PR 09/17/1980 - 31261� C ALL TO O RDER : CIT7� OF FRIDLEY PARKS & RECREATION COi�142ISSI0N MEETING SEPTIlVfBER 17, 1980 Vice Chairperson Kondrick called the September 17, 19�30, Parks & Recreation Gommission meeting to order at 7:�0 p.m. ROLL CALL: Members Present: M embers Absent: Others Present: Dave Kondrick, Dan' Allen, �ick Young � Barbara Hughes, Jan Seeger Charles Boudreau, Parks & Recreation Director Jack Kirk, APPP,OV,�,L OF PAFtKS &�C�.ATION Cor�u�zSSIBIv' r�InTtTTuS : AUGUST 1�s 1�80 P110TION by Mr. Allen. seconded by i�r. Young, to approve the August 13, 1980 P arks & Recreation minutes. UPON A VOICE VOTE ALL VOTING AYE, VICF-,CHAIr'�MAN KONDRICK DECLARED THE P�IINU TES APPROVED AS VVRI fiTEN . •. � APPROVAL OF AGENDA: MOTION by Mr. Allen, seconded by Mr. Young, to approve the agenda as written. 1. DIRECTOR'S REPORT A. Naturalist Di�vision St�te�l Fair Exhibit Mr. Boudreau reported that the Naturalist exhibit at the S�ate rair was well attended by many visitors and that for the second year in a row this exhibit was awarded a°'blue ribbon'" for excellence. Mr. Kirk added that the day he was ther_e, there wer� many p�ople in the building, but that no other exhibit was attracting so many people as this exhibit. Mr. Boudreau s_tat,r��i that this was a good �ublic relations service, and it does let the public realize that Fridley doES have a Naturalist •Program, and that there will be a Nature Center facility located in Fridley. r� FAt�4F-& RECREATION CUM'ivIISS,�01�„MEE�,';;1�11�, SEPTEMBE�,�,�.►.�..�8�._.�AGE Zy B. L'pdate I,ocke Park ^ Mr. Boudreau stated th�re �,��� a request at �he last meetirig f�r the Commission to receive the �:over letter o� a zne�mo that went to the City Manager, along with the letter that came from the Palice Dep�rt- ment. He further stated the park will be open from 7:30 a.m. to 9:30 p.m. and the park was :e�eing pdt�olled by County rangers. He said he felt that hauing the park Fatroll4d on t�e caeekends and during the week, will help eliminate some of the problems that have occurred in the past. Mr. Young questionec3 whether this Jc�int Powe��s Agreement could also be used for the the Islands of Peace i.n the f•ature? Mr. Boudreau stated that it had been talked abaut, but until the County Master Plan to acquire the E.ri.C. property is finalized, it would be difficult to predict is this type of agrement would be reached. C. Springbrook Update Mr. Bou�dre�u stated that th� buildin� is cor.iing along fine . He €urther stated �hat they have sumitted a letter to r4etropolitan Council, asking them to amend our curr_ent contract in the amount of $7,000.00 to put a security screen on the front of the building. Fie said he had been informed that it r,aas not unreasonable to ask for an amendrrient i.r ti?e contr�^t �nd ther�iol:e he had writt�n a let�er requesting t�? � s additianal money. A z��ly sho�sld be forthccmi.ng � within three or f�ur weeks. M r. Boudreau stated �that they are still looking for the cnmpletion date at the end of October 1980 with a grand apening in the spring. T3. Update Advisory Committee Mr. Bou�ireau stated that he had spoken with Ms. Hughes, and she had given him the following names: Dean Coleman ... �.23 Glen Creek Margare t Byrne ... 210 Ric� Greek B1zTd. Don Ha�nann ... 6615 Fridley Street He stated he received a letter from: Robert K��ly ... 6230 7th Street � r-� � � PARKS_&_REGREAT�ON ,CQ�MIS�ON, �.EETI��a.�.._SEPTLIVIBER ,,z,,,_,1,480,�AGE ,_ _ Mr. Boudreau stated he received a phone call, expressing interest, fram: Donna` Hamk�elton ,. :. 260 Rice Creek Blvd. He further stated that all information is aupposed to be in by October lst, with the Advisory Committee to be formulated and appointed at the October 15th Park & Recreation Commission meeting. He further urged the Commission members that if they knew of anyone who would be interested, or of value to the Committee, to please contact those individuals• Mr. Young stated tha� he knows & Recreation Commission� who he wo�xld be interested in serv�ng E. Summer Athletic Report of some past members of the Paxks will contac�, to see if they on the Committee. Mr. Kirk stated that -there was the most par'ticipation in this summer's program than ever before, since he has been involved with the City. He stated �that they have again worked� very closely with the You-th Sporti's Assoc., and that all worked ou-t very well. The largest participant sport was soitball. He s.tated that they had more teams this year th�n -they have ever had, and for the first time they had ta=set a iimit on �he number of teams tha�: they could take into t�.e 'league. It v�as de`cid�d that it would be appropriate to give first priority, to those teams that had been in the league the previous yeax. Therefore, these returning teams were allowed to register ane week earlier: He stated that they did have some problems, one was that some of the returning teams assumed that they had an indefinite time to get their entry fee's in, and neglected to make it to the manager's meeting. He stated -that they did accomodate all the returning -teams, and many new teams for a total of 103 teams. Mr. Kirk then handed out to the Commission members a 1980 Fridley Softball Statistics sheet. He stated that they did have to turn away eight teams from participation. He stated that they did have three teams removed for not compling with the eligibility.requi�ements. He stated that there were three tournaments also, by the Fridley Tigers Hockey Booster Club�, the Fridley Covenant Church, and by Bob's Produce. Mr. , Kirk stated -that all in all they had a good summer, but that there we're a few problems. One area th�,t had a problem, was in sportmanship. He stated that there were three incidents of bat throwing, that they had to d�al with. He stated that he would like to have the policy that if a player gets booted out af a game for unsportmanlike conduct, that they are autoinatically suspended from playing in the next game. Mr. Allen questioned if the Bob's Produce team was �he same one that had come before the Commission? r,�� ... . .. . .. . � . . . .. .. . .. . . . ... .. .. ... .. . . . .. . .. . . .. �� . ..b " . ., . .. . .... �...... . . . . . .. . . . • � .�.� . . ... . . . . . . ., ' �.. �. . . . :. �..h .. .. .: . . . _ . . . ..:�, PARKS & RECREATION COMMI�ST(.1Py MEE�'TT�+' z,_SEPTIIVIBER 1,_ �$� p�:�E 4 --____._ ___. __.._.__.._._.__�_ ._.. � - _ ____._ _ __ .__� _. �.� _.. _ � _9_ .______._e_ _ Mr. Kirk stated that yes it was th� satne team that had received a tie vote from th� Commzssion, so �hey went to the Ci�ty Council, which then granted -them permission -�o allow the tournament. Mr Yirk stated that reg�rdi.n� tou�°nam�en�s, that he and 1�7r. Boudreau have talke� about it, but have na U�.s yet c�me va any ccnclusions on a fee st�ucture. He stated that wt cost� the City, an;�where fro�$ 400.00 to $500.Ov for a week�nd �ou.rnameni. Mr. Boudreau stated that in �he past there has n.ever been an individual ��eam thati has r�q�aested. pu �-�ing on a tournamen-t. He stated tha�t in the pas� it` has been. �ocal non-pro�it - organizati.ons, such as �he �Taycees, the Firemer�, the Hockey Booster°s, etc. These clu�� have assisted the City thraughaut the yeax, so that the City felt tha� they s�iou�d be as�isted in having their -tournarnents: He sta�Yd. that now thaugh with precedent r.aving beer set, with an ir_�.ividual -�ournatnent, that he feels they cauld expect tan to fit'teen te�ms requesting we�kend tournaments, and for this reason, he vaould like to have a fee s�ructure set, before next season, or maybe not allow any weekend tournaments. Mr. Young questioned if anything sugg�stion to Bob's Prod.uce �f a for a tour�zament. lzaa cs�me from the Com.missions g� �'t to the Park & Recr.eation Dir. Boudreau stated that the $1.J,�J de�:c+sit c:hecy had been received and cashed by the City. 2. NEW BUSITJESS: A. 1980 Fall Athletic Fee Sche3ule Mr. Kirk handed zhe Commission members the prUposed 1930-81 Basketball and Volleyball Fees sheet: He stated that these are the fees that they are posposing .for t�e �a:�nter Basketball and Volleyball. He stated thai: all the ¢ees have been increased. The largest increase was far t�e Dsen"s Open ?3asketball whicn is going from $160.00 to $220.UQ. He stated the reaGon for this was because the officiating costs hae�� risen, and tv,zo o�ficials per game from the Association cost $30 per qame. Also, therz is a requirement to have a gyrl sug�rvis��x at the school. He stated that these fees are in kee��ing c�ith c��hat similar communities are chaxging for their leagues. Mr. �:irk stated that a.re three ootions �or whicll struct�7re they regarding the Wornen's Valleyball, there League p_lay, and they are not suxe at this time will :Eol��w. I'c�r buckctrcund know�.ege, he said, � � n PA,RKS &_RECREATION �OMM�.SS�QN�VIEETING�EPTE�BER 17.,,,_�9$4.,�..PAGE 5� three years ago they had twelve teams� for the Fun Volleyball. ,.:.� After that season � one of the teams, came to one of the Park & Recreation Commission mzetings, and stated that the league should be more competitive, and that was what the community wanted. They wanted strict enforcement of the rules, good afficiating, and representation at the State Tournament. He stated that therefore they were accomodated. He stated that then the teams dropped to six. He said that last year the number then dropped down �o four te ams, of which during the season one team quit ieaving a total of three teams. He stated �ihat for this reason, that �three years ago there were twelve teams, and now only three, that they feel th�.t this is not what the conmunity wants. He stated that therefore, he has. sen�t a letter out to all the twelve teams that had p articipated three years ago, informing them that they are going to explore, going to a Fun League -this year. Hopefully this wi7.l encourage as much participa�tion as possible. r . Mr. Kirk stated that' the deadline is November 17th for the fees to be i�, plus the requirement of the $50.00 eligibil�ty deposit. He stated the managers meetings are set for October 28th , and November 6th. . Mr. Al1en questioned as to what is the minimum number of games these teams would play? Mr. Kirk s�cate:� that there is a minimum of ten matches, or �;�mPS' � including the playoff s. M r. Kirk stated tha� the Fun 'leagues fee's have increased about 10f , and -the Open iea,gues about 3CYf , which can be attributed to - -the increases fQr officiatir�g. �� MOTION by Mr. Young, seconded by Mr. Allen to accept -the Fee's Schedule, as presented by M r. Kirk. UPON A VOICE VOTE AZL VOTING AYE, CHAIRMAN KONDRICK, DECLARED THE MOTION PASSED UNANI;�'IOU�LY. B. 1981 Softball Recom�r�endations Mr. Kirk stated that the first reeommendation caoulc� be , for player eligibility. Frid?_ey is facing the same problem as all othE�r communities, in that it is very simple for someone to register in several co;nmunities. He sta�ed that he would like to recor�,�nend that the eligibili�ty deposit be increased to $100.00 fr�m the previous $50.00, and also to require a s�cond identa_.fication, on anyone whose drivers license is stamped 'duplicate', such as a property tax statement, l�i-2 � . F',�RKS� 8c_ RECREA`1'TON COi^�[r�I,j,r�SIQN ..�1j�T..�G� S�:PTEL�$�+.8......1.�� .1..��� �'AG� 6 form, or checkbook. He st,�,�e�? th�,t this requirement oi a v�.Iid Minnesota Drivers li�ense,.�.,; a, eli�;i.�ili�y requirement, wit,l a second back-up :�cientific�.;;xon� vruuld hopefully cu�4 da��m the people that a.re ine].igibl� . 5econdly Mr. Kirk stated� �;h�y have haa problems v�ith teams v�ho have been in -the league, for s�v�ral years. They sPem to feel that they do no-t r�eed. �o atten,3 the manager� meetir�g. He stated that a l.ot af the ^iisun�.��rstariding comes fro,� ti�em. not attEnding the meeting. He furvher stated that frum a roster c�f 10 to 20 peaple, they shou�.c� be able to hav� at least one team member attend the manager's �neeting. He suggested that this recomrierzdation would be to have �omeone from each team at the meeting. F�nother recommendation, he stated, wou�d be to notify the returnir.g te�,cns of the returnin� team priority basis, so that they would ha.v� ane vaeAK to sign up � because of the limited number of leagues. M r. Young s�a�ed that they cauld publish a roster lis�, that is then ma.iled to the players. M r. Kirk stated that would also i�e hel�ful, so that maybe anyone that :is ineligible, ��auld be spotted. He stated that this also migh� incourage ±he �eams �o �olice themselves, r�hich is want they would like. In summary ne stated, theae were the recommendGtions: 1.' Eligibility requiremen�; af a va�zc�� sta�ce drivers witri a second 1.D. on ) icenses stt:m��ed duplicate. 2. IncreasA the Elioibili-t5T ueposit =tc $100.00 3. Requir•e a repr�sentative fram eac�i returnin� team the illax'la�ers r�eetir:�. - �. Give �he returning teatr;s a one w�ek priority b�sis tration. 5. Have two nights to se� L=p cYiecking of eligibility each registered t��n1 in �he le,ague . license. to �e at for reg3.s- of plaers on MOTIQN by Mr. Youn�, second�d i�y �Ir. A11.en �to adopt the recomrri- endations af the Parks & Rvcreatiori Staffs P,Zr. Kirk, for th� 1981 season. UPON A VU:CCE VOTE ALL VOTI�IG AYE� VTCE-CHAIRMAN KONDRICK, DECLARED THE 1�70TICtN P�SSED UN1",i�TIMOT.iSLY. 5. OTHER BUSINESS M r. Kirk stuted that the Fa7.l Program is th� Uiggest, outside af the Sux�lmer program �that �Y��y have ever had. ADSQU RNMEN T : m.OTTON by i�r. t�llen seconded �y Mr. Y�ung f to ad journ. UPON A VUTCE �JOTE, ALL VOTIr�Cr AYE� VICr-CHAIRIVIF,N KONDRIrK� DECLARED THE PAR�SS & RECREA�ION CO:�'Tivil SSI ON P.2E�TING �JOU RNED AT 8: 4� p. m: Respectfully subm��itted, '�������'-�-.._�-_ c�=-�'��"�!� E1�ine Reed, Recording Secr.P�a�y i �. �