PR 02/11/1981 - 31266� CITY OF FRIDLEY PARKS & RECREATION COMMISSION MEETING FEBRUARY 1l, 1981 � CALL TO ORDER: Chairperson Hughes called the February 11, 1981, Parks & Recreation Commission meeting to order 7:34 p.m. ROLL CALL: Members Present: Barbara Hu hes, Dave Kondrick, Dick Young, Dan Allen �arr. 7:43 p.m.) Members Absent: Jan Seeger Others Present: Char3es Boudreau, Parks& Recreation Director Siah St. CTair, City Naturalist Gerald R. Maeckelbergh, 425 Rice Creek Blvd. Bob Barnette, 541 Rice Creek Blvd. - Councilman-At-Large Allan I. Rolland, 188 - 71st Way N.E. ^ Kenneth L. Moxness,1604 - 66th Ave. �1.E. Ruth Dunn, 5261 Central Ave. N.E. APPRQVAL OF JANUARY 14, 1981, PARKS & RECREATI7N COMMISSION MINUTES: D10TION BY MR. KONDRICK, SECOR'DED BY MR. YDUNG, TO APPP.OVE THE JANUARY 14, I981, PARKS & RECREATION COMMISSION MINUTES AS WRITTEN. UPON A VOICE VOTE, ALL VOTING AYF, CHAIRPERSON HUGHES DECLARED THE MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. APPROVAL QF AGENDA: The following items were added to the agenda: 0 NSP Easement - Item D under "Director's Report" Thank You Letter - Item E under "Director's Report" Announcements and Nand-outs - Item F under "Director's Report" Elections of Chairperson and Vice-Chairperson - Item A under "New Business" Chairperson Hughes declared the agenda adopt�d as amended. �-. PARKS & RECREATION COMMISSION MEETING, FEBRUARY 11, 1981 PAGE 2 ^ 1. DIRECTOR'S REPORT: ,. A. Tour of Nature Center Facility - Siah St. Clair , Dr. Boudreau stated that since the tour of the nature center building was one of the major reasans for the meeting being at the facility, he had requested that Mr. St. Clair be on han d to give a tour of the facility, explain what the space is to be utilized for, and how it will dovetail with the programs they have planned for the future. 0 Mr. St. Clair stated this facility is going to give them much more ability to do a wider variety of programming than in the past, but it is important to understand that, from the nature center program stand- point, he does not visualize the programs being housed completely in the facility. A lot of their programming takes place away from the facility. Mr. St. Clair stated one of the major philosophies he has in the programming in the Naturalist Division is to take a lot of the programs out to homes, schools, other parks in the community, and other natural areas in the community. It is important to keep that in perspective in light of conversations that have been occurring lately where people may be getting the impression that the whole program is going to be in this building. '� Mr. St. Clair stated their programming has two basic concepts: 1. They are trying to organize the programs to be as multi- media oriented as possible, which means they are not trying to tie themselves down to one specific medium through which they give their programming. 7hey will be working with schools, church groups, civic organizations, clubs, scout groups, etc. He likes to divide it so they have 25/ with schools; 25% with private programs; 25% with public programs; and 25% with public registered programs. Z. There is the facet of non-person�l programming which is walk-on visitors--people who come in to see the exhibits in the building, walk the tr•ails, cross-country ski, and just to enjoy the park and the other natural areas in the community. . (Mr. Allen arrived at 7:43 p.m.) Mr. St. Clair stated they offer diffet°ent programming to try to reach as many different age and interest groups as possible. Mr. St. Clair then conduci;ed a tour of the nature center facility to ' the Commission members and visitors. �. �,,.�.t-. ^ PARKS & RECREATION COMMISSION MEETING, FEBRUARY 11, 1981 PAGE 3 Mr. Barnette sta�ed he would like to know if there were any estimates _ of what it is going to cost to operate and maintain the nature center building. , ' Ms. Hughes stated that if Mr. Barnette wanted to discuss this, it - could be put on the agenda for a future meeting. � Mr. Barnette stated he would like to have this item put on a future agenda. Dr. Boudreau stated that June or July would be an appropriate month to have some information on the operating budget for this segment of the program. Ms. Hughes stated this item would be put on the June or July agenda. Mr. Barnette asked what the Commission was going to charge people out- side of Frid]ey for use of the park, if any. Ms. Nughes stated that, in terms of charging for programming, that is an item that gets developed according to each kind of program, and it is the kind of thing they try to keep as low as possible. There is some programming that is done free, and to those who are unable to pay, � the City will still provide these services to them. Mr. Allen Rol7and, 188 - 71st Way N.E., stated if the City was not going to charge anything, where is the money going to come from to operate the bui7ding and heat it? Ms. Hughes stated they will have some answers in terms of those things in June or July. Mr. Rolland stated that 5-6 years ago, there was a meeting at Stevenson School on the nature center versus the go]f course. Everyone who talked in favor of the nature center said it was going to be tax-free. - It was not going to cost the taxpayers anything, and the golf course was going to cost a lot. He stated this bui7ding is yreat, but of a71 the times he has visited the park, he has never seen more than 2-3 people at any one time. If this facility is going to cost the tax- payers money, he is against it. Mr. Ken Moxness, ]604 - 66th Ave. N.E., stated he heard that argument about six years ago. He stated it is hard to believe that people actually believed that sometl�ing worth something was not going to cost anybody any money. He felt that was just an excuse. He stated he doesn't have a cabin up in the North Woods, and he is here every summer and wiriter. He stated it is very nice to have a place that hasn't � PARKS & RECREATION COMMISSION MEETING, FEBRUARY 11, 1981 PAGE 4 _ '� been bulldozed over and developed and turned into something aesthetically pretty. He really appreciated the opportunity of having a park like, this in his own community. It is really a very creative thing to take 140 acres out of production. Mr. Moxness stated this is a wonderful building. A lot of thouglit has gone into the development of the building to facilitate the educative part and the aesthetic part of the nature center. Mr. Gerald Maeckelbergh, 425 Rice Creek B]vd., stated he and his family are really appreciative of this natut�e center. It is a real asset to the community, and he hoped that now the City Council will get�behind it 100% and get it as excellent as possible without haranguing what has been in the past. Dr. Boudreau stated that, for the record, the only tax monies he is aware of that have been spent in North Park itself have been for the satellite facilities used to facilitate the programming. Outside of that, the maintenance personnel have the same agreement that they have with the Islands of Peace, in that any work performed or requested of the City has been reimbursed to the City from the Springbrook Pdature Center Foundation. The park was purchased with LAWCON funding, the building was built with Metro- politan Council funding, and, to da�ce, very limited tax monies have been spent on this facility or this ground. The walkways, the trail systems � have a11 been built by volunteers. Volunteer uaork will be used to camplete the inside of the building. So, if there are any tax monies spent out of City monies, it should be very minimal as it is in mos± of their facilities. Ms. Hughes stated the Commission is charged with advising on the development of administration programminr of the parks and recreation in Fridiey, and that includes a lot of things. It is a well-rounded program, because of the excellent staff. The staff could program in back yards of people would let them. But, it helps to have some very special kinds of purpose facilities. She stated one other thing they ought to note is that there 4Na5 a referendum about how this property should be used. It is nat something the Parks & Recreation Con�rnission can ignore. It is also true that this Commission tries to look at the total recreational program, the total park program, and give some well- rounded balance to it. She did not think they were doing something with this property or building that was against the general interests of the comn�un i ty . Mr. Kondrick stated this building is going to be the betterment of this communi�:y. He stated this building`s facilities and the grounds will give kids and �dults the opportunity to get an extra something out of the City of Fridley. He was very proud to have played a sma11 part in getting this building, and he was even more proud to have the opportuni�:y to see it this eveniny. . � .��.;�. ^ PARKS & RECREATION COMMISSION MEETING, FEBRUARY 11, 1981 PAGE 5 B. Neighborhood Meeting, Feb. 25, 1981 Dr. Boudreau stated this was in conjunction with the community park � development. He stated that Park Construction has been awarded the contract for t�ork on I-94. The City had a very preliminary agreement with Park Construction that if they were awarded this contract, Park Construction would remove 200,000 cu. yds. of sand f rom the community park development. In return, Park Construction would bring back 400,000 cu. yds. of fill material to be used in the community park to facilitate the ball diamond and athletic complex. He stated they have written the County and have gotten permission to dig the pond, irrigation, and that type of thing. Park Construction has consented on this agreement with the City ta do all of the fill work and a71 of the finish grading for par�k development. They hope to s�art around the fi rst of March. � Dr. Boudreau stated that in an effort to keep the neighborhood informed, a neighborhood informational meeting has been scheduled for Feb. 25 at 7:30 p.m. at City Hall concerning the tota] 40 acres of land, what plans they have to date for that area, and what agreements have been worked out for in-kind or free services to be performed in that area. City Council has agreed with that agreement �vith Park Construction. '� C. Ed�ewater Garden Development Dr. Boudreau stated the Edgewater Garden area is an L-shaped piece of land west of the tracks, north of Mississippi, by the church. This land has been tax forfeit for years. It was first proposed to be used for community gardens, but a lot of pepple said they did not want community gardens in that area. It wer�t to the neighborhood meetings with the thought that some day there would be a park development in Edgewater Gardens for that small pocket of people who live in the area of East River Road, north of ��lississippi, west of the tracks. Dr. Boudreau stated the City Council has recently purchased the tax - forfeit property from the County. They have come to an agreement with the church located on the west side of the property at the south end for bikeway/walkway easements which will facilitate ihe City bikeway/ walkway for north/south bikeway traffic to Mississippi and out to East River Road. For the easements, the City had to give up 3'=:� ft. of property to enlarge the church parking lot. Before the City agreed to that, the church agreed to give the City $4,000 for that property easement for parking purposes to purchase playground equipment, and the church agreed to curb and landscape the parking lot. This ti�Jill all be on the east side of the church and will not interfere with the park plan that was originally shared with that neighboi�hood. That park plan called for a tennis court�area, playground equipment,ball diamond backstop, hard . surface basketball area, aiid an operi area. Written in�o the agreement '� will also be the City's use of the church parking lo�; when it is not being used for church pur°poses. � FEBRUARY 11, 1981 PAGE 6 r� PARKS & RECREATION COMMISSION MEETING, , Dr. Boudreau stated this agreement has gone to City Council, and he t� believed the agreement has been finalized with the church. Dr. Boudreau stated the City Manager has informed him that there are plans to sell the three lots on the very north end which are not in the overall neighborhood plan. They hape to sell these lots and gain about $40,000 whieh will then be put towards improvements in the park. Dr. Boudreau stated they hope ta have the park developed by mid-summer. Ms. Hughes asked why this park development was not brought to the Parks & Recreation Commission before now. Dr. Boudreau stated that as far as the agreement was concerned, it was not a park. They were using the land for park purposes, but it was still City land. That is entirely a City Council decision as to whether or not it is going to be a park development. D. NSP Easement Dr. Qoudreau stated it has been passed by this Commission and City Council to have a possib1e NSP easement for a power 7ine to run on ths west side of North Park along the tracks. The Commission and the City Council have bath said there should be four stipulations on any � easement: (1) a replacement of an equa7 amount of 7and by NSP taken out for the easement; (2) consideration of a sum of money for the eas�Wer ment; (3)the return of the easement back for park use; (4) for any p line that went in, the poles must be lined up with the existing poles with no change. - Dr. Boudreau stateC that h.efore. thut could take place, this plan had to go before LAWCON, because the land was purchased with LAWCON funds, and it had to go to the State and Federal. They got word yesterday that State Planning received a let�er in the mail that this plan has been approved by the Federal people in Ann Arbor, Michigan., and the City can go ahead and worl: out the agreement with NSP. NSP has agreed to purchase and give cieed to the City f�r an equal amount of land, about ti�ree acres, on the far southti�rest corner of the park. They have agreed to give the City �121,000 for the easement. They have agreed to return the use of that easement back to park use and line the poles up with the existing poles. Dr. Goudreau stated it was their feelings that this wi11 benefit the City more than the alte},native routes and will give them an additional three acres of land which can be used for unother entrance into the park, as a small picnic area, or interpretive site. This has gone to City Council and has been accepted by City Council. A motion was made and passed 4-1 that the $121,OQ0 be allocated for use only in North Park and that �t not be reverted back into the general fund. This ^ n�oney will be used for improvement of the North Pa►�k land itself and/or the nature c2nter facili.ty. � PARKS & RECREATION COMMiSSION MEETING, FEBRUARY 11, 1981 PAGE 7 Mr. Barnette stated there was some inference that because this plan r had to ga back through LAWCON, there was a stipulation in the original LAWCON monies that this money from the easement has to revert back to North Park. He stated he had argued that this was not true. He asked the Commission if they knew if that was a stipulation in the original LAWCON funding. � Dr. Boudreau stated he did not believe that kind of stipulation was written into LAWCOfJ agreements anywhere in the country. Ms. Hughes stated the concurrence with this plan to consider an ease- ment where the lines will go now went through this Commission, the Planning Commission, and was heard and discussed by the Springbrook Nature Center Foundation. The concurrence of the Got�nission, Planning Commission, and the Foundation was on the basis that this money would come back to the park. She was not sure any kind of easement or land trade or anything of that nature would happen without that kind of understanding. � Mr. Barnette stated he wou]d like to see the Parks & Recreation Commission minutes where this recommendation was made. Ms. Hughes stated they would research the minutes and find this informa- �, tio� for Mr. Barnette. E. Thank-You Letier Dr. Boudreau stated he had received a letter from Irv Lust, Director of Baseball, Blaine/Spring Lake Park Athletic Association, thanking Dr. Boudreau and his sta�f for the excellent cooperation they had received in 1980. Mr. Lust ���as also requesting the use of Flanery Park from May 1, 1981, to Aug. 2, 1981, Dr. Boudreau stated this t�as part of an on-going agreement with the Blaine/Spring Lake Park Athletic Association that they qet the use of - Flanery Park or P1adsen Park, because they do service Fridley residents who live in those areas. D�r-. Boudreau stated Staff has no problem with this request, and they will have the same agreement H�ith them again this year unless the Con�mission had any objections. MOTTCN BY MR. KONDRICK, SECONDED BY b1R. ALLEN, TD RECEIVE THE LETTER FROhi IRV LUST DATEll FEB . 2, 19 81. UPON A VOICP VOTE, ALL VaTTNG AYE, CHAIRPERSON HUGHES DECLARED 2'HE r?OTION CIiRRIEU UNANl"h10USLY. F. Announcen;ents and Hand-outs � Dr. Boudreau stated the third annual ethnic festival, the Fridley Celebration of N�tions, will be I��eld on h1ar. 28-29 at the Cor,�munit,y Education 6uilding. It is a cooperative effort between Community Education and Parks & Recreation ancl a lot of other people. PARKS & RECREATION COMMISSION MEETIyG, FEBRUARY 11, 1981 PAGE 8 ^ Dr. Boudreau stated it would be very worthwhile for the Commission � members to visit the festival. , Dr. Boudreau stated the Minnesota Melikin Puppets will be presenting a collection of poetry on Feb. 22 at 2:00 p.m. at the Fridley Senior High School. H� stated this is sponsored by the Fridley Recreation Department, and Staff wouid appreciate the Commission attending these kinds of things. Dr. Boudreau stated that on Nov. 10, 1980, Mr. Kirk had sent out an announcement to all 1980 softball managers about the 1981 softball managers' meeting. The m�etings will be held March 17-18-19. He has also stated again the policy that all managers must be at the managers' meeting or a representative or they will not be allowed to participate in the program. 2. CHAIRPERSON'S REPORT: Ms. Hughes stated she had nothing to report. 3. OLD 6USINESS: A, Citizer�s' Adviso�y Committee - Dan Allen Ms. Hughes stat;ed the Planninc� Commission did not concur with the motion made at the last m�eting requesting firiancial assistance from City Council to obtain a cost estimate of what a recreationa7 bui7ding would cost. However, she thought the City Council has probably acted on it already. Mr. Allen stateci the Commit�ee has outl.ined what they feel sho�!id be priorities if a facility is built. They are going to present two basic buildings--one whicf� is a bare r�inimum type of bui7ding and one with the extras. They ended up with five b��ilding packages, This is for the architect's benefit, and ±hey are waiting for the architect t� put cost estimates on th�se buildings. Mr. Maeckel bergh stated at ot�e time he served as pri ��ci pal of Ri ver- ��cod School. He knows th� difficulty the City has h�d in finding facilities �n the school buildings for their programs, and he recog- nized all those kinds of prohlems. Yet, he kno�•as that som� time in th� futu�°e, �L��ere i� going to be an improvement of sci�ool and comrr�unity working togcther to uti1ize tf�ese scnool facilities. Ne wanted �o encouraye the Commission to s,ot ciuplicate facGlities that might be available u►�der �ifferent people and different situations in the future. s•. PY1r. Maecl:elbergh st�ted he had another area of concern and that was � � with hoci«y. Ne is a hockey parent, and the �rox�imity io Columbia Arena has nothing to do v;ith ice tim� for Fridley residents or hockey ^ prograrns. He s�ated he has been to7d that Fridley is 5th, 6th, or 7th .�. r-� PARKS & RECREATION COMMISSTON MEETING, FEBRUARY 11, 1981 PAGE 9 on the list in getting ice time. He stated they have hardly used � Columbia Arena at all. He thought an ice arena was a real necessity, There are aboui: 500 kids in hockey and broomba7l. , Mr. Young .stated he had trouble with an indoor hockey rink. The youth population in Fridley in 1970 showed close to 600 children in kinder- garten in the Fridley school system. This year there are only 180. The number of people that would probably be involved in youth hockey facilities would be very limited and a small proportion of the community. They would be spending a large amount of dollars for a sma]1 part of the population. Mr. Maeckelbergh stated he would also prefer an outdoor pool, because Fridley has an indoor pool. 1'hey just can't utilize it at this time. Dr. Boudreau stated the Citizens' Advisory Commiti:ee is planning to make a report to the Comn�ission at the Commission's March meeting. Ms. Hughes stated they almost needed a special meeting in order to have plenty of time for this major item. She tentatively set Wed., �arch 25, for a special Commission meeting, and the Commission members should keep this date in mind. 4. NEtJ BUSINESS: A. Elections in March Ms. Hughes stated that elections for Chairperson and Vice-Chairperson will be in March. She stated it has been her philosophy on advisory commissions that the chai.rperson not remain tl�e same a7l the time. She would encourage the other Commission members to keep this in mind, and if anyQne would like to be chairperson, they should let the other m�mbers know. Tney should also keep in mind that being chairperson also means being a voting member on the Planning Commission. ADJOURNMENT: Chairperson Hughes declared the February 11, 1981, Parks & Recreation Commission meeting adjourned at 10:00 p.m. Respectfully s � rnitted, ,1 ! '�t'-�� �.�,� �t.-��-C°�.. Lynn��aba � Recar,d7 ng Secretary