PR 03/12/1980 - 31254� _ PARKS & R�CREATIOri CONIlriISSION MEETING MARCH 12, 1980 � CALL TO ORDER• ' Chair�erson Baroara Hughes calle d th� 'March 12, 1980, '�Parks & Recreation Commission meeting to order'at fi37 p.m: ROLL CALL: . Members Present: Barbara Hughes, Jan Seeger, Betty Mech, Dave Kondrick, Dick Young ; - . Members Absent: None � " . . � Others �'resent; Charles Boudreau, Parks & Recreation Director , . J�ck Kirk, �_ + '. Siah St. Clair, City Natural�st � , : ' Dan A11en, new Commission me�iber efiective 4/1[$0 AFPROV�.L OF F'EBR,t3ARY 13, 198Q, PAItKS & RECREATION C�I�I�SSIOIQ MINUTES: � ,,.� , . , , , MOTION by Mr. Kondrick, seconded. by Mr. Young,�to.approve the Feb. 13, 1980, Parks'& Recreat�on Commiss�ion minutes. _ �> . Tlie foTlc�wing change was , made to the minutes an page 1,0, parag,rapli 3: "urid.er - the pretense!' should be changed to "witli the intent"�: ' ._ . . _ u UPOIv' A �'OICE VOTE, ALL VU�ING Ai'E, CHAIRPERSON `HiJGHES DECLARED THE MiNUTES APPR�V?�D AS AMENDED . APPROVAL Or AGENDA: The following items were added to the agenda: Trip to Visit Recreation Centers�- Item D under "Director�s Report" NS?'"Po�t�r Plant Sites - Ifiem B under "Chairperson's Report"- Citizens' Committee - Item C under"Chairperson's t2�eport'" Summer Playgrounds for 198� = Item D under "New Susiness�" ' Dunes Area - It�m E under "New Business" '� MOTION by Ms. Seeger, seconded by Mr. Young, to approve the agenda as amended. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Chairperson`�iughes declared the motion carried unanimausly. ,i'� � �ARKS & RE�REATION COMMISSION MEF'iING, MARCH 12, 1980 - PAGE 2 I . BIItECT0�2' S REPORT : A. Int-roduction - Mr. Dan Allen (�Iew Co�nnii�sion member effective 4/1/80): Ms. Hughes introduced Mr. Al1en to each �aember of the Cammission. Mr. Allen stated Yee has beers witn tY�e University of Minnesota's Recreation Sports Of£ice for ten years. .He has lived in Fridley since 1976, and hopes to take part in th� Commission, not sa much F�ith his background, but with the City iL-self. B. Recreation/Natural Resources Yearly R�po�t - 1979 Dr. Boudreau gave the Commission members capies of the 1979 Recreation and Natural Resources Yearly Reporti He stated the r.eport was in two parts. The first part was the �ec�eation Pro;ram Report, which was a means�for justifying their be�ng and justifying the budget numbers. It was compiled using a method known as the Ecanamic Equivalency Index (EEI). The EEZ is based on a�e of participant, the number of participants, the participant hour, and the minimum x�age rate. Mr. Boudreau stated �.:hey have r.ow gotten to the_ao:iat where the report is all computerized. He stated that �n the middie of the report, the Commission should note thak the cost benefi.t ratio had gone down fr.om .279 in 1977 to .2�7 in 1979. � Dr.•Boudreau stated �hat the second part of the report was the Naturalist Division's Annual Report for 1979. The P3aturalist Division's EEI had dropped from $48,34G in 1978 to $39,632 in 1979. The number of partici- pa:xts had dropped by about `L,$OQ and tllz number of participant hours :�ad dropped abo::t 6,000 hours. 7:his was-s�.��ly because of the lack of staff (they had Iost CETA employees) and also they have reduced the range of service, range meanin� the distance fr rnn the City of Fridley. Ms. Hughes stated she would like the Gou�•mission members to look over these reports. If they haci any qtiest:.ons, they could ask them at the next meeting. ' C. 1979-8� Ice Rink Attendance Fi�ures Dr. Boudreau gave the Com�ission members 'copies of the 1979-80 Ice Rink Attendance Figures. He stated that Burlingron Northern was the l�ast attended with 273. Craig, whose warmi.ng house was closed on 3an. 25, had the sec��nd lowest attendance at 545, and L ogan was third with 586. He stated the Comi��ission sho�±ld keep thuse three areas in mind when it comes time for a recommendation for the ice areas for the 1980-$l season. Dr. Boudreau stated that th�: other ice artas -ran pretty true te form. They wQre down a fe�a from the previous vear., primarily due to the o2dex age groups. � '- �, _ ;, �� � ; n /'� � : P%�.F.I�S & RECREATION CQI�SSION MEETING MAR{;& 12 1a80 - PAGE 3 MOTION by Ms. Seeger, seconded by Mr. Kondrick, to receive the 1979-80 Ice Rink Attendance Figures. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Chairperson Hughes dec.lared the motion carried unanimously. MOTION by Ms. Seeger, seconded'by Mr. Young, to receive the Notice of Public Hearing to Ue h�ld at 7:30 p.m, on March 20, 1980, at City liall to discus's the comprehensive plan for the Mississippi River Islands of Peace Regional Park. Upon a voice vote, a11 voting aye, Chairper�on Hughes declared the motion carried unanimously. • D. Trip to Visit Recreational Centers Dr. Boudreau stated that the Parks & Recreation Commission and the City Council were invited on a trip to visit the Brooklyn Center and St. L'ouis Park recreational facilities. This triFx has been planned for Sat., Mar. 15. They will leave City Hall at 9:00 a.m. and will return about 12:30 �.m. . 1 II. CHAIRPER50N'S REPORT: A. How Department Deals with Equal Opportunity Ms. Hughes.stated she had asked Dr. Boudreau to get some information for the Gommission on what the City does on �qual opportunity. This request was generated by her reading some news ar.ticles on what schools � are required to do. Her question was, what was the City's poliey and how was i.t implemented? Dr. Boudreau handed out cop�es of a newspaper article entitled, "House Approves Bill setting guidelines in boys', gixls' sports". He stated this bill is on the G�vernor's,desk to be signed. The bill would continue to allow separate teams for �irls and boys in high school and would allow girls to try, out for boys' teams but not vice versa. Dr. Boudreau stated that in the past, youth under 11 yrs., were not supposed to have separate teams in recreation anc3 schools. _After 12 yrs., they could be separate as long as it promoted more participation. This bi11 says, in general, that schools and park boards must provide equal op�ortunity in sports to both sexes anu� there must be equality iu supplie�, facilities, practice time and coa�hing. Dr. Boudreau stated they�did change frou� boys and girls activities to 'youth activities, but the activities are open to both boys and girls. They have .found that if one or two b4ys signed up for an activity that had mostly girls, the boys usually drop out. This �-�as also true with the girls. But, he stated they are doing just exactly what the new law is telling them t o do, Dr. Boudreau stated that whei� he gets more information on the bill, he will share that i�f ormation �aith the Commission. � a "i � • x { • � . � ;I P�RKS & RECREATiON COMNIISSION MEE'LIIvG, 1�fARCH l.2 1980 - PAGE 4 � � �: � �� B. NSP Power Plant Sites ' . Ms. Hughes stated that a representative from NSP visited�the Planning Conmiission and lef� some site designs for the proposed 200 megawatt power p�ant. One of the proposed sites is in Fridley and is located _._ just south of 694 and north of FMC. 'T.liey were also shown the Coon Rapids �ite map which is just north of Ilortn Park. She �aas eoncerned about what th.ese sites migY�t mean to rridley's parks. Ms. Huohes stated the decisian on. the site will be made within the next couple of years, and there would be hearings on the sitings. Ms. Hughes stated that the P].anning Commission have talked as though this is noi:. a very real problem and that thase sites are probably a smoke screen so the plant can be pu� aC Riverside. NSP is alr�ad_y doing some expansion and some co-ger�eration at Riverside. She stated t�ie Fridlay site is the smallest site, and, also, when NSP proposed this si.te, they did not know about the Grea� River Road Yroject. The Caon Rapids sit? would be bisected by the ne�a Highwa,y 10. Ms. H�:ghes stated she ��ould kEep the Cou�ission informed. She felt it was �aorth keepi_ng track of , but it may no� be a'hig groblem. C. Citi4ens' Committee I�is .�iughes stated that at the last meeting, the Co�iission passed a motion recominend:ing that a citizens' comniittee be establishecl to explore a11 possibilities for a Fridley recreation center at the Fridley eommunity park. The Planning Commission made 3 motion recommending that the Parks & Recreation Con�►ission act as the co�mittee responsible �or exploring the possibilities for a recreation �enter, rather than having a citizens' couw►ittee, and that ir would be within the Co�mission's powe.r to seL it ug as a pro;c:ct coz�ittee. She wanted to repoxt this to � the Com�ission as they needed to discuss it a little further as to what tha Commission should do. Dr. Boud�eau stated he would sti11 like to see a citizens" committee inva'.ved in the entir.e project £rom the w�rd "go''. He would like. to be at�l� to write letters to tlie city or�anizations to see if they wpuld like to have re�resentacives serve on this couunitLee to gQ4 �heir input and EaYioever else was interested ir� se-rving. He saw the committee as having as many as Z5-20 members--people wt►o would heln then do what they hope.d to accomplisl.z. Ms. Hu�hes s�ated she agreed that th�y needed a counnittee, but "cvhen" was the question. She stated s�e did not think she knew a lot about the �levelopment of the Ssars propert�T, maybe because she has o:�ly been on tlie Commission for a year. l�ia�=be the Commission needed to take z n %'1 � PARKS &'RECREATION COMMiS5I0N MEETING t�ARCH 12 1980 - PAGE 5 look at what is fact and what is financing and then lay out a scheme for what a citizens' committee would do. They needed to know what the money situation is, what the development is, how much goes into the bare grading, how much goes into the building facilities, and how much is left over for the reerea�ion facility. Dr. Boudreau stated that the City received $200,000 in Le�WCON funds and the City matched that with $63,000 to�purchase the land. This year the City gbt a LAWCON grant in the amount oi' $166,000 which, again wi11 be matched percer�Lage-wise by the City, apgroximately $52,000, far preliminary grading and the development of a ball field area. Alor�g with the $166,000 and the City's match, the VFW has pledged $60,000 and th.e �YSA has pledged $5,000, all for the development of the athletic a�ea. Dr. Boudreau stated they do plan orrsubmitting a LAWCON application for the second stage which will be the parking lots and the rest of the deve],opment, but $200,000 is the limit. The following year they hape to submit another $200,000 grdnt for financing and other iLnprovements.. , Dr. Boudreau stated he would also submit to t}�e Co�anission a written report of all the information on the park and the recreation center. Ms. Hughes stated that the gark and the recreation building should be treated as two separate ite�s.• After Dr. $oudreau submits a report on /� the development plans, fir�ancing, and timetable, the Commission can talk further about this at the next meeting. IIT. NEW BUSINESS� �,. Request for Softball Tournament Dr. Boudreau stated they had gotten a request from the Fridley Tiger Hockey Boaster Club for their annual fund-ra�sing softball tournament to coincide with the 49'er Days cel.ebration to be held en June 27-29. He stated there was a limitation to four tournaments a year and this was one of the groups that was traditionally extended the grivi.lege. I�IOTION,by Ms. Mech, seconded by Mr. Kondrzck, to approve the Fridley Tiger Hockey Booster Club's softbaYl tournament on June 27-29 at Commons Park, with the u$ual stipulatYOns. Upon a voice vote, all voting �ye, Chairperson Hughes declared the motion carried unanimously. B. Keview of Nature Center Facility Status Mr. St. Clair stated that on Feb. 27, the City officially opened �ids on the nat�re center facility. The suggested bal]. park price s�sggested by the financiaL consu'ltant for the archite.cts was around $322,000. At that time the financial consultat�t felt the fi�ure would inGlude the base bid plus all the alternatives. The lowest bid was received � from Bud Johnson Consi:ruction Cc, and that bi:d was $493,44G inclu�ing PARKS & REC1tEATION COMMISSION r�J%TiNG, Mt1RCH 12 r i980 - _ PAGE $ — � the alternatives. Without the alternatives, the figure came in at $376,000 from the same firm. Alternatives inc2uded small things such as riling, painting, carpeting, etc, a�. the i.�terior, windows, framing for the second floor, etc. Three other inipo::tant alternatives are: (1) extra room in the northwescern corne� uf tl�e building; (2) stairway exit at the back of the builciing to meet fire code; and (3) parking ' lots and sidewalks caming up to the building. Mr. St . Clair stated the}� caere overwhelr.�ed wiih these figures . fIe stated he and Mr. Boardman then met with an E1k River fi-rin that had not fiaken out bid documents, That firm tfiought that if the City was to rebid, by doin� slight changes in the bid documents anc� changing the types of materials, the price could be brough� dow� $100,000. Mr. St. Clair believel that was $100,000 doran frem the total bid and not the base bid without the alternatives. ' ' Mr. S,t. C1air stated they ihen met wi�h �ud Johnson Construction Co. and talked about the potential of br_inging the bid down with changes in materials'and reducir.g certain �echanica"1 elements in the bui�ding. By changing little things such as the ?cirid of doors, etc., the Bucl Johnson Construction Co. was able t� reduce the base price by $47,300, bringing the base bid down to $329,GOOo The�� i�•ere also some other changes possible �hey had not incluct���, and if these cb.anges were made, the firm - may be able to come down seme inore. n Mr. St. Clair stated that he, Mr. Boardma�, ar_d Br. Boudreau met with - the City Manager, and the Gity l�fanagex decided that in order to come up with the monies needed for sewer anci water hook-up and other expenses, p1.us the grant, if they coul.ii get the contractor to come down to $310,000, they would go with that. I�Ir, St. Ciair sta.ted they have passed that information on to the construction rixm, and they saill be work.ing with the architects to try to make anore cnanges to bring down. that price. Dr. Boudreau stated he had talked briefly with Mr. Bearaman that day and had been informed thafi. the constructicn firm had come down to $319,OOU. He did not have an� more infa�.-�nation than that at this time. Mr. St. Clair stated that rline firms Uid the project and the.maximum • bid was $622,600. . Dr. Bo�.zdreau stated ths Ci�y is look�.ng at $310,000 for the building, the� the-re are archit�ctural fe�s of 13'/0, water and se�aer ho�k-up totall.ing about $25-30,OOG. He stated he and Mr. St. Clai?- are concerned �aith the objectives they started out �o do with the builc3ing and that was the square footag,e and an, earth-shnitered facility with some kind of passive solar that woald meet Mx. SC. Clair's needs. They are willing to sacrifice the water and sewer and go with satellites if they can. Their main objective is to get the f:acility built. Z'hirty-thousand dollars more would be needed tio Put iri the two alternatives, the ex�tra room and the stairway. � /�� � � � � � 1A=.�Fh.. .-.Y.:ii.�ii-�.. PA�ZKS & RECRE�iTION COl�SSION MEETING MARCH 12 198d - PAGE 7 Mr. Kondrick stated he felt they should do what,they can to keep the original square footage planned for_the building. ` The Commissian members a11 felt it was very impo�tant to keep in Alternative 1- the room addition, and Altei�xtative 2- the stairway. Ms. Hughes asked what the possibilities were for using monies out of the Parks &�Recreation Department's capitai outlay budget? :Dr. Boudreau stated he felt that-changes in the current capital outlay budget would not be a feasible alternative, because they have justified �each item as things very much needed. He felt there were other monies availabie, rather than having to take_it out of the meager capital outlay budget. ; . Mr. Young suggested anprczaching Anoka Counfy for help. ^ Mr. St. Clair stated that the Springbrook Nature Center Foundati,on had approximately $4,Q00 left of their funds and would be more than wiiling to do what they could.to help. - , Ms. Hughes stated she would like copies of the capital outlay budget so the Comm�ssion could talk zn terms of what sgecifically could be done with the budget or try to come u� with sorne other ideas. She statefl the Gommission might want to consider recommending tha� the water aiid sewer hook-up not be d�ne at this time and definitely no�parking lots and sidewalks. Dr. Boudreau reviewed the capital outlay budget with the Commission. He again stated that he is against taking money allocated for specific items as a trade-off, because the City happens to b� in a bind. He felt there were other ways monies c,ould be raised in the community if the people are willing to rai�e them and if the people really want the things in that building. He also felt the Commission was jumping to conc�.usions as to the� information that ras been reported of what has happened to date. There are other things yefi to be explored, and since they will be meeting aga�.n tomorrow, the iniormation tomorrow could be different than it is at this meeting. Ms. Hughes asked the Commission if they were willing to help raise money by approaching companies in the community and individuals, as that is o:�e commitment they can make to the City Gouncil. Mr. Young stated he was not against ra;,sing money, but he thou�ht the Springbrook Nature Center T'oundation was the organization that should go out and t�y to bring in funds for the building. They had spent €our years laying the groundcaork for this nature center and had more clout than the Commission had. PA12KS & RECitEATION COMNIISSION I��'�`ING, M�PCI�i 12, 1.98� - �A�� 8 Dr. Boudreau stated he disagreed with that. He felt it was time that the citizens and the City of Fridley stood up and were counted on this thi.ng, and it should not be passed o�f to. the Foundation. He stated that if the people really want this facility, he felt the people and companies could get behii�d it: and su�part it and could generate that kind of money. _ �_._ , -- . Ms. Hughes stat�d r.hat, at this goint, sl�e felt the ComLnission should • make some recommendation as to c��nethpr th�y wanted the City to rebid the building by taking it cut of the ground, ��hether they wanted the City to accept tha 1ow bid making necessary adjust�nents, and whether �hey wanted to keep in the two alternatives, the room addition and the stairway. The Cammission agreed to urge the G�ity Council to accept the low bid and build the �uilding, including ihe room expansion and stairway alternatives, that,.the secaer and water be delayed, ir nec.essary, and that internal changes are o.k. as long as rhese cr�an.ges are agreeable with Mr. St. Clair. Tf the bid goes over $365,000, then the City �ught to.come up with the u�on,ey that wi11 include the architectural fees, the basic building, and the sewer and water hoo�t-up. The Con�mission nAembers would be happy ro raise outside funds for finisl�i.ng the i.iltPr�.or of the building. Ms. Hughes encoura�ed all the Commissic�n �nem?�ers to come to the City Council meeting on :�Ionday, March 17, �ahen t-his would be on the agenda. C, Mr. 3ack K�rk - YhiZosophy Mr. Kirk stated he graduated frum the University of Miiineso�a i.n 1915 and T,aorked for the City of Coon Rapids before coming to the Ci.ty of �ridley three years ago. Mr.Kirk stated it waG his phi?osophy that recreation must be recognized as an important component _n. everyone's life; it provides a sense of accomplishment, self-satisfaction, and.hapniness. Mr. Kirk stated that as far as the community rec_reat.ion program, they offer a wide vaYiety of pr�gr<3ni� to me� t the �aishes a7id needs of the ' citizens and try to includa all activity areas. If anyone requests a program, they Iook at that program, and many programs are as a�esult of citizen requests. He staCed. that when Mr. Boudrea�s came to wor'r, for the City, there were 33 activities and �h�y now offer �15 dif.ferent activities At one time, it was mostly s�orts and athletics. ThGy have n�t sli�hted that area hut have e:�panded iuto manv . other areas . This d:,es nc+t incl�ide the Natural Resources Divzsion. Mr. Kirk stated t1iaC he felt a comm�unit� recreation program shou"L�� offer activities to all age grouFs. They n«ve tried to'accomplish th�s by having preschool �rogrums ��nd they have a very ac.tive senior citizen program, one of tne �o5t �.c�ive in tki� northern uuburbs .:Ie thoug!�t �i:he �'"� �7 r� PAItKS & RECREAT'IOT? CQ`MMISSTQN MEETING, MA1tCH 12, 1980 - PAGE 9 activities should_be offered at a reasonable cost to allow for maximum participation. They have be�n very careful in setting fees and have 1o�oked at" what neighboring suburbs charge for fees. They are often on the law side. They also da not want to exclude anyone from participation and have adopted a waiver of fees pc,lic.y for those who feel they cannot afford to pay the �ee. _ Mr. Kirk stated he felt they shoul.d offer for varying work an�d personal schedules. of the availability of facil3�ies. activities at different times I� is di£ficult at times because Mr. Kirk stated they�work ver� closely with the FYSP,.and the HAF. He just.finished a term on the Board of Directors for the FYSA. He felt they have some outstanding leaders at this time who share his philosophy, and it makes their working together a lot easier, He stated his personal philosophy about sports is that spo'rts (1) should be enjo}�able for the par�ticipant; (2) should provide an opportua�ty-for the garticipant to inte�act with others; and (�) should provide the opportunity to learn something about the sport. Nowhere does he put an emphasis or stre�s winni.ng. He does not feel that is the objective of the program, and there are quite a few in the FYSA who share his views. Mr. Kirk stated he is still a member of the FYSA and works closely with the sport directors.. He has met wiih all the sgort directors and has told them about a worksliop he has organized for April 22, The FYSA is in fa�=or /~ of it and willing to require their coaches to attend. He hopes this will be the first in a series of workshops to train yotrth coaches. Mr. Kirk stated he wanted to mention adult athletics. He felt there was a definite need for boih the competitive program and the fun program where people can come out for fitness and to just have a good time. A well- rounded recreation program should offer both, and they do it whenever possible. One disturbing aspect about the competitive program has been the bad sportsmanship. This has happened mainly because of the poor treatment of the referees, and they are having a hard time gettzng people to umpire and referee because ef it. He stated this has to stop somewhere. Mr. Kirk stated that.this winter he instituted a sportsm�nshig policy based on if a player gets ejected from a game, that player is ineligible to participate in the 1e��gue until he/she contac.r_s rlr. Kirk. When the glayer comes to see Mr. Kirk, Mr. I:irk tells that player that they are trying to improve the sportsmansr�xp and if he/she is ejected again, he/she is done for �he rest af the s�ason. Mx. K3.rk stated he is going to continue with this policy as it �ay be a way to curb some of the poor spoxtsman- ship in the adult athletics. Mz. Kirk stated another idea he has come up with 3_s the non-officiated sports where the.teams keep track �f their own scores and just have fun. They started with a four-man football league four y�ars ago. It went ^ c�ver super, and they have noc� increased the number �f teams, He stated the;� are getting nothing but posi.tive feedbacr:.from tt�is type of sport. - PARK.S & FECREATION CONIN�SSION MEi�TZNG, N1��I�CEi 12, 19$0 - PAGE 10 � � Mr. Kirk stated he had talked about inter-agency cooperatian in working with the HAF and FYS�i. They also work close.ly with the 49'er DaysComnrittee in putting on the co}nmuni.ty celebratian and are working with the community arts or�anization on ti�e Fridley;Ethni,c Festival. He stated they have set ug inter-agency cooperation with District 14 and have set up guidelines as to *aho wi11 offer wl�at programs in order to avoid duplication and mahi�ize L'he available resources, He felt that was extremely important. T,t�ey have worked very closely with the Lions, Jaycees, American Legion, etc., in co-sponsoring e-vents daring the year... Mr. Kirk stated he felt the recreation leaders are the key to their program in the City. They take great care in screening these applicants and offer staff teaching at the beginni.ng of all programs so the leaders are aware of the Department�s philosaFhy, policies, and procedure�. They keep tabs on the leaders thro?��hout;the program. Mr. Kirk stated they feel very strongly in evaluation at th� end of the program and the leaders are ctncQUraged to discuss th�iz evaluations with the staff. The leaders also evaluate the acti.vitie� and the stafi supper� :hey have received. Mr. Kirk stated he felt the energy sh�rta�e was going to have a big impact on community rECreation. It will be a b�g plus far any recreational � program in the'fut�ire. He ieels there are goirz� to be a lot of oppor- tunities for scheduling programs on k�eekends th�oughout the year, because people wili be traveJ.i.r.g less �.v.d wi7�1 UF looking �or actrvities close. ; tc, home . Iie feels the family activi.ties are g�ing to make a eonieback, � People are going to reaZize that recreation is one�o�poriunity to be tooether an� Lie fee�.s that family activities ca;. be a r�al �lua for +�he future. Mr. Kirk stated he feels lei.sure time will in.crease in the future. AI1 Qroj�ctions poiut to a short�r work Uaeek snd earlier retirement and that wi11 be a plus for the recreaiion program. Mr. Kirk stated that unless there is s big chaz:ge., he feels p�op3.e wi11 be wil'ing to spend. more money on recreation arci he feels commercial ven�ures are going to flourisl�. � Mr. Y.irl: stated .th�t -ti�e s�ems to be at such a gre.nlium i.n mosL- geople's iives t'�.at they hat� tu ca�Lm�_t a�arge i�:tocic of. time to an activiry. So, he feels T:i�ai-programs have a potenfiial in the future. Mr. Kirk stated he thought �}ie� are s�ei.�.ig nationaJ.ly an i.xicreased interest in pers�n31 health. �ie thought recreatiori px'o�rams will coordinate more with health. He fe1.t the Fridley program has expanded into tl�e area af lzealth and ii�ness programs and he �hought that will continue to expand. Ms . Hugnes thanked �Ir. . Kirk for sharing his philoscpliy with the Cour,rission. She sL-ated tnis has been a valuable serzes and ras given th� Commissioners a chan,ce to meet aiid get t� kraoca Clie i'arks, Recre�tiexi, aud NnL-ural � � Itesource I?e�artment sfiaff. � 1�,� r� PARKS &'R�CREATION COI�I2�IIS.SI.ON M%ETING" if�iRCli_ 12, 19$0 - PAGE 11 Ms. Seeger stated it is the first time the Commission has ever been able to get to know the entire staff. � D. Suu�er Playground Locations for 1980 Mr. Kirk stated that the following playgroun� locations are�proposed for 1980: Madsen Park Flanery Park � Rice Creek Elementary Hayes Elemen.tary . � Commons Park . � , Sylvan Hills Park North Park Elementary � � , Sumznit S qua're Parlc Mr. I�irk stated they are attempting to get use of Riverwood SchooZ and are in the process of negotiations right now. It is one area of the city that is extremely hard to walk or bike to, so if they get use of that facility, they may go to some kind of transportation system for tHat area alone. Mr. Kirk stated they had previ,ously operated a regul.ar playgr�und �rc,gram at Stzvenson, but would not this year. At the request of sever�l ci�izens, � the are attem tin to_start a handica Y P � pped playground program and are trying to work with the Islands of Peace on �hat. n Mr. Kirk stated it would be the fourth seasen for the PITS (Playgraund in the Streets) progra:n, and that will be traveling around to several Iocations this summer. ' . MOTION by Ms. Seeger, seconded by Ms. Mech, to approve the 1980 Summer Playground Locations. U pon a voice vote, all voti�g aye, Chairperson Hughes . declared the motion carried unanimously. � E. Dunes Area . Mr. Young stated he was concexned about the condiLi�n and appea�ance of the fenci.ng at the bunes area acrc�ss from the Fridley Sr, High School. Much of it has been knocked down and lie was assuming tile G�_ty would be regairing it. Mr. St. Clair stated the fencing �aouid be repaired as soon as �he sno�v is off and the ground has thawed, Pc�,t�KS & i�w�`CP�EtiTl�(JN �OMI�ILaSIU?4 I�r�.'1:T.yGz, MAI?.��I, 12 s I93f� - PAGE 12 LV . QLD BIISI�iE�S : A. Discussion - Possiblc Lease ��itli Anoka County MOTION Ly M-r. Young, secondcd by Mr. .Y-.c�n.ur.ick, to continue discussion �n tlie possi5ie lease wifih A.nolca County at �.notlier Lneeting. ADJ�ITRN:�IENT • � Chairperson Hughes dec�.are� the r:urch 12, '198t�, Yarks i� Recreation Commissian meeting adjourned at 11:25 p.m. Res�ectfully s bmitted, > Lyn e Saba Recording 8ecre�ary c 0 > � i s i Y� �� �