PR 07/16/1980 - 31259��
3ULY 16, 1980
- - - - - - ---- ��
Chairperson Hugh�s called the July 16, 1980, Parks & Recreation Commission
meeting to order at 7:42 p.m.
M?mbers Pr.esent: Barbara Hughes, Jan Seeger,•bave Kondrick, Dan Allen
Members �bsent:
Others Present:
Dick Young
Cfiarles �oudreau, Parks & Recreation Director
MOTION by Mr. Kondr.ick, seconded by Ms. Seeger, to approve the June 24, 1980,
Parks & Recreation Commission minutes as caritten. Upon a voice vote, all-
voting aye, C?�airperson Hughes decl.ared the r���ign carried unanimously.
The foZlowing i.tems were added to the agenda under "Director's Report":
C. Status of Joint Powers Agreement
D. Recreational Game Sports _. • :
Chairpersan. Hughes declared the agenda approved as amended.
A. Status - N:S:P; Relationshi to Nature Center
� Dr. Boudreau stated that NSP has approached the City inquiring about
the possibility of an easement across the w�st end of North Parlc.
� He believed NSP has been i.nformed that bef�re the City will even
consider it, the following four conditions must be met: (�.) NSP
would oet ar. eGsemeiit only; (2)_ NSP w¢ulcl have to buy additional
equa3. a�zioun�. o� land as to what they would. be taking for the ease-
ment that' would connect Co the North Park praperty; (3) if an
e<�sement ca�re granted, all �oles have to be lined up'for sight; and
(4) a large sum of mone.y for the right of easement w�ulci have to
be granted to the Ci_ty and that money would be earmarked for the.
� iuTp�ravements o£ NorLh Park or the North Park nature center building.
� 1?r. Bouc3reau starecl he did not believe the City has hearci back fron�
� ' NSP. I3SP is looking at five possible routes. from the north to the
south. �Ie stated tk�axe has been no action on the City's part. .
F JLTTf Y 16 1.9t�0 . P.AGE ?. _-:
PA�S & R,CREATtON CQNTMLSSION NF:ET.�h_iiG, .� � _ � _ �,,,� .
B, Stagus - Ruth Circ.le I'axk rcf . Pai�it Fact�r� _ _ _ __ _
Br. Boudreau staCed he had talked to Mr. Boardman abou� this and
nothing has been decided ori it yet. The Paint Factory has put
- -- farth a plan to enlarge the factoi�, and thexe aoes not seem to be
any g•rounds for the City to deny that enlargement. -
, Dr. B�udreau stated the C�nunission had wan�ecl a report on this as
the odors from the plant affect the•nei�hboil,00d and the park.
Ms. Hughes stated that if L-he Paint Factory meets all the code
- requirements�, nc� public Y►E:aring would _be requ�red. It would just
be a normal building permit.
NIs. Seeger stated she thought the factory would need an ease�ent �:o
expand. She thaught they now had a variance on their easement which
sets them forward.
D-r. B��udreau suggested that if thz Commission members have sp�cific
qtiestions, they should talk directly� to Mr. Boardman.
Ms. Hughes stated the cnly way this could"be handled would be _
thrQ��a� a lacal r�r�uiiement which �a�>>1.d pro'.��.bly be generated througli
a n�:;sance c.omplaint to confine odor$: and noise. That could be clone, '"'�
an� th�:. City could ask them to d� so�e riltering of ttie air. --
Ms. Seeger askeu if there was any way the Paint Factory could be
required to impiove their fire preven�ion.
Ms. Hughes stated that U�ould be another way and probably t:�e best way
to get at them, paxticularly ti�itli their bad iire record. The City
could r�ave them periodieally inspected to make sure they are cor.Ytrol.l�ng
� things.
Ms. Hu�hes stated that perl?aps ttie �hing for the Cammission to do is
niak� some inquiri_es into the problem. She stated she wou2d talk to
- Mr. Boardman, City Planner, and i��:. Clark, Building Insgector, and the
� Fire Prev�ntzon Chief, t�� £ind out what the possibilities are and
whether the Paiut �1 aciory has ever_ been issuecl a building permit at
this Li�e. If a building }�ermit ha.s not been issued, ther_ this should
be red flagged so that when they do come in for a building permit,
the City really ch�ck� i� out. � �
i�0'�TON by M� . S�eger, seconded by Mr. I:on�rir,�t, to requPst Staff to
xiotify the Yarks & Recreation Co�nission of any puSlic hearings or
act�on regarding ►�he Paint Factory o� Ashton Avenue.
C. Status - Joint Powers Agreement
Ms. Hughes stated that the Joint Powers Agreement was passed by
City Gouacil on Monday, July 7, and the City�Council did attach
to the Joint Powers Agreenient so�e of the Parks & Recreation
Commission cou�ments and/or additions, but she was not sure which .
ones. She stated she had riot seen the final document.
Dr. Boudreau stated he had the final document in his office, but it
was basically the same as the one the Commission had reviewed.
' Ms. Hughes stated she had raised the question of whether snowmobiling
,would be allowed on the trail t-hrough•Locke Park.
Dr. Boudreau stated that on the County's Master.Plan, which is
included as paxt of the draft, it makes the statement: '!Primary
uses on the trail wi11 be bicycling �nd hiking (summer uses) and
snowshoeing and cross country skiing (winter uses). No snowmobiles
or horses will be allowed." Another statement also made is: "The
Rice Creek Trai1 Carridor provides a natural linkage between proposed
recreati`on areas'and existing parks: A linear trail system for
combined activitiesxsuch as biking, hiking, snowshoeing, cross
country skiing, and canoeing will°be t:he major emphasis in this .
� porr:...0 o£ the'Rice Creek Corridor," .
D. Recreational Game Sports
Ms. Seeger stated she has been hearing a lot about the extreme heat
and how children should not be doing exertive kinds of activities,
but the pressure is on the children to do thes2 activities. In
recreation, she knew the pressure that zs on the children to partici-
pate, and she w.ondered if there had been any problems�in Fridley
. with the extreme heat and children bein� encouraged to play in the
heat. What is the Parks & Rec�eation Department's poliryo un this?
Dr. Boudreau stated the basis of recreation is -the freedom of choice,
and tr��y ao not do anything about it. He had a lady call hi�n the,
; other day who said it �,�as too hot'fo: her son to participate in
soccer, and.he had told her he agreed and that if it was his son, he
wou}.d not allow hi.m to participate. The Parks & Recraation Department
does not oPerate the �YSA programs and leavesthat judgement up to the
FYSA. The I�arks & RecreaCion bepartment does encourage them not to
play in t�he heat, but cannot force them�no� to play.�
Dr. Boudreau stated that most of the par�icipation time is in the
evening as opposed to midday when the heat is the greatest. As £ar
as playgrou:zd pragr�ns, the leaders are there in case the children
show up, t�ut attendance has Ueen way down. The leaders have been
tbld not to h�ve any highly active types of activities. He wou�.d
hope that �arents would use caiwion sense snd u►ake the ciecisions not
to play and stick to those decisions.
Ms. Seeger stated that �aybe this would be som�thing to considex when
they review the FYSA rules and�re�ulations.
Dx, Boudreau stated th� C�mmisslon should also kncw that all the �
recreation leaders go t,�roug�i abc�ut four hours of first aid, in
which Bob Aldrich of the F ire De�ar.tment covers heat exhaustiion.
A. Formation of Citizens` Advisory C,c�nittee
Ms. Hughes �tated she had =orgot*en to bring a copy of the letter
she had formulated for the purpose of being sent out to the citizens
reqsestin� volunteers for a citizens' advisory committee. She sta.ted
� she would highlight some of the point�s in the letter.
Ms. Hughes stated that ir� tne Iet�er she stated t'nat the Fridley �
Parks, Recreation, and Na�uxal Resources Commission was seeking an
; advisory committee to �ielp detex�zne *_he need for and the type of �
recreation building thaL- should be built in the pariz/play field at
69th & University Ave. across �rom Col.umbia Ar�na, She stated the
Coa.�mnission wauld l.ike the community to help them decide such questions
as: (1) the need a recre� *�wc� building
(2� the t;�pe of fa�iliti�,.s that �hould be included , :,
�� (swi��ir�� poo1, han�iball courts, meeting and
� exercise roouis, gymn�a�iuu�, or storage ar_d concessi.on
. areas) .
(3) how it should be Financed and when
(4) other Lelated questions
Ms. Hughes utated she had dealt with hos� the committee would be
appointed, and that in the spirit of the open appointment process
by City Council, t�3e Co�nission would ask that the people pro•�ide
same informatiori abou� themselves, their interest in serving, their
local coumnunity affili.ations. The Commission would like to appoint
people who are members af civic organizations, neighborhood advisor}r
��:oups., those peopl� who have some special background in buildings,
and others who are the,plain i.nterested folk. �
Ms. Hughes had stated that the cammittee. would be appointed in
Segtember, and they would like to have the information by Sept. 1. __
- Tlie citizens u�ay send the informatiori to the Fridley City Hall Parks,
Recreation, and Natu�al Itesources D�partment OP. ca11 Barbara Hughes,
Chairperson of the Parks, Recreation, an.d Natural Resources Conm�issio:�,
OR contact Chuck �3oudreau, Parks & Direct�r,OR contact any
Park Commissioner.
_ _ _ ---- _
Ms. Hughes aslceu� .the Conur.issien if they .f_elt th?s was sati�factory
or if they had any suggest�d reconunenciations ar changes.. ^
Ms. Hughes stated she was concerned about the part where Ms. Hughes
had stated they would like to appoint peop�.e who are members of •
civic organizations, neighoorhood advisory groups, etc., or just
plain interested foik. She thought this was sort of intimidating
that you have to be someone to do something. Maybe, the just plain
citizen should be encouraged to participate, rather than spelling
out the other qualifications.
� Mr. Kondrick stated Ms. Seeger had a good point. He thought the
peogle who participate in city functions or organizations will
respand anyway as they feel they should, and the Cou�►ission should _
try to attract the average citizen so L-hat person does not think
it is too exclusive a club for the average citizen.
Ms, Hughes stated the Coetmission is going to want to know some of
these tiiings and that is the reason she worded it that way, but
maybe they could draw up some kind of form that could be included
with the•letter where peaple would fill out that kind of informatio�t
and why they were interested. That kind of information could be very
useful, The order of the listing coulcl be changed to play down those
qua1ifications. �
Ms. Hughes asked how important was it to mail this letter to every
� household in the City of FridZey? � �
Mr. Al1en stated that in the long run, he felt it would be very
important, so that no one would have the opportunity to say he/she
never heard ariything about the advisory committee or the fact that
a recreational facility was being considered.
Dr. Boudreau stated they weze talking about an average cost of
$400-500 to mail this Ietter out to every household,
Ms. Huglzes stated she was not sure the re�ruiting of a citizens'
advisory c anmiCtee was worth $400-500.
Mr. Kondrzck agreed that $400-500 was a lot of money to spend.
Dr. Boudreau stated that the fa1Z rec�eation brochure would be
going out towards the end of August, and this goes to every house-
hold in Fridley. Woiild the Commission be willing to include this
le�ter as one page of that brochure? •
The Conunzssi�ners agreed that Dr. Boudreau's suggestion was an
excellenC one and d�cided to include the letter as part of the
fa11 recreation brochure. - - - - - -- - - -
A. Age Cui:-Off Dates for Recreation Pro�rams
Dr. Boudreau stated thaC the age cut-off for the fa11 recreation
programs is different than the summer programs. The sumrner programs
PAItKS & RECREA'1'TOT1 CUI�1Ni1SSI0N I°IPr'i7�tG2,JUa���1&, �.9$0
are handled differei�tly, be�ause tY:e�� deal �aich Freschool children.
.__ ___._..--------------------Most_ of the_�all prograns �cs by .grac�es.
Dr. Boudreau stated he had. discus:.ed this witY� Staff, and as he had
stated at the last meeL-ing, Staf.f does not caxe as long as they have
a date, and thcy are willir_g to tx� the summer program with the
school cut-off dates or i3y completia?n oi grades .
• N4r. Kondriek sta�ed that: hE likecl T�Ir. Young's suggestion at the last
maeting to either have cc�mpleted, for example, kindergarten or be
six years old by SeptemE,er I. Iie thought that was the best way to go. __.__.�.
Mr. Allen stated he would ga aion� with age guidelines.
Ms . Hughes ask�d if llr . Botidreai� felt there should be a bet�er
definition for "adult".
Dr. Boudreau stated he did not thintc a definitior� of "adult" was�
needed because a person is not e1i�;?ble to pl.a,y in sof..tball leageus,
etc., until he/she has graduateci high sch�ol.
Ms . Hughes� she feit N,r. Haxma� t�Aad .a real justifiable compZaint. :
From her conversations GTl'�:�1 him, s;�� could agree �aith him, and in
tl3ose i�i�tances, there shou].d be some rt�le bending. But, it wo�t�}
be-ea.s�er for *_he Park� & Recreaticn De�3rtment to ha•;e a grade l�vel
for the elementary grades, and �or i.he preschool children, they have
to be a certain age by Sept. l, heeause ttiat i_s the School Dist. 14
guideline. .
MOTION by Mr. Kondric?c, se�.onde3 by Mr. AJ_len, to reco�nend that
Si:aff chan�e tne age requiremeni.s-tor'rec?�ea�?on programs to corre-
spor�d with School Dist. ?4 �xade and school cut-Aff dates.
� B. Review o£ Nei�hborhood Pa.xi- Develai�m��nt Plaizs
Dr. Boudxeau state3 that: �he Coat�nission ha.d five n�ighborhood park
development plans.
T�s. HugYies askeu� if tiie}� could t,�i.te soMething on each plan in
terms of propose�i impxavements t1�at would give them ai1 iclea of
rahether the park is inr.erided to have a play�xouz�d pr�gram, ball
�ames, etc. '
Br. BaudrPau stated that none of the groposed improvements l�sted
are for orga�iize.d ac�ivitizs.
tis . I�i:ghe� asl;ed �ny the nGed fo� Ct:e $68, CJQ �helter; storage/ �
restroam facili�y?
Dr. Boudreau stated those facilities would be used for picnics, '
to house storage of park maintenance equi�ment, and to house .
restroom facilities. These liuildings are being proposed, because
they are trying to encourage neighborhaod use of these parks.
Ms. Seeger stated that if she could see where these larger invest-
ments were being proposed and how far apart they were in the City,
i.t would help the Co�issioners in their review of these plans.
Dr. Boudreau stated the reason for the proposed improvements in each
park is to come up with a total capital improvements plan tha.t says
these are the things they feel are needed in the parks.
Flannery Park
Dr. Boudreau stated he was mainly concerned about restroom facilities
and drinking water which they lack in all of �he parks.
Ms. Iiughes asked Mr. Allen's feelings on this kind of proposal.
Mr. A1Zen stated that he Iiked the approach. Setting money aside
for the moment, he felt tlieir primary goal is to attract people
and to encourage them to come to a park. The satellites may be
cheaper in the long run, but there is nothing quite so discouraging-:
as seeing a toilet tipped over in tne parK and having to call in a
cbmplaint to have it ta.ken care of. It makes the whole park and
the whole operati.on look creap, Tf there is no water. in the park,
� it makes the park less enjoyable. From his ow�n experience, it is a
far more attractive facility to know that water and restrooms are
available, He stated he liked the "greening up" approach--the
irrigatian. Money is a problem, but he defini.tely felt they should
not always look at what is cheaper, bu� which is the more attractive
and which is goin� to make people come out to the parks.
Mr. Allen stated that the priorities he would Iist for Flanniery
would be some type of storage area; restrooms, and a drinking
fountain. Irrigation was very important. A parking lot ��ould be
last p�iority, and the lighting of th� tennis courts would depend
on the park facility arid how much i_t is used.
Mr. Kondrick stated he has seen and used the shelter/restroom facility
in�Brooklyn Parl:. It is easy to maintai:n and is as vandal-proof as
possible. He was very impressed with it. If this park gets a lot of
usabe, he would like to see thai: kin.d of shelter/restroom facility�-
also drinking fountains.
Ms. Hughes statPd Ms. Seeger had a goad point in the facC that
� ttlese types cf shelter facilities have to be scattered around the
,,� co�nnunity. So, maybe there would be 5-b location for them in the
whole city. .
PARKS « RF�REA.TION COt•�1ISS:i�JN 1�`:k�En'T.NG, JUC.i'. 16� 1980 • FAGE8
---------------M>, SezgF.r-stated another thing t.he �onmrission had not talked
abaut was. the dens�t�r of an ar.ea. Tn same neighborhoods
wher� there are smaller_ l.ats, there are a lot morP people and a
lot n�ore children. I�iaybe scm�.e rhings can be justified by that
p�tentiaj. amount of usa�e. As f:ar as impr�vements for �'lannery,
she agreed with Mr. Allen that irrigation was very important.
When things start to look b� pu.tting in water, getting
• the park greAn, ;etta.n�; some plantings in, peopl.e begin to taka
pride in their parl:s; an� tinen she could see the shelter faci�.ities
and from theie. They have �iot h�d a lot of landscaping
improvements ir� tr�e parks, so t�7e parks are not desirable. She
felt the lighted tennis caurts c�ould be one.of �he la�t things,
and the parking lot the ve�y last thing.
Ms. iiughes stated that, wii.h reglyd ro Flar_uery, she felt the
City might consider buyi.rzg the house at o�.e end of the park or
getting rid of �h2 narrow strip oi 1Gnd, S�ie questioned whether�
both a shelter/storage;x�stroam facility and an open air sheltex
w�ere necessary. It should also bn nr�tnd that this is a park cahich
has a playground program which wi11 grobably continue.
Hackman Circl.e
Ms. �:t.i�hes sLatec? tlie Energy �ouunission has had �o�e questi.ons .
about how the Cit�r uses lightin�, t?-�e types of lighting facilities,
and about the I.1gtlilllg of �ennis c.ourts aiYCl leaving tYie lights on
for �ong periods of ti.n►e. So, as rl�is Cou�issi.on looks at ornamental
lighting, they should rea.liy talce �. look at it•, and it might ba
something the Energy Cor:.anissio� would want to revi�w. The Enex�y
Gomalission�s philosophy is that they wa�t the City to provide a
model f.or cc�nmunity indi.viduals thai: would enc�ura$e individuals
to conserve energy.
Mr . A11eiz stated tha t in
concern, because it was
ir�i�a.tion was the first
�+iadsen Park
t�ds gar�, the opun air shel�Pr caas a
so close to rloore "Lake Beach. Again,
prioritj� �nd from tnere it can gro�a.
Ms.. Hughes sta�ed here the priorit_:ies arc
drinkiiig fauntain.s, and a°elocatizig the �F
corner. They might set a high �r�oriL-y c.
rtstroom fa�ility, beca�.�s� the siielt�r is
park. This par.k is a hi;hly intextsive use
program is run in tiiis pa�lc a�zd k�ill
Ruth Cirel� Park'tscapiizg, irLi.gation,
U�I1 ciiamo�l�' in ti�e 5tni'
n thc �helter/storage/
very important in this
ai•c:.a . 1'he playground
pz ob4�ly contlriue .
T1s , See�er sta�;.ect �ha�, ag•uiri, s�.e felt irrigatiou and land��api_ng �
were h�_gh priari�ies . ` °
k'ARKS & RE�REATION CONuiISSI.Oh MG�;'TiNG, .iITLY 1v, 1.980 � nAGE 9
P��, - -- --- - .
Sylvan Hi11s
Mr. Kondrick stated they are seeing the saine �riorities in all
these parks--irri_gation, Iandscaping, d:inking_fountains, and then
the building� as noney is available.
� Dr. Boudxeau sLated trze�e are severai. ca�binations to `�e considered the shelters that accomplist�� the sa�.-�e goal. The open air
- shelter wi�:h the resL-room facility ��ttached is probabl� the best � -
way to g�. For a house facility, they can attach doors
to the sides of the o�nn air shel.ter. �
Ar. }3oud•Neau stated he wduld provide five�more neighborhaod park
development plans ior t,:he next meeting.
P'Is. Hughes stated tha� if the Co�nission members could take a Iook
at these parks before the next meeting, i� ;aould be helpful in tneir
!'`� Pi0'1'?�N by I�r .�.Iien, s econded by Ni� . Ko�3rick, _ to ad j ou�n the meeting , i? po�
a voice vote, alI aye, Chairpersor. Hughes dec�azed the Ju1y 16, 19�0,
Parks & Recxeatioiz Cnmmi.ssio:� rrzeti�xr, adjourned at l{�:15 p.m.
Respectfully sub itte;l,
�i �
(%���� �
Lyn Saba
Recordin� Secre.Caxy
. q
DQar Gentler�ersor::
I'he Fridley Parks, Recreaticn and Nac:us�al Re^CiU:rCeS Cemrni: sian needs your :zelp.
We are embar' on a stizdy oi needFu faciliti-Ls in �the new communi-?.-y �a.rk--
playfield located afi 69t11 a?�d Univereity F:veiii?es---acras� the h�g'rzway f-rom
Columbia Arena. We are seeking people tc serve ��n �n advasory cor�mitiee to
examine the need f=or and type of recre��tior biiilda_n�; th��t could be
The Commission wants the comr:�unity to help us cieci�3e Such questions as:
1.) r�hether or not a i�ui].ding is needed,
2) wha�t kinds of facilities should be included �swimming p�ol, gyr,n,
exer•cise and mee-cing Y'OGi?!S, ;�and�,all cour;s, t�i�atrE:s, or just
stor,�ge ara.d concessior. ar. eas ),
3) how and when it Wnould be financed and
4) ct-her r. �lated quest:iorxs .
if you are i���erested ir? s�r. �%ing cn such a co�nmit-tee � pi c ��se le�t us know.
.� ?:n th� spisi.t �f ttze op�n ��pcintrrient p�ocess t.,.;�d i�� cl;c. �i�y Co�jr.cil, we that you pro�iu� SGITlc� ii•.�{'Ut'i:lct"�_i021 c"�,�OU'C yTOti'"t'S�'�:i � VOLIi' wl1i;�.Y.'2S"i, 1T1
servir�gy and some�t�aing about yc>ur loc�]_ com�„�ani.-ty af-f=il.ia�tions. i��e al.�e
intc_res�:ed in apgoi.nting som� peop:le irom civic: o»�ani_za�i:ic?n: a.r�cl memhers
�f neighbcrllaod advisory gro�zps. We a7_sa hop� to appoirat some o�F you who
liave spec.ial qualificatioias to ser•�ve a,z a committ�e and. othez�s who
are o�x} main.stay--just plain, interested folks:
I wiJ_1. make appointm�nts i�i Septeraber. Coald youu in�icate your iraterest �y
�eptember 1? Or pert�aps you can. sugge�t someone e1se. T'o make it easy= you may
1) Send ir,formation to tr{e Fridley City Hall, Parks, R�creation and
Natural Resources Dc.>.pt. , 6431 i;E Uni�ersi-cy Av�. , 55432 OR
' 2}. Call Bar� Hughes at ��c�rk (&%).-7332) or a�t h�:�� (57�-61.82) OR
3) Call Chuck Boud,re:au, Parks and Recreation Director, ut 5i1--3�+50 OR
4) Cor.;:a.t �'ommissicn rne;nbers: Dan A11an, 571-C137; llave Kor.driek, 571�-2359;
Jan Se��c�c, 784-74�I1 a.rici Dick Young, 571--80�8.
It should be an exciting �r�oject ta work or. 6J.ilJy ou�a help serve yoizr comr�unity?
Sincer�ly yours,
B�rbara fIughes
Cra irper,�:��n � �
Parlcs, Recreation and Natural Resouz�c�� Carnm� ssac�n