PR 05/14/1980 - 31257� . . ; .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
� �+AIt� & R�CI�E�i�20T�� COMMiSSI€}I�T
. MEET�PiG • ,
, ' I�AY i4; 19$0 : _ ' , ,
C�,L 3'�k URDEIi : � ,. � 4
C.hairgers.on i�u�hes ,called the Ma}c 14, 1980, parks & Recreation Co�ission
�e�t��:g to order at 7:37 p.m. � ` -' '
. . ; •_
.t�I.I, CALL t .: �
.. _
, __._._�_.,�.� .
-�tembe�s Present: Barbara Hughes, Jan S�eger; Dick Young, Dan A11en
� , �:
Members Absent: Dave Kondrick . =; .
Uthers Present: .Charles Boudreau, Parks & Recreation Iiirector,
_ _ _._ _ . . _..__ ... .
Jack Kirk, RecreaCion Suge�visor =
_..__ __ __w.�..__ _._
. -; . Larry,,Hartman, 586U -5th St. N.E. .
` Mi��`I.Ot3 b}� Ms. 3eegers s:econded::by Mr, A11en, to_ aPProve the Apr3.1> ].6, 1980, .
Parks & Recreatipn Gamm�ssion minutes as written. Upon a voice'vote, a1]
� voCiu� aye, Chai"rpersoz� Hugh�s�,declaxe�,thQ moCion carried unanimously.
The £ollowing items were added to the agenda:
. Trip to R�chester, Mn., Recreatia�al F�eility - Item.J under "Di�eetor's Report"
, .... _ . . . _
•,. Moba.le Pugpet Wagon , � I�em K u�der� `�Da,x�ctor's -_Report".-- . . �
� ._ ._ � . � � . .
_ _.. ._ ._ _ . . == _. _ . . __ .__ _ _ _._ � _ _ .
Ms. Hughes declared the agenda 'adop�ed as� ameiided. __ ____�..
I . D�R�CTO�' S < �t,FPOR� _ � . .
A. Receive Thanic Y�u Letters , .
' Dr. Boudrea�:; °���ted i.t wou2d be in order for the Cpmmis��.Qn to r�c'eiv�
� the Thank Yvu I,et�e� that.was addressed to Mayor Nee dated �ay 6, 1�8Q,
_ ._
from Ada A1,d�n, Program Direc�or, Paren.0 Education Preschool -Pr4grazn,
�ce�ar�i:ng a►`Field Trig to Springbroak Nature Center" .
MtiTI4N 6v �is . Seeger, seconded by •Mr. Allen, to receive th�e �hank Yec� l�t�ar :
ci�ted� I��y b, 19$0, £rvm Ad� A1den. Upon, a,�roiee vot�, a�.1, vating aye,
Ch�.a,��er.son Hughes declared �he motion, Garrfed unan�:mously.
. ; � ,
i . . . . . . . . . � ...
. � � . . . � ' . . � . . . � . . . . . . . . � . � .. c
i'ARKS & RECREAT�Q"�i Ct31�ILSSION i�E�T7N�, i�AX 14; 19�U. PAGB 2
� ^
� ;
B. Reeeive Softball Elfgibil3:t� V�rificati�n.Policy
Dr: Boudreau statec� the. Gamu�issiQn memhers had. received a copy o.f this .
`-policy that they hoped ta inst%�ute i.i� the City of, Frict�.ey Parks &
Recreatian Departmextt. He stated there have been problems throughout
the metro area and the state with th�.eli.gibi.lity rule set down by tk�e
Minnesota �Cecreation & Park;Associatio:� for the various sgorts .: In
Fridley, they have the mG�st problems with softball. Re stated they do :
.make an ho�est attempt tp verify that the players on the �eams-in Eridley :
either live `o� work in the Cit�r of Frid.].ey. Rrght now they have beer� ---=-•--._
: checking the ct�iver's license addressQS agains� the Iistings ir� the_ghone
books . They have been alert�d, that� ma_r�y geopie get duplicate cards framn
the State and can have ug t:o L-en dugl,ieates, giving any address they
desire. ,
Dr. Boudreau stat'ed that, be�a�se of �:.hat information, -they taauld like "
'to instiiute this "Eligibility Verification Po].icy" that would .no� cm�y :
require a driver's lieense, but if:iL- i.s ma:rked "duplicate", would r�quire
additicmal informatian s.uck� as. a per�on:a1 checkbook, a W-2 farm (€rom the
current year}, or a groperty tax s�afiement (frc�m the current year} to
prave the p�rson resides at tha�C address. -
� Dr. Boudreau' stated this is a f_ormai writte�u, policy, and they wc>u7.d 2ike
, to publisl� i.t in the softbail manage�s':notebook nexi year so that ��ery-
one is aware that these thi:ngs wil� be ehecked. : �.
Ms.. Hugh�s asked if -.gers or.:�el , mana�exs , o�' campanies wauld pravide letters
af people emp�oyed in the�r c:pmpau�:. - _
` Dr: Boudreau stated fihese ],�tters a-re required before a team is eve�,
a�cepted into the League. Fersonn.ei snanagers must provide a roster and
sign their-name that these..�eQple �,�ve been emptoyed in ...
� since. March 1� of t�iis year.t -��ey �i��ie received those letters in the pa5t. �
MO�ZON- by Ms . Seeg;er, secunded b� I�ir: Yo�n�, to adopt the Fridley So�tbal.l .
"El.igibiZzty Veri€icatia:t Po3.icy". ;;tJpc,n a vaice vate, a1�. voting ay�,
Chairpersan Hughes declared the rnotior� carried unanimou��y.
� C. `Summer Bus �o� Congxegate Dini:n " ,
Dr. B�ud��au si-ated that the �ommissioiz members had rec�ived a copy of
a 1et�er from Co�,nie-Mc-1�1i11iaii recoffu�.Qnd�.ng a c;�ange in the- summer bus
schedule from Manday, Wec�nesclaS=, and �'ziday to 4�ednesday, :Thursday., and
:. MCY�ION by Mr. Young, secozd�d by Nir. Allen, to change the 1980 summer :
bus transportation schedule for S�niar Con�re�ate Dining to Wednesday,
Thursday, and Li��n � voice .voL-c:z a11 voting aye, Chairperson Hugh�s
' declared �he mo�io�i carz•i�d unanis�t�usly. . °
. �
; �- '
I� � . � . .. . � � � �.. . .. . �. �.. . . .. . .. . . � . . . .
�. . � . . . . , . . .. . . � . :: � .. � � . � � ' . . . . . � . . .
� .. . . . . . . . . . . .
sYkC` ;��� ���$������a'a.�;`�"' . ..
' PARKS S� RECR�ATTdN �{}I�IISSZflt� ��TI1�TG MA'Y I4 1980 '' FAGE 3.
� .
D. xeguest tor Tenni:s Lights until Later Hour
, , � . ,
Ar. Boudreau stated this was �or the Commission's inEormation aad no
action was ':necessar�►. He has gAtten a� �equest frou� a,neighbor living
across f�om Mziore Lake Beaeh tennis co�irts that. the �te�}x�is eo�� 7.ights �
- be 3eft on unCi1 a later hour. .: This man �elt it was a misus+e crf �i�e
- Iights when th�y wer� left on until 2:Q0-3:fla a.m. Dr. Bi�eadre�au. s��ed
they'would try to leave th� lights on until midnight, and they have
go�teri nu�calls one way o�t the other. ?.'hey h�ve also left the 1i�h�s
� on until mi;dni,gh� aC the te��s e��a�t,s� at Wooderest Schoal a�d" hav� nat
� xeceived any calls. At Benjau►i,n-Briar�faZe, they have been leaviag the.
lights on until i.i.00 g.m., �nd�h� h�s nrtt heard any r�egative reactian.
Ms. S.eeger suggested that the hours of the tennis court ligh�s b�e �osCed
so that people knew what hou�s they co�sld play.
Ms. Iiughes staCect that if �hey sh.fluld start looking at incre�se+d I ighting
Cimes, they should look at the energy impaet. .
�. Springbrook Progress R�ort
' Dr, Boudreau stated �ha� �he wal.Is are �aow �ein� po�red. . He fe�t the
cozttractor was a�te,a�tix�� to be as care�ul as possible and beix�g very
,,;. careful to s�ay a�sy �i?rom .�he t�ees as ��ch" as pc��s3:l�Te. , A�ogxess �s
�.,,� corning �lo�ag very We1I. �Ie stated the �arog�ress is be3�ng;mon.itored by
Johu Flora,: Public Works Director, to z�ak� sure'f�'is:meeting �vde� and the
' spe�s;that were deveiaped. _ � � G. • ,�,. ,
. . . i . .
� Ms. .Seeger stated Ch�re ��t�e p�:ple w��rr.�re interested and exci.ted about
�`; the underground �builc��.n�, but are not fanriliar with tzvw the building wi17t
;, lovk. She �thought i� wou�t� be a good �ime to pravide sane �ki�d of leaz`uing
experience fox thes� `geogl:e. '', .
Dr. Boudreau sta�ed that Mr. St. Clair has been tak�ng p3.ctures as '
construction progress�s, an.d :pnce the bui�ding is� completed, lie wi11
� � be able to show the s�:ques�ce t�f �ust hcsw the building was eonstruc�ed .
. �. Ms. Hughes stat$d they shquld be calling the build��g an "ea.:�t� sheltered"
build�ng, rather tha� an "underground" bii�lding to prevent 'st�e c+o�,�usion
� oi� the part of the citizens . � ,,_, , .
A9'x: Yo�x�g �uggested.�hat Cl�ey have the ���dley Sun pz:tnt. a}�ierc�re each
�aeek of�the natu"re ��u�er builc�ing in gr�g�e5s as a p�blic.�e�ations-
� tcind of thing ta�k�ep people itzformed c� hcxa the bua.lding- �,s prwgr�ssi�t�.
: Dr. Bt�udrea� staC�d he would cail the sux� �Newspapers to see if ti���
cautd bs done.
/'1 �
'k�A�,S & RECREATION CQI�CSSTt'�T ���NG N,�Y 1,� i.980 _ PAG�, 4
g. AdditionaZ InformatiQn - I,ocke Park �
Il�, Boudreau stated that �he Co�aission requested in€oxmatian on how �
� �►any calls were.ori;�inated t�y the �oii.ce, by th� Parks personnel, and `
bg �he citiaens in two �€�tegories: "Liquar,narcotics and ordinance
: vicsiation" anci "Misc. pub�.i�/Publi�c �ss3stance"
Liquor, �.a�cc5tics Misc. public/
tx:ordinat�ce_viaiatiars pubZie assistance *
_ 137$ 1R79 I98Q eo �.ate 1978 1979 1980 ta date
Pc��ice 21 13 . 2.rt=, 4 3 0
Parks .
perso�nel 5 1 1 8 9 0
C�.tizens . 0 1 -0 0 0 0
� Most of the calls by Parks person.nel is to help in closing the park
- $xtd helping to remove th�: cais' at the :! 0:00- g.m. closing.
�.. �lcohc�lic B,everages �ca�ib�.�Ad: Si�i�s . InstaLled.
i -� _
� Dr. Boudreau stated. that for the �:ornmis�ion's i:nforuiati;on, signs stating �
, that "Alcoholic Beverages a"r� Proh�.bi�eci" have been instailed on the �`'-
Moore Lake Beaeh, Co�ons £'a��. at Bal l. Diamonds .��2 and; ��4, and at Locke
Park.- This ev�ning :he ha�..heard tt�at c�n�� a.f the signs at, Moore L�.ke
�egch has been stal.e�, bui. t�e ar��s�s and the tagging of the drinkgers
has increa:sed . since the szgr�.c�: wer€� �,t�� talied . The signs give the police
the authority to tag viola.te�s. -�•�
$. Volunteer Coaches Glinic" .
� Dr. Boudreau s�ated the Co�zra.�sian ms.m�eru received the infQrmation
�taterial on ttte �olunteer c��ches G��;nic that Mr. Kirk handed out to
�bcau� ,�S peopi.e wl�o attenc�ecz ,; Tn revi:ewing th8 information and the clini�
W'�,ti3 Mr� Ri�rk, they felt ,��°`was wart�wi�iZe, although they would have �iked to
�ave more peopl.e invol�Ted .
= Ms;. Iiughes stated she stogp�d.,. in a�..�his cliztie. because she wanted to
monitor what type of reac��.on the c�acnes had knowin; the Parks & -
:Recreat3�c�n Aepartment's glz:i:�.osophy i:w pzrticipat3on and not co�petition.
� .�� gen�ral, she thougl?t tti� ,���ction yw�.s verq good,, .aiid that the clinic
was very worthwhile. 7'hexe cauld h�v� beeu a little more discussioxt
�, question time, and shv�id have.�een more sharing, bu� she was sure
that would came as more sessfons lik� tt�is are held.
. �
� ,
� � _ � � � s-��� #=`�> o'�` � �`" -�;�,�
` � ^' �> �.��-�., �°
s . .
PAR.�S r�c �CREA�ION, C(}I��SI(}N_ I�E�� M�Y-1�+ 1�8{3- '�� 'S
� �
L. Rece3ve Co�unicat.ion frc� SGho�i�. DistxicC. 14 � ..
Dr.. "$nudre�u stat,e�i they ��e ��ceived a cou�nunicati�n frotn'�}is�ric� �i4'
d��ing with t�ie . bas�ba�,l fieids , at the Jr. High School . The wcsrk has now
been completed, sa th� fie�lds are in pxetty decent shage, 'H�.i'elt it
waa up to the City to notify the F�SA sud ttt� �abe Ruth Asst��taticut '
tha,t these fields:�till be us�ble for Chis gear; however;in 19$l, the c�e�`,
- field closes� to the J'r. High wi1Z not be availabl�e,for bas�hall.
MEITI4I�T by Ms . Seeger, seconcied by Mr . A11en., to receive the cQmmu�icatio� -�,�,�.;
dated May 5a I980, f�rom Brian iaagva�sti�t, �ctraol District �'14,� 'rega�di�tg
"R:epair of Jr. High ball f�.eldsf`. Upa�i a vQice vote, aIi voti�g aya,
_ Chairpexsan iiughes declared the motion ca�rried unauimausly. `
J -
J. T�i�p t4 Itach�sfi.e�; 1�i,�,nes.€���� Recreational Facility
..� .
.��:"'Baudreau stated that ,11 people went to Rochestex .to uiew.t�e cozsnnranit�
_;�- recre�tion ceater. Iie: was �.mpressed with the .simplic�.ty af r�e' exttire
"� lay-out of �he facility. H;e Chought many of the p�ople who. went a�e
away ve�y impressed at�d ver.y enthused''that we in Fridle� can cer�ainiy
: work. totaard �a faci�.�.�ty. sit�i.lar in nature. �o the �one i� Rtschester. He
thoug�t .it. was a,very> wQrt�whiLe trip. He;..sta�ed fi�ia��e P�s. ��ee,ger
and Mr . Allen wauld iike tb .cautmemt_ o�t what t�ey� tho�gt�t .o£ �kie- t���:. `
� . .•„ � .
Mr,. Al.2e� stated he th�ought it was a very taorthwhi.Ie . tri�. E�ren thuugh
it was a very �i.ce facility, he fe2t having:ice rit�ks<next �o an iudovr
swim�ing pool caas nat comgatible. He was impressed with the siu�plicity
o� the facility. They lt�a,d put thefr� money :into functional items, rathez
. tha�. heing real faney, He . sCated �.t, 'was v,�eZl supervised and ke}�t up very
we11. He felt they ieaxned tha� if a fa�ility is be�ilt .in the l���d:��y .
area, more gyu�asium space is needed. � ' ,
Ms . Sesgex �tat�ci ft was � interesfiing �and waxthwhile . It was def3ni�G��.� "
a clean, neat, well-operated �acility.
Dr. Boudreau .stated that an <importartt a�pect thaC wa� braugh� `iaut ta�s that
: in building any- of these faci].it�.es, the pub�ic . should .b� w��l.. i�nfo�ned '
on what the c�ost is going to be and what the €a�ility is g:oiug Cc� be:,
, ,th�t the Cxty shaul,d not ,�o i,n with its e3€es e�.osed :think•ing; the fae3,lity
' 3s �aing tc� ��. for itself, to realize it is going _ta cost'utc�r�e� tci :�iave '
� a�,d . op�erat�. �he facili`ty in the community, and these ought tt� :be }e�,�z� :
€acts bEiare peapl.e even ge� exci�ed about it. �
Dr. Soudreau stated he-was enthused�to learn that the philosc���� th�.t
- �he Fr�;elley Parks-& R�crea��:on Uepart�ent Q�erates by was ver� p�ra11�1, .
to Che;'�ne txiey h�ard expressed at Rochester, and that was=�he��are-.�iex�
Co ser.vice the pec�pl�e c�f the comu�unity, to try to make every��Zi� avai��aie
at:the lowest gassihle price, and to firy to have�it so•everyQne ca� u�e it
c�n. .� family-,tyge basi,s . � .
� _
.. . . . . .. . � �. .. . . � �'.» .. � �
�Ait� �C RECREATI01� -C�3M�����+i Z�E7�I�� 1�AY l�x ' 19£�0 PAG� b
, '�.. �b�le Pupget Wagon _ .
i!r': Bc>udreau stated the Ja�ycee� are c�nstructing a mobile .puppet waga�
for us� by the Ci�y. It is' t�oged i.t mi�ht be completed� i.n :time for `the `
: 49`er I}ays parade. As he u�t�e�staod :it, :this PuPPet wagon would then� be
dan�te� to `t-�se City with t�i� �p�opex 4dvert�.�emen� for the 3aycees .. It
was a gift that will be coe��.ng 'to �he City, and the Commission me�►bers -
shc�uld be aware of it.
A. Drainage Plans on Itanchers Ro��l
:, . �-� �e.
'Ms, Hughes sCated she: waa��it,-<�� alex.t t��"��ission members that the a�ea
ttaxth of Boh's Produce'aaad �te��t of Hi.ghway 47 i,s "goi�to be developeci.
T3�e drainag� plans for aZl< �%a� area c�i12: be d�ne �,n pon�i�s.�areas, and
what they are laoking for in �uture dev�lopments is.a series .of �
areas , a11 of whieh will b� a�.�nected: and aIl of which . wiil run int��.��_�—�._....-.�
Spring �rook. _. � °
, Ms . Hughes stated she_ wou�.d �eep the 'Co�nnission members i:n£nrmed as t,hings _-
h�ppened an it.., She stated s�ae was not haF.PY with this kind of approac�ty
a�.th�ugh it >may be the o�1.�r. a�.t:ernative ..
� i+i�. Seegex s�ated she th�uglx:._�his w�� srxnething .the Envi.ra�.u►en�a1 Quali.ty �
�cmnn3.ssion should alsa lcok afi,
ZT�. �t+i ?�Ja�'iNESS - . .
A. Recommendations - Capital Qutlay 1981 ,
Ms : Hughes askerl what the t�.iuetab�.e. was a� the 1981 Capital Oui�lay Budget,
Dr. Boudreau stated he wi��'be p�esenLang a reuiew o£ 1979 and what they
ar� looking at for 1981 to t�t� City Cou�.cz.l on June 23. This capital
out�.ay is a" list" of thi�.gs the3= see as needs in the present system.
i�� reviewed the capiCal otit�.�� budget with the Cotmn�:ssion.
M� . Hughes asl�eti if 'the �;orrmrii�sion ,�n�;��bers tiad any aciditions th�y wa�.eld
like to see in .the capita3,, au�l.ay bud�et . She re£erreci to �he letter
fran� the C�ty Band request�ng`. a nee� �or an o�atszde� stage fac.ili:ty.
�he stazed:fhe Con�►issian mi,�ht waut to,add �his u�dex 451.0 -�uildings
and S�ruct�res; „ .
Ms. Seeger stated she w�uld like �o see Che Ca�nmission attempt ta generats
i�CereSt in an outdoor s.ta�e facili�y. : _
I�. Hug�ies ;stated the Com�isGion u�e,�hers .sh�uld review the capital autlay
bud�et agai:rt �at the next m�e��ng� aiii�" �ake sc.mie spe�ific : reeommet�riatians ^
�c� be passed on to the Cit�r �taun��i...
, ,
� _
- . .. .. . ;{�,�ri k �, .p3�..,��p.���,rsa . : � . . . . � . • . � . :
. ` .. . . . � : .. . . . . . . . . . .. . . .. . . . . . . . . . . _ . � . . � . , .
FA . ��REATIt3N CQ�SIflA�� I�ET� MAY l�r 1�8t) PA�� j.
tt � _ �
!'""� , , :
' t�Q�I4N by Ni��, 'Seeg�r, secc�de�i :by Mr. Al,�en, to give prel_t���ia�;�r approvaZ �
t0 the Pxaposed �agital au�lay 1981 for the Natura� Resource.°Divisi;c�n as
pres,e�ted. 17gon a vc�ie,� vt►te, a.lZ � aye, 'Chairp�rso�`Hug�►es deciare�,
�he m4tion .earried unan�aus�.y.
Dr. .Bc>udreau stat�d the "�usts" in th� Ca�ital O�tla� for :Ctt�.Park Y
; Division are as fo�.laws: ` . :,..
, � .
„ ,� .
45 0Q - LA�1D , . .
, Special assess�nts � - • $ 8;540 , . .
Land purchase 1•Q, (?QQ-
4�10 - BiiiLllINGS AND STRUCTUitES °
Cit� G.�.rage payment 11,549
�.�, �
�;� ' ,. p
. �53Q `- MACi���R3€' & A�iO EQ��NT -
Tractor Replaeem�nt �532 - 197fl LC� Ford 17,54Q
w/ attachments : ; ". ,
; : �.. . �ruck Reg�.acement �'�564 �- 1975 f�ne T�n Dadge. • 8:,�1fl0�. • . :
�iuge=r Rep�:acemei2t . � 1;�Qfl ,
� � � Braom Rep���eumn�, 2 @ ��G, 20Q . . �� � � � 8,��4,ti
� Cemerit Mix�r R�p�.acemen���52�; Z973 7Q4..: .
` �,Ttilitp Vehic�e �teplac�ment_ 6;800'° '
�ractor Blades, 2@ 1,775 3,550
R�place obs�Qlete�radios - 3,60fl . +
� 45�+0 - OTH�it IMPR4VEMENTS
Picnic tables, 10 @ 260 : Z,,bOD ` ;
Lat�dscape/nurse�y ma�erials � 9,5b0
General fence ma�erials _ 4,7Ufl, - `
Ter�is caurt exgansi.on 3
A. Lo�ara 4,�� .=' k
B:. Sylvan 4, 2(� •�:;Y ; °.
. Surface material �=for jogg�ng pat�is . � . '
A, Meadowlands. . 2.$QQ 3
, �. Edgew�ter �axd�n� 2>�00
° �: Ruth Circle : ` �`,909
; Ca�crete trash cc>utainers . -�.;4fl� �
- � ToCaZ - $ 117,599 s
Dr. Boudreau stated �hey atso hoped the City Council would .appz�ue
i�rigation mater` ials for on� or t�ao of ehe smaller park a�cc�as, a�td h�ped �'
�he City>C,�ciuncil wil�. .consider very,.sexiausly some Iightitt�,,g..�o�.;�c�me ' ;
� �
�cidit�.c��al tennis court ar�:as, ��.sA some �ight�tng replacem�n�,��; ;.
n t $
_ ,.'
PARKS & RTCREA�'ION CUN�ISSION M�ET�AiG �"f �.4 1_980 _ , . PAGE - $
_ M�}TM�} ION by Ms . Seegex, sec�nded by t�1z-, A2Ien, t4 give preliminarY aPPra'��:�- ,�
to $117,599 for--the Propos�d Capital Ou�lay 198i for the Park Division.
Upon a voice vote, all votf��,:aye, c':hai'rperson Hughes declared Che'motio�i
carried unatzimously. �
_ .
g. Request - City Band Funding-
MOTION bq Mr. Youn�;s seconded by Mr. A11en, to receive the letter da�ed
Ap�il 28, 1980, from Mered%�h Schurr, President, Fridley C�Lty Banci,
: requesting City fundin� in t��e amount of $2,000. Upon a, a11 __z_n
'v�ating aye, Chairpersan Hughes decXa�ed the mo*_ian carried unanir�vusly.
Dr. Boudreau stated thep �l'� he meeti_ng with Ms . Schurr. The City has
no prob].em with the City Sa�zd's requ�si., and it wi11 beccmie part oi the
cultux•al arts budget reques�. . , .
Ms. Hughes stated she ful},y s:t�ppor�ed ttiis'request. The Directt�r i�
probabl}r paid too Iitfile � sa�,axy and �ias been at the same �alary fox°
at least the last five year5,,.and this is the iirst increase.
� �. �equest - Softball Fie1d Usage
Dr. Bouclreau stated the Crace �vangelical Eree Church is requesting Che
� _ designa��d reservatiori of s:wa_ softbal� diam�nds on Frzday evenings at
Madsen Pa�k. �he use af the ciiav�an:�s �.s requvst�:d to s��art Friday, M��y 2, �
$nd end Friday, Ang.:8,with tlie use;of the fieZds from 6:30 - 8:�.5 p..�: '
Dr. Boudreau stated that last'year, they were able to accommodate
'_ ` Grace Evangel,ical Free Church as �.t is xi�k�t next door. to Madsen Par�C,
and Friday e�3e�iing is not a hi�Yx t�se ti�ie.
MO'CION b�* Mr. Young, seconde�'by Ms..>Seeger, to rPCe;ve the lett�r dated .
Apri1 24, J.S80, from the G�ace Evangel.i:cal Free Church.and to approve
�' their request for two softball diampr.ds' �fi Madsen Par_k. on F?'ida�� eve�.img;s,
with the provision that tr►.� ��iurch vac��e th� diamonds for any znake-ug of �.
` �,eague games .
Dr. Boud�eau sta�ed the Yt�CA=�astsid� l�r �nch has canie in wa�l: �wo
different requ��ts . T'ney` i�e�d a soft'aa�.l f ield for their 4 team Co-Rec _
�eague on M�nda;�, Tuc.sdaY, Wednesday, ox� Thursday eveni.ngs . They also
need two soitba'll fi�lds on E'rida3= ni�hts foY thcir ��n's league frc�m
May 9 to Augus� a.
Dx. Boudreau �.tateci tha� re�azding �he firsC, there are no €ields
�vailal�le on, �uesciay, [nied:l�'s�ta�, or Thursday evenings. These
�ielas a�e a13: sci�ectule� for Pi_thTr :�out,; softball; yo:zth basebalZ, or
ciCy�opera�ed rec�ea,tio�. ��f:t�a1�. ,�:�Ie re�ou-unec.�ad t��at requ��s � be; d�ni:ed . /',
. F'u ' 1� ? �,.: sc� A .
. � . � � �. . � . '.' ' .,� .4 �. � y � ,. ' �.. . . .
� . �. . . . . . ... . . . , �. . . � . � . . � . .
.. . . � . . - . . . Px".<:, . . � . � .. . � "
p�a�s �t �c�a��o� c."c��ss�� r�$��, `�� �.lF� x�sei � ::: . ���sl,.'`.� � .
�;",�, ,
, Dr�.+�auclre�u st$��d that regard�ing 'the secand req�est, ti�e� ��ave taiked
in te�rms of lett�.ng t�e �MCA use the two, fie2ds that are bac�C-to-tsack in
the S�ever�son School area, `�h�s.�' seem to'be the l�ast .used fields and
wou3d not hinder �ei�ther Che opex&�ion-oi -Che° youth pro$ra�s a�d/or the
: city programs. -,.
MOTIQN by Ms. Seeger, secanded by Mr.'Young, to deny the request by the
� ,YMCA-East Branch €ur use of a softbalL field fafi �hei.r 4 Team Co-Rec
, - y I,eague:on Mond�y, Tuesday, Wed�;esday, or-Thursday evenings, and th�t in.
� regard to the request for �wo softball fieYds on:Friday eveni,ngs, they
: be aliowed �he oppflr�unity to use t�e`two fields a,t Stevanson Schaol o�
a "first-come, first-serve basis��� .
I3�. Revie�w of�4rhood �ark Deve:lopment
' Ms. fltzghes stated she would like'the Commission to review the n�ighbox-
hvod park development of`each park on a timed basis; so they w�,ll know�
. what is going into each gaiek and �iave an unc�erstandi�z�g �f the parks' for
the budgets. _ .
� Dr. Boudreau staCed he had inforniatinxt on every one a€ Athe park a.reas
wfth input from the neighbox&ood m�etings he'1d 12 years ago o£.what the
residents saw a5 needs for each::'park.,,` He stated he coald get that
information together in about twd weeks` and would send it out' to the :
Commission members . . - �, �
MQTION by'Mr. Allen, seconded by`Ms. Seeger, Co continue the Review of
Neighbozhoad Park Developa�ent unti.�. the next meeting, Upon a voice:po�e,
alI voCing aye, Chairpe�son Hugh�s declared the motion e'arried t�na�t�mQUSly.
E. �enn�s Court Need - Cannie Metcalf . ,,:
Ms. Hughes stated this letter fram Conni.e Metcalf e�pre�sing.� Cen�is
court need at the Sears Property was received At the last meeCing. She ,
ask�d if �here was any way '�he Co�issian could get- at . uth�t .the "real
n��d" would be for te�nnis courts in this area?
Dr.;i3�udr�au stated the City has 38 courts availab�e for resident use, :
countin� ti�e schoal courts tChat are available. The MRPA�'s�and�rd .is
one court p�x 2, OOO people . He `�tated he rhought that� Ms , Me�,c'�lf �aas
talking° abouC an `imdoor � caurt , � .
Ms. liughes stated�that pa�t of:Ms. Metcaif's :concern was that as the
, Gonunission look�d at the co�unity park com�tlex, el�ey locik at ��ether nr �
� not ter�nis cou�ts shouZd be-set up �h.ere as weTl. knd, if they�were
�o b�, talkinig about a big recrea�ional building, th�y shcwld al:so be
� '
� � . . - � � .. .. . .. :. . . . _ . .. . . ..� .. . . . � . . . . � � +... ..
..� .. . . � � � .. . . . . � � � .� ,. � . � � � .. �.� . . ,
�'ARKS & RECREAZ'ZON CUMMISS�0�3 �?F;��IN�3 ��r1�,' 14, 1984 PAGE 1�
i.c�aking at. whether there shc�uld be �o��ered caur�s, So, this is somethi�g -- .
.. ,
the Cou�n�.ssion should -recagnize when i:he�Z _lopk afi :.neighborhood park .
development pl.ans and the cs��ununi�y: �ax:ic complex. Another thing the
Gonmiissioners ��Zd do to a certain �:xtent is man�.tor the use of neighbor=
hc�od park courts fio see�when the ceuxts are used and to what extent the
courts are used.
Ms, Seeger stated that at e=ne time th� Cc�mmission was hembarded�by
�itizens raquesting tennis�cou�rts. �pcause tennis courts are more popula�r
at certain times of the c��.y,,s�e th���h� �osti:ng a sign of th� times the
• court ligh�5 are on would h�;tp`a1Ze�iate that heavy use time.
Ms: Seeger stated that t�e �ea.gue �f.Wamen Voters has voted to do a study '
o�. the recreatio�: buiZding, studyir.a; tha uses the facility might provide . -
dne of the things hrough� up was ��cio�r tennis cour�ts�. She stated she
thought this would be a ver�r interesting study, and the Ccmmaission coul.d
utilize that infor�rcation`.
Ms . Hughes stateci this item r..eed no�t be continued, but could be part of
so�e of the discussian in �he'future. 5tie stdted she would cor�tact
: Ms . Metcalf and let her Icnow of t�he Camr�ission.'.� discussian.
F . LAWC�N = Prela.minar��?l_i.cati.on
I�s. Hughes stat�d she had a.�i;ed th�t: 4nis be put on i:he agea2da so ti�e _ ^
Casnmissio� could see wizat� ��?e; City. �,�as aPFlied..for with the co�uiunity pa�rk.
complex. Ttt�.s c�uld be co���,�ed witn tk��eii discussion on the c�manuni.ty
park compl.ex later in the agen.da .
. G. Soff:b�l.l Tournament Request� .
Mr. Larry Iiagtman stated tn�ir soft�aali. �eam wo�ld like peru►ission t�
hoi� a softball tour�zament= ar �ommbzi� Fi.eld on Aug. 9-10 to raise funrls
Lc� attenu an out-of-s�ate.,to�:rnamen� at the enci of August. He statect th;ey
are sponsored by Bob's Proiiuee and 'xealize �he3� are setting a precedent
sine.E they do not have an o�ga�.iz�ti�e: Lhar. i.s spon:soring them, such as
�h� FY�A . He sL•at�d a2I but «n� m�t�-�oex �f their te� has ga�e through
th� �'YSt�, They sti�3 ca�cis f¢r �he,.�Y�A, in the foatball and .basketball
pro;rams anel, througtc va��eus :actxvi.i�.ie�:, th��� feel they have c�ntri%ut�d
a lot tc fhe �ammu_�zty.
�r� Boudzeau s��ted this,v.s�ul.d be set�ing a precedent. In che past
there hav� �.racti.tionally b�ea..,three,tournamenf�5 until a,requ�st eaa�e
;�iixough from the �'rialey Tiger iiocke} P,QOSter C? ub �c, �ald a fourth
t�urnai:ne�z� in �'z•i.d1�y. Sa; thPre a.z� r�c�a .fc�tzr tournUment� in �'ridleyt
ti�� Fridley-'i`iger Hockey �c�:�s�e•r C:.c�h, �:he ,7ay�ees, the Firemen's Relief
_ A�soci.G.ticn `�ourn.zn�i7t, ai�c� �'r�dley Cavenant Church, �
, �
� �t-�� a�„��� �+� t:�#M':'i �
. , : . ,;�.
� PAi�KS & it3��REA�."IUN C��MtSSZQi�t MEE �, MAY �4, �.98� PAGE� �.1
- ...._
/""� : • .
I?r;; Boudrea:u s�a��d thaC.�x the Cou�is�ion �as receiv�ct':�r�quesCs
a�d has ap�ro�e�.. requ�sts for the z��:a�.�y coVe���ta C�ur�t�, tou�criament and
. the Tiger Hockey Bc�o$ter:Club Couma�eA�. He understvo�,.that the Jaycees
_: a is not �.�terested in-hos� a state tou�-nament this year, and `the Fireman'� -
� Relief Assr�ciatit�n is not i.nt�rested.;in �oidin� a tour�Yament th�is year.
So, right now th�re �re -t�va tournau�ents scheduled far Frid2ey,:� The
pxecedent �he Comm%ssian should_ be aware of is that Chis is` a�n individual
-softball team and, to his k�owledge, an;individual softball te�m has
_ not beex� one of � the recog�ized grougs ta have a tourriam�nt �tn Frid-i.ey. ;
He stated he knew this saftball.team_�rould o�eraCe a tournament_without ,
any probl�ems, would da an outstanding job in organization,'anc� �ould do
an outstauding job in`followiug through � all the de�ails.�
Dr .�ou�ireau stat�ci he and Mr.Kirk have discuss;ed` thi.s �nd tk�ei:r reco�enda-
tion is that if .the Commission. is �i.11in.� to set a precedent i,ila+ere
tournaments ar� appxoved for individual softball teams, they,wouZd �o
�r along with that precedent and felt this ce�rtainly is a worthy-0g�ou� C.o,
. operate the first tournament by an individual saftball team. �hey wauld
have �o fol,low th� same process as �he o�her orga�izations. �
Dr. Baudreau sta�ed that he thought if tl�e Coasnissiou d�d decic� to set
this precedent, some kind of compensation.for the use of those fields
' shou2d be made �o the city prAgram�:by mean.s "of a dol.lar figure, . so,m� typ� �
of donation to the C3ty st��h as e�uipmen�, or som�thing that,would i��elp �
� the .eity prc�grams in the futt�r�; ., - . : � `
.. . ,
,. ,, . . , . _ � :
Mr. Young sCa�ect,he has.b�en.direc�ly responsible for organizing four
tournaments in the past. He did not know,i,f the City was aware of the
cost of putting on a touxnament. One of the reasons the Jaycees is not
hosting the state touxnament th�.s.�rear is becaus.e o� eost.- Organizations
� also have to look at liat��l,ity. insurance because of,tk�c�� se�ling,c�uor.
His coneern was �hat, is ax� individual softball t�a�e goirig to be'abl� tc�
� affard the kinds of insurance to �rotect thems�lves, but'more i;mport�nily,
:Co pratect the,Parks• Department of the City of Fridle�?
_ . .. . F
.Dr..�BQudxeau,stated that is one of the requirements the.,team would have
tc� demoastrate be�ore t�,ey would �e allowed to have ;that tournament. ' :
� Mr. YQUng sug�ested tha�-�hey more::or iess go�tt�e �uidelf.i�e of
ltaving only �our tournaments a year. Ii thr�,four organizations th�t have
` hosted the Ci�iz�x�.aments �.zx the„past cou�d� 1e� t}ie City know bg mid-Feb�uary
- whether or n�� they were gc��,ng to ehave � a� tournament tk�at year, :at that
time � it �ot��.�1 •-be made knawn tc� other organizata.ons an�l othe� �,eams and
. maybe go- on a lottery basi.s , . `;
.` Ms�� Seeger stated s'he thaught Mr. .Young's goint was, very. good.. Ma�be
four �ournaments should be set as a:limit,.and:a �,ott�ry;wouldn`t be a
, bad idea, hecause it wcsuld �o� be�discriminatory. -
�"1 ,_ Ms. �iugh�s stated hea ca��,exn was setting �he �recedent. I�.was her f
: impression.that �tte City Cc�iu�.ci�.�s phil.os�phy on these tourna�e�t� �as:
tkza� it was for s:c� -c���ity �aurpQSe v� chari�able .purpt�e oz st�th�.ng
o� that nature,
�A22I�S & RECREATIDN Gt}Mi�5SIUN 1��;;TING, I�4��.' 14� 198t? . PAGE 1Z
_ /1
M!f�`rION b�_. Allen, seconded by Mr. '�'oun�, to recommnend to City Goun.cil,
the apgroval af a test tournament t�}� Bc�b's Procluce softball team for
Au� 9-i0� 3�9$Q, as a th+.rd Courra.�me�.t ?an lieu of one of the four reguiairly�aed sof�ball taurnameizts; Lhat caii2 not be held � thi�, year, and that th�
_ ,
tournamenC meet the conc�zt�on�> of .�ie��iLs, licen�es, and all other city
Ms. Seeger stated if they a�:� goin�:�o set a pr2c�dent, they should set
ttg some specific guideliaes. She ha� some problems with �rivate gzoups
raising money, because the �it.y has k�ad some probl�ms in the past with --°°••--
private groups wanGiug to us2 park fac�.lities to �aise money. _
I�i16Y, CFiAIRPERSON HUG'rIES 17j?�;�D T�i� ':P4�iI�N END�D TN A TIE .
Ms. HugYies asked Dr, Boudr�su�to �it� this up in a memo and tr� to geC ,
it on the City Council��ia �or M�ndav, ' I�tay 19 .
Y�Fs, Hughes stated she was �ot oppc�sed to th�s tcurnament, except that it
• xaauld s�t a grecedent and " that tk�e 'u�nQiit accrues to �� small group af
people. `
Ms. Se.eger_s���ed-s�-�e a�ree�:*,�ith t�.c: sama reasons as Ms. Hughes. She.,
* `. stated she r��tpre:.;.a�.ed tahat ��e m��b�rs -, of �:he group have cantributed t'o �
t�� youL� organ3:z�tions �nd raould li�� �o see them have this tournamant,
bu� th� t��me '�Bob's Produce'' �omew��.t i�zdicates that it is a privat� grou}�
t�yin� ta €e�rt�ra�rd �he�nselv��,,::and �he was atraid of the preceden� it wQ�aid
set. :
Mr. Yaung stated that on.e v� the :�easons� h� was in favor of the �no�ion
was because of the group's involve��nt in Fridley youth sports orga�,iza-
tin:s . He, too, had some conGern.s ab�ut ' setring a prccedent.. v .
Ms. Hughes �t�ted that Dx..Bo*�dreau=.:hauld include in the memo�a stateme�� .
tha�. the Bab's Produce C�ar� ��,y proba��,y the ideal team to test this ki:�ci
ciz tournament . . _
Mr. All��i. stated tha� if .t1��. Parks &�tecrea�i�u staff, i.n their judgement,
felt this was a grcu� of ius�ividu�`1s: -.:=�io a�e isnique in. their cantributions,
� he thougi�t tl-�at was impa,:ta�,r& to c��.�zsic��r in tiieir �Sr.�cedent. iC i�a; also
an itnpa�ta:ct fact that ih]tS.:tou7:'rt�zitet►.i: �7as 3.21 lieu o� c�ne : of the other _
tradii:�.r�nal softbali to4ru�tnQnts .
Dr. Boudxeau sCated �he. T-5:i1 'Actfivif-�,� C:I.ub was in.qtYiring about the use`
of the �it�'s £ie2cis for an �� 1-Tar.�Pt: saitoa:,L;, tourn�ment with aIl tk�e
� ��arget stoxe5 around the xwir:. Ci.�� a�ea. " Tiiey are at the seconci
or third weekend in Augus�: an�? woul� requixe rY�ree so�tba21. €ields . Tlaey ^
woulcl like �:wc� �f �he e�,x�e ,,�;�.elds Ci? 1ze. I2ghi:E�ci fieids ,
�' �'��:�,:��,��x„�,;; � `� ,�"���°°�st' : _
,. ' P�iR� &�E�AT�ON Ct��ffSSION .1�Ti�i� I� 14 198i} P�IGI� i,3 �
Dr. 8oudreau stated th�.s �a� alsv a prec�aent-setttng thing. Does the $
. , C��� allow a cam�arcial age���ic,n to bave a tou�ament r�n, City fa�il3,t�es?
^ .�.He s�ated he did' not ha�e �s�tp. �e�c���.dat�,�in on tl�'is res�uest . If it had
bee�t termed a p1,aX-day o� >�n act3:vity . c�ay, the�. could maqbe acco�odate
� tha��, buG they- really have �o idea of wi}at �arget is actua113� $ving_, �o e
.do.' � � .'_. • y
. . . . . _ . . .. .. . q-. . ,;' z� .. � . �� ., � . , .. . .:'. .. �.: . . � � F
.. . '� . . ... �.: _, . . -. . . . . . � .r.�; .. _ . .. ,�
, Mtii�ON by M�r: Yau�tg,.-seconded by iir. Allen, to zeceive the lette'� f�a� �
Ta�cget and to table �h� softball Cournament request until furtYrer ;;
in,�orma"tio� is re�ceived . Upon a�voice vo��, all. i�ofiing aye, Chairpe�son Hughe�
- dec].a��d the motion cairried unanimous�y. :. , �'
, , , �
� , ;
A. Discussion - �Coaqnunity Park Comgl.ex �_'�.
Ms . Hughes stated the prc:b�em she has in s:aying a�.ythirig about a ca�ununity
park is that .she feels- a big lack of "nu;nbe�s'" -and. justi�ication for the �
park,:other than the professional advice given by staff. She wauld like �
, to see them develop some a£ that kind of in�ormation_ for the .caumnunity .
� park co�plex. By "numbers°, she meant, fox example,' how do the�,know how j
many ball diamonds or faotball £ields there should be, how dQ �hey know,
what is needed in a�ommunity,buildiz�g? That is what she wanted to know
and what she would ],ike the Commiss�:on to reviet� and ei�h�r endvrse or '
, change, :
' _ �
��.: B.oudreau st�tecl that to` put toget�ier those kinds qf ".uumhers':' �arts� i
�..! in€orEnation .woulct; mare ,s,taff.. �aam� than ths t�Zree th�m,� on th+�
� s - Parks & Rec�sation staff hau.e. 33� would k�ope the Gi�y wcuu.�ld I�xiow, thraugh `
�� ..� the expressed rieeds. talk�d abQUt at the�last Co�iission meeting and th�toug� :
._, - , their.ob�e�yation, oi what ir hapgening,.�hrough.the reguests gott�n tanight �
and al}. duxing the �rear, thaC there is� �. demon.strated need for, impr�ved
faciliti:es_. � 2t. is the desire of Che neighbarhood park co�mittees _that__ _
tt�e Gity �emove programined acti�vities from the: nieghborhot�d par,�s, ;
.lea�ing the ne�g�borhood parks o�en for neighborhood usage, He"staC�d
that about tt�iree months �.gQ, �ie had rec�uested that. a: ci.tizens' cc�mmii�ee '
be;formed to help them do �ome of the 1eg work they feel is badly needed:,and `:
to proyidex citizen inpuC. - a
, : �.
Ms. Hughes asked how the Commission would Iike to p�ace�d, ,to: de�elsap �he ;
. backgroum�3 i,r�ifornnation that would be necessary to either se�l a bo�id ;
issue,or raise money or both. She was not sure that a c.c�►�:�tee euuld i
. �tevelop tha� kin.d of in.forin�tion w�.thout help from the s��f�: .> The "
� . Cc�nnission could: do tha� �.i.nd of work if they knaw what ��tey �eed: Some
� of- the data would have to crnne from: staff. She would- I�.tCe ta see them
, get started °'citi t�ying to determ9:ne wha� is ; needef3 in the co�mt��ity park,
`.if it is different than what is already progosr:d.
Mr. Boudreau stated that staff would be more than tiaPPY to supgly
whatever information `was desired, ho�aever, he was not sure: what facts
and €igue�; tt�e �o�ission wanted. < .`
Ms, I�ghes asked if the Cc�n�.s�ion 'had' ever,receive�: a descr�pt:�,ani o�
� ��. what f� ta b� in ��e comutun.�ty park? �
, � � ;
_ �,
P,ARKS & RECR�ATION COI�LSSIOI� ;�iERs�NG. Ms�Y 14, 1980 PAGE �.4 ��
- Iix. Boudreau s�ated.the Comutission h�:� xeceiv�d a descriptian of whaC .
staff percei:ves' fo he in Llra�; park ar�d that is six softballjbaseball
diamon.ds with £our £ootball�soccer a��:as overlaid9 res�roam/storage/
cor�cess3.on/scarekeeper`s bu�, �azk�n:g lot, access '�oads, irrigatio�
system, lighti;ng, �t�d a poss�.b�:e reer�a�ion center complex that could
include whatever the cammu�z��y d�ecid�s �hey would iiesc�re in a recreat3�ona1
�. __._.._ Ms. Hu hes s�ated th� a�e
g y going to,h�ve to have facts and figures in
reporting tQ ci.tizen.s, ar�cl the� bette.r. start col7.ecting those fa�ts and .
figur�s in a fvrm that will��e� e�sil.y accessible. If this cannot be done
by staff, she would tik2 i.t d�r�e by thp Commission.
Dr. Boudreau stated he wo�ald�l:ike to see the directxon of the City and "
the C.oum►issi,on being that nc5w�,is thc'time to hire a professionaL planner
or professiar_al architect to find aut what should be developed in this
a�ea, as opposed to it,;in-house. He thought the City Cauncil
ought to be asked �o extend i.h� funds �:o da L-hat .
Ms. Iiughes stated she wou3d like fiv� c�r. six page, of information that
4 is entitled, for exa�,�ple, "Cc��nunity Piayfie�.d Co�plex"--something that
would explain tt�e entir� project.
� .
� ,
_ ___...... . .._ . . �
I Ms. See�er staCed she agxeed .��th �s .: I}���hes. 2he Commission: members hav� :
I " to hav�: ans�rers when lay �aeop�� ask ``�.h�u. specific questions ..� ` -
: Dt. Boudreau stated he did not know wiiat the Comfsission wanted. He has
explained the entix�e presen.tation to ?this commission and has talleed time
after time of what s�aff per�eives as the needs �or the: co�anunity,park.
Iie has gona to two groups and:was abl.e to get $65,000 donated by giving :
these grougs the Ga�e info.rma�tion ttiat the commission has received. The
desired,infarmation with facts a�d fig:ze�, can be provided, but it will °-
take time. The Commissia�� a3.�rRady ��a� a cag;� o£ th� yearly EEI (Econom;i:c.
equ3.valency Tndex) report pu� together by rlr. Kirk of a11 the nu�ber.s �f
teams, participations ho�zr� �f= par*�cipation, and that is a11 in one
report as elose?y as tliey c��. �ut �.t. If additional:. £,acts are needed
c�vez a:2d above that, he did no� kn.�w what the Ganun�:�ea.on wanted.
Ms. Haghes stated th3t �ras no�•the kzr.� of rep�rt she couZd give to
her nei�hbar showing jasti�ica�ion fcr _tr�e park or so�nething she wou}.d
give to the Citj�-Eouncil to justify a.k%ng for one-ha1F mill.ion doliars
to develop that park out a�� e�.ty mvn�y w
Dr. Baudreau stated he �,r�uld �ry tt�-<provide tre facts and figures in
the most efficiera.t mannex �ie can.
Mr. Y`oung stated it 3s na�. jus:t the E�I: report that �ustifies the fields.
� Part of it i� the fact i�a� they wan,t to �et the softball fieids aut of
•,Go�►mons, and those fa.elds l�a�s�� �o go: sa�.�c�wk���re. �
�� Ms . Hughes appointed Mr < Al�.en a�ci �fr. �oung as a su�acc�mmi.ttee to develop
� a suaunaxy of Che la�� develvpt�i�nt a� tY:� eommunity park eompl' ex, siting.
. _� � < ,..�,; �. ,;;
, ,. . :
, .
fi . ;
,,. ° , �
.. � ; i
.,PARLt`S & RE�REATIOI�i C�k�IZ55I(��. I�ETTi+� A�A3i' 14 ::198�} �=. ' -� �AGE 15 � '
� _w. . . , :
its uses, a��ar�g�m�nts : and' iocation, _and some suppor�; "daC�: iii terms of �
why i� is needed: TC` shc�l.ti a�.so in�luc�� scnne'�ii.scussion a� th�? parking '.
Io�, acce�s r�ads.; and li�ting. �, � . . �
: �� : � - : � _� � �.� . - - : . � � �
� �'he Co�nission members cor�curred that they had no recommeitrtatian on � I
whetfier ar not the Cflrps of Engineers'or a private group should help ;
in the initial grading anc� ather� projects that are needed to be �ic�ne aC '
this t ime in t�he comnauni-ty . park . - . -. ,
. . {
B. Discussion - City/Schoo2 tfsage . � . . _ �
� .
- t
Mr. Kirk stated that there has been svme controversy regarding this i,tem, ?
and he would Iike to gi�e the Cocr�issic�n ��nbers an outline� of cahat. has =
_- ;
taken place thus far. �
° .: . 1. May: 1979 - The Cc�nmx�nitX School Advisory Co�ncil passed a !�
, _- motion ta explore'sources of revenue as listed;an the
' � Finanee Cc�rmtittee Repor�. . i
2. June, 1979 -. The Ci.ty of Fri�ley receives a reques-� �roa� ,' '
` = , _ ; .. .
_ Mr. �om Myhra (Cu�riculum Goordinator/i�irector af Co�nmunity . ;
Education} for $l0, 00� �as a usage fee for uti�lizatiort of �
District 14's huilding,facil�;ties. , ,
.� „
,, . . �
� ,
According to the, cou�nuni,catio�qx. thi,s dollar figure represents '
about 1��+00 singl� use � sessions . by the Gity and i�i�a�1y 300
single-use sessza�,s�`bY the �"YSA.�-
3.. August I979 - The City offers ta pay $S,OQO per year €or ,,.
_ t�ree, years, , wi�h the can.dition that the Jr . High . would be
available for 'the F.E.S.T. a�tivit3�.
' 4. Augu�� I979 �- Thzs offer fram the;:C�.ty is not "entir�Zy '�eceptec�"
.y by the Distri;ct Baard•. - ;
_ .. E �
5. Se���mber 1979 - City Staff and Council members att�n.d"a School '
, Bo��'d me�ting to deterrnine whether district :faci;lit�es �wouid be
avai:�ab�.e for us� with the fall �recre ation ps.t�gram�. '
' �h� Cit�`was`granted' ag��oua2 t4`use the facilities,
; 6. Ap�a�i 198i7 - The Gity-Scliool Cflardina�.ion Cc�nu�i.�tee rsiiet to
discuss the renta�/�ser fee. : .,;:
, 7: Ma 198Q - The Cit Council a �5 OOO for a bne-year' ,
Y 3' P�roved a >
period, wh�.].e requesting, can��nued negatia�ion betca�een ��he
City and <Sc3iool Board . . -
' ' . _
�..,� �. May 1980 _ At the Cm3mtunity School Advisary �own.cil meeting, �
Mr.; M�hr� stated that t�e recex�tl.y aPP�oved $5,.04(# �rsam tla�
� Ci�y wauld be u�ilized, as ineome �Ca su�pie�ent the 19$E��-8I _� �
Co�iznity Educatio� budgi�t. As £urChe.�c st$�ed, a fut�tr� reques� �
fo� adc�i��tonaZ funding fram the C�ty of �'ri�Iep �vas" `n� ��t�fei- ,
� : pated for: t�e ��a� 198Q-83, .
� �� � �
• �
., ;
•. 4
, �;
PARRS &'• GR�:A,TIC?N �OMMI�SION i�]3TIN� . NI�Y i4 �:�}$� - PAGE 7.6 ±-
° ` ` � �
. s
Mr. Kirk st�ted. ther� are a tot o. areas tahich the City� dc�:s aot quite �
a�xee with. One particu3ar area t�ey.di��gr�e wii:h ��ci o�c� that was =
n�ver really brt»u�ht out in �Y��- discu3sioas uAtil recentlq was on. the : ,
�umbea° c�t hours usPd by thE �ii:y �nd� tlie FYSA. ari.g�naL re�uest was ;
for $10,00fl, zQ�rese� 14v4 t�ir.gTe �.�sE session.s by �lie City and 3CEi �
si��1e use sessi.ons- �y the F�SA, tot�ll.i�g 1700 single use sessions . ;�
T:�e T3oard policy as s,rrit�en :is that youth-serving organizations are nat ;�
cha��ed. '�he F`vSA is a grc�u.p t;aat the City does a favor for by �uttin:g �
in i:l.s a���� ication, bu� it is xeally not' the City's program, althau�3� ;
the C;ity ctoes �•rurk very G3.osely wit� them, And yet, the FYSA was ineluded x
izz tha� xeq��est .
i2r. K:��.z�. .��.ated the Gou�aniasioi� should be aware that over 1.,000 �f CYie
I;,40� u�� sessions were for senior ci�izen programs. Another thing was
�t�♦a`: t�ne �Qard of �ducatic�n. quit runnir.� their elementary a�ter-school ' '
pro;x��!s a cougle of years ago because of bu@;et limitations, b��t had
sr��,�*e:s�eci �ixa� t�iP City p;.ck up the af�er-school pragra�►, wh�cb the City #
ct ic� .
M.s: ?-I�a����5 thanked Mr. Kirk for this report. She sta�:ect it wc�u',.:z t,P -
usPa.u? fcr eac�: Coumzis'si_on ffi�mber to aL�:end the joznt cit�r/seazool me�ti±�bs
s om� t i.�ro� during the : year . `:.
• i
� �. Biscus�i�n._ �-Im roved �ecurity in Pa�ks _ �
� _---__--___.. _ _._.__ _.__ � �
� A'iC�IG:ti �y 1�is. Seeger, secoiided by MMr. A1Ien; tc� caniinti�.e t��is c�i.scus��.��? �
_—__.. ;
� a� ��a� r.�at mee�iixg. Upur� a vo:ice: vate, aII V�t�.r�; aye, Cl�ai,x°�erso�. ��ug�i�s :
; decl�r.ed the' mo::ion carr�ed unanimc�usZy.
i _ _ ,
}?. Sc�:i:�: Powers A�reement - Ar_oka Coun�
P�s. Ti�.�ghe� s#:��ecl this �a�s d�scussed at len�th a�ai� �•.t �}?e.l�ay 7�:�
P�:a,�.�.iz��; Cc�:.s�ion �eeti.n�. 7Cc�e Pi.araiin� Co�:;�.ssi�xx`s �ec�;7rn��.dat:iur: .
t:� i,�.ry Cc;unei2 w�s ttiat Ca.ty Councii �u•rs�xe �ri�g��:�_a�� c,rx� �ai:t.h ��te Cc.�Ln�y �
ft:r ?..o;:ke Paric� the sam� l.ine� d5 those reccr,nrn�in�[�d �� tli� Aa?-k: &
'F.errnaaian Cor,untss�.�az�.
�is .�I�::��sts sta��d L-ha� as che lookeci a� �That 3:s pu�siLTe c�x i.7�ail.s, .iC
oceu:�i�rz �o her *I�a� sna�,nac� c�u1c? �;e a1Lo�;ed ��, sar,iY o` tra� �e;.:::o� ;
pr,Ii���:a �.x���i�s. it �s nct allewec3 t_�rit;i:�rz �'r.idle.,� t�i� c�tY s�r,ec�::s. .�he`
��{¢st�ioa.i t1:�e�r o�i�l�r tu rai5� :.s wh�tlarr �nc�c�:mol�il3.».�; w7:..��L; �� art.lo�.� a o�
ti'.e ��r��.l t�i�czuc'tr L�cke Pa-�i:. She c,rou2d �.ile�: to �r�c�.a tahat tit�s pl�i�s a�r�-�
wi:Ct�in. x",xtc�k� Cot��:zty ana ��hethc� �:he;� wc�eai�: ant�ci_��a�e ;�ny ��se c�t �r.��.�-
m�bil.c�s on th€� tra:i3. t�r�t:�,h �:,gc�c� Park,
O��J T�ilr !`�1.k",n�T :
Ghair�s�rs„n Hu�t�P . de�:Ia4Ac1 t?-�� �Iay 1�., �9$r, l?axlr.s �: itt>.crc:�Yi(��.x uo�n`Ission. '
mee i:ing �d j �urned a� 11. �+� is .m o
R��}�ec�:�u�:�� sy:bcnitt_��c�,
^ `
!� �,�
�� ,
,� ,r 'r'{-�?._.,a�'�__..._--'c�'`�fi��-`-"� :
, £ � ���a�, R�cea:di�.g :iecrefi:�ry