PR 08/03/1982 - 31281n u n CITY OF FRIDLEY PARKS & RECREATION COMMISSION MEETING August 3, 1982 CALL TO ORDER: Chairperson Kondrick called the August 3, 1982, Parks & Recreation Corr�nission meeting to order at 7:37 p.m. ROLL CALL: Members Present: Dave Kondrick, Mary Schreiner, Jan Seeger, Dick Young, Dan Al1en Mer�bers Absent: None Others Present: Char]es Baudreau, Parks & Recreation Director APPROVAL OF JULY 6, 1982, PARKS & RECREATION COMMISSION MINUTES: MOTION BY MR. YOUNG, 5ECONDED BY MS. SCHREINER, TD APPROVE THE JULY 6, 1982, ^ PARKS & RECREATION COMMISSION MINUTES AS WRITTEN. UPON A VOICE VOTE� ALL VOTING AYE� CHAIRPERSON KONDRICK DECLARED TXE MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. APPROVAL OF AGENDA: The following items were added to the agenda: Springbrook Nature Center Foundation - Item a under "Director's Report" Community Park Update - Item b under "Director's Report" Letter from John and Darlene Zurawski - Item a under "Other Business" M4TION BY MS. SCHREINER� SECONDED BY MS. SEEGER, TO APPROVE THE AGENDA AS AMENDED. UPON A VOICE VOTE� ALL VOTING AYE� CHAIRPERSON KONDRICK DECLARED THE MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 1. DIRECTOR'S REPORT: , a. Springbrook Nature Center Foundation Dr. Boudreau stated the Springbrook Nature Center Foundation recently put on a fine breakfast meeting to honor Pine Cone Nursery for the donation of 400 shrubs to help beautify the park. The Foundation also ^ gave Pine Cone Nursery an attractive plaque. He stated he thought the people from the nursery really appreciated the little extra recognition PARKS & RECREATION COMMISSION MEETING, AUGUST 3, 1982 PAGE 2 b. r shown them for their donation, and made favorable comments, not only about Springbrook Nature Center, but about the Fridley park system in genera]. Ms. Seeger stated that after the donation, Pine Cone Nursery sent staff out to help plant the shrubs at different leve]s and later sent out instructions on how to insure the growth and health of the shrubs. She stated it was definitely an exceptiona7 gift. Mr. Kondrick stated he thought it would be a nice gesture for the Comnission to also send Pine Cone Nursery a thank-you letter. Community Park Update Dr. Qoudreau stated the irrigation is now in and they are backfilling. They should be putting the seed in next Monday, and they are working on the lighting. Dr. Boudreau stated a local architect, Don Pertinen, has consented to do the Mro rk on a building that might go into the center of the comnunity park. Mr. Pertinen has designed a rough model of what he has envisioned that building to look like. The building would be two levels, with the lower level being restrooms, concessionaire, s�orage, and t�e upper level being open for storage, scorekeepers and announcers, and a small meeting � room. He stated this model was just an idea and would be changed and ref i ned. Dr. Boudreau stated he would keep the Commission informed of things as they happen. 2. NEW BUSINESS: a. Springbrook Fee Policy Dr. Boudreau stated that at the last meeting, Staff was directed to respond to Councilman Bob Barnette concerning his questions about the operation and maintenance costs and policies for Springbrook Nature Center. He stated his memo dated July 12, 19$2, to Mr. Qureshi for distribution to the City Council members re: "Fee Policy at Springbrook Nature Center" was in answer to some of Mr. Barnette's questions. Dr. Boudreau stated that, as far as a fee policy, he felt the Recreation Corronission should make some recommendation to City whether or not they want a fee policy established for the use Springbrook Nature Center. Dr. Boudreau stated that right now they have a request from a northern Anoka County that is requesting an on-site commitment Siah St. Clair for two hours each week for ten weeks. Do they not charge this school for this type of staff commitment? Or, even do that kind of service? Parks & Counci] on of the school in from or do they^ do thqr � n �. � PARKS & RECREATION COM�ISSION MEETING, AUGUST 3, 1982 PAGE 3 Ms. Schreiner stated she felt very strong7y that the City of Fridley cannot support these groups outside the City. However, she realized it was very difficult with the schoo7 district boundary lines unless they pro-rate the boundary lines according to the number of Fridley children registered. Ms. Seeger stated that originally the schools had indicated they would help with the nature center, and then they backed off. Actually, the nature center received regional funding, but t�ose regional funds were not for staff. Staffing was the area in which the school districts were told that help was needed. Mr. Kondrick stated that as far as being a regional park, anyone can drive to the park and see it at no charge, but he thought it was only right that those who request a scheduled program be charged a program fee of some kind. Dr. Boudreau stated the fee policy they suggest the City Council establish has to be far more reaching than just the school population,as there are o ther groups the City is serving also. He stated there were four possi- bilities: 1. Continue as they have with no fee or charge on a first-come, first-serve basis. 2. Establish a flat fee per hour. 3. Adopt a per person charge. 4. Establish a flat fee for service to a�l in Fridley at "x" amount of dollars per each school district. four school districts year, pro-rating out Ms. Schreiner stated that, because the schools are in a bind now finan- cially, she thought #2 or #3 was more feasible, and #4 could be considered for the future. Mr. Al1en and Ms. Schreiner felt there should be a different rate for other groups, private or commercial, or another city. The Commission members concurred with the first paragraph, second page, of Dr. Boudreau's memo to Mr. Qureshi regarding the resident/non-resident status (with some modifications): "For the purposes of resident/non- resident status, we would recommend that groups from schools within the City limits of Fridley (Districts ll, 13, l4, and 16) or schools with Fridley students attending that educationa center grades K-12) and groups associated with these schools, would all be consi ere resident groups. All other school groups would be considered non-residents." Dr. Boudreau stated if they decide to go with fees, there should be a resident fee of $1 per person for one session (approx. 1-1� hr, in length). The resident would have first priority on the use of the nature center facility. The non-resident or profit-making organization should be charged $2 per person and have secondary priority on use of the facility. PARKS & RECREATiON C0�MI5SI0N��EETING, AUGUST�3 1982� PAGE 4 Mr. Young and Ms. Schreiner stated they thought $2 per person was too high and felt $1.50 per person was more reasonable. Dr. Boudreau asked if civic groups within Fridley were to be considered as resident groups and charged the resident fee. Ms. Seeger stated she was not willing to set a charge for civic groups as civic groups contribute so much to the City in donations and other contributions. Ms. Schreiner stated when staff time is involved in programning, she felt people should not be offended when they are required to help pay for that staff time. Mr. Kondrick agreed with Ms. Schreiner. � MOTION BY MS. SCHREINER, SECONDED BY MR. YOUNG, THAT FOR THE PURPOSES OF RESIDENT/NON-RESIDENT STATUS, THE PARKS & RECREATTON COMMISSION RECOMMENAS TO CITY COUNCIL THAT GROUPS FROM SCADOLS WITHIN THE CITY LIMITS OF FRIDLEY (SCHOOL DISTRICTS .II, Z3, 14, AND I6) OR SCHOOLS WITH FRIDLEY 5TUDENTS ATTENDING THAT EDUCATIONAL CENTER (GRADES K-12) AND GROUPS A5SOCIATED WITH THESE SCHOOLS, WOULD ALL BE CONSIDERED RESIDENT GROUPS. ALL OTHER SCHDOL GROUPS WOULD $E CON5IDERED NON- RESIDENTS. THEY RECOMMEND TNAT RESIDENT GROUPS BE CHARGED $l PER PERSON � AND BE GIVSN TOP PRIDRITY ON TXE USE OF THE SPRINGBROOK NATURE CENTER FACILITY, AND NON-RE5IDENT GROUPS BE CHARGED $1.50 PER PERSON AND GIVEN 5ECOND PRIORITY ON THE U5E OF THE SPRINGBROOK NATURE CEN'I'ER FACILITY. UPON A VOICE VOTE, ALL VOTING AYE� CHAIRPERSON KONDRICK DECLARED THE MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 3. OLD BUSINESS: a. Northeast Chamber & City Band Funding Dr. Boudreau stated that at the last meeting, the Commission had requested further information on this subject. They had requested a list of the members of both groups, the amount of funding being requested, and what organizational groups the City Council had decided not to fund. He stated the Commission members had a list of the members of the North- east Chamber Ensemble and tF�e City Band. The Northeast Chamber was requesting $1,700 from the City of Fridley, and the City Band was request- ing $2,000 from the City of Fridley. ' Dr. Boudreau stated the five organizations the City Council had decided not to fund were the Central Center for Family Resources, North Suburban Family Services Center, Southern Anoka Community Assistance, The Alexan- dra House, and the Fridley Creative Play Center. � PARKS & RECREATION COMMISSION�MEETING AUGUS7 3, 1982 PAGE 5 n Mr. Young stated that at the Planning Comnission meeting of July 14, that comnission went on record recommending to City Council that funding only be provided to S.A.C.A., the Alexandra House, and Central Center for Family Resources. Mr. Kondrick stated that recommendation came about because of the exten- sive research done by the Human Resources Commission. He stated he felt Mr. Young had presented a good moral issue regarding the fact that if five needy organizations have been denied funding, the City Counci] should also consider the denial of funding to the Fridley City Band and the Northeast Chamber Ensemble. Ms. Schreiner stated she had a hard time understanding why children have to pay for city programming; yet the people interested in playing in a band or orchestra are not charged to participate in something they want to do. It just isn't consistent. Just because the City Band and the Northeast Chamber Ensemble have always been funded doesn't mean it has to continue. Dr. Boudreau stated that for the �2,000 the City funds the City Band, the band commits to putting on six band concerns for the Parks & Recreation Department during the summer. ^ Ms. Schreiner stated it was her feeling the band members and orchestra members should be asked to he7p subsidize their directors' salaries to a certain extent, especially if the City Counci] has decided not to fund any needy organizations. If the City Council does go along with the funding of the City Band and the Northeast Chamber Ensemble, then she felt the City's priorities were really mixed up. Dr. Boudreau stated it was Staff's qu�stion of why should Fridley have the full brunt of the cost of these two groups when the memberships are so widespread. Ms. Seeger stated she ]iked the idea of having a city band. She stated the City Band contributes much to the City of Fridley. She felt there was a void and a shortage of cultural kinds of t�ings in the community, and she would hate to discourage this type of group. Ms. Schreiner stated that before the Commission makes any recor�nendations, she would like to request one additional piece of information, and that was to find out what the total expenses are for the year for each of these groups and how much the members actually contribute to their group. MOTION BY 1HS. SCHREINER, SECQNDED BY MR. YOUNG, TO REQUEST STAFF TO OBTAIN INFO.RMATION ON THE TOTAL COSTS OF WHAT THE MEMBERS OF THE CITY BAND AND TXE NORTHEAST CHAMBER ENSEMBLE CONTRIBUTE TO THE GROUPS. DISCUSSION TO BE CONTINUED AT THE NEXT MEETING. � UPON A VOICE VOTE, ALL VOTING AYE� CHAIRPERSON KONDRICK DECLARED THE MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. PARKS & RECREATION COM�iSSION �EETING, AUGUST�3,�1982 � � PAGE 6 � Dr. Boudreau stated he would invite Ross Larson, President of the Frid]ey City Band, and Betty Scott, Manager of the Nort�east Chamber Ensemble, to the next Cor�nission meeting to dTSCUSS and answer the Comnission's questions. b. Meeting Dates & Times After sane discussion, the Parks & Recreation Cor�nission members decided to change their meeting date from the first Tuesday of each month to the Monday directly preceding the second Planning Comnission meeting. Dr. Boudreau stated he would compile a list of the meeting dates for the remainder of the year and mail these to the Commission members. Next Comnission meeting - Sept. 27, 7982. c. Policy Manual MOTION BY MR. YDUNG� SECONDED SY MR. ALLEN, TO CONTINUE DISCUSSION ON THE POLICY MANUAL AT THE NEXT MEETING. UPON A VOICE VOTE, ALL VOTING AYE� CHAIRPERSON KONDRICK DECLARED THE MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. � Dr. Boudreau stated Jack Kirk has been assigned to work with the Comnission members on the policy manua]. 4. OTHER BUSINESS: a. Letter from John & Darlene Zurawski, 6767 - 7th St. N.E. Dr. Boudreau stated John & Darlene Zurawski's home is on the north side of Terrace Park. Their home was apparently torn down in the tornado, and when it was rebuilt, no one bothered to shoot the property line so the house is very close to the park property line. He stated Mr. & Mrs. Zurawski want to extend their present structure to include a family room. When the family room is added on, the overhang wi71 take up about 2-3 feet and will be hanging out onto park property. Mr. & Mrs. Zurawski wou]d like to purchase 3 ft, of park property, as ti�ey feel their addition wi71 improve the value of their land:and wou7d not interfere with park activities. _ Dr. Boudreau stated he has gone out with Curt Dahlberg and looked at ° the property. They fee] that 2-3 feet x 155 feet back will not affect the intended use of the park layout. MOTIDrF BY 1N.S. SEEGER� SECONDED BY 1►QZ. YDUNG� TD RECEIVE THE LETTE'R DATED AUG. 3, 1982� FROM JOHN & DARLENE ZURAWSKI. � i , -- . .. ... .._ .. ....... .. . . ...... ...... ...... ...... .. . . PARKS & RECREATiON CON�lISSI�N I�EETIPlG, AUGUST 3; � 1482 � � � � ` ' � � � � PA�E 7 n UPON A VOICE VOTE, ALL VOTING AYE� CHAIRPERSON KONDRICK DECLARED THE MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. MOTION BY MR. YOUNG� SECONDED BY 1�2. ALLEN� TO RECOMMEND TO CITY COUNCIL THAT THE CITY SELL TO JOXN & DARLENE ZURAWSKI A STRIP OF ,LAND NOT MORE THAN 3 FT. WIDE AND 155 FT. LONG A.DJOINING THE PROPERTY OF TERRACE PARK FOR THE PURP05E OF AN ADDITIOW TD THEIR HQME AT 6767 - 7TH STREET N.E. UPON A VOICE VOTE� ALL VOTING AYE, CXAIRPERSON KONDRICR DECLARED THE MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. ADJOURNMENT: MOTION BY MS. SCHREINER� SECONDED BY 1�2. YOUNG� TD ADJOURN THE MEETING. UPON A VOICE VOTE, ALL VOTING AYE� CHAIRPERSON KONDRICK DECLARL^D THE AUGUST 3� .Z982, PARKS & RECREATION COMMZSSION MELTING ADJOURNED AT 9:45 P.M. Respectfully submitted, ynn Sa a Recording Secretary r'� � n �