PR 08/13/1980 - 31260��� CITX OF FRIDLEY n � PARKS & RECREATION CO��LSSIO�T - MEETING AUGUST 13, 1.98Q CALL TO ORDER: Vice-Chairperson Kondrick called the August 13, 1980, Parks & Recreati.ori Comm�►ission meetix7g to ordex at 7:38 p.m. • ROLL CALL: I�Ie�ribers Present: Dave Kondrick, Jan Seeger, Dan Ailen. kiembers Absent: Barbara Hughes, Dick Young � Others Pxesent: Connie McMillion, • Jim Ro'oi.nson, Planning Uepartment - APPRQVAL �F JULY 16, 1980, PARKS & RECREATIOId CO:�SCSSTON MCNUl'ES: MOTJ'.ON 1��� Mr. AI.2en, seconded by Ms. Seeger, to apprcve the ,7uly 1.6, 1980, Parks & R�creation Commissi.ox� minutes . ' � The foll.owing change was ivade to the minu�es: 'Page S, first paragra�h: "Ms. Iiughes stated she was concarr.ed..." should be changed to,"Ms. Seeger stated she was concerned..." UP6N A VOICE VOTE, ALL VO'TING AYE, V3CE-G'�IAiRPERSON KONDRICK DECLARED Ti-IE MI,NUTES APPROVEA AS AN;ENDED. � . AFPROV�. OF AGEND�: - - Tlie following addition was made to the agenda.under "Other Business": - A. Update on Natur� Center Building , MOTION by Ms. Seeger, sec.onded by Mr. Allen, to approve �he agenda as amended. Upon a voice vote, all. voting aye,.Vice-Chairpez•son Kondrick declared the � motion carried unanimously. 1. DIREC'l'OR' S REPORT : A. Volunteers for State Fa�.r (Naturalist Division� . Ms. ricMillion stated �hat Mr. St. Clair, City Natural�st, has • made the request tha.t he needs volunteers to help with the State ^ Fair booth. The staff �s at the tair from appr.oximately 8:00 a.m. ' to 8:00 p.m., so they neeci people �o hel� from 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. `.� an a volunt,eer basis. T:�e dat-es Mr. �t. Clair needs volunteers �are Aug, 21, 22, 23, 29, a�ad 30. . � P�,RKS & I2 :^vREEs1I0I�T CQMC�IS" °l.UiV �'i�F?:'Iiv(x, AUGi3S`Y' 13� 17$0 PAGF 2 r. _ - . ..._.______ ....__.._._.__ - /1 Ms . 2dcMillion stat�d that any Co��:�i.ssi.on niember who would like to - volunteer shnuld contact Mr. St. Clair. S�e stated�Mc. St. Clair wcauld also w:.�l.::i,�ne vol.ur.�ec��s oa�:s:.c�e of the Co�rsnissiora. Mr. Kondri.cic stated tze woul.d �ike to vclunteer. He stated he worked a� the �'tat� I'air h�eCh last yea.r an.d it was � Iot of fun. He s�a;-ed :�Ar. vt. Glai.s� doFs an exccl3_ent- joU, The booth and the e��il.=airG �r:; u;�ne v�.iy ��e7�3.. . T�. Ugdate_ - Locke Park �is . Mc�iillio� sta.ted she ��Tas nnt sure if the C.omm�ission members hact received a co'j of a l�tter �r. B�ad-reau had written to Mr. Zureshi, C3.tS* I�anager, zegarding t_ne Joint Pawers Agreement between the City and �`��,oka County . . ?i.s . McMilZion stated t'za�: in th� let'Cer, 13r . Bcudreau had statEd; "Please be advised i:hat o;i Augizsi: 1, 1980, the Anoka County Pa.rk Depar.��ent, through a�eceu� Jaint Powers Agre�meni:, was gi.ven the responsibilit�� for the dai.l�� operation and �nai.ntenance of Locke Park. ;�or ir�formati�n w?�ich y^:� may 4r sh. to pass on. to the CiCy Council, t�ie Aneka Coucity Par2c �.:�n��rs wilJ. be on duty in Loc.ke �'ark at �he iG�I�Wl2L� L-imes: Fr:�day •• 6:30-9:3� p.:a.; �S�t. & Suii. - 1:00-9:3U p.m. 4��ith �he�e p�xk ���ngers p�-��sic�l.I.y nxesent i.n t��e park, .i. c�ould /1 �Ygect t�he. vandsli,sm and rela.red pro'�len�s sh�uld 'be greatJ.y rec;uced. l�ith reye.r.en.ce to the �.�taclied cnQ::�c .f.rn� Ken Wi2��inson, Fridley Po?_ice Dekartment, cozaceri�i.ng tYir vazi.a�i.ons o� the Ano'..a Coun�y O.dinai�ce versus the City of Frid1_e;T �rc�ii,ar�ce, D�.ve iorkelson has �tiformed me that the p�oi�ex si�;na�e �h�:il�. be placed accordin�, tc tlte new park hours, at�d the alcohcli�: bez�exagu res�:i•icti�ns ��Jill be poste� as ear.iy a� n�xt �JJ1ek. Str.ictly speak:i.ng from �ur Parks � 2?acreation. Dep� rtment's V'LPWDOlItC� T, be1 i.eve that this t�ansition p�r�od s�aul.d nc�cux in a very smoath and ef fective marLner . Mi_�.imal px�obl�ms that maSr arise wi21 be ltandle.l i�hrou�h Dave Tcr.kelson and mysel£." ��s. 1�1cMiilion s�ate:� tiiat ��hat Dr. i3uudreau was referri�ag to was that �'xid?_�y' � nnrn�al �ar'�c izc�uxs ar� un�.:iZ l0: Ot� g.m. , but the park hUUrs �ox Anaka Cuua�y an3, rl�.er�fe�e, LQ�ke F<<r.k, k�ill be 7:30 a�m. until �� 3C p.�. �Slso, Llie CiC�� Crdi=_t�.nce acco�:diiig to the de�d for the 1a�td says rhat ihe�-e can be no. ini:oxi.catirif; beverages on th�� proprrC�� of L�cke Parl.. �ut, AtYO'.�.a (;c�un�y states �l.�y can havE al�oholic bevt�rages in tneir �a�ks. The Cit1r of ia�zdley has allowed 3.2 �eer �in Lo�ke F'ar�c, h�?c.•ever, i.t. tiaill �e posted that no alcoholi.c beverages wi11 b� a1:�.ow�d in Loc� 1'ark. ?�r. .K,ondrick stated he w:�u1d lik.e the Ccm�niss�.oners to receive a co��}% of Dr. �oucireau's m�mo a�.ad Mr. Wi�k�.nson`s me:no. � PARKS & ItECREATION COMMISSZON i�c'PING, AUGi1S'L 13, 1980 PAGE 3 �. . : �Is. Seeger stated she would like to receive a final copy of the Joint Powexs Agreement as signed by both the City and Anoka County • with the cover letter. She'would a1�a lilce further in€ormation re�arding tne city or.dinance on alc�holic beverages and the percnit process allowin.g 3.2 beer. C. 1980 Summer Playground Report Ms. McMillion stated that the playground Frograms ended on Aug. 1. This year they had eight playgrounds instead of tY:e ten in 1979. One reason for the decreasz was that they turned Sievenson Park, which had r►ormally been a-regular playgrcund in 1979, into a,speeial �-` handicapped playground program for.198Q. They also combined Craig, Ruth Circle, �nd Logan Park's into�one playgroun.d prog-ram and offered transpertation for those c�iildren. It seemed to work aut very well. Ms. McMillion s�ated the playground enrollment was do��l someYahat from 1979, bu� she thought that was due to the decrease in number af play- grounds . They went fron'� 377 in 1979 to 281 in 1980, but tl,eir c3aily attendance was up. In.1979, they had a daiTy att'Endanc¢ nf about � 47%,.and in 1980, they had a daily atL-enu'ance of about 56°/0. Sl�.z felt that showed tl�at less people were gol.ng aut of town and ;the need ior the program was greater. .Also, she felt the quaiitq of the.program had ii�nr.oved and developed sir�ee 1979. � . Ms. McMillion state�i the Tiny Tots program stayed about the same; and d�ily attendance was about 75%. They decreased frc>m eight Iocations to seven locations. They di.d cffer a playgrou*�d locatioa at Summit Square, but it did not go, so those children came up to Sylvan. • ris. McMillion stated the PITS �Playground in the Srreets) program was very successful this year. They had twe leaders �.aho did a super job. In the past, the �'ITS program nas been going to the park aad p2aying games. This year, they were included on �he excursions and were included in a number of pZaygroun3 activities. Next-year, they are ' seriously considering charging a. mirxima�. fee for the PITS program so those children will be able to be m�ie a pazt of the playoround program..� This yeax, as far as excursions, �hey ��arged $3 ta.r thP shirt. In , or�'er to go o�. any playg,round excursian, the chi.ldre3� inust have play- � ground 7.'-shiY•ts . � �.� Ms. McMillion stated the special �laygr.aund program for the handicapped was super. They ��ad twa very dedica�ed staf.f inembers. �Tlze program was four days a week--rinnduy-Thursday. The•enrollment was 11, ages 9-].0, but beca�ise one chi].d was disrupCive and had to be withdra�an, the en.rollment �a�nt dow-�Z' i:o 10. Shc stated those 10 children got to knuc� the counselc�rs a�z3 became very comfortable with the si�uation, so tr.ey G�er� �a:c:n on �xcursici�.s--Camo Park, Minnehaha FaZls, ancl Valley.fair as �:IZeir last excursion. She sta�ed the sta.ff iner,ibers are in the process oi writin� up a special hand�.capped playground manua7. and evaluation that will be very detailed. When this is com- 'plet�d, she wiil be sure Che Commission m�mbers receive a copy. PARKS & RFCREATION COi�LLSSI��N MEF`.�TI��� �,[�fi'JST 13 � 19$fi - PA ,F �N Ms. McMilli�on stated that as an ou�gro��th of the special playgro«nd program, Staff i.s considexing deveJ.oping sane kir_d of after-school program. They know tiiere is a need in the counnunity, and they know that transportatien is a pr.oblem fo:.� any handicapped situatlon. She. felt t1.at ths prc;gran ean only grow. They stiarted with t��o staff inembers and one younger �ezson came in later who was also _ caxcellent. ShE stated the st�.f£ to ctii.ld ratio of 3-9 was very good. She stated she t�oped the}* had the support af the Cu�nnission in this area. For nex� yea;-, S�.a3f zs recommendi.ng that they split the Qrogram into a mentally handic��ped program and a physically randicapped program. • - Ms. ricMillion stated the Sun Newspa.pers gave exc�llenr coverage of the playground programs. Gut o� the seven weeks of playgroun� program, they w�re in �he Sun four. ti�.nes with f:zll photo spr_eads. � 2 . CHt?��il'ERSC�N � S R�FO�T : A� Formation of Citizens� A3visory �o�nnLi.tcee L � Pir . F:ond��ick stated L-hat Ms .%ugll� s had drafte� a 1ett�r to be Gen� oiit to the citizens of �'ridiey request:ing vo? unteers foz a citizens' advi^^:;Y cor.unittee, axicl the Cou�miss�.��: ha� .discussed this at the last meefi3n�. He sta�ed Mr. Young had c:s�;mztt-ecl sc�m? ree.emmendatians for ^ changes in this letter. Mr. Kondrick sug�ested tha�c the. C�m�re�ssion go tt�rou�;h 4he Ietter. �nd, from Mr. Young's input, and the o�her coaunissior. memY�ers' input, came up t�rith a final copy to be pub�.ish�:d in the f411 re�:reafian brochure. • Tne following changes wer� made to the leCtet; Salutation: Char.ge to "1?eax Tcesi.dent" Fourth paragNaph changed to re3d; "If you are intere�ted in serving on s.i:.h a cor.n�ittee,• plea�2 l.et us know. In the s��irit of the, open appointm�nL- pracess use3 Uy r_he City Cou�zci? , we ask that you provide same infar�nation 3�J411� yourself, your %nterest i.i sexvi.ng, and something ab�nt yo�tr local community affiliations. We are i.ni:erest'ed in appoin.ra:r.� i:he community mainh�ays--the interest�ci folks. We also noFe t�� ap�oint scme� of you who have special qualifications to seive�on a building committee ar who �re members of civic orga.i�,izatioi�s or nQiohborhoad adviso-ry groups," ' Fifth paragraph changeci i:o �:ead; "The Cou�►ission wi1l. make appointments in October. !:'lease indicate jour inter�st by Octob�r 1." (res� of parsgrapn �:he same) Ttem (4), change "A�lan" �o "A11�n" n � PARKS & REGIt�ATION COT�l.MISSIGN ME�TING, AUGUST 13, 1980 " PAGE 5 Last paragraph c2ianged to read: "It should be an exci�ing project ta w�rk on. We need your help and support." MOTION by Ms. Seeger, seconded by Mr. A1.1_en, ta approve the letter as �mended to he sent ou� to the residents of Fridley requesting volunteers for a cj.tizens' advisory* cc�mmittee. � .UPON A VOTCE VOTE, tAI,'L VOT72?G AYE, VICE-CHAIRPERSON KONDRICK DECLARED THE MOTION C1�.RRIED UNAI�'IMOUSLY. 3. OLD BUSINESS: A. Review of Neigh�orhood Parks Mr. R�binsan s�ated he is a graduate landscape axchi.tect and has been with the Planning Department for about one year. He stated he felt the Comm�ssion was well aware of wnat they are trying to da with tr.e total capital improvements plans, and Dr. Boudreau had asked him �o ta3.k fio the Commi:ssion about the si..h remainin.g neighborhood parks . Mr. Robi.nscn stated that what they.ha,ue been. trying to do in the Planning Degartment, in conjunctio� with Dr. Boudreau, is look at . , the existing facflities and inventorv them, to see,what the parks are ._ _ ___. _ . ,- _ lacking ?n terms of facili.ties a.n3 to see what needs to be done to _, � _. bring them up -to date and make them more viable and more enjoyable - places. - _ _ � Mr. Robinson stated he had written a memo listing tlie parks, what _ the existing facilities are, and what the proposed improvements are. � He stated he had gone ouL- that day and taken some photos of each par'K, highlighting the negative aspects pur�osely to give the Commissior� an idea of what they think are some of the sore spots in the parks, • and annotating them with. so�e suggesticns on what could be done, In the memo, he had pointed out �hafi many of the needs in the .parks are�the same--drir�king fountains, shelters, tot lot equipment, path-� ways, etc, ihis is common througliout the parks, tha� the parks need .�o be,brought up to date w�th these kinds of facilities. � Mr. .Robin�on stated tlie fir'st step c�ras the one they are taking right now--�he inventory and analysis, and tne next step would be to prepare a master plan, 4rhi.ch would give them guidelines for each of t�e parks, so they would know eYact7.;� what needs to be done and it wouldn't be done in a hodge padge kind of fashion. he thought Fridley's parics were very im�ortan.t, znd he caas very impressed with the quantity a�id potential quality of �he neighborhood parks.• Mz. Kondrick stated that irom their last discussion, the Couimission's main concerns �aere irrigatian, lanclscaping, and drinking��ountains, and the open air sizelters would fa11 in.to place after that. Mr. Al.len � had stated that he thought it �aas important for the parks to be green � , and have landscaging. _ � PARKS &�CI�A�.'rON CdN1MTSSiC+N r1��E?'i:i�iG��UGtiS�' 13, Iy8Q ---- PAGE E� n Mr. Itobinson stated tk�at in his m:iria, he would ter� restraom facilities as a high pric�xiry. Hoti- did the Commi�sion fe�l about restroom facilities t�ei.ng a high �sr�arity it-em' � Mr. Allen �tated he felt zt wou�.ci depend upon the par.c. For example, Plaza Park wou]_d not r�eed a restc�o� £acilit;�,.but Sriardale, Craig, and Madsen Parks �joula be g�r�d ��aiks to have restroom facilities. • Mr. Robinson state3 the parks �rith sc7ftba].1 and t�nnis which got the most use would grobably be tt-ie parks to gi.��oint for restroom facilities. ris . Seeger stated she tho.i�h� the}> st�ouici be 1o�king a� eartii-shel��red types of facilities sa �:he 'tops oi tlle facilities could be use3 for green areas. They dou't: have to be Uig o"r elegant fac�lities, but useful. Mr. R�binson stated ti�at I3r. Bc�udreau had mentianed a type of structure which �aauld accommodax.c: a Iot of ai�r.ereri� uses--stoz�age, restroom, ancl �nen air s�;elter. a�ut, aga�.n., tt��y wouid have to lc�ok at which parks really xzeed that L-y�.�� of thx.n;. 1� . Rot�;:�.son stated tha�. sorr�ethii�.� t}tat can �e done in the parks that 3.s not .x�eally �ha� expensive is lan.3scag�i�.g. 7:t is a matter ot ^ thinki�g aut what �yge ri: landscapi.ng �s rea.11y needed 3.n terms of shade and buffers . Th.at i� son�eth�.a�.g that could be ongoin.g along with �he otiier i�.igli budg�t: types o� items . Briardale Pa.rk Mr. Rooinson stated th�re i.s a real �.rainage problem in Briardale Park. It is a large v�c�?nt tr��c�--iittle visual appeal anc;. no � - screvni..ng bet�o�en res�.c'�r_�ial and �he park,. �rading, topsoii, ,sod and .-, ' landsca�ing need to Uf>_ i�n.plemenred. � � i�ir. Allen stateci ti:at ;.:ite park ?+�:.��:; so ba.�ren.� He state�' a be�ixtiful irrigati.on system� z,ras ��.:�s'�allec� abov.� a month ago, but the Ci�y Water D�partmenr has �a.i.led te �ioGk up ttie sysfie�i. He s�ated it �aas very ag;ravati.ng ro' thF� nei.�ti��onc�o�i �nc� makes the City loek bad. ScYr:e of the neighborhoaci r�si.uc.r�ts h�� ta k7ater t:tze shrubs to keep them - alive duri.ng the ho� wea�her. Along with �he irrigati�n system, , drinking fc�sntains are su}�posed to be nookE�d up also. Craig Park Mr. Robinsan stat�d �hat this park needad a lot o£- work on i�he tot Zot equipm�r,t. `lhere i� a bl.ighted-looking structure in the park. i;e sr�ted this pnrk ha., a lat �f: potential as there are a lot of bi.g trees: but the domina�zt visual �-hing is �tne uid struc..ture. The p4rk is in a rather low a�e�, so irrigati�n would need �o be only in �ertain areas' of the �iark. ^ PARKS & RECREATIOP7 CC:;�P4ISSION ME�TING, AUGUST 13, 1980 ' PAGE 7 Mr. Robinson stated it was Dr. Boudreau's emphasis to get more use out of the passive areas in these neigtiborhaods. Ms. See€er stated that Fias a great idea, because there are a lot of people �Tho would rather be playing horseshoe, for example, instead of tennis. Jay Park Mr. Robinson stared the sofL'ba11 field would pYobably be more useful if moved to the southwest corner, and the place where the existing --°--- field is now could be usecl as a passive area. It is shady and closer to the residential ar�a, Some wark has just been doiie on the tot lot, the tot lot has been enclosed with landscape timbers. He stated he thought what the tot lots need in gen,eral, along wzth the new equi�ment, is a shady spot outside of the a�ea. for parents to sit. Maybe- plazlting srnne trees within the t:ot IoL itself. They n.e2d t-o look at landscaping to separate the park f�om the resa_dential areas, along with the standard things, such as drinking fountains. Logan Park P4r. Robinson stated that �in this park, there was an unsightly structu�e, -�e-�-��a-�e-; no separa�,ioiz of basketball and tennis, ancl oJ:d n tot lot� equipment . �'here is ,a good opportunity in this park, fo�;' . passive use.due to an abundance of mature vegetation. ` " • Ms. Seeger stated there has been a.decrease in children in this area, and i� seemed to be an area witr. older a.dults. Mayb� the more passive kinds of things slrould be thought about for this park, such as horse- shoe, bocce ball, etc. � Mr. Robinson stated that maybe they �h�uld look at the cen::us data ` to see what kind of age g�oups are in each of the neighborhood areas to help determine �ahat kind of improvements should be put in each park. Ms. Seeger stated she•thoiight an open air facility might be a good idea for this park. She w�ould like to see some innovative th�ugrt given to an op�n a?r slzelter that could a;.so be used fox a tyge of theatre. Ms. Seeger stated they shoald alsa think aUout energy types of.things, . because Fridley is a leader with the iiew nature center building. She . also thought it would be nice if the purk shelters could also double as tornado sh2lters. It�would be nice to know that the park sh�el:ters could be used for. more than just recreatic�n. To her, an under.ground shelter does sigr.i_�y that they are thinking about green and thinking about using a11 the Iand on top. Any piece of land is capable of n � , � , , , . �i' ' ( Y_._._._ _.. .�.n,..,,. _ . .4._ . PARKS & RT�CREATION C�'�iiCSSZON M: E'f`:�Iv'G, �'�iTGL'�'1' 13, 1980 : PAGE £3 . � � h�using ar,. underground structure. �s far as costs, she thought they �vere looking ai: some Fretiy. higt�. c�s!-s in thE� park improvement plans � for shelters . She 1.ike�1 Che stati.sta.cs of l oia vandalis�r�, thz safety factar, and 4ieating an� cooling i�. re�ard to t.nderground structures. She thougl�C *hey had to talk aboui cns::s o�er a].3.fespan period, rathei than short term. �'ri.dley h�s constantl,y dealt with short-term, and �hat is why they have �he kind of structures the� have in the parks . She thought i.t caoul d bc int:erestin,� to see what the cost savings c��ould be over a long texrn. ;iYze hated ta give up the green areas in the sma�.ler gark:s for just pa,-k�ng lots and 'buildings . �. Mr: Allen stated that �ha.s was an ar.�a wnich the Commission knew little about. He thought �hey al:so lla=ae to Iook at neighb�thco3 input--wl�at the neighbor.hood really wants i�i each_park. Ii. would be interesting to see hoca much. these srructuxes �aeLld cost if they were made int� earth-sheltered facilit:i�s. But, t�efcre the; do anything, they s'_zould see a compari�on oi� those typps o� cost figures. He would �1so like to know how ma..�.yi times tb.e open air srelter is actually . used in T,ogan. Plaza Park I�:r. Robinson state� that i:he enl:�}� way is pretty unsightly and needs to be redesigned., NeoT tot �ot equ;.p;r.P,�xt is needed, and a tie-in Y�s�:h thE b="_keway syse em. There is a L•e?u�ifui stai�d of oalc trees, a.nd it � has a beautiful passive area. � I��r. Allen stated he was vGry impzessed with this Parlc, the playg�ound area was very impzessive, and the �ark has a beautiful setting. It�. this park, h� felt the iz�rigati�n system would be the last thing that was n.eeded. . � �it . Robinson stateu tl�ey ai�y �*a��t to �hink about a tennis cour� for ' � " � thi.s park--maybe;,bast�etball in co�3uncta.on ��rith, ,the �ennis , This - ' r�e?�;l;borhocd d.oas not hUv� a t�r�n~�.s �acility of its own, the nearest , co:ixt being r=crvGs a maj��r� ar*.er.�..:,1. .. t•` . ' . _ icrrace' �ax?c • Ms. RobirLso�Y seated he was vexy iu�pressed �hith this park. He had no pr.ablem w�tli tk�e general layou�:. He �hcughi it neede:d some landscaping on�the �ssidential si�es,and a passi.ve seati.�.v area could be developed. '.�he t�nnis fac�lities neec3 t� be �:efurbished. 2�ir. . Allen stated i-t�is is ai� e a;:ea. �:hat rtally needs buffers ._ The ___ _ baseball fi�:ld dorninaCes the part�: and,needs to be reduced, with more o� a passive axea. � � � � iir. Kondrick stated chat, again, if th� Commission was to recommend priorities, they wou2d still have to��o with irrigation, warer fountai�s, and landscapin�, ai�d oti��r things after those three.things were done. . PAItK; & RECREATION COMMTSS:ION :�ETING�_ AtiGUS�' 13, 1980 � PAGE 9 /'� . Ms. Seeger stated she tk�ou�ht irxigati.on was the most important thing to get the trees started. After that the physical improvements would work themselves in. � Mr. Kondrick stated the irrigation and water fountains would go hand in hand. Mr. Robinson stated it was important �o look at overall priorities, but i.t was also important to look �t each park on an individual basis. Mr. Kondrick stated he thought it would be ber_eficial for th.e Commission members_'to take.another'tour of just these neighbor�uod park areas, taking along the park develop�ent p2ans. ' Ms. Seeger agreed. She s�ated they could take notes as they see and talk about ea�h park. She thought it would also be a gocjd idea to invite the City Council members so the Ci�y Cauncil would be aware of the differen� types of things that are be�..ng considered in the neighborhood parks. Ms. McMillion sf:ated she would ta.lk to Dr. Boudreau about sef:ting up this kind of tour. . Mr. At1eu s�;ated he was reully gleas�d witti'Clie approach of greening ^ , up th� �arks. He felt a lot of park p�op�e d:�.d not do that. • Mr. Robinson stated that une of the things that struck him in hzs tour of the parks was tY�at there are not a lot of sidewalks in the . City,.and children plag in the streets. The parks could be a prime kind of use area if some rype cf trails �„ere develcped in the parks. He thaught th,_s was samething that should be thought aboui:-for the future. • - . 4, OTHER BUSINESS: A. Update on Natur� Cer,ter � . I�s. McMillion stated she has b�en out and looked at the nature center facility and it is, past +the halfway point. • Mr. Robinson stated he had looked a� the facility earlier in the week, and the shell is up and half the floor h.ad been poured. The kall wall rem.ained fio be put up, but the rough grading around the building ti�as being done and eaLth was being put on top and along the sides of .the building, He stated i� is going to be a fine facili�y. n �... C • 4. � � � 3 , / " � ' • s" b IAP.KS & TLrt:,�A'x�.ON Ct:�;^:l�iI.SS��N ,,:�'.�'i:lVG, !'>iTG?T�iT �..� y 198� ^______� k'AGE _l.0 � � .�_.`._ ___._ _._._. ____�_____._ �__ ..—_� _ -- � : , ' s •� �.socr.�..�n�;;rr� : . ; Mf7TI0h 6y 2�!�:. A17.er., secanded b;� I�s. SeE�ger, to adjouri� the m�eting. Upon �� a voi.ce vo.te; all. votitig �.ye, �,ya.ce-Chairpers�n K.ondxick declared the � � Augt��t 13, 1��0, Parks &�tecreati�n. Cominis:=son meeti.ng adjourned at 3:40 p.m. � . E • Resp�ctf.u?lq subm'tted, ` �/h� , �- �-�v _ _ • Lyn.f f Saua. �Recordin� Secxetarp � 2 � 0 0 i . �` , . /�