PR 06/24/1980 - 31258� r���.s s: r�:cr,�a��c��.� c;o��xss�vz� M��T�P1G �TiJt�: 24, 1980 CAj,L x0 G'R?JI:R: . Cha�.rgezson Hughes calZed the xu�,� 24, 198Q, p�xks ��.ecreatian Corrnnission meeting to orc�er at 7;3; p.m. 1�OLL CALL: AA�mbers Yresent-: �arhaza Htsghes, Jart Seeger �arriz�esi 7:41 p.r1.), L�ick Young, Dave Konriric�:, Dan .A11en. riembers !�Us ent : None Ofi�iers i?t-esen�:: Charles �oud?-eau, Par.'�:s �; I�ecreatian Birector Le� A�,ra v�ox:re, 519 �r�ntc�n St. A�':�i�OVAL 0� MAY 14, Z��iO, ?AP�K.S & RECP.El1TICN C^;�T�i:tTSS�:Jid T�II�'.T�}"I.'ES: MOaiON �y Nz . A11en, :;��cc�nded by Mr. 1'cur.g, tc �.r���ove the A�Ia.y 14' 19f30, � I�ai:ics £�: �i:ci��-,a'tiaii Goumiiss::.on mzz2ntes . �- I�� . Hu�tzes s�at�d tha� c.rt pagc� 12_, thc 3rd parag��,.px� shc,;Zd r.ead: "Upon a VCli�c! Vi)�:-� i'CiLtII� and .�1.��..�1't JG�JLTlg aye, $ISL;�tE?S �:7'� SE*�?��Y- t�C>tl.:�g naY, Cia.�ir���� c��-► ;Iugt�es decl�.red th� m�tion fa?Ieu beca��s� +�f � rie,►� E;:'�f'1�.�`If�? la�� �G�NDA; `1�'i:e ft��.iowing i.teins k*ere addec� �o the �.��n�ia; p�e��� Business: � B. Ru�h Gir.cie Paxk C. Region.al na�T�s _ Metropolitan. ►;ouizci7. O�.d Busi_ness; E^. Coan P�ap :ds F,la�v�Y' t'3� �,'' CE'.a '?� i�e� i: F. 3oint Porae�:s AgMe-�me��t G. Citi.zens Gornn�itC�e fer �ecreai:i.o:� �czntex H. �ina3. Apilrot=a1 o:t �apitai. Out1.a�T �Is . Hughes deciared �he ag�1:��a a�proved as az�t�izded . PARKS & RECREATION CONIMZSS�ON �ET7�NG, JUNI: 24, 1980 - pAGE 2 h I . DIRECTOR' S REPOFtT • A. Communications I. Councilman Barnette MOTION by Mr. Y.ondrick, sec.onded by Mr.. Young, to receive the l.etter dated May 28, 19$0, frcm Council_man �arnette concerning Nature Center use by p�ople outside the community and possible fee schedule. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Chairperson �iughes declared the motion carriec�. unanimously. (Ms. Seeger arrived at 1;41 p.m.) Mr. Boudreau sta�:ed that Mr. Barnett�e was "concerned whether tne Parks Departmer�t is an�i.�ipating sei:ting up rates for use of the Center, both by resi�ents and others". Mr. Boudreau stated that would be an entirely n.eti� philosophy and approach to the park programming and use of the facili�ies in the City of Fridley. To his lrnowledge, they do no� charge for use of any facility, so this would be an entirely r�eta appxoach at revenue. Ms , iiughes stated it rpally gets doc,rxa. �o what their philosophy should be for the use of L-he parks ia terms of what the City's att3.t:ude s�ould be. She asked if tl�e Commissioners had any su�gestions, other than th� receiving of the letter. Ms. Seeger a�d Mr. Kendrick stated they were saCisfied with the philosoghy of rhe par.k pragranmin� and the fact tha� there was no fee charged for use of City of Fridley iaczlities at this time. Ms. Hughes stated tha� until. such a time as it becomes a case of denyin� access of �riceley� pEOple to sonie of their facilities, she did not *_hz*_iK it was reasonable to propose keeping others out. These were pu'ulic facilities, and �he public includes all kinds of people. She clid not tl�ir.k the Cor�rni.ssion wanted to encourage other cammuni.ties to kee� Fridl�y p�ogle c�ut of their facilities. It was not what she thought a g;ood rec�eaLa.on philosoghy should be by anyone. � � Mr. Young stated he �hought i� was �omethin.g they should keep in m;nd for the future, hacvever. If they want to equip the new nature cen�er building th� cray it should be equipped in the future, charging a family a fee of $5f}�ear with unli�ited use was not an excessive fee. Mr. Young stated tilat the Natur.al �`��sources Division seemed to do -- a 1ot of prcgramming in o�her communities. He wondereci if the 1�atuzal Resources Div:ision G�as guing to continue to go out and do programs in othez cc�.Tnnc�ni�ies, because when the Sprin�brook Nature Center fa�i1��_*� �e�G goin�, th•�g are going to have all they can do ,.� to man tha� facility. � . . _ ..�,..�.. .. . � r . . . . . PARKS & RECRE�TION COr;��TS�I�N I�IC�TING�JTJ�;E�2r�19a0 PAGE 3 v'� . � Ms. Hughes st�ted sh� felt that was rhe kind of decision Staff _--_ __.._ _. _ �_ _. ._ ._ ._ should niake as they ''r:s.law the demand oi: t;heir own j obs and facilities . ��. Poudreau staC:ed t-ha� i�tx. St. Clzir has already turned a�aay about� 13UU partici.pants fruin outside th? c.ornniunity, �ostly school groups, because he does not have'ir.e time. �'hey are talking about programming and use of a regi.o:za1 �aci.lity. With the regional facility, they �tope to encot�za�e the self-a.nitiated participa�ion with program�ing done by �h� Natural.ist at that fa;.i_1it3�; but rlr. St. Clair i� not goin� to tie a11 0� his efforts to tha� facitity. Tttey have some wonderful resources ii� tYie community �hat he hopes ta �ake better use of. Ry the contract tk?ey have with Mefiropoli�an Council, they � nuast operate tre Sprin�bxcotc faciliiy r,igh+� n��a as a regiona3 facility. 2 . Be�ty R � ScotL- MOT.ION by Ms. See� er, seconded by Mr. Kondrick, to r.ecei_ve a l.et*er dated l�ay 21, 1980, from Betty R. Scoti co�:cerning �he Fridl.ey Ci.ty Band. Upon a vaice vate, a11 voti?�.g ay�e, Chairperson. Hughes declared the motion ca.rried u��.anima�asly. 3. l�irs. Carlson -�ef. Bailfield at t2uth Circle Mr.. �3oulieau sta'�ed this was in refryrence �� a telephone conversation he 'h,ac? with �irs , rar'zson wt�v Ii.ves in t2ie s�uthwest corner of Kuti� Circle Park, �ctjacen� �a the ball�ield 3rea they h.ope to estab��.sh. At the Ruth C�:.rc1e x:eigk�bc�rho�d meeti.ng, r_hey were ve:ry co�.cern.e� about this loca�.:ior� �� the �all �:layicig a�ea. .�t tha�. time, they were shown aerial phc��:es �,�hic'n shot,Ted tiaat the ba11 diamond would not fit intc� any other lo�ation in. the paa-k, and thatf�is location was t�ie safest and ba�t l�c�tian. ��:e di.amoncl to the foul lines is approximatety 75-8G` fecw away frnm �he Carlsons' property line, so he doubted thr�t iaul Ua11s caoulcz go into their property very cit�n. He di,d not thiiYk t'he �i.amond would in�erfere �aith their property . �:He s�ated he lias talked to Mrs. Cailso�i a�out �his, and he thought �tze concensus :�f the ?.i�ighbQrhood meeting was tha� this l�cation �aas a go�d 1cca�ion for i:li<�.t diamond. i1rs. Car�.son would like the diamond maved tc tl:e sr,utheast carn�� r af �r�e �ark. Mr. Boucireau stated it woul�i �:�en en:Eringe oai sc,me�n� e.1se's pyoperty. �:e stateu he di� not i.hink �11e f'�xl� ons had a�vaiid complaint . A11 of these tnings were r�:k�n in.ta cottsidera.vion in t�i� �:lanning of the pa�k area, and that are�^ is not; iriten.d�d to be a lii�Iz activity area.. Ms � S�eger statec� she t�a;� lcind of watehed this arPa, �nd she dic� not see �ahere it wa� a Uig pr�niem. ' 4. Letter from .; ir:i I�:l.i.�xg ���, Pxes ., 1'YS�, MtiTIQN by. Nir. t�_�_l�z�, �ecoricied b�r ifr. �oux:�;, �.�a receive the l�tter. dai4d June 12, 19�0, t�.e::. Jic� K?ingle re�:��di�� the dismissal o£ a ^ LitLie I.ea�ue cv�ciz ���c.:�usc� of povr s��,rLsmairsl�ip. Upon a��ice �- vate, all votinK aye, Cha�zperson H<<i},fies d�cl.axed the motion carxied �unanimously. PARKS & RECRF,ATION COP'�IISSION M[:E��NG, JUniC .24, 1980 PAGE _4 ♦ � Mr. Boudreau stated this inciden� took place on June 2 at a Little League field when a coach was involved in an altercation with anothEr coach. The LitLlc� Leagu� �oard felt it was ag�inst the principles they are tryir�g to teac'.i the youth of Fri.dley in regard to good sportsmanship. The FYSA ha:: banned the coach from partici- pating in any FYSA sports as a coactl. He sta�ed the FYSA was kind enough to write a letter informin� the Parks & Recreation Department of this action. II. CHAIRPERSON'S REPORT: , A. Springbrook Nature Center Ms . Hughes stated she met cvi�k� John Fl.ora, City Public T�]orks Director, Mr. Boudreau, and another pe�-son fxou-� the Public Works Department, regarding a complaint from a citizen aLout a tree that had been protected as construction was started �.l: Sprix:gbrook and then, when the Public Works Department was ready to work oiZ the se��er liue, City Staff went in and cut down the tree witnout tell.zng anyer.e in the Parks Department that they � were doing iC. She stated thP meetin� was to find o�;t what the procedure � was far staff communications. �She thought the resolution of the meetin� was that there will be bettei communicafiions in the future. The tree was maxlced on all the p�a.ns ior removal. Mr. Flora felt he had every right to take it elown as i� was essentia;iy over the line-where the seraer line was to ;o in. Ms. Hughes stated the other concern oi the citizen was that in putting . the sewer line in, they would be diggin� a ditch which could be 40 feet wide because of soil conditions and because the ditch would not be shored up. She stated that, agaa.n, i;hose things were on all the plans and approved by everyone conce�ned, presumably by this Commissiou, Plannin� Commission, City Council, and the architect, and everyone was supposed ; to have kriown the consequences of those things. Ms. Hughes stated she �aas assured they are environmental.ly conscious�, ' at least now, if not before. It is.l�zer understanding that there has been a Iittle better comm.unications between the people who are supervising Che project, whicli is City Fnginee�ing staff, an� Mr. Boudreau and Mr. St. Glair. > . Ms. hughes requested infonna�ion regarc�ing Nortliern States Power's easement in relationship to the Sprir.gLrook prope.rty. , III. NEW BUSINESS• A. Discussion oi Age Deac:liae for Pro,rams __ .___ _ I•4r.. Young stated lie had received a call almost' a month ago from Roger C. Harmon, 388 - 66th Ave, 2�.�., in regard to the fact that his daughter was not b�ing ailc,caed to register for a T-ball program. � t•ir. Aarmon's main complaint was tt2e arbitrary cuC; off date of June 9th, t-hat if a child is not si� years olci by June 9th, that chil.d cannot register in the pro�ram. I3ecause of. her not bein� allowed to register � PARKS & REC%}:AT:ION CC�[i�ilSS:C�N N'�J3"1'ING, .7iR� 24, 1980 PAGE 5 in the pr�gram, she l:ad to go back inta the �'iny Tots program which is a program £or 4-5 ye�.r olds, preschool Ci1lI.CIxGA. �he had already been in that program fox �:*.ao years, She was not allowe� to enroll in the Play- ground program, because shc h.ad to be six ye�ra �l.d. Mr. Harman was not only questioning the arbitr.ary date, btlt also tt�e fact tnat many of the other programs st:ate that you sl�ould be a c�rtain age or have completed a certain grade level. . ' Mr. Young stated he was sympathetic to Mr, Harmon's situation, and fe1� �he rules sk►ould be bent sometimes. His main concern was th�.t when these programs are ser u�, same ccrasidera.tiorA h�zs to be made for these arbi�raly dates . Ms. Hughes stated they had a copy of a letter fxom Mr. Iiarmon dated Jnne 9, which explains his poi.nt of view, :t�e has al.so outlined same "Requirements for Participation" by age fox• a variety of thin�s. Mr. Harm�n had gone through all of. the rec�eation. programs an.d checked' the ages to see what consisten,cy there �as with the requi.reme.nts. He felt the Parks & Recreatic�n De�artmenti had so�e problems in wha� �hey called "adult" and with th.e cut-o�f points. He felt the Farks & Recreation Coum�ission might �vant to take .a Iook at these. I�is.. Hughes stated that Mr. Harmon did p=�t l7is child in the T?ny Tc�t pro,ram �nd was not requesta.�g any change at thi� poi.nt. This �ives the Commissiar�. � soirle tinie to laok a�: ttiis, and they slioi�':,;ct i:hiz�k. ab�u� whether �h�y wo�zld like to �ake some reccs:;�rae�dai:ior.s to Staf� on age g::auping, etc., far the " fall prograni schedule. Mr. Beudreau s�at�d �hey would welcame a recou�me,�.dation from this Commission on age grct�pino. Ms. Seeger stated si�e had talked to Mr. Harmon ��ici when she askea �im what his recommendaiian t�ould be, he had suggested tha�: the City follow the school's guideli�.es �n age. She stated that maybe that �houl.d Ce a recommenda,tion.fram4 the Commission. One of. Mr.. Harmon's main objectives was that his 1ittle girl`s friends were able to go to the program and she was not . �, Mr. Kondrick sta.;:e�. 1�.� agrc�ed th�.t f�llawixi� the' school `s age gui.delines would be a vexy good i.dew: He stated he did r.ot iike rule bending. Mr< Youn� staied he £e1t Y.he problezn cou:�d be solved b� sayir� a r.hild ha� eii:her completed, for exa.mple, ki.ndergarter� or be six years of age� Mr. Allen stated r_h�.;. his i��.itial reac�io� to �his situation, Uecause of the fact tha� the child had already atte;.�dcd T.iny Tots for two years, would Ue to seric�usl,y consider allowing her to partici�ate in the '�-�a"�]. - program, MOTION by Mr. Allen, seconded by Ms, S��;er, to rec:eive the 1e�ter dated /� June 9, 1980, fr�m I�r. Har�on. xegar.�3i.ng � g�,� ru�.es . Upon a voi�e ���ie, �. al.l voting aye, Chair�ersan Hughes declaxed tl�e moti.on carried unanfmously. PARKS & RECREATION Car1�fISSI0�1 i��;T:7'iNG, �tTN'E 24L 1.980 PAGE 6 ° Ms. Hughes stated Cha.t"Discussion nf f�ge Ru�.es" should be on the agenda � for the July meeCing. Thz COmanission c�.n discuss a rec anmendation to . Staff regarding age deadlines for �rograms and also discuss when they raould recommend that Staff a].low exceptions and under what circumstances�. She asked Dr. Boudreau to include a copy of Mr. Harmon's leCter with the agenda packeC. B. Ruth Circle Park Ms. Seeger stated L-hat the paint factazy �ahich is across fram Ruth Circle Park is xequesting an e�pansi�n on the facility. She stated that right now the paint fumes are ir��redibly bad, and this factory has a histo�y o£ fires. She feit this could be a bad health problem for this park, and it also becou�es a proUlem iar the Springbrook Nature Center which is not too far away. She felt the Crnmnission had some responsibility to the quality of their �ark.�, and she was bringing it to the Commission's attention for discussion. � . Ms. Hughes stated it would bc� difficult to get them on any health regula- tion. Tt is possible there are some safe�y problems that could be addressed, because of the history of fires and complaints from the neighbors. She asked the Coa�mission members if they felt the Cnmmission, from a parks and recreation standpoi.nt, shoulcl-be concerned about odors and hydro-carbon e�issions infio a park axea. Mr. Allen sta�ed the object of the ComTt��ission. a.nd Staff i_s to provicie the � tsest recreation e�per�ence for the ciLizenry. If this is a case where someone is nat makir�g the most of the park system as provided, they afi leas� have �he responsibilzty to bring it to the attention of the City Council. MOTION BY MIt: KONDRICK., S�GONDED Bir t�"�: ALLEN, TJ ASK STAFF, COMMISSIONS, A1�TD CITY COUNCIL 7.'0 BE AW�`sF.F OF THE PROB'LEM OF THE ODORS Oi THE PAINT FACTORY NEAR Rti'�H CIRCLE PARK AND TO TA,KF ST�PS TO CORRECT TH�S PROBLEM; UPON A VOICE VOTE, ALL V{JTSNG AYE, CH.A?'RPERSON HUGHES DECLAR�D THE MOTION CARR.LED UNATTIMOUSLY. PSs. Aughes asked Mr. Boudreau to check int� the status of the paint £actary and �o then infaY�n the Couffn�.ssion. C. Region.al Parks - M�tro.,politan Counca.l Ms. Sporre stated �hat an article in the Metropolitan Monitor brought thi.s item to her attention. ShP stated she would like the Commission to receive this ar.ticle into the record and then they can talk aUout ii. MQTION by Ms. See�er, seconded by P�r. Kondric'�c, to receive the FSetropol.itan� Mo�i�or, Vol. II, A�o. 1, PTay Z980, page 4, arti�le on "Mc�ro.Parks". U�ou u voice vote, all votin�; aye, Chairperson Hu�hes rieclared fhe motion � carried unanimously. � . � . � PARKS & RECR�ATLON CO�II�SION �?�ETING, .�UNE 2��,_ 19{30 • PAG� 7 _._.... __ __.,. ._. Ms. Sporre stated thafi aft�� rsading this ar�i,c�le, she telt zt was very � important to her tha� tllt.y look at the I.SY1C1 tI1L'�r are designating for a regional park in �ridley. It was her unclerstandirig that there has been some discnssion on T���cice.'�a.rk, and that is t2�� reason she is bringing this to the �'arlcs c� Recreat;ion Com�ission. Srie believed that the impact of a policy as it wosld be applied, i.f L�cke Park was drawn undPr the Anoka County power to decide, would then put the power i.n tl�e hands of the regional govLrnm�nt, ra�her than Anoka County. � � � Ms . Sporre stated that, t� backtraclt a Iitti,e, the Commission w as �ware that ther.e has beer_ a proposal for a Joint Pocaers Agreement on Locke Park with the County, and she felt that the power to decide for Locke Pa;:k ought to remain in the City of Fridley. There has been some discussion on support for maintien�.n.ce at the county level, and that seemed reasonable because of the re�ioizal use. But, if it delegates t-he power of decision- making to Anoka C�unty, th�n. it fa11s under_ compliance wi�h these new proposed regicnal policies, Poiicy 2� ar.d 21, ��h�ch Ghe thought would have a sigr�ficant impact on the way L�ike Parlc w�u7.d be used. Ther� is a stx�ong feeling at the re�ional ievel that i� is not up to the Hennepin County Park Reser.ve District or Anoka County cr the ather counties to decid� how tnese thi.ng� should te used, but �hat a poiicy should be estab- lished making al1 of them have a co;.isisten� pattern, a c�onsistent fae, etc. Their arguu:er.t is that for purposes af cor.sisterxcy, �taey say specifica? 1y that they a��,uld elim:inate �.idley, Blo�ming�on, ar_d E�en Prairie £roc� tkte implementing agenciPS anc� only use the Cou�Ziy. So, in the Joint Pos��rs A�reemenf, if Fridl.ey retains tlze poc��er to c��cid�, she �e7.t this would withtzold it frcm tlie ragi.orial system tc so�ne extent. l�s . Sgorre sta�ed iL was her f.eeling tha.t L-his C�mmission and this City have tlze best unde�stan3i..y7g of the environmental sensitivities of that site, the uzibuilda3�le s2e�es, the carrying capaci�.y. TherP are rondzti�ns to buzlding in a f:Lnod p�_�in, and sile felt thae *he other agencies have not demonstrated any se�s?fiivity towards the s�:n�� goal. Ms. S�orre statea she wc�uld like the Parks & Yecreation Commissien to ta]_tc a��out any changes tl:ai. mi.ght occur izi the ..7o9_nt Powe�s Agreemen.t as it would affect t-hc po�;rer_ of 3ecision-makLrb for thz site. Mr. i'oung asked rss . Sporre c,rhat powers of dccision she was �ef�rrin; ta. Ms. Spo•rre sr�Y�:ed she w�s r�fe�ring to �he functi�nal c�anges that would. Ue made c,r� �h� site for tiu�.la�r��s, �tc. Mr . Young stated tha.t L-he a.nitial draft of ; he Joint Powers AgreEment that ti�as going to be e�ecute� with �inoka Coun.L'y left that power �o the C3.ty of Fridley. � Ms . Iiughes asked IIr. .$oucireau tQ brirxg ttze t:or.nnissi on members u� �o date on the status of tii�� Jaitlt 1'owers Agreemen� : � PA,RKS & RECREATION CONP�IISSION I�FT��TG, JUNk; 2'��1.980 PAGE 8 Dr. Boudrea.0 showed Che C rnnrnission memb�rs a copy of the Joint Powers Agreement which the City Council sent Co the County and a copy of the Regional Trail Joint Powers �greement, a counter-offer, which the County sen� back to the City. Iie stated that the County is including L ocke Park, Locke Lake Park., and Pl.aza Park as ttie area that is marked for the trail system to pass through, and they are justifying that this area is going to be a regional use trail system. Dr. Boudreau stated that whac :��etroiolitan Council was talking aUout in that article is l.imiting the numz�e:r aL implementing agencies. The�e are onl� three rnunicipalities within. the metropolitan area, Fridley, Bloomington, and Eden Prairie, that are implementing agencies for a regional facility. T.he Metrapolitan Council is saying they would prefer to have no municipalities exce�t Minneapolis and St. Paul as implementing agencies of a regional facili.t;T. Tney woul.d rather these agencies be a larger scoped or�anization suc� �as t-he county ok the state, �r Minnea- polis or St. Paul, anc� are pxo�osing to drop F1idley, Bloomington, and Eden Prairie as implementing ��encies. /� Dr. Boudreau stated tk�at the Fridley City Council went on record at their June 23rd meeting witr< a�letter to Mr. Weaver, Chairperson of Metropolitan Council, staf:zng, "The �ity Council has reviewed the Recreation and Open Space Developme�r Guide Policy Plan and opposes Guide Policy ��8 on page 32. Ttie City feel5 that the Metropolitan Council is not adequately addressing the aUil.it; �f m.�anicipalities to imp�.ement .r r.egional facilities." As far as Dr. �o�adreau knew, there k�as been no action on the policy change. I� is in. the discussion stages at Metro- poiitan Council. t�lhat im�act- zt wi1.I hdve on t:he tk�ree municipalities that are implementinL agencies is that s�u�ewhere down the line, Metro- politan Council ma3� crnne up with operational and maintenance funds. If Fridley was dropped as an i:Lrplementing agency, it would nct qualify for those operational and mainten.ance futius af a regional facility. Fridley wishes to stay qualif;.e� for that funding, ii and when it does come about. rss. Spofre stated she agrec� with the action taken by the City Council and applauded the Cit}* in its negoti�tioi.s with the County on this • agreement. She woul� urge the �'arks & Rec�eatioii Commission to be involved on a regular basis xa_ith the County in the plans for Locke Park. Ms. Sporre stated that- two t1::_ngs th� G�mmission could do is: (1) appear at the hearing on L-he poZicies in suppori: af t�1e City Council's aetion; and (2) noCa.fy the County Pa.rk Commis,�ioii �hat the Parks & Recreation Commission would J.ilce to be cognizr�nt o�' any proposals in the initial stages for Locke Park. Ms . Hughes stat�d the Conunissi.c�n cou1,3 di.scuss the second thing when i they discuss the Joint- Po�ae.rs.Agreement under "Old Business". She stated ; that the hearin� on these �-ax��us p�lx.�ins begins at 7;30 p.m.. on s `.Chursday, June 26. She statec? the,y couA.d get iree copies of the policies � from Metropolitan Co�.dZC3,1. ,As lang as the C:it;� iias taken some particular �_ 4 n P'AIt.KS & RECREATION CC�iKNi.TS�Tq�T PrEFTIZ3G� JUNE 2y4 i_980 - PAGE 9 actLon, if any of the Commissi�n memb�r.s �*i�I� to attend the hearin�;, she would urge them r� at�^rt�l as �i�izens, ,.�;�G it wou7.d be appropriate for . them to say they are members.uf the Fridley Parks & Recreation Commission. IV: OLD BUSIIV�SS: A. Saftball Tourna�,ent Requ�st by TargEt S*oxes - tabled Mt�ION by Ms. Se�gex, seca:�decl by t�ir. �onurick, to reniove this item from the table and to receive the Ie�ter da�ed May 19, 1980, �rom Cheryl Keene, Secretury, T-551 Activity Cl.u�w Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Chairperson Iiughes dec].ared tl��e motion carried unanimous"ly. Dr. Boudreau statPd L-nat he had not had a.ny furtl.er. cammunicati.on from Target since.th�y u:ere informed that the Parks & Recreation Commission meeting was posLponed until J�ine 24th. Since, they had expressed on the phone that they woul� �rabably b� too short on time to plan the tourna.meext, he wou� d recoTlunen� tl:at �he Commission deny this tournament request. MOTION by Ms. See�er, secar�ded by Mr. �ozdrick, to deny thP softball tournament request t�y �he �`arget Stores' T-S5I Activity C1ub. Ms.. See�eY stat��ct sl�e objected L-o the �a-�,� t�ar th�.s t�urn,ament would � i�vo�ve al.i the Tax��� G Stores pErsonnel �rou-� MiYincs:,ta, No�th bakota9 South Daizota, Iot,�a, k��_sconsiii, and Il1i.;�ois.. Iir. Boudreau stated it c�ras still thcir �oal to r.emove organized play from the reighborhood parks, a.nd softbal"t touinaments are, in fact, usi.ng nei�;hborhood facilities . UPON A Vt?ICE VOTE, �I,T, �CY�'ING �iYF, CH:`�TRPL;RSON HTJGHES DECLARED Z`EIE MOTION CAt2�RIED U:�t�?�'IMOUSLY: &. �.eview of Nei kiborhooci Part. DFVelopment MOTTON by Mr. Kon�irick, seLonded by Ms. Seeger, to continue this item until the ne�t �rfeei:.i�:�g, II�on a voice �ro�:e, aI1 'voting aye, Chairpersorz Hughes 3�clared Lhe motiari carried unanimousl.y. C. Im�z o�cred Security i_n Par.lcs Ms. I�ugti�s state�-i dzsc-assion on thas ztem �.aas cant.inued f.rorr the l�ast n���eiing iix tez�►s vf ��het�ze?- the Co�nnission ��ani�ed to see if sometY±ing cauld be done 3�JOLt� �mproved security in t.ie parlcs , H�w serious di� the�r think the pxot�len� js and did the Conuniss,ion =.aant to suggest or ask - - f�r. any ki:�d uf pla�?? n pARKS � RECREATION COMN1iSSI0N r��TxhG .7TJI�'� 24 1980 PAGE 10 • � Mr. Kondrick stated he thou�h� they should tell the Police Department -�`� - °-�� to continue the good work they have done in the past. From the information provided by Tim� Turnbul.l at the last meeting, it appeared that the violatiun.s in Locke Pa.rk h.ave dc�creased since 1978. He would like the Police Uepaxtmen.t to_ know that the Commission is interested and aware and would Iike t:e�n to continu� doing good work. Ms, Seeger stated €he agreed c�i�h Mr. Kondrick. Ms. Hughes stated she did no� feel it caas that big of a problem, and she was not concerned about it. Sh� stated that unless the Commission -----�- felt it was a big problem, they should table this item until such a time as there was a bi_g pol.ice problem. Mr. Young stated the thing that botiiered Y�im most about Locke Park was not the vandalism, but th� large amour�t- of dxinking by questional�ly- aged individuals in the parkin.� lot. He did state, however, that the last two �times he has been in �:he �ark within tY:e last two months, there have been police present. MOTION by Ms. Seeger, seconded Uy �Ir. Young, to �able discussion on the item, "Impro��Pd Secur.i�}*;ir� the Parks". Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Chairperson Hugk�es.deciared the motien carried unarimously. D. Review o� �ommunity Fark Ccm�lex -�epar-e� b� Dan Alien Ms. Hughes stated she fe?t this report w�u1d be useful wheu they get into any sellin.g job of the coumiunity park comple.x or any ques�ions as to �ahat the project is. The Commissioners revieweu the report, Mr. Young stated Yhat on the first page u�der "Current Fie1d Conditions", it stated that "one field at Coum�ons has Iights". From cammen�s Y�e has heard, thi.s light�.ng is t�arely adequate. Also, he wanted to point out that for adult Couch footb�ll and yo�st:tz football, both indicate a Iighted field .. TYcat could be i.nterpreted as tw=o lig;zted fie`ids , when there is, in fact, on2y one lighted f�eld. - Ms. �iughes staied that sc�me tY�ings th.a* need to be added to this report are an outline of specit�.cally wh a?- facili.�ies wi11 be done,and what k�nds of gradii..g, und hotir niuch they �1rould cost--a reference document . Ms . Hughes than.ken r4r. �? ien vr�y m�ich f���: his ef�or.ts . It was extremely useful and very much appr^ciated. ri0TI0N b�= Ms. Seeoer, secanded by Mr. Xcung, �o receive rhe "Review of tl�e I'ridley Commu�zi.tg Partc GomnJ.ex" p�e�are3 by Dan A1Ien. Upo� a voice v��te, all voting aye, Chairpcxson f�u�h�:s der_�.ared the moticn carrie� unaai�ously. ^ �+!�� PARKS & R ECR.EATION COM��:CSSiC�N t1EE2'It1G, ,iiiNk; 24, 19f3C 1?AGE 11 __.,_..-, � ___�._ Coon Rapids Waiver af Fees Request Dr. Boudreau s�sted he would like tlze Gommission to encourage the . Springbrook Nature Cent�e� T'outt�ation to possz�Sly send some representation to the Coon Rapids Cit; Counci.l and request the wai.ver. of a$2,374 fee �or provid'ing Coon Rapids r'aater and sewer ut.%lity services to tYze Sgringt�rook Nature Cc�nter. He did not tYiink it �aas the City's position to request this waiver., T�ecause ;he City has ai�. agreement with Coon Rapids that allows tk�em tc� hook i�to Coon Rapids sewe.r and water and pay the serva.ce charge. Iie felt it was well within the m�ans of the Sp�angbrook Nature Center Faui�.dativn to r.e�uast Caon kapids ta participate in that -�"�" project by waivi.ng #:he fee. MOTION �y Mr. Youn�, se.coizrled by ��Ir. A21en, to ask the Springb�ook Nature Center Four�datior; to seek a waiver of a$2,374 fee from Goon �Capids for sewer and w�.ter. cannecr_ions for tY��e Spx�ingbrook Nature Center. Upon a voi.ce vote, all. voting aye, Chairpersoxi I�u�hes ueclared the rnotion carried uuanimotxs�.y. Ms. Seeoer stated the next Springbrook T3a;.u;:e Center Foundation's meeting was Tuesday, Ju1� 1, 'buc stie would be unaUle to attend. Dr. , Pouclz•e�» ��ated he wc�uid have Mr .. S* . Clair pu� this on the Foundation's agenda fur discussiaxx. ; F . .7oixit Powexs A�reeu�ent Dr. Boudreau state.cl that, as he mentioned earlier, t�.e City submitted the Joint Powers Agx�en:ent to �he County, �aho turned it down, but have naw submitted a cour,ter-offer to the Ci±;_y. �ie ur�derstood tiiat L-oday the Anaka County Boaz�i appraved their document, which a.s basicalZy �he sa�e agreement as the Ci�y`s. One changP was t�:e addition of Locice Lake Park and Plaza Park (pa,e 2),because �hat is �:he planned rou�e of their trail system. Ux. Baudreau stated tt�at on page 3, undex L-:he "County's Responsibilities", they have said Lhey �tiiil "provide xouti.ne main�enaLlce on a sch�dule...... as E�xavided in t�;e I�aster Plan attached as Exhi.bit A at �. minimum" , i��. �oe��.g stated �zc� u�.d r�c� find anything in s�his agreem�nt that v.as in. disagrPement �aith tlze a��eem�iit tha� went frcm Fridley to Anoka County. the only thing he fouiic� questiQi�.able was �a�� /r, Item �r8, un.der "Courxty Resgonsibili�:ies"; "ao s�h.edu�.e special ac�i.vities.....Any �penia? activity scheclule<3. iia tlie park bg the Cour�ty which is not in keeging with the noi�r��l day �:u da.y usc of the park shoul.!? be cQncurr.�d wi.tlz by thc CitS* Managez liefox-� su�h ac�i�rity is 7ield." He f�l� that sh�uld b� changed to re� d t `° ...�,shc,ul.d be cc,iicurred with by the City Manage� after consultatiou �c.*a th �:he City Parks & ficcrea4i.o:. Director Uefore such � ae�ivity is held:°' � �� Ur. �oudxeau stacecl the �ounry has cl�an�ed �k�) on page 4 under "Gounty hespon�i:��ilitic�s1° "o �:ead: "To estal,lish an�i Co col.lect user fc�es, if auy, �r:�tlz �a=:�t.a F�wer. hy the Cit�.� Gou��ci1.'� 0 PARKS & RECREATION CQl�'lNLCSSION P�.ETING, J"(TfT�: 2�+ 1980 PAGE 12 � Dr. Boudreau statecl that undex "City Res�onsibiXities", page 4, ��3, �"�' " �'" the County has rec�uested tha; the City "provide sCorage for county park equipment at the City's Yub13.c Wor.ks Yard". It is the City's thought that maybe the Cour.ty will put i.n additional £encing behind Columbia Arena and behind trte Recycling Center for storage of their equip�ent. It would not cause an inconrenience to the City Garage. Dr. Boudreau stated that i_n ��4, page 5, the City is "to provide City heavy equipmenC to assist Co�.?aty cre�,Ts on special proj�cts if City has equipment a�;ailable:" Also i.n �k6, page 5, the City is "to provida upkeep and maintenance of a13 City stre�ts that provide access to ____.�--:..__. parkways and parking lots". Dr. Boudreau stated these things are being done already. ' Dr. Boudreau stated that in I�em V(Capital Tmprovementsj, "Any.develop- mex�t plans made by the Couni:y to irapr.ove the park facilities ,other than the normal maintenance activi.ties shall be a4�roved in writin by the City Council." Dr. Boudreau stated that a Default clause (Item X, page 7) was added by the County. �r. Roudreau stafieu �t1at �t the June ?_3rd City Council meeting, the City G�uncil received a uo}�} of the dra;i: going to tlze County Commissioners: The City i.ouncil was concer,nec about the wording in the "Termination" �` clause (Item XI, page 7), which read: "Upon termination of this agreement, the City sha11 maintain any paxt of 4!�e trail cahich has been constructed within Locke Park, Locke Lake Park ox P1aza Park, for such period of time as the Rice Creek-West Regiona]. Trail is i.r� use by the general publa.c." The City Council cl�anged it ta read that.if. the Agreement is `terminated by the County, the Gou�Zty_h.as the maintenance re�ponsibility �or that trail. This wox•ding cha�ge protect�d the City of Fridley so the County ca�'t back out of the Agxeem�nt an� dzog the �aintenance of that trail onto the Citv. �s t?� understood it, with the wording change of that paragraph and with the "veto pocver" woruing in ,�9 on page 4, the County Board has accepted this clocument as a pxoposed �oint Powers Agreement. Tt now comes �ack to the City Council, and thEr.e was concern by the City Council that Dr. Boudreau brin� this to �he Parks & Recreation Coz�nission at this rneetiug so that the Cou�missicn would have the oppor- �unxty for input before,�.'r?ey aci on it. iie believed the City Council wi11 be acting on this at t=heir 3u1y 7th mee�ing. Ms. Hu�hes re�e:rrea ro the "Ca�ital lr.�nrovements" (Item V, page 5), the second sentence, whicli reads: "Any capi.tal�improvements provided for in the 1�iaster Plan en fiie wzth the Metropolitan Council are hereby deemed approved and no further approval b3= the City is necessary." She stated the Commissicn might want ta recommend that the City Council consider tha� "�ny c.:p9.�a1_ improve�ienfis provided for in the Master Plan an file c�ith rietrapolitai� Council sriil require approval b,y the City" . � �� � I'ARKS & RECR�ATIOI3 C()i��''i7SSIQ�d_ �';EE�.'iT3v� ,TUTdE 2��� lg8p PAGE 1.°, Ms . Hugiles st�teci stle did not know �.f that w°s the correct wording, but it means that �. l�ig building ox a t,ig de>>elopnient pr.olect like �he trail stiiT. needs tc� �e revi.ewed h� che City. One of the reasons f.or that woulci he to mak�: sure t,he Cour.t,y is coiasl.dering the critical areas an3 that t}7ey areri' i: btiilding trails on ].arid that will erode . MO'�ION by Ms , See�ea.; , seconde� by Mr. Kor..dri.ck, to recom.mend �to City Council tha� ]:tem VT �Approvalsj be dele�ed fram the Regiorzal Trai1 :Jain� Powexs Agreem� r7� , . Ms . Seeger stated tl�a* �.�a "l��proval:s" i..� states t1;at "Wherever in this agr�ement conr_urxence ox a�aproval by one party is required before action is tak.en by the nther par��,�, �he failux°e tc, respond to a written proposal within thirty (30) da,�s sha11 be consider.ed concurrence and approval." She stated she felt 30 davs was noL- a very long time. Mr. 1'oung stated he di.d nca� have any dii�ficult.y c�ith the clause, because it pretec�s boti� garti.es, b+a.t he di.d ha.ye pro�slems with the 3U days. � Ms. Seeger stated she abjected to the cor�cur.•rence, approval, and the time pericd. � MGTIQN $Y MR: Y�L?�T� SEC�JNDED BY MR: Kvlv'�tRICK, TO SYIBSTTTTJ�'E TH�; A�OVE M'J7'7.OrV I�T�E BY ALS . tiF�GE�., AII� T0 REGi7��i :','�.i _�'�l G.!_T`Y Cn�tTINCIL T`�IA`.0 Sr�CTT0I3 `rI AZ'Pt��VALS BE I��ETTUEU TO Ft�[3.D "90 DA`.�i�` ��JJ�r�!�tly� OF "30" BAYS; Ms. Seeger stated �his st�.11 does na� abaut tlie Agxeement; ar}.d daes �xoi� give the right to rearly lcnoca ab�ut it , give the c.itizen the right to hear he:r as a citize�i o� as a commissi.one� UFON A Vu`LCE `'dOTf,� ?IUG�3.�S 9.YONT?RT�K, Y(?UI�?�, AATU bi,LEN VOTING AYE, SEEGER, VOTING NAY, TfiE Mt)`1'TO�+I Cl�IED WITH A 4-1 VtYI.'E ;— MOTION IiY MR; KOI�IT��',I�iC, SFCGI�TDED BY MR; XOL'I�C;2 TO CONCUF. WTT%i THE FOLLOl�'ING C�iANGES IYIADE BY 'J�iiE Ct��fi�'�Y: — ��I'A-9. "Tc, esta��,ish a�,d to, collect: us�r �ees, if any, wirh vet:o pow�r_ b�� the Citv Cr..uz?c�.l." XI • TERMTNATTO�v7 - rcr�i.��.� chan�e �haG�if � thE:, County cancels agree;nent z the Coun�y wil.1 mai.xztain thQ trail�s stem. ____�.__ .,._ ._ UPQN A VQICE VOTE, AL,T, �'OAT.�G Ay�;, CHArRPFR;f)� I�tTG�LrS �r�,t�RED TfiF 1K0`CION CA�2RxED tTr1�M0USL� � . MO'.�ION BY MR: YOUNtTz SI;GOi4'IJ�D BY :"llZ; A?,T,�N, T.) RIJCO�MEND TO CTTY' C:OUTICIL �H�1T IIT-A-8�a��i�f�E rt;,��:�Iv7)ED TO t�.I��`�i)� " ,.SIiOULD L�E GQNCiTRI',.ED WTT�� BY Tfi� CITY MANAG��� °JY�:N'_CC}�?StT[.T���IJ�T IvITIi. �"1-iE �rRI�LEY :E'?,P.KS & RECR�AT�ON DTi2�CTOR AND STAF� d"~ � — _ - - -- _ . UP�N A VOICE VOTE, �.,�, �r�;.x1�;J �y�' CHA:iP.I'EI`tS0I7 HU;;H�S UI;CLt`zRr,l} T�L MOTIUl� CAR,RZ.ED U:v�j..N�iiGU'SLx'; PARKS & R��A}ION COMMISSI�N riE�iT�G J��1T 2� 1980 P�G� 14 —_ . �„� MOTZOI3 TaY MS. SEEGER, SECOI�:ED BY MR: YQUNG TO RI:CQMMEND TO CITY COUNCIL .___ _. .. 't'�iAT THF 5ECOZID SL'NTEPdCF. IN SFCTION V(C.4FITAL �CMPTtOVBMEiTrS} �L AMENDED Tp REAb : "AI�TY CAPITt�L 3Ml'ROtJFMt:NTS PR���TDED �`OR IN THE :�1�1STER PLAN ON FILE t�rl'I'�i TI3� I�TRQYOLITAII�? C:GiTNC1L PiUST �3E APPROV�D BY CITY COUNCIL AND THE PARKS & RECREATION CC��L.'�1I�SION:" UPON A VOICE V�TE, AL�� VOTiNG AYE, C�3AZR1'ERSJN HUGHES DECLAREU THE MQTION C:ARRTEU . UNANtPiOUSLY . The Commissioners asked the questian: Wil1 snovnnobiling be al�owed on the trail system? They stat�a they wou].d lilce clarification regarding Section XIi. (SeverabiJ ity'} ancl its rel�t�..anship to rietropolitan Council and the Gouncil's abi.lity to disregard Fric':�.ey's power to d�sagree. MQTIO�`d BY Mlt: YOUNG, SECO2v'DED BY M2 ;_A�,LF'.�1, a 0 CONV�Y THE R.c GIONAL TRAIL JO�N'.t POWERS AGREEMENT AS �..�iENL�FB �0 ��'".Ci' COUNCIL . UFON A VOiCL� Vd�E, ALT� '4'OTThG �iY�, GH�iRP�itSON HUGIiES DE{:I,ARED TtiE MOTTON CARRIED UN�iNTMOLT�LY. G. Citi�e��.s' Counnittee for Recreation Ceriter After. much discussion, i� �?as t-he cancen.�us ef tl�.e Commission that the Chairi�rson formuZ�.te a 1eCrer to tr� citi.Uens r.equesting tha.t any- � one interested in voluntee�ing fcr such a co:rs�it�.ee should su�mi� a xesume to tYie Parks & F.ecreation Ccuuniss �_ori . Ms. Aughes s�ated she �aould f.ormulat� such a�etter, bring it to Staff far re��ieta, and then it would i�e mailed c�ut to each �zausehol.d ir•_ the City. H. Final �proval of CapitaJ_ Out1•ay MJTT.OIV BY M[t. K��IS?RIGK, SECCiv�'ilED BY i�fi�: ALT.EN, TO APPR4��: T.'rLE ��IN'A�.� GAPI`�'..�L CVi'LAY ��.`3t� Td RFCOi�T�F.N� 'i'H�:T C:LTY C0�.3NC3L ACCEPT i.C�F �'IV�� CAPITAL OU�L�Ya UPGN A\TO�CF VOTE, ALL VtY�ING AY'�, CtIE�IfiP,�RSGiQ HUGHES DECL=AR�D '�HE MUITON CA..��TED LT�EiNIl`�OUSLY; 1�DJOURI�INIFN'r ; Chairperson Iiughes declared tlie .JL1I1G 24, 1980, Pa.r�cs & Recrea4ior Ca�.unissw_ou m.eeti.n.g a.cljoaLned at 11:3?_ p.m. f?espect:tully subn�i��ed, , ,/,� �' �.r- .v,��, • `;--�� '-�-`-"-� `"E., QE,��C��, i� � Ly�4;i� S�}bn IZecorc:ir�.�; Sec�etsry �