PR 02/05/2001 - 6237City of Fridley Parks & Recreation Commission Meeting AGENDA DATE: Februarv 5, 2001 LOCATION: Fridley Municipal Center — Meetin� Room 1 CALL TO ORDER ROLL CALL TIME: 7:00 p.m. APPROVE PARKS & RECREATION CONINIISSION MINUTES OF: January 8, 2001 APPROVE PARKS & RECREATION CONINIISSION AGENDA: February 5, 2001 1. STAFF REPORT: a. Program Update b. Park Maintenance Report c. Springbrook Clean Water Partnership Grant Application 2. NEW BUSINESS: a. Summer Playground Format and Fees b. Showmobile Rental Request — City of Blaine c. Outdoor Recreation Grant Applications 3. UNFINISHED BUSINESS: a. ADJOURNMENT Next Meeting Monday, March 5, 2001 at 7:00 p.m. at the Fridley Municipal Center — Meeting Room 1. J:�Rec�P&RCOMM�.4GENDA..doc