cannot expect professional staff to he in the office from 8:00 a.m. and operate effectively until midnight, so they have a working arrangement with hours on the team approach. Mr. Boudreau stated that the planning, the organization, and the controlling of acitivities, whether Maintenance, Naturalist Division, or Recreation Division, i_s on a team approach. They work closely with the Planning Department and with other departments around City Hall so they can plan their total program no matter what division.i.t is: Scope of Recreation in Society of Today - Mr. Boudreau stated he felt he had covered most of this in his phiiosophical approach to what he feels is �he importance of leisure and what he feels is the importance of the pursuit of happiness for every individual. He strongly believes that recreation is a basic human need of everyone. It is also an individual choice. Recreation is different things to different people. Mr. Boudreau stated he feels recreation has at least 12 potentials for meeting life's satisfactions: 1. 2. 3. 4. S. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. I1. I2. Physical we11-being and physica2 outlet Emotional balance Need to £ind identity Stimulus for learning Social integration Outlet for adventure Creative self-expression Regaining a sence of comm(unity) Acceptabl.e outlets of aggression Opportunity for self-realization Potential to allow people to interact Compensation factor with their environment Mr. Boudreau stated this was they used as a basis for their program and their department. He stated he would be glad to answer any questions the Commissioners might have. Mr. Kondrick stated he would be interested in hearing Mr. Boudreau's philosophy regarding budgets and monies. � � Mr. Boudreau stared iie felt ttia,t recreat��n �c� a commun3tX^,w��.,�qst a�, � important as fire protection, police protec�ion, city management, f�;nance � ^ PARKS & RECREATION COMMISSION MEETING, S�PTEMBER 19, 1979 PAGE 5 management, or anything else, and he has not been slighted when it came to the budget. The Park, Recreation and Natural Resouress Department was most visible and touches many people in many ways. Mr. Boudreau stated that as far as spending monies, he needed input from the Commission on how to spend the money in the most meaningful way. Right now they are getting approximately 22.7% of the City budget, and it was prudent for them to spend that money in the most constructive way. Mr. Mech asked Mr. Boudreau to talk a little about how he felt about community relations. Mr. Boudreau stated he felt his position in community relations tod��_wa�� one weak area of the department. He and his staff have not had the time to do the things they should. He felt community relations was an important aspect to the to Recreation Department as far as offering speaking engagements, etc., to Fridley groups and organizations. Their objective: to try and organize groups in a meaningful way towards a common goal. Staff tries to smile and. tries to give service, because that is the external community relations they have.with the general public. It is also important, on the reverse side, to not bend all the way backwards. They will bend more than their share, but they have a breaking point when they have to say no, they are sorry. Community relations to him means that they try and do things in a positive way, whenever ^ possible, to coordinate the efforts of a community and cooperate towards a � goal of making the community a better place to live in. Ms. Hughes asked Mr. Boudreau if he belonged to any community organizations. Mr. Boudreau stated he was a non-joiner, for th�'liasic reason that-in h�s position, he could not afford to have an allegiance to any one group. Ms. Hughes stated she was interested in the social integration potential Mr. Boudreau mentioned earlier. She kne.w that the City ended up with programs that were just for senior citizens or just for cerrain age groups. Did he think there was a pide enough balance in the offerings that get th� full age range? Mr. Boudreau stated that no, they did not have a balance, primarily because of the lack of facilities for those types of programs. Proper facilities was one of the most difficult problems to resolve. He stated that they were looking at Sunday evenings for a type of family fun night. Ms. Hughes stated that another area was the age integration. For example, how do teenagers integrate with senior citizens? Mr. Boudreau stated that this was true, and he did not know what the Recreation Department could do in that area. He though that with the recent programming at Village Green, amybe they will have the opportunity n � PARKS & RECREATION COMMISSION MEETINGz S�PTFMBER 19, 1979 _- PAGE 6 where a facility and people will lend themselves �o the mixture. He hoped Cannie McMillion could work sometlYing out in. this area. Mr. Boudreau stated that another of his policies is that none of his staff are allowed to participate in the programs they are in charge of, because he believes strongly that if you are in ctiarge of a program and become an active participant, there is the opportunity for bad vibes from the other participants. Mr. Boudreau stated that, in closing, he felt he had an excellent staff. He felt that most of his geople do oder and above what was asked or expected of them. H� felt they have a long way to-go to build the City of Fridley Park, Recreation, and Natural Resources Department to the pinnacle they would like to see. The}� are young and energetic and willing ;to try anything. Their sole purpose is the concern of people's happiness, anc� people's enjoyment, and that is what they live by. The expenditure ot leisure in today's society is an important expenditure, and they want to con�ribute ta:the �,*ise expenditure of that leisure. Mr. Toudreau stated he would invite any of the Commissian �embers to come into the office at any time to meet the staff, as!: questiares, and make suggestions. Mra Boudreau stated he would li'�ce to have Siah St. Ciair., Cfty Naturalist, share his philosophy �t�ith the Comu�ission at their ne�t meeting, then, Jack Kirk, Cux't Dahlberg, and Gonnie McMillion, in that crdPr. ,�D.l OURTIMENT� . MOTIQN by P�s . Mect�, seconded by Mr . Kon�r. ick, to ad j ourn voice vate, a11 voting aye, Ch�irperson Hughes declar�d Parks & Recreal:i_on Commission meeting adjaurned at 9:45 Respect-fully s bmitted, L ` na S�La Kecordin� Secretary the meeti�.�. Upon a the Segtember 19, 1979, p.n�. � � � _r _