10/07/2002 - 00024846CITY OF FRIDLEY PARKS & RECREATION COMMISSION MEETING — OCTOBER 7, 2002 CALL TO ORDER: Chairperson Kondrick called the October 7, 2002 Parks & Recreation Commission Meeting to order at 7:03 p. m. ROLL CALL: Members Present Others Present Dave Kondrick, Marcy Sibell, Tim Solberg, Dick Young Jack Kirk, Director of Recreation & Natural Resources Paul Lawrence, Superintendent of Public Works APPROVAL OF AUGUST 5, 2002 PARKS & RECREATION COMMISSION MINUTES MOTION by Mr. Young, seconded by Ms. Sibell, to approve the minutes of the August 5, 2002 meeting. UPON A VOICE VOTE, ALL MEMBERS VOTING AYE, CHAIRPERSON KONDRICK DECLARED THE MOTION CARRIED. APPROVAL OF PARKS & RECREATION COMMISSION AGENDA FOR OCTOBER 7, 2002 MOTION by Ms. Sibell, seconded by Mr. Young, to approve the agenda for the October 2,2002 meeting. UPON A VOICE VOTE, ALL MEMBERS VOTING AYE, CHAIRPERSON KONDRICK DECLARED THE MOTION CARRIED. 1. STAFF REPORT a. Program Update Mr. Kirk stated that the Recreation and Natural Resource Department Program Update has been included in the meeting packet for Commission members. Fall registration for the activities began in late August and over 535 registrations have been processed. Some of the activities highlighted in the Program Update are as follows: Nickel Jamboree; Crime Watch Afternoon; Summer Youth Theater; August Recreation for Children (ARC); Northtown Kids Fair; Aging Sensitivity Training; and the Bird Banding program. b. Park Maintenance Report Mr. Lawrence stated that the Park Maintenance workers did a nice job keeping up with the mowing in the City parks with such a wet summer season. Mr. Lawrence said that he didn't think that the parks had ever looked better than this year. The crew was busy providing support to the recreation programs taking place in the park system, especially the adult and youth athletic games. The Park workers have completed the work on rebuilding the tennis court area at Terrace Park. Parks and Recreation Commission Meetinq — October 7, 2002 Paqe 2 c. Teen Coordinator Position Mr. Kirk stated that Michael Hreha started with the City as Teen Coordinator on September 3. He replaced Nikki Schaffer, who transferred positions to the Recreation Office Assistant. Michael has worked with us in the past, as a Youth Leader at the ZONE and as the Summer Youth Workers Supervisor at Springbrook Nature Center. Mr. Kirk further stated that the Teen Coordinator is responsible for planning and implementing a recreation program for teens at the ZONE (teen center) facility. The coordinator also plans special events, classes and outings for the teens. d. Program Supervisor Position Mr. Kirk stated that the Recreation and Natural Resource Department was in the process of interviewing candidates for the Program Supervisor position in the Recreation Division. Debi Campobasso has recently resigned after 12 years in the position. The Program Supervisor is responsible for running the elementary after-school program, youth and adult instructional activities, trips, community wide special events and the summer playground program. Mr. Kirk further stated that they had received 117 applications for the position and conducted 8 interviews on Thursday, October 3. Three candidates have been invited back for a final interview on October 9t". The new Program Supervisor should start with the City in late October or the first of November. e. Springbrook Nature Center — Gateway Entrance Project Mr. Kirk stated that the Springbrook Nature Center Gateway project was given the support the Foundation was looking for when the Fridley City Council passed a resolution of support on September 9, 2002. The resolution supports the idea of improvements to the Nature Center and gives the Springbrook Nature Center Foundation the okay to start the fundraising effort. The resolution passed on a vote of 5 for and 0 against. f. Lights on After School Event Mr. Kirk reported that the Recreation Department and School District #14 have teamed up for a special event on Thursday, October 10t". The "Lights on After School" event is one of many special recognition events across the country to celebrate the importance of after school programs to call attention to the many benefits of these programs. It also seeks to encourage a commitment to after school programs. There will be many family oriented activities taking place from 3:30 p.m. to 5:15 p.m. at the Fridley Community Center. Mr. Kirk invited the Commission members to participate if they wish. g. Moore Lake Beach Mr. Kirk stated that he wanted the Commission members to know that Moore Lake Beach was closed a few days early this year because water quality testing revealed a high level of bacteria was present. The staff does regular water testing throughout the year and the results of the August 8, 2002 tests showed the bacteria count higher than the threshold established for safe swimming water. A subsequent test the following week also indicated a very high bacteria count. To date, the City has been unable to determine the cause of this high bacteria count at Moore Lake beach. Parks and Recreation Commission Meetinq — October 7, 2002 Paqe 3 Mr. Young suggested that the City continue to do some testing this fall, during the winter and again next spring to determine changes or improvements in the condition. The water quality will have an impact on the ability to open the beach for swimming next year. h. Canada Goose Program Mr. Kirk stated that he had received correspondence from the Canada Goose Program Director regarding results of this year's trapping and removal from Moore Lake. The project took place on June 20t" and a total of 70 birds were removed. There were 18 adults and 52 young taken during the removal. Mr. Kirk further stated that this removal program continues to help keep down the number of geese in the park and beach area during the swimming season months. i. West Nile Virus Mr. Kirk stated that during the week of August 20, 2002, a dead crow was found at Fridley Community Park that tested positive for the West Nile Virus. The City Council asked that staff communicate the information to the adult and youth athletic teams using the park. We contacted the teams to tell them to take appropriate measures to prevent mosquito bites. We also notified staff working in the parks that they should use repellant and wear protective clothing when working in mosquito infested areas. 2. NEW BUSINESS a. Skating Rink / Warming House Locations — 2002 / 2003 Mr. Kirk stated that staff has recommended that the skating and warming house locations remain the same as last year. The twelve general rink locations would be as follows: • Briardale • Middle School (oval) • Creekridge • Flanery • Hackmann • Hayes Elementary • Logan • Madsen • Ruth Circle • Stevenson • Summit Square • Sylvan The seven hockey rinks would be located at the following: • Commons (2) • Flanery • Hayes • Madsen • Ruth Circle • Stevenson Parks and Recreation Commission Meetinq — October 7, 2002 Paqe 4 The warming houses would be located at each of the hockey rink sites. There would be six warming houses. Warming houses are scheduled to open in late December and remain open until mid-February (weather permitting). Hours are 4:00 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. on weekdays and 12 noon to 8:30 p.m. on weekends and school out days. Commons park warming house remains open until 9:00 p.m. daily. MOTION by Mr. Young, seconded by Mr. Solberg, to approve the skating and hockey program as recommended by staff. UPON A VOICE VOTE, ALL MEMBERS VOTING AYE, CHAIRPERSON KONDRICK DELARED THE MOTION CARRIED. b. Winter Athletic Fees Mr. Kirk stated that the staff recommended fees for the Winter Athletic programs for the 2002 and 2003 season are at the same level as last year. We do not anticipate any increased costs this year for officials, award shirts or equipment. We try to keep our fees competitive with other area communities offering similar programs. The recommended fees are as follows: • Wednesday Men's D basketball $395 • Thursday Fun League basketball $380 • Co-Rec Volleyball $ 95 • Co-Rec Broomball $200 • Boot Hockey $220 MOTION by Mr. Solberg, seconded by Ms. Sibell, to approve the staff recommended winter athletic league fees. UPON A VOICE VOTE, ALL MEMBERS VOTING AYE, CHAIRPERSON KONDRICK DECLARED THE MOTION CARRIED. c. Request To Use Commons Park — MN Kite Society Mr. Kirk stated that the Minnesota Kite Society has requested the use of Commons Park for a kite flying event on Sunday, October 13, 2002. They held a similar event at Commons in 2001 and it went very well. The name of the event is "One Sky One World" and it is one of hundreds of kite flying events taking place on the same date all over the world. Mr. Kirk would recommend approval of the Kite flying event for Commons Park on Sunday, October 13, 2002. MOTION by Mr. Young, seconded by Mr. Solberg, to approve the request for use of Commons Park by the Minnesota Kite Society for the event on October 13,2002. UPON A VOICE VOTE, ALL MEMBERS VOTING AYE, CHAIRPERSON KONDRICK DECLARED THE MOTION CARRIED. Parks and Recreation Commission Meetinq — October 7, 2002 Paqe 5 d. Park Building at Riverview Heights Park Mr. Kirk stated that he had a recent conversation with Dave Lindquist, Park Maintenance Supervisor, about the continuing vandalism problem with the old Findell House building at Riverview Heights Park. The building was originally going to serve as a picnic shelter for the park, but the vandalism and graffiti problems were so great that the City was spending significant time and money on repairs and clean up. The Parks and Recreation Commission addressed this issue back in November of 1994 and voted 3 to 1 at that time to recommend to the City Council to raze the building. Mr. Kirk further stated that the minutes of the November Commission meeting are included with the agenda packet. Mr. Kirk stated that when presented with this recommendation eight years ago, the City Council decided they were not ready to tear down the building and hoped that another use could be found for the park building. The council asked that bars be placed over the window and door openings so as to prevent further damage to the building. An alternate use (other that an open air picnic shelter) has not been found for this building and it continues to take City staff time and maintenance dollars to deal with the constant graffiti and vandalism. Mr. Kirk asked if the Commission members have any ideas for use of the park building or a recommendation on what to do with this on-going problem? Mr. Solberg asked if there was any historical significance to the building. Mr. Lawrence stated that it was his understanding that this is not a historical building; in fact it was built in the 1930's. Mr. Young stated that due to any lack of historical significance, no future plans for the building and the drain on tax payers' dollars with the constant vandalism, he sees no reason we should keep the building. He would favor razing the building. Mr. Kondrick stated that he felt that way as well. With the bars on the windows and doors, the building is not very attractive and the graffiti on the walls make it an eyesore in this park. MOTION by Mr. Young, seconded by Ms. Sibell that due to a lack of historical significance of the Riverview Heights Park shelter (Findell House building), no plans for future use of the building and dollar drain on City resources with the constant graffiti and vandalism it is recommended that the building be torn down. Mr. Kondrick suggested that staff look at the possibility of saving the concrete slab as a base for a future open air picnic shelter to serve the park. UPON A VOICE VOTE, ALL MEMBERS VOTING AYE, CHAIRPERSON KONDRICK DECLARED THE MOTION CARRIED. e. Fee Waiver Policy — Shelly Howard Mr. Kirk stated that Ms. Shelly Howard has asked to be placed on the agenda to discuss the City's current fee waiver / scholarship program. She is not in attendance this evening, but Mr. Kirk would explain the situation if the Commission wanted him to do so. Parks and Recreation Commission Meetinq — October 7, 2002 Paqe 6 Mr. Kondrick asked Mr. Kirk to proceed with this item. Mr. Kirk stated that Ms. Howard is a resident of the City of Coon Rapids and she open-enrolls her two sons at Fridley Middle School. She has asked staff to waive the entrance fees for the ZONE after school program for the two boys. Several staff inembers have explained to Ms. Howard that the fee waivers and scholarships to the programs are available to Fridley residents only. She was told that non-residents are welcome to participate, but must pay the associated fees. Ms. Howard responded that she was going to move to Fridley some time in October and felt that since she was going to move here and her sons attended Fridley Middle School already, that she should be eligible for the fee waiver now. Staff told her that when she has moved to the City of Fridley, we would be happy to process her fee waiver application. Until that time however, she would be expected to pay the participation fee. Mr. Kirk asked the Commission if they felt staff was applying the Fee Waiver / Scholarship program as it was intended? The Commission members agreed that the Fee Waiver program is intended for Fridley residents and that staff was handling this case appropriately. MOTION by Mr. Young, seconded by Mr. Solberg to support the position taken by the Recreation staff in this Fee Waiver request and to confirm that non-residents do no qualify for Fee Waivers or Scholarships to Recreation and Natural Resource Department activities and programs. UPON A VOICE VOTE, ALL MEMBERS VOTING AYE, CHAIRPERSON KONDRICK DECLARED THE MOTION CARRIED. ADJOURNMENT MOTION by Mr. Solberg, seconded by Ms. Sibell, to adjourn the October 7, 2002 meeting at 8:23 p.m. UPON A VOICE VOTE, ALL MEMBERS VOTING AYE, CHAIRPERSON KONDRICK DECLARED THE MOTION CARRIED AND THE OCTOBER 7, 2002 MEETING ADJOURNED.