PR 03/11/1981 - 31267�. � CITY OF FRIDLEY PARKS & RECREATIOP� COMMISSIO�J MEETING MARCN 11, 1981 0 CALL TO ORDER: Chairperson Hughes called the March 11, 1981, Parks & Recreation Commission meeting to order at 7:35 p.m. ROLL CALL: Members Present: Barbara Hughes, Dave Kondrick, Dick Young, Dan Allen Members Absent: Jan Seeger Others Present: Charles Boudreau, Parks & Recreation Director Jack Kirk, Recreation Supervisor Connie McMillion, Program Supervisor Jerrold Boardman, City Planner Jack Hansen, Co-Chairman, Citizens' Advisory Committee Bob Kelley, Citizens' Advisory Committee � Irene hiaertens, Citizens' Advisory Committee � Bt�uce Nelson, Citizens' Advisory Committee Mary Ellen Storley, Citizens' Advisory Committee Willis Unke, Citizens' Advisory Committee Caro1 Nolman,5460 - 7th St. N.E. Joe Maertens, 144 Rivers Edge �Jay Gary Westlund, 5300 Matterhorn Drive Ruth Dunn,�Editor, Fridley Sun Patrick William Eariey, 267 - 69th Ave. N.E. John Boser, 209 - 69th Ave. �d.E. ARPROVAL OF FEBRUARY 11, 1981, PARKS & RECREATION COMMISSION MINUTES: MOTION BY MR. YOUNG, SECONDED BY MR. KONDRICK, TD APPItOVE THE FEBRUARY 11, 1981, PARKS & RECREATION COMMIS5ION MINUTES A5 WRITTEN. UPON A-VOICE VOTE, ALL VOTING AYE, CHAIRPER50N HUGHES DECLARED THE MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. APPROVAL OF AGENDA: Dr. Boudreau stated he'would like to add "Ethnic Festival° as Item B under "Director's Report". ^ Ms. Hughes stated that "Citizens' Advisary Committee Final Report" under "Old � Business" should be put as the first item on tk�e agenda. Ms. Hughes declared the agenda aparaved as amended. �� PARKS & RECREATION COMMISSION MEETING MARCH 11 1981 PAGE 2 � 1. CITIZENS' ADVISORY COMMITTEE FINAL REPORT - MR. JACK HANSEN: Ms. Hughes stated she w�uld like to wel.come a17 the members of the Citizens' Advisory Committee to the Commission meeting. Mr. Hansen stated that the Commission memUers each had a copy of the "Community Recreation Building Needs Assessment Gommittee Fina] Report" Mr. Hansen stated lie would give the Introduction in its entirety and then would only hightight the Summary,. Conclusion/Recommendatians, Suggested Timetable, and Appendix. Mr. Hansen stated that,in the Conclusion, on February 26, 1981, the Community Recreation Building Needs Assessm�»t Committee voted in favor of the construction of a Cor�nunity Recreation Building to be built on the site of the new Community Park by a vote of ll for, 1 against, and l absention. The Committee passed three motions--''that the Committee recommend to the City Council that before a Recreation Building be built that they, the City Council, advise the community of the results of the report via the Sun Nzwspaper and any o�her means af inedia"; "that the Committee recommend to City Council tha� before a Recreation Building be built that they, the City.Council, go to a referendun� vote of the people"; and "that the Committee recommend to the City Council that before a Recreation Building be built that they, the City Council, discuss with the School District #]4 any alternative sites or facilities that could be usEd or developed". Mr. Hans,en stated the Committee also recommended that (a) the facility include 3 � multi-purpose gymnasiums (majority vote); (b) the facility include a multi-purpose auditorium without the s�ructure, not a separate facility as shown on the archi- tect's preliminary layout (8 for, 3 against); (c) the facility include an indoor pool (8 for, 3 against); (d) the facility �oes not include an Olympic pool (9 for, 2 against); (e) the facility does include a scaled down pool (8 for, 3 against); and (f} the facility does not include an outdoor pool (9 for, 2 against). Mr. Hansen stated that the Committee sugc�ested the constructian of the recreation building proceed as soon as possib]e to avoid the escalation of inflationary costs. They felt the following timetable should be used as a general guideline: (a) start architectural work immediately; tb) have an opinion referendum as early as possible, preferably by Sept. 1, 1981; (c) if �.he results of the opinion refer- endum are positive, construction bids should be sent out by mid-September 1981; and (d) construction begin in the fall of 198] or the spring of 7982 at the iatest. Mr. Nansen stated it was a very interesting experience. They had members from all areas of Fridley with different backgrounds, and it was with much discussion and consultation that they made their final r�commendations. Ms. Hughes thaiiked Mr. Hansen for the report. Ms. Irene Maertens stated she wanted to �larify that her "no" vote was just a "no" vote to the cons�ruction of the building. She did feel there were needs iden�ified that should be explored elsewhere. � �` PARKS & RECREATION COMMISSION MEETING, MARCH 11 1981 PAGE 3 Mr. Willis Unke stated he appreciated being able to work wi�h the Committee, aithough:he found it a very interesting process and very frustrating at times as to what facilities are really available to the citizens of Fridley. He stated the Commission may want to hear some of his dissenting opinions. Mr. Unke stated that his general conclusion, in terms of the benefits and the priorities for the citizens of Fridley for recreational facilities--both indoor and outdoor-- would be to improve the utilization of existing facilities in the schools and to do something to reduce the disagreements between the school districts and the City in order to make better utilization of the existing facilities. He stated he would like to hear what the Commission has done in this`regard and, if not, did they plan to do something to ]ook at each and every facility? One of the areas they might explore, in order to solve the conflicts between the City and the Schools, is to take such drastic action as Inver Grove Heights took and that is to get out of the recreation field entirely. Their joint power agreement funds 40% of the cost of the program that is run under the admini- stration of the school board system. He felt as soon as they enter into the area of indoor facilities in the City, they have another competing thing with the schooJ system which then reduces the efficiency. Mr. Unke stated the City wants to run programs on Sunday. There are schoo] buildings sitting idle on Sunday. Ne did not think it served the interests of � the res�dents of Fridley to not have th� gymnasiums that exist open and yet authorize the building of one. He stated he went into this to evaluate priorities, and he came aut with the conclusion that the priorities of evaluation are wrong. They should not be looking at a new building at this time, but they should be looking at improved relationships with the school system. Mr. Unke stated he has read a few of the editorials with respect to the joint powers agreement between the School Board and the City. He hated to see funds go from one government to another. He stated he would hope the City, including the Parks � Recreation Commission, would have a say and express strong opinions on this idea of money crossing government boundaries for the purpose of improving recreation. Mr. Unke asked if the Commission is looking at doing this or have they completely left this up to the City Council? Ms. Hughes stated the Conmission has atte:nded the city/school joint me.etings` that are held every two months. Hopefully, that is where some of these things will be worked out. Noti,�ever, she stated it is very true that the Parks & Recreation Comnission is an advisory committee to the City Council, and it is true that the City Council has taken a number of steps over the years to improve the city/school relationships with varying success. 7he relationship was extremely good when the Schools had a joint powers agreen�ent with the City in the same way Inver Grove Heights has. She stated the Commission is aware of the problem, but they have. not worked very hard at it in the last six months. PARKS & RECREATIQN CQM�ISSION MECTING, MARCH 11, 1981 PAGE 4 �-. Mr. Young stated that in Jackie Lentz' report, she had stated it was strictly School Board policy that there is no Sunday u�e of the school facilities and Wednesday nights are set a.side for church activities. He wondered if the Corranittee had asked if this policy could be changed. Ms. Mary Ellen Storley stated this was discussed, but it was her understanding that this has been a standard palicy that the School Board entered into with the ministers, and the ministers have specifi�ally asked that the schools not allow any Wednesday activities, and the schoo7s have gone along with it. It sounded like there were no plans to change this arrangement. Mr. Unke stated this was not an area chartered for the Committee to look at, but he did think it was a charter of the Parks & Recreation Commission. He stated he would be happy to heip the Commission pursue this. Ms. Hughes stated this was discussed at one city/school meeting, and she speci- fically asked how that policy cou7d be charge�, and it was abvious that it is not going to get changed unilaterally by the schonl, but the City and/or the Parks & Recreation Commission can ask that it be changed. Mr. Joe Maertens stated he would like to comment on the use of schools on Sunday. It was his understanding that the policy was set up for school-associated activities, and the miflisters ar� �iot against a recr�utian center beiny open on ,-� Sunday fbr family activities or wauld they be against after-school recreational activities. Mr. Unke stated he was unhappy aboui th? Committee excluding any consideration of the other three school districts' facilities that are within the boundaries of Fridley. Ms. Storley stated that the Committee trie� to cover as much as possible with the timetable they had. Many times they went back to their Charter for clarification and it was the Committee's concensus that the schoo7 districts were not included in their Charter. They felt they had to stay as close to the Charter as possible. Mr. Hansen stated that the Charter stated: "outline possible or desired faci7ities within the building". He thought the people who voted "yes" did so because, after researching all the information, they felt thE school districts could not give enough recreational time; therefore, they desired a need for a scaled-down recreational paol within the facility. MOTION BY MR. YDUNG, SECUNDED BY h1R. KONDRTCK, TO RECEII�E THE "COMMUNITY RECREATION BUILDING NEEDS ASS'ESSMENT COMMITTEE FINAL REPORT". UPON A VOICE VOTE, ALL VOTING AY�, CHAIRPERSON HUGHES DECLARED THE MOTION CARRIED UNAPIIMOUSLY. � �.�,,.A. � PARKS & RECREATION COMMISSION MEETING, MARCH 11, 1981 PAGE 5 Ms. Hughes stated she would like to express her appreciation to the Committee for the work they have done. It was something the Commission could not have done iteself; and after seeing the time the Committee put in, it was extremely gratify- ing to see that the members were willing to pat in that kind of time. She stated it is very important for the Commission to move on this fairly quickly and the Committee's meeting this timetable will make it possible for the Commission to accomplish that within a fairly short period of time. Mr. A1len stated that he had sat in on most of the meetings. He stated the people put in a 7ot of time, and they were always most caoperative. He stated he had enjoyed working with the Cor�nittee, and he had learned a lot. He stated that even if nothing else comes out of this, at least Fridley is better off for the citizens who were represented on this Committee. He stated he had nothing but respect for these people, and he felt very privileged to have served with them, and he thanked them. Mr. Kondrick stated Ms. Hughes' statements and Mr. A1len's statements also summarized his feelings. Ms. Hughes handed out certificates of appreciation to those Committee members present at the meeting. � Mr. Gary Westlund stated he is concerned about the effects federal and state aid to cities and counties may have on Fridley's prQperty taxes, and this informatien would not necessarily be documented until the budget hearings in August. He asked if there was any way the taxpayers cou7d have some kind of handle on what their property taxes will be in the following years before they make a decision on whether to spend a]itt7e more on a recreational bui]ding. He thought it cou]d substantially change their decision. Ms. Hughes stated one thing that could be done is to delay when the referendum is set or to make sure the people understand that they may not know everything they would like to know if the referendum comes prior to the budget hearings. Mr. Westlund stated he had talked to Senator pon Frank in regard to the question of the safe houses for battered women. It was Senator Frank's concern that with the government's cut in general assistance funding, it was possible the battered home for women in Fridley could be closed down. This was an example of where they may be building a recreational bui7ding and losing the safe houses for battered women. Mr. West]und stated Senator Frank had asked him to bring up this poi�t to the Committee to make sure they realized there may be needs for these funds elsewhere. Mr. Westlund stated this did not directly affect the discussiorr of recreation, but they do have limited funds. Mr. Kondrick stated he wouTd like some time to digest all this information before making a reeommendation to City Council on the recreation building. ^ Mr. A1len stated he would also like to have some tim� before making any decision. Ms. Hughes stated they wauld have a special meeting on Wednesday, March 25, at 7:30 p.m. to discuss only titis report and the recreation building and then make a recontinendati on to Ci ty Courici 7. _ PARKS & RECREATION COMMISSION P4EETING,MARCH 11, 1987 PAGE 6 r-� . Mr. Unke stated that in the Feb. 26, 1981, Committee minutes, page 3, his statement that he"refuses to partic�ipate in a vote for or against a building" was not a correct statement. His statement was that he saw the desire of the community far an outdoor pool and gymnasium facilities; however, he then went on to say that it was improper to vate on a new building versus alternatives. He also agreed with what Mr. Kelly had said--°that if we go to a referendum, we won't be able to sell anything more than building 1 and an outdoor pool". He stated that since he did not think the Committee Tooked at the outdoor pool issue to any significant degree, aaas the Par�ks & Recreation Commission going to pursue the outdoor pool versus the indoor poc,l or were they going to make a blanket decision to adopt the whole rep�r•t? He stated he personally favors an outdoor pool. Mr. Allen stated he is not accepting just the report and is prepared to look beyond it and look at it objectively. Ms. Hughes stated they are not going to accept the whole report. They can take only bits and pieces, and their d�cisions are going to be theirs. P�Ir. Unke asked if they should consider District 13's gymnasiums in this report. Ms. Hughes s�aggested that Mr. Unke wwite down what he understood was the uti7iza- t�on or access �o the Colurrbia Heights' gymnasiums and noi to exclude the elementarr-` gymnasiums. She stated one thing she found missing in the Committee report was the minority reports and that would be easier to deal with in a written form. t�ir. 6ruce Nelson stated there was an opportunity for a minority report, but no one accepted tha� opportunity. Ms. Hughes stated what would be helpful to her in the final decision would be to have maps of where the different facilities, whether privately or publicly owned, are located. Another thing she thought was not very well docu:nented was what kind of need is there for meeting rooms or just meeting space. Ms. Hughes stated she would like Dr. Boudreau to make his recommendation to the Commission in terms of what he thought shoald be in the building. b9r. R11en stated he wou7d ]ike t� say that Mr. Jack Hansen did a superb job in handling the meetings and ii7 acting very fairly. He did a lot of hard work and he should be singled out for specia7 recognition. Mr. Unke stated that,as a member of the Cammittee, he wauld definitely agree with that. 2. DIRECTOR'S REPORT: A. Neiqhborhood Meeting Ur. Boudreau stated they had heid a n� eting with representatives from the Parks & Recreation De�artment, Planning Department, Public 4lorks � � ^ PARKS & RECREATION COMMISSION t�EETING, MARCH 11; 1981 PAGE 7 Department, regarding the work that is to be completed by Park Con- struction on the outdoor athletic area located at the Community Park. They have an agreement with Park Construction that, for the removal of sand, Park Construction will bring in double the amount in fill to bring the community park area up to grade. He stated they wished to meet with the immediate neighborhood south of the park area on 69th and those living across from the park in the Locke Park area behind Woodcrest Baptist Church to familiarize the neighborhood with what is going to be happening with the next six months. He stated 35 people were in attendance. Dr. Boudreau stated the Commission members had a copy of a memo written by John Flora, Director of Rablic Works Department, to the department heads and states that while the residents were in favor of the park, they were most concerned about two questions: (1) How will the park road interfere with their egress and ingress? (2) Why are they paying for the stoplights when they were told the service drive would not be con- structed west of University Ave.? Dr. Boudreau stated that, as promised at the meeting by Mr. Flora, a diagram of the intersection showing the design of the intersection that will lead into that neighborhood and connect with the service road that � will lead to the parking lot of the facility 4aas sent to the residents, •along with a copy of the public hearing minutes at which the st�plight was discussed. In those � nutes, he did not believe it was mentioned that there would never be a service road west of University Avenue. He stated this was sent to those in attendance at the meeting and the entire neighborhood, and he did not think there had been any commur►ication back from anyone in the neighborhood. Mr. Patrick Ear]ey, 267 - 69th Ave. N.E., and Mr. John Boser, 209 - 69th Ave. N.E., stated they had not received this information. Dr. Boudreau stated he would check into this and make sure the information was sent out. Ffr. Earley stated he had gone through the previous City Council minutes and found that at one point the City Manager had stated that a service road was undesirable by the neighborhood in general in the past years. At another point, Dick Sobiech, Public Works Director, had stated they did not want to build a service road because of the industrial park north of the Community Park and they thought it might cause problems. Mr. Boser stated a third concern expressed was the access that is right behind the property line where there is a publ�c building that has a lot of cars and trucks which has caused a traffic problem. He wondered if anything could be done to alleviate that probl.em with the new park. ^ Mr. Boardman stated i� has always been in their plans to run a service - road up from 69th to the�arking lot and then fram the parking 1ot up to PARKS & RE�REATION COMMISSION �EETING, MARCH 17,1981 PAGE 8. � connect wi�h Commerce Circle. The construction that has been approved to date has been strictly for the north service road down to the parking lot, but he did not feel that would be adequate to serve the faci1ities and he feels there is a need to have both service drives connected. Ms. Hughes stated the Commission could look at the service drive in terms of whether they tf�ought there was adequate access to the parking area in the park and could pass some recommendations on to City Council. Ner advice to the residents was that if they opposed this kind of thing, they should take their concerns to the City Council. The Commission members decided not to make any recommendation to tF�e City Council on traffic access. B. Ethnic Festival Dr. BoudreaG handed out a brochure on the Ethnic Festival to be held Sat:-Sun,, March 28-29, 1981, at Parkview Schaol. He stated the Parks & Recreation Department staff were involved in the plann;nr„ aloi�� with Community Education and a committee. He stated he heped the Commission members would feel free to stop by as it is a folk festival ►,;hich is in addition to the cultural arts of the City. 3. NEt� �US I rtESS : A. Softball Tournament RequPSt (Tiger Hockey Sooster Club� Qr. Boudreau stated this is a tournament that has been has�ted by the City for four years in a roYv. It would be under the same ��aspices as last year, except this year the Tiger Hockey Booster Club has de�:ided to put the tournament at the start of 49'er Days as opposeci to the weekend during the 49'er Day activit�ies. He stated Staff has no prablems with this request. MOTIOId BY MR. YOUNG, SECOA'DED BY MR. ALLEN, TD �PPROVE THE TOURNAI�IENT RE�UEST BY THE TIGER HG'CKEY BOOSTER CLUB FOR JUNE 19-20-21, 1981. UP�N A VOICE VOTE, ALL VOTING AYE, C.HAIRPERSON HUGHE5 DECLARED THE M.OZ'ION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. ADJOUR�ii�ENT : Chairperson Hughes decTared the March ll, 1981, Parks & Recreation Commission meeting adjourned at 9:48 p.m. Res ectfully sub itted, � �, r_C ��.lu� Lynq� Saba Recording Secretary