PR 05/13/1981 - 31269� � � '\ CITY 0� FRIDLEY PARKS & RECREAiIO�� COMMISSICN MEETTNG MAY 13, 1981 CALL TQ ORUER: Chairperson Hughes called the May 13, 1981, Parks & Recreation Commission meeting to order at 7:33 p.m. ROLL CALL: Members Present: Qarbara Hughes, Dave Kondrick, Jan Seeger, Dick Yaung, Dan A11en f�embers Absent: None Othprs Presc:nt: Charles Boudreau, Parks & Recreation Director Jack Kirk, RECV�eation Supervisor Bob & Karyn Prois, 1060 Lynde Drive Nancy Jorgenson, 5730 Polk �t. N.E. AP�ROVAL OF MARCH 11, ]98?, PARKS & RECREA7ION CCMMISSICN MTNUTES: Chairpe�son Nughes declared �:he March 11, 1981, Parks & Recreation Cornr;;ission minutes approved as written. APPROVAL CF fYiARCH 25, 19b1, SPECIAL PARKS & RtCREATION COMMISSION MEETING MINUTES: Chairperson Nughes declared �he mir.utes of the Special Parks & Recreation Commission meeting on March 25, 19�1, approved as written. APPROUAL OF AGENDA: ihe following items were added to the agenda under "New Business": e. NSP Money f. Request to fence park land g. Parking Lot for North Park Chairperson Hughes stated that the "Soccer Program Report - Larry Bendel" woul� be the first item on the agenda, and "Petition - City Purci��se Property for Park" �vould be the second item on the agenda. Chairperson Nughes declared the agenda approved as amended. PARKS & RECREATICf� COt�f�ISSIO� I�IEETi"�Ca� Ml�v 1:3f 1981 PqGE 2 1, SOC��R PROGRAM REPORT - LARRY f3tNDEL,_ DIFtE:CTOR 0� FYSA SOCCER PROGRAM: Mr. Bendel stated this is the fottrth argan�ixc:�a year of the soccer program. He stated tf�ey are sti ? 1 gradving son�k.rai�at, e��en �}�ough the yaunger ages a�e dropping c�ff. They have increased the nun��er of �layers, teams, and games tnis year. They wo;.ald like to contnQnd the Par�s & Re�reation Commissian for having Dr. Bouclreau and Mr. Kirk give them help in se�*ing up a�iel�, because in the pas�t ti�ey have had a problem in yetting soccer fi���s. 'fhey teel they have a very good soccer program, thanks to the efforts o� Dr�. 6oudr�:au and Mr, Kirk. Mr. Bendel handed out a sheet sn��.vi��, the r��r,�er of pla,yers, num�er af tear�s, number of f�ame gam�s, the refere�s' �ee, an� the pro�osed Parks & Recreation shareo He stated the FYSN would i�ikp the Pa���:s � Recreation Department to con- tribute to��vard the referees' fees as they haue in the past. The Frid7ey Youth Soccer Assoriation plans on payinp out $�1,632 ;n referee fees this year, ar,d they wouid like Lhe City to pick up $i,12G. This is base� an $8/game per referee. He stated thi s was somewhat of an i rcrease ovF�t~ �i ast year vdhere the Ci ty's share was ar�und $750. The incrQa.se is due ��+�� the refc=�°e� fee going fram $7/ g��e to $8/ gamc an�� the i ncrease i n number of i�ames a,�ci t�ams . Mr, �enc{el stated this is the secor�� year for an ail g�rls team in ih� "under 1�" categ�ry. In the "under 1`L" an� '°�r�cier 10" r,a�.egories, the boys and girls pl�y t;arether> � Dr. Qoudreau stateci the Ci ty's share i��:he ��� � eree fee is aba�!t a$400 i nc:rease � ��+er wi��t was con �ri buted 1 ast year. He st��.�� they usuai ]y try to s y�y as c? ose as thPy can to 50% of the referees` fees in football and baseba�l. M�, i�;aghes stated this is the kinG o� decis?on the Commission has very littl� to say about, other than to vote an tl�e cap-�tal expendit��res in the budget. She suggested that Dr. Boudreau and far. Bendel sit down and �vork out an arrangement agreeabl e to bath regardi ng the C��ty's share ef ti�e re�ferees' fees . �r. Boudreau stated he wouid be 4villing to N�erk with the Soccer Association with the Commission's approval. ,-1e �,�as hesitant to set a precedent for the next year, because tf�ey dc r�ot kr�oar 4�,here �(:hey wi 11 s �ar�+ i n th� next year wi th budget cuts. Ms. Seeger stated that when soccer first started, the Co�rnt��ission rea7ly wanted to see the soccer proyram take off, and she inought the Commission at that time felt it was an im�ortant addition to th� Ci4y's recrea�tion. Ms. Hughes stated that Dr. Boudre��.� and Mr. Bendel shctuld get together and negotiate the City's share of the ref�rees' fiees, Mr. Young stated that next year whenever the Soccer �lssociation or any other groups come ins he �aould like to see their �uc��ets9 the breakdown of how dollars are spent, in ad�ition ta the rea,;�est for funding. � ^ PARY.S & RECREATION COPr��1ISSI�fJ P�EETING, MAY 13, 1981 PAGE 3 Ms. Hu�hes stated the soccer proc�ram very much exemplifies the kinds of things the Commission is interested in, such as instructional, working with the kids, involves both girls and boys, and they do play together. She felt the Commission reaTly v�anted to encoura�e this kind of activi'ty. She thanked 1�1r. Bendel for coming to the meeting. P�r. Benciel thanked the Commission for their time and interest. 2. PETITIOPd - CITY PURCHASE PROPERTY FOR PARK: Ms. Hughes stated this petition is a request for the City to purchase the property in the area north of Hillwind Urive, east of Polk and west of Fillmore, for one or more of the following community uses: city park, drainage easements, recreational areas for school and others, nature center area, ice skating pond, and warming house. This petition vdas submii:ted to the City Council. She stated the petition and this item nas some history, and she would ask the people in the audience to outline the history as it has really been initiated by the residents in this parti- cular area. Ms. Jorgenson stated that original7y their group started out to stop a rezoning from R-1 to R-3 for an 180-unit apartment building. This request went before the Planning Commission, and the Plannin, Commission voted unanimously against the rez�ni ng. They then atten��nd the Hous i ng & Redevel opment Authori ty publ i c P�ea}� � ng on tr�e establ i shment of a i�toore Lake Redevel o�ment Di stri ct, i n whi ch thi s ar�ea was included. The HRA approved the District, and sent it on to City Council, and the P�loore Lake Redevel opmeni: Di stri ct was establ i shed by the Ci t,y Counci 1 at thei r public hearing. The rezoning proposal on that property was recalled by 017ie Erickson when he realized the oppositior of the neighborhood. She stated petitions were given to the City Council from the neighborhood, and the rezoning was recalled so she did not know where the City Council stood on that. Ms. Jorgenson stated they attended another HRA, �ublic hearing on the Tax Incremen t Plan #1. The HRA approved it and sent it on to City Council. The City Council passed it with a one-year moratorium on this property. The residents have said they do not want to see development on this land, only green space. Ms. Jorgenson stated the neighbors met with Mr. Erickson af ter his rezoning recall, and he offered to sell their� the property and siated that if they really wanted the property for green space, they should request the City to purchase the land. She stated they took him seriously and that is the reason for the petition. _Two weeks ago, they gave the petition to Dennis Schneider, their Councilman, and the n to the City Council. Ms. Jorgenson stated the moratorium basically says that no tax increment dollars will go into the development of that property. Mr. Erickson can develop it, but he is not wilTing to develop the land without the rezoning. ,...� Ms. Jorgenson stated they are asking for the land to be purchased for park property or city usage �,�ith the possibility of water control. There is an existing pond `'' area that catches water ovprflow prior to going to Moore Lake. The neighbors are willing to take an assessmen� against their properties for the purchase of this land, She stated this area has wild7ife and is a nice place to take �heir children PARKS & RECREATIQN COMMISSI��d ��l�:�:TI�vG, MR'f 13, 1981 PAGE 4 � ard to have a quiet time. There is a lack of �urk anu� open green space in the neighborhood. Everything ;s de.�e1aped. She stated it is across the street from North Rark Elernentary, anci �he school gro�«d has a lack of recreational space. h1r. Larson, Principal of North ParkS hag said �that if �he land was opened up for use, he would welcome the opportunities t� ta�:e children across the street to the area. Ms. Jorgenson stated they wi17 als� be g�ing before the Columbia Heights School Board to discuss the possibility of ti�eir contributing to the purchase cf the land. There are some existing tederal funds ��or the er�largem�nt of the ponding area as a water retention basin b�fare the water �oes into Moore Lake. She un�erstood that the pond is goin� to double ir� size. ��ls. Jorgenson stated the green space would na� do well for the developrr�ent of apartments. Their neighborhood ca.r�nat toleN�3��e any more dense populatian in terms of traffic. Yhe only real acce-ss street is Polk Street, and the City �s working on the �xisting traffic pr�oblems. Ms. Jorgenson st�ted they are cl��ec"<it�g on the passibility of Caunty or State iunds. This is being pursued by•Carol Fassett. She s�.ated she spoke ta Sid Inman, Treasurer/City Clerk, about �inanciry the 1G;�d� ahd P�(r. Inman stated he b2lieved some k��nd menies n�ight �e available �or t�e �u��chase of the land. a��. acudreau stat�d that Mr. Tnr�an had wr� ttEr� a memo dal:ed t�1ay 13, f 987 y�tating � that 7t is not le�al to use excess rnoney ?r the Debt Service Funds. A77 incon;es to Debt Service Funds mGSt be se�regated into �hat fund and remain there until the band is paid off completely. Once paid orf, any excess cash that has accrued in that fund from investing or any ather s��rce may then be used for any purpose in which the City Council desires. Ms. Jorgenson stated she had also talked ta P�r. Boardman, City Planner, and Mr. Boarclrran di d not feel there v,�as any bnncli ng money avai 7 ab7 e. Both Mr. Inman and Mr. Boardman asked r�er to approach D�. Bou�ireau and ask him to check into the possibility of funding. She s�ated the ne�g'r��borhood is willing to work with the City toward the purchase of this land. Mr. Bob Prois stated that Brooklyn Park is in the �rocess of approving an area for a 6Mi( (3icycle ��1oto�ross) trac!<. This is �u�t a suggestion for something the land could be used for. I� developed f�r that use, parking would be availabl� by the real estate offices. Dr. Boudreau stated ihere is quite a steep rise an the south end to Hillwind Rd. If the pond is made larger, he did not see ��1h`re this parcel of land would fit into ihe City's C�mprehensive Plari. They have 25 acres of natural park at North Innsbruck tnat they hope tc leave as it is. There is Hackmann Park, Moore Lake, an� also the schooi proeprty in that area. Another natural area or another u�?maintainable area is not ir� the o��erall Coirprehens�ve Plan at this time. Ms. HughRs stated federal money ?s a4railable to figure out how to redo Moore � Lake and get it cleaned up ta i���et water quality standards. That includes the �ater ►�etention areas, and vfill inc.;ude increasing the size and depth of this land. She stated the tax i ncremer�t di stri c�t cori�s i n tw�o forms . There i s the are« they PA�KS & R�CREATIOPJ COf^M?SSIQ"d MEETING, MAY 13, 19�1 PAGE 5 are going to do some redevelopment in and also the HRA and the City Council have a Tax Incre�nent Finance Plan for that. � key to the Moore Lake Redevelopment Area was building apartments or this prnperty so there would be some tax revenues. There are other areas of that redevelopment area ��hat can be the starting point for the tax increment district. , Ms. Karen Prois stated that even if the ponding area is doubled, there would still be land twice the size of Hackmann P�rk. Mr. Young suggested the possibility of selling Hackmann for the development of homes and then purchase this land for parkland. MOTIOi� BY MS. SEEGER, SECONDEn BY MR. YOUNG, fi0 RECEIVE THE PETITION 2-1981 TO FtEQUEST THE CITY Z'O PURCHASE THE PROPERTY IN THE AREA OF HILLWIND DR,� EAST OF POLK AND WEST OF FILLNOXE STREETS. UPON A VOICE VOTE, ALL VOTING AYE, CHAIRPERSON HUGHE5 DECLARED THE MOTION CA.RRIED UNANIMDUSLY. Ms. Seeger stated she liked the suggestion of selling Hackmann and buying this land. Was this a viable excl�ange? Dr. Boudreau stated if he was c�iven a choice, he would retain Hackmann in its � preser�t state. He did nat kr,ow how much usable space there wou7d be in this a�^ea once the'pondinq area was doubled. Hackmann is about 4-5 city lots, approxi- m�±ely 2.7 acres. There is also always Qpposition in a neighborhood when the City tries to serl any parkland. � :., MOTION BY MR. KONDRICY., S'ECONDED BY MS. SEEGER, TO COIVTINUE THE DI5CUSSIDN ON THE PETITION FOR THE CITY TO PURCHASE PROPERTY FOR PARK AND TO REQIIE5T THAT STAFF OBTAIN THE FOLLOWING INFORMATION: 1. PLANS FOR DRAINAGE 2. ZONING CONFIGL'RATION . 3. MOIdIES GOING TO BE SP�NT FOR WATER R�TENTION POND UPON A VDICE VOTE, ALL YOT.T'NG AYE, CFIAIRPERSON HUGHES DECLARED THE h?OTION CARRIED UNANIh10USLY. Ms. Hughes thanked Ms. Jorgenson and Mr. & Mrs. Prois for coming to the meeting. 3. DIRECTOR'S REPORT: a. Medtronic Donation Dr. Boudreau stated the previous Friday, Medtronic presented the City with $20Q,000. $100,000 is already in the bank and the other $700,000 is pledged for payi.�ent during Medtronic's next fiscal year--$50,000 on Nov 1, 1981, and $50,000 on Apri1 30, 1982. This money was designated for the purchase of lighting for the playing fields for Fridley's Community Park Project. PARKS & RECREATION COMMISSIJfJ NIEETINC= �iA.Y 13, 1981 PAGE 6 ,--� b. Knights ofi Columb�s Donat�on Dr. Boudreau stated that at the �ast �ity Council meeting, the Blessed Virgin Mary Council of t��e Columbia i'seights Knights of Co]umbus donated a total sum of �25,G00, $10,000 to be c�isbursed this year, and the remainder of $15,000 to be �isbursen at the rai:e of $5,000 per �vear for ihe next three years. They also had a resolution that this money be designated for the Cot�nunity Park Project. c. Ja,ycees Donation Dr. Boudreau stated that on March 9, the Fridle,y �laycees presented the City Council with a check for $3,�00 v�hich represented the f�rst hal�f of a two-ye�r pledge to b� tased to purchase four electronic scoreboards for the new athletic complex. Th� Jaycees asked the City to acknowledge t��o sti pu 1 ati ons : 1. The scorebo�rds will be the property of the City and they will provide frr #:he mainteE�ance, insurance, instailation, and any other cos�s whict� may exceed �he p]edged amount. 2. The Fri dl ey Jayre�s ti=�i 17 �ie al l aa�ed to attach a si gn, at thei r C'X��;l."�P. y to desi gnate i�ie scoreboards were donated by the Jay�ees. � Dr. Boudreau s�ated he thought th� Commission shou7d be kept aware of these dara.tions. Hie stated pr�aper� 1et�;ers cf thanks wi11 be �ent to each organization. Ms. Hughes stated that ane year ago, the Commission said that one of th� first pr�orities was to finish North Park, and that it ought to receivn some attention. If Staff is goinq out and soliciting money, they should be treating tn� whole systern together, rather than just one individual project. it app�ared t� her �hat evArything t�tas going t�ward the Commun�ty Park Pr�ject at th;s point when there is probably a need in lots of other areas. Dr. Boudreau stated �hat part of the ccncept behind the Community Park Project was to �olicit community 7nput and support to build that facility. To au4e, they have come within $300,000 of doing that. They also seli th�ir entire system t�rhen they�sel? the Comnunity Park complex. He thought a stateir�ent was �nade that this Co�nmission, alorg with the Foundation, YJOU7� attempt to raise funds for North Park. He would be glad to repre- sent the Commission or the Foundation whenever he is asked ta do that and seil North Park. He felt confident that h1r. St. Clair and Ms. Valen were daing a fairly complete jc�b af outlining r�1hat needs to be done at North Pari�. He stated the fiSP easernent money is earr�arked for North �'ark develop- rrjeni:. The�� have approached i,he Jayetes , they sol i ci ted a day from "The Sounds of fiusic '�outi� for Christ" grr�up to put sod on top of the building,� ti�ey l�ati�e been solici�ing ivork on deepen�ng the pond. He stated North Par►� has not been forgotten, and th�y ar•e pragressing on schedule. � � PARKS & RECR�A�ION COMh1ISSI0N �E�TING, MAY 13, 1981 PAGE 7 Mr. Allen stated the Comrnission should keep in mind that there are certain projects that are goii�g to appeal �ore ta certain groups than other projects. Right n�w the Community Park is probably more appealing than the nature cent�r. He felt something should be said in favor of this much money being raised for the Community Park Project. On the positive side, he thoughi it was a"feather in the cap" for Fridley. Ms. Nughes stated she felt Staff can either tailor their presentations to talk only abaut one project, or they can talk about their total park system and its tota7 needs. On the surface, it appears their are step- children in the park system. Dr. Boudreau sta±ed in their presentation to organizations, they do cover the entire park system. They have an excellent slide presentation. Ms. Seeger stated she agreed with Ms. Hughes that this Commission did make a specific point that they wanted the one project compietely under way and then they would ga after the second project. She agreed some projects would be of more interest, bui she thought in the presentations,.the impression comes oi�t that North Park is done and there are other new things. She agreed there was a stepchild kind o� feeling of individuals trying to get funding for projects that they think are comp7eted. �`` Mr. Young stated he has not been concerne� about Pdorth Park, because the $120,000 from the NSP easement should couer whatever is needed to finish North Park. Mr. Kondrick stated he was also under that impression. Dr. Boudreau stated that Mr. St. C7air is currently working on a list of , prioritized needs for North Park as he sees them. It will be up io the City Council to designate where that money will go. Ms. Hughes stated that at their next meeting, she would like a report the needs in North Fark with dollar figures and specific projects, including the total finishing, includiny water and sewer, parking lot, Mr. Young stated he would alsa like to see the slidP presentation that Staff shows to companies and organizations on the total park system. d. Board & Commissions t�orkshop on etc. Dr. Boudreau stated a Board and Commissions Workshop sponsored by the Minnesota Recreation and Park Association will be held on May 30 from 9:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. at Hyland Hills Chalet in Bloomington. He stated that if any of the Cor�nission members w�re interested in ati:er�ding, they should let him know by May 22. PARKS � RECRE�',TION COr�h1ISSI()�� MEETI��C, M�Y i3, 19£31 PAGE 8 , ^ e. 1982 Ca�ital In�ravernent �e�uest �r�. Boudreau stated that included in tne agenda packet was a Capital Oul:lay for 19s2. Th��y are in the p�°ocnss of working on the Capital Budget for 1982. He would like the Commission members ta think of any improve- ments they would like to sPe in the en��ire �ark system and submit those suc,�gestions to h�m. Ne would l�ike the Commission members to list just the i�em,and a guesstimate or� the pr7ce would be helpful. He will then correlate all these itens and completE one list -For the Commission to 1o�k at. He would r.eed this infcrmation �bout June 9-10 prior to the Cornmissio��'s June meeting, He belie��ed Staff is supposed to go to City Counci7 the end of Junt with a rough p�,esentat3on without dollar figures and what tney hop� to accom�l�sh in 1982. Ms. Hughes a.sked Dr. Boudreau to outline for the next meeting what he intends to say to the City Council. f. Communi� Recreati on Bui 1 di ng l.pdate Dr. Boudreau stated the Comwnission s�o!ald be av��are that the Planning Com�nission di� forward the Parks & Recrcat��ion Commissior� �pecial meeting minutes af March 26 to City Council far their consideration without a rec�mm�nda�ion. He thought it was t�� Plunri�e C�mmiss�c�n's reasoning tha± in order to make a so7id rECOmmen�a�ion, tney would have to repeat � al rnost the ent � re �r�t�rk of the ci ti zens c�rr�ni ttec and fel t i t was not within their reaim or r�spon�ibility. Dr. Boudreau stated a week ago h1onda;�, the City Council received a report �ack Nar�sen made on the complete repar� tt�is committee did for the Parks & R�cre��tion Commission with recommenda�ions fro�n tha� co!nmittee and the Parks & Recreation Commission. There ��lere some questions about when a referendum would be held. �e th�ught there was some feeling on the part of the City Cauncil that if they are gc�ing to a referendum to finance the buildirg, they should include sc;rE r�oney for neighborhood park improvements along with it. City Co��ncil asked for a recommendation from the Parks & Recreation Depari;ment, and he said they would like to go with a referendurT� �s sotan as possibl e. It was the general feel ing of the City Co�ncil that they also do nc�t wish it to get tied into the political election as was put forth by the c�tizens committee. It was the feeling of several of the staff and other mF�m�ers that they would like to have it stand on its own merit as Mr. A17e� �aci stated at the special meeting. D��. Boudreau stated that regarding the tin�e iine, he was asked to come back to the next City Co�Rncil meetin� with a recammendation for setting a Neferendum date for the buildine� and the a�rount of m�ney that migh� be n�eded for a referendum. In talkirzg with Mr. Kirk and the rest ofi his staff,he stated they felt that to have a referendum this year would really be pushing to inform the �ei7eral public of what is ooin� in the building. � � � � � PARKS & RECREATION COP�1�1I SS IO�� MEETING , MAY 13, 19$i PAGE 9 Dr. Boudreau stated he would recommend to City Council, with the Parks & Recreation Commission's approval, tha.t a bond referendum for the total amourit for the faeility and some of the neighborhood park improvements be held next Feb. or March. He statec� they will need time to come up with more "guesstimates" for answers, they will need comparisons with other centers, so �they can answer the public's questions. He would like to set a series of ne�ighborhood meetings to discuss the �eighborhood �arks and ta inform them of the building and planned park improvements in their neighborhoods. Ms. Hughes stated she thought the Commission needed to again look at each park and what is in each park and prioritize them again. This should be done at the next meeting. Dr. Boudreau stated he would also like to recommend to City Gour�cil that they retain an architect prior to the bond referendum in order to be prepared for the public's questions. The Commission members bond referendum. They should recommend th«t 4> CNAIRPERSON'S RFPQRT; concurred that February was a good time for a felt they should go with the whole package and an architect be hi�ed before the bond referendum. a. Rice Creek t�est Walkway/Bikeway Trails Ms. Hughes stated the residents a7ong P.ice Creek have formed a group called "Concerned Residents for Enviranmental Quality". When the Caunty got around to surveying the biking and hiking trail along Rice Creek, east of Old Central, the residen�s on either side of the rather wide creek flaod plain imn�ediately became concerned about what was being done. When they asked questions, they discovered the County was planning on putting in an 8 ft. wide hiking trail, an 8 ft. wide asphalt bike trail with 2 ft. nf grass on either side, 7 bridges across the Creek between Locke Park and New Bt,i�hton, and a fair amount of fill to get down into that area where it crosses Old Central. The citiz�ns have organized everyone along the Creek from the Mississippi River to the N�w Brighton barder. Ms. Hughes stated the citizens were meeting that night with the Rice Creek Watershed BoGrd to ask them not to approve the bike trail. They are going to request the County to hold a public hearing so they can.air their grievances and try to work out a compromise in the area. One of the reasons they are so upset is because �:hey did not knoVv about the plan prior to the surveying. They appeared before the Cif:y Council, and the City Council passed Resolution Ne. 63-1981, "A Resoi�.�tion of ihe Fridley City Council Expres�ing Environmental Concerns in ti�e Design and Construction of Bikeways and Walkways in the Rice Creek Basin". Ms. Nughes stated this also goes through Locke Park, and ther°e arc three bridge crossings in Locke Park. She thought the Commission shou�ld ask PARKS & ftECE?EA7IOPd COMMISSIO�f Mi�ETIt��G, MAY 13, 1°81 PAGE ?0 the City to review the plar�s far the thre� bridges in Locke P�rk, because she did not think �:hree �ridges v��thin that short space of Locke Park was appropria�:P as there is alr�ady one bridge. 7he Commission members ag�°ee� they ��ould like to see the bridge plans an� the trai 1 pl an wi th i r� Lc�CKC Paric . Ms. Seeger stated she wcuid like t� see the total system plan since residents are calling her a� her home and asking about the County plan. It seems the residents ha�=e np one �t the County level they can ask, so she felt she should a�t �east b� awar� of the system plan. MOTION BY 1�. YOUNG, SECQNZI£'L' BY M5. SEEGER, TO RECEIVE RESQLUTION ND. 63-1981. UPOAr A VOICE VOTE, ALL VOTING AYE, CHA.TRPERSON HUGHES DECLARFD TH& MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUS.I.Y. Ms. Hughes stated she d�d ti�°rite a lett�r as an individual, hut mentioned the fact that she is a mer���r of t'r�� Fa►�ks & R�creation Gommission, �o the Rice Creek Watershed Board sta�ir�c� she was really concerned about the potential erosion prab�ems and t`r�e des�royinq of natural area. �. �'FW BUSiNES�: a. Electi�n of Officers for 1981-19�3� P1s. Hughes declared the nominations open for chairperson. Ms. Seec�er nominated Ms. F{;�ghes fcr ctiiairperson. Ms. Nuqhes declined th� n�minatian, Mr. Allen nominated Dave Ko,�drick for chairperson. Nearing no other nominations, Ms. Hughes decalred the nominations closed. M�TION BY MR. YQUNG, SECONllED BY 1�]R. ALZ,�s'N, TO CAST A UNANIMOUS BALLOT FOR DAVE KONDRICK FOR Cr'iAIRPER50n' OF THE PARKS & RECRE�iTIDN COMMISSION FOR 1981-82. UPON A VOICE VOTE, ALL VOTING AYE, CHAIRPBRSON HUGHES DECLARED THE MOTION CARRIED UNAN.I�MOL'SI,Y. P�4s. Hughes declared �he naminatians open for vice-chairpersan. Ms. S�eger nominated Barbara Nugnes for vice-chairperson. � Hearing no other nominaiiens, Ms. Nughes �eclar�d the nom�nations cl�sed. �'` ^ P�P,KS & RECP,EATTdiV C0�";1ISSI0�; t�EETING, MAY 13, 198i PAGE 11 /'� M02'ION BY MR. .TiI.LEI�', S1;'CONDED BY MS. SF,EGER, TO CAST A UNANIMOUS BALZ�OT FOR BAIZBE►RA IiUG.iES FOR VICE-CHAITtP�R50N OF THE PARICS & RECREATION COMMISSION FOR 1981-82. UPOIV A VOICE VOiE, ALL VOTING A�'E, CHAIRPERSON HUGHES DECLARED THE MOTION CARRIED UIdAI�IMOiJSLY. b. Consideration Qf Lease 1� rg eement - Grace High School Dr. Boudreau stated the lease agreement with Grace High Schoo7 for the hockey rink located at Grace has expired: He stated it was his recommendatian ii0� t0 renew this lease agreement. He has talked to the athletic director at Grace High Schoo7 and this would not affect them. They do not use the rink and do not ca.re if the lease is not renewed. Dr. Boudreau statAd he would propose they take the hockey rink that is located at Grace and place it on the Rice Creek School site so it is still,in the area, but possibly servicing more children at the school site. Last year, ihe attendarice on the rink all year was 770 chi7dren, the second lawest of the rinks. MOTION BY MR. YnUi�'G, SECONDED BY MR. KOND.kICK, TO RECOMMEND TKAT THE LEASE AGREEMF,NT GJITH G?2ACE HIGH SCHODL FOR THE HOCKEY RINK LOCATED AT GRACE HIGH SCHOD.L NUT. BE RETIE;�IED. i3PON A VQICE VOTE, ALL VOTING AYE, CHA.IRPERSON HUGHES DECLARED THE MOTION CARRIED UNAIvIMDUSLY. c. Softball Tournament Request - Fridley Covenant Athletic A.ssociation Dr. Boudreau stated the Fridley Covenant Athletic Association is again asking for use of Cor;mans Park for a tournament to be held on Sat., June 18. This is one of the groups that has been recognized as being allawed to use Commons Park for a tournament. He stated that in the past this group has al�vays done a good job on clean-up and run their tournament in an orderly manner. MOTION BY 1�2 , YOUNG, SECONDED BY lLZ . AL7.,EN, TO APPROVE THE SOFTBALL TOURN�lMENT REQUE'ST FROM FRIDLEY COVENANT ATHLETIC ASSOCTATION. UPON A VOICE VOTE, ALL VOTING AYE, CHAIRPERSON HUGHES DECLARED THE MOTION CAr:R2ED L'IJANIl�?OUSLY. d. So-rtball Field Reguests - YMCA & Grace High School Dr. Boudreau stated that for both these requests, he would recommend that both the YMCA and Grace High School be told that the fields are available on a first-come, first-serve basis as has been recommended in the past. "' MOTION BY MS. SEEGER, SECONDED BY I�iR. I'OUNG, TO ITJrORM BOTH THE YMCA AND GRACE HIGfi SC.iCOL TIlAT Tf1E T'l'ELDS ARE AVAILABLE ON A FIRST-COME, FIRST- S�'RVL BA5IS , PARKS & RECREATIOP; COP•1MISSIQy M�ET�FdG, MAY 1�, 19�1 PAGE 12 UPG:V A VOIC �' VOTE, AL� :'OZ`IlVG AYE, CFf�IIRPFF..SON FI UGHL•`S DECLARED THE M02'IOId CARI.I�D UNANIMOUSLY. e. fdSP Fasement P•1oney Qr. E�oudreau stated this N�as discussed earlier in the meeting. He stated the $120,000 NSP Easerient money �is in the bank. It is ear- marked for North Park use t3y City Gcuncil direction. f. Req;�est to Fence Park Lard Dr. Boudreau s�ated that iir. Jercme tlachlitt , who lives at 1400 - 76th Ave. N.E., has requested the City to fence five ft, of a 10 ft. access that the City has cf� Hayes St, that runs across his b_�ckyard. Dr. Baudreau s�tated thi s i s� � 0-ft. ��al k�ray stri p that th�� Gi ty owns to a pi ece of 1 anc�l ocked pr�o;�ert,y that i s earmarked as park property that is really undeve1cpea, t�1r. t���:3i��tt stated that ir a discussian wi�h Curt Dahlberg, t�ey faG�d out thLr� is also a 10 ft, access on 75th Ave, as well as a:3� f�. utili�iy and drainage easement c�ming in off Bacon Dr. and 7oth Eav�. , both af tar�i ch pr�ovi �ie easi er access to the park pr�perty. Mr. Mac�;? ��t siatea �that; the acc�ss he is request�E;g ta fence presently has a c�ble T'V as v�rel ] as a te7 e, h�ne company unc�er- ground post. Because o-� f.�!�s ar�c thn r�eighbor's i'e�cey the access �s onl,y 9�t. Another rea.��n for the r�q:�est is be; �use ��1r. ��achlitt �"'` has a row of 7 trees alc�ng that easemcr�� �hat v�ou� d requl re t;�a�spl ar3ti��g. Dr. Boudreau stated he aa�«ld recam�r.end th�s request to encroach �apon the City's G��alkway easement be denied. Ii�r ihe event there is a future nepcf to develop this park lar�d9 the Ci�y ���i�i need ihe entrance and access to the pr��perty. He stated ��hey can te�l� f�1r. !�'acf;litt that the City woulci be happ� to relocate his trees �Nith the treespade. MQl"I.ON BY MR . KONDRICK, :7EC:JNDBD BY hLR . ALLEN, TD DENY THE REQUE,5T FROM l�IR. p�chlitt , TO FEIdCE 5 FT. OF PARK LAND. UPON A VOICE VOTE, �1LL VC?TING AYE, CHAIRPERSOIJ HUGHES DECLARED THE MOTION CARRIED UNAI�'IliOUSLY. g. North Park Parkin� Lat Dr. Boudreau presente�{ f,rie parking lot plan for North Park to �he Commission. He stated ���ey 4=eel thcy have come up witn a reduced plan that wauld not cost as much as the one that �,��as original]y drawn up. He sta�ed th� "guesstir�ate" cost c�� th�is parking lot is $29,000. This proposed parking lot plan met with the «pproval of the Comirission. � � PARKS & RECREATION COMf�ISSION MEETING, MAY 13, 19II1 PAGE T3 ADJOURNME�dT: Chairperson Hughes declared the May 13, 1981, Parks & Recreation Commission meeting adjourned at 10:26 p.m. Respectfully submitted, , , �, �� � � c:� �. ��. -�1� � f,�G� Lynin� Saba '� ` Recording Secretary ^ � � , ,�,..,.�.