PR 05/16/1983 - 31287,`� CITY OF FRIDLEY PARKS & RECREATION COMMISSION MEETING MAY 16, 7983 CALL TO ORDER: Chairperson Kondrick called the May 16, 1983, Parks & Recreation Canmission meeting to order at 7:40 p.m, ROLL CALL: Members Present: Dave Kondrick, Mary Schreiner, Dan A17en, Dick Young (arr. 9:08 p.m.� Members Absent: Jan Seeger Others Present: Charles Boudreau, Parks & Recreation Director Jack Kirk, Recreation Supervisor . _. APPROVAL OF APRIL 18, 1983, PARKS & RECREATTfNV'CON1MfSSL'ON�M�iiVU��S; ,� MOTION BY M5. SCXREINER, SECONDED BY MR. ALLEN� TO APPROYE TXE APRIL 18� 1983� , PARIGS & RECREATION COMMISSION MINUTE5 AS WRITTEN. UPON A VOICE VOTE, ALL VOTING AYE, CHAIRPERSON KONDRICK DECLARED THE 1NOTIpN CARRIED UNANIMDUSLY. ' APPROVAL OF AGENDA: MOTION BY 1HR. ALLEN, SECONDED BY MS. SCI�EINER � TO APP�jOyF� TJ� R6ENDA AS WRITTEN. UPON A VOICE VOTE, ALL VOTING AYE, CHAIRPERSON KONDRICK DECLARED THE MOTION CARRIED UNANIINOUSLY. 1. ELECTION OF CHAIRPERSON AND VICE-CHAIRPERSON fOR 1983-1984: Mr. Kondrick dec7ared tf�e nominations open for chairperson. Mr. Allen stated fie felt Mr. Kondri�f� had done an excellent job th�s past year� and he would like to nominate Mr. Kondrick for chairpe�son for a�.econd year. Hearing no other nominations, Mr. Kondrick declared the nominations closed. I�IOTION BY MR. ALLEN, SECONDED BY MS. SCHREINER, TO CAST A UNANJ.IHOUS BALLUT FOR DAVE KONDRICK FOR CHAIRPERSON OF THE PARKS � RECREATION C�1►lMISSION FOR THE YEAR 1983-1984. � �. UPON A VOICE VOTE, ALL VOTIN6 AYE� CFIAIRPERSON ICONDRICIC. DECLARID THE 1NpTIDN CAR.RIED UNANIINOUSLY. PARKS & RECREATION COMMISSION MEETING L MAY 16, 1983 PAGE 2 � Mr. Kondrick declared the nominations open for vice-chairperson. Mr. Allen stated he would also like to nominate Ms. Schreiner as vice-chairperson for a second year. Hearing no other nominations, Mr. Kondrick declared the nominations closed. MOTION BY MR. ALLEN, SECONDED BY !►Q2. KONDRICK� TO CAST A UNANIMOUS BALLOT FOR MARY SCHREINER FOR VZCE-CXAIRPERSON OF TXE PARKS & RECREATION COMMISSION FOR THE YEAR 1983-1984. UPON A VOICE VOTE� ALL VOTING AYE, CXAIRPERSON KONDRICK DECLARED THE MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 2. OLD BUSINESS: a. Policy Manual Discussion Mr. Kirk stated that even tf�ough it was time-consuming, he felt the Comnission members should continue to take each section of the policy manual page by page, making corrections where necessary. He stated --- they would be reviewing the "Program" section prepared by Mr. Allen. Mr. Kirk complimented Mr. Allen for a fine job in writing this section. The remainder of the meeting was spent reviewing the "Program" section � of the policy manual. (Mr. Young arrived at 9:08 p,m.) Mr. Kirk stated that this section would be prepared in final forra and returned to the Comnission mem6ers. ADJOURNMENT: MOTION BY MS. SCHREINER� SECONDED 8Y !►!R. ALLEN� TO ADJODRN TXE 1�IEETING. UPON A VOICE VOTE, ALL VOTING AYE, CHAIRPERSON KONDRICR DECLARED THE MAY 16, 1983� PARKS 6 RECREATION COMMISSION 1NEETING ADJOi1RNED AT 10:00 P.M. Respectfully subm'tted, ,, yn Saba Recording Secretary