PR 10/17/1979 - 31250.
October 17, 1979 � � -
Vice-Chairperson Jan Seeger called the meeting to order at 7:33 P.M.
Members Present: Jan Seeger, Dave Kondrick, Dick Yo�.ang, Betty Mech
(arrived at 7:40) Barbara Hughes (arrived at 7:45)
Members Absent: None
Others Present: Charles Boudreau, Parks & Recreation Director .
� Siah St. Clair, Naturalist, City of Fridley
Connie McMil1ion, City of Fridley
� 6i11 Deblon, Associate Planner
MOTION by Mr. Kondrick, seconded by Ms. Mech, to approve the September 19,
^ 1979, Parks & Recreation Commission minutes as written. Upon a voice vote,
all voting aye, Vice-Chairperson Seeger declared the motion carried unanimously.
Vice-Chairman Seeger asked if there were any additions or corrections to
the agenda?
P1r. Boudreau stated that under the Director's Report, he would like to add
a report from Ms. McMillion, and under Old Business he would like t� add the
receiving of the Critical Area`s section of the Comorehensive Plan, and under
Other Business, he added a report concerning Woodcrest Baptist Church.
MOTION by Mr. Young, seconded by Mr. Kondrick, that the agenda be approved
with the additions by Mr. Boudreau. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Vice-
Chairperson Seeger declared the motion carried unanim�usly.
A. Report - North Park Buildinq Prog�°ess
Mr. Boudr�eau stated zhat he felt they were at a stage in which staff had revi�:w�d
the plans, and revised the plans, several times. At :the next meeting the
arcnitects, they would'give an idea of the cost per square toot for the building.
Mr. Qoudreau stated this was bas�ically the plan the Co��unission had reviewed
^ at i:he open meeting with the City Council and Springbrook Nature Center Foundation;
The end pr�duct would have the t�asic floor plan �vith a�few modifications.
, Ms. Seeger stated that the last time they were before the Commission, �it had sounded
like they were having some difficulty in having the architects understand what
was desired. She asked if this was still true.
Mr. St. Clair stated they may be a little premature in dealing with some of
the smaller things they want changed. These things could be dealt better with �
in the future once they get past hurdles of cost and structure design. He said
they had changed the design a little bit, but basically all that has changed was
t�e exit that was to come off the ampitheatre above the lavatories has been
removed. This area will �ow connect with the iive animal room and serve as an
additional storage area. Mr. St. Clair then Grew a plan f�r the Commi'ssian
�.pwin� the char�ges that cvere�
Ms. Seeger questioned whether they were not losing money with each delay of the
Mr. Boudreau stated they were uwar-e of the possibili�y of increased costs,
however, people are looking for work, so it may be likely that they could get
a better bid.
Discussion ensued on the pros and cons of when Hrould be the best time to begin
construction to get the best bids versus the inflation factor of waiting.
B. Report - Mississippi Road Park
Chairperson Hughes asked if the Commission would allow Mr. Ed Wilmes to give
an update on the Mississippi Roaci Park?
Mr. Ed Wilmes stated he felt the Islands of Peace had reached the span started
back in December, 1979, in that they have covered Gil Hodges Island, Chases Island,
an� now h�ve � request in for the acquisition of Durham Island through the Great .�
River Road Project. They are asking for $33�,000.00. He has heard that the peoplc�
• in Washipgton are rev�sing their funding f�r spur routes, which hopefully will
include the Island's of Peace, and possibly tf�e inclusion of the FP1C property.
He stated �hat the funds thtit were r�equested from Great River Road Prc.iect wou�d
be ;For the acqai.sfition of Durham.. Island (�80,OG0,00) and also for the buildirc�
of a bridg�, park��ng 1ot, and an addition to an exisiting buildi�g, a cross-over
wa.ter system on Chase`s Island, and some picnic tables. He stated he expected
to hear from the Great River Road people sometime in December, This was tiie
sam� agency that has co�rnnitted fundi'ng of $1,6h6,000.00 for the acquisition of
the FMC property. He said that in the past the MEtro Council has recommended th�t
the County of Anoka proceed along with ti�e master plan to include the FMC property,
alon� with Durham, and the Island's of Peace, to 6ecome a regional park. Onc�
this was all designated as a regional park, it would have on-going money every
year for maintenance and operatiors. Mr, �Jilm�s said this would all be ur,der
County jurisdiction then, which he personaily felt was the right way to go. If
for some reason, Anoka County did not carry ou� it's responsibilities, then he
would oppose this a11 being under the County. He stated that the proposed plan
� for the FMC property was to-have over1ooks, bike trails, hiking trails, parking, etc.
They are also discussing the use that can be made of two buildings on the property.
Mr. Wilmes sa�d the County Commissicners were going to visit the Islan�'s of Peace
in Fridley, October• 26�h. He sa:d that in the past FMC had donated equipment and
manpower to help develop the Tsland's of Pa_a�e. He said that Lee Ann Sporre of
the Environmental Qi�ality Commissi��n ��as corcer!;ed about the bridc�e for the Island's
of Peace. She felt it c�uld have a significai�t visual impact on the site. He �
said the bridge ►,as a steel structure approximately 125 feet long, with a wooaer
deck. The steel, in time, �,�ill turn a differ•�nt color that ��ill blend in with the
envirQnment. He further stated that he feli; t:hat if they do not provide accessibility
to the handicapped, and the elcl�rly, to these �laces, it will have a psycholc�gi�al
impact on th�se people. He said �hat. this br�dge will carry trafric to an area of
outcic�or re:creation, r�hu��ilit�t.ian, ar�d nature study� He said the bridge had been
y� approved, and it will fit in with the environment.
Ms. Nughes questioned who had approved the bridye.
�1�. Wilmes stated that the Army Corp. of Engineers were out and the City
Council had approved funding for the bridge. He said that concerning the
bridge, they had to look at the type of clientele who would be using this
park. He said that with the proper facilities, the visitations to this total
facility was unlimited. He said the key to the entire project had been acquistion
of the land, the development of it,�and utilitizing it. Ne said the parking lot,
the bridge, and the building should be completed by April 1. 1980. They -
:are holdin� off the� dedication until the entire area vlas completed.
Ms. Hughes asked Mr. Boudreau if her understanding that the City and County
have jointly applied for money under the Great River Road funding was correct.
Mr. Boudreau s�ated that to his knowledge, the County has made application
with City approval of their master plan. He also vaanted the Commission made
aware that when they were awarded the $360,000.00 for North Park, the County
was strongly encouraged by the Metropolitan Council to redraft their master
plan to include the FMC property, and connect it with the Islands of Peace and
Uur.ham Island. This would have the acreage to call it a regional park. With
that assurance, and the push frem the t�etro Council, not as a matter of record,
but that if it was done, the money would probably be made available.
� Ms. Hughes stated it was her understanding that although the money had not been
allocated, the money had been reserved. She further questioned that when this
does come to pass, would the Commission have a chance to look at it?
Mr. Boudreau stated when he was made aware of any action he would let the
Commission know. For an advisory Commission to "work" they should be given
an opportunity for i�put prior to decision making.
C. Receive Donation - Fridle_v Lion's Club
Mr Boudreau passed conies of a letter and check that was giv�en to the Parks &
Recreation Department from the Fridley Lion's Club, to the Commission memebers.
(see attachment).
MOTION by Ms.Seeger,
Fridley Lion's Club.
seconded by Mr. Young, to receive the communication from the
Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, the motion carried
Mr. Boudreau stated he would like the Commission to consider and give him their
recommendations on w�ere to put the second Big Toy and volleyball standard that
was to be purchased with this donation.
Discussion ensued as to the best park area for the placement of th e Big Toy, and
volleyball standard. The Commission decided what criteria they would want for
placement of this equipment, a stud,y to show how many children were in the area
that could use a Big 7oy, since it�was primarily suited for younger children.
Ms. Hughes questioned if the Lion's Club had been sent a thank you for this
Mr. Boudreau said that yes, they were going to send the Club a certicate of
D, Report from Connie McMillion
Ms. McMillion stated they were running a re1atively new program called
Senior Slim which was a senior citizen exercise class. She further stated
they have added a new twist to tl�e class, they have added disco dancing. This
class ►vas at the Village Green, and at Parkvi�w. She stated it was offered
at 10:00 A.M. at Village Green on �londay's, and at Parkview on Wednesday's a�
10:30 P.M. She said that it would be interesting for anyone to come and view
this program.
Ms. McMillion stated they are having a craft fair on October• 27th. She stated
that they were doing this with Com��u��ity Education. This will be from 9:00 to
S:OO at Parkview. When they started this progt�am they hoped to have 20
participants, and now they have 40, and have to turn peopie away.
Ms. McMillion stated that the halloween windo�N decorating contest was now
going on. She said she needed a volunteer from the Commission to be a judge
in this conpetiticn. Mr. Kondrick volunt�ered to be a judge, with Ms. Nughes
as a substitute.
A. Review of Fee Schedule - Winter Proarams
Mr. Boudreau stated ihe changes in the fee schedulE �-rei°e as folio���s:
Couples Volle;�ball, last year - $25.00
Tuesday Women's V�lleyball, last year -
Tuesday Evening Men's ►�asketball,
last year -
increase �o $35.00
$65.00 - increase to $90.00
$100 - increase to $125.OJ
Men's Volleyball, last year -$65.00 - increase to $90.00
t�en's Basketc,all on Thursday, last year -$125.00 - increase to $150.00
Mr. Boudreau statea that in askirg fot° the incre`ases,they 1o�ked at the cost
of referee's, cost af tr�aphy's, the regisii°atio►� fees, the administrative time
�:o set up schedules, etc.
i�OTIQN by Ms. Seeger, seconded by 1�9i°. Konciric�., to approve the fee ra�e increases
as stated by Mr. Qoudreau. Upon a vc,iee vote, all voting aye, the motion
carried unanimously. �
B. Request - B1aine - Sprinq Lake Park Hock�
Mr. Boudreau stated that as in years past, h� has receivECi a request for the use
of the Nladsen Park hockey rink from Blain�--S�ring Lake Park Hockey Associatian.
Also they request the use, a►7d reservation time, from Flar�ery Park. He stated
this is because the people are Fridley residen�is living in the Melody Manor area,
b�at are in the Spring Lake Park school distr�ct. Mr. Boudreau sa�id it came �own
to the matter of principle; should we schedule hockey rinl,'s for another city's
program at the cost of mair.taining those ��inks out of Fridley �funds when th�
pea�l� are residents of Fridley yet•chose t� �.ake part in anothe�° City's program?
Chair��ersan Hughes asked ��1r. 6oudreau for his rzconimenclat�on.
l�ir. E�oudreau s �a�ted he tKOUI d i 2 ke �;c� recon�me�d that tf�i s reyuest coul d be
accomoc���ted after FridlEy's Fiockev Association and programs are scheduled.
MOTION by Mr. Young, seconded by Mr. Kondrick, to accommodate the request from
� Blaine-Spring Lake Park Hockey Association after Fridley's Hockey Association
and programs are schedu1ed. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, the motion carried
unanimously. .
C. Philosophy - Siah St. Clair (Naturalist)
Mr. St. Clair said that interpretation was not information. He stated there
are a variety of inediurns to give information. He stated that different people
relate better to cer.tain mediums, so therefore there must be different and a
variety of inediums available to teach people. He said he had titled his
philosophy "Nature at your poorstep" because of the fact that sometimes your
backyard is the best place to 'learn about nature.
Mr. St. Clair said he considers the ability to communicate more important to
a naturalist than knowledge and information, because a person may have the
knowledge but did not know how to communicate �t to the people. He said there
are personal and non-personal methods that a re used at the nature center. An
example of non-persoralWa� self-guided trails where a naturalist was nat
interpretating for an individual, and a personal method would be classes. He
stated the best nature walk was the one that went the shortest distance. This
gives a person time to look and list�n, instead of trying to cover a lot of
distance with no chance to communicate or learn.
Mr. St. Clair stated that his main thrust was aimed at families, and then to
specific age and interest groups. He felt a nature center was really an
recreational and educational devise that brings land an� people together on
^ intimate terms's� ��fiere the young and the old under the inspiration and
guidance of a�rained interpretive naturalist are taught to comprehend the
natur�l world around them. He further stated that a nature center seeks to
acqua�nt young children with the mysteries and the wonders of nature. It
affords teenagers an opportunity to engage in wholesome activities that are
both constructive and educational. It provides a training ground for the
youth. It permits adults to ��at�liz� its facilities and resources for serious
study, and to pursue nature hobbies. It was also a place where.��milTes ca,���
go for a walk in the woods, or aroun� a lake, for real enjoyment and pleasant
recreation. �
Concerning himself, Mr. St. Clair stated that because interpretation was not
information, but rather ihe method in which information was revealed to the
visitor, and therefore, he was primarily concerned with communication skill,
and tends to emphasize that more than technical expertise of natural science
information, as a lot of information about nature communicated poorly,
accomplishes much less than a small amount of information communicated very well.
Mr. St. Clair stated that a primary goal was to offer positive recreational
experiences in the environmental interpr•etive area for the Fridley public.
He does not wan� to compete with any county, state or national park, or center,
but rather be a municipal program that g�ve� residents immediate cancepts they
can deal with within the Fridley area.
� Mr. St. Clair said they had an exhibit at the State Fair last summer, for arhieh
, they received a ribbori; and they will also have an exhibit at the Fridley St�te
�ank again this year. They also have had a variety af scheduled the
center at different times. He ��S �� accu�ulate rraateri�ls for another display.
He said he now h�d a part-time ����retary, and a:part-time interpreter. They have
a newsletter, and fali scheduleci E�ro�raiTis, with an on-going program on 4•JCCO.
Mr. St. Clair felt that being co�r�ected ��itf� the Park and Recreatio� Department
was a very positive thing. �
A. Receive Critical Area's Section of Comprehensive Plan
Mr. Boudreau said this section had been reviewed before. The Commission
should receive this doc�ment, and go over ii:, and if there were any questions
they should be dealt wit��i at �che next meeting.
Mr. Bill Deblon, Associa�te Planner, stated that what had been added was an
implementation section. He said this section would be sent to the Metropolitan
Council for their review. From �here it a�ill go to the Enviranmental Quality
Board for their approval. When �it comes back from there, it s�rould �e adopted
as an ordin�nce for protection of the Critical Area's,resources. Ne stated the
pTan taas a poTicy for the man�gement of these areas, w�ich ti�is Commission
has already gone through, and approved.
Mr�. Deblon said that in ealy October they Fiad received a notice stating that
the Metrapolitan Council had on7y received plans fr�m certain communitie�, and
they woul� he i�quiring why they had not received the plans from other communiti�s
as yet. Fridley vras one of ��,;hose commun�ties. He said they had �een working ^
on this section to get it into a draft format so it could be reviewpd by
the Commissicns, Planning Commission and City Cour�cil, and public revi�w.
A draft copy._was a7so sent tc� the Metroperl��an Council �o see if they were
on the right track. Ne has rec��ived a call from tnem, and ±hey would be
�ailing their comments as there �rere some things they wanted changed,� but
these changes ►�rouidn°t be major in scope. He said this draft copy was beir��
sPet1 by the Environment�l Quality Commission, the Parks & Recreation Cor�mission
and the Cammunity D�velopment Commission. The Planning Corr�mission would be
reviewirlg it October 24th.
Chair�erson Nughes said that the Cammission mpmbers should express their•
input to her sometime this week as the�r ��e�resentative on the Planning
Commission, or else they would f�ave to make their comments at the Planninq
Commission meeting, as there wr,uld not be a chance �o make any official
comn�ent or input on this Secti�n.
MOTION by Ms. Mech, seconded by Mr. Young, ±o receive the Critical Areas's
Plan draft dated Octobe�°, 19�79. Upon a voice vote, all vating aye, Chairperson
Hughes declared the motion ca�riea unanfm�uslv.
Chairperson Hugh�s said that sh� did n���'t��at a parcel of land off of River's
Edg� Way, which gave river access through someone's back yard, had not been
addressed in this plan. She felt that if they were going to have boating on
the River, this was a good place,•and woulcS r`ally fit into this kind of plan.
Nr< Cebl an sai �! i;hi s was not addre�sed i ri the pl an, bu � fel t. i t shaul d. be.
Mr. t3ouc�reau felt the policy �tate�ents in the plan would cover River's Edge Wav.
Ms. Seeger said she thought it would give some idea i:o the City's recreational
use if the maps showed what was on the other side of the river.
Mr. Deblon stated that he agreed, but that the Metro Council wanted only the
City's plan, and then Metro would put it all together in a comprehensive
recreation plan. .
B. Woodcrest Baptist Church Re�ort
Mr. Boudreau stated they have the yearly occurring problem of IrJoodcrest Baptist
Church School utilizing the City's facilities at Madsen Park. He said they
have been using Locke Park, buL because of an irrigation system being put in
at Locke Park, they have gone to Madsen Park. He said they use the park facilities
for their varsity soccer, their every day p�Ysica3�education activities, and
as their playground. He stated the legal opinion they�had� received before
was that there was no way the City could legally stop the schoo1 from this use.
Chairperson Nughes qi�estioned as to why the Ci�y would want to stop them.
Mr. Boudreau said that when you put 500 school age children or� a park area, day-in
and day-out, that was a lot of use. He went on to say, that the school has not
cooperated we11 in the past, and the help they have received was more of a
detriment than a help. He felt this school WaS:°�using public facilities to
supplement their education program, and their organized sport program. How
far does the City Park and Recreation Department go to service an educational
f�hair�person Hughes said Mr. Boudreau should log the time, use and wear, of the
facili�ties, and maybe they could be approached for some change in use, or
money to he1p maintain tl�e facility.
Ms. Seeger questioned what type of arrangement the City has with a school like
Grace High Schoal?
Mr. Boudreau said they have cooperated in that the City has placed a hockey
rink on Grace property. Grace would be putting in a L�uilding at their expense,
and will pay the elec�ric bill for the lights, and use it for school classes.
The City will use it for hockey. The City would be putting up�a sign that this
was a public rink. He said ti�at �n �he past:, Grace has let the City use same of
the�r oatdoor are� for the City`s summer program.
i�r, Boudre�u said that he had suggested to Woodcrest that they could maybe purchase
some ble�cfiers or fencing for the park, ar�d the response he receiVed v�as they
have no money and would be able to supp1y manpo�ver only. He felt that before
next year, the Commission should sit down with the Woodcrest Qaptist Church Schaol
people and arrive at some decisions for 1980.
... __ . _ _ _
C���Re ues� for Fundin far S1ring Lake Park Community Services
�hairperson Hughes questioned if Mr. Qoudreau could u�date her on the grant
that may or may not have been started, for funding of S� 'Lake Park �
Community Services?
Mr. Boudreau said he had been out ill for part of the week when this was being
-� dealt with, so he would have to check into the matter further to be able to
give Ms. Hughes the correct answers and information�
;�fOTTON by ,v1s. ��Iech, secor�id•; U.y ;vlr. Young ta adjourn the Parks &
Recreation Commissian mee�ing. Up�:s a v�ice vate, a11 voting
aye, Chairperson Hughes declared �he rneeting adjourned at
10:25 P.i�. October 17� 1979
Respec�tfully submitte.d�
/ • �C� �_',�'�''
laine Reed
Recc�rding Secretary
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