PR 11/12/1980 - 31263� CITY OF FRIOLEY PAR�S & RE�REATION CO�MISSI�N MEETING tdOVEM�ER 12, 19E0 CALI TO 4RDER: Chairperson Hughes called the November 12, 7980, Parks & Recreation Commission meeiing ta order at 7:35 p.m. ROLL CALL: � Members Present: Barbara Hughes, Dave Kondric:k, Jan Seeaer, Da� Allen Members Abs�nt: Dick Young Others Present: Charles Bcudreau, Parks & R�creation Director Art Jytyla, 7311 Concerto Cr. N.E. Dave Ro±h, 74t�1 Centrai Ave.,N.E. ' APPR�3�IAL OF OCTOBER 15, 1980, PARKS & RECREAT�:ON COMMISSION_ MINUTES: � Ehairperson Hughes declared the OctobEr 15�� 2°��30, Par!r.s & Recreation Cc�p�f��ion mir,utES a�provea as written. APPRQVRL Qr AGENDA: G�airp2rson Nughes stated that Item 4-B, "Cur�ing Club Proposa�" wauld be rr�oved t� the first item on the agenda. The follovaing items were added to tne agenda: "�,dd�t�;ona1 Names for Citizens' Advisory Committee" - Item A under Old Business "Pre��s�d Jaint Powers Agreement by P,noka County far Islands of Peace - Item C under New Business Ch�irperson Hughes declared the agenda adoptei as amended. 1. Curlifi� Club Proposal: Mr. Dave Foth stated he was the Chairman of tne New Facilities Committee for the no� defim ct Arden Hills Gur?ing Club. He introduced Mr. Art Jyiyla, also a member of the New Facilities Committee. Mr. Roth stated they lost the lease on the building in Arden Hills as the building was converted into a h«ndball facility. He stated the Commission had received their written proposal which state�d that they are looking for a new facility in which to put their ice equipment. They feel Fridley F�ould be an ideal location for a curling facility� PARKS & RECREATION COMMISSION MEETING, NOVEMBER 12, 1980 PAGE 2 �,.� Mr. Roth stated they have a membership of about 150. These people come from all over the Twin Cities area, mcstly from the northern part--Coon Rapids, Blaine, Fridley, Shorewood, Circle Pines, Br�oklyn Park. Ms., Hughes asked why the Arden Hills facility had been changed into a handball facility. Mr. Jytyla stated that it was a commercial o�eration, and, financially, the operation was not making any money with the curling club. He stated that curling has not really been sold �o large groups of individuals. Generally speaking, across the United States, curliny has always been a country club sport, with Minnesota as an except�on. Every small town in Northern Minnesota on the Iron Range has a curling club. When curling becomes a community-type sport, it seems to.take off, but as a private situation, it doesn't rea2ly develop. � Mr. Jytyia stated there are 21 clubs in Minnesota and only one in the Twin Cities in St. Paul. - Ms. Seeger aske� who could participate in curling. Mr. Jytyla stated that both men and women can play, aged 8- 80. There are women's teamss men's teams, and mixed teams. � � - hlr. Roth and Mr. Jytyla showed a 20-minute instructional film on curling. Mr. Roth stated the facility they are looking at would have four sheets of ice. There would be four games going at one time that would handle 32 people. It takes about two hours te play a game. Normally, they would run an evening league of 64 people participating every night. There are also women's leag�es in the afternoons and evenings. Ms. Hughes asked if the ice could be used for anything else besides curling. Mr. Jytyla stated that it really could not. The ice for curling is pebbled so it isn't smooth like skating ice. Ms. Nughes asked who would maintain the ice. Mr. Jytyla stated that if a club is set up, usually the club members maintain the ice. Once the ice is on, there is not much problem. It has to be swept and perhaps twice a year, it needs to be shaved off 1/4" and repebbled. Ms. Hughes asked who else they have talked to about leasing land for a building. Mr. Jytyla stated they really only started ]ooking seriously this summer, so the�r have just looked into land they would purchase and that is what their plans are for. Their biggest concern is to locate in an area where they can draw a large graup of people. Obviously, one big problem is money and how ^ much they can ch�rge for dues. He stated the St. Paul club has membership dues of $125/yr., but that ends up to actually be cheaper than bowling. n � � PARKS & RECREATfON COMMISSION ��tETiNG, NOVEMBER 12, 1980 � PA�E 3 Ms. Huyhes asked if they had approached any of the counties for use of c�unty land. Mr. Jytyla stated the only county he ��as awar�� of that they had talked to was Ramsey County in the Shareview a�°ea. Dr. Boudreau stated that, in talking with Mr. '�oth, they are interested in having the three proposais iisted in �heir 7e��ter kept alive in the event that an opportunity does open up either for excess land the City may have or la�d tFiat would be suitable for such a facility. Their preposals are as fo7lo�s: 1. The City of Fridley lease our organization adequate land to construct a building approx. 180' x AO' with parking available for about 50 automobiles. 2. The Ci��y of Fridley include a cur7in�� area as a part of the new recreation facility that is presentl�� being planned. 1'he ice making and curling equi�rrien� owned bJ ouf� organization would be made avai'lable for that curling facility. . 3. The City of Fridley build a building to house with our equipment installed in this facility. would then lease this facility from the City. a curling facility Our organization Dr. Boudreau stated that, regarding Proposa7 ;4`2, it behooves the Comrnission to ma�e the Citizens' Advisory Comm�ttee aware that this is another interest group that may wish to have a facility. �r. Boudreau stated that, reyarding Proposa7 #3, this could includ2 a facility that the City might have that wculd accommodace this kind of thing; for example, the old city garage if the City ever moved out of there. Dr. Boudreau stated that he believed Mr. Roth and Mr. Jytyla were at the meeting, not to have an approval of anything, but just to remind the Cammission and City to keep these three p�°oposals in mind and when and if the opportunity arises, the City would contact them and teli them what the City ��ad to offer. Dr. Boudreau stated it is important to note tnat Mr. Rath had stated th�t at times when the curling ice was not being used, the City w�as welcome, with proper instruction, to use the ice for c]asses on curling. Mr. Roth stated that was correct, and it was �ne of the re�sons why they would like to locate in a municipal•facility. They feel the municipality could make better use of the recreation in the mornings, afternoons, and wee�cends. He had no qualms about the facility being as heaviiy used in tw� years as ar�y other winter spart in Fridley. Ms. Hughes asked Dr. Boudreau if he had identified any areas in Fridley that could t�e a possibility for land. PARKS & RECREATION COMC9ISSION MEEiING, NOVEMBER 12, 1980 PAGE 4 Dr. Boudreau stated they have talked about the north end o� Locke Park behind the newly deve}aped saccer field and in behind the old garage. They have also explored the idea of possibly combining this facility with the horseshoe club. Mr. Roth stated they have also talked about the horseshoe club having some clubroom facilities in the building so it could be multiple use. He had talked to the president of the horseshoe club, and the horseshoe club is favorable to this proposal, but don't have any monies available. Mr. Roth stated they a $30,000/yr. b�dget, building, utilities, the ice equipment. have previously run their facilities with approximately running in �he black, This included the lease on the and it also took care of a certain amount of payment on Ms. Hughes stat�d this item shauld be continu�d. It seemed that the Commission ought to give the Citizens' Advisory Committee a chance to look at whether they wa�t to consider a curling faciliLy in the recreation building. The Commission also ought to ask Dr. Boudreau to do a survey of the City's current faci�ities to see if he coald come up with any other lacations for a curling facility, other than the �two locations mentioned earlier. A question that could be asked of Staff is whether Staff wants to get inio �he curling business--why isn't it part of the �ity's recreation program, shou?d �t be part of the City's r.ecreation program, rat�e�<�._than a curling club? These are things that should be loo�ed at. ^ MOTION BY MS. SF.EGER, SECONDED BY .'�?R. KONDRICK, TO CONTINUE DISCUSSION ON fiHE CURLING CLUB PROPOSAL, THAT A CfTRLING FACILITY BE LOOKED AT AS A POSSIBILITY FOR THE REC.REAT.ZON BUILDIIVG, Ah'D THAT DR. BOJDREAU DO A SURVEY TO SEE WHAT LOCkTIONS WOULL' BE POSSIBLE IN THE CITY FOR SUCH A FACILITY. UFON A VOICE VOTE, ALL VOTING AYE, CHAIRPERSON HUGHE5 DECLARED THE MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. Ms. Hughes stated that the counties are going to have much larger �i�ces of park property that might better accommodate this curling faciiity than any city could. She would encourage Mr. Roth and Mr. Jytyla to look at the counties' lands, including Anoka County's parks, some of which are q��ite extensive. Ms. Nughes stated this item should be put on the January agenda for an update. She did not think the Commission 4vould be making any recommendations to the City Council prior to feedback f rom the Citizens' Advisory Committee. Ms. Hughes thanked Mr. Roth and h1r. Jytyla for coming and making their presentation. � Mr. Roth thanked the Corrmission for their time and giving them the opportutiity to show the Commission what cur]ing is all about and what they are proposing. � � � PARKS � RECREATiON COMMISSION MEETING, NOVEMBER 12, 1980 ' PAGE 5 2. DIRECTOR'S REPORT: A. Hockey/Broomball Program 1980-81 Dr. Boudreau stated he had met with t'�e H.A.F. and discussed their needs. As wasc�cide� last year, there are going to be 10 rinks available throughout the City: 2 rinks at Commons Park for house league games 2 rinks atlacke Park fior br�omball games 1 rink at F�annery for practice 6-9 p.m. for H.A.F. every night except �-9 p.m. Tnurs. nights for use by Spring Lake Parl� ' 1 rink at Madsen.to be used by Spring Lake Park from 6-9 p.m. on Tuesdays 1 rink at Grace High School 1 rink at Stevensor Schooi 1 rink at Hayes School far �wraveling team and H.A.F. prac.tices 1 rink at Ruth Circle for n:��ighborhood and city use Dr. Boudreau stated t�at a complete schedule of games and practices is to be submitted to the Parks & Recreation office. The outdoor schedule of games and practices wi.il b° done by Feb. 12. One cha„�e that was made is that there wii1 b.e r�r� hockev or broomball gamFs``n��yed at -10 degrees, either temperature or aaindchill. Dr. Boudreau stated tne City has responsibility far ice maintenance again. The H.A.F. is responsible for recruitment, sch�duling, and training of all officials, of which a schedule of gam�s �nd officials will be submitted to tf�e Parks & Recr�ation office. The City will p«y for the officials at the following rates: Broomba7l $5.50/game Squirt hockey 4.50/game Pony hockey 4.50jgame PeeWee hocE;ey 6.50/game Dr. Boudreau stated al] the offici�ls' cards must be turned into the Parks & Recreation office within 48 ho�rs of the games or the off?cials do not get paid. The City has again committed �0 18 hours of indoor ice for play-offs to accommodate hockey and broomball--12 hours far house league and 6 haurs for broomba7a. Dr. Boudreau stated a$2/registrant i'�e will be payable to ti�e City at the close of the season. The City has also consented to help with material run-off as has been done in the past. Dr. Boudreau stated it was a very good meeting. He thought the N.A.F. �` people were willing to work with the City ayain this year, and they -- are being very coaperative in trying to schedule a;l games at Comnons. PARKS & RECREATION COMMISSION MEETING, �lOVEM3ER 12, 1980 ' PAGE 6 ^ B. Advisory Committee Report - Dan Allen Mr. Allen handed out copies oftne minutes of the first meeting of the Citizens' Advisory C�mmittee heid on Thursday, November 6. Mr. Allen stated that 10 of the 13 members were present at the meeting. Bob Kelly was appointP� co-�hairperson t�ith him and Mr. Kelly will conduct the meetings. He s�ated the Committee saw his positian as a connection between the Commission and the Committee and to serve as an advisor :�n both a professional basis and as a member of the Parks & Recreation Co►�nission. He stated he was very impressed a�ith the way th�� Comnittee started getting right down to business. ` Mr. A1len stated that Dr. Boudreau wQ�ald be addressing the Committee � at their° next meeting on Thursday, November 13, telling the Committee essentially what activities are available and what facilities are available right now for use by Fr3dley residents. From that, � the Committee wi17 be recording the different activities that seem to be of interest to the Fridley residents. They will maintain a masier list of these activi�ies. At the end, if they decide a building i� necessary, they will go through this a�aster list and decide what should go into the building. � Mr. A1]en stated he would try to keep the Commission members as informed as possible, and he stated ti�at the Commission members were always welcome to sit in on the committee meetings. C. Nature Center Pro ress Update Dr. Boudreau stated that Metropoliian Council had approved $6,900 to co��er the cost of a roll-down security screen for the front window of the building. H� stated the windows are now in and the outside of the building has been stucco�d. The projected date for completion is around the first of Decernber. 3. CHAIRPERSON'S REPORT: Ms. Hughes stated she had nothing to report. 4. OLD BUSINESS: A. Additional Names for•Citizens' Adviso;^y Committee � Dr. Boudreau stated the following people had expressed interest in the committee: Mary Ellen Sto►,ley, 414 Rice Creek Terrace N.E. Marion D. Dolinage, 5640 East River Road, Apt. #308 � � � r-� PARKS & RECREATION COMMISSIOf� i�1EETI:�VG�, i�J'��'i�SFR 12, 1980 PAGE 7 Ms. Seeger submit�ed the following names: Dianne NcKusick, 7330 Van Buren �t. N.E. Joe Lap�insky, 7680 Alden Way N.E. MOTION BY MR. KONDRICK, SECON�ED BY ��IR. ALLEN, TO APPOINT DIRNNE 1�1C."KUSICK, MARY ELLEN STORLEY, AND .M�IRYON D. DOLII�AGE TO THE CITIZENS' ADV_�.riORY COMMITT�E. UPON A VQICE VOTE, :,LL tiOTING AYE, CHAIRPERSON HUGHE5 DECLARED THE MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 5. NEW BUSINESS: A. Printed Materia7s - Ref. Paid Advertisements Dr. Bou�reau stated he was sti17 wre�tling with the problem of economizing with the City's printed materials, s�uch as gifts catalc�g, brochures, etc., so they could get more of this material out to th� general public. Can they sell advertisements to have that materiai printed? In other �varus, can they approach banks and other city busine�ses asking if the businesses would like to sponsor one brocf�u��e a year and the cost would be about $�,000? For that $1,000, the busin��s would get the middle page fo� ad��ertising. He stated sorte ot�er c��irks & recreation department� across the country have da�� �ti�.is _ with mixed reaciions: (1) that it shows favoritism; and (2) that �:his is a.smart move to save the taxpayers money. Dr. Boudreau sta�ed they w�re not talking about a great deal of money--around $5,000 a year that could be plugged back into capita? improvements. He stated he was looking for some direction f rom the Commission. Mr. Allen stated that as long as the businesses chosen were not cnntra- dictory to the purpose af the Recreation Department, if it could be handled in good taste, and if tFe money could be pumped back into recreation, he felt th e money woul� be �ut to good us�. Mr. Kondrick agreed with Mr. Allen. Ms. Seeger felt it was so►nething that should be looked into. Ms. Hughes stated there ouqh� to be some cri�teria as to wno woula �ie asked to sponsor thes�e printAd materials. Dr. Boudreau stated it should be only general businesses in Fridley. The one thing he was concerned about was that he did not want the brochure to become paid advertisement, becau�e then it takes away From what the Recreation Departmer�t is all about and that is its activities: Ne stated he is willing to sacrifice one page for a business to advertise. Fte stated the Commission may even want to approve the names of the businesses that would be asked. PARKS & RECREATION COMMISSION MEETI�G, NOVEMBER 12 1980 PAGE 8 � MOTION BY MR. KONDRICK, SECUNDED BY MR. ALLEN, TO CONCUR THAT THE FEASIBILITY OF HAVING BUSINE5SES ATIA/�R ORGANIZATIONS PAY FOR PRINTED MATERIALS IN EXCHANGE FOR ADVERTI5IlJG WAS A PROJECT THAT SHOULD BE PURSUED. UPON A��70ICE VOTE, ALL �JOTIIJG AYE, CHAIRPERSON HUGHES DECLARED THE MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 6. Proposed JointFbwers Agreement by Anoka County for Islands of Peace Dr. Boudreau stated that some time ago, Metropolitan Council had suggested that the Islands of Peace 5e included in a master plan for a regiona7 park that would include the FMC property, Islands of Peace, and Durham Island. He stated this Joint Powers Agreement was similar to the Joint Powers Agreement the City has with Anoka County for Locke Rark. The City would not lose title to the land. Dr. Bouc!reau stated that right now, t'�is parcel of land is on a 25-year lease by the City to the Islands of Peace Foundation. The programming and maintenance of the Hayes R?ver Lots where the faci]ity is loca�ed is the sole responsibility of the Foundation. 7he City is charged with maintaining just the Is],�nd property. The rest of �t is left to the Foundation. He strongly ui�ged the Commission members to cons�.de�.this as a positive pro�osal.,�5ecause he did not have much ^ c�„� r� uence i n�i,i;� -i s1 ands of Peaee--�u�ndati on operati ng and m�i ntay ni ng that pr��perty. This Joint Powers Agr�ement only includes Chases' Island, Hayes River Lots, and Gil Hodges Island. Dr. Bovdreau stated he had received this agreement at 1:30 p.m. that day. It is a preliminary draft. He stated there are some changes he thought should be made. On page 4, under "County Responsibilitjes", the Commission may want to write in that the "City should be reimbursed for any security system that is put in." Somewhere in the County's responsibilities, they would want to put in that the "City does have priority or some use priority of the facilities", but they can only dictate to the Islands of Peace portion and not the Durham Island portion or the FMC portion. Dr. Boudreau stated that on page 4, #8 under "County Responsibilities", "at the sole discretion of the County" should have "in concurrence with the City of Fridley" inserted. Ms. Hughes stated the Commission should review this agreement. They also sh�uld review the development plan that goes along with this agreement, because it is possible to maintain the same status and have it used within the reg.ional framework without a joint powers agreement. � � � PARKS & RECREATION COMMISSION MEETING, NOVEMBER 12, 1980 FAGE 9 MOTION BY MS: SEEGER,SECONDED BY MR. KONDRICK, TO CONTINUE DISCUSSION ON THE JOINT POWERS AGREEMENT FOR ISL�NDS OF PEACE. UPON A VOICE VOTE, ALL VOTING AYE, CH�TRPER50N HUGEHS DECLARED THE MOTION CARRIED UNANIMQUSLY. ADJOURNMENT: MOTION BY MS. 5EEGER, SECONDED BY MR. KONDRICK, TD ADJOURN THE MEETING. UPON A VOICE VOTE, AI,L V�TING AYE, CHAIRPERSON HUGHES DECLARED THE NOVEMBER 12, 1980, PARKS & NECREATiON COMMISSION MEETING ADJOURNED AT 9:36 P.M. Respectfully suhmitted, ��'�Gc� Lyn Sa a �� Recarding Secretary � 0 � ❑