PR 03/25/1981 - 312680 � CITY OF FRIDLEY SPECIAL PARKS & RECREATION COMMISSION � MEETING MARCH 25, 1981 CALL TO ORDER: Chairperson Hughes called.the Special Parks & Recreation Commission meeting to order at 7.32 p.m. ROLL CALL: Members Present: Barbara Hughes, Dave Kondrick, Jan Seeger, Dick Young, Dan Allen Members Absent: None Others Present: Charles Boudreau, Parks & Recreation Director Jack Kirk, Recreation Supervisor Connie McMillion, f�rogram Supervisor Jack Hansen, Co-Chairman, Citizens' Advisory Committee r'` .' Cheryl Moses, City Councilwoman Robert Barnette, C�ty Councilman See attached list DISCUSSION AND CQNSIDERATIOfd OF ADViSORY COMMIT7EE REPORT: Ms. Hughes introduced the members of the Commission to the audience. Ms. Nughes stated she would like to adopt the following agenda: Public comment - 7:30 - 8:00 p.m. Staff recorimendat�ons - 8:00 - 8:30 p.m. Commission discussion - 8:30 - 10:00 p.m. Ms. Nughes stated that at the last regular meeting, the Parks & Recreati�on Commission received the report of. the Community Recreation Building Needs Assess- ment Committee determining the needs assessment for the recreation building. The Corrnnission did not act on it at that meeting. The Commission will consider this recreation building in the context of their whole park, recreation, and natural resources programning and facilities. It is not a separate kind of thing they will talk about only in terms of recreation, She stated the Comnission hoped to make a recommendation to City Council at this meeting. . Ms. Hughes stated the Commission Recreation Building Needs Assessment Gommittee voted an Feb. 26, 1981, in favor af constructirjg a community recreation building � by a vote of 11 for, 1 against, and l abs�ention. She stated the Committee also _ made the following recommendations to the Parks & Recreation Co►nmission with varying votes: SPECI�L � PARKS & RECREATION COMMISSZON MEET?PlG, MAP,CN 25, 1981 PAGE 2 ^ 1. That the Parks & Recreation Commission. recommend to the City Council that before a building is bu�lt, the City Council advise the community of the results of the repart via the Sun Newspaper and other media. 2. That the Parks & Recreation Commission recemmend to the City Council that before a building is built, the City Counci7 go to a referendum vote of the people. 3. That the Parks & Recreation Comnission recommend to the City Council that be�ore a building is built, tne City Councii� discuss with School District 14 any alternative sites or facilities that could be used or developed. Ms. Hughes stated the Committee also recommen�ed the building include three multi-purpose gymnasiums, a multi-pu.rpose au�itorium within the structure, and an indoor, scaled-down pool. The Cor�nittee recommended that �rchitectural work begin immmediately and that there be an opinion referendum as early as possible, preferably by Sept, l, 1981. If the results of the opinion referendum are positive, construction bids should be sent out by mid-Sept. 1981, and construction start in the fall of 1981 or the spring of 1982 at the latest. P�;bl i c Comment Mr. Anihony Lorbeski, 6101 Sunrise Dr, N.E., stated he is the Chairperson of the �''� Friendly Fridley Folk. He s�ated he is referring to the news articie in the Sun Nevrspaper. He has learned since that the artic7e �vas not necessarily true, but whai he has to say is based on that articla. The artic7e stated:that the seni�r dro�-in center had been excluded frcm the new recreation building, He stated that from the onset, ti�e seniors have been told this park was for all ages and was to be shared by everyone. He stated-they ar� going to have to reorganize their senior mer�bers into athletic members because of the footba7l fields, basketball couris? etc. Rs taxpayers, they have the right to use these facilities without any dis- - crimination. The Fridley Sun a]se stated there was no minority report. He asked if the seniors were classified as the "minarity"? F�e stated that P�[arion Dolinage has been their representative an the Commi#:tee and attended all the meetings, but apparently no one was listening to her. Ne stated �he seniors will not support the recreation building as it rov�� si:ancis. Besides the drop-in center, they would al�o like a congregate dining program added as it is very essential to their program. Mr. Glenn Van Hulzen, 901 Overton Cr., stated he had the privilege of sitting in on the Committee. He stated he v�as �lso disappointed in the way the article came out and tf�e feelin� that the sen�ors were being left out of the recreation building. Ne stated a lot of concerr was dealt with the senior citizens and Ms. �olinage did a fine job. He stated the thing that was dropped was a separate building designated just for seniars. They still r�ave many open areas in the builc�ing. When the Committee c�me u� with the packagey it was taken into account that there was much spac� available and all of this space wouid be available to be dedicated to the seniors. There is also reoom for kitchen centers. He stated the Committee was not tryiny ta eliin�nate any particular qroup, and he hoped they had nat offended the seniors, because they wante�i �o incorporate them in the b�ailding, too. � SPECIAL /"�. PARKS�& RECREATION COMMISSION P�EETING, MARCH 25, 1981 PAGE 3 � Ms. Janice Sheridan, 1313 Hillwind R., stated she has lived in Fridley for 22 years, and Mer children go to the Columbia Heights_Schools. She stated she dio not see why the City needed three gymnasiums. There are three gymnasiums in the vacant schools in Fridley right now.. Columbia Heights has three vacant gymnasiums as they have dropped back three schools. She did not see the need for an auditorium when there is a beautiful auditorium at the Fridley High School. She did not see why they needed a swimming pool when there was a beautiful pool at �he Fridley Jr, High School. She stated the $4 million is just the beginning. _ It is going to cost money to staff it. She is in favor of programs in the gymnasiums the City presently has, and she would like to see students,involved in Fridley activities,be in charge of some of the programs. With the cutback in granis, hiring students would save money and would give them an income, She stated Fridley is becoming a community with more seniors. She is concerned about tax;money. The nation is cutting back, but the City is going ahead and spending more money. Ms. Irene Maertens, 144 River Edge Way, stated she served on the Committee and had the one dissenting vote for the building. She stated neither she or the seniors did a minority report. She stated she would like to state four different things: 1. The pool -- She stated they had pool representatives from all the different districts speak to the Committee, and not one felt another ^- pool was needed �n the Fridley area. There are no facts in the report that substantiate the need for adding another pool. r-� 2. The gymnasiums -- If there was any need, she agreed that the gymnasiums would be a need. However, the Committee did not identify who needed the gyms and how many needed them. If gyms are needed, she understood there is talk about closing more schools in Fridley in the coming years. This should be discussed with District 14. 3. Ms. Maertens stated that it came up frequently in their meetings that there were certain nights and Saturday and Sunday afternoons when the school facilities were not available for the citizens to use due to school policy. She believed that if the citizens wanted the schools open, enough pressure could be put on the School Board to have those schools open. If this did not come about, she felt there were better locations for gymnasiums such as an addi�ion to the Community Education Center. � 4. Financing -- She stated the Committe� was told not to worry about the financing, but that was very difficult for her to do. It ]ater came out that the City had sinking funds i:hat were available and if those funds were used, it would not increase taxes. She had asked if the City would consider lowering the taxes, and she did not get an answer. She shated they have to be honest with the citizens, and she did not think they could say they could build a$4 million buiiding and it wou�ld not increase taxes. In an opinion .referendum, the citizens should be asked if they war�t that sinking fund money to be spent on a building or is it needed elsewhere? She felt the Commission should be addressing the financing issue. SPECIRL PRRKS & RECREATION COMMISSION MEETI�aG, MARCH 25, 1981_ _ PAGE 4 ,.� Mr. Michael Larson, 6390 Starlite Blvd,, stated he would also like to address the point of financing, and, specifically, the sinking funds. He disagreed with this coneept of financing. He did not think �.t was straightforward, and he did not think it was giving the citizens of Fridley a straightforward deal. He felt it would be highly inappropriate for the Parks & Recreation Commission and City Administratian to proposed financing this building in that way. If this building is definitely needed by the community, he felt it should be financed in a straight- forward manner by selling bonds or whatever. Mr. Larson stated he agreed with the seniors--that it is addressing special interest groups. He thought it was highly inappropriate and thought it was some- thing that could be handled by private enterprise. He understood that the YP�ICA had once considered Fridley for a facility and had concluded that Fridley and surrounding communities could not justify a YMCA facility, but here is the City proposing something along the same lines and proposing to finance it in a ridicu- lous manner. Mr. Gary Westlund, 5300 Matterhorn pr., asked the following questions of the Commission: Does my right to basicetbal] and swimming su�ersede my neighbor's right to his property? His neighbar's property being his income which the City is going to have to tap in order ta build this building. If the Northeast YMCA has not been able to build a faciiity in this area as they have been intending to da for some ten years and that is because they have n�t been ab7e to raise, through � voluntary contributions, enaugh capital tA build that facility, should the City then be coercing every property awner in Fridley to pay for that which people throughout Fridley and beyond are not willing to voluntarily pay for and build? Mr. Westlund stated it was his recommendation that, for the sake of the taxpayers of Fridley, to be fair and honest, a referendum not be held until the city govern- ment can illustrate to the taxpayers in Fridley what is going to happen to their property tax as the result of federai and state aids being cut. Mr. Westlund also asked the following questions: Who will own the building? Who and how many people in Fridley will use the facility? Who will be expected to pay for the building? When can they expect to ultimately quit paying any taxes toward this facility? Who wi11 assume the inherent risks of rising maintenance casts, the possibility of decrease in users, and the potential bodily injury suits that can come about? Mr. Westlund stated that back to the question of who will own the building, there is a definitian of a political system: "Advocating elective or governmental ownership in administration of the me�ns of �roduction and distribution of goods." The private sector is already providing recreational facilities through the YMCA and sports and health clubs. If government is going to get into the business of reci-eatian, he would suggest that the definition apply in this instance. Mr. Carl Sheridan, 1313 Hillwind Rd.,stated that the Columbia Heights School District and the City ot Columbia Heights f�ecreation D�partment have an operation � where both of them participate in using monies for recreation programs. Both school and city properties are used in the programs. Why isn't Friuley set up SPECIAL �`` PARKS & RECREATION COMMISSION MEETING, MARCH 25�, 1981 PAGE 5 in the same way? There are basketball courts, swimming pool, running tracks, etc., that are just being duplicated. He could not possibly see how this recreation building could be considered without first taking it to the voters. Ne could not understand why the City couldn't sent out a letter to all the homeowners and tell them what is going on. An 18� stamp is better than $4 million down the road. Ms. Marion Dolinage, 5640 East River Road, stated she was the Committee member representing the seniors. She stated that in the priority vote on the senior ciiizen annex, there was a vote of 5 rea7ly needed, 4 needed, and 3 possibly needed. On the priority vote for the auditorium, there was a vote of 1 desperately needed, 6 needed, and 5 not needed. But when the Committee report came out, the auditorium had priority over the senior citizen drop-in center and congregate dining. She stated the Cities of Anoka and Coon Rapids have drop-in centers, and Blaine is in the process of building one. Mr. Anthony Lorbeski, 6101 Sunrise Dr „ N.E., stated they need a facility they can control 90% of the time, 9 a.m. to 5 p,m., 5 days a week, and possibly even an Saturday or Sunday. They would like a facility that is completely separated (can be attached to the building) so it is completely operated as a senior drop- in center. He stated the Friendly Fridley Folk are organizing into a non-profit organization and may get some federal funding which could help pay for a drop-in ^ center. ' Staff Recommendations Dr. Boudreau stated he is speaking in favor of a recreation building for the City of Fridley, unless they wished to get caught in the past and ten years from now wish they had a community center. Dr. Boudreau stated the charge of the Parks & Recreation Commission, as set down by City Council, is "to promote the systematic comprehensive development of park facilities and recreational activities necessary for the physical, mental, emotianal, moral health, and well being of the residents of the City of Fridley.° He stated this is what the Parks & Recreation Department Staff is attempting to do. They believed that with the Commissi�n's guidance,in keeping with this charge made to the Commission, recreation should offer all of them (not just seniors or businessmen, or athletic peaple� in the community an opportunity and the f ree- dom of choosing what activities they wish to participate in in their leisure time. They beTieve that well planned and d2veloped municipal recreational facilities, coordinated and integrated tvith a total community effort, wi11 aid in the improve- ment of the physical, emotional, social, and mora] welfare of each individual. They believe recreation is a legitimate responsibility of the entire community for the betterment of its citizens. TiaQy�strongly feel recreation is a basic need to all individuals. Dr. Boudreau stated that in 1976 when he first came to Fridley, there was a ^ study underway for nei�hborhood park needs. Along with that study was a surwey - of the kinds of activities people would like to participate in. From that survey came the program of 120 difrerent activities that are offered today. Also from SPECI�AL � PARKS & RECREATION COMMISSION MEETItdG, MARCH 25, 1981 PAGE 6 ^ the survey'came the need to remove organized athletics from the neighborhood facilities and turn the facilities back to the neighborhoods. Another need was a need for more indoor recreatianal facilities. Af�er that point in time, they did develop a cooperative agreement with Cor��muni�y Education and School District 14. That cooperative agreement is still in effect and is working very nicely. Dr. Boudreau stated a plan was drawr� up and a proposal made for outdoor facilities to provide a t°elease from the neighborhood organized athletics into six lighted ball diamonds, four faotball areas, and soecer areas. This was coupled with a proposed recreation building to service indoor recreation. Dr. Boudreau stated the City will soon realize the outdoor athletic areas. This Commission, along with City Council's backing, established in Oct. 1980 a citizens' advisory committee to give them input on the need for an indoor recrea- tional facility. As part of iheir responsik�ility, it was the Committee's responsi- bility to seek out information on various types of facilities available thraugh- out the community and make recommen�ations based on the information they found. He felt the Committee did a very fine job. Dr. Boudreau stated the Parks & Recreation Department Staff has been attune to the needs of the community, and �hey are alsa attune to Schoo7 District 14 as far as gymnasiums are concerned that, "the demand is ,iust bigger than the su�ply". The Park� &�ecreation Gepartment also feels tfie schoo7s are available, and they ^ are utilizina the schools for many of their ac�ivities; however, the time the schools are available is general7y in the evening. It is also available for some limited use on Saturday and not avaflable on Sunday. They do utilize North Park Schoo� in the Columbia Heights School Uis�rict and bJoodcrest School in the Spring Lake Park School District, but those communi�ies a7so have �their own recreation programs for their own citizens, and he dicl n�t feel fridley should impose on them either. Dr. Boudreau sta�ed Staff feels a recreational swirrxning pool would be an advan- tage to the City in allowing morning, no�n hour�, aftern�on, and evening swimming activities. Thi; is based on some of the irr�ormation they have received that swimming is a large activity in the ]ives of many people. They are looking at gyms, a swimming pool, an auditorium which would b� a multi-purpose room. They feel kitchen facilities are needed and many more meeting rooms are needed. With the m��ting rooms, they are looking at the type of ronm that can be dit�ided with a multi-purpose use in mind. Dr. Boudreau stated they have laoked at many of the possibilities and what other cities have done with their elementary schoois. The gymnasiums in elementary schools are constructed for elementary age children, and many changes would have to occur to make an elementary scheol functional for overall c�mmunity use, but it can ae done. He stated rrany peo�le have jumped to conclusions. He stated a decision has not been reached as to exactly ��hat will be in the recreation building. A decision has noi even been reached as to alrether a building will even be built, and ro d�cision has been made for spending any funds �n any facility to date. Tha4 ^ is ti�e reason f�r the r�port and recammendation to :�he Parks & Recr�atien Commission, and it is up ta the Coni�i�ssion to :^ecammend to City Councij. � SPECIAL , PARKS & RECREAI'ION COMMISSION MEETING, MARCH 25, 1981 PAGE 7 Ms. Hughes�stated Dr. Boudreau's recammendations included three gymnasiums, one recreational pool (25 meters), and multi-purpose rooms. She asked Dr. Boudreau � what he meant by multi-purpose. � Dr. Boudreau stated they are looking at some staging area built into a multi- purpose °auditorium" space, lounge areas (could be used for the seniors for a drop-in center during the day), and a game room would be attractive for the teen group. He stated a running track could be elevated above the gymnasium. Dr. Boudreau stated that, as far as funding, that was entirely up to City Council. As far as a timetable, they would like to see a facility and think there is a need for such a facility at the earliest possible time. They think it is an investment for the future, and it wiTl not get any less costly. He stated they feel they have enough staff to operate such a facility, with a possible two additions and utilizing part-time students and retired peopie. Mr. Jack Kirk stated he agreed with all Dr. Boudreau had said. He felt the Commi:ttee looked at all that was available to the citizens and found there was a need for additional faci7ities. In making their decision, their primary considera- tion was that the facility serve all aqe groups. � Ms. McMilli.on stated she also concurred with Dr. Boudreau and Mr. Kirk. She thought�the Committee spent a lot of time looking at the community as a whole, what would be most appronriate for the community as a whole, and that the center would lend itself to be a center for Fridley. Commission Discussion Ms. Seeger stated one of the things she found lacking in the report was any response from the cultural groups--dancing, theatre, ethnic groups, etc.--why were they not addressed? Mr. Jack Hansen stated letters were sent out to the various cultural groups in Fridley, but they did not receive any information from these people as to whether these groups wanted or needed an area. Mr. Young stated he did not feel there was a need for an olympic size pool. However, as a parent of small cf�i.ldren, the pools that are in existence in the high schools in the neighboring communities do not meet his family's needs. The children cannot wear life jackets or wear any kind of flotation devices, and the little tots are too small to go into water that is 42" deep at the shallow end. He would like to see a recreational size pool with a wading area for sma]1 children. This wading pool area could also be used by the handicapped and by people who cannot swim. Ne would like to see a pool that is designed for total usage by all people. ,-, Ms. Hughes asked what rules would apply to a wading pool. SPECIAL PARKS & RECREATION COMMISSION MEETANG, MARCH 25, 19$1 PAGE g Dr. Boudreau stated that with a wading pool area, they would hope and encourage the parents to be responsible for their chi7dren. Nowever, by State Law, life guards would have to be on duty at all times. Ms. Fiughes stated she thought it would be worthwhile to look into the rules on whirlpools, saunas, and wading pools. Mr. Kondrick asked the question about insurance and lawsuits and liabilities with having such a building. Dr. Boudreau stated that by SVate Law, the City is required to have liability insurance that covers the City in the case of neg7iaence. Any citizen can file a suit at any time and it is up to the Court to decide. Ms. Hughes asked the Commission members if they felt there was a need for a recreation buildirg. Mr. Allen stated he sat in with the Committee and they went through a great deal of infarmation. He stated he is fami�iiar with recreation, and he feels very strongly that what is in existence is not sufficient. He stated he has heard the argument many, many times about the elementary schools, but he felt they are tota7ly inadequate and the desigr, is not for everyone, Another th�ng that has been brought up is the �rograms of the schov3 district. He stated the School District has their programs and their prior�ties and busines�,and tf�ey have to take care of those things. Often that is going to be in conflict with the park needs. Ne stated recreation is going to grow; demands are going to grow. People are not going ta be driving 200 miles to a lake as much anymore. He stated he did not want his recreation needs relying on other schoo7 districts ar �rivate institutions. He stated he takes recreation very seriously. He felt there is a big gap and people do not realize the programs that could occur and could be developed with a proper facility. Mr. Kondrick stated he agreed 100� with what Mr. Fillen had said. Mr. Young stated he gave a length,y presentation to the Jaycees at their last meeting. Twelve m2mbers were in atte�dan�.e. The members felt there was a need far a pool,ard they felt there t�as a need for gymnasium space. The people at the meeting were very concerned about school use and did not want the schools to be able to pre-empt recreational faciiity use in thai building. They saw no n�ed for the schools to make use of these facilities and that the facilities should be for use by all citizens and nct be in the situation where a school would have priority. They were also concerned about non-residents and did not want non- residents taking away the use of a facility they might have to pay for. If they did have to pay for it, they wanted a high enough user fee to discourage non- residents. /'� Mr. Young stated the Jaycee members were not so concerned about having to pay the dollars to build the building, but di�+ express the concern that the taxpayers' � money should not have to go for n�azntenarce of the facilities. The people who � SPECIAL � PARKS & RECREATION COMMISSION M£ETING, MARCH 25, 1987 PAGE 9 use the facilities, maybe through memberships, should totally pay for the maintenance and operation. 8ut, all the members felt this building was needed in this community. Ms. Seeger stated she has sat on the Parks & Reereation Commission for a long time, and the Commission has heard these needs. Tonight they are hearing the other side--that it is not needed. She thought that was interesting, because they have programs and have expended a great deal since the time she has been on the Commission, and she has on7y seen good things come oui of it. She can see a need for these facilities, or they would not have gone to this extent. She con- curred with the needs as the needs were expressed by the citizens. They did not eome from this Commission. Ms. McMillion stated that, as far as the senior citizens, it was her personal philosophy that they did not like to segregate different age groups into different areas. The seniors have made the comments about how much the young people care about them. As nice as it would be to have a facility of their own, she did not want to see it so segregated that they would be cut off from contact with all other.age groups. MOTION BY MR. KONDRICK, SECONDED BY MR. ALLEN, TO RECOMMEND A RECREATIONAL BUILDING CONCEPT WHiCH WOULD INCLUDE THE FACILITIES AS OUTLINED IN BUILDING #3 WITH A �' RECREATIONAL-SIZE POOL A�'VD A KITCHENETTE F�CILITY. Mr.�Allen suggested that the motion just endorse the recommendations of the Committee with the smaller indoor pool. As far as the kitchenette, he felt they could suggest that to the City Council for the Council's consideration. Mr. Kondrick withdrew his motion. MOTION BY MR. KONDRICK, SECONDED BY MR. ALLEN, THAT THE PARKS & RECREATION COMMISSION CO?VCUR WITH THE COMMtINITY RECREATION BUILDING NEEDS ASSESSh1�NT COMMITTEE'S RECOMMENDATION FOR BUILDING ,#3, INCLUDING THREE MULTI-PURPOSE GYMNASIUINS� A 1NULTI- PURFOSE ROOM, A SCALED-1JO��1V POOL, AND A KITCHENETTE WITH ATZ'ENTION PAID TO THE 5ENIOR CITIZEN'S ACTIVITIES. Mr. Young stated he questioned the amount of revenue that would be generated from the pro-shap area and whether it would be significant enough to justify such an area. Maybe that area should be another meeting room, He also questioned the need for a snack bar area and that it may be more of a nuisance than it would be worth by detracting from the facility with litter. He would recommend instead that the building have a vending machine area and n�t an area that would need to be staffed. Ms. Hughes stated she ac�reed with that. Mr. Yaung stated the only way he would vote for the motion was if consideration � was given to a shallow water area for sma11 children, tE�e elderly, and the - disabled. He personally felt that was a need. SPECIAL . PARKS & RECREATION COMMISSION MEE1'ING, MARCH 25, 1981 PAGE 10 MOTION BY MR. YOUNG, SECONDED BY MS. SEEGE'IZ, TO AMEND THE MAIN MOTION THAT IN BUILDING #3, THE PRO—SHOFj5Iti1ACK BAR AREA BE DELEZ'ED AND THAT FURTHER CONSIDERATION BE GIVEN TO THE INCORPORATION OF A"TODDLER" SIZE POOL AREA TO FACILITATE USE BY pEOPLE WHO CANNOT USE A DEEPER POOL. UPON A VOICE VOTE, ALL VOTING AYE, CHAIRPERSON HUGHES DECLARED THE AMENDED MAIN MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. UPON A VOlCE VOTE, ALL VOTING AYE, CHAIRP�RSON HUGHES DECLARED THE MAIN MOTIDN AS" AMENDED CARF2IEt7 UNANIMOUSLY. Ms. Hughes stated they needed to address the financing and time schedule. Did the Comnission want to make a recorr�nendation to the City Council on funding? Mr. Young stated he did not feel capable of making a decision on funding. He felt the matter of funding should be ciecided by City Council. He also felt there should be a referendum in the cotnmur�ity asking the people if they really want this building.. i^•. Mr. Allen stated he totally agreed. He also did not feel adequately trained to get into the area of funding. H� stated he would like to like to make a motion to endor�e and pass a7o���g to City Council the recommendations made by the Commit�cee which include� the referendum. ^ MOTION BY MR. ALLEN, SF,CONDED BY N.R. KCNDRICK, THAT THE PARKS & REGREATIc�N COMMISSION F2ECOMMEND AND PASS OiJ fiU CITY COUNCIL THE THREE MOTIONS MADE BY THE COMMUNITY RECREATION NEEDS A5SESSMENT CO?�l3ITTEE: MOTION #1: "...THAT THE PARK, RECREATION AND NATURAL RESOURCE COI+IMISSION: RECOMMER%D TO iHE CITY COUNCIL THAT BEFORE' A RECREATION BUILDING BE BUILT THAT THEY, THE CITY CDUNCIL� ADVISE THE COMMUNITY OF THE RESULTS OF THE REPORT VIA THE SUN NEWSPAPER AND BY ANY OTHER ME�NS OF MBDIA." �IOTION #2: "...THAT THE PA.RK, RECREATIOI�' AND A�ATURAL RESOURCE COMMIS5ION RECOMMEND TO THE CITY COUl1CIL THAT BEFORE A RECREATION BUILTING BE BUILT TIIAT TFIEY, THE CITY COUNCIL, GO TO A REFERENDUM POTE �JF THE PEOPLE.° A70'1'ION # 3: "... TIiAT THE P.7R7'. , RECREAT ION AND NAT URAL RESOURCE COMMISSION RECOMMEND TO TfiE CITY COUlVCIL THAT BEFORc^ A RECREATIDN BUILDING BE BUILT THAT THEY, THB CITY COUNCIL, DISCUSS WITH SCHOOL DISTRICT #�14 ANY AL2'ERNATIVE SITE5 OR FACILITIES TNAT COULD BE USED GR DEVELOPED." Ms. Cheryl Moses stated that the suggested cimetable by the Committee for an opin�on referendum was by Sept. 1, �981. She stated that at the last City Council conferenee meeting, th�y discussed a referendGm. She stated that because the n�ajority of the Gity Council has rece�vea a lot of flack on the nature center and the f�ct that it appears it is going to cost the taxpayers money, the City Council is very concerned about tt�e commu�ity park issue and want to be"up front" � SPECIAL PARKS & RECREATION COfrMISSION MEETING, MARCH 25, 1981 PAGE 11 with the citizens about how much it is going to cost. She stated that most of the City Council members are not in favor of doing anything on this before the November election. It was her understanding that they would not like to see this on a referendun� before tJovember and may not want to see it based on some of the other issues brought up at this meeting, one issue being the state and federal cutbacks and where the City is going to be as far as funding. She stated she just wanted to convey some of the City Council's thoughts to the Commission. Ms.' Hughes stated it was her understanding that this opinion referendum would be only an opinion referendum to test the waters and would not be to vate on a bond issue. Mr. Yaung stated if they went to a bond issue to pay for the building, it would necessitate another election at a later date. Why take-the time to have an opinion referendum and then a few months later have another referendum? By Navember the architectural work would have been s tarted (as recommend�d by ±he Committee) and tney would have a little better handle on costs. He agreed with Ms. f�loses that a referendum be forestalled until the month of November when there is a general election to get the most voters. � Mr. Al]en stated he is concerned that the building go on its own merit�and not �,,,\ become a political battle. Mr. Kondrick stated that because of political problems, he would prefer to have an opinion referendum by Sept, 1 as recommended by the Committee. Ms. Hughes stated she felt there was some merit to having it on the ballot by itself, but that would mean a special election, That would be expensive, because it has to be a city-wide election. She stated she is very concerned about the fiscal picture for both the state and the city, because the federal fiscal budget ends on Sept. 30, and there are going to be a lot of things that are undetermined through the sur�ner. She doubted that the City would have a good handle on what its actual situation is going to be until late in the year. Under those circum- stances, she would not be in favor of pushing through even an opinion referendum very early. MOTION BY MR. YOUNG, 5ECONDED BY MS. SEEGER, TO AMEND THE MAIN MOTION TO REWORD THB COMI�IUNITY RECREATION NEEDS ASSESSMENT COMMITTEE`S MOTION #3 AS FOLLOWS; "...THAT THE PARK, RECREATION AND NATURAL RESQURCE COMMITTEE RECOMMEND TO THE CITY COUNCIL THAT BEFORE A RECREATION BUILDING BE BUILT THAT THEY, THE CITY COUNCIL, DISCUSS GJITH SCFIOOL DISTRICT #14, SCFi00L DrSTRICT #13� AND SCHODL DISTRICT #16 ANY ALTERNATIVE SITES OR FACILITTES THAT COULD BE USED OR Di,VELOPED." UPON A VQiCE VOTE, ALL VOTING AYE, CHAI.RPERSON HUGHES UECLARED THE AMENDED MAIN MOTIDN CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. � UPON A VOICE VOTE, ALL VOTI�YG AYE, CN�IRPERSON HUGHES DECLARED TFJE MAIN MOTION � AS AMENDED CARRIED UNANIMOUa^LY. w SPECIAL � PARKS & RECREATION COMMISSION MEE7ItJG, MARCN 25, 1987 PAGE 12 Ms. Hughes stated the next regular Parks & Recreation Commission meeting would be Wednesday, April 15, 1981, at 7:30 p.m. ADJOURNMENT: Chairperson Hughes dec]ared the March 25, 1981, Special Parks & Recreation Commission meeting adjourned at 9:59 p.m. . Respecifully su mitted, � `L� �-- Ly Sa a Recording Secretary � � � � � SPECIAL FRRKS & RECREATION COMhtISSION MEETING, MARCN 25, 19$1 NAME A. J. Hogen Arvid Pearson Edna Pearson Alverna A. Lorbeski Marion D, Dolinage Tony Lorbeski ponna Hamberton Edwin Stephens Ruth Dunn MichaeT Larson Joe 4Jesterfield Jim K1ingle Carol Hol�nan Delbert & Agnes Johnson Irene Maertens Gary Westlund Janice & Charles Sheridan Jim Skelly Rita Sherry Glenn Van Hulzen ADDRESS 133 iJ. E. 75th 6Jay 5803 Central Ave. N.E: 5803 Central Ave. N.E. • 6107 Sunrise Dr. N,E, 5640 East River Road, #308 6101 Sunrise Dr. N.E. 260 Rice Creek Blvd. 249 - 69th Ave, N.E. , Fridley Sun 6390 Starlite Blvd. 81 Rice Creek Way 7548 Tempo Terrace 5460 -7th St. N.E. 1271 Hillwind Rd. 144 River Edge Way 5300 Matterhorn Dr. 1313 Hiliwind Rd. 100 'Jentura �ive . N . E . 5922 Hackman Ave. N.E, 901 Over�an Dr.